23 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 24, 1907. FOR SALE Miscellaneous. SOLID OAK BEDROOM SUITE. POLISH -ed. with French plaie mirror. $15; $3" Niagara steel cook'tove, $15; 950 oak side board. $25; birdseye maple dresser and i-ommodA to match, $20; genuine mahog sr. v dresser. $-0; l-ft. extension table. S7.30; v.okrr Chief gas range, fine condi tion. $6.50; hardwood dresser. $7.50; man t: folding bed, 5; ."" solid black walnut .;droom suite, $18; white enamel dresser. .v couch, covered in ail tick, S3.50; good iron beds. 3'-'; 3-ptece parlor suite, good ' ne. H; solid oaJt library tabic. 99; ma hogany finished chiffonier, with French Plate mirror. $12; solid oak parlor table, SH; rugy. carpets, linoleum, all sizes. In fact, everything to furnish a house from top to bottom in first-class second-hand or new goods. Your old housefurnlshings taken in exchange for new. and liberal al- ' " loft-ancft made. We also pay cash for all 'sorts of household goods. M. .1. MoGRATH FURX. CO.. 66 North Third. Main 2087. ELEGANT SLIGHTLY USED PIANOS KIM- balls, JjecKers. rosters, rcverens, irinwa.vn, Ludwigs. Fischers. Hallet A Davis. Knabe. in fact almost every well-known make is to be found in our exchange department. These pianos come to ua from Oregon's wealthiest homes toward payment of the wonderful 1 new Pianola Pianos. Several baby grands, evfti a concert sjrand Steinway, a parlor grand HaMet & Davis are. here at prices fiat represent real and enormous saving. Will sell for ranh or on very easiest of i'rms. with simple interest added. II you a-e looking for a really good piano, only - iied a short time, and on virtually your -wn terms, this is your opportunity, Ellers Piano House, 353 Washington st. XV ABSOLUTE FACT. THAT THE DOL- . ttr, a t itn aoes sen new ana sooa x new furniture ; stoves. and !mot everything for the home, at a much leas trice than many other. Get his price and you will save money and time. $ 9232 1st at. $ $ $ EGOS FOR HATCH TNG AND IXCUBATOR High-grade white and barred Plymouth Rocks and brown Leghorns, $t per dozen; S6 per hundred; 3o0-egg Old Trusty In cubator, a good one, $'20. McCoy, 364 X. '26th. corner Savier, W cars. NEXT BUMMER WILL BE A HOT ON2. Pod a water pays large profits. Fountains from $G5 up, on easy monthly payments; little cash required. Send for catalogue f greatest bargains ever offered. Do net delay. R, M. Green & Sons, Philadelphia, Pa. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGKD SEWING MA- chines ax very low prices; linger, neeier Wilson, Domestic, "White-, Household. Davi and others: to make room for new ;ock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. S. SIgel, 336 Morrison at., Marquam bldg. THOROUGHBRED RUFF ORPINGTON" eags for hatching; rrom nne mating ana an excellent strain of layers; $1.50 for set--- ting; incubator lota a specialty. Mrs. S. C. Bowles, Northern Hill Sta., St. Johns Car, BLACK MINORCA AND BARRED BK ergs, l per eetting; fine layers; nearly new 220 egg Cornell incubator; I mile east of Mt. Tabor Reservoir. Dell Elliott, Route 1. Montavilla. Or. Jt AH OO ANY BUR BA I" S. COM MODES, wardrobes, rockers antlqueV. splendid condi- "FOR S A I j R NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL- , ern bar fixture; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender, 49 3d st. rROM BEDS. MA TTREfHS. COM MODES. bureau, kitchen safes, treasures, also coi, household furniture; bargain); Western Sal vage Co.. 627 Washington. BAURCH AND WMB ZEISS LENSES, with 8 x t s 8 H camera: cos t S30O : $ 1 US takes them ; need money; full test al lowed. H 91. Oregonian. GRAIN SCALE. ONR AO-BUSHEL HOP per scale, Columbia beam, good condi tion. $50. Caples Bros., 250 lj Alder st. Phone Main luitt. FOR SALE THOROI'CSHPRED ENGLISH setter puppies 3 months old. Phone Main 147,1 or 231 Lincoln st. or Fred Balmer, Vdwall. Waeh. ALL BAR FIXTURES. GLASSES AND Ap pliances used In a saloon for sale at The Office Cafe, 285 Washington at. Apply to Sam Vlgneux. FOR SALE FIND FOX TERRIER PUPPY. . wen bred. Call 175 Bast 23d. Phone Eaat 2 ROLL-TOP DESKS AND 1 CHAIR FOR sale cheap. 23 N. 14th st. HELP WANTED MALE. - WANTED YOUNG- MAN. MUST WRITE well; reference required. Xicoll, the tail or. 108 3d st; WANTED BOY It TO 18 YEARS. TO drive wagon and make himself useful. 431 1 Washington 1. !W ANTED A-l SPECIALTY SALESMAN" TO caII on general More and grocery trade. G R, Oregonian. ANTED TWO MEN FOR, COFFEE . route, this city; good pay. Apply 69 lit st. South. WANTED HARNESSMAKERS; GOOD wage and steady employment. The P. J. Cronin Co. WANTED AT ONCE, A GOOD COAT maker. John Sholund, merchant tailor, - Salem. Or. iWANTED DRUG CLERK. GIVE REFER encea and experience. Address K 92, Oregonian. WMPANY WANTS ACTIVE MAN FOR general duties. Must have $200. H 92. Oregonian. WANTED MALE STENOGRAPHER. WITH railroad experience preferred. Addreas L 92, Oregonian. BOY WITH WHKEL TO DELIVER AND ieip in store; good wages, jrraiey, -14 Third at. W ANTED BOY WITH BICYCLE. APPLY room 13 Canterbury bldg.. :td and Washing toa ts. WANTED AT ONCR BOTS FOR DELIVERY Dept. Jloberts Bros. Ut fit. WANTED EXPERIENCED RAILROAD station agent. Apply 303 Commercial bldg. WANTED - FIRFT-CLAS HORSESHOER; wages $3.(k per day. 124 North 7th at., city. WANTED EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER assistant. Apply Eastern Outfitting Co. WANTBD YOl'NO- MAN A 1JOTT 1ft YE3AR3 ' of aae. Mt. Hood Factory, 2rw Couch su Toung Man desiring to better condition Call on Employment Dept.. y. m. c a, WANTED TWO CANDY HELPERS. APPLY - Aidon candy Co.. itnn ana uttsan sis. WANTED A SOLICITOR FOR ENTER- talnmetita. Address C 8t. Oregonian. SALESMEN BIG WAGES; SOMETHING positively new. 215 Commercial block. BOYS WANTED TO WRAP SOAP. LUCKEU King & Cake soap cm., trio Hood at. WANTED RAILROAD BRIDGE FORE man. Apply 3o:t Commercial bldg. BOY WANTED STANDARD FACTORY. cor. Grand ave. and E. Taylor sta. WANTED GOOD JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY. Apply 104 Lownsdale at., cor. Taylor. "PHARMACIST. REGISTERED IN OREGON. Cottel Drug Co.. 1st and Sherman. WANTED YOUNO MAN IN FACTORY. $0 per week. 206 Davis, corner 1st. WANTED COMPETENT PRESSFEEDEK. $12 per week. Alvtn S. Hawk A Co. WANTED A GOOD. RELIABLE" BOY. Jones Book Store. 291 Aider at. PRINTER. $70 MONTH. ADDRESS CROOK County Journal. PrlnevUle. Or. WANTED FIRT-CIASS OOATMAKER8. Nicoll the Tailor. 1U8 Third street. G(?0P HARNESS MAKER. TOP WAGES. 8. J. Frank. Hood River. Or. ERRAND BOY WANTED AT J.i POLIVKA & Co. . 249 Morrison st. BLACKSMITH FIRST-CLASS WAGON blacksmith. 290 Front st. W XTED UNION COATMAKERS. A. Oriswold, Swetland bldg. H. WANTED TWO BOYS. ABOUT 37. Front, corner Davis. 65 WANTED OFFICE BOT. A PPLY OREGON Fuel Co.. 334 Alder. MAN DISHWASHER, corner Davis st. 53 NORTH 1STH. iKtYS WITH WHEELS. APPLY TO OLDS, Wortman A King. BOTWANTED AT MANN & BEACH, 92 HELP WANTED-MALE. NOTICE TO OLD PATRONS. Owing to the Increase in buslnes. wa were compelled to seek a nw location, where we could have more room, and are now located at 21 N. Second st.. around the comer from the old office. In th sam building and the same phone cumber. We have hundreds of job too uumerus to mention. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. Pbona Mala 8074. 21 N. Second FIRST -CLASS WAITER WHO - KNOWS service and Is a good salesman. Must be steady and sober; good salary. Apply to steward. Sargent Hotel, Grand and Haw thorne aves. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN. OREGON, and other railroads. Age 20 to 30; over 140 pounds and O1 feet. Experience un necessary. Firemen. $100 monthly, become engineers and earn $200. Brakemen, $75. become conductors and earn $ 1 50. Name position preferred. Railway Association, care Portland Oregonian. WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND ASSTST siit sales manager with modern methods. 'One familiar with Implements or machinery preferred. Hood nnaition to rlaht oarty. Applicant must give references, age and experier.f e, otherwise w consideration. Applications strictly confidential. Address J 81. Oregonian. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY. ABLE-BOD- leti unmarried men, between ages of 21 and ;5, citliene uf United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can jeak. rrad or write Eng!Ih. Apply to Recruiting Officer. Ainsworth block. Third and Oak ia., Portland, Ur. WANTED STAVEBOLT CUTTERS. $1.50 per cord; good board, steady work ; timber, yellow fir. Apply Western Cooperage Co., Stearns fal4c- Portland, or Houlton, Or. WANTED FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICI- tors; acquainted with the city and gen eral experience in canvassing necepsaxy quaMfk-atione; permanent work guaranteed to right parties. . Address, statfng former experience, with references to B 85, Ore gonian. A GENTLEMAN, COMPETENT TO FILL the position as city as well as traveling salesman for a wholesale liquor firm, can find steady employment. Apply In own handwriting, state expectation as to sal ary; references required. M 90, Orego nian. SALESMAN CAPABLE OF EARNING NOT proposition ever offered a dealer; complete line of Soap?. Flavoring Extracts, etc.. sold by dealer to consumer on "Factory to Fam ily Plan." F. F. Cook, Mgr., Detroit, Mich. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treaiea; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; end for our symptom blank. X-radium Medical Institute, .Id and Alder ata. ; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. WANTED FOR BECKWITH. CAL ON estern Pacific Railroad, 8X tjnnel men, machine men. $4; helpers. $3.50; muckers, $2.50 and $3; foreman. $4.50 and $r; car penters, $3 to $4.50; Fklnnera, $3; board $5 per week: two-year job. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY EARN io 10 $iuo monthly correapondlng for news papers; cure, steady work; no canvamrfng; experience unnecessary- Send for particu lars. Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y. TOUNG MAN OPPORTUNITY FOR AD- ancement; take up preparatory course for civil sen-ire positions. Investigate. Went Coast Correspondence Schools, 714 Chamber Com. Call or write for free booklet. WAXTED SALESMEN" OF ABILITY AND jreai appearance to icall on ail merchants 1n their territory: eleeVnt side line convenient to carry: good commlaaions: prompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O. WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMAN OF UN- quesrionaoie ability, to fill positions open April lat, with large house; position perma nent; correapondence strict Iv confidential. Box 470. Dept. 19. Kan.R City, Mo. PROTECT YOURSELF FOR $1 PER MONTH against accident, aickneas and death. Write or call for full information. Northwestern Health and Accident Association. 31 Mallory bldg., 268 Stark. Agents wanted. WANTED RELIABLE MAN TO REPRE- sent North American Mutual Fire Insui ance Company in city of Portland and vi cinity. Addreas the company at The jjaites, jr., giving references. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER iraoe in etgnt weeks; graduates earn from S15 to S25 weeklv: ciwrt liwstrutnntf cata logue free. Moler System of Colleges, 35 iNorin founn etreet, fortiano. SALESMEN SELL OUR $20 SODA FOUN- commis&Ions; act quick: write" for particu lars. Zenith Mfg. Co., Dept. 20, 132 La Salle st.. Chicago. FOR 60 CENTS WILL DELIVER OR SEND recipe to make genuine Mexican tamales: you know then what you are getting when they are home-made. D. D. Rich, 784 Roosevelt st. PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTING CO.. 205-207 Ud st. Phone Main 921. We design and Install the moat modern and approved office systems. Complete. Una loose-leaf ming oe vices. KELSO EMPLOYMENT 4; REAL ESTATE The largeat list of farm, timber, stump ana in tjowiitx tjounty, Washington; free employment at principal camps. . M. Blxby, Jr. I WANT A FIRST-CLASS FIRE INSUR- ance man to manage an old established office: worth $10 per day to hlra: small amount of cash required. Room 29, 268 Mark street. den and boys wanted to learn Dlumhtne. nlasterinc. bricklavinr. electrical trade: free catalogue; positions secured. Coyne iTaae ocnooif;. rvew onc and san i-ran. WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO UNDER stands soda fountain, ice cream and light in noli work; good position in new, ftrsi. claas confectionery. K S6. Oregonian. WANTED COMPETENT COOK AND JAN ttor, husband and wife preferred; good wages paid. Call at North Pacific Sana torium. 20th and GHsan. CIVIL ENGINEERS. DRAUGHTSMEN, IX strument men, roadmen, storekeeper and hoy to work in drafting room; Irrigation work. 307 Tilford bldg. A FEW FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL OR ganlzers, either male or female, can find lucrative employment by calling at room 605. Commercial bldg. WANTED TO COMMUNICATE WITH bright young lawyer, familiar with plead ing, relative to lorming copartnership. M tS. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN FOR cloak and suit department ; one capable of taking full charge. Address Q 84. Oregonian. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE TO tack signs, distribute circulars. sample, etc. : no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago. WANTED CLETtK FOR LIQUOR STORE; oniv those having experience and can give best of references need apply. V to. ore gonian. EXCELLENT OPENING FOR GOOD ME chanic who can invest S10t0 In manufac turing business. Address O S2, Orego nian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARRIAGB painter; must be good striper and finisher. Pullman Auto Car Company, 6th and Ever ett. DANCING LESSONS. 25o. private and classes, taught dally. Prof. Wal WUsoif. offices and ac3uem. Alt sky bldg.. 2d and Morrison sts. SALESM EN W E HAVE GOOD PERSIA nent positions for first-class men in several of our departments. Oloe. Wortman & King. WANTED COMPETENT CUT - OFF. handsaw, edgermen and planermen. Union Box & Lumber Co., foot Montgomery st. IF YOU WANT A POSITION OR HELP OF anv kind, call at 2'9 Alteky bidg.. or phone Main 3931. Clerks' Registration Bureau. SOLICITORS FOR CITY LOTS GOOD proposition. Apply before 11 A. M.. Rich ards. Commonwealth bldg.. on Sixth at. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars. samples. etc.: good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. . WANTED MALE STENOGRAPHER FOR law office, beginner preferred, light work; aiary jwo. H SB. Oregonian. WANTED SOBER. RELIABLE AND steady driver for bakery wagon; good wages. P 84. Oregonian. WANTED WINDOW TRIMMER AND card writer: department store experience. Apply N 89, Oregonian. THK MARQUAM GRAND BARBER SHOP desire the set vires of 2 first-class bar kers; $16 guarantee. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FIVE RATCHET SETTERS. 1 at $3 ami board. 2 at $3. 2 at $2.75; a millwrights for Coos Bay. $4: 3 rough carpenters. :.o. s hours; 2 carriage rid ers. $2.50 and $2.7o; 3 log deckmen, $2.75 and $o.25; 4 cutoff sawyers. 2.50 to $:i: 2 pondmen. $2.50 and $2.75; 10 millband.t $2.75 and $2.50; i 0 himber pilers. $2.50 and $2.75; mill blacksmith, $85 per month, straight time ; - pi led river engineers, :4 and board; 1 mill enKlneer, $125: 5 cab inet makers, $3.50; bench carpenters, $3.75; turner. $3.50 up, 9 hours; sa?h and door machine man. $3.50 up. 9 hours: sash foremen, $3.75; sanderer Berlin). $3.50; 10 other sash and door factory men at wages from $2.50 to $4; several box fac tory men at good wages; 50 loggers, wages from $2.75 to $5; 2U0 others. All of the above work is out of the city; no strike on at any of these places; we advance fare on eood baggage to several different mills and camps. Come to us. we charge less fee than any other office in the city and we have the largest list of work, OPEN TODAY. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. Main office. 12 North Second street. Branch office. 205 Morrison st. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 20 N. 2d St 250 Burnaide &L OPEN THIS MORNING. 3 river drivers. $:; and board; 4 bridge carpenters. $3.50: 3 rough carpeplers, S3.50. S hours; 6 roueh carpenters. $3.20. b hours; planer man, 3.50; edgerman. $3; extra gang foreman, $75; section foreman. $65; powderman. $3.50: taller.-, $3.25 and $3: buckera. 3: rigging slingers, $3.23; ax men for clearing. $3; swampers. 2.7.": laborers. $2-75; teamsters. $2.t5; a win 111 yardmen, out of town, $2.25 and $2.50; man for private place. 1 cow. 1 horse, par den, etc.. $30 and found; milkers, $40: farmhand. $35 and board: foundry labor ers, railroad laborers, teamsters, hammer men, tunnelmen and steam shovel labor ers, $2.25 to $3. Free fare. Camp cook, $75; 3 cooks, $60; country hotel cook. S0: kitchen help and camp flunkeys. Many places. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. WANTED A BRIGHT. ENERGETIC. APT young man ct cnaracter ana sunny iw fill position as teller and bookkeeper in bank; must either have experience In mercantile or bank work ; good opportu nity to a young man of capacity and pleasing address. Send references with application; also state age and experience. Address 9 if I, Oregonian. WANTED A FEW GOOD SOLICITORS TO take subscriptions for the People's Press, Portland's aggressive weekly. 205 Macleay Building. WANTED BOOKKEEPER CAPABLE OF taking charge of double-entry Bet of books, small manufacturing concern: must also be able to take dictation: state sal ary.; permanent position to right party. Auswer in own handwriting. Address S 8:2, Oregorian. SALESMAN -MUST HAVE IMMEDIATELY reliable, energetic man for city; good per sonality and well recommended; perma nent connection with increasing Income to right party; state age. salary and ex perience. Address B M0. Oregonian. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS THOUSANDS of appointments to be made; examinations soon in every state: circular 161 giving full particulars as to positions, salaries, sample questions, etc.. sent free by National Cor respondence Institute. Washington D. C. WANTED FOR T H 0 CO E V R ' D A L EN E mines. Wardner. Idaho Laborers for under ground and surface work; $3 per shift. 8 hour day for underground work: JVhoor day for surface work; steady employment. Apply to H. R. McBride, Wardner. Idaho. WANTED BY LEADING CLOTHING house, first-class salesmen for each of the following departments: Hats, shoes and clothing; good salary: steady position. Ap plv. stating experience and salary expected. Address X 93, Oregonian, NEWSPAPER SOLICITOR OR BOOKMAN to sell the lat edition of Webster's Diction aries among the school people of Portland and Oregon; salary or commission; new ter ritory. Address X 94, Oregonian. ORDER CLERK WANTED FOR PRINTING and engraving office: must have head for .figures and be experienced in clerical work; state experience and salary to begin, or no attention paid E S9. Oregonian. SALESMAN TRAVELING THROUGH THE country districts to handle manufacturer's line of blankets, flannels, dress goods and novelties: good commission. The Lakewood Company, box 414 Philadelphia. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE HAS A VA cancy for a first-class salesmen in the men's furnishings department, permanent position with a good salary. Apply to the Superintendent. 8 to 10. WANTED MEN. EACH STATE. TO Dis tribute samples of our woods and tack ad vertising signe; salary $21 per week; $3 a day expense allowance. Saunders Co., Dept. 8. "Chicago. THE METER & FRANK STORE HAS A good opening for a young man who has had experience in selling boys clothing. Applv to the Superintendent between 8 and 10. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON, with staple line; high commissions with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jew H. Smith Co.. Detroit, Mich. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, optics, easy terms: posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkg-Engvg. Sch'l. 1426 4th av. Seattle MAN OF ENTERPRISE TN BUSINESS TO take charge of district,' must be busi ness getter. Permanent position. Good pay. Call 212 Swetland bldg. Don't miss this. NO. I POET TO WRITE SONG WORDS: I will write music and present to big New York publishers; send manuscript to Edward Madden. Ill Madden bldg.. New York. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO TAKE course In telegraphy day and evening classes; positions when competent. Oregon College. 5i3 Commonwealth bldg. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WITH EXPE- rience in sale of mining or oil stock; fair salary and commission to gooa man; give references. H S8, Oregonian. JOB PRINTERS. TELEGRAPH EDITOR. R.E porter, circulation manager, operator, news paper, typographical help. Newspaper Brok erage, Goodnough bldg. WANTED MEN TO LEARN TO OPERATE) motion pictures: terms reasonable; short hours, easy work: 25 weekly. Newman's, 145S 6th. near Alder. EXPERIENCED OPERATOR: CAN T'SE any machine; will accept permanent po tion at $9.00 per week, with advance. Hour v to o. facinc -juow. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS FOR CITY Advertising contracts essned. theatrical pro- g ra mme. E) ks Magazl ne ; perma nen t . 603 Goodnough bmg. WA NTED-CRA CKER-JACTv YOU NO MAN stenographer for law office; must be rapid and accurate. A. W. Lafferty, 615-1$ Fen ton bldg. WANTED PARTNER WITH SMAL CAPI tal for traveling show: profits J0 to $50 daily; experience unnecessary. T 87, Orego nian. WANTED CABINET MAKER AND FUR niture fitter. Apply Monday morning, Ira F. Powers Furniture to.. ist ana layior. CITY RETAIL FURNITURE SALESMAN State fully your experience, rererence, salary wanted, etc. K 88, Oregonian. TYPEWRITER REPAIRMAN: ONLY MOD erate experience required. Typewriter Dealers. 5 Post at.. Spokane, Wash. WANTED INTELLIGENT BOY TO learn the paper box trade. Apply at F. C. Stettler. corner 10th and Glisan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE packer. Apply Monday morning, Ira F. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. WANTED BOY TO LEARN WHOLESALE hardware business. Answer in own hand writing. State age. Q 93. Oregoniajtr WANTED SELL 1-3 INTEREST REAL estate office. Wei! - established business. Call at once. 63 li 6th. Price $125. LEARN TO REPLATE OLD SILVERWARE; bewt method known: practical Instructional given with outfit. W 88, Oregonian. WANTED SHIPPING PORTER FOR wholesale grocery business: must have ex perience. W S6. Oregonian. WANTED PRINTER FOR PRIVATE printing office who can feed Gordon press. Addre B 94. care Oregonian. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR; first-class, and good, retoucher. Cutberth, 801 Dekum bldg. A FEW GOOD POSITIONS OPEN HIGH class salesmen only. Call 9:30 A. M., 804 Dekum bldg.. city. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bera. Special membership. 12. T. M. C A. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts-. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. WANTED A HANDSAW FILER. NORDBT Lumber Co.. 2'i Lumber Exchange. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Al SALESMAN. NONE OTHER need apply: active interest to right party. E r2. Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CANDY AND cracker salesman for country. The Modern Confectionery Co. W ANTE D A N EXPERIENCED GROCERY salesman: no other need apply. References. P . Oregonian. UPHOLSTERER WANTED. 414 MORRISON, corner ,11th. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. LADIES OR GENTLEMEN SOLICITORS wanted; something new; - legitimate; no selling, but house to house advertising. Call Monday and Tuesday. 42 Washing - ton st. WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF fair education, with good references, to rep resent a large business firm: good salary to right party. Address M 80, Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE WANTED TO WORK ON farm: man must be good milker and all around farm hand; also boy about 17, good milker. Phon Woodlawn 4S0. WANTED CANVASSERS TO SECURE names of legal voters to petitions. Call Monday, 10 to 11 A. M., 515 Oregonian bldg. COOK WANTED MAS OR WOMAN; SO Sunday work. Apply at 210 Alder st. at 3 P. M-. or at Drake's Employment office. WORDS. POETRY. WORDS FOR POPULAR music. It will be to your interest to call. 335 3d st. Phone Pacific 2860. A GOOD CANVASSER CAN FIND PLEAS ant and profitable employment by calling ac room 325, Allsky bldg. REFINED LADIES AND GENTLEMEN" TO 'take part in lodge dramas; give telephone. G 73. Oregonian. WANTED LADIES OR GENTS TO SOLICIT for a class of work needed in every house. X 89. Oregonian. FOR LIGHT. PLEASANT EMPLOYMENT, salary or commission, address Herbi Mfg. Co.. Portland. Or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED DRESSMAKER TO DO SEWING by the day. Mian Anna Gabe, Riverview Hotel, Vancou-er, Wash. WANTED EXPERIENCED TRIMMERS for millinery department. $35 per week. Address C 92. Oregonian. WANTED A YOUNO WOMAN FOR OFFICE work; must be quick and accurate at figures. Address X 71. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY TO DO BILLING GENERAL office work. References. State experience. Address D 87. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS WAIST FINISHERS AND waist trimmers; fl rut -class wages paid. Call 405 FUedner bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED" MAKERS IN millinery department. Address P 95, Ore gonian. $lO per week. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages to the right party. Ad dress K S4. Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO ADDRESS CIR culara and act as assistant cashier in liquor store. A 84, Oregonian. IMMEDIATELY. THOROUGHLY EXPER1 enced bookkeeper: state references. Ad dress G S5, Oregonian. WANTED A MANICURIST. AT NO. 90 SO. opposite Chamber or commerce. Apply Mon day after 10:30 A. M. WANTED LADY COMPANION IN COUN trv; references. Address Mrs. R. W. Cald well. Hood River, Or. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL TIOUSE work; small family. Call 731 Kearney st. Phone Main 3805. MILLINERY MAKERS WANTED AT ONCE. Apply Monday morning vtonaer juiuinery, 1st and Morrison. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL housework, and care of two children. Ap ply 731 Savier st. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, few mile trom roniano. rnone Jiain i iui from 5 to 9 P. M. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN cook, also girl to help in kitchen. The Ster ling. 036 Couch. GIRL. MUST BE FIRST-CLASS COOK good wages. 554 East Morrison, corner East 13th st. WANTED GIRL TO WASH DISHES AFTER evening meal in West Side house. Q. 95, Oregonian. WANTED SENSIBLE. STEADY WOMAN to learn nursing in small hospital. M 88, oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY in millinery department. Address O 93, Oregonian. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 567- Spring st. Phone Main 2937. WOMAN WANTED TO ASSIST IN TAI lor's repair shop. 231 Alder St., between: 1st and 2d. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; good wages. oa riassaio at., cor. Grand ave. FIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS; NONE OTHER need- apply. 221 Goodnough bldg.. Monday morning. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, small family. Apply 233 North 24th street. WANTED SKIRTM AKERS AND GOOD sewers. aii uit uay suuuj. on tKLm ieriun bu. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS IN AL teration room; jacket hands also. H. B. Litt. STENOGRAPHER CAN HAVE USE OF machine and office free. Phone Pacific 1218. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO wash dishes. 284 Main st. GIRL FOR 0EXERAL HOUSEWORK. 586 Tillamook street, between nth ano loth sts. WANTED A GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK and cooking. 3t3 tn st. Phone Main 32i4. WANTEDAN ELDERLY WOMAN TO AS sist housework, family of 2. 446 East Clay st. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL FOR COM pany. Can go to school. Phone Scott 3596. DANCING LESSONS, 25c WILSON'S School. Allsky bldg., 3d and Morrison ets. GIRLS WANTED-p-APPLY STANDARD FAC tory. 2 Grand ave. and Bast Taylor at. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK; gooa salary. Xio tn. none -Mam xji. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES AT once. Mrs. Zeitfuche, 3S6 Washington st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, two in family. 601 Glisan st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Fam i 1 y o f three. 1 02 N ort h rup st. . Women wanted, $1.50 day, 6 hours. Call 31 a. m. to z r. M.. wes e.. iotn isortn. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GBN- eral housework. Call at 3a Park st. WANTED 2 SCANDINAVIAN MAIDS FOR chamber and kitchen. 175 12th st. WANTED BON BON DIPPER. APPLY Russell ft GUbert, 45-47 Union are. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply ISO East 16th st. WANTED TAILORES3 FOR REPAIR work. 812 H Alder st. Hams. MARKER AND m ASSOKTER. CHERRY'S new laundry. La Grande. Or. A GIRL WANTED IN GROCERY; EX PER -tence not needed. 504 4th at. SHIRTMAKERS WANTED. JACOBS SHIRT Company. 291 H Stark street. GIRL OR WOMAN WANTED FOR LIGHT housework. 453 4th st. WANTEDr-SECOND GIRL; GOOD WAGES. 120 Sellwood St., Albina. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN FAMILY of 2. 446 Bart Clay st. WANTED-A GTRL TO HELP IX THE kitchen. 225 11th st. A WOMAN TO WASH LACS CURTAINS, Monday. 453 Alder. EXPERIENCED WAIST AND SKIRT HELP. 314 Dekum bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. 293 Stark street. WANTED WAIST AND SKIRT HELP. AOS Marquam. NUUSEGIKL. APPLY 4 7TH. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstair. Country hotel cook. 0 to $75; meat and pastry; 3 cooks, $40; 3 family cooks. $35; nouse girls. iio to $35: 4 second Kirls. Seamstresses. $1 day up. factory help. 2 chambermaids. $8 a week; 4 at $20, room and board ; 2 housekeepers, waitresses, for Olympla. The Dalle, Aberdeen, Eu gene. Kalaraa. Medford and Klamath Kalis. $35 to $:-;." and fares paid. Also chambermaids for The Dalles and Kla math Lake resort hotel, fares, paid. Many very good places; J city hotel and restaurant waitresses. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. WANT EXPERT FINISHERS, ALSO Ap prentice. Mme. Summers Matthews, north east corner 23d st. and Glisan. Second floor. TWO WOMEN FOR COUNTRY HOTEL, one as cook, other helper; also one dining-room rirlt references reouired: wood "home, first-class wages; only first-claes need apply. For particulars phone Pacific 2842. or C 94, Oregonian. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work, register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. A 8434 Washington st.. cor. 7th, upstairs. IF YOU ARE A GOOD ALL-AROUND hueiness girl or woman, miscellaneous of fice work, little of everything and want to begin at moderate salary and work up to a first-class and permanent position, call 212 Swetland bldg. ORDER CLERK WANTED FOR PRINTING ana enprravim-; office: must nave head for figures an1 be experienced In clerical work ; state experience and salary to begin, or no attention paid E 89, Oregonian. WAITRESSES. CITY. HOOD RIVER fcook. $35) ; chambermaids (city. Springs), housekeepers. housework. grocery clerk, blacksmith, dtshwanhers, potwasher, waiter. "Drake's." 205 Washington. WANTED TEN EXPERIENCED SALES- men and salesladies; alo packers for our great bankrupt sale of haviland china. Ap ply at 8 tomorrow morning to Supt. the Golden Eagle. THE SOUTH BEND HOSPITAL SCHOOL for Nurses wants desirable applicants to fill a few vacancies. For further Information ad dress. Matron, Care General Hospital, South Bend. Wash. BRIGHT. AMBITIOUS LADY TO REPTrtE- salary; responsible position: references re- NO j FOREMAN WISHES POSITION. C quired; give phone number. M 93. Oregonian. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER IN MEDIUM SIZED ROOM- Ing-house. down-town location; one who has arrriTinv to a -v-v-vr mruarv had experience and can do the work and SITUATION WANTED FEMALE, take full charge. .1 93. Oregonian. Bookkeepers smd Stenographers. TV ANTED EXPERIENCED LADY BOOK- keeper. one familiar wlih department work preferred: give full particulars together with phone number. T 84. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHERS WHO TAKE PRIDE IN their work will be interested in our plan to help them. The Booklet. Syracuse R. A C. Co.. Dlllage bldg., Syracuse. N. T. WAITRESS. CHAMBERMAID AND TWO laundresses, hotel positions, out of town. Apply Younr Women's Christian Asso ciation. Afternoon 1 to 4 only. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts- and overalls; lessons given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor . A FEW FIRST-CLASS FRATERNAL OR. ganlzers, either male or female, can find lucrative employment by calling at room 605, Commercial bldg. WANTED YOUNG LADY TYPEWRITER TO act as assistant cashier, liquor store: r nance for advancement ; state salary expected to start. X 81, Oregonian. INEXPERIENCED GIRL TO ASSIST WTTH housework: small family; no children; Ger man or Swede preferred. Phone Main "5524. fall 215 12th st. SALESWOMEN WB HAVE GOOD PERMA nent positions for first-class saleswomen In several of our departments. , Olds. Wort man A King. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; no washing: eood wages. Apply Mrs. Wm. Gadsby, 770 Marshall st. WANTED GIRL OR ELDERLY LADY TO assist In housework on a dairy farm near town; good home, good. pay. A. iielman, Lents, Or. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER AND bookkeeoer: lumber experience preferred. Address in own handwriting, L Si, Ore gonian. . WANTED A YOUNG GIRL TO GO ON stage for musical act, who can sing, dance or play any instrument. B 93, Ore gonian. WANTED MIDDLE - AGBD LADIES TO handle ladles specialties; a good opportunity to the right parties. E. D. Sayier, 407 Jef ferson. LADY TO QUALIFY FOR A POSITION PAY- ing $mim per year; paid wnue learning; some Knowledge oi music required. Xu ou, ksto gomiau. GENERAL HOUSEKEEPER AND COOK for family of 3: must be first class; ref erences required. A. C. Churchill, 110 2d at. GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN; LIGHT wae-ec. 47 East Eighth, North. Phone East ori k WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS. nurses, waitresses-, second girls. St. Louis Ladies' Agency. 30 lamnm. Mam 0413- AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; wages $35. Call up Mrs. J. Poulsen. East 751. 483 Hassalo st GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANT fd for general housework in small family. Phone Main 4098 or call 674 Washington. WANTED GIRL GERMAN OR SWEDE! preferred) to assist with housework and milk cow. 229 Bast 48th st. Phone Tabor 523. LOX IF TOU WERE EMPLOYED' IX bakery at Exposition grounds, please give me your address. C 9, Oregonian. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard Fac tory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work: must be good cook; two in family. Phone Main 2464. or call 198 King. MIDDLE-AGED LADY. GENERAL HOUSR woik; no washing: no children: call fore noons. Salary $15 month. 250 6th. WANTED AT "THE HILL." LUCRET1A and Washington sts.. a competent cham bermaid; Scandinavian preferred. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Small femilv. washing and ironing sent out. 543 Myrtle, at. Main 3328. WANTED YOUNG LADY STENOGRA pher ; expected- to assist in bookkeeping ; etate salary. S 94, Oregonian. STRONG. TRUSTWORTHY WOMAN AS nurse, to assist among the sick; good pay; permanent. S 90, Oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343 H Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2892. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOMH baker v; one with some experience preferred; good wages. Call at 80 2d st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL, HOUSEWORK, sleep home, no washing. Call mornings before 10 at 737 E. Couch. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, S in family. 128 14th, between -Washington and Alder sts. SITUATION TTAXTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. BOOKKEEPER AND GENERAL STENOGRA pher. 6 years experience, desires position with good concern after April 1; good reason for quitting present position; honeat. Indus trious and reliable; ood references. Address R 89. Oregonian. YOVNO MARRIED MAN. GERMAN, want a position as shipping clerk (if possible In brewery) or timekeeper; best references. G 75. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER AT PRESENT WTTH wholesale house desires change; capable looking after large number accounts; balaxy $75. R 91. Oregonian. COMPETENT YOUNG MAN STENOGRA- pher desires position with a traveling man; good references; state salary. H 89. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY MAN. AGED 3S. in office or store; quick at accounts and good writer. X SS. Oregonian HOTEL MAN WISHES POSITION, LONG experience. Al references. Address X 92. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER WAXTS -ONE-HALF DAY'S work: employed the other half. L 90, Oregonian. enuATioy wanted male. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED A POSITION WITH A GOOD Company by an experienced bookkeeper and general office man, who has also had sev eral years experience as sales and credit manager in Portland: can furnish best of references. T 95. Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER EMPLOYED DURING THE day wants work evening. H bO, Ore gonian. Hlscelmaeoaa. GOOD PRACTICAL GARDENER WILL BE free on April 1 to take charge of garden, lawn, work around house, and if necessary, driving horses and cow; references from present and past employers. Addreas H 83, Oregonian. COOKS. WAITERS, DISHWASHERS. FARM hands, laborers, white, colored, Chinese. Japanese, furnished; machinist apprentice. 1 Drake's, ' ' 205 Va Washin gton. WANTED BY A COIjORED MAN AND woman, window washing, house cleaning, washing and ironing, or any kind of day work. Phone Main 4209. . JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers. alo; all kinds of help. Main 4659. 268 Everett. COT.ORED MAN WISHES WORK WINDOW washing or cleaning. NeW houses a pe Hally. Pacific 942. S.' Harris. 5R1 Hood at. WINDOW CLEANING, FLATS AND DWELL inga. floor waxed. Phone Main 6573, even ing. 8 to 10. Thomas Green. MA'N AND WTFE WISH POSITIONS AS janitors or take charge of rooming-no use, hotel, etc. W 69, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. COMPE- tent to take entire c bargee of office, wants position. R 0. Oreaonian. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED PACKER. In glass and bottle goods; reference. S 89. Oregonian. KALSOMIN1NG NEATLY DONE $.'! PER room. Apply by mail. E. Winn, Room , 167 1-2 1st st. EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAX WISHES position as salesman; references. L 86, Ore gonian. WANTED WORK WITH A LIGHT TEAM. suitable for delivery wagon. O 83, Ore gonian. FOUR GOOD JAPANESE WANT POSL tlons farm work. Call Main 5142. PIANIST WANTS POSITION PLAYING IN restaurant. S 92. Oregonian. REFINED, EDUCATED YOUNG WOMAN operator; Underwood or Remington; desires permanent o- substitute .work. Will accept place at $8.75 per week with advance. 9 to 5 P. M. Pacific 2059. WANTED TEX EXPERIENCED SALES men and salesladies; also packers for our great bankrupt sale of haviland china. Ap ply at 8 tomorrow morning to Supt. the Golden Eagle. YOUNG LADY OF ABILITY WISHES OF. fice position. Six years experience in cash ier, bookkeeping and credit work. Good aiary expected. A. . oregonian. BY CAPABLE BUSINESS WOMAN, Posi tion as bookkeeper; 5 years' experience with large mrg. concern; no objection to country. A 81. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER OR bookkeeper can be had by phoning Eclectic Business University, Main 4504. the special training ecnooi. COMPETENT YOUNG LADY STENOORA- pher, would like position as private scre. tary; neat appearance, accurate work. D 95, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. TWO YEARS' FRACTI- cal experience since leaving college; have typewriter; salary low. JJ. ionc BiiJigg, city. EXPERIENCED COMMERCIAL OPERATOR. Underwood or Remington, desires permanent piace. noura v to o. aciric xuca. WANTED POSITION BY A BOOKKEEP er. Four years experience. Can furnish oest rererence. Q 88. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS CASHIER OR assistant bookkeeper; first-class refer ences. G 88. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper. desires permanent position. Phone main diub. First-class Public Stenographer1 Miss Younce, S03 Lumber Exchange bldg. Main 6719, Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATIONS BY experienced dressmaker; satisfaction guar anteed; prices reasonable. 86 Park st. fhone DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAIST SUITS, shirtwaists, children's and plain sewing. 286 Broadway. Phone East 4868. GOOD SEAMSTRESS AND DRESSMAKER desires sewing in xamuiea Dy day or weeK. n. si. oregonian. WOMAN WOULD LIKE CHAMBER WORK Phone Pacific 3036, or call 357 S. 33th street. SHIRTWAIST SUITS A SPECIALTY All prices. 472 Yamhill st. Phone Main 6b(M5. MIS L. LATTER. UP-TO-DATE DRESS- making: prices reasonable. Lewis bldg., room WANTED PLAIN SEWING TO TAKE home, or washing. izu Meade st., city. TWO GIRLS WANT POSITIONS AS CHAM bermaids In same place. V 87, Oregonian. MRS. M. S- SAVAGE. DRESSMAKER, 290 Haleey st. Phone East 5604. WANTED SHIRT WAIST SUITS AND . children s sewing. Phone East 166. WOMAN WAXT8 HOUSEWORK TO DO by the day. Phone East 2569. Xurses. NURSE WHO THOROUGHLY UNDER .stands care of children and has had. hosnl tal experience wishes position to care for child. D b. oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED NURSE? WOULD LIKES connnement caaee. i ei. woooiawn 77. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS WORK BY the day or week. tnone Main lo28. House keepers. NEAT YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES SITKA tion housekeeper widower's family. Ex perie,nced girl; child's nurse or upstairs tVUTtV, -VJ A 411111111. d)4II WANTED BY WIDOW LADY. POSITION as housekeeper In widower's famllv; thor oughly understands care of a home; best LADY OF EXPERIENCE WOULD LIKE position as housekeeper in first-class rooming nouse. 44 80. Oregonian. LADY OF 34 WANTS HOUSEKEEPING position or cock for small crew. W 84, oregonian. Mi sccllaneona. YOUNG SWEDISH WOMAN DESIRES EM ploy men t as- waitress or chambermaid wages $7 a week; sleep at home. Phone YOUNG LADY GIVES PRIVATE LESSONS in grammar grade studies, beginners in oerman, arawing. Main 1079. SITUATION WANTED BY THOROUGHLY reliable woman to do second work of cham ber work. B 89. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED MUSTC TEACHER GIVES two piano or mandolin lessons for 75 cents. F 93, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WAXTS WORK by the day; permanent places desired; ref erences. N 93, Oregonian. THE LADIES DRAMATIC AND MUSICAL Club. S2.50 month; private lessons, fl. Phone East 1490. YOUNG LADY CORNET I ST DESTRES Po sition in amateur orchestra for practice. V 95. Oregonian. WANTED WORK BY TH0 HOUR, SWEEP Ing and dusting, by capable woman. Phone 494 Main. CHILDREN'S ELOCUTION AND PIANO class, 92.50 monthly. Phone East 1490. SHIRTS AND SHIRT-WAISTS MADE REA sonable. 25 Larrabee st., Phore East 50CU. LACE CURTAINS WASHBD AND stretched; 40 cents a pair. Main 7014. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED A SPE cialty. Phone Main 3740. SWEEPING. DUSTING AND CLBAXIXG. 612 Lynn av.. near Golf Links. SITUATION WANTED FEMAXK. Miscellaneous. CHAMBERMAIDS. WAITRESSES, COOKS (city, camrjt. confectionery, factory, office, family. laundry help furnished. 'Drake's.' 205S Washington. LADY WANTED WORK BY THE DAY. rnon Mam .iToe. WANTED AG T. N TS. AGENTS LEARN TO MAKE ORIENTAL art pictures, something new, no painting to do, learned perfectly in one hour; wa teach you free and you sell your own work and make $25 day; over vu) per cent profit; also teach others at $5 each and make big money; small samples, K ; larger one. SI, postpaid. Particulars fre. Oriental Art Cc, 231 S. Hill st., Los An geles, Cal. WANTED GOOD. HONEST AND RBLlA- Die investment representatives, possessing selling ability, for city and throughout Ore. gon, Washington and Idaho. Call upon gen eral representative. A. L. Winner Co., Inc.. 216-217 Tilford bldg.. Portland. Or., or write your qualifications and in return will send you full particulars regarding our proposition. THE BEST MONEY-MAKER ON THE market for agents: no cheap. cntch-pet;ny proposition, but one that brings results. to $23 per day easily made ; previous experience not required. Inquire roont 24, Raleigh bldg. AGENTS OUR NEW SBLLER YIELDS handsome profits: every business man buys it on sisrht: he needs it: no house canvassing; talking and experience not required; art Id pells itself. Write today. - The Business Builder, Stockton, Cal. WANTED DISTRICT MORS. IN WASHlNG- ion ana orfson to nana ic agencies for a leading life, health and accident society; too contracts; write at once. AdrJress Roysi Fraternal Union, 313 Eltel Bldg., Seattle, Wash. AGENTS EVERYWHERE TO SELL OUR automatic burglar alarms; send 5c for sample; indorsed by cniefs of police; ex clusive territory given. Ramona Novelty Mfg. Co., 1931 Broadway. New York. WANTED A HIGH-CLASS SPECIALTY" salesman of experience for Oregon, who caa command at least $3OO0 per year above ex penses; permanent position to right man. J. A Kidwell, Mgr., sales dept.. Cleveland. O. $25 WEEKLY MADE BY LADY AGENTS taking orders ror our corsets. Most popular line anywhere. Outfit prepaid, write for catalogue and agents' prices. Woman's Ap parel Supply Co., Dept. 3, Chicago. WANTED Agents to sell best grown nursery siock on tn uoasi. inciua.ng tsuroann new pltlees plum. Miracle: commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. AGENT? THE MOST USEFUL HOt'SK- nold necessity ever prwuced: no taikina- to do; sells itself; poor agents making 25 a week; hurdlers coining money: write for ex clusive territory. Monarch Co., 123 Liberty st.. New York, Dept. 81ft. STERLING SILENT SALESMEN BRING- IX C-ollar while you sleep; $0 worm tree 10 flrst applicant from each town; no canvass ing: no capital required. Sherman & Co., Key port. New Jersey. WANTED LIVE) AGENTS TO SELL THE letejit improved hand-power tool grinder; out sells everything on market? extra good profits, big demand. El Starr Mfg. Co., Milwaukee. Wis. MONEY J MONEY! ADVANCED EVERY week to our agents, a run line, including up-to-date specialties. Write for free can vassing outfit. Capital City Nursery Com pany, Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTED LARGE PROFIT, quick returns, handling our faucet filters: the verv best on the market. Jones Mfg. Co.. 2019 Broderick st.. San Francisco, Cal. WE PAY $36 A WEEK AND EXPENSED TO men with rigs 10 introduce poultry com pound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 64. Parsons, Kan. BEST MONEY-MAKER IN THE MARKET 1100 monthly and commissions to gooa men; see tu. Conservative Mutual Life Insurant Co.. Elksf bldg. AGENTS -PICTl'RES. FRAMES. NOVEL- tie. books, quick sellers; sana for rree cata logue 1000 articles; 10c brings fruit picture 8x38. E. X. Corneau & Co., 39 Michigan avenue, Chicago. WANTED, AGENTS LEGITIMATE SUBSTl- tute for slot machines, patented: sens oa sUM for only 91. Particulars, Gisha Co., Anderson. Ind. BEST LEGITIMATE PROPOSITION FOR male and female agent; write for particu lars. California Sales Co., box T. Watson vllle. Cal. AGENTS WANTED EXCLUSIVE TERRI . tory given on Irieh literature. Catholio Sentinel, 250 Oak. WANTED Photograph and portrait a feats; grand new offer. Cutberth. 801 Dekum bldg. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, flaus. stores, or nee, rooming-nouses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portlarwt Trust, Company of Oregon, S. E. oor, 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED TO RENT. BY 3 ADULTS, modern flat or cottage of 3 or 4 rooms. West Side, warning distance; must be. rea sonable. Address X 106. Oregonian. WANTED BY TWO YOUNG LADIES, nicely furnished parlor and bedroom in desirable location. P 88. Oregonian. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES, EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d at. Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates-. TWO YOUNG MEN OF GOOD HABITS would like room and board in respectable private family; references exchanged. D 92, Oregonian. SUITE OF 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, modern conveniences; centrally located; reasonable rent. E 93, Oregonian. WOULD SOME ONE LEAVING CITY LIKE responsible man and wife to care for home? Would be willing to pay amali rent. City reference. E 87, Oregonian. PLEASANT QUIET ROOM. WITH FOARD, or privilege of gettlnar own breakfast ar-1 lunch, for mart and wife; reference. F 88, Oregonian. BY NURSE. ONE LARGE VNKURNIgHED housekeeping room. Ga?. bath, phone, r will have own phone. Permanent. M 8, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 3 LIGHT HOUSE keptng rooms, close in: good neighborhood, electric light; no children. Address X 96, Oregonian. WANTED STOREROOM. ABOUT 25x75. with baserant, if possible by May: West Side; rent reasonable. Fox & Co.. 231 2d. street. WANTED TO RENT A 5 OR 6-ROOM modern cottage within Harrison School district. Apply 400 1st st. or phone Main 4785. WANTED LARGE ROOM. CLOSET, light housekeeping. central. by -8th in an th ; references. C 72, Oregonian. BUSINESS MAN WANTS BOARD AND room, private family only: state price two meals a day. R 83, Oregonian. WANTED TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN modern house or flat, cloee in; will pay good price. H 90. Oregonian. ROOM AND BOARD IX PRIVATE FAMILY by gentleman; close in; give location; with phone. B 86. Oregonian. TRAVELING MAN AND WIFE. TWO children, desire 3 or 4 furnished rooms on Eaet Side. Phone Main 50S9. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping In good neighborhood and near citv. D 85, Oregorian. WANTED TO RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE OR large unfurnished flat; Went Side-, central. Phone Pacific 2563. WANTED 4 OR 5 UNFURNISHED ROOM.- 0 cottage; would board owner; state price. F 85, Oregonian. 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST SIDE. Be tween Oregon and Thompson, on April 1. Tel. East 890. FRUIT FARM IX HOOD RIVER OR BOGUS) River Valleys. Will pay cash rent. D 94, Oregonian. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. ROOM AND board with Catholic family. V 92, Ore gonian. BY MAY 1, FURNISHED HOUSE. 6 OR 8 rooms, in good neighborhood. F 84, Oregonian. MODERN 6 OR 7-ROOM UNFURNISHED house; West Side. Telephone Pacific 2874. W NTED BY YOUNG LADY. BOARD AND lodging in private family. O 8S, Oregonian. A 5 OR 6-ROOM COTTAGE WITH A YARD; state particular. G 95. Oregonian. 1 WANTED BY TWO YOUNG GEXTLEMEX, J room and board. V 94, Oregonian.