THE SUNDAY OREGON! AN, PORTLAND. APRIL 28, 1907. 2t KELP WANTED FEMAXJC WANTED--"SMART YOUNG GIRLS, NOT under 16; wages, $1 per day. ApplyTfter 10 A. M.. American Chicle Co., 31 North Front at. YOUNG LADIES WANTED to learn telephone operat ing ; good salary, short hours, pay while learn ing ; lunch served free of charge. Apply chief oper ator. Telephone Building, West Park and Alder. WANTED I. S OVER 16 YEARS OLD TO work fn factory; good wag -20; tteady em ployment. Apply at once. Anies-Harrls-NeviJe Co., 5ih and Davis -streets. GIRT-S WANTED FOR WRAP- ping and labeling;; clean, light work; good wages can be m ake. Apply Pacific Coa st Biscuit Co., cor. 12th and DaU ts. FHFRTMAKERS WANTED. Shirt Co., 201 Stark at. WANTED SIX LADIES OF ABILITY AND energy to travel and canvass housekeepers. Introducing- well-known food product; good salary and expenses. Address D 63, Ore gonian. ( THE MEIER FRANK STORE WANTS salesladies for dress trimmings, laces, gloves, knit underwear, veiling:-; also 20 girl 16 years of a,r or over to learn the hurtneM- Apply to the superintendent, 8 to 10 A. M. M'RRWIRL WANTED TO TAKE CARE of 3-year-old child. Apply 414 7th, cor. Hall st. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on abort notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. S4SH Washington at., cor. 7th, upstairs. LADY . DEMONSTRATORS, HOUSE-TO house work; salary $12 per week and ex pnr; short hours; experience desirable but not absolutely essential. Apply before 9 A. M. or After 4 P. M., W. Palmer Co., Columbia t. GOOD WOMAN WANTING GOOD. PERM A mnt home for Miort morning and evening service (posptbly small salary), address with phone. "Widow," 3 63, Oregonian. PLEASANT. PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT for women at home or traveling, either large or smalt places. Write today. Olcott nc co.. ana w. 125th st., New York. LA II B3 TO M A KB SANITARY BE LTS ; materiel all cut ready to sew, $13 per hun dred. Particulars stamped envelope. San itary Co.. Dept. 460, Chicago. IF YOU ARB A SUCCESS IN" SELLING stocks we can give you the best propoat tinn in the rmirket. Address Champion Mining- co., Kansas city, mo. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on eh irts and overalls ; lesson gl vea to inexperienced. Apply at Staudard Factory, t Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. WILL GIVE lesk room in office for public stenogra pher in exchange for nominal services. Ad dress B 70, care Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED PRESSERH ON ladies' garments; good wagea and perma nent position for right party. Berlin Dye orks, 34 1 a st. SKIRT AND JACKET HANDS. EXPERI enced. wanted at once; good, permanent position to reliable people. Apply to Olds, u or (man A King. WANTED A TOT "NO. STRONG GIftL TO anelst In sreneral housework: family of 3 adults. Scandinavian preferred. 724 Northrup st. rXPRRIKNCKD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework: wages $:!": god room. 1001 Franklin at., Willamette Heights. Phone Main 2824. WANTK D A WOM A N OVER 25 ; GOOD pay and bard work; fair education; canvassers wanted. J 61. Oregonian, WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework. Mrs. John Weft. 30 East 28th and Harrison st. Phone East rvtUiS. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GKV rrm nnuirworn; nuu whkvb. inquire iMiro 1 1 a 1 ei p. 11 Ft, r non e Main 1 . WANTED EXPERIENCED POWER SEW- In machln operators. Pacific Tent & Awning Co.. 27 N. 1st st. WANTTiD OTR1. WITH TCXPBRTWNCn. second work, small family, good wages. Call in mormnH, jou oaimon st. W ANTED GIRL FOR COOKING AND little housework; wages $30. 741 GUsan st. Phone Main 17.6. HTRTWAKKR ON POWER MACHINE; must understand nana sewmg. m Wash ington st.. I. K. Stein. WANTED EXPERIENCED MA NO LB HELP and body iixtner. fctar La.undry, Lnlon ave, and East A ok en y st. WANTED GIRIjS FOR MAKING STRAW- berry boxes; piece work. Apply Standard Hoi & Lumber CO. WANTEJD -BRIGHT YOUNG GIRL TO learn offlc work and bookkeeping. Address 11 61. oregonian. WANTED TAT LOR ESS AND WAIST hands; strictly first class- Uechtman, 712 Marquam oiaa. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES. highest wages. Cooks' A Waiters' Union, ij.x oth st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, Apply Mrs. Percy, Elton Court, 11th and lamhlil sts. YOUNG LADY IN CONFECTIONERY store. Apply at Sixth and Giisan .sts. after T P. M. WANTED TEACHERS IN M. E. CHINESE evening school. .47 H Stark st. Apply :au r. m. LADY CAPARLB OP HANDLING HIGH grade proposition; give reference. P 63. oregonian. GIRLS WANTED TtVWORK IN PAPER BOX factory. F. C Stettler, corner loth and (iuran sts. WANTED GIRL OR JAP FOR HOUSE work; must be good cook. Call 6b9 Ea Ankeny. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, inquire from 12 to 2. Hoyt st. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL. HOU6R- work zoo isarwu at., corner west .Madi son. WE WANT- A FIRST-CLASS COAT-MAKER The S. D. Wilis Tailoring Co., 12SH Fifth WOMAN TO GIVE ABOUT 5 HOURS day. 2J0V Park. Call Monday A. M. DANCTNO LESSONS. o WILSON'S school. Aiisky mag., aa ana Morrison eta. OIRLg WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAO- torr. S Grana ave. and East Taylor at. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Apply 354 10th at. WANTED SMART YOUNG GIRLS. American Chicle Co.. 81 N. Front St. t.XPKRIBNOBD CHAMBERMAID MRS Percy, fciton court, utti and lamhlil sts. CIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 200 Vi .rax su can Aionaay a. al. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES in ali departments, permanent positions. In quire BANNON'S DEPARTMENT STORE. 3S5-390 East Morrison Street. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Two stenographers, $65 and $50. coun try, fares paid; 3 clerks, 2 for candy and 1 for tea store, $10, $9 and $3 a week; ramp cook, $40; hotel cook, $50; 3 boarding-house cooks, $50, $40. $35; 4 chamber maids, 7 waitresses, 2 pressers for dye house, laundry and factory help, many places. Family cooks, housegirls, second girls, seamstresses, others. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington st-, corner 7th, upstairs. PRESSER& SEWERS. SALESLADIES AND general help wanted. If you are working and not satisfied with your salary, come and ee the J. M. Acheson Co. CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. FOR LADIES. We need female help of all kinds. If we haven't what you want, .we will And it for you. CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. S8 Kalelgh bid!., Sixth and Washington. WANTED YOUNG LADIES TO STUDY uniTersal shorthand; writes letters tne first lesson; soon prepares for positions; good salary; day or night classes. Eclectic Business University, 68 3d St. WANTED BOX BON" AND "CHOCOLATE dipper for retail store; light work, gooa position. Must have experience. Wages $9 per week. Apply Sugar Plum, cor. 13th and Washington. t WANTED EXTRA - SALESMEN AND ealesladies In all depts. for our nig bank rupt sale of the Symes stock; steady posi tion to experienced people. Apply, to bupt. The Golden Eagle. THE MEJEfR & FRANK STORE REQUIRES a woman for its drapery workroom; one who has been accustomed to sewing on this kind of work. Apply to the 6upu, Alder street entrance. WANTED A YOUNG LADY AS STEN- ographpr and typewriter; salary to begin with, 135 per month; quick, advancement; state age and experience. Address T 63, Oregonian. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS" SALESLADY for cloak ana suit department ; good form and. figure; must have city experience. Ap ply Monday. 8:30 A. M., Mc Allen & Mc Donnell. THE" BEEHIVE DESIRES EXPERIENCED salesladies for hosiery, underwear, corsets, gloes. al-so suit department. Must under- stand alterations. Apply immediately. 171 3d st. FRENCH MILLINRRY NIGHT SCHOOL: terms unusually reason oble and materials furnished; hours 8 to 10 P. M. Madame Bodie, room S08 Tllford bldg., Morrison and 10th. - GOOD WAGES TWO IN FAMILY IN NEW House, require a competent, general house worker and good cook. Apply at Port land Hotel, room Got, between 10-l'j and 3-fi. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework. Phone Main 4277. WANTED ELDERLY LADY AS HOUSE- keeper for family of two; wlli have caro of child 2 years during day. Mrs. A. Roe, 7116 Kerby st. Phone Woodlawn 342 today. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN FOR ORDER cierk In wholesale house; must write a legi ble hand and poseess some knowledge of shorthand and typewriting. E 71, Oregonian. woman With experience to make warrtes and not cakes: good wages to right party. Apply at Cottage Waffle Restaurant, 146 Sixth St.. bet. Morrison and Alder sts. WANTED YONG GIRL TO ASSIST WITH nousework, small ramliy; good wage, in qufro Mr. Levey, care Covell Furniture Co., 134 1st, or phone Woodlawn 425. WANTED LAUNDRY HELP, COLLAR GIRL and neck bander and starch work ironers. East Side Laundry Co., East 6th and Ash. Phone East 800. In Sunday 8 to 2. SALESWOMEN, EXPERIENCED, COMI'B- tent and reliable, wanted in all departments: good permanent positions to the right per sons, uias, wormian sc jving. - WANTED EXPERIENCED BUTTONHOLE makers for custom coats; S16 a week for the right person; also nnlfhers and gins to learn, 02 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED WAITRESSES. CHAM B E-R mnida, dishwashers, domestics, big wagea. Write Woman's Domestic Guild, 8104 Riv erside, Spokane, Wah. WANTED A WOMAN OF 30 OR OVER FOR general housework in faintly of thre; good nome ana gooa wages. Address Box Dallas. Or. COMPOSITORS, CAPE OR JOB WANTED, furnished. Northwest Newspapor Broker age. Goodnougn bldg., 4iu Arcade bldg. Seattle. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Ex perienced and neat: none- other need ap ply; 3 in family; wages $25. 084 East Taylor st . WANTED THREE EXPERIENCED DIN- Ing-room girls, good wages. Inquire stew ardess, Hotel Nortonia, 14th and Wash ington. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO COOK and do generar housework; small ramllv. Mrs. W. L. Thorndyke. 416 Chicago at., St. Johns. WANTED A GOOD SECOND MAID. WILL- Ing to assist in tne care or a little girl. Arply mornings, 824 MamhaJl. Phone Main 130B. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework; no washing; $23 per monta. iirs. J. i. Henderson, Hood River, ur. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Call 266 Porter St., near 4th; take S car, get off at Hooker, or phone Pacific 2823. W A N TED A G T RTj TO ASSIST WITH rhamberwork, w-att on one table at dinner. 147 13th st.. near Alder. Phone Main 2118. WANTED OPFRATOR3 AND GIRLS TO iarn snirtmaking. Apply standard. Factory, 2 Grand avenue and Bast Taylor street. YOUNG LADY AS OFFICE ASSISTANT IN wholesale house. Must be accurate and write gooa nana, o s, oregonian. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES; paid while learning. Madame Bodle, room 208 Tiirora bldg.. Morrison and 10th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work In family or -two; must know how to cook; good wages, so . 24 tn at. AT ONCE GIRL TO CARE FOR TWO htldren. 3 and 3 years old. $15 per montn; gooa oome. jhui st. A GIRL OR WOMAN TO TAKE CARE OF - children two afternoons and evenings each week. Address K. 71. care Oregonian. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR LIGHT housework. oj 4tn st. EXPERIENCED GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE. inquire at iuui at. WANTED FIRST-CLASS at 03 North Sixth st. CHAMBERMAID W A N TF. D YOU NG Dresser & Co. SALESWOMAN. WAIST AND SKIRT HELP WANTED. 314 The Dfkum. WANTED GIRL TAILORESS. nough bldg. 220 GOOD HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. COOKS. DISHWASHERS, (WHITE. CHI nee. Japanese), city. Springs. Antelone waitresses city. - Walla Walla. Silverton fares), chambermaids, housekeepers, do, mestics. seamstresses, waiters. milkers, farmhands. - "Drake's," 2004 Washington. WANTED PERFORMERS. NOVELTY acts, singers, musicians, etc., ror carnival company; also for dramatic and vaude ville shows. Newman s Theatrical Agency, 14os Sixth. WANTED TO TELL YOUR HOROSCOPE send date of birth, stamped and addressed envelooe and 25c In silver: questions an swered, JOc each. Madam Susan, lock box FIVE BRIDGE CARPENTERS. $3.50 laborers. $2.00 min; boat cooks; other work; come. "Drake's," 205. Washing too INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS CHANCES ROOMS 330-331-332 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. TELEPHONE) MAIN 2i7 . . PORTLAND, OREGON, April 27. "Morning Oregonian", - CITY. ' Gentlemen; ; Last Sunday. we inserted the 5 advertisement in your paper. Commercial Investment Company D! B. MACKIE, Manager 330-331-332 Lumber Exchange Bldg. . ' The following day had fifty-six inquiries for the property mentioned, besides several calls and letters since, from all parts of the state, and sold the prop erty before Monday noon. We consider the "Morning Oregonian" as the best ad vertising medium in the state. ' Very "Truly Yours, Commercial Investment Co. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FRATERNAL SOLICITORS MEN OR WO men; new society; great success; spiena.q organization; ably officered; beautiful rit ual; nine classes of certificates; ages 16 to 66; fine literature; liberal contracts to earnest workers. Union Provident League, Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison sts., Port land, Or. - SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. EXPERIENCED RAILROAD TRAFFIC DE- partment man, wan commercial experi ence, capable of handling- traffic and cost department open tor engagement May J5. V 63, Oregonian. WANTED BY MAY 15, BY Al DRY GOODS. clothing;, furnishing goods man, 18 years' experience. Can come at once. Address G. Womack, care the Golden Rule Co., La Grande, Or. , EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. 6 TEARS in bank and office work, wishes perma nent location; newcomer to city, with best of references, etc. Address Q 70, Orego nian. YOUNG, WIDEAWAKE ATTORNEY would like position with law office; can take rapid and accurate dictation on type writer; good, address. 8 69, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER or assistant; have fair buslnesa education and. some experience; lumber or imple ment house preferred. L 64, Oregonian. A SOBER AND RELIABLE MAN DESIRES position with a firm where there u chance for advancement; can aiit in billing and bookkeeping If needed. B 12, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER OF 7 YEARS experience desire position ; bem of refer ences and can give bond. If required. U ttH, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER EMPLOYED DURING DAY would like some kind of work evenings; can give best of references. M 48. Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS FU fi nishing goods salesman; 5 years experi ence. Best of references. B 69, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN OF GOOD APPEARANCE wishes a clerical position. Best of refer ences. J 66. Oregonian. BY TWO YOUNG MEN. STENOGRAPHERS of ability and ambition; good, references. Address 253 6th st. BOY. CAPABLE. EDUCATED, WISHES position In office or other place of trust. Phone Tabor 447. WANTED POSITION AS SHIPPING clerk or assistant; have some experience. A 64, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED VALET OF GOOD Ap pearance wishes position. E 43, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. CIVIL ENGINEER. WITH NUMBER OF years experience is now open for offers; the best of references in every respect; ex perienced In all lines of engineering work. Address K 6S, Oregonian. WANTED (BY ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN, opportunity to learn real estate buslnees; good education, familiar with city maps and the real estate conditions in the Northwest. B 67, Oregonian. A YOUNG MAN, 29. STRANGER IN CITY, sober, steady and of good character, de sires a position at anything; watchman preferred. Address R 60, Oregonian. WANTED EMPLOYMENT PART AFTER noona and evenings immediately by re liable young man; fair education. H 63, Oregonian. IF YOU WANT YOUR. LAWN, ROSES, hedges and shrubbery attended to by an experienced landscape' gardener, phone East JAPANESE) LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, alao; all kinds of help. Main 4i59. SS& Everett. BY FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING MAN AND window-trimmer; first -class reterences. Address T 62. Oregonian. KALPOM1NING AND TINTING, S3 PER room. Call Main 1-134. 135 First st. E. Winn, "The Kalsominer." FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND CAKE BAKER, reliable, wants position, city or country. Address T 67, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS DEPARTMENT STORE WIN-dow-trinimer; first-class references. Ad dress K 64. Oregonian. COLORED MAN WANTS POSITION AS janitor, porter or house man; references. Call 380 Everett st. GARDENER WILL TAKE LAWNS TO grade and seed. M. PetUjohn, 410 Grand View. Montavilla. BY EXPERIENCED MAN POSITION AS baker's helper. Address O 67, Oregonian. Experienced, good Jartanesa gardener wants work by day or contract. Phone Main 47S7. ELDERLY - MAN WANTS LIGHT Em ployment, F 63, Oregonian. SOBER MAN WANTS POSITION AS COOK. 4 fr'it Oregonian. $10,000 Half cash, will buy a piece of Business Property Paying 24- per cent net and which will double in value in less than a year JQSTIclcu SITUATION WANTED MAtE. Mlscelianeoaa, REAL ESTATE YOUNG MAN, HUSTLER. 3 years experience in real estate in New York, possessing thorough knowledge of the business, desires position with reli able firm; references. X 69, Oregonian. A MODERN WOODMAN IN DISTRESS DE aire employment: of flee work preferred; ex perienced and best of references. Neighbors of Portland, can you not assist me to some good position ?. . P 62, Oregonian. BY RELIABLE MAN . YEARS OLD, IN warehouse or wholesale house, not afraid of work; good wagea appreciated If found; capable of ' earnina such; references fur nished. A 73, Oregonian. RELIABLE! JAPANESE BOY WITH GOOD references wants work, early morning or afternoon and evening. -B 66, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT, NEAT-Appearing young lady stenographer would like position in law or private office; neat, accurate work; well educated; best ref erences.. H 69, Oregonian. REFINED, EDUCATED YOUNG WOMAN operator, four years' experience in the com mercial line, desires permanent position; will etart at $8.75 per week, with advance. Phone Sunday A. M., Pacltic 2059. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, ABLE to use any machine, will accept perma nent position at 9 per week. Phone Pa cific 2059, 9 to 10 mornings. FOR AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER or bookkeeper for permanent or supply, phone Main 4504. E. B. U. Clerical Offices; we specially train them. ACCURATE, RELIABLE STENOGRAPHER will accept position at SS.iV per week; can use any typewriter. Pacific 20&9, 8 to 9 mornings. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. 6 YEARS experience in East, desires permanent po sition; best references. Phone East 3936. ABOUT JUNE 1. BY COMPETENT BOOK keeper; can furninh references; Mate sal ary paid. Address A 67, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER AND CASH ler would like position with wholesale house; references. R 60, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS bookkeeper or cashier; city references. O 66, Oregonian. WAITED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED stenographer. F 64, Oregonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING WORK AND FIT GUAR anteed, altering and refitting ladles' suits a specialty ; prices reasonable. Phone Pa cific 2187. 240 "th st. DRESSMAKING SHIRT WAISTS IN latest shadow designs. Phone Pacific M5. Room 412 Tourney bldg. MRS. VAUGHAN, EXPERIENCED DRESS maker, 392 M East Bui neide at. Phone East 6217. MADAMS TUTTLD. fashionable Oacssmaker; exclusive styles. 215'13tb st. Tel. Main 6619. Nurses. CAPABLE NURSE. 10 YEARS' EXPERI ence, desires patients; maternity a spe cialty. No objection to a little housework. $15 per week. D 54, Oregonian. Housekeepers. WANTED BY LADY, PAST MIDDLE AGE. position as housekeeper for widower or as companion to elderly lady. Phone East 4014. Address 842 East Pine st. LADY OF 40 WISHES POSITION AS HOUSB keeper, city or country. J 69, Oregonian. Domestics. K COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES HOU8E work by the day or hour. G 63, Ore gonian. Mis EXPERIENCED, REFINED. MIDDLJS aged woman with references desires situ ation, nurse, invalid, infant or children. 230H Yamhill. Main 5415. , EASTERN COLLEGE GRADUATE WISHES position, as tutor, secretary or companion. Address Elsie Smith, Y. W. C. A. bldg., " Salt Lake City, Utah. WANTED TO GIVE MUSIC LESSONS IN exchange for sewing; parties answering must be reliable. D 49, Oregonian. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND stretched, 40c and 50c pair. Main 7011. WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK. SWEEPING, cleaning; no washing. Phone Main 2208. CURTAINS WASHED AND STRETCHED. 168 Ivy street. Albina Pbone East 2723. MRS. STILL WISHES WORK BY Thursday. Friday. Main 7148. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. Phone Pacific 555, room 10. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TO DO-BY the day. Pbone East 269. ' 1907. v accompanying Manager. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. 782 KELLY ST. COMPETENT NURSE AT liberty; should prefer chronic case. Phone Pa cific 661. Mrs. L. H. Cook. YOUNG LADY GIVES PIANO LESSONS; will go to pupil home; beginners a spec ialty. East 6176. EXPERIENCED MUSIC TEACHER GIVES two piano or mandolin lessons for 75 cents. JV 07, Oregonian. MUSICAL STUDENT WOULD LIKE CARE of children In home where there is piano. x tti. oregonian. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS BY experienced hands. Phone Tabor34. Mr a. o. Al. SCOtt. REFINED WOMAN. WITH 5-YEAR-OLT) child, desires light work for home. Phone Mam 0038. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED A SPE cialty. Phone Main S740 and Home phone WANTED AGENTS. WANTED DISTRICT MORS. IN WASHING ton and Oregon to handle agencies for i leading life, health and accident society top contracts; write at once. Address Roval Fraternal Union, 313 Bit el bldg., Seattle, AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR GOLD . and silver sign letters for windows, doors. etc., to merchants and storekeepers; a good proposition; wrus ior sample ana price list, H. Gilder. 110 Haight St., Can Francisco, cal. I4A.DY AGENTS TO REPRESENT US IN A line that you $20 weekly; start In business and be independent: outfits prepaid; send for agents' prices. Woman's Apparel ouppiy v-o., iopi. ov, nicago. DETECTIVES SHREWD MEN WANTED IN every community, to act under instructions experience not necessary; send for free book of particulars. Grannan's Detective Bu reau, 72, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS WANTED CAN TOTJ BELL goods: 1 so. we need you; complete out ftlv free; cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Ca, eaiem, ur. INVINCIBLE CIGAR BOX SUPPORT dealers' choice: rapid sellers: bir nroflts. Writs EJ. I Wood Mfg. Co., E. Cleveland. WANTED AGENTS : LEGITIMATE 8UBSTI- tute ror slot machines, patented ; sells on sight for $1. Particulars Glsha Co., Ander son. inoiana. WANTED TO SENT. WANTHD PLACE FOR OLD LADY TO "board- for four months with private family, where she can have good care; will furnish piano and some rurmture 11 desired. G 62, Oregonian. WANTED BY TWO TOTINO LAniRS room and board In district lying west of iv La ana norm or w asnington sts. Ad dress n 65. oregonian. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD FOR 3 no lunch; with modern conveniences, lawn ana porch; give location and prices. 67, Oregonian. WANTED BY FOUR YOUNO (M EN EN gaged in business, c!ty, rooms with board centrally located; state term a O 62, Ore gouian. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping by mother and grown aaugnier. west jsiae. w 07, orego nian. 6 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE OR FLAT FOR the Summer; good, location; two adults; best references. A 65. Oregonian. ROOM WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD BY young man; West Side preferred; state terms; reasonable, L 74, Oregonian, A BUSINESS WOMAN WISHES A HOME In private family, close, to Post office and must be reasonable. E 68, Oregonian. HOUSE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, with at least two lots, where cow and chickens can be kept. N 66, Oregonian. I WANT TO RENT A FURNISHED HOUSE or flat; references given; no children; would buy furniture. G 61. Oregonian. WANTE-D BY YOUNG MAN FROM BAST, a private family to board with; not too far from town. R 62, Oregonian. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE CARE OF city home during the Summer; references given. P 57, Oregonian. WANTED 'HOUSE OF 6- ROOMS. WILL take best care of property. State lowest rent. N 68, Oregonian. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD BY FOUR young men; private family, close in. P 74, Oregonian. s A YOUNG MAN DESIRES BOARD AND room In private family. L 61, Oregonian. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY by couple; state price. T 68, Oregonian. 4 OR 6 ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE; LONG term. Phone Exchange 20, Mr. Hughes. SMALL COTTAGE; MUST HAVE BATH And yard; close In. G 57, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED. TO RENT, ON WEST SIDE, by or before July 1. unfurnished house; must be modern and have six or seven bedrooms: would lease for term of years If owner will build; location and plans to be satisfactory. Address Charles F. Beebe. 20th and Carter sts.. Portland Heights. WANTED TO RENT FIRST-CLASS MOD ern residence, " or 8 rooms, preferably la Nob Hill, or other desirable West Side dis trict; small family ; no children ; would lease good property for term of years upon ' satisfactory basis. For particular, call or addrese, Morris Bros., 6 Chamber of Cora meroe. A GENTLEMAN DESIRES ROOM IN South Portland between Corbett and Kelly sts., G rover and Bancroft sts., with small, quiet private family; no other roomers; state particulars. 1 tla, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. . oor, m aaa Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED FIRST OP MAY, BY REL.IA- bl party, 8 or 10-room furnished house, near Morrison or Washington preferred: those wanting to sell furniture need not answer. L 5tf, Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY LARGE ROOM and board with strictly privat family; West ide preferred: permanent; refer ences: give full particulars and phon. number.. Ov72, Oregonian. WELL BUILT MODERN" 8-ROOM HOUSE, West Side, trood r esldenee dirict or good lot for building: state location, term, and lowest cash price. H 64, Oregonian. 2 PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS BY middle-axed man and wife: conveniences: rent not to 'exceed. $10; permanent; West piue, Houtn. 5 41, (jregoman. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND bath, not more than 20 blocks from f. O. ; sanitary and attractive surroundings; references. A 61. Oregonian. 2 OR S UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY FOR- ntahed rooms for houkeep!g. witn Mm and back yard. In private family. ( , Oregonian. YOUNG GIRL WANTS BOARD N PRI- vate family. W 63, Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS- WANTED $50M worth of men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnish In ca, high est price paia. can at tne "sair veai, 62 N. ad. Phone Pacific 1723. WANTED TO BUY COMBINGS. POMPA dours, puffs and switches; for sale or made to order. Mrs. Wm. Bequeaith. 94 East 12th. Phone East 1710. Keep this. WANT TO BUY 10 BAND UNIFORMS Must be In good condition and cheap for cash. Call or address 6X0 Junior st. Woodlawn, Portland. Or. WANTED COMPLETE MERRY-GO-ROUND outfit; state price, size ana exact condition. Address L. W. Heifer, Burns, Or., care D. T. McDonoush. - DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT ly free. Oregon Fertiliser Works, M. 1966, or notify Carney's veterinary. 4tb-uiu WIDOWER WORKINGMAN, WITH BOY 7 years, girl 4, wants home with Christian family; state terms. L 69, Oregonian. HAVE YOU CASH BARGAIN IN FIRST - class piano? Need not be strictly new; state make. G 70, Oregonian. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS CASH PAID and no -trouble. Call up M. J. McGratn, Main 2087. 66 North 3d St. WANTED SMALL CASH REGISTER IN good condition. Apply F. G. Lent, blO Main st., Oregon City. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; BEST care given. Call or address Mrs. E. Ktrby, 3.i5 Taylor, Portland. WANTED LARGE SIZE PHONOGRAPH and records; must be cheap. I4ufc utu. Phone facinc ao-'t. WANTED LAUNCH HOUSE. SUITABLE for 20-foot boat. Must be in good conai tlon. M 66, Oregonian. HI'II.DKR WANTS LOAN OF tflOO ON IM proved lot; St. Johns; 2 years; 8 per cent. S 53, Oregonian. WANTED BY CTY SALESMAN. GOOD side line for Portland territory. "Day," S96 Russell street. WANTED A FURNISHED HOl'SEBOA for July; good rent paid. Address E 6" Oregonian. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING IN THB furniture Una Portland Auction Booms. 211 1st st. WANTED FOX TERRIER PUPPY, TAN and white, female. Address jl 04, ore gonlan. ONE OR TWO SMALL GAS RANGERS : GOOD order, iiast 4B31. Address 41 uooaseii ave, North. WANTED TO RENT OR BUY IF RBASON able, a houseboat. Inquire 246 Washington street. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Paclflo 46- I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Savage A Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pac.S60 WANTED A SEWING MACHINE; STATE make ana price for cash. & hi. oregonian. WANTED AUTOMOBILE RUNABOUT state tun particulars, p 01, oregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tls Ires of charge, f rone last v3d. WANTED SECOND-HAND ROLL TOP desk. Address P 70. Oregonian. WANTED FOLDING CANVAS BOAT. 73. Oregonian. FOR RENT. FOR RENT FINE FURNISHED ROOM, private family. 282 Park St., Phone. Pacific 1005. LARGE, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM bath, gas, phone, private family. 4S6 Burn sme. 295 JOTH ST. NICELY FURNISHED FIRST floor room; also large rooms 'on third floor. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with all conveniences, at No. 210 13th h Little Palace. 87 H 6th at.. Mrs. Aklsy, former ly or uonarcn, rrop. transient soncitea. 123 12TH 6T. THE SHERMAN NICEL furnished rooms by day, week or month. FURNISHED ROOMS, $1.50 PER WEE and up. Transients. 207 Jefferson st. NICE ROOM. BATH AND GAS, $6 PER month. 751 Kearney, near hospitals. FURNISHED ROOMS LARGE AND SMALL, in private lamuy. ib jercerson st. 290 COLUMBIA ST. NEATLY FURNISHED rooms; use of bath; private family. HOTEL ROYAL NICE ROOMS, 50 CENTS and $1 per night; $z to $o per wees.. MINNEQUA INN, 376 YAMHILL. COR. W. Para. A rew cnotce rooms. 1 ROOM FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, ail modern conveniences; rent very rea sonable. 212 N. loth st. ROOM SUITABLE. FOR ONE OR TWO young men in private family. 467 7th. SMALL, NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR rent cheap. 4.u 7tn st., near Hail. FURNISHED ROOMS, SECOND DOOR FROM Portland Hotel; gooa location. 7tn st. FURNISHED ROOM. EASY WALKING distance. 521 Kearney, cor. N. I5th. FURNISHED AND "UNFURNISHED ROOM. 527 jonnson st. rnone .Main jshuu. 249 JEFFERSON TWO GOOD SLEEPIXO rooms, close in; reasonable. FOR RENT HANDSOMELY FURNISHED front room- 35 oaimon st. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS, FROM $1.50 ana up. zou jenerson at. FURNISHED ROOMS NEAT, CLEAN bearoom. 014 tuverett st. 495 MONTGOMERY ST. NEWLY FUR nished rooms, cheap. 1 1 -1 1 FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR AND BED- room, boo Taylor st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM AT 473 AL der, corner 14th. 2 NICE LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS. 225 W. Park. 6 LARGE, Wasco st. SUNNY ROOMS, $12. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR. RENT 10th st. AT 91 FOR RENT. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or if suite, $2 per week up ; steam heat, hoi and cold water; free baths, free phone; dining-room In connection; transients so licited; open all night; best location In th city ; office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL, AVALON (EUROPEAN), 413 Washington St., 4 blocks west of Imperial Hotel Newly furnished rooms, single o en suite, hot and cold water, steam heat, electric lights, bath and all modern con veniences; permanent roomers and tout -lsts solicited; rates to gentlemen. HOTBL. RUSHMAKK. WASHINGTON AND J in ir&t-class furnished . rooms, single or en suite: eteani heat, hot, cold water, elec trie lifiht. phone in every room; suites with private bath, single, from $3 by week. 7oa up by day : reasonable by month. Main. 5o47. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, COX- nected or separate, one of roost modersj apartment-houses In city, -centrally located, free light heat. bath, phone, nice place for two or three young gentlemen; prices rea sonable. Phone Pacific 26t3. , THE ELLSWORTH JUST OPENED, NEW brick building, modern throughout; nicely furnished rooms, $a per week and up; rea sonable by month; steam heat. hot,- coid water; electric lights, baths; close in. 164 LoKasdale. near High School. HOTEL OXFORD, 6TH AND OAK. New brick, steam, hot and cold running? water and electric lights In every room Twenty suites; private baths; phones; cu- tral, yet quiet. No carllnea. Far day $1, 31.50, $2- 1 HOTEL FRANKLIN. CORNER 18TH ANW Washington Bta. Newly furnished throus;&4 out. new building; suites with baths, boC and cold water in every room. Phone Mala. T196. Long-dlctancs phones in ail rooms. . THE WILLAMETTE, 822 STARK. 8. W cor. ntn at. we 11 xurmsnea rooms, larsw and light; nlngls or en suite: transient..; 50c to $1; by week. $2 to $5. Paclflo 129d HOTEL KENTON. 18TH AND WASH. 8T8, Modern rooms, single and en suite; ajsg housekeeping; running water; privets ana free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 496. THB OGDEN, 83 FIRST, SW. CORNER Oak st.; changed nana, tnorougmy reno vated; clean, large, front rooms; free bath,, pbone; $2 to $3.50 week; 50c to $1 a day. ONE LARGE PARLOR, FURNISHED TCI suit; also one nice bearoom; au convex nlences; nice location, on carline. Gentle men preferred. 618 Gantenbeln ave. THE WOODLAND NEW MANAGEMENT newly furnished., beautiful large sunn rooms, day, week or month. Four block from the postoffice. 265 6th st. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. IOTH AND WASH in g ton streets AH mocern conveniences, suites with bath, principal car Uses pass the door. Phone Main 2333. NICELY FURNISHED, ALSO UN FUR nished rooms, single and en suite; quiet and very suitable for single men. Kamnj bidg., 1st and Pine. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS FOR TWO OR three gentlemen; prlvare family of adults.. No other roomerB. Central. Koferencea. o" 70. Gregorian. TWO NICE. LARGE ROOMS, SUITABLE; ior man or woman, rent $7 ana $9 per ; month, all modern conveniences. 533 John-' son st. 420 LARRABEE ST. PLEASANT FRONT room with closet, view of river, on carline, j walking distance of town; references re quired. . ' . : i PLEASANT ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN; ' modern, central, pleasant surcsundlngs, pri- ; vate family. 274 Park, cor Jefferson st. : FURNISHED ROOMS DESIRABLE STJITB.j with balcony; private family; home privi leges; walking distance. B 68, Oregonian. i 490 MORRISON ST., OPP. HIGH SCHOOL I Beautifully furnished rooms, modern, $10 per uno. and up; steam beat,, hot and cold water. FOR RENT-r HANDSOMELY FURNISHED! front suite, to people with references; no: other roomers. 194 12th st., cor. Taylor; j PLEASANT FRONT ROOMS. SUITABLE for two. only $2.60 a week, near City Hall. 304 Madison. Phone Pacific 106. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI -v. vate family ; no other roomers. 364 14th, st. near Montgomery. Phone Main 4651. ONE -NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR. gentleman; easy walking distance from business center; modern. 410 Jefferson. . 892 COLUMBIA BRIGHT FRONT ROOM, large closet, electric light, porcelain bate, telephone; near business; reasonable. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED LARGE? front and other outnide rooms; aouoia beds; transient and weekly. . lay1 Sd. 394 COLUMBIA COR 10TH NICELY FUR- nished front room, moaern conveniences walking distance. Phone Main 4956. WANTED PARTY TO TAKE CAKE OP two roowi for the use of two rooms; all furnished complete. Call 191 4th st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED, LIGHT SUNNY? room, walking distance, private lam 114 Phone Pacific 5S4, Monday. . $3 PER WEEK. NICELY FURNISHEU front parlor with folding bed, first floor private residence. 286 12tb at. 74 7TH LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for two; all conveniences; reasonable j both phones. Pacific 1249. . COSY SMALL FRONT ROOM, SOUTHER family, gas, bath, phone, gooa neignDor hood, close In. 173 16th st. NICE FRONT ROOM. BAY WINDOW, - suitable for two if desired"; best location,. Phone, bath. 448 Yamhill. 213 THIRTEENTH MODERN FURNTSHED- suite; hot and cold water; suitable for couples or club; reasonable. JCEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOT? gentlemen. Strowbrldge bldg., 133 14 l&e st., cor. Alder. Room 9. - LARGE FRONT ROOM REASONABLE - phone, gas. bath. Basement rooms 75 cents a week. 324 Main. FOR RENT ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, elegantly furnished, 2 blocks from term- Inal yards. 029 GUsan. LARGE FRONT ROOM, MODERN, IN PRI vate family, for one or two gentlemen. 6S2 5th st. Phone 2176. PLEASANT, CLEAN, REASONABLE, EASY walking distance, batn, pnone, private fam ily. 60 East 9th street. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, PR1 vate family; breakfast If desired. 203 . Stout st., cor. Main. . ' FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO , gentlemen. 190 Lownsdale cor. Yamhill at. Phone Pacific 2493. $10 BRIGHT. COSY, QUIET MODERN room, porcelain bath, gas. 825 12th St. Phone Pacific 2102. PLEASANT ROOM WITH BREAKFAST IN7 beautiful home. Reasonable; references, -Phone Paclflo 10. 190 W. PARK. BET. YAMHILL AND TAT lor Fine large front room, suitable fo two. Reasonable. N IOELY-FUR N ISHED room, suitable for 1 floor. 200 14th st. LARGE. LIGHT r 2 gentlemen, first FOR RENT ONE OR TWO NEATLY FUU nlsbed rooms In a nice location. Apply 569 4th st. FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME; MOP ern conveniences, walking distance, 332 -Jackson st. . " 435 YAMHILL, COR. 12TH NICE FT" fi nished rooms, gas, bath and. phone. Prices Kksonabie. FOR RENT B ROOMS, FURNISHED OR unfurnished. 774 Roosevelt sU Phone Main 6773. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR ONE GEN tieman; private family. Apply 206 15th NV forenoons. FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. BATH, gas. Inquire 4o3 Taylor, opposite WtiUs Temple. NEWLY FURNISHED BAY WINDOW room with all conve nlences. 415 7th cos. Hall. Booms Witn Board, THE CARLETON THB MOST DESIRABLE!; family hotel In the city; it has the loca-: tlon; well furnished outside rooms, single or en suite; steam heat, hot and cold run- nine: water in rooms and th best tab Is board that can be found anywhere. TeU?- Maln 2153. Corner 13th and Alder sts. AIRY ROOMS. BEAUTIFULLY FUR J nished. in modern and up-to-date home, Splendid table, excellent service, beauti ful part of Nob Hill, convenient to oars easy walking distance. Special terms tW 8 or 10 young men or uples. Jt 68. Ore J