20 THE SU2f DAT OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, APRIL 14, 1907. FOB SATE TIMBER SOME SNAPS IN" BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER. r. 000,000.000 feet in large or email tracts. 8.40 acres 60 sections, Barclay Sound, southwest coast of Vancouver I f land; all tributary to salt water; timber, fir. cedar, ppruce: cruise 30,000 per acre; over on billion feet on thU tract. Tim ber all In solid body. Price $d per acre, 3.1.200 acre RS sections, on Moresby, Lroulfn &. Tal-Um-Quam Islands, Queen Charlotte pro up. near prince Rupert, Grand Trunk terminus. Timber 60 per tftn apruce and cedar balance fir; large pm-cntage yellow ry press; land lays on water and fine harbors for mills and lipomas: will cruise over two billion feet, price $4.10.000. 10.240 acres 16 sections, Fits Hugh Hound.' all on water; best of harbors, easy Inking: fir. spruce, cedar. 300 millions; Moje to markets; easy towage. Price $4 per acre. 14,000 acres 22 section!. Sechelt Pe nlnnula. about 40 miles from Vancouver; all on water. In solid body; Umber, fir nd cedar; cruise 50o millions. Price IS per acre. 5. 120 acres 8 sections, Skagit River VHliey, on line of new Great Northern, extension to Vancouver; very heavy fir mid rprtar; cruUe 250 millions. Price S per acre. I.2R0 srres 3 sections. Palm on Arm, Jerval Inlet; 15 millions fir and cedar, tine quality; on water; good harbor; eeey logKer: Vancouver market; tow 75 Cents. Frlr $7.1. (D. i.7tJ0 acres Dominion lease, Burrard Inlet. R mlls from city; tow 15 cents; crHse flO mlllone; flr and cedar. Pries ev.ofto. Oregon pArirrr TNVKPTMENT CO., JK4 rekum Bids-. THE XtACET WAT 3s recognised to be the standard war ot handling timber landa The timber must first satisfy us, ar.d our cruise reveals verr detail of the conditions surrounding St. Our reports are prepared la such a ij that the buyer knows whether or not the timber will satisfy him bafora hs TiBtts the tract. Twenty years' experience, and the client age we represent. Is a sufficient guar antee that our methods are right. Ton may waste your valuable time lo looking vp the tract you want. Take advantage of th results of our own constant efforts a ions this line and get the bast. JAMES X. LACET CO., Lumber Exchange, Seattle, Wash.. Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. sO.On CAPACITY MTLU BO.000.000 FEET timber, river and rail, fln paying propo sition; fwnir retiring from business. 1,10.000 capacity shingle mill, plenty of timber on contract; 00 town lots on deep water. 4W.00rt.000 feet One timber, tributary t 1 Columbia, logging or milling. S0.00y.o0o fine timber, very accessible. ; CITY REALTY & BCILDt.NO CO., OTJ Commercial block. Main 11H0. i NEW MILL ON RAILROAD, 30.000 CAPA ctty, including ti, 000.000 timber and 160, on0 fjfct lumber in pile; other timber con trat:d for and lurge contract fur tits with railroad. Small mill, 5 mites from railroad, 10,- . 000 rapacity, including 0,000,000 feet of timber. ! For details and price call at 220 8 wet land Wdg. METROPOLITAN TIMBER CO. WE CAN I'LACPJ GOOD TRACTS OF TIM hr or sawmillf with timber, in Oregon or "Washington, on short notice, if price is rtjrht. Our method of handling this class of property brings buyer and seller together without publicity. Correspondence or inter views with owners confidential. WlllTTRN ft BRYANT, 406-7-K. H-wptland Building. 16th and Washington.) SAWMILL. 3,000.ni0 feet choice fir timber, 65-h'-rnepe wer, S heed horses, complete log ping outfit. 2 enplnes. 2 boilers, nawdust and slab conveyors; everything new and modern; near O. W. P. Ry. 20 miles from. Portland; timber alone worth price asked, c. C. Shay, 304 Abington bldg. Phone Main 1042. COLUMBIA RIVER. Sawmill, 24 miles flume from mill to deep-water dockage; 16.000,000 feet yel low flr. more ran be purchased; 2 donkey engines, 2 engines, 2 boilers, sawdust and slabwood conveyors; lumber will hot $7 1000; will sell timber at actual cost of Hturcpnue; sawmill, etc.. thrown In. C. C Shay. :ti4 Abington bldg. Main 1042. SAWMILL LOCATIONS. To those seeking such we offer strictly flm-claati ones, none better just below the lerry at Klama, Washington ; largest vea sMe load here and N. P. By. Is only B0 rods distant; ahuniiance of timber near. For further information write or phone, or pref erably come and see us. Lan & Co., Kalama, "Washington. FOR BALE CHEAP THE FOLLOWINO tract of fir and pine timber on streams: 1120 acres. 12 mites from railroad, J ax k son County; 4iW acres, SO miles from railroad, Morrow County. We are in the market for timber and sollrlt corre.-iondence for large, well-lonted trarts. Metropolitan Timber Co., 220 wet land bldg. , - TIMBER LANDS. Tft.000.0OO feet of pood flr on Cowllts B Iver. Verv acesslble, with 1600 acres of lsnd worth 10 per acre, price .V,O00; down, balance as logced. OREGON rAClKB" INVESTMENT CO., 304 Dckum bldg. OO.OOO.OOO AND HVO.OOO.OOO HIGH-GRADE fir timber, all handy to Columbia River; govi loRfrtng ground, with logging railroads and boom irlvilges complete; liberal terms; opTortunttlcs that ran not be duplicated. Log frsrw, mlllmrn and Investors, look this up. No aaents. Address Box (JH. Portland, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WHAT HAVE YOU TO SELL? Any persons having small places they wish to convert into ready cash, any good bargains, should at once be offered. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., CASH TO INVEST, 141. Vi First St. CASH FOR LAND. ANY KIND ANY where. Send for free booklet, "How for 100 We Kind Cash Buyers for Real F-5tate." National Realty Co., Columbus, t'nio. ABOUT 6-ROOM COTTAGE ON R. ft S. OR L. carllnes. near O. R. & N. shops; email i-MMh payment and rcasiable terms; no agents. K 36, Oregonlan. A PARTY DKSIUKg A LOT. CORNER OR quarter block In any good location; must be reasonable; give exact location. 8 33, Oresonian. SPRVCn TIMBER LAND WANTED TRIBV tary to Columbia River. Addres F 3. care of the rngun'.an, grivlna quantity, location and prloV. "WANTED FROM OWNERS WlO'LL soil, tiood houses, vacant lots and Im proved farms. Home Land Co., 145 1st trect. WANTED LOT OR FRACTIONAL IjOT, 'nt Side, south of Morrison, west of Fifth; OIva particulars, lowest price. F 28, Ore gon lan. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL KINDS OF property. What have you to offer? Ken nedy & Hlckok, Room 323, Lumber Ex change. WANTED LOT. EAST SIDE. MUST BE good location; price to be under 5700. Ad dress Satteiiee. 716 E, 7th st. North. HAVE fMVO CASH TO INVEST IN REAL estate; must be close in. What have you? T 34. Oregon tan. WANTED MODKRN HOl'PB. CLOSE IN ON East or West e?id; not over 320o. L 33, Orrgonlon. WANTED I-OT OR FRACTION. WITH OR without small house; stats particulars. R 27, Oregon lan. A MODERN tt ROOM HOUSE. NOT OVER "0i; price must be returnable. J 37, care Orcsmitin. WANTEP Tt BUY 4 OR .VROOM COTTAGE modern; state price and location. N 33, Orejfonmn. WANT ED LOTS OR ACR EAQE NEAR Portland: also acreage on Willamette. W 30, Oresonian. 1 WANT EAST SIDE PROPERTY: COMB quirk. J. J. Oeder, corner Grand ave. and E. Ankeny." FOR QUIUK SALE LIST YOUR PROPERTY with F. Dubois, Washington bldg, room 3. PHOPLRTT ON UNION AVE. NORTH OF Kat Burns id e. X 34. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY HOMESTEAD RELIN qulvhment. P 39. Oregonlan. WANTEDTO BUY HOI'S B AND LOT. AD-d'-ss V S4. Oreg.mian. WANTED AND FOR S ALE LAND ATRIP All kinds, including approved forest reserva scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed timber and prairie Government land. H. M. Hamilton, The Portland. Portland. Or. TO LEASE. 1 HAVE IVT 75x100; WILL LEASE TO party to build apartment-house; 6 blocks y.uTh of liutel Portland- Address W 35, Crtgunian. FOR SALE-FABM8. FARMS FOR SALE. 1 UN. $ 000 10'i acres, 6 in cultivation, fair house, good well, 3 acres in strawberries, fine tomato land, 1 miles from good valley town. 2 44N. $1.500 60 acres. 3 In hops, young orch ard, new house and barn. R. F. D. and telephone; price $300 cash, balance terms. 3 27N. $1,650 12 acres, 18 in cultivation, nice fruit, fair house and barn, good water; this Is a splendid place for price. 4 22N. , $2,000 9 acres. 10 acres In cultivation. 20 slashed and goated for 8 yrs. This la a good place for the money ; $300 cash, balance long time. 8 AN. - $4,455108 acres. 60 In cultivation, fine 8-roora house, spring water piped In house; 40 slashed and seeded to grass, plenty Of fruit, good walnut or hop land. 6 12N. $5000 260 acres, 60 in cultivation, bal ance timber cut off and seeded to pasture; 200 acres nice land to farm, good house and barn, well fenced, plenty of good water. 5 miles from town, railroad and river; this farm Is a bargain at price. 7 1 N. $500O 160 acres, J in cultivation, new K-room house, fair barn, another good house and barn on place, plenty of fruit, spring water piped to both houses and barns. 8 1 ON. $9,325 373 acres. 150 in cultivation, good Irt-room house, good barn, spring water piped to house and barn, good prune, peach and applo orchard; 2 miles from town, rall roRd and river, in the center of Willamette Valley; a fine stock or dairy farm, $3000 caeh, balance on long time at 6 per cent. 9 24N. $12.000 418 acres. S50 acres In cultivation. balance good pasture land, seed ed to English rye grass; new house cost $2000; new barn and other outbuildings, spring water piped to house and barn, flno young orchard of 12 acres, erop to go with place, fine stock, dairy and grain farm, 3 miles to town and railroad, H-mlle to school; this Is one of the best stock farms in Yamhill County. 10 40N. $25,600 640 acres. 800 In cultivation, fine house, good barn, plenty of fruit, spring water piped to house; thi farm Is part valley and rolling bill land; It is an ideal stock farm, well drained and watered; R. F. D- and phone. 226 Stark St. Prlv. Ex. 70. R. L. CATE. ACREAGE PROPERTY IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEAR PORTLAND. $25005 acres, all cleared ; 6-room house; barn and other outbuildings; good welt; 1H acres In fruit; on R. F. D. and main county road ; l mile to carltne. $2000 16 acres, 12 in cultivation; small house, barn and well; 25 fruit trees. 4 acre berries; 8 miles to Portland, on county road and R. F. D.; mile to school and church. $2100 10 acres, all In cultivation: 7 roora house, ehlcken-house. good well ; 1 acre In orchard; R.. F. V. and close to school. $3000. on time 2 acres, more or less, at Claakamas; 8 -room house, one 8-room house, good barn, chicken-house and cor rals; all In fruit and strawberries. $.1100 12 5-8 acres at Sunnyiide: all cleared; good house and barn, wagon shed, chicken-house and corrals; 45 fruit trees. 4 years old ; 4 H acres early po tatoes; 4 acres oats and wheat, balance clover; 1 spring wagon and 1 top buggy; all machinery to work place except bind er; 10 miles from Portland on county road. $aooo 10 acres, more- or less, near Clackamas Station ; 0-room house, barn, fruit dryer, other outbuildings, good well, 1 acre fruit; on county road and R. F, I). MULTNOMAH COUNTY, in MX) 78 acres; 25 in cultivation. 2 In fruit; 0-room house, barn, X good springs, close to house; 4 miles to station, 1 mile to school and church. The above list of farms near Portland are not Included In our catalogue. CAUSEY LAND INVESTMENT CO.. 506-7 Swetland Bldg. CATTLE RANCH FOR SALE which is unusual Income property, and Is the finest big ranch in the State of Oregon. Adapted for cattle or sheep, al falfa, grain or fruit. Tha tttla is perfect. Fine complete Improvements; plenty of running water, good transportation. Has dairy equipment, big, roomy farm houses, two fine orchards, elegant garden land. About 50O0 acres in tract: 18,000.000 ft. fine timber, BOO acres alfalfa, 650 acres under ditch, balance best graxtng land. Ranges 12.000 sheep and cattle. The price of this property is $60,000, but will take one-half cash, balance at Ion? time and easy terms, to be paid out of earnings of ranch. The big crops now in go with the place, and will partly pay the $30,000 required down. Phone Ex. 70. R. L. CATE, 226 Stark st. FARM PROPERTY. A choice im orovedi fa rm of 22ft bptm on railroad, H mile from station, in the gar-. wn opoi or ine Willamette valley. a miles from Portland. A rtfee 6-room houa an 4. wood&hexi, fine barn, 54x70, everlasting wells of water at house and barn, fine spring in east field- and! running water In posture. All under fence. 100 acres In cultivation, all In crops and- looking fine; 54 acre clover. 7 acres timothy. 8 acres Winter wheat, balance vetch, rye and oats; good, family orchard, with variety of fruits: all neceesary farm Implement, mostly new. 2 ennn fine brood mares in foal, about 50 tons hay and en-ougrh grain to run everything until harvest time; this is a snap that will go quick, Pr-fce $13,500; terms. $5500 cash, balance 10 equal a3menuB. st 6 per cent Intereet. ALFRED A. BAKER, 215-216 Abington bldg. AN At FARM AND STOCK RANCH. 200 acres in Columbia County, Oregon; all finest sandy loam soil, fenced and cross-fenced, all level, 2 springs and on good river; 80 miles from Portland; place highly improved; fine orchard, 2 houses, barns, hophouse; crop in now, hops and potatoes; farming machinery, stock of nil kinds: all go for the low price of $20,000. V cash, balance to suit. If looking for a farm, let us tell you about this, aa It is a bargain. THE VETERAN LAND CO.. 165H 3d st. MAKIKO OF AN ELEOANT SUBURBAN HOME. I "have 89 acres of good fruit or farm ing land, within 7 miles of Portland, H mile from boat landing on the Columbia River. H mile from railroad station, on the North Bank road. I will sell this property for one-third less than other land can be bought for in the same lo cality and In the same condition. See me and save agents' commission. P 34, Oregonian. $1500 FOR FRUIT AND BERRY FARM; all under cultivation; house, barn, -mlle to graded school, postofflce, church. $3500 for 22-acre farm, new S-room hiuse,- barn, creek, team, wagons, cows, t jols. harness, chickens, crop. $2.00 for 20-acre fruit farm. 5 acres raspberries. 1 acre strawberries. 350 prune, pear and cherry trees, bearing, .130 young trees: 5 -room house, barn. Christopher &. Young. Sprlngbrook, Or. A FANCY DATRY RANCH OF 7O0 ACRES, with 125 acre adjoining If wanted, rail snd river transportation at place, within easy daily reach of Portland, good buildings, all farm and da!ry machinery and large amount of etot'k goe with place. A big money maker and a bargain which will rapidly in crease in value. ALFRED A. BAKER. Real Estate. 215-216 Abington bldg. FOR FRUIT AND POULTRY. 10 acres adjoining the town of White Salmon, especially fine for fruit and chick ens: this tract lies in a amall valley with a warm southern slope, rich soil, plenty of water: convenient to town; price $1000. half cash. Send for our book. White Salmon Land Co., White Salmon. Wash. MUST BE SOLD. 8 acres 4H miles from Courthouse, two electric lines will go through place. Owner must sell by the 18th. Suitable for chick en ranch or suburban addition. Phone Main 1042. SIS-ACRE FARM FOR SALE HOUSE, barn. granary, storehouse. woodshed, stccksheds, fenced and cross-fenced; creek 100 yards from railway depot, post office, store, graded school, churches. Address owner. J. M. Christopher. Marlon. Or, IF TOU WOULD LEARN ABOUT THB great Flathead Indian reservation, soon to open, send 10 cents (silver or stamps) for our 82 -page booklet. Addreas Flathead Reserva tion Information Agency. Missoula, Mont. 00 A ORES 8ft ACRES IN CULTIVATION, good house and barn, with fine spring water, a io 2 good wel Is, S miles from t wo good vallev towns. to good school; $3600; terms. Adcr'esa K 34. care Oregonian. FOR SALE 5 ACRES. ALL IN BBAHINO fruit; good 8-room house; good outbuild ings; close to Vnncouver, Wash.' 4 N. 6th at. Phone Paclflo 20S2. $25 PER ACRE. WELL IMPROVED FARM, 320 acres. 8 miles from Salem; must bo sold to settle estate. O &, Oregonian. FOB SALE FARMS. HOURLY TRAIN SERVICE TO OSWEGO. Choice farm, 67 acres, near Oswego, high ly cultivated and excellent new buildings, with torick foundation, substantially built and well painted, fine house 3fxau. all hard finished, with porch on two side, good fire place. Fine new bam, octagon shape. 2 etory. 50 feet In diameter, 25 feet to eaves, plank floor; windmill and chopper In con nection; barn painted red, with white trim mings; woodshed 16x24, chicken-house, etc. Ail buildings finished in a substantial and attractive manner apd with modern con venience; 10 acres of hops, 3 acres of vine yard, aelect family orchard, living water; very desirable. Don't fall to investigate this.. 60 acres, all very rich sol!, 31 acres cul tivated ; a splendid house. 6 large rooms, hard finished, large barn, in good condi tion, brick fruit-house, select family or chard. This farm fronts on the river; warehouse and boat landing on the place; for sale at a great bargain. The owner Ut In poor health and cannot work. You can buy this farm for leas than the Improve menta coat. 140 acres 00 acres clear, balance pas x ture. all fenced and cross-fenced; abund ance of living water. 60 head of selected dairy cows, 4 good horses, 3 large barns, good house. This farm is on a good road near Portland. This farm earn better than $4000 per year; easy terms. Prlca $21,000. Cheapest land on West Side -75 acres near, proposed Salem electric line; all east and south slope; very rich soil; plenty of living water; also plenty of good cord wood: soil can't be beat; $loO per acre If sold soon; a snap. 35 acres, about 15 improved, 4 miles from station; $1660. 120 acres, good improvements, In Clacka mas County; $.'1150. 10 acres, near Vancouver, overlooking the Columbia River; large house, an everlasting spring; water piped in house;" a snap; $4000. 17 acres, near Fairvlew, all in cultivation; . very rich garden and onion land. ItiO acres fine dairy ranch, down the Colum bia River; $2300. 100 acres, a very choice farm; 76 acres thoroughly cleared and under the plow; good buildings and fences; front on the river; boat landing on the place, near R. R. sta tion; only $8000. 640 acres unimproved land, rich soli, lies good, near Vancouver; make an offer. S40 acres fine wheat ranch In Eastern -Washington for sale rheap. 5 acres near Clackamas Matlon. 4 cul tivated; stock and farm Implements; $5000. ALFRED A. BAKER. . 215-216 Abington bldg. LOOK HERE. GET WISE. BEST FARMS. BEST BUYS. $17,500 1380 acres, an !dai Yamhill County, stock, grain and dairy farm, 400 acres grain cultivation, 400 acres cultivated grass, 5O0 acres timber and upland pasture. Nice 8-room dwelling, good tenement house. 2 large barns, 6 etock and hay sbede. Place all fenced and cross-fenced, fine creek passes through the land, several springs. Place capable of supporting over 3000 head of stock. Place lies well to subdivide into about 40 ordinary farms. It's the best land proportion In the state. $50 Per acre Over 800 acres, best valley land in the state, nearly 2 miles river front, railroad station on place. An ideal location for col ony. Land all in high state of cul tivation. Good buildings. $5,300 130 acres on Lewis River, near La Center, all fenced. 50 acres cultiva tion, balance good pasture. Small house, good barn. Price includes horses, cattle, hogS, Implements and crops. ' $3,500 A highly Improved 40 -acre ranch near Vancouver, beautiful buildings, fine system of water, choice fruit; an Ideal country home. $3,000 SO acres In Blodgett Valley, 8 miles railway station. . place all fenced, nearly all In cultivation. 60 acros crop, good buildings, living water; a grand place for the money. $2.650 A highly improved 10-acre place, on the Harmony Road, 0 miles Port land. $1,60080 acres, well timbered, miles Forest Grove. $1,600 10 acres, big red apple land, Mosler Valley, 1 miles station. You never get the bargains until ybu see THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 149 First St. ACREAGE TRACTS. All within 20 miles of Portland. Easy terms, and all near suburban towns. $ 600.002 1-8 acres at Beaverton, 4 room house, good condition, 15 or 20 fruit trees, all clear, house partly furnished. $650 1 acre. Fituated mile northwest of Hillsboro; i level, half under cultivation; fence, well water, 5 room house. $700.00 3 acres, 1 miles northwest of Beaverton, 1 acre cleared, bal ance stumps, 4-room house. $750.00 10 acres land. 2Vi miles south west of Hillsboro, 7 acres grubbed, balance in timber, enough timber standing .to pay for clearing r balance; house, barn, etc. $840.00 1 34-100 acres, situated In Hills boro. In cultivation, well water. SO fruit trees of all kinds, 4 room house, barn. $1600.004 acres farm land, one mile east of Hillsboro, 2 acres level and 2 acres rolling land; 30 frutt trees of all kinds, good well; old 4-room house and barn. $2000.00 2 acres land, good 7-room house, barn- and chicken-house, nice orchard and garden, on Main St., Hillsboro, Or. $2000.00 10 acres, all Improved, fine land; make good chicken ranch PHONE EXCHANGE 70. R. L. CATE, 226 Stark st. $125010 ACRES, 6 IN CULTIVATION. 4 acres pasture; 7-room house, barn; streetcar In prospect; 7 miles to Vancouver. $50 IO acres. 6-room house; 1 mile R. R. station. 5 miles Vancouver. $:irtoo 3rt acres, all clear. 13 acres orchard, 2-room bouse, good, big barn, 2 horses. 1 w a gon, 1 cow"; 6 mi les Va n cou ver ; easy termfl. $1000 7 acres, all improved. 4 acres In ber ries; 6-room house and barn, 1 wagon, 1 cow. FROM BERG & CO.. 227 Washington st. A CHOICE DAIRY FARM OF 820 ACRES, kocated on Columbia River. 1 miles river ront, adjoining good town, with schools nd churchrs; R. R. station on place; good house and large bams; 75 good cows. 4 head horses, cream separator, ail farm Imple ments go with place; terms 1-3 down, bal ance long time; a place that will greatly enhance in value in- the very war future. ALFRED A. RAKER, Real Estate. 215-216 Abington bldg. 74 ACRES. 62 ACRES IN HIGH STATE OF cultivation; 10-room house. large barn and good outbuildings; stone foundations under all buildings; good spring, water piped to hous and barn; fine orchard; this is one of the best farms in Oregon, situated only 8i miles from Portland and 4 mile from new Salem electric line; just right to subdivide in acre tracts. D. W. HEILMAN. 304 Abington bldg. Phone Main 1042. SPLENDID HOMES. Choice acreage and farms near Portland and Portland-Salem carline. If you in tend to buy, we will be glad to drive out and show you some of these fine tracts. We guarantee good soil. FARMERS' LAND CO.. 250H Third st. BY OWNER 10 ACRES ON BARNES road; house, 90 fruit trees, 2 targe chicken houses, 7 acres under cultivation; price $3000; ground is seeded for hay; this would make fine chicken ranch. Inquire of Mrs. Sellger, 330 Tillamook st., Portland. Or. 85 ACRES. 12 MILES OUT, WITH FIRST class buildings; 10 acres in cultivation: a nice creek, living water; some piling and saw timber; near sawmill, on main gravel road; a fine place for poultry; $3000. Alvord & Alvord, 183 Morrison. DAIRY FARM ON SAUVIE'S ISLAND. Co lumbia County. Oregon; 100 acres, all cleared and in clover: house, mllkhouse, 2 barns, 32 young cows. 100 head Cots wold sheep. 25 tons clover hay. Owner, J. Horst, Rldgefleld, Wash. s. 40 ACRES. 2;: IN HOPS. 15 IN CULTIVA tlon; good barn, hophouse, fences. 4-room house, etc.; 0 miles" from Portland: mile from railroad; cheap rent to good tenant. J. W. Ogilbee. room 11, 145H lit St., Portland. SNAP 10 ACRES. 5 COWS, 2 HORSES, wagon, bnggy and harness, chickens, hay. house. 4 rooms, barn, mllkhouse. 00 fruit trees,' amall frutt of all kinds; crop all in. .William Neep. 203 Mora St., Arleta, Ore. FOR SALE A SMALL FARM. BUILDINGS, orchard and berries, next to schoolhouse, on county road. Call from 1 to 5 P. M.. 258 13th st. FOR SALE 12 "4 ACRES IN MONTA vllla, all clear; acre lots, cheap; your own terms. Owner. 213 Ebey st.. Monta vtlla. DAIRY A NO. 1 PAYING DAIRY AND milk route for sale at a bargain it taken soon. R. F. D. No. 3. box 73, Eugene, Or. WILL PEIA. MY SMALL FARM. NEAR city; with intelligent farming will pay for Itself In four years. .X 3r. Oregonian. FOR SALF FARMS. DAIRY RANCHES, timber lands; only at bargains. Write Joseph Parker. Holbrook. Oregon. 6EE OUR LIST OF FARMS. CITY AND suburban real estate. Jenne, Trimble Ac Trimble, 411 Marquam bldg. FOB SALE FARMS. 189 ACRES APPLE LAND. $25.000 Near Hood River, 70 acres un der cultivation, including 30 acres good orchard, balance easily cleared; house, barn and good springs on place; if you are interested in apple lands see us about this. -15 ACRES ' $8000 H mile from Woodvllle. in the famous Rogue River Valley of Southern Oregon ; 25 acres good timber, balance . highly cultivated; 10 acres In orchard, which cleared X4U0 last year; good 6-room house, small barn and outbuildings; 127 acres fenced, creek on place. Price in cludes crops. 15 ACRES $000 Within 5-cent limit on Portland Salem carline; 12 acres highly cultivated, part orchard and strawberries; buildings worth $1500; place has been platted; terms. 50 ACRES $3230 One mile from' TIgardvllle and near Portlsmd-Salem electric carline; 25 acres under dultivation, orchard, house, new barn, crops, team, stock and all farm ing implements included; this place will sell for $5000 easily aa soon aa the new carline is In operation. 80 ACRES $2000 Near Buxton, in Waihington County; railroad goes through this place. 2i ACRES. $3fiV-2ft mile, from Bertha, on TI gardvllle raad; suitable for gardens or chickens; plare has been platted. DEVLIN & FIREBAl'GH, 608-509 8w.tlnd bldg. 1200 DOWN, (10 OR MORE PER MONTH, at 6 per cent, buys a good six-room fur nished houee. -with bath, on Montavllla carline. Price S1500. 1A0OO Elegant furnished home, with piano: 8 rooms: strictly modern; Holla 7 day Addition; reasonable terms. T00 30O down. 112 per month. T per cent, buys two large lots, each 50x100. and a S-room houee; 25 minutes' ride; Woodstock car: grand view. N $200 each, terms, buys the choicest 9 lots in city limits; 25 minutes' Tide; high and sightly. 300 $100 down, balance T per cent, for a choice AOxlOO lot; Lexington Heights; 1 block to Woodstock car; this week only; owner leaving city. J1100 30 down. $20 per month, buy B-rooro cottage, with woodshed, chicken coop, fruit,, etc.; lot 62xlO0; 2 blocks to Mt. Tabor car. OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO. 304 Dekura Bldg. A FINE SMAU, FRUIT FARM Of 20 acres, 10 miles from Portland. 1H miles from railroad station and postofflce, 15 acres in fruit and vines. 5 acres in grain and pasture. 3300 prune trees In heavy bearing, 100 mixed apples and pears, t acre fine grapes. Good building and fruit dryer, all equipped for making money. Will earn 15 to 20 per cent on in vestment; watered by creek and good wells. Cheap and terms easy. ALFRED A. BAKER. Real Estate. 21'-218 Abington bldg. GREAT FARM BARGAIN. $no 64 acre on Willamette with toat landing: fine soil, beautiful location, handy to depot and college, has to be sacrificed to settle an estate. If you want good farm of any size and kind, investigate my Met and if you do not find them as represented, I pay you $10 a day and your expenses. F. FUCHS. 221 Vi Morrisor st. FRUIT LANDS. Equal to any in the state for apples, cherries, peaches, etc. 120 acres at $25.00 per acre. 160 acres at $11.00 per acre. 13 acres at $2. 00 per acre. 240 acres at $10 00 Der acre. OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO.. 304 Dekum bldg. IO ACRES. FINE NEW. 8-ROOM HOUSE, barn, shop, woodshed and chicken-house, lots of fruit. ISO apple trees, some pears, cherries and plums. 400 grape vines: lots of currants, gooseberries and raspberries. An Ideal fruit and chicken ranch 6 miles Vancouver; near proposed new electric line. Price $2S00; half down. Inquire, Al vord, 183 Morrison st. fisoo. . New a-room nouse. leo-acre farm. - 1 Part cleared. 30 acres easy to clear. Good land. 8 miles to Iyle, Wash. A bar gain. Investigate. F. W. IOKGLER, 10 Sherlock bldg. - 2400 ACRE RANCH IN EASTERN OREGON. 6oo acres under water ditches, a fine prop, oaitlnn for a small colony: is at present one of the finest stock ranches tn the country. Price J.IO.OOO; 1500 cattle tan be bought with place. Inquire of F. T. Berry. 4 N. 6th St. 40 ACRES. HOI'SB 5 ROOMS. GOOD BARN. 2 poultry-houses, large orchard, assorted fruit, good timber, school on place, 12 acres cleared'; term $2500; $1500 cash, rent on time. Adriresa box 18. route 4. Sherwood. Or. T HAVE 3 ACRES ON THE EAST SIDE, finest location (n all Portland, an Ideal ground for a magnificent home. Only re sponsible parties need apply. James Sar gent, Portland Hotel. 20 ACRES AND HOUSE WITH tl ROOMS: one hour by train from Portland. near school: dally mail: price $15O0. all cash: .cropa in. Address Box 18, route 4, Sherwood, Or. FARMS'. FARMS. EVERYWHERE. 1 ACRE to 2O0O. 0 acres for platting, ;VM acres 9 miles west Portland. Mutual Realty Co., 30-''H Washington. FOR PA I-.E 50-ACRE FARM NEAR OSWF3 go: eesv terme. Inquire of Henry Roth Milk Depot. Union ave, and 24th North. 21 ACRES AT BEAVERTON, BETWEEN the. two county roads; cheap if taken this week. W 39. Oregonian. 23 ACRES 14 CULTIVATED. STOCK, crop, tools; cars 2000 feet. 504 Goldsmith, I,ower Altoina car. FOB RENT FARMS. 24 ACRES. PART IN CULTIVATION House, barn, implementa, frutt trees In ' bearing, berries; 6 miles from this office on county road. 1 mile from railroad sta tion; $150 a rear, part in advance. HI. I. IS 4 YORK, Rooms 20 and 21, 284 Morrison st. FIVE ACRES. 1 MILE EAST OF PORT land. near carline: 4-room house, barn, orchard, well; suitable for gardening, small dairy, chickens: $7.50 month. Apply 304 North 2flth, W cars. SMALL FARM TO RENT, NEAR CITY, good buildings, some amall fruit. Inquire of E. W. Elrod, room 15, Lafayette bldg. FOR RENT 50-ACR ID FARM NEAR OSWE go: Inquire of Henry Roth Milk Depot, Union ave. and 24th North. HOOD RIVER 15 ACRES, ORCHARD, berries, timothy. 8 miles to depot. Mercer, 695 Front, Portland. HOOD RIVER 15 ACRES. ORCHARD, berries timothy, 8 miles to depot Mercer, 695 Front. Portland. FOR RENT SMALL FARM; HOUSE. BARN, etc.; IO miles from city, Weet Side. In quire 194 1st st. RELIABLE MAN WITH MEANS TO RENT dairy ranch. A. J. Brown, Barton, Oregon, route No. 1. W" A NT F.I) TIMBER LANDS. TO .OWNERS OF TIMBER CLAIMS AND timber: - We will buy for cash any good timber tributary to the Nehalem River. Will eal with owners only. Write giving full particulars. Nehalem Investment Co., 823 Chamber of Commerce bldg., Portland, Or. WE WANT TIMBER RELINQUISHMENTS. State Land Co.. 133 H First st. FOR SALE. Horse, Vehlclea, Etc. SNAP HORSE, RUBBBR-TIRED BUGGY and harness; also trap and surrey. 272 Hooker a:.. South Portland. FOR SALE 18 HEAD OF HORSES, 1200 TO 150O pounds, at 1028 E. Alder at., by W. E. Jacobs. Phone Tabor 743. STANDARD BRED ALT A MONT MARE. GBN tle for lady, and rubber-tired buggy. Fashion Stable, 19th and Wash ets. FOR SALE ONE GOOD SADDLE OR driving horse, $35; weight 900. Inquire 206 3d ave. ONE TEAM AND EXPRESS WAGON. Cnncannon's, 21st and Johnson ets. Main 43S9. FOR SALE CHEAP ONE GENTLE RIDING pany- Inquire section E, Irvington race track. . MATCHED TEAM. 5 AND 8 "TEARS. 12O0 each. 2T2 Hooker, South Portland. Call Mon dy. FOR SALE A BLACK PONY. RIDE OR drive; 5 years old. Apply 511 Everett St. SECOND-HAND PANEL-TOP WAGON FOR sale cheap. 366 E. Washington. FOR SALE A FINE) COLUMBUS BUGGY, leather tcp. 326 East 7th south. FOR SALE TOP BUGGY. E. 29TH AND Tillamook sts., last house. FOB tAU Horses, Vehlclea, Etc. 25 HEAD OF HORSES ARRIVED AT 154 north Gtn st. ; from 90O to 14O0 pounds. Pair of welt matched black geldings, 7 and 8, weighing 2t70. Pair of chunky-built mar and bore. H matched: weight 2500. Pair of dark gray mares, T .years old; weight 2800. Pair of strawberry rnana, mare and- horse. 4 and 5 years old: 2225. Pair of well-matched geldings. 5 and 0; weight 1970. Pair of bays, well-matched, 5 and ; weight 2000. Fair of geldings, well-matched, and T; weight 2510. A few very etyliah single drivers. All of this stock is young, aound and. thoroughly broke. Remember the number, 154 North 5th, cor. Irving. BROWN MARE. WEIGHS 1IS0 POUNDS, sound every way. gocA worken: alao pair of horses, weight 2400 lbs. drive single or dou ble; one very fine riding pony, with saddle and bridle: one Mght farm wagon: 1 break ing cart and harness; fine rubber-tire run about; 1 heavy stock saddle rt brittle; 20 sets single and double harness, light and heavy; all prices. Call Oregon 8 tables, 14th and BumsiAe st. WANT TO Birr A GOOD HEAVY FARM team, must be sound, gentle and not more than 8 vears old. Call Monday between 8 and U A. M. and 2 ami 4 P. M. THE DUNN-LAWREXCB CO.. 149V, First st. ONE BAY MARE, TEARS OLD. WEIGHT 1120; also two small mares, gentle to ride or drive. 220 Jasper Place; take 8 car to Hamilton ave.. South Portland, come up hill to Front St., 1 block south.. BARGAIN $loa BUYS PAIR OF BAT GELD- lnge, well matcnea, weignt ', wtk "r place; suitable for ranch team. $8 buy nice fat sorrel horse; work both ways and Tides. 154 North 6th St. BEAUTIFUL HAMBLETOSIAN HORSE, weighs 1150, standard bred, fine traveler and very stylish, with a new buggy and harness, or will sell separate; price $450. X 32, Oregonian. 1 SPAN, TRB. OLD, WEIGHT 3300; 1 span, sorrel, city broke, weight 2600; 3 ' express wagons, 1 dirt wagons. 2 slip scrapers and 1 plow. 294 Montgomery st. TOP WAGONS, GOOSE-NECK: FURNITURS wegons. express wagons, runabouts, horses, vehlclea and harness of all descriptions for sale or rent. Hubert A Hall. 288 Fourth st- New grocery, laundry. Bakery, milk wagons. 100 second-hand vehicles; single, double fur niture wagons; horses, rigs rented. Tomlln eoa Casstday. 211 Wash. Paclflo 507. SNAP $.16 BUYS BAY HORSE. WEIGHS 1O50 11; suitable for ranch or express; aleo nice small mare, $45. Call 23 N. 14th; ask for Dopson's horses. HORSES FOR SALE 10 SPANS, 1100 TO 1000 pounds. 489 Overton, between 13th and 14th; take -S car. Freedman Bros. ONE 6-YBAR-OLD HORSE), 1300. SOUND and city broke; one new Might spring wag ' en. 1184 East Grant. Phone Union 3233. FOR SALE TEAM BAY MARES, 2000 pounds: bargain, hy owner. 791 Vaughn st. Inquire Thursday, April 18 and 19. IF YOU HAVE) THE PRICE, 1 HAVE THE horses, young, gentle, delivery and buggy horses. 272 Hooker St.. South Portland. FINE YOUNG CHESTNUT DRIVER, sound, gentle, safe, saddle or buggy. Ock ley Green Nursery, St. Johns car. WANTED TO BUY ONE OR TWO BAY horses, about 12O0 lbs.: bring to 175 East 23d. near Belmont. Phone East 789. HORSES FOR SALB-1 VBRY STYLISH BAY driving horse, 1 black mare, young, fine looker. See C. Dotty, 149 First St. FOR BALE) HIGH-GRADE SURREY, practically new; cheap for cash or will trade for lot. E 86, Oregonlan. . Pianos. PIANO BARGAINS GOOD.ONES. After a rousing week's business we find ourselves with a larger number of second-hand Instruments on hand than we should have. These have been taken in exchange on new Webere, - Chlckerlngs, Klmballs. etc., and on account of the pres sure for space for new stock now coming in carload shipments from the East, we will offer these second-hands at excep tionally law prices: A Miller sc Co., at $78; a Nugent, $1.18; an Everett In Circassian walnut, good as the dsy It came from the factory. $218; A Deckeg Bon; a beauty; a Bailey, mahogany, good condition, $1S0; two eteihways. medium sixe with stained case, in excellent condition, another very fancy finish, partly in natural woods with the rest stained te Imitate the genuine; two Hallet & Davis. Vose Co., Jacob Doll, a Jewett at $148; one of the splen did Wheelocks'al $100: a Fischer, one Pf the largest, costliest, fanciest styles, al most new, walnut case, at $247; a splen did Kimball in mahogany case, the $.VW .style, as good as new. $270: an elaborately carved Ludwlg. large sise. looks as good as though It had not seen a day's use, $168; another fine one Ellers Bros. Cab inet grand, plain case, a splendid instru ment of great durability, fine action. $223. and several others at exceptionally low prices. Also several squares from $25 up. This is one of the best lists of second hand pianos we have offered for many a day. Make a point to look them over to morrow, Ellers Piano House, the house of highest quality, $53 Washington St., . cor. of park. PIANO IN. OAK CAPE. GOOD AS NEW, will be sold for amount loaned upon it. 10 Washington bldg. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE PLAIN MANTLE BED AND A B-flat clarinet and a nice feather boa- Call at 4-12 West 28d St., city. ' BUFF ORPINGTON AND BARRED ROCK cgrgs. $1 setting. 1066 Grand ave. and Florence. Scott 5643. FOR SALE MIRROR FRONT QUARTER oak folding bed, cheap. E. 28th and Tilla mook sts.. red house. FOR SALE MEDIUM-SIZE REFRIGERA tor in good condition. Phone East 4559. 751 East Ankeny st. CASH PAID FOR FURNITURE, FIXTURES and merchandise. Phone Main 1626. J. T. Wilson, auctioneer. FOR SALE GASOLINE LAUNCHES AND houseboats. Alliance Boat Yard, foot of Clay st. Geo. Feran. FRESH MILCH GOATS FOR CONSUMP- tlves and bableB' sick and weak stomachs. 504 Goldsmith. Alblna. 18-FOOT LAUNCH. 4 -HORSE POWER, fully equipped. Apply 840 Montgomery st. Phone Main 2359. ROLLTOP DESKS; ALSO FLAT DITTO, good as new. cheap. Western 8alvage Co., 627 W'ashington. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM COTTAGE: PAR ty leaving city; bargain if taken at once. 247 Harrison St. NEW WALLWOOD CASH REGISTER FOR sale at a bargain. Inquire cottage, 103 North Sixth at. THOROUGHBRED BUFF ORPHINGTON chickens. 15 cents each. 420 East 34th St. Tel. Tabor S3. FOR SALB-rCOOKINO UTENSILS, FUR- niture and fixtures for a restaurant. R 34. Oregonlan. FOR SALE FINE THOROUGHBRED - Spitz dog cheap If taken at once. Phone Eellwood 451. $550 BUYS FINE AUTOMOBILE. FOR further information ring up 8ellwood 108 or East 4186. . MOTION PICTURE MACHINE." $25: 100 views. $10: 1000 feet film, $30. Room 2. 145 6th St. WHITE ROCK COCKERELS AND PUL lets. black Minorca eggs. G. W, Bowen. Woodstock. OYSTER HOUSE AND RESTAURANT Furnished complete; no rent; bargain. 188 Vi 3d st. TWO TYPEWRITERS' FOR SALE GOOD as new. . Underwood and Remington: O 38, OregoniaB. PIANO (EMERSON), GOOD CONDITION, eheap. Western Salvage Co., 627 Wash ington. FOR SALE LADY'S COLUMBIA BICYCLE; also cook stove. 416 Wygant at., Woodlawn car. Moving picture machines, stereoptlcoas, re pairs, slides to order. Stevens, 165 Va 4tb- MAMMOTH PEKIN DUCK EGGS, $2- PER 11. Eastern stock. Mrs. Walter Roswurm. SEVERAL LAUNCHES FOR SALE 28. 30. 32 and 42 feet. Inquire 183 Morrison at. FRESH DAIRY COWS FOR SALE AT 981 - Savler street, between STtil and isth. Automobile for sale; must sell 6n account of leaving city. Apply 204 Maeleay bldg. NEW WALL CASES AND COUNTEJRS cheap- 1S9 7th. Main 4968.. , BUILDING LOTS ON RIVER FOR COUN try homea. Phone Main 478. FOB SAXE MieesllMeona. $45 STEEL RANGE WITH WATER COIL. $22.50: $50 S-piece parlor suite, genuine mahogany, no upholstering. $J5: genuine blrdseye maple dresser, $io; $-15 solid oak sideboard, $23; $10 iron beds. $5; good couches. $3.50: Cooker Chief gaa range. $6; hardwood - extension table. $5: 6 solid oak chairs, $fl; mahogany .finished chif fonier, .9; nurse rockers. $1; fine arm rockers in mahogany finish or solid oak. $2.50: solid oak parlor table. $3; hard- wood dressers. 87.50; good hotel dresser, $5; mantel folding bed, $5; $40 cabinet folding bed. $17.50: Brussels rug. 9x10 $10; Brussels rug, 9x12. $13.50: rugs, car pets, linoleum, ail sizes; In fact, every thing to furnish a house from top to bot tom in first-class, second-hand or new goods. Your old housefurnishings taken In exchange for new, and liberal allow ance made. We also pay cash for all sorts of household goods. M. J. McGRATH FURN. CO., 68 North Third. .Main 208T. FOR SALE ESTABLISHED WOMEN'S GAR- ment nstaiiment business: a complete and up-to-date stock. fixtures and good will; large, beautifully furnished and carpeted Salesroom; beat location on Broadway. Loe Angeles. This Is an Income-producing propo sition from the start and the opportunity of a lifetime to make it the mo4t uccceiful concern of Its kind on the Pacific Coast. Can be handled for about $10,000 caeh. Araa-er S. C. A. Co.. 130 Bast Fourth st., Los Angeles, Cal. $$$ THB LAROBST AND CLEANEST SSJ second-hand atore In Oregon We can now offer to the public the most complete stock of furniture, stoves, bedding, etc, etc; new -and good aa new; If you will save time and money go to the Dollar, 232 First, near Main. ' LOOK $125 BUYS EDISON EXHIBITION moving-picture machine, films, tools, all fix tures; good position: pays $18 week, board, room, transportation; must know how to handle machine. Address until April 17, Lew F. Culllna. Dayton, Wash. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic. White. Household, Davis and others; to make room for new ttock. Wheeler A Wilson and Singers. 8. S. Blgel, S3S Morrisba at. Marquam bldg. FOR SALE INTEREST IN COLUMBIA River sawmill. TiO.OOO capacity; now run ning and making money; siding and gowd dock with deep water: owner going East. - Address D87, Oregonlan. ANDREASBERGER ROLLER CANARIES, the finest canaries In the world; mocking birds and red birds. Your last chance to buy as we will quit handling them. Port land Bird Co., 304 3d st. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL ltard and pool tables: easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying: mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlclt-Balke-Collender. 49 3d si. FOR SALE STRICTLY BURGLAR PROOF time lock safe, suitable for bank; In per fect condition: will sell at fraction of ac tual cost. Apply to 381 Vi E. Morrison St. -Room 4. Mornings, FOR SALE LAUNCH: THE NEW 22 foot "Swastika"; 7-hnrse power. Cushman engine, solid oak decks and combing; speed. 12 miles per hour. Inquire D. Chambers. 129 7th st. GOOD BGG8 FOR HATCHING; RAItrtED and White Plymouth Rocks. $1 per 13. ? per 100; Old Trusty 300-egg incubator and brooders. 384 N. 26th; W cars to 2ttth. turn south H block. STEEL RANGE, MAJESTIC, 6 HOLES: also Buck range, 8 holes; 2 4-hole Buck ranges: also numerous others: bargains. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington. 2,000.000 FEET BLACK AND GALVANIZED pipe, any else: carload corrugated and flat, black and galvanised sheet iron, any size. M. Barde & Son. 8th. and Glisan sts. HOMER PIGEONS AND RUNTS THIS IS a rare flock and must be sold at once; we'.l mated and good breeders; can be had for a song. J. G. Peters, Mtlwaukte, Or. DAVENPORT LOCOMOTIVE, 8TANDARD gauge, saddle tsgik, 10x16 cylinders, IS tons, airbrake, steam Jamb. Inquire Elec tric Logging Co.. Jaeoma,. Wash. - . $40 COMPLETE ELECTRICAL ENGI neer'a course In International Correspond ence School. Bcranton, Pa.: can deliver all text-books. J 31,. Oregonlan. ., ENGLISH POINTER DOG. THOROUOH hred, prize-winner, field and house broke, fond of children; owner leaving; will sell to good home. E 28. Oregonlan. WILL SELL OR EXCHANGE FULL-DRESS . suit, good as new, size 32. for good bicycle. 20 m- 22-Inch frame. Call after 6:30 P. M., Room 1. 16U East 6th St. SODA FOUNTAIN. H PRICE; GOOD CON ditlon. with complete equipment; terms given; also nickel coffee urn. 660 E. An keny. Phone East 3705.. ALL BAR FIXTURES. GLASSES AND Ap pliances used In a saloon for sal at The Office Cafe. 286 Washington st. Apply to Sam Vlgneux. BUREAUS, COMMODES, CHIFFONIERS, bookcases, wardrobes, dining tables, side boards, cheap. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington. 60 PRS. THOROUGH RRED HOMER pigeons cheap; also one trio buff cochin ban tarns. $3. W. R. Farrell, Stewart Sta., Mt. Scott car. PURE BLACK MINORCA COCKEREL FOR sale or trade: 500 mixed hens wanted at oncer Address, with terms, R. F. D. 1. box 115. MAGNIFICENT MAHOGANY BUREAU and commode: also fine wardrobe., good condition. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington. FOR SALE A GOOD GENTLE COW, ONLY $40, 4f taken soon. Inquire of O. A. Hat ton, room 20, Raleigh bldg.. 323 Vi Wash ington st. FIVE FIRST-CLASS FRESH MILCH COWS, rmrt .lerscv and Durham: big milkers. 14S0 Macadam st-, Fulton. Phone Main IRON BEDS. SPRINGS. MATTRESSES; also oak wood beds. $1 each: great va rlety. Western Salvage Co., 62T Washing ton. FOR SALE 1 MEDIUM -WEIGHT TEAM I double high wagon. 1 set double har ness, all In Al condition. 477 Williams ave. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOIL- ers, sawmllle, pumps and general machin ery, by H. C. Albee & Co., 248 Grand ave. ABOUT 100 PAIRS GIANT RUNT PIGEONS. throw large squabs; will sell lot very cheap; all good breeders, pnone &coti ai. FURNITURE WANTED $3000 WORTH; highest price paid in city: cash. Western balvage CO., tvf Washington. cac- nu. FOR SALE FINE BARRED PLYMOUTH Rock cockerels, also eggs. $1 a setting. 175 East 23d, near Belmont. Phone hst 7"-t9. GREATEST POULTRY RANCH IN WEST Cheap; on 6 acres rented land, near Port land.. See Wolfstein, 227 Front st. FOR SALE' TUXEDO DRESS SUIT PRAC- tlcally new and partly colored hand-carved meerctiaum pipe. --none .Main jo-. ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNIC A, LATEST edition, complete, half morocco, new; casn bargain. A. Davis. io front st. WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK EGGS FOR setting from best selected pen I could arrange. 1115 nast stain sr. PHONOGRAPH $7.60 BUYS NEW $25 MA- chine, providing you purchase 24 new records for $12. 19 sixtn st. FOR SALE 6VixlO DONKEY ENGINE IN good condition. itallway isquipment to., . 324 Chamber or commerce. FOR SALE TWO FRESH COWS. ONE- $30; collie pup. . opposite Keservolr No. 2. boutn Mt. labor, irnone cast ..tti. FOR SALE: A COMBINATION BABY buggy and go cart; first-class condition. Apply 388 park at. rjneap. BEES FIVE STANDS IN PATENT HIVES for sale. P 35. Oregonian. THREE GOOD FRESH COWS AT 709 HAR- old St.; taka Sellwood oar. A CHEST OF CARPENTER'S TOOLS. NO. 2 14th rt. Main 8538. FOR SALE STYLISH TRAP. 728 EAST Salmon st. FOR SALE ONE BABY BUGGY. INQUIRE) 274 4th st. SELF WANTED HALE. COMPETENT MALE STENOGRAPHER wanted for law office. Salary $30. F 33, Oregonlan. WANTED MAN WITH STUMP-PULLER TO clter 6 acres adjoining city. K 39. care Ore gonian. BOY WANTED TO DRIVE DELIVERY w agon. 68 Vi First at. TOUNG MAN TO DRIVE WAGON. PHONE Sunday. Main 3113. HKLP WANTED MALE. TO ONE OF MY SALESMEN WHO IS Cov ering only one state, using my proposition as a side line for six years. I am paying over gciOO a year. Men putting in their -whole time can earn $:ltO to $600 per month. I want local and traveling men to handle my unique plan, which means an Immediate and permanent Income to a hustler. You don't need previous experience In my line. You make no cash investment. You must be a hustler. (This Is no book, Insurance. , or one-sale scheme. It Is a new way to in terest well-ratrd merchants in a staple line or unlimited consumption.) . Simply write me what you have done and I will imme- -diately give you full Information If you are the man I want. J. p. T., 408 Equitable Bldg , St. Louis. GROCERY SALESMEN TO SELL "DROP Shipments" to farmers, restaurants, hotels and other large consumers: money refund ed where anything la not satisfactory; steady, profitable, desirable employment for a honest, energetic and reliable sales man in every community; no experience necessary; send us the orders, "we do the . rest"; advance part commissions when or ders are shipped and pay the balance when orders are paid: headquarters for carload men making delivery shipments. Established 1872. Loverln A Browno Company. Wholesale Grocers, 1722. Stat St., Chicago. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED A large Income assured to anyone who will act as our representative after learning our business thoroughly by mall: experience un necessary; sll we require is honesty, am bition and willingness to learn a lucrative business; no soliciting or traveling: an ex ceptional opportunity for those who desire to better their conditions and make more money. For full particulars address either office. National' Co-operative Realty Co.. 792 B. Athenaeum bldg.. Chicago, or 792 B Maryland bldg.. Washington. D. C. WANTED FOR U. S. ATtMT, ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 35. citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer. Alnswortb. block. Thlrdl and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED FOR BECKWITH. CAL.. ON" Western Pacific "Railroad, 600 tunnel men. machine men, $4; helpers. $3.50; muckers. $2.50 and $3; foreman. $4.50 and $5: car renters. $3 to $4.50: skinners. $3: board $S per week: 2. year lob. Tha Utah Constructloa Co.. Cromberg. Cal. CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. Are you looking for work? If so, call and see us. If we haven't what you want, we will find It for you. Don't forget the place. CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 38 Raleigh bldg.. 6th and Washington. BUILDING MECHANICS WANTED Bricklayers. $6 per day: also want stone cutters. $5.60 per day: plasterers. $. and plumbers. $0.50 per day; union men pre ferred; work here the year round. Master Builders' Association, 400 Boston block. Seattle, Wash. THE PIONEER EMPLOYMENT ' CO 13 now located at 16 North 2d St., comer Burnside, and has one of the best locations In the city for securing help; we are- In no way connected with the Morrlsonst. -office. Phone Main 2278. F. I. Bradford. . Manager. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS THOUSANDS of appointments to be made; examinations soon In every state; circular 161, giving full particulars as to positions, salaries, sample questions, etc., sent free by National Cor respondence Institute. Washington, D. C. NOTICE TO ..EMPLOYERS. We furnish male help of all descriptions. Including places of trust, on short notice. Phone Main 5t21. CROWN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 38 Raleigh bldg.. Kth and Washington.1 ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from a to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder ets.; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. OUR SALESMEN ARE MAKING $100 A week and expenses. We e-ant two or three more capable, enthusiastic men for permanent work. Line and proposition concerns every retail dealer. F. F. Cook, sales department. Detroit, Mich. SIDE-LINE 'SALESMEN MOST PROFITA- JIe line on market; you sell dealer $5o worth '; new, up-to-now high-class pnat cards for $12, and thnow in ?6 revolving stand free; big commissions. Pye. "the post card man," 262 Fifth ave.. Chicago. LARGE WHOT.ESALE. HOUSE. PAYING ITS salesmen $1500 per year and expenses to sell staple line to general trade, desires two more men to commence work at once, if possible. Address Sawyer, Leslie ac Com pany, Detroit, Mich. WANTED SALESMEN OF ABILITY AND neat appearance to call on all merchants in their territory: elegant' side line, convenient to carry: good commission; prompt remlt tance. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati, O. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN TO sell our Fall production of blankets, flan nels, dress fabrics, on commission, to retail country stores; first-rate side line. South Phlla. Woolen Co.. Box 1341, Phlla., Pa. SALESMEN WANTED TWO GROCERY specialty salesmen, worth $150 per month. ' well-known house. Trade established. Po sitions permanent. Personal Interview ar ranged. Address C 32, care Oregonlan. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade; day and night classes; special rates: catalogue free. Colorado School Practical Plumbing, 1645 Arapa hoe St., Denver. Colo. SALESMEN-EXPERIENCED. ANY LINE to sell general trade in Oregon, unexcelled' specialty proposition, Commission, with $35 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jew. elry Co., Cleveland, 0. SALESMEN SELL OUR $2 SODA FOUN tnlns: make $lo on every snle; collect own' commissions; act quick; write for particu lars. Zenith Mfg. Co., Dept. 18. 132 La Salle St., Chicago. WANTED SALESMAN, BY LARGE SPE- cialty house, man who has ability and knows it: position permanent; correspondence ptrictly confidential. Box 470, Dent 19 Kansas City, Mo. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON JViV, ,aP'' ,ne. high commissions, .with $1000 monthly advance. Permanent potrli tion to fight man. Jess H. Smith Co., De troit, Mich. IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE YOU -IN salesmanship, secure you position as trav. ellng salesman with responsible firm. Ad dress the Bradstreet System, Rochester, Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing. Jeweler work, optics, easy terms; posl-. tlons guaranteed; money made learning. Watcbmkg-Bngvg. Sch'I, 1428 4th av. Seattle WANTED MAN THAT UNDERSTANDS farm work, also man and wife on farm Apply today. Merrills Castle Edel-Brau Hotel, 12-Mile House. Take Gresham car. International Correspondence Schools of Ecranton received in one month 3303 let ters from students telling of increased aal aries; local representative. 614 McKay bid Men and boys wanted to learn plumbing, plastering, bricklaying. electrical trades; free catalogue; positions secured. Coyne Trade Schools. New York and San Fran. SALESMEN DESIRING QUICK SELLING) sideline to general stores everywhere: sam ples light; commijelon 20 per cent. Address M. 4 T. Co.. 25 Third ave.. New York. TOY SALESMAN. IF HE HAS A KNOWL edge of furniture so much the better; a good steady position with re'lable houee to the right man. Apply to D 35. Oregonlan. WANTED COLLECTOR FOR INSTALL ment book and paper house: age 23 to-.IO; must know city and be able to furnish good references. O 31, Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED MACHINE sheep-shearers, 9 cents and board; commence shearing May 6. Apply at once to Baldwin Sheep & Land Co., Haycreek, Or. WANTED PARTNER IN POULTRY Busi ness, experience unnecessary; must have $500 cash to Invest; guaranteed salary $75 per month. X 25, Oregonian. A CAPABLE LOCAL MANAGER TO REP. resent manufacturing corporation: exclu sive contract. Address W. F. A. Co.,-1603 Gough st.. San Francisco. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER. WITH knowledge of bookkeeping; state experience and salary wanted. Address Baldwin Sheep -& Land Co.. Haycreek, Or. WANTED AN ELDERLY MAN TO DO messenger work for an office for about 6 hours per day: small salary, steady po sition. M 27, Oregonlan. . WANTED AT ONCE. FIRST-CLASS MARK, er and sorter; salary $18 per week; steady position to right man. Model Steam Laun-. dry, Centralla, Wash. WANTED COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER for wholesale -house, permanent position: opportunity for advancement. Apply R . 35, Oregonlan. SALESMEN FOR BILL RECORD, CASH and sales -book; big seller; nig profits; splen did "side-" Pershing Mnfg. Co., South Bend. Ind. GOOD HARNESS MAKERS AND SADDLE hands for out of town. Chas. L. Mastlck & Co.. wholesale leather. Front and Oak sts.