31 In th forenoon. T. P. 8., Thursday evening, 8:15 o'clock. - Bethtnia Danlih Lutheran, T'nloo a-nu and Horrls-G udmund OrXll, pastor. Sunday ervlcts, 11 A. M. and 8 F. M.; Sunday school. 12:18 P. M. BWEDENDORGIAV; Portland Tew Church Society Services In Knighta of Pythias Hall, corner Eleventh TRAVELERS' Ot IDE. IN THE FIELD OF LABOR 0. H. Gram, President of .State; Federation of Labor, Will Go to Salem to Cbampion and Oppose Certain Legislation. EAST via JI SOUTH and Alder streets. 11 A. M.1, Sunday mm. lO A. S subject, FREE BY R. A; HARRIS. . . ' ' ORGANIZED LABOR of Orton will ch&mplon and oppose considerable legislation at the forthcoming se?sion. C. H. Gram, president of the Stats Fed eration of LAbor. -will mo to 8alm with the flrst of the lawmakers and will re main until the last metaphorical dog Is liun-. Amortir rila first actr w!IT be to seek an. audience with the Preslflent of tha Senate and explain to wm wnat labor interests believe to have been a diabolical plot of certain enemlea of labor- at the last session to thwart labor legislation, and to make an earnest request that the President of tbe Senate- ae to It that uch a thins la not permitted at this ees- Sion. ThiB plot 13 believed to have been perpetrated n the selection of ft certtitn Senate comtnlttee. composed of two bankers, two lumber magnates and' a member ol the .Citizens; Alliance, an or sanisatlon believed by the mehiberfhlp ol organised labor' to exint solely for the dis ruption Of labor unions. Into-the hands of -this committed was referred almost every bill emanating; from oraramlxed la- report, either favorable or unfavorable; was rendered In but one or two ca1-.es. where the commltt' wa ' pracucal ly forced to report. In these excepted cases . It Is needless to say the t.mri Vaft lift- favorable, and the bllla-"defeated. The -bills so reported and deffatMl wers tllC Ones providing for tne protection or workers In mills and factories from ex- posred maelilnerj- by requtrln- that the exposed dangerous machinery, belts, etc., to covered, and another inserting the word "mercantile" Into the law flmltlnjr t lie hours of employment for women In restaurants, laundries, factories, etc., to not more than ten. Mr. Gram will endeavor to make It clear that such action was prearranged by cue- roles ot labor, win asK mat any sucn scheme be prevented this time, and that labor measures be placed In the hands of men who will consider them fairly on ihelr merits, Tlift bill providing for the worklnsr of cnnrfctD on. the public roads and provid ing for the repeal or all laws looking to tlie hiring ot convicts to private corpora tions where their work may como Into com pet 1 1 ion with free labor, will be one which Mr. Gram and all labor Interests will favor. ' Anothr kill that will be championed by Mr. -Gram seeks the repeal of the present crlmpl nfr In w. " This law wan designed to abolish sailor boarding-houses, and provides for the arrest and punishment ol men convicted of "crlinplnjr." and In this latter seeminfrly -virtuous purpose the laboring- clajsses would never oppose It. Homer, It is said by representatives ot the .Sailor Union that In the 30 years of Its existence not a i-tns;le cane ha?, been known wherein "crlnipa" have been prosecuted under it. tlion&u ample evi dence of their nefarious work has hrefi brotntht out. The Insr. however, contains ot her provision intended to a pply to the Sunday in First. Ihf Whu Tempi t. enrner 'Twelfth and Taylor street Rv. .1. Whlteomb Broughi'r. t. I. . pastor. " " Morning prayr-mr-tlng, to; (nomine worship. 10:;u; sarmon by. the paator on the subject, "Why He Loft IIU roMtlon"; fclhle tehool, 12:10. Fine muilc. InterMlta. rx-nMexa B. T. P. tJ. service. :!.". sub ject. "Mow God's Iniae- Is Preserve! In X'tt Or lost." Leader, Mr. W. Scott. Popu lar evening service, 7;30. "is the Devil a Gentleman?" 1- the topic of Rev. F. E. Dark. of Beatrice. Neb., preach rr. Extra mulc by Temple Quartette and chorus. Pro arrsmmo : Organ, voluntary. "Prelude with Fugue in B Flat" (Bach) ; Gospel "flection, by Temple Girls1 Chonu: anthem, "Light of the World" (Gray : am hem. I Hear My IS a vlour 1 " I II 11 ar" (Brewer); poatludr. "Ade irlo" (llummrl). Evf-nlng Organ voluntary, 'March In C" (Weber); chorus, "Plifrrtm Chorus" (Verdi): anthem, "Savior, When Nlitht Involves the Skies" f Shelley). Central. Bent Ankeny and Twentieth Jtev. W. T. Jordan. At 10:30. 'cklusj t h Lost"; at 12:10, sermon to children; at 7:.i0, "The Opened lloart"; Young People's Met- lnr at 6: no. Miss Dent will sing" at the morn I nir servlee. Vnivcralty Park Rev. A. B. Walts. ' Sun day school at 10; morning service at 11, ser mon by Hev. E. A. Leonard: B. Y. P. U. at :4ri: evenlnor service at 7:30. subject of ser mon. "Can Kternai X.lla Be Had at a Bar gain ? Arjata Rev. John BenUien, pastor. Sun day school. 10 A. M : Junior Union, 3 P. M.; n. Y. r. i:.. :SO I. M.; preachlnc. H -A.. At. and 7:30 P. M. Mount Olive, Seventh and Everett Rev. J. W. Smith, pastor. Preaching at 11 A, M. and ft P. M. fit. Johns Rev. K. A. Leonard. Sunday school. 1 0 A. M. ; preach In k. 11 A. M. and 7::;m; H. Y. 1'. U.. 6:301. M. Tlilrd, Vancouver avenue and Knott atreet Vlev. E. M. Bllas, pastor. Sunday school, 10 A. M.: prsachins;. 11 A. M. and 7:30 T. M Pw-rlliih. Hoyt and . Fifteenth Rev. Eric S hoi-Hi mm. Preaclilns;. 10:45 A. M. and 7;r' P. M.; Sunday school, 12 M. , .Uohland, Alberta and Sixth Preaching. IS: an P. by Rsv. HL M. Bliss; Sunday w.hil, 3:30 P. M,' Hellwood. Tacoma and Eleventh Rev. ticorge A. Lfarny Sunday achool, 10 A, M.; pieachlnir. U A M. and 7:.10 P. M. first German. Fourth and Mill Rev. -,T. Kratt. psstor. Preachlrtsr. 10:4.". A. M. and T a P. M. ; Sunday school. 8:40 A. M. ; S. 1. r. U.t P. M, j Scoond German, Rodney avenue and Mor- ria ntrents Rev. F. Bueermann,. pastor. -rfarhlnjr. 11 A. M. .-Snd 7:30 p. JkC.i Sun day -cliuol, 9:43. A. M. ; B. P. U., I. M. Calvary, East Eighth and Grwit-Rav. A. l.avren.e Black. Blhle school. 1ft A. M.; pr-schlni-, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. ; B. Y. I, u.. ::sn p. m. Grace, Montavilla Oilman Parker, min ister, 'prmon topics; Morning, 'The Fidel. 11 y of the Church to Christ"; evening;. "Per sons 1 Responsibility to Clod. Second. Seventh and East Ankeny streets; Ttev. htanton C. Laphum, pastor Seniceg at 10:MO A. M. and 7:S0 P. M.; morning ser mon by Rev. F. K. I"ar of Nebraska;. Hi hie sobool at noon: Tonna IenplV Union. :::0; avonlng sermon, "All Things New"; music by the quartet. J, F. Eamford, or Canint and director. - CHRISTIAN. First, corner Park and Columbia Rev. 15. F. Mmklcy, minister.. 10:30 A. M., Mrs. Ella Humbert. -of EuRen. will prearh for C. W. fi. M. tay; 7::: I. M . "A Hard School to l.'arn In"; Plble rchool, 12 At. ; Christian Endi-arsr, :30 P, M. Ontral, East Twentieth and East Salmon P.ft J. F. Ghormley will speak at 10:45 A. M. : theme. "The Anabasis of Man": and T:30 P. M.. theme, '"Sp-sklng in I'nknown Tongues"; sperlal music by chorus choir; Sunday school, 32 M.; Junior Endeavor, 3:30 P. M.: Senior Endeavor. 0:30 P.M, Services for Mount Scott district will be hel.l In Kein I'ark Hall st 3 P. AJ. Rodney A veflue, Rodney at enus and Knott Ft. F." Elmo Robinson. 0:45 A. M., lllble rhoM; 11 A. M., eommunlon and ser mon: 4.1 P. M . Y. P. S. C. E. ; 7:30 P. M., "The Saloon a Foe of the Church." CONfi RELATION AI Sunnyslde. corner of East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor. Momlnf service at II o'clock, suhjert. The Chuma of the Ulvlnc God"; eveninsf serv ice at 7:30 o'clock, subject, "Christianity With Cloves Off; Sunday school, 3 A A. M., B. C Pier, superintendent: Junior Christian Endravor, 3 P. M. : tieolor Endeavor, 6:J5 P. ST. Highland. East Sixth, N., and Prescott E. S. Bollinger, pastor. 10 A. M., Sunday school, J. D. Ogdcn. superintendent ;. 11 A. . M.. service. "The Function of Disci plesh ip" ; ' ;t P. M .. Junior Endeavor; 0:30 p. "M X. P. H. C. K.; 7;00 F. M., service, "How Men Lou ThMr Imace." First. Madison and Park E. Tj. House, D. r. Mornlnc service. sermon, "A Fstl- ura and a Suc;ea'; evcAlts. To. "A. tac- M-s MMMMMM f V f .; 'HJ 1 iMilsssMlisni.iiigiaaWisSjMWiiaVii ii1n m iiWasamaiasaaa : ,R. A. HurrU. Who Write on Tonlol ' f Interest to Labor. crimplnsr. Industry that have been lnva i"tably used to the detriment of the sa.fi ora organisation tn what it deems its legitimate wK ot protecting its memuer- shlpj To be specific, the law prohibits n - and every a t tempt to Induce sailors to quit work or In any way to lnterfers wltti tHc business or snips as arrecting their crew. This feature of the law has been used repeatedly aitainst Bailor, in ot .trlkc. when tiiey havr under taken to do picket work among working sailors. The sailors Mm they hve a perfect risrl. t to use all peaceful means to Induce other sailors to work with them Tor mutual protection against a common enemy, and that the provisions ot tills law have been used In almost every case, where It has been usee, at all. to deprive them of a natural - and. constitutional right. They Hiso believe ttiat tnc law, so used. Is diametrically opposed to th purposes for which it- was framed, -since its original object was to protect and benefit tlic sailors, and for such purpose It was supported by them. The antf-pasa law is another measure that will be charnploncd b- the labor In terests, who will oppose vigorously the proposed compulsory pass bill. A -bill will be presented providing; for a law limiting" the hours of labor on all public works to the number of eight. It Is felt that since the lat uneomprd- mlsinsj order of the administration that the National eight-hour law toe enforced. and since, bv reason of said order. It has ken carefully enforced on works vhore It was previously most flagrantly disre- garded, there Is increased sentiment to ward emulating the same example in the state and municipalities. The feeling along this line Is stimulated by facts that would make another Interesting; Rtorv which it Is believed led up to the Roosevelt order enforcing the. National tght-hour law! It all folWea1. In logical Portland I? art's Breakdown''; Sunday school. 12:15 A. M., H. WhltlleW, superintendent; I. F, 8. C. E. at 0:ftO P. M. Mississippi Avenue. Mississippi avenue, and ITreraunt treet William 1 Upuhaw, pas tor. Sunday school. 10 A. M. ; mornins; wor- ship, tt A. M., "The Dayi ot Thy Youth," second in the series on "The Pathway of Life"; Chrlstlsn Endravor, : 3X P. M. ; evenlna- service. 7 :30 F. "Tbe Grafter and His Spoils"; special music by Young Feople'i Chorus. HasraIo Street. Eait Seventh and Hassalo MornliiK service, 10:30; Sunday school. 12 o'clock; Christian ISndeavor service. 6:43 P. M.; evening service, 7:40, Rev. E. H. Roper will occupy the pulpit. University Park. Artisan Temple, Ports mouth; Rev. 1. B. Gray 10 A. M. Sunday school, J. E. Brous, superintendent ; 11 A. M., "The Ninth Commanflmcnt Telling Lies About Your Neighbors." Laurelwood. Arleta Hall. Rex-. Tj. S. Grty - 1 0 A. M.. Sunday school. Mrs. W. Insjalls, superintendent; young People's meeting, 6:G0 P. p&.l "How to Find God," 7:30 P. M. EPISCOPAL. St. AndrvWa, University Park Rev. W. R. Powell, chaplain; Sunday school at 3 P. M.; Bible class at 7 P. M.; services and sai'- mon at 7 :30 P. M. St. John's Memorial. Sell woo 5 Rev. W. R. Powell, In charge. Sunday school, lO A. M. ; services and sermon, 11 A. M. St. Matthew's, First and Caruthers streets Rev. "W. A. M. Breck. In charge.- Holy com munion, 7 :-':o A. M . ; Sunday school. 9:4S A- M. ; service and sermon, 11; service ana sermon, 7:.t0 P. M. Trinity Services at Mneteenth and Er- erett streets. Holy communion at 8 A. "M.; mornins; prayer and sermon, 11; evenlna prayer and sermon, 7:30; the rector. Rev. A. A. Morrison, fh. D.( will preach at the morn ing and Tlev, R. C. William , will preach at the evenlna- service on the subject. "The Epiphany." Onrl Denton tv-111 include these organ numbers In the proframme tomorrow at Trinity Church: At 11 A. M., prelude, "Med itation." Iemalgre: Te Deum In F, Henry Smart: Jubilate Deo in F. J. T. Field; offer tory. "Watchman. What or the Night?" Sa r ent; duct, Mr. J. Gibson and F. T. Crow- ther; postludc, Canzona, D minor, J. 6. Bach, At 7:30 P. M., andante from ninth sonata, Mer- Vel: posttude ia C minor. Batiste. St. Msrk's, corner or Nineteenth and Qulmby ntreets Rev. J. E. H. Simpson, rector. Holy communion, 8 A. M.; 10 A. M., Sunday achool; 11 A. M., holy communion and sermon; -7:30, evensonK and sermon. Good Shepherd. Sell wood street and "Van couver avenue Rev. John Dswson, rector; Sunday school, tt;45 A. M.j morning service, 11 o'clock; evening service, 7:30.. St. Paul's Episcopal Church, "vtoodmere C X. Parker, lay reader. Service and sermon at 11 o'clock: Sunday school service at 3 P. M. St. David's East Twelfth and Belmont t roots Rector, -Rev. George B. Van Water. D. li. Holy communion, S A. M. : matins (choral) and litany, with sermon toy rector. IX A. M. ; evensong (choral), 7:30 o'clock; Sunday prhool in parish house, 8:45 A, SI. Frederick W. Goodrich has arranged the following pro- gram m of orcan music: Mornins. prelude, alleieretto srasic'o, P. Tours; offertory. "An gelus-" ("Scenes Pittoresque'), Massenet; post- lude, march in E flat, Salome. Evening, pre lude, andante In A flat, W. S. Hoyte: offertory. "Ivxialna" (Ilelmweh, Juntmano; festal post- lurte, K". W. Goodrich. Pro-Cathedral ot 8t. Stephen the Martyr Thirteenth and Clay streets-Rev. H. M, Ram sey, vicar. Holy communion, 7 '.80 A. M.: 'Sunday school. 0.-4B A. M. : momlna; service, 11 o'clock: evenins; service. T :SO o'clock. METHODIST. First. South. 171V, Second. Foresters' Hall F3. H. Monroe, pastor. 10 A. M., Sunday school; 11. a. M.. sermon by Or. C F. Reld. Superintendent of Missions on the Pacific Coast; OulO P. M., EpwortU League; ;J0 P. M., sermon by Dr. Reld". Free, corner Bast Ninth, and Mill Sermon Orace. corner of Twelfth and Taylor Clarence True Wilson, D. D.t the pastor, will preach at 10:20 on "In the Beginning-, God"; Miss 1-ytle will render "The Voice of Oort s Creation," and at 7:3o the pastor's topic will be, "I-Ion Slaying- In Cold Weath er'"; the Male Chora- will sing "Abide With Me"; Sunday school at 12:15 and Epworth jeasrue at :u. welcome. Oentral. oorncr Kcrbr and Russell J"- T. Abbett. Mornins; class, 9:45: worship and sermon at 10;;i0; subject, Review 01 Bishop Bashford's "The Awakenlne ot China' Sunday school at 12 M.; lesson topic. "Man Made In the- Imasre of God" ; Epworth Lpsirue meeting; at o;-30 P. M. ; sermon at 7:3tt, subject, "Life's Great End." A cor dial welcome to all. gunny si tie, Yamhill between Cant Thirty fifth and Th Irty -nlxth T. Tt. Ford.'paslor parsons s-e. IKS East Thirty-fifth street. At homo J nursaay aiternoon. Sunday services: 10 A. M., Sunday SCllOOl, Dr. Hollopeter. Su perintendent: 11 A. M.. public installation or Mimiay school ofrlcers and teachers: pre. unu Hon address by C. JL. Cauka; 12:13, merce and Hkbor and the bringing ol facts vividly to his attention by the State Labor Commissioner, who was ably aa slsted by Portland labor leaders-. A till will again be introduced provia lno; for the licensing of engineers. This bill emlnates from the ensrlneera organ ization, but Is designed to protect en- gineers, whether organized or unorgan ized, and also the public, from the dan- s;ers of the Incompetent and careless class who attempt to operate engines and boil erg. It Will provide for an examination showing certain essential Qualifications and a fee for maintaining: the operation of the law. . The bill to provide free text books in public schools, which will be presented by Representative Beveridiye, a member of the Typographical Union, will also have Mr. Gram's assistance, as will a few other measures not enumerated if rem. The proposed matter of establishing: a jute mill at the Salem Penitentiary will be opposed, though it Is thought a bill Will not be presented owing to a seeming general preference for the convict road bill- "fcanlzea labor, ana the evidences ot re sults accomplished at the last election. It will now be the purpose of the labor lead ers to keep careful tab on the -way the various legislators vote on labor meas ures.' It is unnecessary to arid their rec ords will be carefully preserved for usa 111 Bucceedins campaigns. Last Thursday niS m tlic occasion of the resrular monthly open meeting; of the Women "a Isabel Xeague. women's auxiliary to the Portland Federated Trades Council, w purposes are to teacn the wives and families of union men hotf they can best conserve the interests of the causa of labor. They "re named the "label league," because of the generally recognized fact that the one greatest and most losjical means of aervlna- the cause of union labor is to see that its emblem, the union label.- is on everything; possible that Is purchased. Thursday night's meeting; was the oc casion for a reception to the families of the atrikinsjr street-car men. There were informal discussions by way ot encourag- ment to the strikers and mean to help them win their contest, talks on means OT promoting the union cause In sjreneral. and dancing, refreshments and a general social time. The feature of the evening; was an ad dress bv Cecil M - Haybl, of I -on Ang-elea. international organizer for the Brother- hood of Painters and Decorators.. His address was on the purchasing- power of organized labor as an agency of propa ganda, and showed In .convincing; and edi- lying manner ho religious attention to the presence of the union label on all goods purchased was the one best, mont effectual and; altogether peaceful and legitimate means of building up the ranks of unionism. . The speaker said that IT all union men and their families would make it a fixed principle to see to It that the union label was on every article purchased, except only in linen of srooda not ret made in union factories, and would use their er- forts to persuade others to a similar course, that labor would henceforth and forever be master of every reasonable sit uation that would confront It. hurghes censral class moetlnc; 3 P. meetlnf of men ot the church and their friends; Rfl- dress by Dr. . Driver and others: special music by male Quartette; 3:30, Junior I.ratu and children's Classen; "M ary Shaver. superintendent, and Mrs. Mainline and -Mrs. LutJ, leaders; 0:13, Epworth League devo tional meeting. W. H. warren, president: special services: T ;30. Dr. Driver w-ill speak on "Christian Science and Kindred- isms." Come and hear. Strangers invjted. 6r- mons during the week, - Taylor Street Dr. Francis Burgette short. pastor. 0:SO A. M. , classes; 10:30 A. M.. mornins- normon toy Rev. S. IT. Dewart. sub ject, "The Preach ins; He Bids Us Preach"; 32:10 P. v.; Sunday school; 6:30 F. M Ep- worm League; t : u r, m., evening sermon, P-ev. XV. R. Wlnsns. Rev. A.- "R. Wagner, paMor Sunday school, 10 A. M.. A. K. Miller, superintendent; ..t 11 a v i l i,o i . m prcaciiuig, ji a. m., suojeri, ounaay tios. fng": class meeting. 12: Li P. M.. H. Stough- ton. leader; Junior league, S:3Q P. M. led by the pastor; Ep worth League, G:30 P. M., led by Mr, Adams; preaching, T:30 P, JI., subject, "The Bl Three." Centenary. East Pine and Bast Ninth treet.: William II. Heppe, D. O.. pastor Theme for sermon at 10;u0 A. M., "The Art ot gplrltual Etching": at 7:30 P. M. the pastor will preach a sequel to last Sunday night's sermon, theme. "'Will Tlr-i-e J3 Sur prises at the Judgment T" ; - morning class. 9:30; Mission Sunday school, 9:30; Sunday school. 12:15; juniors and Intermediates, 4 o'clock: Epworth Ieas-ue devotional. 6:1.. Mlw K.nneclv. orfaniat: 15. S. Miller, di rector of chorus. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Laurelwood (one-half block from Laurel. wood Mount Scott car line) Revival serv ices every night; Sunday school atMQ A. "M.; sermon at 11 A. M. and 7:S0 P. M.; special children's service at 3 P. M. : sermon sub jects: At XI. "Vision of God In Christian. iiy . . x-. m., ; ai t :o, -justinea by Faith." Clarence Miller leads the Ep- vorth League at 6:30 P. M. PRE8BYTBRI A X. Third, IDast Thirteenth and Pine street si Rev. Andrew J. Montgomery, pastor. Serv ices At 10:S0 and T:45: mornine subiect. TeU. bration of the Lord's Supper"; evenlna; subject. j .rn.aai.ci7 ncroae 01 uoipei Appeal. SellWOod. EISLSt .Seventeenth itrut an A Spokane avenue Rev, j. A. Thompson, pastor. .Sabbath school, 10 A. M.; morning service, 11 ; communion service and reception of members; Christian Undfavor, :4K ; even ing sen-leo, 7:4o; theme, "Balaam, Trifling With Temptation." Calvary Presbyterian' Church, corner Elev- enth and Clay streets Hev. Ben-F?zra Stiles Rly. Jr.. T. JD-. pastor. Services. 10":30 A.M. ana 7 :.TO J. M. ; morning subject'. "Digging Ditches"; evenins; subject, "The Ruined Gir dle." Music by quartet under direction of H. V. Mllllg-an, organist. - Programme: Organ prelude, Oullmant; quartet. "The .Lord la My Rock:." Huntington Woodman ; quartet. "Our Kins;," Rot oil. livening; : Organ prelude tn A flat. Adolph Forester; quartet. "Teach iMe, O Lord," Burdett; quartet, "Hark. Hark. My Soul." Hamer; organ offertory. "Meditation," Gratchanlnow. . Hawthorne Fark. corner Twelfth and East Taylor streettr-Rev. 13. Nelson Allen. At rt:30' A. M., "A New Year's Meditation" 12 M., Sunday School: :SO P. M., Y. P. S. C. VT. ; T:SO 1. M-. "Voltaire, Brilliant and Profane. Special music. Firat-Communlon service at 10:30 A. M and sermon at 7:80 P. M., Rev. J. E. Kitt- redge, IX T. . ofHclatlng. Programme: Prs lurie. andantlno io .1. In T flat. Lemare: quartet, "The King of Xjove My Shepherd Is," Bullard; anthem, "Come Unto Jle,'1 Lindsay; poMkide; "Verset.'V Byr. Evening, prelude. march. Kerral; quartet, "O lamb of Ood." Morse: tenor solo. "O t-ord. Be Merciful," Bartlett; postlude, larghetto, Hera. , Forbes, corner gdlwood atreet and Ganten- heln avenue-s-Rev. Harry H. Pratt. ' Services: Sunday .school. lO A. M . ; preaching. 11 A. M. and T :30 p. M. Special music Orchestra at Sunday school and evening service. Evan- gelistic meetings begin Monday evening under ne leadership of Rev. J. E. Snyden, Mispah. East Thirteenth and Powell streets Rev. Jerome R. McOlade. r. D. . pastor. Com munion and reception of members Sunday morning.' Theme of evening eermon, "The Attractive Power of Christ." Special muslo morning and evening under the direction of Professor Cowmi. Mrs. J. -Peterson, organist; Mies May ale Coster, soloist. LATTER-DAY SAINTS. Church - of Jesus Christ, ot I-.atter-"Day Saints, hall, 400 Allaky Building. Third and Morrison Services. 1 1 "SO A. M. and 7 . P. M.; Sunday school, lOrA. M;' ; . LlTHERAy. ." . et. Jame' FTngllsh T.utheran Church, West Park and Jefferson -J. Allen Lfav, psstor. Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Luther League, 7 P. M. Norwegian S3'nod Kast Tenth, and Grant Rev, o. Hagoew. fcJuncluy school, 9:30 A. M. ; evenins; services, 7 :oO o'clock. No service 8riRrrcAU8TS. Logus Hall 9m East Grand, corner of Washington Sunday at T:80 P. M.. Inde pendent Spiritual Society; "Forum." con ducted by Corlnns Johnston; followed -with tests. Ministeri' and Mediums' Spiritualist- A- sociatlon will hold religious services In W. O. W. Hall. Eleventh street, between "Wash ington and Alder, at T:SO sharp. First half hour will ha devoted to .Spiritual Message Bearer Gertrade Woodfleld, followed at 8:15 with lecture by Rev. Dr. Dickey: subject, The rs w n of Creation." IMTAB1AN. Church ef Our Father, comer of Yimhill and Peventh Rsv. W. Q. Eliot. Jr.. minis ter: Rv. T. I. Ellotc r. E.. mlnlatrr emer itus. Service - at 1 X A- SC. ; Rev. TV. X. SI- monds, of Seattle, will preach; Sunday school at 9:45 A. M.! kindergarten it 11 A. M ; adult class at 12 M. : Y. P. F. at 6:30 i. M. UNITED EVANOELICAU Second, corner Fargo and Krby pev. j. Bower.ox, pastor. Preaching servlc ftt 11 A. M.. on "Obedience to God and It Re- rds." .nd a.t 7:30 on 'ThS- Thlnca of Christ, Our Savior; Sunday school at lO A. M. K. h, c, e, a; T r. M. ' DSIVERMU8T. Pir.t. East EiiaTbtb anS Couch Bermon at 11 A. -M . by Rev. X. W. Bull.r. on !Th. Power ol the iaeal"; Sunflay iebool at 10 a. y. MISCELLANEOUS. Church of God, -4"0 Hawthorne (avenue Sunday services. 2;.iO and 7:30 P. M. ; Sun; day school and Bible study, 1 P.,M. X'nl verslty Park. Artisan Temple, Ports mouth R.ev. I. Ii. Gray. lO A. M .. 6ullda7 school . J. E. Brnna, aupcrlntrndent; 31 A, M., "The Ninth Commandment Tellins Lies About Your Nelehborl." Laurelwood. Arleta Mall Rev. T. B. Gray. HO .V . M.. Sunday ichool, Mrs. W. In galls, ruD.rlntfndcnt : "Voung Popl' Meeting. 6:0 P. 3&. i 7:30 P. M., "How to find Ood." Evinttllcil Auoclitlon, First Eneliih, Kast Sixth and Market S. A. Siewert. pas tor. Traachlns at 31 A. M. and T :45 P. M. Rtv. 1 1 . TZ. llornacnucb, or BrlllDBham, Wash. ; communion at the morning services; Sunday school at 10 A. M.; loung Pcopli'i Alliance at 6:45 P. M. TT. M. C -A... Fourth and Yamhill Orches tra concert and m-n'M meeting ac 3 T. M. I P. C. Dark, or Beatrice, Is'eb., will speak on "Tti Bid for i Soul"; special music by till Swedish Ladies Quartette. of Portland: Sroup ntudy clanei at a :SO i fllownhlp lunr.Iia-on at C .HO. Th mctlnsa r. free and open to all men. Divine Truth Center. Divine Truth Chapel hall 201 Allsky Building, corner Third and Morrison S.n lres. IX A. M. ; Sunday school. 1 - M. : Tha3leus M Mlnard, pastor; SI. B. Martin; H. K. Martin, soloist. Church ot the Naiarene, 428 Burnslfle, be- tween Tenth and Eleventh, two blocks from WsHhlncton Sunday services: Sunday school at lO A. AT. ; preachlna at 11 A. sc. ; evangelistic service at 7:30 P. M. The Or- ejon Holiness Aisoclatlon holds meetings In this church every Sunday afternoon At 3:30: suhjeot for Sunday morn I nit, 1 X a. "The Great and Effeutual Open Door and the Many Adversaries." AU are welcome to this church. Raw A. 0. Hmdrlcta. taiptor. F-trst Spiritual Society. Artisans' Halt, Ablncton Bulldina. Third near Wa.hlnston Oonference, 11 A- M-: lycu m, 12:30 I. M. ; M, and D. Club, 2;30 P. M.; F. B. Coulter will lecture on "Th4 Holy Oni,11 followed by Mrs. V. Rowe, of Jackson. Mich., 7:4a p. is. CHKI8TIAN SCIB1VCE. first Cliurcil of Christ, BclcntlPt, Scottish Plte Cathedral. Morrison and ' Lownsdalu strets Services 11 A. M. and 8 T. M.. sub ject of sermon, "&acramnt" : Bunday school at close of mornins; services f Wednesday evening meetlnt 8 o'clock. Second Church of Christ. Scientist. Elks" Tempi. Stark, corner Seventh etreet Son day services. 11 A. M. and 8 F. M.( subject, "Sacrament"; Sunday school, 11 M.; Wednesday meeting;. 8 P. M. G. A. It. Kali, corner Second and Morrr son streets-Services it S;30 r. M. MR. TEAL DOESN'T WANT IT Would . Not Accept Rsllrosd .Com- y' ' nilesloner&hlp If Offered. PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 12. (To the Ed Itor.) I notice in The Oregon. an today a somewhat indefinite suggestion that I am or may be a candidate for the office Of railroad commissioner in the event the legislature passes the railroad commis- ston bill, In order, to seUle'this question once for all, if .the matter is of interest to any one. I desire to e.y thait I am neither an active nor . receptive candi date tor the ornce, and that, under no cir- eumstances, would I accept the office if tendered. The method of appointment of the commission adopted by the commit tee having; cbargo of the preparation of this measure was taken, .after careful consideration, from the laws of "Wiscon sin, which state has what is generally re garded as the best law on this subject. It is also the same method provided for the appointment of interstate commerce commissioners, and In 17 other states be sides Wisconsin, and Is the one which has practically the unanimous approval or the authorities generally on this subject Speaking; of the selection of commission ers. Governor LaFoilette, In his mesaace In 1905, says: "It Is not possible to over state the importance of the provisions of this law; but, however perfect the law. the stare will fall'- utterly In Ks under taking unless the commission Is composed of men of high character and ability. Party preference or prejudice should In no way Influence the selection of mem bers f this commission. They should be men of the highest Integrity, ot .marked industry, and they should possess special fitness and power for the Important serv ice demanded of them." And again: "On the other hand, if the office Is made appointive, there 'will be every opportunity for the appointing: power to malce selection from tne widest possible field, having ample time for In vestigation of thrj, candidate with respect to his antecedents, to the -elements of his character, and to his ability, experience and. expert Knowledge. The selection UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS - OF - - Ko misleading statements or deeepti v propositions to the afflicted. An bonest doctor of recognized ability does not resort to such metn- bds. I guarantee a complete, safe and lasting cure in the quickest possible time, at ths lowest cost possible for honest, skillful and successful treatment. I cure Catarrh. Asthma, LunR, Throat, Rhen- - matism. Nervousness, Stomach, Liver. Kidney. Femals Troubles and all private diseases. My remedies are composed' of powerful Oriental roots, herbs, buds, vegetables and barks, that are entirely unknown ' (many of them) to medical science In this country. - NO OPERATIONS, NO KIN I FEE Drugs or poisons are not used in oar famous remedies. IF YOU CANNOT CALL. WRITE FOIL SYMPTOM BLANK AND CIRCULAR. INCLOSE . FOUR CENTS IN STAMPS. CONSULTATION IMS. . ADDRESS The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company . 102K FIRST STREET, CORKER MORRISON, PORTLAND, 0REG0JV. Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday m Wonderful Demonstration of Marwni Wirele55 Telegraph 8howins how measagei can. ne a ant through walls, ringing fire-alarm tells, lighting electric lignta, and showing now railway wreck can t avoided with the wonderful railway nigrisd all witjioui t&o use vt wires, fiyery nig-t 6 o'clock. Ladles invited. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT HALL .Cor. Tenth and Taylor Streets would be marlo full in -the eye of the pub lic, the appointing- power having- respon- slbility for his acts, and knowing with a certainty that such appointment would not. bs conflrrned unless 1 1 met the ap proving -Judgment of the legislature.' In tills same message lie presents many other cogent reasons for this method of selection, and I would advise all who ere Interested In this subject to send to the Secretary of State ot the State of Wis consin and get a copy. Professor Frank It. Dfxon. head of the Department of Kconomlcs of Dartmouth Oolleae. in his work In "State Railroad Control." based upon a study of the history and Deration of the Iowa law adopted in 1RS8, nays : "Experience ha a provrn conclusively that the election of commissioners by popular vote dangerous, .in furnishing induce- ment Tor. the powerful corporations to make tlioirwelves felt politically. An ap pointment of commissioners by the Gov ernor, with the consent ot tne Senate, or the executive counsel, which was the method In vogrue at first, should be re stored. When this has been done, a arreat step will have been taken toward promot ing a feeling ot harmony between ship- ners and carriers a spirit indispensable to the satisfactory solution of the railroad question." I have not the time, nor do I desire. at this time to enter into a full discussion of the necesBlty- not only for the law. but for the manner adopted for the appoint- ment of the commissioners, but at the proper place and time I will do so. JOSEPH N TEAL. ACADEMY OF SCIENCES .Innnal Meeting Will Bo Ileld IVest Saturday. The annual meeting of the Oregon Academy of Sciences Is to be held in the Olty I lall. Portland, at 8 P. M.. January 19. It had been planned to hold the an nual meeting in Corvallia this year, but at the last circumstances arose which de cided those in charge to bold It in Port- land. ' . The academy has been in existence but two years, but has so firmly established Itself with those fond of scientific re- se&rch and has accomplished so much along; its choeen lines that It has come to be recognised as the most Important or ganisation of its kind in the state. Its avowed object J8 to encourage sci entific research and learning, promote the diffusion of scientific ltnowledsre - and aid In the discovery and development of the natural resources ot the state. Among: its members are found most of the professors of the different universities throughout the state, as well as those in terested In the work as above outlined. Much of the credit for ths organization of the academy and the high grade of ex cellence of the work done Is due to the untiring efforts or Edmund T. Sheldon, of C. GEE wo The Great Chinese Doctor Entrance 1621 FIRST STREET Corner Mormon Ni$iht. Jan. 0 it, Jan. 10 Night, Jan. n Night, Jan. 12 Night, Jan. 14 this city, who has been the president irom lis organization. A very Interesting programme Ifi being prepared ror the meeting: next Saturday evening. Inrludlna; the annual address by the president, reports from the various officers, as well as some very good pa- pers, which will be read by members. The programme will be nnnouneed later. The public at lartce Is cordially Invited to attend this meeting. All forms or ncrofula. rxn It T-bewm and eczema are cured by Hood's 3a rsa pari 11a. the Mood purfrter, TWO VALUABLE RECIPES One Cures a Cold Quickly Plmplra ' siiid Blorlir Dr. K- V3 Walker,, writing In the Ladles' Home Journal, states that racial blemishes come moittly from Improper bowel ac. tlon. -lrt of ell. the cause munt be removed by the use of the cathartics and laxatives that the Individual has found effective and applying' a lotion from the following: formula: "Pre cipitate of sulphur, ono dram; tinc ture of camphor, one dram; rosewater, four ounces: apply several times a day. T. Caare aa Cold laa Z4 Hoara or any cough that Is curable. Go to any good prescription drug-gist and 'get Concen trated oil of pine, one-half ounce; gly cerine, two' ounces; half-pint of (rood whlakfiy; tnlx and shaKe 'thoroughly; use in tablespoon doses every four hours. This formula in given out by the err eat lung: and throat specialist of Philadelphia, and he declares that It has no equal, but warns people against ulng the ordinary bulk oils of pine. and patent medicines sold under the name of "Oil of Pine." Theae contain much resin and other impurities and are sure to produce nausea and kidney disorders. The real Concentrated oil of pine comes put up for medicinal use only in small halt-ounce bottles In- closed in' a round screwtop case and sealed. This is to protect it from light. heat and atmospheric cbangea. very Woman lsteraated kbA alxralcl knew ahonttha wnnilavrfnl MARVEL Whirling Spray riw new Vavtaal ftyrt. njee. ' aa c ItvCI lift tmt 4nrt4f ( kt . If be onnotopply tbe A RV KI,t tfcocept ut lllnvtrmted booi-ftM. Tt flvwt foll Mttcntftr inrj.tTffitnoniin. 4 B. d BTT.. KM W YORK. Laue-DaTU Zrua Ce ajtol CHICHESTER'S PILLS X-sarirlut. A-k (or f 1 I I-T II K -' VIAVnD BRAND PILI.S, for S vean rrfrraea w seal. sTet. Alwaya Re liable. Bold by IrrarrtftUeverrwhero. Ckiehetter CkeavleiU Cs PklUn Pa. TRAVELERS GUIDE BOCTHEASTERV ALASKA ROUTE. From Beattle nt 9 P. M. for Ketchikan, Juneau, Bhaitii'ay. White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks.. R. B. Cattxa-a Cllv f-vm Vancouver and Sitka , Jan- nary 17, 31; Feb. 14, ll8. S. 8. Ram on a (Skagway direct), Jan. 12, 2e; F""b 9, aa. FOR 8AN FRAKCIftTO DIRECT. From Seattle at A. M. Umatilla, Jan. uary 15, 30; City of Puebla, January .0; Senator, Jariuarv 10, 25: Portland OCT S49 Waishlnsrton St. Main f3. C. D. DUNAKX, U. P. A.. San Pr Columbia River Scenery REGULATOR LINK STEAMERS. Daily service between Portland and Th Dalles, except Sunday, leaving- Portland at a- an... arnviiix nuuui J r . M.r Carrying frelarht and paiern'rs. Splendid accommu ariai r t nns tor outflta and 11 vetrtork . Dock foot ot Alder at., Portland; foot of court ft., ine uanei. rnone Main 914, rorxiana. For Corralll. Altn. Indepnrlcnra. Br. 1m Steamer 'TOMONA" lea v en O ;45 A. M Tuesday. Thuriwlay and Saturdav. For 8alem and way landings Steamfr "OREGON A leaves :45 A. M., Mondaya, ORKUON CITY TRANKPORTATION CO. Toot Taylor atreet. ". IStaaBX ' stv aaot tODTsnltnl. k If- rav KalM! A ik jear Drefain fw A riUt in Real And Void iculiicV boxu teaiefl itli Blue kibben. V Tele mm ktl.ee. Rnr mt na r trmx-M t'NION DEPOT. press utops only at not import ant atatlons b int Ban Kran- for ail Cisco Points East and South. ovEnr.A rr EXPHKPS TRAINS lor All local points outh. Sarramrn tr. tin i, 1'rii.ul. 'o and points Eait and Syuth. Wornlng train co n n e c t at woodburn rl b 1 1 -ept Sunda'v will, Mt. Angel and Sllvcrton lo. Cft I. CotlnKfl Grove passerifer c-on- nects at Wood- hum and Albany dally except Bunday with trains to nnd from Albany. Lcoanon and W o o dburn- Sprlnafl 1 U branch points. Corvauis paasen- ler. . Sheridan paasen- fc?rmt 3 r- o -v paaaenger. 8:30 A. M. S:3() P. Vf. t:l P. M T:SO A. ar. 4:10 P. M. S:S0 P. ML 10:20 A.M. Dully. tDally cxrept Sunday. POBTLAND-USWrlGO srHUMBAN Depot, Foot oVeireiffon Street, mn Portland folk (WiA Af f Jt Al MX: ?2:50. 2:OS. 3:30. S:2(W B:l5. 7:45. 0:11. TCeturnlha from 'o'-wrfto, arrive Port In nd. m m a, ji 3;o5, m, jus, y, 5:55 ll:l. p. M.: 12:2S A. M. Dally except gunday. 6:25 7 :r.. 8:33. 0:05. 11:43. A. 1.1. Sunday on l-v-, 1 0 , . ?t T.on o from in. depot for Dallaa Stnrt In- tem.eaute poims daily, 7;;i0 A, l, ann 4;ir P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:15 A. M. and l.'lo Th" Inrlp-nd f nf r - M nnmom h Motor t . i . OTe ra daily to Mon moi t H nrt Alilip. con- neotiusr with a. P. Co. trains at Ualias and Fintt-elnas fare from Tort land to Pacra- tncnto m n.l Es r rraii.-lsoo. U; t-rtlt. S: ' fare, 13; ecor.d-claia bcrl 1. fir'nou to EnMern points and Eumpn; !6 Japsn. Chins. Honolulu nd Autrali. CIIV TJCKET OK-KICK. (Wr Third .uil . -liluitlon Ut.. Xnon Main 71. C. IV. BTlMiEU, WM. M HIBRAV, . UJ Ticket Ajcnt. (itn. I'm. Agt, OREGOW Union Icfic 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILY hsnn; tourist slcrpinjr car dally to kansai City. Ileollnlna chair can (seats fit)) 19 the East dally. Leave. UNION' I 1 : 1-OT. . LcavM Ari1. . QflCAGO PORTTD 7, PPRCIAT. for th 8:Sn A. M. 7:3o V. St. Ka.t vlaL Huntlnatun. I 1 1 ' . Itallv. . HPOKANK Fl.TBR. 'jjSsjt For Eatrfl Wanhlneton, Walls Wslla. I..vl8ton. Coeur d'Alcne and Great Northarn point.. ATLANTIC EXPRESS 8:15 P. M. 9:30 A. M. for the East via Dally. Daily. Huntington. PORTLAND' - BIGOS 8:13 A. M. 3:43 r M lOCAL for all local pointR between Biggs and Portland. m K IV B R ST HEDC I.K. FOR ASTORIA sand S : T. M . I 3 : 0 O r. if". way points,-connecting Daily Daity wtth steamer for II- fxcpt rxrpt . waeo and North Sunday. Sunday. B f a c h Htamer Patunlav 11 assa lo. Aah.-at. dot-K- 10:UU I. M. FOK DATTOX, Ore. T;0flXii. 5;30 V, M. (Ton City and Yamhill Daily Dally River points. Anh-su 3tcopt 1 vxrtpt dotfk water pr. ) Sunday. 1 Sunday. tor j.ewision, jnano, and way points from Rlparia. Wash. Lava Riparla u:40 A. M.. or UDon arrival train N'n 4 rtnilv ircm cept Friday. Ticket Office, Third and Washington. THrphone Mln 712. ". W. Sllnarcr, Ur Tiolact Aat.; Wm. MeMurrar, Gen. raa. Aart. THE COMFORIABLE WAY TWO OVERLAND TRAINS DAILY TRB ORIENTAL LIMITED The rant Mall VIA SEATTLE OR SPOKANE Iilv. PORTLAND IJaily. l-.a-.-e. T 1 tn. Sctirlul.. Arrh-a. To and rrom Spo- 8:30 am kane, St. Paul. Mln. 7:00 am neapollR. Iuluth and 11:43 pn All Points Kast Via 6:SOpm Seattle. To and from St. Paul, Ulnntapolli. . M 7:00pm Doiuth and aM 8:00am points East Via Bpokane. Great Northern steamship Co. Sailing from Satt1 for Japan and China porta and Manila, carry In ar passe n are ra and fre tsht. R. 9. Dakota, Ffhnirr 17. h. 8. )linneota. April 1. N1PP0V VtfSEV K A IS HA Japan Mail Stf-amnhip 'o. Ht S. SH1NANO MAR.tr will sail from Seattle about January -2 for Japan and China ports, carrying passengers and freight. F"or tickets, rates, berth rsrva tloriit. etc., csll on or address M. Plf'KHON, C. F". A T. A.. 13S Thlnl St., Portland, Or, rhone Main 680. Astoria and Columbia fiver Railroad Co. Leaves. u UNION DEPOT. ArrlvtnT jjally. F"or Mayaers. Ttalnl?rp Unity. Clatskanie. Westport, v Clifton. Aptoria, War- 8 OO A.M. ronton, Klavel. Ham- 11:35 A.M. ivioiid. Fort Htevf-ns. Gcarhart Park, 5ca- 1 ide, Astoria and Sea shore. 7:OC P.M. Express Dally. 0:50 P.M. Astoria Rxpreaa. Pal ly. , C. A. STEWART. J. C. MAYO. Cotnm-l Agt.. AWr nt. G. F. i P. A. ption Main SOS. SanFrancisco & Portlan d S.S.Co. OpTatlnK the only direct pR-nj:r Rtamr. "rom Ainswi-rtri Io-U, Portlanrl. at 8 F. M . : 8. 8. "( OLI MBI A," Jan. l-26, Feb. i. From fipcar-st. Wharf, Pan Francisco, at 11 A. M.: S. 8. "COtrMBlA," Jan. IS. 52; Keb. 1. etc. Phone Maun -6S. --48 Waahinaton mu