The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 14, 1907, Page 12, Image 12

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We Mail Free to Oiit-of-Town Patrons the Largest and Handsomest Mail-Order Catalogue Published in America -Write for One Today
Soap Sale
All kinds of Domestic and Import
ed Soaps on sale at greatly reduced
prices. Look to your needs at once.
Fairy Soap, on sale at, dozen... 43
Palm Olive Soap, at, the cake. r 8
Jergen's Old-Fashioned Soaps, in gly
cerine, oatmeal and elder Q
flower; on sale, special, cake..''
Vegatine Toilet Soap, just the thing
for boarding-houses and ho- O
tels, special, dozen cakes.
Transparent Glycerine Soap, 1
on sale for three cakes for. VC
Fairbanks' Glycerine Tar Soap, great
special value, on sale at, cake... 3
Lifebuoy Soap, sanitary - and A.r
disinfectant; special, cake.,..."1'
Conti Castile Soap, 4-lb. bars. .59
La Premira Castile Soap, none
better; great value, at, sp'l...
Oatmeal, Glycerine and But- 1 f
termilk Soap, 3 cakes for. . . VV
Mayer's Medicated Toilet Soap, Qf
15c value, on sale at, special..
Fine Toilet Soaps in assorted odors,
including violet, rose, buttermilk,
lilac, etc; 3 cakes in a box; 1 Q
on sale at, special, the box. "
Fine as Silk Toilet Soaps, in carna
tion, violet, rose, 3 cakes for..l2
A great many other lines of both
imported and domestic Soaps, placed
on sale at greatly reduced prices.
Waist Patterns
89c Each:
In the Art Department, a special lot
of women's stamped Lingerie Lawn
Shirtwaist Patterns, full three-yard
length; great, assortment to select
from; regular $1.15 and $1.25 val
ues,' on sale at this special AQ
low price take advantage . V
Special lot of stamped Austrian Lin
ens, with one to four rows of hem
stitching and drawnwork; large va
riety of pretty dseigns; sizes 45145
inch, 30x30-inch, 18x45-inch, 18x54
inch and 18x72-inch. Regular val
ues ranging from $1.25 to $2.50 each.
Your choice at this low price:
79c Each ;
Broken lines of stamped and tinted
Pillow Tops and Backs. The best
50o values, on sale at this Otf
remarkably low price, each.
Free lessons in Art Embroidery
Work given daily by an expert.- tNew
methods, new ideas. Take advantage.
Stamping done to your order at the
very lowest prices, on the , third f lpqrt
Custom Shade and Drapery Work
our specialty. The best materials and
workmanship, lowest prices; 3d floor.
Veilings l?c
Special sale of 3000 yards' of new
Veilings in all good Spring shades,
'also black and white; IS ins. wide;
tuxedo, hairline and fancy meshes ;
chenille and velvet dots; great var
riety; values 'up' to 50c a 1
yard, on sale at, the yard. C
Latest New York and Paris novel
ties in veilings and veils all colors
and styles for face wear and Hat
drapes. See the "Elsie Janis" veil.
Great Special
Sale of Linen
72-inch bleached Satin Damask Table
Linen. Regular $1.00 val- QQ
ue, on sale at, the yard...""'
Linen. Regular $1.25 (lift
grade, for, the yard. .. P V
Bleached Satin Damask Table Linen,
72-inch, regular $1.50 1 M
value, on sale at yard V
Bleached Satin Damask Table Nap
kins; regular $3.00 val- ffp
ues on sale at, dozen. O
Bleached Satin Damask Table Nap
kins; regular $5.00 val- ftQ
ues, on sale at, dozen. PJU
Extra large, hemmed Marseilles pat
tern Bedspreads; great CI 4ft
special value at, each..? JO
Extra large fringed Bedspreads,- in
pink; regular $2 val- C I 0
ues, on sale at, each...!'
Hemmed. Bleached Huck Tow
els ; great special value at, ea.
Hemstitched Bleached Huck 1 Of
Towels, I9x3S-inch, at, each. I l
Bleached Linen Sheeting, 90 inches
wide, for tailor-made suits, at, the
yard, sp'l., $1.50, $1.25 and $1.10
Sheer and medium-weight linen for
suits and shirtwaists, a big line to
' choose from, at, yd.25 to $1.00
New Waist Linens, at all prices.
"Willamette" Sewing Machines. 15 Models, $18.00 to $35.00
1 1 : i
Entire New Line of Baby Carriages and Go-Carts-Third Floor
15e MeierlFrank Store
$32 Tailored
Lingerie Dresses $ 12 - $45
$4 Velours $2.95 $2.50 Velours $1.85
High-class Drapery Materials at very low prices, Third Floor. Take advantage.
Double-faced Yelour nile, green, red, very heavy, quality, for.por- flJO
r "tieres; quantity limited;-50 inches wide; $4 values, on sale at, yard.V""''
rJingle-faced ,Embossed Velour, 50 inches wide; colors are red, brown andgreen;
uitablef or; furniture ' covering, portieres and couch covers. The ff O t
best tegular. $2.50 value; on sale at this special low price, the yard.M .O J
A special lot. of Tapestries, come in Oriental and floral designs, and in all the popu
l 1 j ' u : i : 'ca i i : i , c i it : i - m
au wiuiuigB ouu uuuiuiuouuua, mciies wiue. ouitaDie xor arapenes, ycA
furniture and wall covering. Regular
peciai lot .tapestries, Damasks, velours, etc.; lengths 3 to o yards;
suitable for furniture covering. and draperies; vals. $3.50-$5 yard.
$6.50 Allovers $2.69 Yd.
$3.50 Embroideries $ 1.98
$1.50 Corset Coverings 59c
$ 1 2.50 Robes $ 9.89 Each
Great Special Sale of Women's New Belts
Special sale of fancy Embroidered Wash Belts, with gilt buckles ; all new O 1 r
stvles. Rec-ular 35c values, on sale at this nnusuallv low nriee. each.vlC
An assorted lot of fine Wash Belts, in new
lar 50o values, on sale at this remarkably low price, ea take advantage.. '
New and Embroidered Wash Belts, with mother-of-pearl buckles, in very pretty
designs. On sale at unusually low. prices from, each 65 to $3.50
New white kid and linen Handbags, at these low prices, each. .35 up to $3.50
Suits $23.
The very latest tailored Snits for Spring
and Summer on sale for three day at a
greatly rednced price Season's most
fashionable garments in fancy etons
trimmed in silk and fancy braid About
70 garment in the lot: tans, browns,
grays, with invisible plaids, stripes and
checks High-grade materials, fancy
tweeds and Panama cloths Tailored
suits that fit perfectly and made up by
the leading wholesale tailors in New
York city All sizes Styles to please
every fancy Our regular $30 and $32
garments other stores would say $38
and $40 Take your ffl C
pick at this low price PV310
See-Fifth Street Window Display
We are showing a magnificent variety of wom
en's Lingerie Dresses, made up in Princess mod
els; materials are Persian lawn, Swiss, mull, ba
tiste, organdie and white net, elaborately trim'd
with fine French insertion and embroidery, round
thread Valenciennes laces and insertion j also
'fancy lace yokes, ribbons and button trimming.
Beautiful Summer apparel, at prices ranging from
$12.00 to $45.00 a garment. On Second Floor.
$1.25 value, on sale at, the yard.
Sensational values in the lace and em
broidery department this week All
over embroideries, allover nets, cor
set coverings, robes, laces, at prices
never before known Investigate
20-inch Batiste Allover Embroideries, in ex
quisite designs and colorings; lace stripe ef
fects, in white, pink, blue and black; novel
ideas for lingerie waists; values tf (Q
to $6.50 a yard, on sale at, yard.S'''
Beautiful 20-inch Embroideries for waists
white grounds, with blue, pink, black and tan
embroidery; values up to $3.50 a fl? 1 QQ
yard, on sale at, special, yard. V ''O
2000 yards of Corset Coverings in Swiss and
' nainsook; " new designs,-in lace effects and
French embroidery. Kegular values CCQm
up to $1.50 a yard, on sale at, yard. J' C
18-inch' Figured Allover Nets, white, cream
anil ecru; very pretty for waisting; values up
to $1.75 a yard, on sale at this
unusually low price, the yard W7C
Linen Torchon Laces and Insertion, iy2 to 3
inches wide. Kegular 12c values, on
sale at this remarkably low price; yard.
ROBE SALE Batiste embroidered and net
: : Robes, in new CQ OQ
and beautiful styles; $12.50 yals.V -70
Special lot" of Batiste Embroidered Robes, in
white and colors; values np rt? 1 (L lCT
to $220, on sale at, each. V viOJ
designs and gilt buckles. Reeu- -
Gloves $1.98 Pair
$1.75 Kid Gloves 98c
S50 pairs of 12-button length Chamois Gloves, in white
and natural styles, as well as serviceable sizes 5V2
to 6 $2.50 values, on sale at, special, pr. .$1.98
600 pairs of "Perrin's" celebrated French Kid Gloves
-button lengths ; glace kid, pique-sewn ; white and
tan shades only; all sizes. Best regular $L75 QO
values, on sale at this low price, per pair. OC
Complete stock of long Silk Gloves in white, black
and colors. All lengths, all grades and best values.
Portland Agents for Bntterick Patterns Delineator Subscriptions
Artistic Picture Framing at the Very Lowest Prices Give Us a Trial
2000 White Waists $ 1 .89
The Second-Floor Waist Store offers
for Monday and Tuesday an excep
tional bargain in women's handsome
Net Waists, all new up-to-date styles
trimmed with lace, medallions and
fine tucks, pointed, square or fancy
yoke effects, silk lined and oil sizes
Every Waist in the lot regular $6.50
value;' your choice
while they last, each
2000 women's new White Waists at a very at
tractive price. Li n e n s, lawns and mulls,
trimmed in lace, embroidery and fine tucks.
Splendidly made and finished, 1 OQ
and greatest values in the city at. H
New Dressing Sacqucs and Kimonos
Prettiest styles. New Knit Blouses
Women's 50c Handkerchiefs at 21c Each
200 dozen women's fancy lace-trimmed and embroidered Handkerchiefs, hemstitched
edges, scalloped edges, dainty lace novelties, etc., in great variety. Regu- O 1
lar values up to. 50c each, on sale at this unusually low price, each ...
Women's extra fine quality linen Handkerchiefs, with hand embroidery, script ini
tial, 4-inch hem; handsomely finished with double row of hand hem- Atf(
. stitching. .Regular 75c values, on sale at this extraordinarily low price.""1
Women's fine linen unlaundered Corded Handkerchiefs, hemstitched; with 1)
block initial ; very dainty and pretty. Regular 20c values, on sale for, ea. w
Women's Kimono Handkerchiefs, in beautiful floral designs, all colors; full C.
sizes. Regular 10c values, on sale at this unusually low price, each...
$ 12.00 French Gowns at $7.48
$4.00 French Chemise at $ 2.87
$g.5Q Vhitel1etticoats $1:69
Special lot of women's French
..handmade Nightgowns, mad
"-6f the very finest French per
cales; low, round neck, slip-
. over styles; hand-embroidered1
fronts, and eyelets drawn with
ribbon ; short sleeves ; all sizes,
and good assortment; val
ues ranging from ttP ASK.
$9 to $12 each, at.S 0
Special lot of women's hand-
. made Chemise, embroidered
yokes and eyelets drawn with)
ribbons ; all sizes. Regular
$3.75 and $4 val- fL?
ues; your choice. .
200 women's white Cambric
Petticoats, trimmed in embroi
deries and laces; separate dust
' ruffles ; all the very best styles
.selling at prices from $2.25
to $2.50 ea. ; your fij 1 (LQ
choice, on sale at."r O-r
Special lot of children's White
Dresses in Mother Hubbard
and' long-waisted French" and
kilt styles; trimmed in embroi
deries, insertion and Val. lace.
Ages 6 months to 3 years; reg
ular values up to $2.. $1.29
Great Values in Blankets Third Floor
200 pairs of extra large white Wool Blankets, in pink and blue bor
ders; fine quality; $7 values the best bargain of the year, at, pair.
Special lot of light natural gray cotton and wool mixed Blankets, full
size. Regular $3.45 values, on sale at this special low price, the pair
Special lot of 12-4 English fleeced white Cotton Blankets, with colored
. borders. Best regular $1.75 and $2.00 values, on sale at, the pair.
Special lot of 200 German Robe Blankets, in fancy colors. Best regu
lar $3.00 values, on sale at this wonderfully low price, the pair.
Women's Regular
Child. Shoes $1 ,09
Men's Shoes $3.90
1000 pairs of women's patent colt,
vici kid, gunmetal and tan Russia
calf Oxfords, lace and blucher styles
heavy and light soles, Cuban and
military heels; all sizes and widths;
all new, up-to-date lootwear; stand
footwear; stand-"
ard $3 values, on s
at this special price,
1000 pairs of misses' and children's
kid lace Shoes, with heavy soles and
patent tips; good, serviceable school
shoes; sizes 8 to 2." Regular $1.75
values, on sale for s C I rtQ
few days, special, pair.
Men's patent colt, box calf and velour
calf h a n d-s e w e d Shoes, all new
styles; French, Shriner & timer's
celebrated make ; lace and blucher
models: single and double soles; all
sizes and widths; regu- C k OCX
lar $5 and $6 values, pr. '
A Special Sale of -
T..e Hint NnAPfi
' Fine Shoes
13y2 to 2, $2.25 values, at, pair.. $1.78
$3 Oxfords $1.85 Pair
" .
Boys' box calf and velour calf, lace and blu
cher Shoes f heavy double soles; every pair
guaranteed. All sizes, grand . values, at, pair:
10 to 13, $2.00 values, -at, pair .$1.48
Spading Forks at, each 4J
Extra strong Spading Forks..... 6J
Garden Trowels at, each 4
Extra strong Garden Trowels. . .12
Garden Trowels for women 7
Little Giant Grass Hooks. ..... .33
Gypsy Grass Hooks 25
Garden Sets consisting of small spade,
rake and hoe for 84
Long and short handle Spades.. 64
Long and short handle Shovels.. 64
Regular size Spading Forks. .. .63
14-tooth Malleable Rakes 28
12-tooth Champion Rakes.. ,...43
Good Hoes for, each 21
Extra strong Hoe for .42
Grass Shears for v. ...29
Pruning Shears for ...29
Extra good Pruning Shears 49$
Lawn Rakes for. ....42?
35o cut-steel Hatchet...,. 28
40c cut-steel Hatchet...... ...... 32
75c ' ' Zenith ' ' Hatchet . . 62
50c Hammers on sale at... 38
Boys' 75c Axes for... ...62
15o Tack Hammers for.... 11
10c Tack Hammers fo... 8
$1 Hand Axes for 82
All kinds of Garden Implements
and Household Hardware on sale here
at the very lowest prices. Mail orders
promptly filled.
Low Priced Here
Phone Exchange 4.
20-oz. bottle Queen Olives...... .45i
32-oz. "bottle Queen Olives. .',.,.75
20-oz. bottle Manzanillo Olives. . 30
7-oz. bottle Piementos for...... 20
10-oz. bottle Manzanillo Olives.. 23
Dundee Marmalade for. ....... .30
French Sardines,' can ..13
La Garde French Sardines. .... .10
C and' B. Kippered Herring. .. .25
Quart C. and B. Lucca Oil 70
Quart C. and B. Vineear 25
3 packages imported Macaroni. -50
Quart Marachino Cherries 65
Pint Marachino Cherries, spe'L .40S
3 cans La Rose Boneless Sardines. 50
2 packages of Knox Gelatine for.25
Walter Baker's Cocoa, y2-lb. can.20
1-lb. pkg. Baker's Premium
Chocolate on sale at, pkg..'
25,000 pounds of Meier i
Frank's famous Mocha and
Java Coffee, equal to the best
40c grade Buy all you want
of it at this low
price, per pound . . wOC
l-lb. jars Pure Honey on sale at. 25
l-lb.combs Pure Honey; 2 for. .25
"Victor" Flour, equal to the
best; every sack tf 1 f
guaranteed; sack pIIV
We deliver groceries to all parts of
the city and. suburbs free of charge.
Mail and phone orders promptly and
carefully filled. Take advantage.
Great Special Sale
Bathroom Supplies
' Nickel-plated Bathroom Supplies
sold here at the very lowest prices.
Mail orders promptly filled.
18-inch Towel Racks for, each.. 42
24-inch Towel Racks for, each.. 49
90c Arm Racks on sale for, ea..73
$1.15 Arm Racks, on sale for. .94
$2 Glass Holders, on sale for. $1.64
50c Glass Holders on sale for..42
75c Soap Dishes on sale for, ea..59(
$1.25 Soap Dishes on sale for. .99
$1.50 Soap Dishes on sale for. $1.19
75c Paper Holders, for, each. .59
$1.50 Sponge Holders, for, ea.$l,X9
$2.25 Sponge Holders, for ea.$1.82
85c Towel Rings on sale for.. .69
75c Soap Dishes, on sale at.... 59
90c Bath Seats, special, each . .64
Lawn Mowers
14-inch' "Reliance" Lawn Mowers-ball-bearing;
grand spe- P A CLff
cial value, at, each. .. .
12-incnh genuine Philadelphia ' Lawn
Mowers, solid blade; sp'l.,... $4.67
Lawn Mowers of all sizes-and grades,
at prices from $2.00 to $9.00 each.
. Full line of Refrigerators at prices
ranging from $9.75 to $100.00 each.
Full stock of Jap-a-Lae at .the very
lowest prices, in the Basement Store.
Family Paints, in all colors.
Gas Mantles and Fixtures, basem't.