THE- SUKDArOREGGXIANr PORTLAND.- MARCH - 24, 1V)7. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF OREGONIAX TELEPHONES. FntinUng-Room Main "" City Circulation . ..Main 7070 Managing- Editor Main 770 fcunday" Editor Main 7070 Composing-Room .... Male 7070 City Editor Wain 7070 Supertntt-ndpnt Buildina Main 707O aat Side Office... East 81 AMISEMEXTS. THE riBlT.IO THEATER (14th and Wash lrston ts.) TonlBht at 8:15 the Spitmer re Utal. BAKER THEATER (3d. bet. Yamhill and Taylor) Baker Theater Compaay In A a Man Sows"; mat-lnec 2:15 1. M.; to nlKht at S:1S. EMPIRE THEATKR (11th and Morrison) ' A Ciirbov's Girl"; matinee 2:1S P. M.; to nlsM. 8:15. t3R AND THEATER (Washlnptnn, between Park and Seventh) Vaudeville, 2:30. 7:30 ond 9 P. M. PANTAOES THEATER (4th and Stark) Con'-lnuou vaudeville, 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. M. STAIt THEATER (Park and Washington) Allen stork Company In "Deserted at the Altar"; matinee 2:13 P. M.. tonight, 8:13. &YR1C THEATER (7th and Alder) The Lyric Stock Company In "Michael- Stro Koff"; matinee 2:13. tonight 8:13. Kioht Widb Stttkft. Property-owners Resident on Kast Glisan street, east of the Lacld farm in "Center Addition, met t the. home of J. F. Waite, 1436 'East Glisan street. Kriday nlsht and formed a p.-oteotive club for the purpose of look vins after their rights and resisting the .widening of Bast Glisan street from 'Tit and avenue to the city limits. The tMnntavlMa Improvement Board is work Idns to secure an SO-foot street. It was tone opinion of the property-owners who hissombled at the home of Mr. Waite that 'the. widening of the street is not neces sary, and that their "property should 'bn appropriated for this wide street, de 'titroying homes and imposing liard 'Bhip'' on them. On the other hand. It ,-was the opinion of those present that .the street should be opened 60 feet wide 'and improved, which they considered better than an unimproved SO-foot street; besides, it was considered that a Bo-foot 'street will meet requirements in the dis 'trkt for all time. About 23 property ;owners were present at the meeting. '.Fifteen others have agreed to join in the movement. It was decided to carry the 'Hftlit lo the Supreme Court if necessary. Fot BuRNfP bt Powder. While play 'ing with powder that he found in cans 'that were dumped in a vacant lot near 'Jefferson and Nartilla streets, Kdwin t Walker, aged l"i yenrs, was painfully Itmrnod about, the face and head at 1 o'clork yesterday afternoon. The powder exploded when a match was thrown into it. The Injured lad was taken to his home, oil'. 4 Jefferson street, where he ;was attended by a physician. Station "Officer Circle was assigned by Captain loore to invest ignte the case for the po!ice department. FRoFEssoTt HonxnR T-ECTurtEs. Pro cessor J. B. Horner, of the Oregon Agri cultural College; lectured last night in Woodstock Hall under the auspices of the Woodstock Push Club on "A Vaca tion in the Mediterranean." Tie made the trip last year and gave the result of lils observations, together with stere 'opticon views. Professor Horner has em bodied his experiences in six lectures, which have just been published by the students of the Agricultural College in the form of an illustrated booklet. Ax Apartmkn't-House Site. Beauti fully located site at head of Everett street, one block from carline: site hav ing 300 feet frontage, facing east and commanding one pf ,the finest 'views to be had about the city without climbing. Persons intending to build should inspect tiiis site, as it is one of the best in the pity at the price. Apply to Charles K. (cnry & Son, 122 Third street. Port laud, Or. Mr. Paui, Spath. former partner of the' firm of Pcnnle & Spalh of the Palace Market, has purchased the Duke Country Market and wishes the pleasant smiles of liis old customers and friends to give liim a call. Telephone Main 2.S0. Quick de livery to all parts of the West Side. "C'HiRxjpnAtmc Adjustment" makes it possible for nature to cure all diseases. K. S. Cox, the chiropractic expert, will treat free all who desire it Wednesday from 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. at his offices, 227 Washington street. A lady attend ant. Phone Main StiO. How to Win a Strike. J. D. Stevens urtil address the public in Alisky Hall, Third and Morrison streets, tonight on the subject "How to Win a Strike in One Xay." A general discussion will follow the address. The public is cordially in vited to attend. The annual reception to old and new htudents of the Hehnke-Walker Business College will be held In the Elks- Hall, corner of Seventh and Stark. April 5, in stead of March 20, as previously an nounced. All former students are expect ed to attend. See the Berkshire Apartments. Seventh end Jofferson streets. New and modern, lully eouipped for convenience and econ omy. No car fare necessary. Suites of lour room and hath. Janitor in building, Dr telephone Main 2i06. Tim benefit rocltal to have bron given (by Mr. Richard A. L-ucchesi, the well known musician from San Francisco, has been postponed on account of the Lil lian Nordiea. engagement, to the eighth lof April. ,t lniEs" axd Mt:n's Hats cleaned and 4fet'Y haped, straw and Panama hats btcaehed. plumes cleaned and dyed. Port land Hat Works. 24!" Alder St.. bet. 2d and 3d. 412 E. Morrison St., near Grand Bve. Ajtnoi'Nciimext. The'law firm of Mur doch & Moser has by mutual agreement been dissolved. Mr. Murdoch will con tinue to occupy rooms 317-51S and Mr. Woser rooms 515-516 Fenton building. .1V Write that gets re sults. All lines. High-class work, fair prices. Can care for a few more clients. The Shafer-Whittier Company. Lum ber Exchange. Phone Main 5354. This Will Rjumind Yod that now la the time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 471. The Portland Curled Hair Fac tory. H. Metzger, proprietor. ' Hll.r-BPRAKP MlLU.S'GRT. Moved from 40! Washington street to rooms 215 to 218 wet!and building. Fifth and Washington streets, second floor. For Sale At private sale, fine furni ture. Turkish ruts and household goods; 271 North Twenty-second street. Call 8 to 3. regular Sunday dinner. 4 to ?:30. Special attention given private dining r banqueting parties. Webber's Orc'stra. Ricv. Howard Agxew Johnston. r. D., cf New York will preach in Calvary Pres byterian Church this morning at 10:30. Anhecser - BtrscH. Famous MIchleob brew on draught, and lunch, at the Cafe Vlgneux, Sixth and Washington sta. Church of Ot"R Father (Unitarian), corner Seventh and Yamhill. Service 11 A. M. Subject. "Man and Church." Pfkcial Display of beautiful Raster millinery at Miss E. Wolsiefer's, 169 7th street, next door Tull & Gibbs'. Pot: Res-t. Corner store and 7 rooms upstairs. Seventh and .Couch streets. E 66, Oregonian. S. T. Jeffreys, lawyer, Xbme, Alaska; fhort time; 401 McKay building, Port land. Or. Mrs. Dr. Paul Cromwell has opened up a branch office at 431 East Alder St. Col' Frank S. Bennett. Eighth Ward, is a candidate for re-election. Jay H. Upton has moved his law office to 501 Swetland building. For Sale. Nine-room house, 701 North- rup street. Lot 60x100. 1t.ras3Nq Photos. Cutberth, Dekum building. Want anything? See Wooster, Wash St. Swain, dentist. Ill Pckum bids. Funeral op Cleveland Rockwell. The funeral services for the late Captain Cleveland Rockwell at Trinity Episcopal Church yesterday afternoon were largely attended. The Loyal Legion, of which he was' a member, was represented by Lieutenant Edwin Martin. Colonel .James Jackson and G. E. Caukin. and the (1. A. R. was represented by Commander H. Sutcliffe. T. E. McDevitt and Judge H. H. Northup as .honorary pallbearers. The active pallbearers were R. G. Mor row, B. B. Beekman, W. C. Morris. Judge Seneca Smith. L. A. Greenley and Cap tain James Shaw. NO IXQUEST FOR DROWNED MAX. No inquest will be held in the case of Ira Wahlquist, who was drowned by slipping into the river from a pier at St. Johns earlyFriday morning. The body was re covered at noon yesterday and Coroner Finley was notified.. Waiilquisi is sur vived by his widow, who lives at St. Johns. Wahlquist was a locktender. He came here recently from Bellinghant, Wash.. Fire .Caused by Crossed' Wires. Crossed electric wires in the Hut saloon caused the fire that did considerable damage to the saloon and to the Jones market. located next door on Fourth, near Morrison street, early yesterday morning. It was at first thought the flames originated in the market smoke house. The market did business almost as usual all day. Workman Is Injured. W. P. Hap persett. a workman employed on the Lewiston branch of the O. R. & N. Com pany, suffered an injury to his ankle by being struck by the main shaft of a donkey engine. He is now at St. Vin cent's Hospital - In immiment danger of losing his foot. ORIENTAL CLAPTRAP. Kug Stories That Don"t Go in Portland. A nobleman of the Orient a consular representative an attache of the Royal Palace of the Sultan the originator of the Oriental rug commerce collectors of rare weaves travelers in the remote East possessors of rich fabrics secured by some occult me'thod of persuasion from unwilling Turkish Governments owners of rugs that once adorned some Persian palace and were used by Pasha or valorous nobleman; all these come to Portland and go. They make startling asseverations, expect to hoodwink the town into believing their fabulous tales, and are surprised and chagrined to find that the Intelligent apprecia tion and understanding of Oriental rugs causes such bluff and bluster to fall on deaf ears. The fly-by-hight visitors, finding that Portlanders "don't inhale hot air." fold their tents like the Arab and silently steal away.. We have never attempted to, fool the public with such fairy tales. We are firmly established in the commercial life of the Northwest; we use our ut most efforts and employ our expert knowledge of rugs in the work of bringing to Portland the choicest weaves of the Orient, which we sell at the most reasonable prices possible. Every rug is exactly as we represent it. We always have on hand a very choice collection of rugs in all -sizes, and at present are particularly well supplied, having- just received a large shipment.' We are delfghted to' show rugs to visitors- whether or not they are buyers. We have on -hand now a very special sale -of- rags- of the -most supe rior weaves a rare rug opportunity. Atiyeh Bros., 393 Washington, st. EXPOSITION RINK SKATERS. The inclement weather of last week wag responsible for much extra patron aiare at the Exposition Rink, and all ses sions throughout the week were scenes of jolly crowds of skaters. The floor, which has recently been in the hands of carpenters, is now in fine form and is declared by many to be in the best condition since the rink's opening. The bipr building is pleasantly and.comfort ably hested by steam, making: the rink an ideal place to spend the dull rainy afternoons and evenings. Impromptu events, which add much to the alluring attractions of the rink, are often intro duced at the evening- sessions. Racing this week. WHERE T0 DINE. Special Sunday dinner, 50 cents, at J. D. Kruse's Restaurant, 363 Morrison street; music; open nights. Special Five-course turkey dinner 50c, from 5 to 8 P. M. Tumwater Oyster Par lors, 3S2 Morrison. Perkins Hotel restaurant. L. E. Mar tinez. Chicken dinner with Ice cream, etc., 40 cents. Watson's Restaurant will serve a line chicken dinner today, 50 cents. PLANT SIBSON'S ROSES. Good flowers grow only on good bushes. Plants from The Sibson Rose Nurseries are clean, well grown, full of fibrous roots and true to name. Simply compare them with other stock anil note the difference. Sihson's Roses arc celebrated from Oregon to British Co lumbia, as the best in the market, and the best are the cheapest. Office and Nurseries. ll!0 Milwaukle ave. Phone East 138. Spltzner Concert Tonight. A very promising young student will be presented to the public by Mr. E. O. Spitzner at the concert given tonight at the Heillg Theater. The orchestra of 75 pieces will render the everture. "The Mill on the cliff." The grand selection from the Opera cavalleria Rustlcana. the popular intermezzo "Cheny." Ioveley, Paraphrase and a new march by Mr. Spitrner. Mules Bring Good Price. :LA GRANDE. Or., March 33. (Special.) Yesterday. McKennon and Leadbetter. stockraisers. sold to a Walla Walla man 40 head of 3-year-old mules. These were shipped to Walla Walla, and will be re- GLASSES THAT FIT YOUR EYES Must Be Properly Fitted by an Expert One who thoroughly understands every part of the eye and the art of .fitting glasses. We have an expert in charge of our optical department, and, remember, we charge nothing for examinations. WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING We can make anything in the jew elry line, from a ring, stick-pin, etc, to the most expensive diamond brooch. Jewelry repaired in an ex pert manner at a small cost. Re pairing watches is one of our special ties. We know how to fix them so as to get absolute time. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers and Opticians. 133 FIFTH STREET sold to the farmers of that section. The price paid was $5000. Gesner Concert Postponed. Owing to the sudden illness of Mr. Gesner, his concert, which was to be given at the Hellig toflay. will be postponed. Announcement will be made laler in these columns when tpe concert will take place. All tickets sold will he redeemed at the box office of the Heilig. KISER FOR SOUVENIR PHOTOS," " Northwest Scenery Lobby Imperial. Otl yew r-Y' What does the A. D. S. do? Pools the experiences of thou sands of reputable druggists and physicians. Picks out the best prescription for each series of ailments and markets the remedy made up from that best prescription. That's the American. Druggists' Syndicate. All Druggists. , 25c. ) 8e only piikfibJa'' D.CJiambers OPTOMETRIST Vistas actemtUIs. ally corrected. Arts Octal mm flttcC lt 7TH ST KXAR ALDER ST. Larcaat and Bast Kquippaa OpUoai Bats. UabjBattt im MortAwaat. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES Complete stock, moderate prieea. MaU orders ao 11 ci ted. Catalogue free. WOODARD, CLARKE CO., Portland, Or. CLOCKS The elocks we handle are of the very best only in fact, we do not want poorly-made ones. Scrrrrc Sl k" SS4 WaahlaartOB a- PaxTuworOrsa t. tth aad fit. If you want a clock that you know will run correctly, you cannot afford-to overlook our selection. . CLARKE, WOODWARD DRUG CO. Manafactoring and Wholesale Druggist Direct Importers of fceavy and foreign chemicals, French perfumes and proprietaries, Haarlem oil, Japanese camphor and menthol, Knglisa chalk, Qermu hyposulphite soda and chloride of lime In lead-lined casks. Private switching track from all railroads to our floors. We invite correspondence. Conveniently located at Ninth and Hoyt streets, near Union Passenger station. life- We are pleased to announce the arrival of extensive .delayed ship ments of Men's Suits, Topcoats and Cravenettes for Spring and Summer and that our lines are now complete. We request your early inspection of our many novelties and exclusive models. Our juvenile departments Offer an endless array of new Spring Wearables and special Easter Attire for Youths, Boys and Children. Good Roller Skates given free with every Suit at $3.35 or over. Spring Styles NoW Ready BROOK PEER OF ALL $3.00 HATS The Bank of California Founded 1864 Capital paid up . . . . . . . . . . ... .$ 4,000,000 Surplus and Undivided Profets $10,153,873 Portland Branch, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Iu view of the enhanced demand for money, will pay 4 per cent per annum on deposits for a year fixed and on deposits in its Savings Department. - THE LONGER EYES Are deprived of the aid they need the worse they become. This is especially so in eye defects of younger people. The eyes of children should receive special attention. Many a child might have become a power in the land if not handicapped by poor sight. . EYES TESTED FREE DR. HAYNES, with A. IN. Wright 293 MORRISON. STREET, NEAR FIFTH The Iowa Jeweler SURELY GLASSES Are more becoming than wrinkles, scowls and forehead lines. Let us make you young again with a pair of relief-giving lenses COLUMBIAN OPTICAL COMPANY Dearer. Omaha. Ksnasi City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Portland. Or. Uf Sixth at. IXOYD T. BROWIB, Her. Orafoalaa Bids. DO IT N O W ! Take advantage of the COLONIST RATES TO OREGON And the Pacific Northwest over the Union Pacific, Oregon Short Line, Oregon Eailroad & Navigation Co., and Southern Pacific, from ail parts of the East, DAILY during March and April. YOU CAN PREPAY For tickets, if you desire to bring friends, relatives, employes or others fron the East, by depositing the -cost .with any agent of the 0. E. & N. or S.'P. Co., with name and address, and ticket will be promptly furnished in the East. A Rare Opportunity to Promote the Industrial Growth of the Northwest RATES FROM PRINCIPAL EASTERN CITIES. A B Chtcas-o S30.S0 f33.M St. Louis 27..V) SO.00 Kansas City 32JH S5.00 Omaha 33.RO S5.O0 St. Paul ., 83.S0 25.00 A B Buffalo C4O.0O 943.50 IVeir York ., 47JVO B0.00 Boston 47.40 49.tK Philadelphia 47.25 4A.7S Washington . . . 47.25 48.26 ilute sinnlv to all main and branch Una oointB. HuntlnKton to Sookane. Inclusive. B Itiates apply to Portland, Astoria and Puget Sound points; also Southern Pacifio main and branch line points north of and including Ashland, Oregon. For complete Information, Inquire of WM. McMLRKAT, General Pasaensrer Agent, Oregon Railroad A 'avicatloa Cs. C. W. Stinger, City Ticket Agt.. 3d and Wasnington. Easter Headgear i- i ,--'it tri V ..n ! T.J i- li ia''?OT,'3l5,3:S:;M.;;:'. COMPLETE SHOWING High-class Eastern patterns and our own superb productions for . the most fastidious dressers. Best values ever of fered, at up to $40.00. Popular Priced Hats For immediate wear.- Hundreds of them, smart, modish tailored effects and ex pert milliner-trimmed Walking Hats. Unusual values at $3.00, ?4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00. 1000 newest Straw Shapes, all the lat est leather, burnt and Copenhagen blue shades, $1.00 to $5.00. Immense stock of everything new in trimmings. THIRD AND 9 SALMON HOTEL MOORE . .. A6ID OR. . Open all year. Hot salt bath la connec tion with bote I. Special "Winter rates, pan Schwab Printing Co. iwrront. ittjisoHtti e rnict J4T'i S T A. K. K STRtlT G3106.0