4. if Section Two Pages 13 to 24 a-- - il am " 0 - ' VOL. XXVI. - PORTLAND, . OREGON, SUNDAY MORNLNG, APRIL 14, 1907. ' NO 15 " - - - Great Annual April Lac Sale: A M This is an occasion annually awaited by the thousands of Portland women who depend on Portland's Greatest Lace Store. Our European representative has been purchasing for months for this supreme money-saving occasion in the lace centers of the world the assortment embracing laces from St. Gall, Plauen, Calais, Paris. Lyons, etc. Lace will be in great demand this year for all purposes. Every woman who appreciates extraordinary bargains in fine laces will be here early Monday morning. The prices quoted give you an idea of the many rare bargains In all there are a million yards in about two thousand patterns the season's newest .and most desirable designs being fully represented, in allovers, in net and point de venise, net top laces, French Valenciennes, galoons, medallions, motif s, etc ; The greatest lace values ever off ered in equal qualities 18-inch Allover Lace in Net and Point de Venise, white or ecru; also Baby Irish. Laces to $1.50 Yd. for $ .87 Laces to $2.00, Yd. for $1.19 Laces to $2.50 Yd. for $1.47 Laces to $3.00 Yd. for $1.87 Laces to $4.00 Yd. for $2.47 35c Net Top Lace at 17c Net Top Lace for sleeves and waist trim ming, also for house sacques; white and ecru ; values 35c yard ; lC 85c Cotton Net Lace 57 c Plain White and Ecru Cotton Net, 73 inches wide, for waists and suits, val. t7n 85c yard; sale at French Valenciennes- Lace and Inser tions, in broken sets and some to match. . 1-2 to 1-in. 50c Val. 27c doz 1-2 to U-in. 85c Val. 47c doz 3 - 4 to 1 l-in . $ 1 . 3 5 Val . 6 7c d oz 3-4 to 12-in. $2.00 Val. 97c doz 47c i8-in Allover Lace for waists, white or ecru, 75c value, yard. Galoons, Medallions and Motifs in white and ecru for waists and skirts, 3 to 8 inches wide, in net and Venise, all new patterns. - Valuesto $ .85 Yard $ .47 Values to $1.50 Yard $ .87 Values to $2.00 Yard $1.27 Values to $3.00 Yard $1.67 $1.50 Embroidery 63c aa-inch Allover Embroidery for waists, small neat patterns and some openwork designs ; values to $1.50 yard; 63C 75c Embroidery at 27c Embroidery Bands and Insertion, 3 to 5 . inches wide, and corset cover embroidery, ,18 inches wide; value to 75c. ?Tf yard, on sale & J 75 Novelty Net Waists Reg. $10 Val. $4.80 WHILE THEY LAST MONDAY MORNING 75 Novelty Dress Waists, made of white and ecru net, lined throughout with China silk. - The front, back and sleeves are trimmed with rows p ; of heavy lace Jnsertion and shirring.. New Elbow sleeves with lace cuffs .and collar.,. Sold regularly at $10.00 ' - -: ! i 1 Special for Mon- Si.f day sale:.... j'xOvJ Of the distinct waist novelties of the season including the beautiful Marie Antoinette Waists the Lip-man-Wolfe School of Style presents the largest and most interesting dis play in Portland, as usual. 3000 Yds. $1 Fancy Silks, 85c 3000 yards of New Fancy Silks for shirtwaist and Jumper Suits in . a wide range of colorings, including black and white checks, black and white plaid checks, with swivel effects in Alice blue, new brown, navy, and green. Best $1.00 values; Special at , 85c 100' Women's Tailored Suits Reg. Val. $35 for $23.75 Special for Monday, the Lipman-Wolfe School of ' Style 6ffersiOQ Women's Sum mer, 1907, Tailored Suits in Eton and Pony Styles: Made of .special weave, plain Panama in black, navy and brown, and fancy stripes and checks. Trimmings of silk and braid-in novel and beautiful effects. ..Regular $35 values $nrr otp Special for P & Extraordinary Monday Sale of Flowers, Hat Trimmings Flowers, Foliages, Ornamenti iff . - J T7J T t nat oraius, vv ire x ramcs Fancy Feathers In our great Millinery ' Sundries Department, we are showing more : Hat Trimmings than any house ' west of Chicago. No matter what style of trimming you may wish for if it's new and this season's style f youH find it here. - NOTE Private milliners will do ' welt to inspect our stock of trimmings ia . many cases cheaper than whole sale..'" . .' 35c Values at 19c Flowers for. all " styles ' of ; trim-, ining, s'uoh as. Foliages, Roses and' other, popular flowers now in de mand. . . Big Value at 50c Large sprays of Cup and American ; Beauty Roses, all colors. Straw Hat Braids 50c Full 12 yards to piece, fine qual ity fancy open straw in all the new coloring's." Very special value. 50c Values at 39c Roses, Daisies, Violets, Blossoms, Forget-Me-Nots, Foliages, etc. Ex ceptional values at this price. Extra Values 59 c !-An extra fine assortment f Lilacs, Roses and Cherries, all of which have been discussed widely in -the fashion papers as being -extensively used for the decorating of Summer hats.-'; All colors.'" ;:" ' SALE OF NEW SPRING 1907 JEWELRY 75c,. $1.00 : Buckles French Gray Belt : $1.25, $1.50 .French Gray Belt Buckles -. ; . . . ........ .75 $1.75 Novelty Sash Buckles. . .$1 Other! New Buckles. ?1.25, $10 35c Sterling Silver Hat Pins. 25 50c Sterling Silver Hat Pins. 35 50c, $1.00 Rolled Gold Pins. .28 Sterling Silver Stick Pins. 12 35c Sterling Silver Brooches. 18 75c, $1.00 Stone Bar Pins... 48 $7.50 Silk Petticoats, $4.78 For Monday, the Lip-man-Wolfe School of Style offers one hundred New Silk Petticoats of extra quality heavy rustle taffeta silk, in black, navy, brown, tan, gray, green, red and jasper, made with extra deep circular flounce, all tucked"' and strapped, deep dust ruf fle, sold regular at $7.50 -Special for Monday 54.78 Ob account of the limited num ber at this extraordinary low price we cuiiot guarantee col ors to last all day- Be early. "FIGHTING THE DRUG TRUST" 50c Remedies, Sale 23c mmSBB.SKSSWSSSMSSb 50c Colwell's Sar saparilla and Red Clover Syrup.-... 50c Eureka Chill Tonic 50c Koff Knocker 50c Infallible Rheumatic Cure. 50c Red Clover Syrup 50c Compound Ex tract Sarsaparilla 50c Laxative Cold Cure 23c 20-Mule Team Borax, 10c Size, Sale 5c 1 Celery and Kola Nerve! Tonic; special tl Colwell's Sarsaparilla Blood Purifier; special il Compound Red Clover Syrup for the Blood;-spe-cial $1 Compound Extract ol Sarsaparilla; special 1 Iron Tonic Bitters; spe cial $1 Peruvian Tonic Bitters $1 Stone Root Kidney and Uver Elixir; special 49c Annual April Sale Dress Goods Second week offers even greater values than the first. Best values ever given by any reputable store in April. 98c 38-inch 'All-Wool Nunsveilings, full . line of colors, including black, cream, sky, light gray, nickel, tan, castor, mode, old rose,- reseda, navy, and cardi- A7 nal ; regularly 6oc quality, at . -. . C 1 Imported French Voiles, all-wool, in the new wire finish, black, cream (g-f -. Q and colors; $1.50 values; at. New Spring Suitings An immense col- lection of 15,000 yards latest Novel ties, in, stripes, checks, plaids, mixtures, etc., in Panama, Chiffon Panama, Mo hairs, Cloths. Batistes and Taffetas, in every wanted and desirable style; regu lar values ' $1.25; $1.35;. ' QO-i in one grand lot 70l "Upmaii-Wolfes for DreB Goods' has bees m familiar sarins; among thousands of Portland nom.B, even thoagh they baj other thincs elsewhere. The most superb (orelsn and domestic fsbrles for Sprlna: and Summer wear are now on dlsplsr in selected nnd exclusive patterns. Silk Warp Chiffon Poplins, quite new, 40 inches wide, in black, cream and all colors; yard. . . $1.75 quality, 56-inch, Cream' All-wool, - Panama, chiffon weight, for n - Q plaited skirts; at, yard. ..... .pxH7 60c quality, 40-inch Plain and Figured Cream Mohair Brilliant- ' . ines ; at, yard O t New French Novelty Voiles, our own im . portation, in cream, light green, gray, . black, tan and modes; at, tj r ff yard, 91.50; 91.75 and p--.UU 48-irich New Chiffon Panama Suitings in fancy gray and tan mixtures, checks, - etc; regular $1.00 quality;, at 75c $6.50 LACE CURTAINS $4.98 PAIR 900 pairs of Marie Antoinette, Renais sance, Lace Arabe , and Cluny Lace Cur tains, all made on the best quality of French nets, both edging and inserting patterns, white or Arabian color, 354 and 3 yards long. Regular $6.50 Curtains $4.98 Regular $5.50 Curtains $3.98 Regular $4.50 Curtains ...... $3.19 Also 500 pairs of Scotch Lace Curtains, 3 and Y yards long; special priced as follows: Reg. $3.50 Lace Curtains, $2.33 Reg. $2.25 Lace Curtains, $1.53 Reg. $1.75 Lace Curtains, $1.19J 180 Nainsook Gowns VaLto$2at$lj9 Quality, careful workmanship and neat designs combine in making these gowns one of the best bargains ever ' offered in this section made of fine nainsook, slip over or open : front; circular, V, square and high neck styles; long and short sleeves, trim mings of lace, embroidery, French bandings, beading and ribbon.' Full length and width and well made. Values to $2; for. . . .pll' 1000 Seal and Walrus Bags Reg. Val. to $2.50 for 98c iooo real seal and walrus Bags, with gunmetal and gilt frames, some fitted with card case and purse, leather and moire lined. Values, $1.98, $2.25 to $2.50. All in one great sale aq at the low price of. ...... . OC. New "Glove-Fitting" Leather Belts of white and - black kid, with large gilt and gunmetal fZ Q e buckles; $15 value for w7t New "St. Regis "Belt, with large gilt buckle, in black and white silk; 600. value .- r)Q - nf w for. Large assortment of white Wash Belts, ilt O j.n1 TAai-l VnirlrlpK oTtra vnlt.A ft.t - - nw