THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 21, 1907. Jil HELP WANTED FEMALE. B ALKEWOMEN ! Twenty-five extra fales-peoole wanted for ermancnt positions at highest salaries, ae ording to experience and ability. Apply in erson to superintendent Lipman, Wolfe & CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. WE WANT Salfiwomen, Waitresses, ' Chambermaid, Nursegirls, Housegirls, . Family Cooks. In fact help of all kinds. CROWN" EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 6 Raleigh Bldg., 6th and Washington. WANTED GIRLS OVKR 1 TEARS OLD TO work In factory; good wages, steady em ployment. Apply a-t once. Amu, Harris Nevllls Co., 6th and Davla street. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE SHIRTS AND overalls. Ml. Hood factory, 2d and Coucn WANTED MIDDLB-AGED WOMAN FOR general homework; no washing; $25 per month. Mrs. J. L. Henderson. Hood River, Or. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Inquire Mrs. John Moylan, 1S3 Clapp st... 2 blocks X. Stewart's station. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SECOND GIRL; two In family. Call today, bet. 9 and 12, Must have city references. 714 Wayne st. WANTED EXPERIENCED BUYER FOR hosiery and knit underwear department. Ap ply Roberta Rros., 3d and Murrison ats. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED LADY WHO v ants a home to do work for a small family. 171 East 33d st.. Sunnystde. WANTED- OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn ahlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Factory. 2 Grand avenue and East Taylor street. let us ski:i;re you a position. Crown Employment Agency, 38 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington sts. MI ST H.AVE GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; no washing; big Pay. 420 E. uith st. Nortn, irvlngton car. THE MEIBR FRANK CO. CAN PLACFJ .veral young girls to learn the business; good pay and rapid advancement. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY trimmers, makers and apprentices. Low engart & Co., tC-M Front st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking. 794 Irving St., cor. 24th. Phone Main 1182. WANTED A GIRL COPYIST: WAGES J0 per month. The Ames Mercantile Agency. 204 Ablngton bldg. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 1314 Washington St., cor. 7th. upstair. Phone Main 2662. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK In suburb. 4 In family; no washing; good "ages. Phone East 500. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED RY AN HLDER ly couple; two in family, no children; good lionie. X 47, Orcgonlan. WANTED EXPERIENCED HELP IN litest tallor-mndo sulta and skirts. Third .it. Faolne 1108. WANTED EXPERIENCED PRESSERS ON Lrilee garments At 148 Grand ave.; good wages' to right party. WANTED MACHINE GIRLS, FOLDERS sr.d hand Irntiers. Opera House Laundry Co., 2d and Everett. W ANTED--F.XPKRIENCED GIRL FOR SKC-e-rwt work; references; good wages. 647 Everett, near 20th. RELIABLE WOMAN TO CARE FOR AN apartment (two rooms), one day each week. M 4", Oregonian. A GOOD SF7WING GIRL AND AN APPRHN tice wante-l; apprentice paid while learning. Phone Paclflo 309. EXPERT TRIMMERS AND MAKERS. ALSO preparers: good salary. Jayne Millinery, 409 Washington. W A NTKD KXPER1ENCED CH AMRERMA1D and two waitresses. Apply Elton Court, llth sort Yamhill. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK; good wagejt; references. Apply 64T Everett, near 20th. WOMAN OF RRA1NS AND ABILITY TO filnk. to take responsible position. R 32, Orcgonlan. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework; a good home, no washing. 320 Jackson st. WANTED A NEAT YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE csre of child 3 years old. 414 7th, corner Hall St. GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF TWO CHIL riren. 3 and 5. Good home. 314 M1U, corner th st. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, small family; no children. Apply 367 loth street. WANTED AT ONVB WOMAN TO DO plain ewtng, coming to house. Phone Tabor 410. WANT BP TaXPEntENOQD HAIR DRESSER and mantcurer. Rosenthal Sisters, lot) 7th St. WANTED AT 473 MAIN ST.. A GOOD girl for general housework; good wages. GOOD GIRI. FOR KITCHEN WORK IN small private boarding-house. Call 251 7th st. WANT E 1 AT ONCE KI RST-CLASS cook. 205 14th st. l'hone Pacific .106.V WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE wi.rk, family of 3. Phone Main 2U37. DANCING LESSONS. lie WILSON'S Cchool. Allsky bldg.. Sd and Morrtsoa ata. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAO tor. 3 Grand ave. and Oast Taylor st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOU general housework. Apply 354 10th St. TV ANTED FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS TO do washing at home. Phone Main 1217. WANTED SMART YOUNG GIRLS. American Chicle Co.. .11 N. Front at. WANTED GIRLS TO LAY MAl'ARONL pvr week. Apply loft N. 6th St. til HI- WANTED FOR GENERAL HOU6E nork: no (hlldrsn. 3M West Tsrk st. Women wanted. SI. 00 day. at. hours. Call 11 A. M. to 3 P. M-. 8S3 E. lSth North. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERATION hands. Apjly H. B. LIU. 331 Wash. WANTED FIKST-CT,ASS BROIXD GIRL; wages $30 per naonth. 100 King St. F1 RST-CLASS I.ADY BOOKKEBPER; MUST be experienced. O 47. Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply 675 E. Madison st. WANTED GIRL. FOR GENERAL. H0USB work. 473 10th at. Good wages. GIRL FOR SECOND WORK. THE MAR l.wi. 503 Washington st. TWO LADY BARBERS WANTED IMME riiately. 34 4th st. WANTED A GOOD SEWER. APPLY AT 474 Washington. lriESSMAKER WANTED AT 6S SIXTH t.: 11.. VI a day. 7 WAIST AND SKIRT HE1.P WANTED. 314 The Dekura. WANTED A YOUNG NURSE GIRL. 285 13th St. HELP WANTED FEMAXJC. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUIRES the services of 100 salespeople for all de partments; steady work and Food pay to competent people. MILLINERY! Experienced millinery saleswomen wanted at once; good salaries and positions. Apply to Lipman, Wolf ft Co. STRONG GIRLS IN CANDY FACTORY. GEORGB A. M'NBIL COMPANY, WHOLE SALE CONFECTIONERS, 110 N. 4TH, NEAR GUSAN. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. -Waitress, city, flO-$98.S7 a week and $25 and 120 a month, room and board; chamber maids, :to-$30-$25-?2C a month: laundry help, factory help, dressmakers, family cooks, housegirls and second- girls. Man and wife cook, and helper in R. R. boarding cars. $75; man and wife hotel cook and helper. $0O; man and wife cook and helper. Institution. $80: others. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343V.1 WaRhington it., cor. 7th, upstairs. "WANTED FTRST-0LAS9 SKIRT AND Jacket hands for alteration department. Good wages. Steady position. The Bar tholomew Co., 392 'Washington. WANTED 25 EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES. All departments; steady positions: high est wages paid. Apply at once. The Golden Eagle. GIRLS TO WORK IN CRACKER FACTORY; good wages; steady employment. Apply Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADLES' AGENCY. 141H Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED. 25 EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES. All departments; steady positions; highest wages paid. Apply at once. The Golden Eagle. NOTICE TO EMPLOYERS. Do you need female help? We can fur nish It on short- notice. Phone Main 5921. CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 38 Raleigh Bldg., 6th and Washington. , SALESWOMEN WHO ARB EXPERIENCED, competent and reliable may have good, per manent positions with an opportunity of ad vancement In many of our departments. Olds. Wortman & King. WANTED A YOUNG I.ADY AS STENO graphcr and typewriter for business office; state age and experience; wages $-15 ' per month to begin; rapid rise to good worker. Address J 63. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE 25 EXPERIENCED salespeople for dress goods, wash goods, domestics, linens, laces, - ribbons, etc.. tor Seattle's fastest growing store. Address F 45. care Oregonian. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work at the coast from now till September; every convenience; small family of adults; state wages expected. Address A 400, Ore gonian. WANTED ELDERLY LADY AS HOUSE-kecper- for family of two; will have charge of child 2 years old during day. Mrs. A. Roe. 766 Kerby at. Phone Woodlawn 342 to diy. THE- MEIER FRANK CO. REQUIRE . salesladies for their millinery department: also trimmers and hosiery, glove and corset hands. Apply Supt.'s office, 8 to 10 A. M. GIRLS WHO CAN SING AND 'I.HARN dancing, apply at Wtlison Dancing School. 804 AMsky bldg.. 3d and Morrison st.: must be able to travel with road show. WANTED GIRL TO COOK FOR 6 IN FAM lly and care Tor dining-room and kitchen only. arts, per month. Apply 534 Clifton St., Portland Heights, or phone Main 2699. LADIES TO MAKE SANITARY BELTS Material all cut ready to sew; $15 per hundred. Particulars stamped envelope. Sanitary Co.. Dept. 362. Chicago-' IF YOU ARE A SUCCESS IN SELLING stocks we can give you the best proposi tion in the market. Address Champion Mining Co.. Kansas City. Mo. GOOD WOMAN TO DO KITCHEN WORK IN small private boarding-house;, if married can furnish board for husband also. For par ticulars write X 48, Oregonian. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirt, and overalls: lessons driven to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory. 3 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. WANTED MACHINE OPERATORS, starchers. Ironers and mangle girls. East Side Laundry Co., R. Ash and 6th. Phone East bOO. In all day Sunday. WANTED A TRUSTWORTHY. MIDDLB aged woman for general housework in fam ily of three; good home and kind treatment. Address box 353, Dallas. Or. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. plain cooking: family of four; no children; pleasant position. Phone East 3234. 622 Tillamook st. WANTED EXPERIENCED PRESSER3 ON ladies' garments: good wages and per manent position for right party. Berlin Dye Works. 347 2d st- W ANTED LADY TO COOK AND TAKE charge of house for party of six; state ex perience, wages expected and phone number. X 43. Oregonian. WANTED GIRL IN FACTORY: PIECE work, $5 per week until trade Is learned and able to make mora. 65 N. Front, corner Davis. WANTED A GOOD COOK. 4 IN FAMILY: no ohlldren, small bungalow, light work, aood wages. Phone Pacific 2998. or inquire 23S Stark St. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF child 7 years old and do light upstair! work. Apply at 700 Flanders st. The number of replies that advertisers regularly receive from use of space in the classified columns of The Oregonian is a matter of surprise to patrons of this paper. There is no Held in the United States of equal extent that is covered so well as The Oregonian covers the field embraced within the limits of the Pacific Northwestern States. The following- letters, expressing appreciation of the value of The Orego nian as a classified medium, will prove of interest to advertisers who may have occasion to use the "want" columns of this paper. " WILLIAM 0. aA.irr. rttut rrttUsmt art Gcsl Muscat C. tf. flatljeaU eserbation Snfonuatton Agency Detailed and exhaustive information ( th; rich inland empire about to be opened to settlement. We can answer any quntiod concerning its lands or opportunities that can be propounded to ut Missoula, Montana, April 17, 1907. THE OREGONIAN, , Portland, Oregon. - Gentlemen: , I hand you herewith our check for 8.75, being the amount due for advertising that has appeared in your colums. We are quite pleased with the results obtained, and will, doubtless, give you further business very shortly. Very truly yours, Editor Oregonian, Portland, Ore. Dear Sir: This is to certify that .the' "Oregonian" is in my opinion the best advertising medium in the city of Port land. In saying this I have in mind my advertisimg the sale of a typewriter. Within a few hours I had a satisfac tory offer and had sold the machine before the close of the day on which the ad was published. Sincerely, HELP WANTED FEMALE. FAMILY OF TWO IN NEW HOUSE WANT girl for snrral housework; must un-'dir!-tand rook In nr. Apply or phone Port land .Hotel, room 001. between 10 and 2. WANTED EXPERIENCED ALTERATION han da on ladles suits, wa ! t and skirt s ; steady positions; highent wages paid. Ap ply to uperintendent. Th Golden Kale. COMPETENT SEAMSTRESS AT ONCE. 1G2 N. 15th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. FRATERNAL SOLICITORS MEN OR Wo men; new society; great success; splendid organization; ably officered; beautiful rit ual; nine, classes of certificates; ages 16 to 65; fine literature; liberal contracts to earnest workers. Union Provident League. Tllford bldg., 10th and Morrison st, Port land, Or. SO WATTRESPES. CITY. SILVERTON; OTH- ers East ; chambermaids, housekeepers, ov mestica, cooke, dishwashers, porters, wait ers, milkers. Chinese, Japanese help. Drake's." -lOtM-a Washington. WANTED TO TELL YOUR HOROSCOPE; send date of birth, stamped and addressed envelope and 23c In sliver; questions an swered. JOc each. Madam Susan, lock box 409. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN TO STUDY THE Spanish language; experienced native teach er.. Call 307 Chamber of Commerce. MEN AND WOMEN DESIRING GOOD paying position of an educational nature write me. P 61, Oregonian. WANTED ADVANCED AMATEUR PHO tographer. C. E. Calvert, Council Crest. FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAKBRS WANTED. 124 lath St.. Kallio Norman. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. RAILROAD CLERK DESIRES POSITION AS timekeeper or general office work; 3 yfrs' experience; can give good reference. T 60, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS GROCERY OR GENERAL merchandise clerk wants a position; 20 years' experience ; best ref erencea. B 44, Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION AS tthlpplnc clerk: experienced in mail order and general supply bous. IS" 52, Orego nian. BOOKKEEPER EMPLOYED DURING DAY ... would like some kind of work evenings; can give best of . reference. M 48, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED grocery clerk; references. A 62, Orego .. nian. . Hlsccimneoaa. FIRST-CLASS BREAD AND CAKE BAK er wants position, hotel or bakery.' i- dretSB T 42, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS CAKE BAKER FROM EAST wishes permanent position; city or coun try. C 37, Oregonian. NEW WINDOWS AND HOUSECLEANINO. Phone Main ftoT-t. evening, 8 to 10. Thomas Green, .122 Seventh st. A POSITION BY A COMPETENT STA tlonary engineer who can do- repairing, A 01, Oregonian. KALSOMINING NEATLY DONE, $3 PER room. Apply by mail, E. Winn, 16" First st.. room 0. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR, position as salesman for wholesale firm. S 47, Oregonian. TOT TNG MARRIED MAN. WELL ACQUAINT i with city, wants position as driver. X 42, Oregonian. PAINTING AND PAPERH ANQING DONE; will take goods in exchange. S 44. Ore gonian. JOB WANTED PORTER, JANITOR OR tore cleaning by Japanese- boy. F 65, Ore gonian. WANTED TO MAKB COLLECTIONS: 6AL- ary or percentage; bond given. H. 49, Ore gonian. Experienced, good Japanese) gardener wants work by day or contract. Phone Main 4797. IF YOU WANT YOUR LAWN AND SHRUB bery properly attended to, phone East 30&4. EXPERIENCED VALET OF GOOD APPEAR ance wishes position. E 4&. Oregonian. JA PANES E) WANTS JOB TO WORJC ONE day every week. E 50. Oregonian. UIVE COLLECTIONS TO EXPERIENCED v collector, l'hone East 5324. . KEfEREKCES rim National Rank- MbaNli. I MrLo4, Vicc.pmideat MtMoaU Mercantile Co., MisMsU, M.atkaa hut sum oc , rn.i wo., buhc, mwm American National Bank, Helena. Mu-ma Hm. Lee Manic, ta-U. scaato'. Hone. Moataaa Ostacrcial Axcnctea r At? rs.iaeal feraoa of Sank la Msatafts v. 292 rrCATION WANTED MALE. Ulscellaneoas. BY COMPETENT ELECTRICAL AND Me chanical engineer of 18 years' experience, at present employed- by large firm In Chl cajro; reason for change, health of wiTe and child; best of references; age 40. Address ' R. Bolsacq, 708 Bosworth ave., Chicago, III. POSITION AS SALESMAN. INSIDE OR OUT, by a man who thoroughly understand boil ers, engines, gasoline engines, pumps, thresh ing and all kinds of farm Implements; good reference and can deliver the goods. X 60. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS ENGINEER IN sawmill by practical man; experienced In lathe work and general repairs about mills; best of references; the Coast or Southern Oregon preferred. Address J 00, Oregonian. YOUNG. WIDEAWAKE ATTORNEY FROM Chicago would like association with It. firm on salary; well educated and a hust ler. B 51. Oregonian. STEAM ENGINEER WANTS POSITION. 13 familiar with ammonia condensing and noncondensing engines. Can make repairs. Will go out of town. X 51, Oregonian. AN ELDERLY MAN, VETERAN OF THTS Civil War, desires employment as messen ger or other light work; small salary. K 51, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES WORK TO MAKE or tend lawns or flowers; also bandy with tools; city or country. Address Henry Schaltz, International Hotel, cor. 3d and Everett sts. A YOUNG MAN, BUSINESS COLLEGE student, desires a place to work for room and board after school hours. C 54, Oregonian. JAPANESE) LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servanu, farmers, also; all kinds of help. Main 400. 68 Everett. LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER- WANTS JOB; B. L. E. man. Address 485 Union ave. North. Phono East 575. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK ON STOCK ranch. Q 4. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE, Bookkeepers and Stenographers. CLERICAL POSITION WANTED BY WOM an of thorough experience in business, cor respondence and bookkeeping. Accurate in figuring. Phone E&at oJiio. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER, ABLE to use any machine, will accept perma nent position at 9 per week. Phone Fa cific 2059, 9 to 10 mornings. POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER BY CAP able business woman; five years experi ence with large manufacturing concern. References. Q 61. Oregonian. LADY STENOGRAPHER DE-SIRES Posi tion; duties and wages moderate; Reming ton or Underwood operator. - M 49, Ore gon. an. i EXPERIENCED OPERATOR WILL SUB stitute, hours 9 to 5 P. M., $2.50 per day. Pacific 2009. it" to 10 mornings. HoaNkerpetw - WANTED BY A RESPECTABLE LADY, housekeeping In city for widower with no - small children, or as companion to el derly lady. Phone K. 3127. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEXEEP er In widower's family. A 54. Oregonian. Pro makers. LADIES' AND CHILDREN s PLAIN SEW- lng. infant wardrobes, hemstitching a spe cialty. 1291 E. 12th st. N. INFANTS APPAREL DAINTILY MADE AT moderate prices. E. Mulvey, 761 E. An keny st. Phone East 4069. SHIRTWAISTS. - HOUSE DRESSES, CHIL dren's sewing. 2&S Broad-way. Phone East 4868. MADAMS TUTTLB, fashionable rrtsmaker; exclusive styles. 215 13th st. Tel. Main 6619. CAPABLE NURSE, 10 YEARS EXPERI ence, desires patients; maternity a spe- - cialty. No objection to a little housework. $15 per week. D 54. Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN, GRADUATE NURSE, wants position In doctor's office. J 54. Ore gonian. Domestics. POSITION WANTED BT AN EXPERI enced woman to do light housework. Ref erences. 493 Davis st. - . . WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK. TO DO BY the day. phon East 2569. ' COneUM. - - r. t. KEEN AN. Secretary sad Treauarer Why get in the dark in mitten in volving your e.itire future, when intelligent action is possible? Our elaborate system of classified infor mation is cpeo for your inspection at any tune. . Secy-Treas. Weldler St. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. FIRST-CLASS BOARDING-HOUSE COOK wants a place. Oall 104 N. 12th st. Mon day, between 9 and 11 A. M. WANTED PIANO PUPILS BY CON sclentlous teacher. Terms very reasonable. Can furnish best of references Beginners preferred. L 49, Oregonian. WANTED TO EXCHANGE, lUSIC LES sons for good dressmaking. Competent welt-known teacher; nine years experi ence. V R0. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WOULD DO LIGHT WORK evenings for room and board in a good home; references. O 46, Oregonian. WATEDTSITPATIOK AS NURSBGIRL and assist with upstairs work. Call or phone Monday, fi51 GUsan St.; Main 4964. GIRL OF 17 WISHES A POSITION AS AN apprentice to a dressmaker. Write care Elmo Farm, Suver. Or.. Polk County. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION IN doctor's office. - Can typewrite and do bookkeeping.' V 49, Oregonian. Home laundered lacs curtains J uy an experience a rsmndress. Phone Ta . bor 634. Mrs. 8. M. Scott. WANTED POSITION AS CASHIER BY experienced office woman. Phone Pacific 20t9, 9 to 10 mornings. YOUNG LADY GIVES PRIVATE LESSONS In grammar grade studies; also beginners .In drawing. Main 1076. MATURE WOMAN DESIRES POSITION IX a doctor's office; can give best of references. L 62, Oregonian GIRL OF 18 WISHES A POSITION AS AN apprentice to a dressmaker. Write care Elmo Farm. Suver. Or. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY to do office work and collecting. M 55. Oregonian. YOUNG GIRL WANTS A PLAOB TO TAKE care of children; sleep at home. K B2. Ore gonian. LACB CURTAINS LAUNDERED A BPE- .cialty. Both pliones. Main 3740 or Home A 3740. .w LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND stretched, 40 cents and 50 cents pair. Main QUILTS REP A IRF-D AND COVERED. DROP postal to Mrs. Monckton, Lsots, Or. LADY LIKE TO HAVB MORE WORK BY tho day. Main 6706. LADY WANTS ANY KIND OF DAY WORK. Phone Bast 6.100. WANTED WORK BY DAY. PHONE Main 4o49. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED DISTRICT MANAGERS IN Washington and Oregon to handle agen cies for a leading life, health and acci dent society; top contracts. Write at once. Address Royal Fraternal Union, 313 Eltel bldg., Seattle. Wash. LADY AGENTS TO REPRESENT US IN A line that will net you $25 weekly; vtart in business and be Independent; outfits prepaid; send for agents' prices. Woman's Apparel Supply Co., Dept. 99, Chicago. DETECTIVESSHREWD MEN WANTED IN every community, to art under Instructions; experience not necessary; send for free book Of particulars. Grannan's Detective Bu reau, 72. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS WANTED CAN YOU SELL goods; if so, we need you; complete out fit free: cash weekly. Write for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Co., Salem, Or. WANTED AGENTS; LEGITIMATE SUB- stltute for slot machines, -patented; sells on sight for $1. Particulars Glsha Co., -Anderson, Ind. WANTED TO .BENT. FRONT ROOM OR SUITE. UNFURNISHED or partly furnished. Must be select. W -SO, Oregonian. 5 OR ROOM COTTAGE, NEAR SCHOOL, In good neighborhood; not over $26. H 47, . Oregonian.. WANTED TO LEASE, SMALL STORE, centrally located. About 130. D 52, Ore- gonlan. A 5-ROOM COTTAGE ON THE EAST .Side; Sunny si do preferred. H 55 Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT, ON WEST SIDE. by or before July 1. unfurnished house; must be modern and have six or seven bedrooms; would lease for terra of years If owner will build; location and plans to be satisfactory. Address Charles F. Beebe, 20th and Carter sts., Portland . Heights. WANTED BY MAY 20 FURNISHED house, 7 or 8 rooms, modern, block or two from car line, desirable district ; If satis factory may purchase later. Address giv ing location and terms, A 49, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN RE-RE TEMPORARILY FROM East will be joined by wife and sister and desires rent for month of May onty a flrsx class furnished apartment or light house keeping rooms in desirable neighborhood; willing to pay liberally for comfortable, cleanly accommodations. N 33. Oregonian. AN IMPLEMENT AND WAGON JOBBING concern wishing to engage quarters in Port land wishes to rent warehouse room, pre i er ring the East Side, in te Implement dis trict; will require .".0.000 to 5AJ.0OO square feet of space; will lease by the year. G 4J, Oregonian. W A NT ED BY MAY 1. WHST SIDE. NICELY furnished bouse or flat oomplet, o or 7 rooms; give full particulars; two in family; will lease to the end of the year or longer; best references furnished. Address Post Of fice Box 111. WANTED FAMILY OF THREE DESIRE furnished house or apartment of 5 to 7 rooms for 6 months or more, on West Side; give location in reply; references exchanged. Address P 46. Oregonian. Wanted to rent housed, cottages. flats, stores, offices, rooming-bouses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. S. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. ' MAN AND WIFE WANT GOOD ROOM, furnished or unfurnished, within 20 blocks of 6th and Washington. Private f ami ly, no 'room ing-houses. References. Address T 46. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED house 10 to 14 rooms, or buy furniture of same; within ten blocks of P, O., south and west. V 55, Oregonian. FIRST OF MAY. MODERN FURNISHED flat, or would rent part of private residence; would board owner; near Morrison or Wash ington preferred. E o5, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN DESIRES , FURNISHED room In private family must have all home comforts and good location; give particulars. L 47, Oregonian. WANTED WELL FURNISHED APART ment or small hou;e for Summer by re sponsible married couple, in beat, residence district. S 49, Oregonian. . WANTED TO RENT COTTAGE? WITH 3 OR 4 rooms, grounds for garden, etc., not too far from carline. Address W. D. Gladwin, room 10, Lafayette bldg. WANTED FURNISHED FLAT, 5 OR 6 rooms for 3 months frjm May 1. State lo cation and rent. Mur. be first class. Ad dress .L 55, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT FOR THE SEASON, 3 or 4 -room house at the beach to re sponsible party. Gearhart preferred. Phone Main 2474. HOUSE OR FLAT, UNFURNISHED, OLOSS in. not leas than 5 rooms, in good neighbor hood, for man and wife; no children. C 49, Orcgonlan. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN AND WIFE DE sire room and board with private fam ily; state location and terms. R 44, Ore gonian. 6 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN. COM pletely furnished, on or before May 1. Ad dress 724 Eaat Madison et. Phone East 2f&. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI vate family; young couple and child; ref erences exchanged. G 62, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT BY MAY 1. FUR. nished house. West Side, by responsible parties. K 05, Oregonian. BY WEDNESDAY, OR LEASE 4 OR 6 room modern cottage on carline, not more than $12. T 63. Oregonian. WANTED BY MAY 1. A MODERN 7 room house, north of Washington and west of mh. Phone Main 1088. WANTED IMMEDIATELY FLAT WITH 4 unfurnished rooms; West Side; 2 adults. V 82. Oregonian. MAY 1 t5R BEFORE. MODERN HOUSE on East Side or suburbs. State rent. D 46. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED $5000 worth of men's cast-off clothing and shoes; we also buy household furnishings, high est price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal, 62 N. Sd. Phone Paclflo 1722. WANTED FURNITURE, ANY QUAN lity; this week; highest prices paid in city; cash. Western Salvage Co., 627 Wash ington. Pacific 70... WANTED- A BABY TO CARE FOR BY lady of great experience and perfect success. Address. Mrs. Ulissa Wilson, Vancouver, Wash. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPT lytfree. Oregon Fertilizer Works, M. I960, or notify Carney's Veterinary, 4th-Gltsan. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND FILM and motion picture machine outfit and gas machine. M 45, Oregonian. FOR HOUSE BUILDING, STORE FITTINGS, painting and decorating, see The Acme Company, 403 Mohawk bldg. , W A NTED WOODEN LAWN SWI NG, good condition; also lady's saddle. State price. K 49. Oregonian. Wanted good second-hand wheel, coaster brake. Inquire Monday, Jim Wor then, 289 Morrison st. BUILDER WANTS LOAN OF $600 ON IM proved lot; St. Johns; 2 years; 8 per cent. S 53, Oregonian. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING IN THIS furniture line. Portland Auction Rooms, 311 1st st. I BUY CHEAP HORSES FOR EASY work, also fresh cowg. Address 179, Madi son street. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING, SHOES, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Pacific 46- 1 PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. m"' Cr Park ; Savage & Pennell Fur. Co.. 345 1st. Pac.360 FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR TW0( WANTED TO BUY OR RENT HOUSEBOAT. ! owniU? f kltChCn' nIe, I furnished or unfurnished. Phone Pacific 310. - 8 ' - SPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITURE . "2.,,? etc.. prompt attention. Phona East 1067. IVoom or e'inims pnone. call after- WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT. ., v.. ,,..,. tl. fr.-of ehara-a Vsnns rcst 93;n FOR RENT r.fc.WIY FLRMhHELS tr r cnr' "one East 22J3. rooms. Under new management. 95 lltl SECOND-HAND INVALID CHAIR WANTED- st. The Haehlen. . t state price and make. K 48. Oregonian. FOR RENT FRONT ROOM. NICELY FUR. ! WANTED Al MII'H BOAT. ADDRESS A r.1?, term reasonable, close In. 183 j 3. Rushlight, 2oa Grand ave. ' Holladay aye. WANTED ALL, KINDS CANDY JARS S NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOH B4. Oregonian. - one; also large one for two; reasonable. 1 .'nwZdASHILD T CARE FR- PHONB COZY. SUNNY ROOM. FINE VIEW. WELL, furnished, bath, phone, close in; $0.30 month. ' I ; 3rll 14th st. I FOR BENT. ' FOUR NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 1 OR 3 gentlemen; phone and bath. HI, llth, cor. I goom' r Alder st. ' ".Vr"1..00 ONE PLEASANT ROOM. M PBR MONTH: 201 Oth. corner ' tSJ.ot. Inquire m0i(.rn; young lady preferred. 4a4 Jeftersoa FOR REN. T,"ri!',? UNFURNISHED . 435" YAMHILL. COR. 1 2TH FU RNiSHEn ! 17!' ii ZV J,00"0"' rent reasonable. roorn,; S3 up; stam heat. gas. bath and call no para st. phone. 21ie.eLHIw7thF77n,',I.. ''W" ?D NICELY FURNISHED FRONT SomT roonm, with al conveniences;- centrally lo- breakfast la desired; private family. 252 cated: reasonable. j Blout 9S NRTJ3 .0T.I'A.?,Bki NJCBVY V-FtI- NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT; nlshed front room, suitable lor two; gas, suitable for two gentlemen. Inquire 47 N. bath and phone. til NEATLY FTJRNTSHED FRONT PARLOR ONE NICE LAROIS ROOM AND OKH 80 W. Park ! convenience... Call jm,i room, furnished, for rent. i"J5 West FINE PARLOR SUITE, ROOM FOR 2 Oil vi-nviWHirn POOM FOR ONF OR Tw7 IZZSSZ PriVte hme; flDe IOC"'OD- 'M' f 40.?Ml2ThR.tOphon.RpaTfla NforTtwo gentRemenHthR3?0Sioti7ABLB LARCE. COOL, UNFURNISHED AND FUR-' for two gentlemen. Bath. 310 10th St. nlshed rooms at the Pleasanton. 28 3d st. I"l?Grn. r,?NTp C2T FXIiNI3H- FURNISHED BLEEPING ROOM, SS PER ed. for rent. Phone Pacific 666. month, bach and telephone. 4aS Yamhill. nhlPSS? 5J??M.S' A8, BATH ELEGANT ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. phone. 368 North 20th st. near Hote, Portlan1. 1S9 1tn. Mal 49alt ONE SMALL FURNISHED ROOM FOR Little Palace. 87 th st.. Mrs. Akley, former gentleman. 84 id st. ly of Monarch. Prop. Transient solicited. YAMHILL ST. NICE ROOM FOR RENT; 000 HAWTHORNE AVE., COR E. 10TK ' 8. Phone Main 493. Furnished rooms; gas, bath, phone. 110. COSY. MODERN ROOM. 325 12TH ST. HOTEL ROYAL NICE ROOMS. 50 CENTS Phone Pacific 2102. and $1 per night; 12 to S per wee. 273 TWELFTH ST. NORTH PLTEASANT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL, furnished rooms. conveniences. 415 7th, corner Hall. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 492 GUsan st. POS RENT. Rooms. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished room a, cringle er et suite, $2 per week up; steam heat, hot and cold water; free baths, free phone; dining-room In connection; transients so-; llcited; open all night; best location In the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. HOTEL AVEUON (EUROPEAN). 4R Washington St., 4 blocks west of Imp"'" . Hotel Newly furnished rooms, single or ea uUe, hot and cold water, steam heat, elec tric lights, bath and ell modern con veniences; permanent roomers and tounits solicited; rates to gentlemen. HOTEL BUSHMARK. WASHINGTON AND 17th First-class furnished rooms single Or en suite, steam heat, hot. cold water, eiectric Tight, phone In every room; suites, with private bath. $7.50 per week; single $3; by day, $1 up; reasonable by moou. Main Gfi47. THE ELLSWORTH JUST OPENED. NEW brick building, modern throughout; nicely furnished room?. $3 per week and up; rea sonable by month - steam heat. hot, cold water; electric lights, baths; close In. ItHl Lowosdale, near High School. 3.n 12TH LIGHT FRONT SUITE OF rooms, suitable for two or three gentle men or business women; walking dis tance; private residence ; hath, gaw. fur-. nace; breakfast and dinner optional. Phone Main 3755. 4- SINGLE OR BN SUITEv HOT AND COLl running water, phone In every room, bath,,; electric light, elevator, rooms furnished, , for $15 per month; finest grill In the city In connection. Sargent Hotel, Grand & Haw--thorne aves. I HOTEL OXFORD, TH AND OAK. , New brick, steam, hot and cold running J water and electric lights in every room. ; Twenty suites; private baths; phones; cen tral, yet quiet. No carline. Per day. $1-1 $1.50. $2 ' TWO SLEEPING ROOMS, CONNECTED OR! separate, in one of the finest apartment-1 houses In the city; free bath, pbone, lights.) steam hat,.etc.: $12 and $14 per months ."tVj Third st., apartment 6. Phone Paclfio: a. , , HOTEL FRANKLIN. CORNER 13TH AND. Washington sts. Newly .furnished through-j out, new building; suites with baths, hot and cold water in every room. Phone Mala' 7195. Long-distance phones lu all rooms. HARRISON COURT APARTMENTS. 5THJ. and Harrison; unfurnished suite of twsi rooms and bath with heat, gas range J hot and cold water and awnings, phoner Main 5148. 1 THREE LARGE. SUNNY UNFURNISHED rooms; phone, hot and cold running wateifi In every room, bath, elevator, electric light, grill room in connection; references. N 43,1 Oregonian. ' THE WILLAMETTE, 822H STARK, S. Wi cor. Cth st. well furnished rooms, large j and light; single or en suits: transients; 60o to $1; by week, $2 to $5. Pacllfc 1296 HOTEL KENYON. 18TH AND WASH. BTS-j Modern rooms, single and en suite; alscr housekeeping -running water; private andV free baths; rates reasonable. Pacific 406. THE OGDEN, 63 FIRST, SW. OORNSft Oak st.; changed bands, thoroughly reno vated; clean, large, froat rooms; free bath 1 phone; $2 to $3.6y week; 60o to $1 a day. NICKL.Y FURNISHED, ALSO UNFUR nished rooms, single and en suites quiet and very suitable for b ingle, man. Kainiu bldg.. 1st and Pine sts. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM . Walking distance; no other roomers; re spectable party only. Northwest, corner 15th and Kearney. NICE BEDROOM FOR GENTLEMAN IN, lovely, quiet residence, use of piano; rea sonable. 1069 Vaughn st. Phone Main NICE FRONT ROOMS, GROUND FLOOR, two blocks from postoffice; residence dis trict; private home. 3o8 Salmon. HOTEL ANTLERS, COR. 30TH AND WASH- In g ton .streets All mcaern conveniences, suites with bath, principal oar lines pass the door. Phone Main 2333. DKSIRA BLE SUITE WITH BALCON Y modern, private house, bent residence dis trict, home privileges, phone Main 1140 before 9 A. M. GOOD ROOMS, NEW FURNITURE BAT it and telephone free. In heart of business district; prices moderate. 327 Stark at,., corner 6ta. . . $10 NICELY FURNISHED - ROOM IN bungalow; large clothes ctoeM, hot and cold water, electric lights. 906 East Flanders. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. PRI vaie family, no other roomers or children; central; references. J 44, Oregonian. THE WOODLAND ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed front parlor for one or two per sons. 265 6th St. Phone Main 1054- . j FRONT ROOM. LOWER FLOOR, SUIT able for two, $2.50 week, near City HaJlJ P.hone Pacific 106. 804 Madison. LARGE FRONT ROOM. NICELY FUR nlehed, conveniences. $8; also small roomf $6- Call 493 Everett st, near 14th. 181V4 FIRST ST.; COR. YAMHILL NICE ly furnished rooms, suites or single; rea- son able; permanent or transient. 250 7TH THREE BLOCKS FROM PORT-tf land Hotel Desirable room for gentlemen g piano, phone, every convenience. ONE PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, REASON- able; rooms In basement 75 cents a weekj Modern conveniences. 324 Main. , 302 COLUMBIA BRIGHT FRONT ROOM.J closet, furnace heat, electric light, porcelains' bath, telephone; near business. 410 JEFFERSON 3 " UNFURNISHEri housekeeping rooms, gas, bath, phone; nsi children; good neighborhood. SUNNY BASEMENT ROOM; PRIVATE EN-( trance; wood stove; walking distance; $5l month. Phone Main 2219. SPECIAL RATES, MEN, ROOMS. WALK-i ing distance, $6 to $10 month; bath, heat.: 2i2 10th, near Jefferson. REFINED LADY WILL RENT ROOM IM her beautiful home to respectable gentle man. L 50. Oregonian. - THE WOODLAND ROOMS FIRST CLASS and modern. Terms reasonable. 265 6tta st. Phone Main 1054. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath and electric lights. Jsa Sal NICE. NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOM; MOD ern flat; all conveniences. 349 6th.