lb THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN. PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 24, 1907. N15W TODAT. S.LN.GILMAN AUCTIONEER. Special Auction Sale of Household Furniture At. Residence We are instructed to fell by public auc tion at residence. No. 710 Flanders street, between 21st and 221 Tomorrow, Monday, February 25th at 10 o'clock A. M. iAIl the furniture of residence. ineludinsc in part parlor furniture, dining-room i suit. 9x12 axmlnster rug. small rugrs, mat f tinps. crockery. glassware, cut friars water bottle, etc.. platd ware, pictures, -rocker, curtains. : bedroom furniture, Windsor folding bed. tire Irons, hose, kitchen ware. ctc., etc. Sale 10 A, M. to morrow. Monday, at 710 Flanders street. ' S. I. N. Gri,MAN. Auctioneer. S.L.N.GILMAN t AUCTIONEER if . 'Special auction sales At Salesrooms This Week of Household Furniture , j Each day at 10 A. M. Tuesday,Tlrursday& Friday 411 Washington Street Phone Main "473. N. B. House for rent and fine furniture tor talc. S. UN. G1L.MAN. Auctioneer. GENUINE MAHOGANY AND WEATH ERED OAK FURNISHINGS. 4 ROYAL, WLLTON AND AX MINSTER RUGS. STEEL. f RANGE.- .' .' BAKKR SON have received instruc tions to sell by auction ON TUESDAY NEXT . P.hruary Si!. AT .154 ALDF.R STREET, nrnr of Park street, the excellent resi- , ilentisl furniture, comprising very fine weathered oak dining-room suit, up-to-date style, including buffet, extension tahle and 'chairs. new-style seamless royal wilton nut 9x12. very massive davenport in quartered oak frame, parlor nicker, center tables. 3-pfece par- , mr suit in wilton velvet covers, mahogany Roman seat, old blue chlnaware, stu dent s readinR lamp, library- tablo.'also rockers suitable for the library. In the bedrooms we have one all brass bed com plete with best steel -handover springs, nstr mattress, roosc feather pillows, genuine mehosany. full swell front .ilrpsser and chiffonier, other brass and .Iron beds, dressers and chiffoniers til fiuartere.1 oak. bedroom rockers, several oil paintinjts. set of ::2 volumes of poetical literature, also round and extension table in solid oak and set of six chairs to match, rattan chairs, Brussels and ax minster carpets, hall trey, parlor heater. , .Undue Beach steel range with water back, kitchen safe, tables and other use- . !ul lots. The auctioneers have frreat pleasure in calling the attention of par ties furnishing to this sale of hlgli ouallty household furniture, rugs. etc.. and would request an inspection of the . ijoods tomorrow (Monday I. .ale TUESDAY next at 10 o'clock sharp. - ON THURSDAY NEXT j At BAKERS' AUCTION HOUSrj. corner 't Alder and Park streets, we shall offer or sale Rood, clean household furniture, carpets, etc.. at 10 o'clock. ' NOTE We buy second-hand furniture . for cash, or will sell same for you on commission. Phone Pacific l!i7. . BAKER & SON. Auctioneers. Auction Sales By J. T. Wilson AUCTIONEER Monday.Wednesday, Friday At 10 A. M. Each Day At Salesroom, 208 First Street This week's offerings comprise modrn buffets, round and square . extension tables, box-seat dining chairs. dinner seta, dishes, glassware, pictures, oak ' hook case, upright folding beds. Iron beds, springs and mattresses, up-to-date bedroom furnishings: the different pat- -tern dressers and commodes, bedding, pil lows and bed linen, toilet sets, chairs, ro kcrs. tables, couches, large golden oak wardrobe: the different grades of ai pets, linoleum and Moor coverings: kitchen safes, treasures, tables cookstoves. pas stoves: a fine assortment of modern housekeepins effects. A Few Specials Priced to customers at anv time: Dayton computing scale, star coffee mills. Na tional cash register. ex"elsior safe, drop ies,l sewing machine. Richmond piano, lirBe French range, sttPi broiler. l0rt poiind butcher sealo, larg-e refrigerator letter press. N. B. Ae are in the market for any quantity of. house furnishings, office fix lures, etc. Phone Main UCfi J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. Portland Auction Rooms A. SCHUBACH. PROP. House furnishings AUCTION SALE AT 471 E. DAVIS STREET TOMORROW AT 10 A. St.. to be sold V J i llOI T RESERVE: Oak roll-top lctk and revolving chair, oak extension table and chairs, pretty metal beds. Y. T. springs and floss mattresses, drop heart sewingmachlne. odd dressers and commodes. Brussels and. ingrain carpets excellent cook range, bedding and twd linen, lace curtains and other draperies .fbinaware and laundry utensils, child's lrd. tent and a hundred other items. Sale 10 A. M. Come early. AUCTION SALES AT 211 FIRST STREET : MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY 'AT 2 O'CLOCK P. M. Tl Almost everybody knows" about these ales of HOUSE. FURNISHINGS. If ieu don't want to nave money, don't (tiiine. I OFFICB DESKS. j Tomorrow at 2 P. M.. without reserve: ' ' C. li. KCRtV Auctioneer. t , .. - . XIW Ton A V. $25,000 Half block on Kast 7th St.; paving good revenue,.- quite centrally located. $21,500 - Quarter block. Union avenue. Income 5100 per annum. ,$23,000 . Quarter block on 12th st. Trackage facilities. This Is a good one. $35,000 For one day only. After Monday the price will positively be greatly advanced. This property Is a choice corner lot on 4th St., north of Washington st. paying very good revenue. This is a genuine bargain and can never be bought at this figure after tomorrow evening, when our option expires. . $5000 Beats anvthing on the market. Almost 2 acres west of 30th street. This Is centrally and beautifully located for a few residences. You can go miles beyond and they will ask $2000 per acre. $20,000 RESIDENCE On account of going abroad, the owner will sell one of the most beautiful of Portland's residences with all its elegant furnishings complete. This .property is modern in every respect and finely located, and cost over $i,000. BARGAINS IN ACREAGE $2600 4 acres on Powell Valley road, easily cultivated, good soil. $1050 7 acres on Johnson Creek on electric line.. A snap. $1800 6'i acres with house, barn and two acres in strawberries, mile from station, 8-cent fare to Portland. WILLAMETTE PARK $1000 TRACT 5-acre. tract's cleared ready for cultiva tion. Water piped to each tract. 8-cent fare to Portland,- We have a number of 5-acre tracts not cleared for $100 per acre and upwards In this district. A REAL BARGAIN S-room residence on East Morrison street, west of Fifteenth, corner lot. Here is an opportunity very seldom toffered. Lambert-Whitmer Co. 107 Sherlock. Bldg.. 404 K, ' Alder Si. Phone Bast 401. Main IOCS. $4000 Buys 5 Good Cottages West Side lot. luOxlOO; income J&00 per year. . . . - " $7250 Takes good Income property on North Mh si. 33750 For S-room modern house, N. Portland; easy terms. $2550 Will get you a n-.odern 6-room house on well improved street. East Side; terms to suit. , $15,000 Invested In 30 lots and large, modem residence in the most active district on the ast Side will make you $PO0O in S months.- Would this, suit you? $21,000 4 new. strictly modern flats, pays over S per cent net, witli vacant ground enough to build four more flats. M. E. LEE Room 20 Raleigh Building;, S23!4 Washington St. Eight Acres On west slope of Mount Tabor, jthe choicest of it all: nice to plat: come in and get full particulars and price. Twelfth Street Near cfay, east front, choice lot 50x loo: teooo. ' East Taylor Street Near 20th, very desirable 7-room house, all modern conveniences; $3600; 1-3 cash, balance 6 per cent: snap. Vacant lot 30x80, west of 20th, desirable, cheap, $1100. . . ' Irvington SOxlon on 11th, near Tillamook, very nice; $1000. East Main Street Near 20th. a (-room bouse; $3000. 7-room cottage. 100x100, near East 42d street, . $1750. Russell Street Near Union flve.. S-room cottage. 50x 125: cheap at $2o00; j cash, balance 6 per cent. F.W.Torgler, 106 Sherlock Bid. fir A A For new double store building nil) oft Union ave..' good for 10 per-. cent sure income: owner going East and offers this place at a con siderable leos than can bc-rebuilt for. The stock of groceries' to be old at invoice. This is an exceptional- offer. If interested, see me at once. . CC7AA Willamette- Heights. large All WW "Ijrhtly strictly modern home; Vviivv wl handle thlsi baiance easy terms. CllCfi If so,d th,s week, will buy a. fi-room house and full lot be v tween Williams and Union avenues, fronts east and Is heated throughout by hot water. C11 Crt For new modern 7-room house, 1) 1 .1 ! J 2 blocks ea.ct of Union ave., si-ivsv Oolmr st wjth a modern plumbing; high, sightly, and in best resi dence district. This is good and will not last long at that figure. John B. Matthews 722 Chamber of Commerce. 100x200 Near High School, a fine speculation; the price is right and good terms. F.O.Northrup&Co. 211 Commercial -Block. SEASIDE FOR SAT. IT XAW, T . ... , . strutted view of ocean. Owner, 206 'Arthur si. r-none facme 1022, . Warehouse 7500 square feet of floor -space. Elevator and lighting included. 44- First Street. Alberta, Canada I what you should bs interested in. For in formation call evenings or write J. A Fos ter before he leavs for that country. 808 Bast Sixth street. DON'T MISS SEEING OUR SPECIALS IN classified column today. 720 Cham. Com. HTBW TODAT. - A $12,000 Snap 100x100, ' Northwest corner 2d and Hall. 10-rooni house on corner lot. Inside lot, vacant. , SO feet of space between house abd north line of property. House. will rent for. from $50 to $60. How Property May Be Handled Inside lot can hesold for $5000. leaving comer lot and building $7000. Building cannot be replaced for $7000. Corner lot without building worth that amount. Inside lot ca,n be improved by erect ion of double building at a cost of $6000, containing- four flats, two lower of six rooms each, and two upoer of se.ven rooms each, that will readily rent for $30 and $35 per month, making entire investment $18,000, with an annual income of $2100, which Is 12 per cent gross on investment. This property is so close in that there is no likelihood of depreciation and every indication of a rapid appreciation In value. A quarter block on Second St.. two blocks north of this property, recently sold for $15,600 and is now held at $30,000. 50x100 on Second St., four blocks north of this property recently sold for $11,000. KENNEDY & HICKOK S2o Lumber Exchange'. Phone Main 1538. 3-RAILROADS-3 Do you know what developments are alated for the locality near the Jefferson street depot? Were we allowed to tell you what, we know concerning these im provements you would lose no time in buying the piece of warehouse property there that we are offering at a price that makes it the best buy in the City of Portland. This will pay you S per cent net on the investment. There Is nothing In the city that will make a greater ad vance, in value in the next Ho days. Seeing is believing. Let us show you. O'DOINNELL & LUCAS 314 Chamber of Commerce. McFarland Investment Co, 310-311-X12 S wetland Bldg, cor. 5th and Washington streets, Portland. Real Estate and Investments 3.400 acres -of truit land and farms, wlth bulMiniSS to match: crops in. 10.000 acres Eastern Oregon wheat farms. 30.000 acres timber land. $15 to $40. $2:i.0i Whole block in Portland. I $6.000 10-room residence, 10 per cent in-i vestment. J Jr;-P?o 2 new cottages. 2 lots 12 per cent. ...v -,-iiuui Liuni uuiB-iiouse. $1.600 12-room boarding-b.ouse. . $1,500 Notion store, Morrison, street. $900 Bakery, complete oirtflt. -$.r,0 Nice restaurant, steadv boarders $i00. $200 tjots in Woodtnere. 50x100 10-acre tracts Hood River aDDle land Hotels, stores, rooming-houses, cit-v property or an Kinds. $30,000 Choice quarter block opposite the site $25j000. m railroad trq Half hlock.on railroad trick near East S15V0OO ik on Union av Quarter block on Union ave., near East J 1 JOU It. $40,000 3-story brick, good corner on Grand aveu near East Morrison. - HEALT INVESTMENT CO., 210-214 Abington, lOSH" Third St.. Tousley 6 Weaver 11-12 Lafayette Bldg.. S13U Wash. st. Phone. Main 6961. Good Investments Quarter block 16th, near Overton; price $16,000. Income. Quarter block 17th. near Northrup; price, $20,000. Good income. Quarter block 22d, near Reed, $11,000. Quarter block Front and Curry streets. $3600. See This Beauti ful 8-Room House Four full lots; will sell all or part. This will please the most fastidious; good terms. The Dunn-Lawrence Co. 149',4 First street. $15,000 3-story business building close in, leased for $loOO per year. We can sell this on terms. There is not many of these buys left. ' F. O. NORTHRUP & CO. 211 Commercial Block. 7 LOTS PORTLAND HEIGHTS $4500 CASH. OWNER MI7ST SELL. C. C. SHAY, 304 ABINGTON BLDG., MAIN 1942. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY $45,000 Full block, North Portland, track on two sides this is $5000 under market value. See us for particulars. VANDUYN & WALTON S03 Chamber of Commerce. $1900 Union avenue lot, four blocks from Hawthorne. Inquire 513 Fenton building. ' NEW TOD-ir. ' BALL & LEE $1800, Half Cash Buys 40-acfe farm.- 25 acres in cultiva tion, balance itt- timber and pasture, run ning water: new frame house and barn: other necessary buildings; lov miles from Oregon City: handy to school, church, phone and R. F. D. $1700 Buys : 21 acres 10 acres in cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture; fair house, barn and orchard: 3 miles from Oregon City. Would make a line fruit and chicken ranch. , We Also Have 20 Other farms In Oregon and Washing ton, ranging in price from $1700 to $11,500. Also Portland properties, consisting of ho tels, rooming-houses, merchandise and other stores: vacant lots and a line list of houses, from $1500 up. If You Want to Be "Showed" Drop in on us; we'll do the rest. BALL& LEE Room 2S, Raleigh Bldg., 6th and Wash. WE HAVE A LARGE Suburban Tract Of .very fine land, every foot of it lying beautifully. The railroad skirts one boundary of it and a number of trains are run to and from the city daily, mak ing ft convenient for business men liv ing1 beyond. Inside of a year it will also be connected by electric line to Portland. The cost of this tract, almost a section, will be in the neighborhood of $30,000. It is worth easily twice this amount at the present moment, and is a rare chance for an investor to make a nice profit. See us about it. Lambert-Whitmer Co. 107 Sherlock Bldg. Phones East 401. 404 Wast Alder. Main 100S. A Tract of 10 Lots AM lays level adjoining Citv View Park, overlooking the Willamette River and the Oaks, is' right on the river front. 1(10 feet above river and on the Sellwood car line; a fine view of the city and river. This can be platted in- 10 lots. Nothing Iv 1-. -1 n-;.. $11,000 - At 50x00 on Grand ave.. near Ankeny. $12,000 i For fine cor. lot on Ea.t sli and Grand ave. or 23,000 for H block. $20,000 For corner on East Wash, and Union ave. Present -in- price will double inside of one year! $26,000 m& ock close in on nd 52 feet from st. This is a Hpipnuia location ror house. swell apartment- J. Porter 222 Washington Street. "BUY BUSINESS PROPERTY" i $27,000.00 50x100 on th street. -This is one of the cheapest lots on the street. Sixth street is the best business street running north and south. We can recommend this to an investor who wishes to realize a hand some increase in a short time. Call at our tjffic-e for terms. Reed, Fields S Tynan Company 102 Second St. Phone Main. 7004. For Sale by J. F. Compton 0K nnfl B".vs half block, 1-x200. be QLO UUU tween 16th and 17th; im proved, income $120 per month. A chance to clean up $15.0t0 In a few months. . 411 find 2' rooms in building, lot 50x W I I UUU 100. everything in good order; will pay 13 per cent on investment, and will increase in value. SUITABLE FOR PLATTING t7R finn B"y $ acres in the City of WlJ UUU Portland, which can be cut up into lots and sold for $200,000. perhaps much more. $7Rf1f) 101 acres finest farming land, WlJUU produces 4 tons timothv hay to the acre, west of the city, on good road. -A pleasure to show. " J. . COMPTON, . 100 Abington bldg. Pacific 1S43. GOOD BUYS In all parts of city, residence, business property, lota, investments. J. H. Hellbronner & Co . oil Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark. Hood River -Apple Lands Will Invest $5000 cash and give equity (will pay over 8 per cent) in modern Chicago apartment building- for Portland real estate- up to $25.000. V 24. OregonW. SOUTH PORTLAND $13,000 near. mill, full lot with two store buildings; good income. .- '; ' VANDUYM & WALTON 'I 308 Chamber of Commerce. KEW TODAY. Apartment House Sites . 5000 TV KNTV-THIRTJ ST. Full lot. near Washington &t. $12,500 WASHIJIfiTOSl ST.-Full lot. near 21st st. ; a snap. a $15,000 THIRD ST. Corner, with 10o fet on 3t1 st.. south of Morrison and close in. $15,000 TWEXTV-THIRU ST. Full quarter block, near Washington; cast front age. ' - $20,000 THIRD ST. Quarter block with a south and east facing. An ideal lo cation. Business Property $20,000 FIRST ST. Corner lot south of Madi son, improved and paying 9 per cent $25,000 FIRST- ST. Fractional lot. Improved .'Hid paying Income, south of Wash ington st. ; good location. $25,000 UNION AVE. Quarter block feet from Morrison St.; good retail loca tion. $30,000 GRAND AVE. Quarter block near Morrison st.. close to new East Side theater. $32,000 . FOURTH ST. Coiner lot, north of Burnside st., partly improved and paying $200 per month. $36,000 BISSEM. ,-ST. Quarter block near Williams ave.. improved with 3-story brick: paying 7V per cent net. Build ing alone worth more money. Warehouse Property $10,000 FIPTKEXTH ST. -Corner lot. north of Hoyt st.. some improvements. $35,000 FIFTEENTH ST. Half block. A snap and the best buy in the vicinity. $37,500 CiUISAN ST. Quarter block close in and with immediate trackage facili ties. James J. Flynn 512 Chamber of Commerce. Cornel! Heights See us about prices, etc.. on lots in this most beautiful track of land at the head of street. By far the best property on , the market today for a lovelv home.' KNAPP 8 MACKEY 2 Chamber of Commerce. First Addition to Linnton The first addition to Iinnton is part of the original of Linnton. It over looks the Willamette and Columbia Kivers. the Peninsula 'and Vancouver from Portland to the State of Washing ton with all the mountains in full view. Lots have two street frontages and well located.. - . ' For a short time only the present low prices will prevail. $00 to $100 each, 10 per cent down. J5 per month. If you -want to secure a very desirahlo home place cheaj don't neglect this op portunity. Take Northern Pacific train S:S0 A. M. at I'nion Station. Applv 10 C. H. BUNKER. 514 Chamher. of Com merce, or Anthony Hardy, Linnton. Macadam Road Acreage Very choice piece of ground, on the hill jus.t back from the road near Riverdale. Lies beautifully, with view unobstructed. A' spot where one can live and launch or auto to good advantage. Three and one-quarter acres in all. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF - OREGON. ,1 S. E. C'ou Third . and Oak Streets. TO CI,OSE AX KSTATK 30 LOTS Fair 4-room house. Ticat barn, well with windmill, choice shrubbery and garden: 3 blocks from street car: will make line suburban home,, only $2.00. HOME LAND CO. 11314 First Street., near Morrison. INVESTMENT TSO fct faring Russo-11 st.. opposite Postofilce.. ner cor. GantPnhpin ave.: frame buildings: income now $93 per month: future of this property will dou b!n inside Ave years. My price as above lor quick doli-very. a: h. birrell 201-203 McKay Bldg 3d and Stark sts. SEVENTH STREET Corner North of Burruide This property is bringing a good in come and the location is one which will insure a rapid advance in value. For price and lerms see SKXfJSTAKE Jt LYMAN. , 9(1 Fifth Street, near Stork. TO I.KASK loOxl'K'. corner Hoyt and Ninth; will lease ground for term of years or build for responsible tenant. For particulars see SRiVtiSTAKLK A I.VMAN. HO Fifth Street, near Stark. 4250 .'. 100x100 fret on the east aide 241 b at., between. Tburinan and Vaughn ts. F. V. ANDREWS & CO. Hamilton Bldgr. 131 Sd . Tel. Main 3349 FIRST STREET $20,000 50x100 rent $200 per month. O'DOINNELL & LUCAS 314 Chamber of- Commerce. Xt TODAY. Good Opportunities for Investment in Portland Reai Estate WEST SIDE HOIIKS. 6- room modern house, Johnson st.. near 23d. for .' :ti-,o S-room modern residence on Portland Heights: lot 32.ixlOO m.'.oo 16-room double house in South Port land occupied in part bv owner: will rent for $:5per month.' $0500 WEST SIDE SITKS. A splendid site for a fine home. Neigh borhood established. Head of l.ove joy st.: three lots 910.000 Elegant locations at head of Melinda ave.; view unsurpassed. Price per lot .- :;oim Ixt near 22d and Lovejoy F3400 EAST SIDE HOMES. House and lot at Tremont; rents for $! irno Housie and lot at Woodlawn 1(MM) House and two lots at West ave.: ;i. bargain Jisoo House and lot near West ave. . . .lOU 7- room hoii"!e and two lots on Kroad vvav line f 4.-uo EAST SIDE LOTS AXD ACREAGE. One acre at Stewart's Station: rents for $4o per month V-ttsuo On,, acre nt Firhmd ."r.O One acre et Middlesex. Kern Piirk.flOlW Two lots iri Woodmere on easy terms fcoo Lots on "East 12th and East lavis st. Last, walking distance, nt 20 per rent below their value. I475 to IUK73 each. Fifteen acres close in on Oreeron City line, -with orchard, hOue and brn, fine soil o;;oo We have many good bargains on uur list. Tf you are looking- for a con servative investment call anl sep us. If you have property that you wish to sell for what ii is worth today we would be glad to outline a plan bv which we can sell it for you. A. L. Parkhurst 6 H. L. Sale Room SOS Lumber Exchange Building;. . Everett Street Near Ella st., vino feet, veir Im proved, with rentnl value of flOO per month. Glisan Street 10-rnnm residence with 50xl feet, between 20th and 21st ats. Overton Street RpffMenr. of X rooms, nifldrrn 521 "fry particular, jltU 50x100 feet, near 25 th at. 21st Street North JOOxlOO feet, comer Kearney t. nn Inipr4vrl. . JOOxlOO feet, with new Improvement!; Income 9112 per innth. North Portland Wc have lot on 22fl nnd Z'.M. Guild, 24th, Hover. VbukHu and AMinon mtn. from 14iH) up. F. V. ANDREWS 6 CO. Hamilton Rids:. 131 3,1 Rt. Tel. Main 334 $1000 Per acre, suburban home of 222 ACRES, next -to the city limits. Very fine property. See us about this: PARRISH, WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder Street. INVESTMENTS 43x100 on Everett street, with 10-room house, will rent for $05 per month. Price, $10,000. Fine corner on First street with S flats, and- 10-room house, good income, $16,000. 100x100 on 22d and Thurman streets, $6000. ' Jennings & Co. 332V4 WASHINGTON STREETS. Astoria Waterfront Four blocks of waterfront in Astoria, suitable for ohl-?4orage plant, saw mill, or factory, the only waterfront for sale in Astoria. Railroad runs through center. Bollam, Gmsss & Higley 128 Third street. Portland. Or. Real Estate Bonds Secured by first mortsaee on $1.000,WO Portland city real estate. We are authorized by the owners of these bonds to. ffive a bonue equal to 75 per cent of the investment. This proposition will in terest you. Come in and get the par ticulars. ' NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE 8 TRUST COMPANY ' ' Lumber ' Kxchnnse Bids:., S. E. Cor Second and Stark H. S250 Ea. For a Jew choice lots, onlv 20 minuts' ride from 2d and Washington sts. On ac count of good car servicr. fine school, city water and graded streets, these lots have sold rapidly at this price. Values to the north of the citv are advancing A couple of these will make a good in vestment: $10 monthly. PORTLAND TRI'lFr" COMPANT OR OREGON. S. E. Corner Third and Oak Streets. Nevy Suburban Home With a fine half block of ground, only two blocks . from car line. It's brand new, ready to occupy, and built to suit. If you want a six-room house and ground to use. see this. Only J2375. complete; $375 cash, balance easy monthly payments. PORTLAND TRVST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. Cor. Third and Oak Streets. XKW TODAT.' Tiie Sp&nton Co. $1500 $2100 l-rooni modern hnnsalow at Tremont: easy terms. 5-room cottaze, Kat Irving, near 2Sth: easy terms. OOnn 4-rnom modern home, full lot. East inth. between Davis and Ouch; easy terms. CT7(in '"-room home on East Ald?r. OulUU ltith. Just remodeled, lot worth $;'JC0; easy terms. CCCnn 7-room modern hou.-se. close in. vwuUU choice neighborhood, corner lot; easy terms. tjnfl few -fi-room modern home in tJHtUU Holladay Park Addition. tf07Kf Strictly modern 6-room house WW I JU to h" completed March 1. and will be a beauty; on Saimon; easy terms. RRflfl Bpautif"I new S-room house. VUOUU thoroughly modern, near new East Side Hiffh school; easy terms. $5500 Beautiful modern 6-room home on Marshall st., near 24th; easy Aflfl Reautiful modern 7-room homo WtJUU on Hoyt st.. near 24th st. tDQnn Thorotishly modern 9-rooin wUUUU home on Irving st., on the West Side, near 21th. full corner lot; $2vy cash; w ill handle. Clnn Bllys the finest lot in Irvine- ItUU ton. cement sideal!v. -i--"""miu:jraum,mi!ltliIilll:ilUlll'''" r Commonwealth Bldg.. 6th and Burnside, a,, The new addition to Z Portland Heights j Full-size lots on the carline; city water, gas, sewer, etc. YOUR CHOICE, 50 LOTS, ? '155.0 D. E. KEASEY & CO. Office on the Heights, Opposite Ainsworth School; Main J 2159. Irvington Homes And vacant lols are in great demand. Come in and see us before they are all gone. Here Are a Few 1R0 :,0.Jrt0, corner lot on Tillamook. lflfMi 7:,xli"i0. extra value. . )2700 100x10.1. 27,i HiOxlrto, fine corner, 93000100x100. tttOOO 100x100. i:tr,iH( .Six rooms, corner lot. 9U200 Nine rooms, g-ood. 4simi Seven rooms, ti 87 Multnomah, UMINOO On :st Kifc'hth street. 72I0 HS4 Schuyler street. 7rOt I-lancock street, corner, fSoOO Tillamook street. yLBCC ENHiflM QOMPAHt PAotie Afan SOO. 24 -2S Concord 'BuiAy $7000 CHOICE RESIDENCE Modern in "every way; tine loca tion ; northwest part of city, PARRISH, WATKINS & CO., 250 Alder Street. . Manufacturing OR Warehouse Site Half-Moek Kod solid ground et sld of East Third, between Kast Dnvia and Everftt Btre-tn.- This l very central and Is tht low?st-prici half -block suitable for euf'n puipofifit that can be found within douhln the distance from the heavy business of tha city. R. M. WILBUR 110 Second St. Safe Investments Cnflfl ?nv117 Poplar, bet. Spruce and JUAllf Walnut - streets, Mc Tabor; S-room house. fVvnorl nt nl,d 9-room house, VJfaWV VII L.VI In good condition. on carline. West Side: house rents for $;'.n. $3600-145x100 Vsns Sann Hancock and Kast 7th streets. A PA RTMKNT SITK $12,000-160x100 a'nT'v.rsTs!;" ated in the heart of, the best residence district in the city. SINNOTT $ SSNNOTT 525 Chamber of Commerce. COLONIAL HEIGHTS IIAWTHORXK A VEIN IK. We make a specialty of res!den:e lots on Haw thorne avenue, because .it the -TK residence street of the -Kast Side; it Is over 3 miles longr and is 70 feet wide, with bitulithio pavement, which is beinjr laid. We have some lots and quarter blocks on Hawthorne avenue at very reasonable prices. Building restrictions guarantee a. fine neighbor hood. SENCSTAIvE & I.YMAN. !M Klffh Street, near Mark. TO IJSASK .-.Oxioo cor. 7th and Everett, will build :l or -story brick for responsible tenant. -The lot baa HMl-fct fronUiKe on 7th. HRXGSTAKE I,VM. IW Fifth Sitrert; near Stork. i "GREENWAY" i