The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 16, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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The Meier (Sit Frank Store
Indian Robes
A "Pendleton'.' Indian Robe
makes a very pleasing gift to
send your Kastern friends; en
tire new shipment just received.
Beautiful designs and colorings
for couch covers, C
steamer rugs,: etc ... V "
Great special sale of wool Bath
Robe Blankets, very large va
riety of attractive designs and
colorings; bestval- C?L C
ues ever offered, at.N"''
Special lot of German Bath Robe
Blankets, good patterns and col
orings; regular $3 CI 07
values, at, each. P
Xmas gifts for the housewife
Lace Curtains, Carpet Sweepers,
I Rugs, Bonne Fcmmes. Comfort-
ers, Pillows, etc. Third Floor.
The Meier 2& Frank StoreHoliday
Only 7 More Shopping Days Until Xmas
Portland's Largest and Best Dept. Store is splendidly ready
to serve the great army of Holiday shoppers that will visit
the establishment this week Over 1000 employes, 30
. cashiers, 32 delivery wagons and greatly increased service
in every branch of the business insure your receiving sat
isfactory attention here Then remember the most impor
tant feature THE RIGHT MERCHANDISE The things
"you want Holiday merchandise that will please and at our
usual fair prices Gathered under this roof you find im
rnense assortments of useful and ornamental articles of
every description Everything one may desire in wearing
apparel, household articles, bric-a-brac, jewelry and nov
eltiesA metropolitan Christmas store in every particular Shop mornings Shop evenings, afternoons when
compelled to Be good natured, don't let the crowds worry you Watch newspapers for special offerings
The Meier 8 Frank Store
5000 Copies of
In the Toy Department, Third
Floor, we will distribute free,
mornings, all this week, 5000 cop
ies of "Toyland," a handsome
little Xmas Book for children,
fully illustrated, and beautifully
printed in colors. It contains in
teresting little verses for chil
dren. Ask for a copy in the Toy
Department, Third Floor.
Complete line of Xmas Tree
Ornaments at the lowest prices.
Store open evenings until Xmas.
Mail orders promptly filled.
Phone Private Exchange 4.
Prompt deliveries to all parts
of the city..
Willamette Sewing Machines,
at prices from $18.00 to $33.00.
Christmas Footwear Sale
1000 Prs. Men's Slippers 69c
Great Christmas sale of 1000 pairs of Men's Slippers in wine, black and brown,
imitation alligator leather, with patent leather backs. An advantageous
deal with a prominent manufacturer enables us to offer them at, pair. .69
An immense showing of Men's Christmas Slippers in a hundred styles; red
and tan Cavalier Slippers, tan, seal and black gunmetal Slippers, brown and
black kid Nullifler Slippers; brown, black and wine Opera Slippers. Prices
' range all the way from 76c up to, per pair.' $5.00
Women's Shoes $3.00 to $5.00 a Pair
A pair of women's fine shoes always makes an acceptable holiday 'gift. You
can select the Shoes or buy a merchandise order for same. The stock is com
plete, with all the standard styles and leathers Shoes, Oxfords and Slippers.
The newest models all sizes and widths. Shoe Department, First Floor.
Misses' fur-trimmed Felt Juliettes red, brow'n and wine color; turn soles,
spring heels. Best values in the city Shoe Department, 1st Floor on sale at:
Sizes 5 to 8, pair. .851 SY2 to 11, pair. .$1.00 liy2 to 2, pair, .gl.25
Red Felt Juliettes, with felt soles .8V2 to 11, 65. UV2 to 2, 75
Children's Shoes and Slippers in all sizes and grades. Shoe Depm't., 1st floor.
Xmas Sale Fur Scarfs, Coats
The annual Holiday Pur Sale is of
importance to every woman in town.
Fur Coats, Fur Scarfs, Sets, Chil
dren's Sets at about half what you
are asked at the exclusive Fur Store.
Women 's Fur Scarfs of blended
French coney, new four-in-hand ef
fects, made with fringe on the bot
tom and a double strip of white
coney, satin lined, great val., $3.25
Blended French coney Four-in-Hand Scarfs, double
fur ends, fringe trimmed, great values at $3.45
Isabella opossum Neck Scarfs and river minks made
up in long cluster boa and 4-in-hand effects, dou
ble fur, fringe trimmed, great value at.. $5.45
Women's and misses' Fur Sets, all kinds of skins,
all styles. Best values at from.. $18 to $38
Siberian gray squirrel Scarfs and 4-in-hand Ties at
the low prices of from. each. .$7 to $12.50
Mink Stoles, Scarfs and Muffs at.. $20 to $65
Jap Mink, Isabella, Sable Coney Pieces, $3 to $15
Great special sale of women s near
seal Jackets. This season 's best
styles, plain coat and fancy blouse ef
fects, also box coats; collar, cuffs and
reveres of beaver, mink, gray and
sable squirrel, river mink, Jap mink;
fancy girdle and buttons to match;
lined with Skinner's satin
$25 Coats, $21.25 $50 Coats, $40.50
' $35 Coats, $28.45 $58 Coats, $47.85
$38 Coats, $31.50 $62 Coats, $51.25
$40 Coats, $32.65 $68 Coats, $56.50
$72.00 Coats at $59.45. Second Floor.
Great Christmas Sale of
Stationery, Je welry,Toilet
Sets and Xmas Novelties
Scrapbooks and Autograph Albums, special at, each .19
Holly Stationery Best 'linen paper suitable for Xmas gift. ........... 19
Congress Playing Cards newest backs, gilt edges, pkg ..43
Metal Top Cigar Jars, with place for sponge; special 89
Powder and Pnff Jars Large assortment; great values at 28
Silver-Plated Jewel Boxes Pink and blue silk lining; special 79
Eastman's Xmas Perfumes, in fancy boxes and baskets; special 19
$2.00 Manicure Sets, in leatherette boxes; special l......$1.49
Sterling Silver Bracelet Values up to $1.50 each, for, each 98
Gold Filled Neck Chains in many patterns; 10 years' guarantee 59
Gold Front Crosses; large variety; great special value 59
Children's 3-pieee Toilet Sets Brush, comb, mirror; special $1.19
Shaving Sets, with fancy brush and mug, in cases; s.pecial ...63
French Staghorn Manicure Sets, with cuticle scissors, file, 1 1 Q
knife and buffer; great special value, set ...V
$3.50 Ebonoid Mirrors Beautiful silver mounting; special $2.49
Gold-filled Clocks for.. $1.33. Gold-plated Beauty Pins, set, , 79
French Novelty Brooches 39 Children's Solid Gold Rings.. 79
Silver-plated Clothes Brushes. $2.98 French Stag Inkstand.' 79
"Toyland" Is Very Busy-
25c game Chessida on sale for.. 19
35c game Cherogmagica, at.... 23
60c game Ring Toss, on sale at. 45
75c game Hook-It on sale at...49
$1.25 game Wall Toss, bargain.. 99
$1.00 game Taba-Baga, for....73
20c Pool Tables for low price of .13
75c Parlor Croquet on sale at. . -63
25c Drawing Teacher on sale for.l9
25c Animal Masks on sale at. ..19
Christmas Sale of Ribbons
- . .
-' n -ib'!on Department, matchless
u&tf&&fejkLi values in Ribbons of all kinds and
fj qualities just the Ribbons you want
jSScfe ' Jff Lt or InS UP tne Xmas Gifts and
CCfe ep "mt Tying up the Holiday Boxes Here
gQT'S'Vi lia are Sranl opportunities for Money-
r'V xjyyaj - saving. Take advantage:
jfelfeilHpl lifeSGRflij ' Beautiful Silk Warp Ribbons, 4y2 to
aJpgg(!gB8j inches wide ; light and dark shades,
jyftTij splendid variety; values up (LQf
if I Aas&ssSSS-. to $1 8 vard on saIe at yd-
lK (AlVhMlliaD Si,k WarP Ribbons, 6 to 9 inches
wide, several very handsome pat-
vShtVa'r JiA' LL" ' terns; light and dark combinations,
!f vSf y aE' suitable for bags, coat hangers, etc.,
fS ' olc-; values UP t0 $L5 a Qftr
yard, on sale at, yard. ..... 'WL
Baby Ribbon, every color vou want, on sale at this low price, the yard. .. 1
Holly Ribbon, all Widths, "all prices, at, the yard. 3cJ 6c, 8c, 10c and. 15
Special sale of Santa Claus Ribbons, on sale at this low price, yard, 10c, 15
Special sale of Merry Christmas Bibbon, on sale at. yard, 5c and .-. . S
Special sale of Yuletide Ribbons, on sale at these low prices, yd., 4c, 6,. 8
In the Ribbon Section we are showing a great assortment of Christmas Nov
elties, made of 'ribbons handbags, coat hangers, turnovers, hatpin holders,
work bags, bows, handkerchief folds, etc., etc., at very reasonable prices.
Great Christmas Sale of
Women's Handkerchiefs
300 dozen women's pure linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with hand-embroidered
initial and pretty, floral designs in corner; latest tape Q
and crossbar border. Regular 25c values for 17S or doz. for. . .
500 dozen women's pure linen Handkerchiefs with beautiful haud-embroidered
floral designs in corner; put up C assorted patterns in a box J 1 A
attractive holiday box. Regular $2.25 value on sale at, per box.
200 dozen women's sheer Swiss Handkerchiefs with hemstitched, embroidered
and scalloped edges, Val. lace and insertion trimmed. Very large O
assortment to select from. Regular 35c values on sale at, each. . .
Women's pure sheer linen Handkerchiefs with hand-hemstitched border and
real Armenian lace edge: hand-embroidered initials; 65c values, A.C.
on sale at the wonderfully low price of, each
300 dozen women's pure sheer linen Handkerchiefs in the latest crossbar
and checked tape and cord effects. On sale at the wonderfully 1 1 '
low price, of 95 for one-half dozen regular 25c values, or, each.
200 dozen women's pure linen Handkerchiefs, crossbar or embroidered all
over novelties, pretty floral designs; great assortment. 35c values at..22
Hand-embroidered pure sheer linen Handkerchiefs; large and choice variety
of beautiful combined patterns and designs; prices from, 65? to $25
Madeira eyelet hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs of pure sheer 3?fc rtrt
linen ; latest novelties on sale at from, each", 50 to Jj JUU
Children's Handkerchiefs in all styles and grades. Best values.
Fancy box Handkerchiefs in great assortment all prices.
HnnHhKTC ' Cnoose from our entire stock of high-grade Handbags
O at off the regular selling prices; alligator, seal and
A j walrus. Best styles, in plain and .fitted. $10 to $18
-LL 4 VIl vaiues at ONE-FOURTH OFF
S.H.& M.Giiaranteed Petticoats
Another great Christmas sale of celebrated S. H. &.M.
guaranteed Silk Petticoats is announced this
week. Petticoats of the very best style, and
each one fully guaranteed for 3 months
against cracking or splitting of the silk. Made
with deep pleated flounce, tucked and shirred
ruffle; a complete assortment of shades to
select from plain and changeable colorings.
A duplicate order of the immense lot we
placed on sale a week ago last Friday, and
which created the greatest silk petticoat sell
ing Portland has ever known.
$8.50 values all week at...
"Victoria" Blanket Bath Robes for
women, large or small collar, trimmed
with one-inch satin band, fancy
border, cord and tassel. Pretty de
. signs and colorings pink, blue, gray,
, red, brown, lavender, L
green and black. Two P""J
great lots at these spe
cial prices, each
$3.50 Crepe Scarfs $2.89 Ea.
Another great special holiday sale of the popular "Du Barry" Scarfs 500
of them made of the best quality crepe de chine; plain colorings or beauti
ful Dresden' designs and colorings white," pink, light blue," red, lavender;
22 yards long; hand-hemstitched. Best $3.50 values on sale flTO RQ
at the wonderfully low price of, each
Christmas Sale of Lamps
Gas Portables, Fancy China, Etc
100 metal bowl Parlor Lamps central draft burner, with 9-inch CIO fTL
fancy etched globes complete; great value, on sale at, each.S02
Special lot of Parlor Lamps central draft burner, globe to CT A f 1
match. Regular $6.00 values, on sale at this low price, each.V
50 handsome polished brass Portable Gas Lamps, complete with tripod,
burner, mantle, tubing and goose-neck; no shade; $3.00 and 1 Q
$3.25 values; ou sale at this special low price take advantage. P"
25 old brass and black Portable Gas Lamps, complete with every- CIO RQ
thing except shade. Regular $3.75 values, on 6ale at, each. Pir
250 fancy China Cake Plates, assorted decorations. The best plate 1 Qf
bargains ever offered at this special low price in the Basement.
300 fancy China Salad Bowls, assorted patterns, on sale at, each 19J
200 pairs of fancy German China Sugars and Creamers very best
patterns. Regular 35c and 40c values, on sale at this low price, pair. .23
75c and 80c German China 7-piece Salad Sets, on sale special at, set... 59
Special lot of Wine Sets Decanter and 6 Glasses very handsome sets
large assortment.' Crockery Department, in the Basement. Grand bargains at :
$9.50 Sets on Sale for $7.59 $12.50 Sets on Sale for $9.98
Great Christmas Sale ofi
Silk Hosiery - - Underwear
1000 pairs of women's spun silk Hose '
cotton foot, beautifully fashioned; red,
blue, pink, white, black, lavender, gray
and nile. All sizes. Value CI f
extraordinary at, pair. . . . P " J
Women's fine quality silk Hosiery,
"Onyx" brand; cotton foot or silk
foot; black only; all sizes. CJ 1 OQ
$1.50-$1.75 values, pair. . .H
Women's extra fine quality black silk
. Hose, lace boot and all-over lace ef
fects, beautiful patterns; sizes 8V2 and
9 only. Regular $0 values C 1 QQ
at this very low price... "
Women's extra quality silk ingrain
Hose, French foot, full fashioned,
black only; all sizes; $3 C?0 A.
and $3.50 values at, pair. Sy
Beautiful effects in embroidered silk
Hose large variety at prices rang
ing from, per pair $3 to $10
Women's Silk Underwear Spcls.
Women's all silk Swiss ribbed Vests, hand-crocheted yokes, beautifully made
and finished; all sizes. Best values ever offered at.... $3.50 and $4.00
Women's Swiss ribbed, all silk Vests: low neck and no sleeves; cream, pink
and blue; all sizes; at the wonderfully low prices, per garment, $2-$2.50
Women's silk and lisle Vests, hand-crocheted yokes, Swiss ribbed; cream
and sky blue; on sale at low price of, per garment $1 to $2.50
Women's silk Vests and' Tights at prices up to, per garment $15.00
Christmas Sale Chafing Dishes
5 o'Clock Teas, Silverware, Etc
Special lot of 5 o'clock Teakettles; wrought iron stand; S3 98
pretty model; regular $5.00 values; on sale at, each
Special lot of 5 o'clock Teas; wrought iron stands; assorted 32 26
styles; regular $3.50 values; on sale at this low price
Nickel-Plated Coffee Machines, 3-pint size; assorted styles; 7 Q7
nickel and copper; $10.00 values; on sale, each
Fancy Covered Chafing Dishes; medium size; best burner; reg- 97
ular $7.50 values; on sale at this low price, each
Special lot of Coffee Machine Trays; beaded edge; on sale at, each... $2.98
Chafing Dish Trays; regular $2.00 values; on sale at $1.62
Silver-Plated Cracker Jars; opal glass; silver or nickel cover; $ 1 OQ
best $2.50 values; on sale at this special low price P
Pickle Casters, silver-plated stands; $2.50 values, on sale at, each... $1.99
Tea Strainers; ebony finish handle; $1.60 values, on sale at, each. .. .$1.27
Silver-plated Bread Trays; satin finish; $1.52 values, on sale at, each. $1.07
Silver-Plated Coffee Sets; 4-piece; regular $13.50 value, set $11.15
Bohemian Glass Water Sets; bottle and 6 glasses; grand values.
$8.00 Water Sets, $6. 1 4 a set $11.50 Values, $8.49 a set
Cut Glass Bowls; very handsome cut; great special values:
$5.00 Cut Class Bowls, $2.69 $ 1 1 Cut Class Bowls, $8.42
$6.50 Cut Class Bowls. $5.12 $15.50 Values at $11.98
Christmas Sale of Men's Wear
Men's pure linen Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, and Vz-inch hems; at..l9
Men's "President" Suspenders one pair in a beautiful Holiday 4.
Box. Great value, on sale at this special low price, pair Jl
100 dozen Men's large English Square Ties, beautiful Silks; grand
assortment of patterns and colorings; $1.00 values, on sale at...