ii TRAFFIC MEN HERE ale ..ol Railway. Officials Gather for Spokane Rate Hearing. Entire Sample Line of Fine Dressers WILL CONVENE MONDAY THE SUNDAY OUEGOxiAX, .. PORTLAifD, APRIL 14, 1907. Z3a ! Interstate Commerce Commissioner Prouty and State Commissions of Washington and Mon tana Are Coming. Portland is today the Mecca for a warm of prominent traffic officials of the Northwestern railroads. The In vasion began last night when Great. Northern private cars besan arriving at the terminal grounds. Northern Pa cific officers will pour in today, and will be followed by the railroad com missions of Washington and Montana, which will arrive Monday. Commissioner C. A. Prouty, of the Interstate Commerce Commission, was due to reach Portland last night on the sJ. R. & N., but .his train was de layed and was bulletined to pull In early this morning. The railroaders are coming to at tend the hearing before Commissioner Prouty on the. Spokane terminal rate case. This will be held in the Federal courtroom in the Postoffice building, and will open tomorrow morning. There is a mass of evidence to be taken In the case from the standpoint of Portland shippers and Jobbers, and It is not known how long the hearing will continue. The commission has already heard the grievances of the Spokane Jobbers at a session held in that city during the Winter. They undertook to show that Spokane should be given rates which would permit a large part of the territory of the Inland Empire now served from Portland to be supplied from Spokane warehouses. Portland interests are confident they can disprove much that has already been introduced Into the testimony and show the reality of water competition as operating In favor of Portland to reduce the transcontinental rates and against Spokane and other interior cities. Ben Campbell, trafflo manager of the Great Northern; W. W. Broughton, frelghb traffic 'manager; A. L. Craig, passenger traffic manager; H. M. Adams, assistant traffic manager, and L. C. GUman, oounsel for the Hill lines. were in the party arriving late last night. J. G. Woodworth, traffic manager of the Northern Pacific, and Henrv Blake ly. general Western freight agent, are aue nere tnis morning, also in prl vate cars. All these oftlcials are inter fated In the outcome of the Knokunn lease, and are fighting the Spokane contention together with the O. R. & W. If Spokane wins. Seattle and Ta- coma will be struck a blow In the loss of more or less Jobbing trade. Port land will probably suffer most In such a contingency. Railroad commissions of Montana and Washington are Interested, . the latter directly and the former to a large extent because the Spokane case will probably be cited as a precedent n similar controversies should other interior cities have similar aspirations 10 Become jooDlng centers. MOURN . COMRADE'S DEATH Members of Sumner Post Pads Reso lutions In Jlonor of J. W. Brock At the regular meeting of Sumner x-osi, no. la, u. a. R.. last night. Com raaes j. A. Newell, F. R. Neale and F. Pierce. committee appointed to frame suitable expression on the death of the late J. W. Brock, a comrade, sub mitted the following, which was naoptea: "As members of Snmnpr Pnnt w i Department of Oregon, Grand Army of the Republic, we would offer our trib ute of respect to the memory of our late comrade, John W. Brock, who served as Sergeant In Company ' " nunurea ana V lrty-sixth Ohio In fantry, during the Civil War. "We honor hta memnrv na AnA k. not only during the trying days of me war served nis country and his flag bravely, intelligently and faith fully, but who in the long years since Its close added the service of intelli gent, honest citizenship and the exam pie and Influence of a charitable, pure and upright life. "While we do most sincerelv and deeply mourn his departure from this lite, his membership In this post will be to us a pleasant memory, for he was always a willing helper, a genial friend and a kind and considerate com rade. "Let this memorial become a part of the records of the post, and a copy thereof be furnished the family of our deceased comrade. . CHIEF NO-SHIRT'S CUNNING Gives Ijiqnor Flask to Companion, Who Carries It on Reservation Associated with the case of Jim Luke, an Indian, who was yesterday fined $25 and sentenced to 90 daya In Jail by United States Circuit Judge William S. Gilbert for taking liquor onto tne Umatilla Indian Reservation, there is an interesting story of the native cunning of the redskin. Luke, in company with Chief No-Shirt, of the Umatillas, had visited a town near the reservation, but outside Its bounds. There they managed to buy a bottle of liquor, the Chief, however, retain lng possession of the flask and help lna himself to the greater part of its contents, until they were about to en ter tne reservation, when he handed the bottle to his less shrewd eompan Ion. who wlUlnsrly pocketed the tir water, only to be detected subsequent ly with the liquor In his possession. When arraigned In court yesterday, Luke promptly pleaded guilty and re ceived his sentence. GOOD WASHINGTON-ST. BUY A full lot on this tine thoroughfare, and JUUXO cash will handle it See A. H. Ellers. Secy. Eilers Piano House, Park and Washington. Gives History of W. O. W. A feature of the April Issue of the Chamber of Commerce Bulletin Is a brief history of the Woodmen of the World, which tells of the wonderful growth of this order and of the reason for it. Other instructive features are "Portland at the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition." "Gil lian County as It Is." "Tillamook Coun ty." and "The Work of the Chamber.' Come and choose your Dresser and make your own terms of payment With our mammoth new store it is our purpose to show new samples. The old lines must go. To get rid of them we are making some remarkable price reductions. If interested in Dressers, don't fail to call and inspect these during the week. As to style and wood, there's variety enough here to suit the most exacting. Not in Dressers alone, but all other samples are in like manner reduced. You are welcome to credit Choose the goods to suit you and pay as you can mm mm No. 54T Large, dark mahogany Dresser, shaped like cut; top 24x48 inches: French plate mirror 30x36 inches; crystal glass drawer pulls; has piano polish and finish. A S70.0O Dresser $45.00 at III lif ill These Are From Our High Grades WE HAVE OTHER 3 AND 4-DRAWER DRESSERS AS LOW AS $10.00, $11.00, $12.00, $15.00 AND $17.50 0 J. No. J30 Large blrdseye maple Dresser; four drawers; serpentine front: top 24x52 inches; French plate 32x38 . Inches; polished . brass drawer pulls. A XHS.OO Dresser .S39.00 No. 772 Golden oak, quarter-sawed and polished top, 24x48 inches; four drawers, with full serpentine front; French plate mirror 30x34 inches. A SSS.00 Dresser for J ....-S40.00 No. 80 Blrdseye maple Dresser, . with three swell front drawers, large French bevel plate mirror, 26x38 Inches. A favorite with those who like a dresser with large erlass and low top. S45.00 Dmaer $31.50 I; . I ill we' mi -m V No. 330 Fine tuna mahogany Dresser; swell front; four drawers; piano polish; French plate mirror 22x30 inches. A very beautiful piece in perfect condition. S4S.no Dresser for i..$32.00 Ko. 613 Quarter-sawed golden oak Dresser, with serpentine front; crystal glass drawer pulls; top 24x48 Inches; French bevel piate mirror 27x32 inches. SU3.0O Dresser for... $40.00 4 mm IV o. 54 Dark mahogany Dresser of large size; top is 24x64 inches; three top drawers and two large drawers; - serpentine front; French plate mirror 36x36 inches. S75.O0 Dresser for $50.00 No. 28 QuaTter-sawed oak Dress er, with shaped front like cut; four drawers; French plate mir ror 24x29 inches. Sp e c I a 1 price $29.00 mm i 'ill':'' ' 5 1 v No. 80 Golden oak Dresser, No. 32 Blrdseye maple Dresser, quarter-sawed and polished; with front shaped like cut; low French plate mirror 24x30 top, after "Princess' style; large Inches: four drawers; shaped French plate mirror 28x40 inches. A front, like cut. A S4S.00 Dreu S4S.00 Dresser for $29.00 er for $29.00 No. 343 Blrdseye maple Dresser, with serpentine front; beautifully - No. 213 Dark mahogany Dresser; figured, in perfect condition; top four drawers; with serpentine 21x40 tnches; French plate mirror front; top 24x42 inches; French 23x29 Inches. A S45.00 Dresser plate mirror 27x30 inches. A S30.0O for ....83 1.50 Dresser for $31. 50 Let Gevurtz Furnish Your Home on Your Own Terms CarpetsRugsLinoleums 'i jn".iv"B- I '1 .usnaas t?! poses. Several shades to choose from. There's money to be saved in buying your Rugs, Car pets, Linoleums, Mattings, etc., from Gevurtz. You are cordially invited to inspect our new Carpet Rooms. We have many exclusive patterns in Rugs and Car-i pets, and you'll nnd (iey- urtz' prices lower than " any other house; in the city. SPECIAL THIS WEEK. : Hodge's Fiber Carpet makes a floor covering unsurpassed for cleanli- and sanitary pur- ...49t ness Genuine 65c "Hofi" $35.00 Leather Couch for $25.00 $1 Down $1 a. Week n Just Like the Cut Another hlpment of those fine Chase Leather Couches just received, and we are again prepared to fill Orders. These couches have perfect steel con struction, deeply tufted with buttons, and springs tied, with steel wire. Warranted for ten years. Ixok just like the cut. Send for Free Illustrat ed Catalogue, showing Fine Furniture, which we sell on easy terms and pay freight charges to points within 50 miles YourCredit Is Good at qevurtz" YOU MAKE TERMSrWCDO THE REST. it GEVURTZ SELLS IT FOR LESS" SJR Ol SSMHBSsi LA GEYU53TZ BLOCK Bounded Br Yamhiu. RR5T And Sbqdnd Sts Portland- Portlands greatest Emporium occupying ' DmRCBLOaONWMHIll. HALT BLOCK ON 5K0ND, QUASTtR BLOCK ON HR5T5L rOURTLOORS. We do a large mail order business and pay, the freight to points within 50 miles of Portland. We also sell on easy terms to country trade (USER FOR SCENIC PHOTOS. Lobby Imperii