The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 10, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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    'THE SUNDAY "OREtfOXIAX; rORTfcAXD; MARCH 10; '1907.
rountlng-Kooin Main 7070
Pity Circulation Main "070
Managing Kditor Main 7"70
Knnday Editor Main 7070
I'omposlng-Room Main 7"70
'City Editor Main 7070
Superintendent Bnildlne- Main 7070
Kast Side office . East 01
MF.It.IG THEATER 14th and Wanhineton
ts. ToniRht s:13 o'clock: Ueorge II.
Primrose Minstrels'.
BAKA THEATER t6 bt. Tamhlll ancl Tay
lor TJaker Theater Company in Hoyt s A
Mark Sheep"; matinee at P. M.; to-
niaht at
VXl l-l RSi THEATER (tlth and MottHodv
"I.nxt in New Tork"; matinee at 2:15 P. M.;
tonight at 8:15.
Gil AND THEATER (Washington. batWMn
Tark and Kerenth) VsudMrlUa. :80. T:S0
acn P. M.
Contlnuoua vaucSevllJe. S:3o. 7:40, 8- P. M.
STAK THEATER (Park and Washington)
Allen Stock Company In "My Friend From
India"; matinee P. M.. tonight 8:1j.
LYRIC THEATER cTth and Alder) Tha
Lyric Stock Company In "Wells of Wyoin-
ln"; matinee 3:15. tonight S:15.
Will Meet Board op Education. A
joint committee from Richmond, headed
by Judge Krazer. and a committee from
the Brooklyn Improvement Association,
headed rjy Mayor Lane will call on the
Hoard of Kducation. Monday, and ask
that the tier of lots on the north side
of the Clinton Kelly sehoolhouse be
buurrht and added to the school around,
t'ntil recently it had been supposed that
these lots were part of the Clinton Kelly
school ground but tho new owners of
the Waverly tract ascertained that a strip
about 100 by 300 feet was not part of the
school ground. C. G. Sutherland found
that the lots were liable to be sold off,
and he got the owners to withdraw them
from sale for the present. If the lota
should be sold the backyards would be
awainst the schoolhousc, and curtail the
ground. The grounds were donated for
school purposes, and there is hardly a
doubt but the whole tract between Pow
ell and Franklin streets was intended to
be included, but by. mistake of some sort
the strip was left out. The Clinton Kelly
schoolhouse is a lara-e building and al
ready it fills tip the grounds.
TMovb for Annexation. C. Ben Rles
land. O. Olsen and 1. J. Kelly have been
'.'ommlssioned to confer with the people
if the settlements along the Mount Scott
Railway In regard' to annexation, this ac
tion being taken at the meeting Friday
night. It is desired to hold a mass meet
ing of these settlements In the near future
and ascertain their sentiments. Mark T.
I'.rownson reported that he had secured
the services of Professor J. P. Horner,
of the Oreson Agricultural College to de
liver a lecture Saturday night. March 16,
for the. benefit of the club, the proceeds
lo Bo toward construction of gravel' side
walks. He will speak on the Holy tand
and will use stercopticon views. A gen
eral improvement movement is under way
at Woodstock under the inspiration of
ihe push club.
Information- for Homeskekers. The
t'haniber of Commerce has a man regu
larly employed at the Union depot to
hand out cards which Invite immigrants
and travelers to call at the permanent'
exhibit of Oregon products on the second
floor of that building, the object being
to aet in touch with homeseekers as they
arrive. A majority of the immigrants
wlo "reach Oregon have some definite
place for location in view, but it is often
desirable on their part to know just how
to get there. This information the Cham
ber of Commerce Is glad to furnish, with
any other printed matter, or oral expla
nation that riiay be needed. Many new
comers have already expressed their ap
preciation of this directive effort on the
part of the Chamber of Commerce.
To I.OT-Butters.
Outside lots may have, some- attraction,
Tint remember that the lots in Irvinglon,
' lying between Seventh and Thirteenth
streets and Thompson and Brazee streets,
are to be fully improved, with a hard
surface pavement on Thompston street:
the other streets fully improved: with
sewer, gas and water mains all laid; con
crete sidewalks and curbs; parking, and
trees all to be set out. Is really the most
desirable and close-in property to be had
in the City of Portland. This property
Is being fully improved. Houses to be
built with restrictions; everything to the
advantage of the lot-buyer. For plats,
prices and terms call upon Charles K.
Henry & Son, 132 Third street, Port
land, Or.
Two Cki.kbrations Planned. There
will be two St. Patrick's Day celebrations
'n Portland next Sunday. A monster
celebration will be held at the .Armory at
night tinder the auspices of the A. O. H.
and Irish of the East Side are preparing
. for another celebration to be held at
Woodmen's Hall. Kast Sixth and East
Alder streets. The exercises at Wood
men's Hall will begin at 3 o'clock in the
afternoon. E. M. Brannick will be chair
man. Pi.aa's for New Columbarium. The
nibson Company Is preparing architec
tural plans for a new columbarium for
the Portland Cremation Association, to
be built at the Crematorium at Sellwood.
It will be underground 26x36. in two sec
tions, each 26x16. The structure will be
or reinforced concrete, and interior will
be of white tile set in cement. The cost
will be about J7000. The plans will be
rtady in about :h) days and the work will
require, three months.
Apartmkxt Site for Sai.b. The finest
location in the entire city, comprising
7"x1i feet of ground, situated on King
street near Washington. Other flue prop
erties in best parts of city can be had
by making application to Donald Mac
Irod Company, 517-521 Chamber of Com
merce. NoTtriF. of Removal.
The Wade Corset Company, now located
at 1'pu Morrison street, will move to the
trearin building, corner Thirteenth and
Washington streets, about March 15.
We Write Advertising that gets re
sults. All lines. High-class work, fair
rrlces. Can care for a few more clients.
The Shafer-Whltticr Company. 427 Lum
ber F.xchange. Phone Main 5Su4.
This VTiu, Remind Toe that now Is the
time to have your hair mattresses reno
vated and returned the same day. Phone
Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair Fac
tory, H. Metzger, proprietor.
Don't Fail to call on Mrs. Smith and
see her fine display of new Paris hats,
Monday and Tuesday. March 11 and 12.
A souvenir given to each lady. Cbrner
Seventh and Yamhill.
Aictios Sale. Elegant mahogany and
brass furniture, piano rugs. etc.. at resi
dence No. S16 I-ovejoy street, tomorrow
t Monday). 10 A. M. S. I-,. X. Oilman, auc
tioneer. '
Xorwat's Great Sinqf.r.
Miss Olivia Dahl. will sing at Arion Hall.
Second and Oak streets. Saturday even
ing, March 16.
Pispnv of fashionable millinery made
from best material at reasonable prices,
respectfully announced by Gertrude Casi
tnir. 631 Williams avenue.
"It's thb W'atbr." Olympla Keer now
distributed solely by Olympia Beer
Agency. Phone Main 671. Insist on
brewery's own bottling.
Hkar the Dunbarr Co. slug and play
Knslish handbells at the Whits Temple
Tuesday night.
Hear the 100 English handbells, played
by the Dunbarr Co., at the White Temple
Tuesday night.
Jacobs Shirt Co. have removed to 291
Srarjc street, between Fourth and Fifth.
The Marquam Grand Barber Shop de
sires the services of 3 first-class barbers.
For SjU.K. Nine-room residence. 701
Nnrthrup street. 60x100 lot. Main 2T;S. .
Dr. Swain, dentist. 311 Dekum bids.
iaL roads lead to Wooster's
Double Alarms of Fire. The fire de
partment has been caused much annoy
ance during the past week by the care
lessness or ignorance on the part of the
persons who have turned In alarms.
There have been no serious blazes, but
five double alarms have been turned in
within four days. The first alarms were
followed by alarms from other boxes a
few blocks distant from the fire. This
brings out two complements of fire-fighting
apparatus. "We have seen persons
turn in' second alarms when the fire ap
paratus had - arrived." declared Chief
Young yesterday afternoon. "Common
sense should teach a person that there
is no need to turn in a second alarm un
less there is a tremendous blaze. Ssveral
times two complements of apparatus have
been called out for a chimney fire and
I remember not long ago when three
alarms were turned in for an insignificant
fire." '
Jewish Mass Meeting Todat. A Jew
ish mass meeting will be held at 3 o'clocjc
this afternoon at the First-Street Syna
gogue. First and Hall streets, for the
purpose of electing a board of education
for the recently organized Hebrew school.
Brief addresses will be made by Adolphe
Wolfe. Ben Selling. D. Soils Cohan, Sig
mund Siehel, D. X. Mosessohn. Isaac
Swett. Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Rev. X.
Mosessohn, D. D., and Rabbi Jacob
B. P. O. Elks. The members of Port
land Lodge, No. 142. are requested to
assemble in our lodge-room on Monday
evening. March 11, 1907. at 8 P. 11.. to
meet Grand Exalted Ruler Henry A.
Melvin. Visiting brothers are cordially
Invited to be present. By order of the
exalted ruler. John B. Coffey, Secretary.
Miss Kennedy Joins Mr. Hamburger
at the ACHE80N Stop.e. Miss Annie
Kennedy, formerly with Olds,- Wortman
& King, has been engaged by Mr. Ham
burger in his new millinery department
with the J. M. Acheson Company. She
begins her duties Monday at the tem
porary location. 131 Fifth street.
Xew Library Station. A new library
station has been established at Tuttle's
drugstore on Mississippi avenue and
Shaver street. It will be in the care of
Mrs. Tuttle. The books will be changed
as often as necessary to keep a fresh
supply. Books may be drawn on the
usual library cards.
Twenty-fifth Street Residence.
With quarter block on Twenty-fifth and
Overton streets. Two-story, modern resi
dence: furnace, good fireplace: facing
south and east: very desirable. Only $14.
000. Apply to Charles K. Henry & Son,
122 Third street. Portland. Or.
G. Frank Moffett has moved to S4
Third street, ground floor, oposite Cham
ber, of .Commerce, with a fine line of
stationery. Waterman fountain pens,
architects' and engineers supplies.
Prompt service. Goods- delivered to any
part of the city.
Kearnet Street Residence. Modern,
two-story, well-built residence on Kear
ney near Twenty-fifth street, facing
south. Full lot. 50x109 feet. Desirable
and good at S9OO0. Apply to Charles K.
Henry & Son, 123 Third street, Port
land, Or.
Lecture bt A. F. Flegel Tonight. A
lecture by A. F. Flegel on "Local Liquor
Laws and Regulations" -will be given at
Alisky Hall. Third and Morrison streets,
tonight. All are cordially invited. An
open discussion will follow the address.
Three Full Lots and Four Cot
tages on Macadam, on the new electric
line: very desirable and cheap at $10,000.
as it is sure to rapidly grow In value.
Apply to Charles K. Henry & Son, 122
Third street. Portland, Or.
Fire in Clothes-Cleaning Shop. Two
fire alarms were rung in for a small fire
in a clothes-cleaning shop at 113 North
Ninth street yesterday morning, at which
there was but nominal loss from the
Wolcott Cook announce their Spring
millinery opening of foreign and domestic
creations at their store, 412 Washington
street, for Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday. A cordial greeting extended
to all.
Dr. Hegei.b, physician and surgeon,
after eight years' .practice In Chicago, has
opened offices in, the Macleay building,
over Woodard-Clarke's drugstore. Hours
II to 12, 2 to 4. 6::J0 to 7:30.
Library Examination March 26. An
examination for library assistants will be
held in the library Tuesday. March 26.
Applicants will please apply to the libra
rian on or before March 20.
76 Acres, half mile from proposed Linn
ton carline and Northern Pacific bridge;
must be sold at once; JU500 cash. D 62,
Church of Our Father (Unitarian).
Corner Seventh and Yamhill. Service 11
A. M-; sermon, "The New Civics."
When Dining Out go to Richards'. Spe
cial Sunday dinner with wine Jl per
cover, 4 to 8:30. Webber's Orchestra.
Anheuser - Busch. Famous Michleob
brew on draught, and lunch, at the Cafe
Vigneux, Sixth and Washington sts.
JWVFOOT Fnoxr on ITnien avenue, choice
location for stores, must be sold at once
$12,750. 11 6i Oregonian. '
Choice Business Corner. Jio.oon nuh-
brings $1300 per annum; must be sold at
once, i 62, Oregonian.
Dunbarr Co. appear at White Temple
Tuesday night. March 12, on the Y. M.
l. a. -star course.
Louvre Restaurant and Cafe. Music
every evening from 8 to 8 and 9:30 to 12
f. .vi.
White Temple, last number of T. M.
C. A. Star Course. Tuesday, March 12.
Y. M. C. A. Star Course, Tuesdav
night, March 12. "
Photo pillow tops at Rembrandt Studio.
Mr. Paul R. Spath, former partner
of the firm of Pcnne & Spath. 260 Yam
hill street, will be pleased to note the
following: On March 15 Mr. Spath will
open up a first-class meat-market, 185
ourth street, between Yamhill and
Taylor streets. He will be pleased to
have his old acquaintances and custom
ers give him a call. Our quality of
meat will be the best grades and prices
the lowest. This new market has been
known in the past as Duke's Market
If you cannot attend the opening cali
phone Main 2S30. Many thanks for
your past patronage.
The making of your new Spring suit.
Come and select one of our exclusive
new suitings then leave the rest to
us and we will make . you one of the
cleverest suits you ever owned. We
have the happy faculty of getting lots
of style into our suits, and it is a mat
ter of pride and principle to crowd all
the good workmanship . possible in
them. You may have seen some Spring
suitings, but you haven't seen the real
ly smartest until you have been here.
J. C. Schaefer & Co.. successors to
Armstrong the Tailor, rooms 10 and 11
Raleigh Bldg. 6th and Washington sts.
Rose bushes you buy from The Slb
son Rose Nurseries are lifted from
their fields especially for your plant
ing. Well grown, full of fibrous roots,
true to name, and quite different from
small hothouse-grown, or unripe, dried
up plants with shoe peg roots, fre
quently offered. Sibson's Roses are
celebrated as the best and cheapest in
the market. Buyers welcome to in
spect stock. Telephone is again work
ing: East 138. 'lake Sellwood cars. Of
fice and Nurseries, HSO Milwaukie
avenue. Do not delay planting if you
desire early flowers.
TO Tl'XE OF 3 TO 3. .
Fast Work by Forwards. Spectacular
Plays and Frantic Crowd Are
Feature of Contest.
Scotch arid English Association football
teams, each of which went to the Port
land Cricket Club's grounds yesterday
afternoon determined to settle the vexed
question of soccer supremacy, played each
other to a standstill, and the game ended
honors even with a score of 3 to 3. This
necessitates a fourth match, which will
be played probably In two weeks and
may be transferred to Multnomah field.
The association football season still has
about five weeks to run.
Yesterday's pame was fast, hard and in
doubt every minute. The Scotch opened
the tallying with a soal that resulted
from a mf xup directl in front of the
English stakes and was put through by
one of their own side. It looked like the
Scotchmen's big day for some minutes,
but a moment of disorganization left
their goal unprotected, and Kilpack
rustled through a pass from the left
wins. Mills' beautiful shot from outside
left; which came in diagonally just under
the upper corner and clear out of Pat
tullo's reach, made the Englishmen's sec
ond tally, which was not evened up till
a glorious shot from Burns at outside
right got past Warrens hands. ' This
ended the scoring in the first half.
The Knglishmen led again in the sec
ond half, Mills poking: a low one. just
inside the stake. It was promptly evened
by Matthew, whose run down left wing
past four men and subsequent tally was
perhaps the spectacular feature of all
the forward work.
The forward work on both sides was
quick, clean and accurate. Owen, Young.
Kilpack, Rylance and Mills all deserve
mention. The Scotch defense was rather
ofT color. Quayle, Fenwick and Williams,
English defense men. played strongly,
"Williams doing the best defense work of
the afternoon.
J. S. Gray, of Tialfour-Guthrie, was
referee. The game was unusually sports
manlike. Not a loud word or complaint
was heard throughout. The spectators
were a. surging crowd of waving, cheer
ing enthusiasts, partisan spirit running
high. English Rir's from St. Helen's Hall
were out in considerable force. L.inesmen
were Alexander and Nicholson. The
C. A. Stewart ryniont
Mackle Dickson (Capt.) Clark
Burns MacKenri". Metthpw Tounc Owen
BNGT-1SH f3)
Hunter Quayle
Steele William Fenwick
Kilpack (Capt. Rylance Douglas "Vosper Mills
The Warren-Monroe Publicity &
Publishing Co. Will Write Ads.
This new firm has opened offices at
425 and 4U4 Lumber Exchange building
and have already secured some of the
most desirable publicity accounts in this
city. Their card reads "Everything- in
advertising at common-sense prices."
This short sentence contains a great deal
of meaning and judging from the past
records of both members of the firm all
work entrusted to them will be handled
in a thoroughly satisfactory manner.
Mr. Warren had charge of the publicity
department of the Northwestern Guar
antee & Trust Company of this city and
his copy always received favorable criti
cisms from experienced advertisers. Miss
A. S. Munroe has had several years' ex
perience in the advertising field and is a
brilliant newspaper and magazine writer.
Both members of the firm possess
brains and experience, two factors that
are Indispensable in the preparation of
advertisements that are convincing.
The week of special attractions came
to a close at the Exposition Rink last
night with a grand pursuit race in
which eight speedy local skaters were
entered, and which was won by J.
Koberts. who received a handsome,
prlxe of a pair of "Winslow skates.
The week proved highly successful
from every point of view in both the
success of the attractions, from an
attendance standpoint and the - enter
taining . qualities of the novelties in
troduced. Enthusiastic crowds . were
a feature at all sessions and all were
pleasantly entertained.
If you want to. enjoy roller-skating
under its best advantages, remember
that the Exposition Rink is the only
place in town. Three sessions daily.-
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties, 305 Wash., near 5th.
Special Sunday dinner. SO cents, at
J. D. Kruse's Restaurant, S63 Morrison
street; music; open nights.
Perkins Hotel restaurant. L. E. Mar
tinez. Chicken dinner with ice cream,
etc., 40 cents.
Watson's- Restaurant will serve a
fine chicken dinner today, 50 cents.
Stockton Suffers $400,000 Fire.
STOCKTON, Cal.. March 9. An im
mense warehouse fronting on Stockton
Channel, which was filled with carpets.
Fouid Her Favorite Again.
A bright young lady of the Buckeye
State tells how she came to be acutely
sensitive as to the taste of coffee:
"My health had been very poor for
several years." she says. I loved coffee
and drank it for breakfast, but only
learned by accident, as it were, that it
was the cause of the constant, dreadful
headaches from which I suffered every
day. and of the nervousness that drove
sleep from my pillow and so deranged
my stomach that everything I ate gave
me acute pain. .
"My condition finally got so serious
that I as advised by my doctor to go to
a hospital. I went to one of the largest
in retroit. "There they gave me what I
supposed was coffee, and I thought it
was the best I ever drank, but I have
since learned it was Postum. I gained
rapidly and came home in four weeks.
"Somehow the coffee we used at home
didn't taste right when I got back. I
tried various kinds, but none tasted as
good as that I drank in the hospital, and
all brought back the dreadful headaches
and the 'sick-all-over feeling. At last
one day I got a package of Postum Food
Coffee, and the first taste of it I took I
said that's the good coffee we had In the
hospital!" I have drank it ever since, 2
times a day, and eat Grape-Nuts for my
breakf a st. I have no more headaches,
and feel better than I have for years.
Name given by the Postum Co.. Battle
LCreek, Mich. "There's a reason."
DIAMOND RINGS Wc make a spr
eialty of .nd carry one of the largest
stocks In the city.
"We et up all of our Diamond Rings,
thereby saving at least 10 per cent to
our customers.
Our large stock of Diamond Rings
orTe'-B a fine selection to choose from.
P.'lcs ranging from S10 to $O0.
'When we tell yra at diamond is per
fect you can bank on it.
We never misrepresent. Diamond
Ring Settings of all kinds.
Wedding Rings
We manufacture our Wedding Itlngu.
Ufing only the very finest quality of
The Popular Tiffany Wedding Ring
b-c carry in every size and weight.
Prices ranging from $:;.30 to $10.
We charge nothing for engraving
Seal Rings finished in rose, Roman
or polished gold, and engraved with
your monogram. Prices ranging from
f.rtO up.
We hare any kind of a Ring you
want. If not, can soon make it for you.
13.1 Fifth Street, near Alder.
linoleums and upholstered ' furniture,
owned by ,D. X. and B. Walters, of
San Francisco, was destroyed late this
afternoon by lire at a loss of 5WO.O0O. .
FUCHS, 38 6 Washington Street.
Spring; arrivals of French millinery.
New Spring- samples of imported cloths
for fancy gowna and man-tailored cos
tumes. A full line of Gassard front-lacing
corsets. . '. ,
Opening sale of new wash fabrics
starts tomorrow. Fine. French organ
dies, lawns, mulls, batistes and Swisses
at special prices. We are showing: the
finest line of wash dress materials In
the city. McAllen & McDonnell.
We wish to thank our many friends for
their kindness, and sympathy which was
shown us during our late bei'eavement;
also for the beautiful lloral tributes.
MARY DELANEY and family.
Kiser Co. Lobby Imperial Hotel.
is ihncttes to
Vlsloa aeteatlflo.
all jr corrected. Artft.
rJefal ere fitted..
ltt lia 8T, KIU ALDEE ST.
Lmrsat and Best Bqtnpp.6 Optical atar
UskBMt la MorlawuL ,
It's made from fruit juices.
That's another reason why
FRUIT-LAX is the best safe con
stipation cure.
American Druggists ' Syndicate.
All Druggists. 30c and 25c.
stock, moderate prices. Mail orders solici
ted. Catalogue free. WOODARD, CLARKE
ft CO., Portland, Or.
Appropriate Models
Appealing Prices
Hand-tailored Street Hats, prime
little Turbans. and Mush
room Sailor effects. Fetchy, catcliy,
smart and snappy. Extraordinary
values $3.00 to $8.00
Dress Hats for the most critically
fastidious; , New York and Paris
patterns and our own superb crea
tions $10.00 to $20.00
Apparel of clearly defined age distinction appropri
ate models for young men, middle-aged men and
men of years , .
The particular style of suit or overcoat that best
becomes him also the shade and cloth pattern he
best can wear. With our elegant assortment for
Spring and Summer we are prepared to meet the
requirements of men of every age. Immense quan
tities arriving daily by express. We shall be pleased
to show you our numerous models.
All Mail Order
Moving-ricture Machines.
Magic Ianterns
Bought, Sold, Rented or Exchanged.'
375 Stark street.
Open all year. Hot salt baths In connec
tion with hotel. Special Winter rates. Dan
J. Moore. Proprietor.
fichwab Printing Co.
jVM .rtk only pakfoible J
lpJGMi nljkpme ar v&rer: 1
filled with special care Address
to Mail Order Department
Sarrrrcck. K
yj3" PanTLAmTrOHsa
tM Washington at, bet. 4th and Etb.
ur .r r . j:.:
culiar to the eye, when, if properly
with glasses, they would obtain
j DR. HAYNES, with
The Iowa Jeweler
293 Morrison Street, (Near Fifth
Denver. Omaha. Euui City, Salt Lake. Dal las, Tex.; Portland. Or.
US Sixth St. FLOYD F. BBOWZB, Mar- Oreeonlaa Bid
Direct Importers of fceavy and foreign chemicals, French perfumes
and proprietaries, Haarlem oil, Japanese camphor and menthol, EnglUB
chalk, German hyposulphite soda and chloride of lime la lead-lined
Private switching track from all railroads to our doors.
We invite correspondence.
Conveniently located at IV i nth and Hoyt streets, near Union Fasseng-er
all communications
To make your home beautiful and
rich, nothing will surpass fine solid
silverware it is everlasting. We do
not handle any of the so-called
"tissue-paper" goods. What, we have 9
Is massive, solid and durahle some-
thing you will always be proud of.
To buy our silverware means to buy
an heirloom. '
perfect comfort and perfect sight.
also counts. Our glasses are
pleasant to look through and
to look at