The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 07, 1907, Section Four, Page 38, Image 38

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Steamer Chartered by Regu
lator Line Management
for The Dalles Run.
Boat Has Been Tied Vp for Xearly
Three Years and Her Future
Has Worried Waterfront Men
for Many Long Months.
The steamer Telephone has been
chartered to the Regulator Line and
will operate between Portland and The
rlle9. The deal was consummated
yesterday afternoon, and the papers
signed which places In commission the
crack steamer of the Willamette and
Columbia Rivers. The steamer will be
placed In commission as soou as pos
sible, and will go into service in place
of tlu; steamer Joseph Kellogg, which
has been returned to her owners. Dur
ing the interim the steamer Capital
City will make a few trips in the pas
senger service.
The charter of the Telephone to the
Regulator people puts at rest the gos
sip that has been going the rounds
of the front in regard to the future of
the fastest steamer that has ever op
erated on the river. The Telephone
was built In 1903. and with the excep
tion of three months during the Sum
mer of 190"., has never been operated.
For several years she was a landmark
at the Haseltlne dock, on the East
Side. Two weeks jjgo she was towed
to the Victoria dolphins, and is now
With the sale, of the steamer North
west to Captain Bonser, who will take
the steamer to British Columbia, the
Joseph Kellogg, then operating for the
Regulator Line, was transferred back
to her owners, and the demands of the
business werp such that It was imper
ative that another vessel be secured
Immediately. M. Talbot, general man
ager of the Regulator Line, secured an
option for a lease on the steamer Tele
graph, but as her freight-carrying
capacity was limited, he successfully
maneuvered for the Telephone.
The Telephone Is 2'11 feet long, 31.5
feet beam and 8 feet depth of hold.
She is conceded by steamboat men to
be fastest piece of stern-wheel marine
architecture afloat. While definite
conclusions have never been tried be
tween her and the Telegraph, her rec
ord, when matched against the Charles
R. Spencer, is good enough to place her
at the top of the list.
More Vessels Handled hy Tugs Than
During March, 1908.
During the month of March the tugs
operating on the Columbia River Bar
handled 49 vessels, bound In and out. As
compared with the corresponding month
of last year this Is a Rood showing. Dur
ing March, 1906. 43 vessels were handled.
Of this number 25 were coasters and 18
foreign ships. During the month Just
closed 32 coasters and 10 foreign ships
were towed across the bar.
While the foreign business of last year
was considerably in excess of that hand
led this season, the foreign shipments are
largely In excess of the corresponding
month of 1606. This Is due to the fact
that a majority of the exports of food
stuffs have gone to the Orient in steam
ers and the tugboat service makes no re
port on steam vessels crossing in and
out. The number of coasting vessels has
Increased materially.
Had It not been for the trouble caused
by the Industrial Workers the list of coast
ers would have been largely in excess of
the figures given. A number of coast
ing craft were diverted to the Sound.
More Wheat Handled During March
Than Any Previous Month.
During the month of March the three
steamers of the O. R. & N. Co., operat
ing on the Snake River, moved 91.8T1
sacks of wheat to the railroad. This Is
R2.6.Vt sacks in excess of the amount moved
by the same vessels during February.
During the second month of the year
there was considerable delay on account
of Ice; shortage of coal and cars. During
last month there has been agood boat
ing st.ige and cars and coal have been
The amount of grain handled during
March i.s In excess of any previous rec
ord made by three boats on the Snake
River. April 1 there remained at the vari
ous shipping points above Rlparia. 290,
V0 sacks. With plenty of snow still 1n
the mountains and prospects better tliRn
ever before for continued good water, the
balance of the wheat crop will be han
dled within three months. The fleet will
be In position to handle the new crop.
EllBOre Will linn to Astoria.
Oil-burners are being Installed In the
steamer Elmore at the yards of the O.
R. X. Co. It is the Intention of Cap
tain Conway to operate the steamer on
the lower river during the coming Sum
mer In order to relieve the Hassalo.
which has lately been unable to keep up
with the work. During the beach sea
son there Is an excess of freight and
passengers, and the need of an extra boat
has been felt for several reasons past.
The Modoc Is running In place of the
Klmore on the upper Willamette.
Miitliloimi Will Go on Ways.
Within the next ten days the snagboat
M.ithloma will be hauled out on the ways
and her hull put in shape for next sea
son's business. The Mathloma has been
in the yards at the Government moorings
for some time past, having her machin
ery overhauled. Ry the first of May she
will go Into commission and will pull a
number of snags in the lower Willamette.
At the entrance to the Willamette slough
there are several and in the main chan
nel between Albina and the St. Johns
mill are more.
l umber Cargoes Clear.
AOTORIA. Or.. April . (Special. The
schooner Alvena cleared at the custom
house today for San Pedro with a cargo
of 908.000 feet of lumber, loaded at Stella.
The steamer Johan Poulsen also cleared
at the cutom-house today. She goes to
San Francisco and has a cargo of 800.000
feet of lumber, loaded at Knappton.
Tender Is Officially Measured.
ASTORIA. Or.. April 6. (Special.) The
official measurement of the gasoline
launch Red Boy. recently built by Wil
son Bros, for the Pacific-American Fish
eries, was made by the customs officials
today. The dimensions of the craft are
as follows: Length over all, 57.3 feet;
registered length. 50.6 feet; beam. 12.4
feet; depth, 3.2 feet: tonnage. U tons
gross, 10 tons net. The launch will be
equipped with a 45 horsepower gasoline
engine and will be taken to Bellingham.
Wash., where she will be used as a
cannery tender.
Stormy Week on Gray's Harbor.
HoyUIAM. Wash.. April 6. This has
been a stormy week on dray's Harbor
and the bar has been very rough. Six
teen craft are lying at anchor in the
lower harbor being tossed about by the
gales waiting a chance to put to sea.
Six steamers are among the lot. while
several have been reported outside await
ing a chance to get In. The tug Samson,
haling in tow the barge Washington,
carrying 1,600,000 feet of lumber for San
Francisco, Is still in port
Steamship Alkl Is Ashore.
SEATTLE. April 6.The steamship Alki,
owned by the Pacific Coast Steamship
Company, of Seattle, went ashore on
Spit Island near Juneau. Friday night.
She was not seriously damaged and will
probably be floated at high tide.
Marine Notes.
The steamer Cascades is taking lumber
at Goble. She is chartered for Cali
fornia. The schooner Americana sailed yesterday
: . , t
: .
for San Francisco. She loaded lumber at
the Portland Lumber Company's mills.
The Emilie Calllne. with wheat for the
United Kingdom, sailed yesterday. She
left down In tow of the Harvest Queen.
The steamer Aurella will finish her
cargo at Vancouver today and will leave
down in .the morning.
The barbound fleet at Astoria succeeded
in getting to sea yesterday morning. The
Alliance will be several days late on her
next trip to Coos Bay.
The British bark Muskoka Is still at
Astoria. She will leave out tomorrow In
tow of the tug Tatoosh for Cape Flat
tery. Arrivals and Departures.
ASTORIA. Or.. April 6. Condition of the
bar at 5 P. M.. moderate; wind, west 14
Doe to Arrive.
Name. From.
Alliance .Coos Bay
F A KUburn. .. San Fran
Roanoke Los Angeles. .
Costa RUa San Fran
Arusonla Hongkong. . .
Columbia San Fran
Geo. W. Elder. . .Los Angeles. .
Johan Poulsen.. San Fran...
Nlcomedla Hongkong...
Numantta Hongaong. . .
Scheduled to Depart.
Name. For
F. A. Kllburn..San Fran...
Roanoke Los Angeles.
Costa Rica San Fran...
Alliance .Coos Bay....
Aragonla Hongkong..
Columbia -San Fran...
Geo w". Elder. .Los Angeles.
Johan Poulsen. .San Fran...
Nlcomedla Hongkong..
Numantla Hongkong . .
Arabia Hongkong. .
. Apr.
. Apr.
. Apr.
. .Apr.
. Apr.
. Apr.
. .June
miles; weather, raining. Sailed at 7:15 A. M
-Steamer Alliance, for Coos Bay. Sailed at
7 10 V M Steamer Johan Toulsen, for San
Francisco. Sailed at 7:30 A XL-Steamer
Coaster for San Frsneisco. Arrived down at
7 o 'm and sailed at 6:15 P. M Steamer
Columbia, for San Francisco. Arrived down at
5 50 French bark Bmllle Gatllne.
San Francisco. April 6.- Sailed Mable Gale,
for Portland. Arrived Tiverton, from Port
land yesterday. Redondo. from Portland.
Salted at 12 Steamer Costa Rica, for Port
land. Hoqutam. Wash., April 6. Barbound at
Wwrtport Steamer Charles Nelson. steamer
Norwood, steamer Coronado. steamer San Pe
dro, steamer Svea. steamer Hoqulam, tug
Samson, towing barge Washington, schooner
Expansion. schooner Sophia Christenson,
schooner Allen A., schooner Resolute, schooner
Henry Wilson. barkentine Kohala. Wind,
eouthweet and strong; bar. rough.
San Francisco. April 6. Sailed Steamer
Aculpuco. for Anscon; schooner Gertrude,
for New Castle. Australia; ship Star of
Russia, for Karluk; ship star of Alaska, for
Chtgnlk: ship Reglna Elena, for Port Blake
ley; schooner Reulah, for Wlllapa Harbor;
steamer Carmel. for Gray's Harbor: steamer
Costa Rica, for Astoria; steamer Asuncion,
for Seattle- schooner Marble Gate, for
Marseilles. April 15 Arrived Antilochus.
from Tacoma and Seattle, via Yokohama,
Htogo. etc., for Liverpool.
Tides at Astoria Sunday.
fcM A M 7.8 feet 2:36 A. M 3.5 feet
10:00 P. m 7.2 fet :i-.g:i F. M. 0.S foot
Repair Chicago Tracks at Once.
CHICAGO. April 6 The effectual work
of reconstructing the Chicago city rail
way lines probably will begin on Monday.
Drawings and plans for the first work
that of replacing all tracks have been
completed by a force of men working
under BionJ Arnold, the city's chief en
gineer, and all that remains Is the ac
ceptance of the ordinances by the rail
way officials.
President Mitten Is now In New Tork
arranging for future contracts. He will
return to Chicago tomorrow, and it Is
expected he will have the authority to
accept the traction ordinances on be
half of his company. The city still will
have 30 days to consider the ordinances
before accepting them, but It is generally
understood that this right will be waived
and orders immediately given for carry
ing on the w-ork begun.
The new rails are to be of the heavy
flat type, which will give the maximum
of speed with the minimum of power.
Sentiment in Chicago Pit Is
Depression Caused by Predictions of
Rain in the Grain Belt Ru
mors of Bug Damage Are
Said to Be False.
CHICAGO. April 6. Sentiment In the
wheat market today was bearish. Longs
sold freely and there was also consider
able selling by commission-house's. The
weakness became pronounced at the end
of the first hour because of predicted
rain tonight and Sunday for Missouri,
Iowa, Kansas, Indiana and Eastern Ne
braska. While there was apparently no
decrease in the number of reports claim
ing damage by "green bugs." a number of
advices were received denying any serious
Injury. This tended to increase the sell
ing. The market continued weak up to
the close, which was almost at the low
est point. May wheat opened a shade
lower at 78c, sold off IShs and closed ?ic
lower at 1BC.
Trading in corn was quiet and the tone
was easy. The principal selling was by
pit traders who were Influenced by the
weakness of wheat. The close was steady.
May closed c lower at 46c.
Oats were remarkably steady, consider
ing the weakness of wheat. May closed
tt lower at 42c. ,
Provisions were weak on account of a
decline in the price of live hogs. At the
close pork for May delivery was off 27Hc,
lard was down 15c and ribs were 10c lower.
Leading futures ranged as follows:
Open. High.
.$ .77 $ .77
. .7tH4 .T9i
. .mvk .80
. .81 .81
. .46 ;8M
. .4H -40
. .46Ts -47
$ .7t4
$ .toy,
.79 ii
December ,
. .42'
.:' 'M .:T
.33Vj .33V4
May 16.10 16.10
July 16.10 18.12
May S.85 8.87 8T7 8.77
July 8.95 8.97 8.85 8 85
September ... 9.07 0.07 8.07 8.07
May 8.55 8.55 8.52 8.52
July 8.77 8.77 8.70 8.70
September ... 8.80 8.86 8.77 8.77
Cash quotations were as follows:
Flour Quiet and steady; Winter patents,
$3.10g3.40; straights, $2.903.25: Spring pat
ents. $3.4063.50; straights. $363.30; bakers',
$26 2. 80.
Wheat No. 2 Spring, 80683c; No. S. 749
82c; No. 2 red. 74676c.
Corn No. 2, 45 4c: No. 2 yellow, 46c.
Oats No. 2. 42c: No. 2 white, 43jc; No.
3 white, 40642c.
Rye No. 2. 65c.
Barley Fair to choice malting, 644J69c
Flaxseed No. 1, $1.11; No. 1 Northwestern,
Timothy seed Prime, $4,30.
Clover Contract grades, $16.35.
Short ribs Sides (loose), $6.3568.45.
Mess pork Per barrel, $16616.12.
Lard Per 100 lbs., $9.70.
Sides Short clear (boxed), $8.8760.12.
Whisky Basis of high wines, $1.20.
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, barrels 28.100
Wheat, bushels 1 16.000
Corn, bushels 402.2OO
Oats, bushels 221.200
425. 100
I Rye, bushels 5,200
Barley, bushels 67,100
Grain and Produce at New York.
NEW YORK. April 8. Flour Receipts.
21.700 barrels: exports, 6800 barrels. Mar
ket, steady, but quiet. Minnesota patents.
$4.1064.35; Winter straights, $3.3363.43;
! Minnesota bakers. $8.3503.70; Winter ex
tras. $2,8013; Winter patents. $3.6063.83;
Winter low grades, $2.706 2.90.
Wheat Receipts. 127,000 bushels; exports,
13.900 bushels. Spot barely steady; No. 2
red. S2',c elevator and R3Hc f. o. b. afloat;
No. 1 Northern Duluth. 89Hc f. o. b. afloat:
No. 2 hard Winter. 87c f. o. b. afloat.
Owing to reports of rain in the Southwest
and disappointing cables, a lot of wheat
bought on yesterday's big advance was un
loaded today, causing moderate weakness,
last prices being 6c net lower. May
closed at S5le: July closed 86$c; Septem
ber closed 86Sc.
Hops Quiet: state common to choice. 1008
crop. 17 6 20c; 10O5 crop. 86"llc: Pacific
Coast. 1906 crop. 1013c; 1005 crop, 8612c.
Hides Quiet.
Wool Steady: domestic fleece. 3339c.
Petroleum Steady; refined New Tork,
$8.20; Pennsylvania, $6.15.
Grain at San Francisco.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 6. Wheat and bar
ley Quiet and steady.
Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping. $1,306
1.35: milling. $1.4261.47.
Barley Feed. $1.2061.23; brewing. $1.23
61 29 V
Oats Red. $1.3061.75; white, $1.8061.65
Mack. $1.8562.25. 1
Call board sales: Wheat December, $1.3S.
Barley May. $1.21: December, $1.10.
Corn Large yellow. $1.3561.40.
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
MINNEAPOLIS. April 6. Wheat Mav
Xtogc. SuBSAWt; Ko. l hard. 811a(S81cj
No. 1 Northern. ROjfSOViSFSOtie: No. 2 North
ern. T-v 18 No. 3 Northern, 75g"6c.
Wheat at Tacoma.
TACOMA. Wash. . April 8. Wheat lc
higher. Bluestem, 75fe'76c; club, 73&74c;
red. 71 B 72c.
Prices Current Locally on Cattle, Sheep and
The following- prices were quoted In the
local market yesterday:
CATTLE Best steers, $4.754.80; medium.
14.2oiS4.50; cows. J3.50g3.S5; fair to medium
CO we, $3S3.25; bulls, SI ' calves, $4.5065.
SHEEP Best. IS.250S5O.
HOGS Best. 17.258 7.50; lightweights. 7
7.25; stockers and feeders, J6.757.25.
Eastern Ltreetock Markets.
CHICAGO. April 6. Cattle Receipts. 300:
steady. Beeves, $4.2388-70; good to prime
steers, $5.50 8.70 ; poor to medium. $4.25
5.40; stockers and feeders, $2.S55; cows.
$1.80i&5; heifers, $2.75& 3.40; calves. $5,259
Hogs Receipts today. 13,000 : 5c lower.
Light and mixed. $0.6O.S2'i : Rood 11
choice heavy, $6,708 B SO: heavy, $6.45'S)6.S0;
rough heavy. $6,454) 6.60; pigs. $64(G.70.
Sheep Receipts. 3300; steady. Natives,
$4.506.S5; lambs, $6.256' 8.30; Western
sheep, $4.500.63; yearlings, $6.507U50:
Western lambs, $6.5068.35.
celpts, 100; market, unchanged.
Hogs Receipts. 4500; market. 5c lower.
Heavy. $6.4066.50: mixed and light. $6.42 vi
68.47ti; pigs, $5,306)8.25.
Sheep Receipts, SOOO; market, steady.
Yearlings, $6,256-7: wethers. $5.756 6.35;
ewes, $365.85: lambs, $7.25 6 8.15.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. April 6. Cattle
Receipts, 5000; market, unchanged.
Hogs Receipts, 4000; market, steady to
shade lower. Heavy, $6.32 6 6.571. ;' pack
ers, $6.33(tf 6.60; pigs and lights, $5,736
6.62 Mj.
Sheep Receipts, none; market, steady.
Home Telephone Holds Its Recent Advance
Activity in Poticie.
Rome Telephone maintains the recent ad
vance. 25 shares selling yesterday at $35. As
sociated Oil was steady. Poticie waa actlVe
at 19Vi. the best price yet paid for this stock.
Total sales on the Portland Stock Exchange
for the week were 24.645 shares.
Official quotations were as follows:
Bank Stocks Bid. Asked.
Bank of California 865
Bankers' & Lumbermen's 102 ...
Merchants' National 170
Oregon Trust 4 Savings 135
Portland TruBt Company . 120
United States National 200
American Biscuit Co, 6s 08 100
City & Suburban 4s 92
Columbia Southern Irr'n 6s 55
Home Telephone 5s ... 85
O. R. N. Ry. 4s 00 10OW
O. W. P. & Ry. 6s 100 103
Pacific Coast Biscuit 6s 96 100 -
Portland Railway 5s 09
J. C. Lee Company 6s ... 100
Miscellaneous Stocks
Associated Oil 41 42
Home Telephone 30 35
J. C. Lee Company 8 25
Pacific States Telephone..... ... 105
Puget Sound Telephone 40
Mining Stocks
Lakevlew ... 25
Lee's Creek Gold 01 02
Manhattan Crown Point 20
Poticie Mining 18 20
Washougal Extension 25 20
Yaquina Bay Telephone 5 ...
Oregon City Mill & Lumber 7
British Columbia Amal 04 07
Cascadla 21 ...
Great Northern 01 04
Mammoth 10 14
Morning 03 05
Oregon Securities 00 02
Standard Consolidated 10
Tacoma Steel 14
Coeur d'Alcne District
Bullion 07 08
Copper King 14 16
O. K. Consolidated 04 05
Happy Day! 04 '4 05V.
Snowshoe 36 44
Snowstorm 2.85 2.95
10 Associated Oil 41
25 Home Telephone (private sale)... 35
20IMI Poticie 10
5000 Poticie 19
Cash Increase of New York Banks,
However, Does Not Come Up
to Expectations.
XEW TORK. April 6. The Financier
says: While the official statement of the
New York associated ban ks showed a
material increase in cash, it did not fully
reflect the gain in that item which was
expected to be shown as the result of
the movements of the week and also of
the bringing over from the previous
week of the unrecorded increase. The
loan item was disappointing, in that It
recorded only a moderate expansion, but
a much larger gain was looked for. The
results as indicated in the surplus re
serve were, however, quite satisfactory,
this showing a larger amount than was
recorded as the maximum last year,
when on July 21 it was $19,391,000; more
over, the specie item is greater than that
in 1906. though the total cash is about
$5,000,000 less than the highest In the
year. It is noteworthy that, compared
with March 23. the public deposits in the
banks increased $15,877,600, or very nearly
as much as the sum distributed In the
fortnight through the subtreasury. The
gain as officially reported last week was
$10,533,900. General deposits were in
creased $16,S95,S00. which amount very
nearly agreed with the sum of the in
crease in cash and the expansion in
loans, so that the statement made & good
proof. The required reserve was in
creased $4,223,960, deducting which from
the gain in cash leaves $6,309,950 as the
increase in surplus reserve to $19,441,225.
Computed upon the basis of deposits,
less thereof $30,389,700 in the public funds,
the surplus is $27,036,650. Loans were ex
panded by $6,143,600, and the excess of
this item over general deposits was re
duced, compared with the previous week,
by $11,000,000.
The statement of the clearing-house
banks for the week follows:
Loans l.O62.6S8.S0O $ 6.143. (tX)
Deposits 1,036.713,100 IMW.MM
Circulation 50.39S.S00 421.300
Legal tenders 71.661.500 764,4O0
Specie 2O6.9oS.00O 11.296.300
Reserve 27S.619.500 10.o33.9o0
Reserve required 259.17S.275 4.223.930
Surplus 19,441.225 6.309.950
Ex-C. S. deposits 27.03S.650 9,383,975
Marriage Licenses.
IRISH-HAMLIX Clarence B. Irish,
city, 23: Laura Hamlin. 19.
son, city, 21: Lizzie Robinson, 18.
San Francisco, 32; Lizzie May Leinweb
ber. 23.
city, 19; Charlotte Nelson, 48.
JOHNSON Born to the wife of Harry
Lincoln Johnson, April 5, at 695 Glisan
streeL a son.
FRAN KOFF Born to the wife of C A.
Frankoff. March 1, at 168 Gibbs street,
a son.
BURMICISTKR Born to the wife of
John E. Burmeister. April 4, at 160 East
Forty-sixth street, a son.
GILBBRTSON Born to the wife of
Charles Gilbertson. March 6, 84V4 Russell
street, a son.
BAKER Born to the wife of C. JC
Baker. March 12, at 983 Cleveland ave
nue, a son.
JARKETT Born to the wife of R. F.
Jarrett. March 10, a daughter.
.Ml Kl'li-na:-n t" t:i.- wne or x. r.
Murphy. March 27, at 327 Wasco street,'
a daughter.
RYAN Born to the wne ot Jam's
Ryan. March 10, at 1450 Oneonta street.
a son.
ER1CKSOX-Born to the wife of L. V.
Erlckson. March 26. at 8y5 Minnesota ave
nue, a son.
LEISS At Good Samaritan Hospital,
April 2. Hulv T. Irfiss, aged 74 years.
PARISA At 270S Sheridan street,
April 1. Frank Parisa, the 4-year-old son
of Poljita Parisa.
LESTER At Patton Home, April 6,
Horace Lester, aged 80 years.
KURTZ At 654 Tacoma avenue. April
4. Katharine Kurtz, the infant daughter
of Christ Kurtz.
Building Permits.
M. F. PINCKNEY Two-story frame
dwelling. East Yamhill street, between
East Thirty-fifth and Thirty-seventh
streets: $2000.
F. RIEPL Onp-story shop building.
"Williams avenue, between Joy and Cook
streets" $500
JAMIESON One-story frame dwelling,
'Killingsworth street, between East Sev
enth and East Eighth streets; $650.
A. LUKASZ One-story frame dwelling,
Skidmore street, between Concord and
Denver streets; $500.
W. G. KERNS Repair one-story frame
dwelling. Euclid street, near East Harrl
man street: $600.
A. JEMTEGAARD Two-story frame
dwelling. East Thirty-third street, be
tween Market and Clav streets; $2000.
O. SANDS Six two-story frame dwel
lings. East Seventeenth street, between
Alberta and Going streets; $12,000.
S. SILVERFIELD Two-story frame
dwelling. East Flanders street, between
Bast Twenty-first and East Twenty-second
streets: $800.
L. STEIN H AUSER One-story frame
dwelling. East Twenty-third street, be
tween East Madison and Bast Main
streets; $500.
Real Estate Transfers.
Casper N. and Harriet E. Braasch
to H. E. Noble, lot 3 and north
half of lot 2, block 2: lots 8 anH
9. block 2; lot 10, block 2: lot 13.
block 2: lot 5. block 1. Braasch's
Addition $ 2,650
John t . and Mary f . inornton to
H. M. Sherwood, lots 16 and IS;
block 22. Mount Tabor IVlla Ad
dition 200
Title Guarantee & Trust Company
to Henry and Barbara K. Schatz,
lot 8, block 7, West Piedmont 450
Nellie L. Palmer to J. G. Hartley,
lot 7. block ?3. Sellwood 120
McMlnnvIlle College to J. G. Hart
ley, lot 8, block 83, Sellwood 125
Rosetta E. and Fred M. Templeton
to Henry C. Webber, lot 16, block
20. First Addition to Holladay Park
Addition 10
Carrie F. and Jesse W. Talbot to
E. A. King, lot 14, block 10, Sunny
side Addition 10
A. H. and Phebe A. Breyman to
E. A. King, lot 5, block 11, Sunny
Side Addition 450
Percy H. and Mary Augusta Bilyth
to William A. and Rose Gould,
lot 12, block 30. Willamette
Heights Addition 800
Christ and Mary Malaer to Henry
Fuhrer. 8 acres beginning at a
point in the center of county road
22 chains north of northeast corner
of section 17, township l south,
range 1 east 3,500
William and Hannah Dryden to
Grace H. Downing, lot 1, Wayne.. 10
A. L. and Minnie L. Davis to A. W.
Vincent, lots 9. 10, 11. block 4,
Subdivision of St. Johns Heights 100
Thomas and Anna B. Connell to
R. H. Thompson. Jr., lots 17 and
IS, block 4. Ravenswood 1,000
Mary R. and J. S. Dunning to
Fannie Vandermeer. lots 20 and
21, block 105. University Park 2,200
W. H. and Alice B. Nunn to James
N. Fullilove, lot 7, block 26, North
Irvington 300
Moore Investment Company to J. A.
Graef. lot 12, block 51, Vernan.... 230
University Land Company to Emma
C. Troutman, lots 4 and 5, block
56, University Park 500
Josephine and A. F. Squires to
Harry J. Maheur. east 30 feet of
lots 1 and 2, block 9, Wheelers'
Addition 3,100
Michael and Ellen O'Brien to Leo
F. Thllau. lot 13, block 41, Pied
mont 500
H. E. and Addle M. Stemler to A. G.
Perkins, 50x80 feet, commencing at
a point 50 feet north of the north
west corner of Albina and Hum
boldt streets 2,300
Loren and Ieona E. Seward to
Elizabeth Wood, lot 13, block 10,
North Irvington 150
W. H. and Virginia King to Wr. W.
Raser, lot 2, block 16. IKng's Sub
division of lot 16. North St.
Johns 600
N. P. Westley to Florence L. Day.
Every Woman
MARVEL Whirling Spray
new TtttasJ BTrtM. njc
Hon and Suction. Ileit Sa
est Most i onveniess.
XmX vmr drnnlrt tar it.
If be cannot supply to
9BA3LYK.L. acceDt no
other, but send staniD f r r
Illustrated book ininl. It aires
full naxtlculars and 1tr trtiona tn-
Tftluafcle to lartie. Mi RVEL
4 C UN BTi, ,il 1 UK IV.
juAU-Davlj Dram Co,
and other drug habits re positlrely cured by
HABITINA. For hypodermic or Internal use.
Sample Bent to any drug- habitue t'FrPP
ro&U. Regular price $2.00 per bottle" 1 tc
at your druggist or by mall In plain wrapper.
For wale In Portland by Skidmore Drug
Co- l&X Xlilrd Si.
Bough and sold twr aad 9m taarrLm-
Private Wires ROOM 4, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Phone Mais 37
The U. S. Government
The United States Government believes so thoroughly in
our automatic system that it has adopted it at four of its
arsenals Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, HI.; Frank
ford Arsenal, Bridesburg, Pa.; Watervliet Arsenal, Syra
cuse, N. Y.; Springfield Arsenal, Springfield, Mass.; at
the Naval Station at New Orleans, La., and at the
Sandy Hook Proving GroundB, Fort Hancock, N. J.
lots 29 and 30, Tremont Place I
Portland Trust Company of Oregon
to George D. Burton, lot 4. block
74, Woodstock LoOO
D. M. and Ella K. Hetrlck to T. W.
and Lillian H. Emerson, lots 11
and 12. block 5, South Sunnyside... l.oOQ
Elizabeth and William Hayhurst to
Frederick G. Wheeler. 10x50 feet,
beginning at a point on the south
line of West Madison street ex
tended 100 feet northwest from the
northwest corner of block 9, A. N.
King's Addition 1
Investment Company to Thomas
Melnberg, lots 1, , 3. block 3,
Beaverly L"
Henrietta and Stephen T, Adams to
J. R. and A. A. Kerr and D. G.
Mossman, lot 3, block 6, Severance
Addition to St. Johns 800
F. A. Helm and Emma K. Grove
to Ward B. Swope, lots 6 and U.
block 3, Mount Scott Park ........ 160
Seth and Ida P. Catlln to William
A. Henderson, lots 8. 9, and 10,
block 4, Albina Heights 1
J. W. and Hattie B. Latimer to
W. N. West, lot 4, block 3, Bar
rett's on 200
Portland Trust Company of Oregon
to Florence L. Day, lot 25, block
23, Tremont Place
Robert and Arleta A. Adams to
Charles Adams, lot 2, block "R.
Sellwood ; 200
Holt C. and Fannie B. Wilson to
Charles G. Hall, lot 4, block 12,
Kenilworth i"J,S 237
Osle Calone to Annie Calone, 33 1-3
by 67 feet, beginning at a point in
the best boundary of lot 5. Black
stone's Addition. 33 1-3 feet north
from southwest corner of said
block 10
J. E. and Marv Dugan to Gearge
Schneider, lot 12. block 8, lWlliams
Avenue Addition wu
Richard C. Hart to Henry and Rosa
Bauer, lot 2, block 7, Central Park L2o0
Guy E. Bloss to Fred Israel, lot 13,
13. block 1, Foxchase Addition ZoO
William M. and Alice McL. hid
den to Hermine A. Baylis, lot 6,
block 49, Irvington 1'200
James A. and Jennie G. Sheffield to
Hans Bergstrarm, lot 4. block 3o,
Original Townsite of Albina 1,800
Title Guarantee & Trust Company
to Luther M. and Margaret M.
Guy, lot 3 and east 10 feet of lot
4, block 3, Tilton's Addition 2,800
M. B. and Emma A. Wakeman to
Annie T. Parkhurst, lots 2 and 3,
block "Y," Couch's Addition 35,000
Point View Real Estate Company to
Roy Wilcox, lots 21 aid 22, block
1, Point View 22d
H. E. and Ella T. Noble and East
ern Investment Company to Chris
tian Hellman. lot 14, block 27, Cen
tral Albina 00
J. C. and F. G. Ewald to F. A.
Knapp, 10 acres commencing at
the southwest corner of section 30.
township 1 north, range 2 east 2
L. H. and Celia Lewis to B. Tonkin,
south half of lot 6, block 16, Caru
ther's Addition 3,000
A. J. McDaniel et al to D. L. Dekt,
undivided one-third of lots 5 and
6. block 56. East Portland K
Robert V. and Mary A. Belford to
Bank of Sellwood. lot 1, block
9, Lincoln Park 1,200
Fanny O. and H. M. Ftymlre to
Claude Thayer, lots 4 and 5, block
2, Center Addition Annex 50
Janet and Thomas Ross to Peter
Hume, lot 11, block 11, City View
Park ; 460
J. H and Emily B. Day to Byron H.
Chapman, lot 11, block 35, King's
Addition 5,000
Rudolph A. and Julia Sylvester -to
William H. Ross, lot 1. block 25,
Lincoln Park Annex 1,200
Svcamore Real Estate Company to
. W. L. and Myrtle Smith, lots 13, 14.
15 and 16, block 2, Kern Park 500
Total W.3S3
Have your abstracts made by th Security
Abstract & Trust Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce.
Failure of Boston Brokers.
BOSTON, April 6. The failure of Web-
No misleading statements or deceptive propositions to tbe afflicted.
An honest doctor of recognized ability does not resort to such meth
da. I guarantee a complete, safe and lasting cure in the quickest
possible time, at the lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and
successful treatment, I cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheu
matism, Nervousness, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Female Troubles and
11 private diseases. My remedies are composed of powerful Oriental
roots, herbs, buds, vegetables and barks, that are entirely unknown
(many of them) to medical science in this country.
Drugs or poisons are not used in our famous remedies.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company
PUlM msDtlon this pspsr.
Old Dr. Grey's Sanitarium
The only reliable place for confinements in Portland. Regular licensed
physicians and professional trained nurses, perfect seclusion, honest dealings.
Infants adopted. The finest equipped sanitarium for the cure of chronie
, and rebellious diseases in the Northwest. Diseases ot women a specialty.
Graduate lady physicians in attendance. Terms very reasonable. Address,
i Dr. J. D. Grey, 251 Alder street, comer Third, Portland. Or, Correspondence
aoiicited. Telephone Main 2796.
ster F. Putnam & Co., bankers and brok
ers, of this city, was announced today
upon the Boston Stock Exchange.
Alaska 1907
S. S. Spokane, June I I.
'SHm&S act July 13, 28i Am. !.
Queen, July 16.
S. S. Senator .. .......June X
S. S. President ....Juno 4
Skagm;, Sitka. Juneau and way porta.
Sailing 9 P. M.
H. S. S. Co.' Humboldt . . . April 2-12-22
Cottage City, via Sitka April 7-21
City of Seattle April 17-37
Sailing 9 A. M.
City ot Pnebla April 6-20
City of Topeka. April 10-25
Umatilla Aprii 15-30
City Offlcc, 240 IVanhlngtoa St.
SanFrancisco & PortlandS.S.Co.
Operating the only direct passenger steamers
From Alnsworth Lock. Portland" at 8 p m!
S. S. "COSTA K1CA," Apr. 10, 30 etc
8. S. "COLI MBLV AurT 15, 25, etc.
From Spear-st. Wharf. San Francisco, at
11 A. M.
S. S. "COLIMBIA." Apr. 11. 21 -t,
8. 8. "COSTA K1CA." Apr. 10, 26, etc
Phone Main 26S. 248 Washington R.
Columbia River Scenery
Dally service between Portland and Tha
Dalles, except Sunday, leaving Portland at
7 A. M.. arriving about 5 P .Id.., carrying
height and passengers. Splendid accommo
dations for outfits and livestock.
Dock foot of Alder at., Portland- foot oi
Court st.. The Dallas. Phone Main 811
For C'orvallls, Albany, Independence, Sa
lem Steamer "POMONA" leaves 6:48 A. If.
Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday.
For Salem and way landings Steamer
"OP-EGONA" leaves 6:45 A. M., Monday,
Wed-edays and Fridays.
. Foot Taylor Street.
North Pacific S.S. Co's. Steamships
Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder
Sail for Eureka, San Francisco and
Los Angeles direct every Tuesday at
8 P. M. Ticket office 132 Third
St., near Alder. Both phones, M.
1314. H. Young, agent.
WaslUnaton-street Dock.
Dally, except Sunday, for The Dalles and
way landings, at 7 A. M.. returning; 10 P.
M. Fast time, best service.
Phones: Main, 31S4; Home, A. 11, 84.
Tbe Great Chinese Doctor
Entrance 162V2 FIRST STREET
Corner Morrison