The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 09, 1906, Section Three, Page 32, Image 32

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Railroad Men and Shippers to
Confer on Freight Blockade.
Gathering to Be Held In orflce of W.
A. SI ears of Chamber of Com
merce Transportation Commit
tee Cars Accumulating.
' Shippers ' and railroad men will meet
. in conference Monday afternoon ,; in an
attempt to arrive at ' a better . under
standing so that: the freight-congestion
in Portland terminals may be relieved.
The' meeting ' will be held in the office
of W. A. Mears, secretary of the trans
portation committee of the Chamber of
Commerce, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon
many men were there. Money was plain
ly visible on the table and the game was
in full progress.
The officers waited outside for a time,
hoping some one would emerge. At -last
Captain Bruin knocked on the door and
a negro came to the "peekhole" and
looked out. When he saw who was there
he evidently gave the word to cover up
all evidences of gambling and the door
was not unlocked until all of the money
was cleared from the table and there was
nothing to show that it was a gambling
When Captain Bruin and Sergeant Baty
entered, they found ten negroes. All were
placed under arrest for gambling and fre
quenting a gambling-house, and Sergeant
Baty went out to call a patrol wagon.
It was a long time coming, and Baty
again went out to ascertain the cause of
delay. He no sooner left the room than
three negroes who had not been in the
game made for the three doors and es
caped into the street. AH the rest rose
to follow and were about to make a dash
when Captain Bruin whlpepd out his re
volver. "Stand back now," commanded Captain
Bruin. "The first man who attempts to
leave here before I tell him to will be
Covered with the revolver, the negroes,
although in an ugly mood, made no fur
ther attempt to escape, and all were bun
dled into the wagon and taken to police
headquarters. All of the paraphernalia
used in the game .was also confiscated
and taken, to the station for evidence to
be used when the cases are tried in the
Municipal Court.
C. McCulley was charged with conduct-
I' -V
f .SIM ittw it i if Ti im f rTn - ri.TtMiriri?iiiriMrifi frrirrfj-rrfwir-'-T-r-
Frank 1. Randall, Junior First John P. Krupke, Second Lleuten
I.leutennnt. ant.
Two appointments in the First Battery of Oregon Field Artillery
were announced yesterday from the office of Governor Chamberlain.
Second lieutenant Frank !. Randall was promoted to the rank of
Junior first lieutenant, while First Sergeant John P. Krupke was pro
moted from the ranks to a second lieutenancy. Lieutenant Randall fills
the vacancy caused by the resignation of Lieutenant Fred Burns. The
appointments were made on recommendation of Captain C. U. Welch,
and are popular with the enlisted men of the command. The two offi
cers have seen several years of service with the Battery and are re
garded as efficient officers.
and It is believed that the attendance
will be large.
Ed. Lyons, manager of the Northern
Pacific Terminal Company, andlocal rail
road men are largely responsible for the
calling of the meeting. They believe, and
they are ,ln a position to know, that
serious congestion of freight is imminent
and that it is practically unavoidable un
less the shippers lend their co-operation.
The congestion of freight In tho termi
nal yards has some bearing on the car
shortage and aggravates the situation.
While the shippers are not in a position
to eliminate the car shortage, no matter
with what expedition they may unload
their cars when received, the transporta
tion men declare that their earnest sup
port and 'co-operation will have a ten
dency in the right direction In the remedy
ing of that most serious trouble that
has presented Itself to the shippers in
recent years.
At the meeting Monday afternoon the
shippers will be' told that it is necessary
that they unload their cars with all pos
sible haste so that the cars may be
taken from the terminals where they are
rapidly accumulating and hurried else
where. And everyone knows how badly
empty cars are needed.
They will be urged to unload their cars
on the first day of their arrival If possi
ble. They are allowed 48 hours before
demurrage at the rate of $1 per day is
collected. Nearly all the unloading takes
place on the second day. when it Is said
that the first day in most Instances would
have served Just as well. Many of the
Jobbers prefer to pay the nominal charge
of XI per day rather thnn store their
goods Immediately and release the cars.
Numbers of cars partly filled with mer
chandise are standing in the local termi
nal yards.
Manager Lyons has stated that the
congestion Is increasing instead of de
creasing,, and as a last resort the move
ment for the conference was started.
The terminal company has done every
thing In its power to stop the conges
tion and its officials say that the only
thing that seems likely to relieve the
situation is for transfer companies and
Jobbers to unload, more cars than they do.
The trouble is said to lie almost en
tirely with the Jobbers and not with the
transfer companies. The transfer men
declare that they could unload fully twice
as many cars in a day as they do now
if the jobbers were in a position to accept
the goods.
ing a gambling game, and Bert Carter,
Arthur Mack, J. W. Nathan, William
Price, Tip Galliff and William Johnson
were charged with gambling. All were re
leased on bail.
One of the negroes threw away a razor,
which was " found when the room was
closely searched. None of the negroes
would claim it.
Rumors Are Current That Slot-Machine
Cases May Go to Courts.
Slot-machine manipulators will not give
up the operation of those devices without
a battle in the courts. Rumors to this
effect gained wide circulation throughout
the city yesterday, and in official circles
it was admitted that preparations are be
ing made by some of the interested par
ties to fight the order of Chief Gritz
macher that closed down the nickel-eaters
and also the shaking of dice. .
It was not as much as hinted until
yesterday that there would be a show of
resistance by the slot-machine people,
but it was generally thought they would
accept the order to close down without
more than a verbal protest. Not one dis
obeyed the command to put away the
devices, and this was supposed to Indi
cate that no legal fight, at least, would
be waged for the maintenance ' of the
The move to set up a. fight in the courts
has been planned in secret, and efforts
to ascertain who were behind the move
proved futile yesterday. It was said that
attorneys had been engaged to outline a
plan of action, but who these attorneys
are could not be learned. . Neither could
It ' be ascertained what they purpose to
do tostart the battle.
Chief of Police Gritzmacher admitted,
.when questioned, that he had heard of
such a move, but said he hardly believed
it would materialize. He had no idea,
he stated, who was behind the move
and did not know anything of the details.
He said he would not he surprised should
an effort be made to replace the slot
machines in the cigar stands and public
places, but he intimated that if any such
attempt is made, he will be on the
ground to do his part in defeating such. a
There is no city ordinance against slot
machines, and unless the City Council
should pass such an ordinance, the City
You Are
To Credit
r .... . . .
y ' 4 'him SS mm n S S S 5 S mmi mm a1" im. - f syC3S3iS
Goods Deliv-
cSE: eredWhen
Crockery is a side line with, us; conse
quently we can sell at a less profit than
the exclusive crockery stores. We offer
three extra good specials for this week.
48-Piece Dinner Set $3.20
Pure white semi-porcelain ware that us
ually sells for 15.00 the set. The reason
for offering them at this ridiculously low
figure Is that they're made up of two brok
en sets in patterns so near alike that only
by the closest inspection can any difference
be distinguished. While they last, S3.20.
42-Piece Dinner Set $6.50
Cobalt Flow Blue; Johnson Bros." import
ed ware. Rich and exclusive: a set that
goes exceedingly well with Early English
or Weathered oak dining room furniture.
102-Piece Dinner Set $17.50
Johnson Bros.' Imp orted English ware.
Handsomely decorate d and finished. It
would almost fool a n expert, it looks so
much like Haviland.
A 10-pound turkey will be given away
free of charge to everyone ordering a
Monarch. Malleable Range between now
and Christmas. We have made arrange
ments with the leading market to sup
ply us with the birds, and they're
guaranteed to be first-class in every
respect no cold storage birds allowed.
And if that turkey don'f roast to a
nice, rich brown, you'll know It's the
fault of the Monarch range. Tou have
all heard of the Monarch Malleable
Range. It may be that a friend or a
relative has one, so we won't weary you
with a long-winded description. But
let us Impress on you the fact that
Monarch Malleable Ranges are entirely
different in construction and material
from cast-steel ranges, and so far su-.
perlor In every way that there is no
comparison. The top of the Monarch
Is lighter In weight than an ordinary
cast-steel top. A lighter and more close-
grained metal will transmit heat more
quickly and wKh less loss than a
thicker metal. Now fully four-fifths
of the household cooking, is done on
the top of the range. Therefore, a top
that will heat more quickly and conduct
more heat with less loss wiil save fuel
see the point? A. few .of the good
features we will be pleased to show
you are the Duplex draft, burns all the
coal; Duplex grate, burns coal or wood:
Asbestos lining, keeps . th'e 'heat 'In ' the
oven where it belongs; polished top,
needs no blacking, and a dozen others
that we haven't the space here to tell
about. Now this is not mere idle talk,
but facts which we are only too glad
to prove to your entire, satisfaction.
Come In you don't need all the money.
Just bring - a deposit of $5.00 to show
your good faith, nnd we'll set up the
range and give you the turkey-all in
good time for the Christmas dinner.
$1.00 a Week Buys a Monarch Range
Your Old Stove Taken in Exchange at Its Full Value
Clocks $7.50
A rich looking clock, made'-of wea
thered oak. with heavy bronzer trim
mings. Measures 16Vj inches wide, by
11 inches in height. Dial measures 6
Inches in diameter. Winds every 8
days, and strikes the hour and the
. Miniature Grandfather Clock $1.50
An exact, reproduction of the old.
hall clock, used tn the Colonial days.
' h ihished in' 'weathered oak, and war
ranted a good timekeeper.
Gold Clock $1. IS
We have a nice line of gold clocks,
that range In price up to J1S.00. We
only have a few of the pattern ad
vertised, and would advise early shopping.
Pretty Tabourette 50c
Strong, substantial and nicely polished.
Top is 12 inches square, made from beau
tifully quartered oak. Legs are nicely
turned, and wedged in the- same as In a
parlor table. They are extra good value,
and we are selling them so close that
we cannot promise to deliver them.
, ' '
Made of white
maple, with high
sides that have
10 spindles each.
Crib Is fitted
with casters,
and has rein
forced wire
spring. Measures
24x40 inches.
Chiffoniere $31
Carefully made of
beautiful quarter-sawed
oak. It is 23 inches wide
and has 4 large and 2
small drawers. The total
height of this piece, in
cluding the French plate
mirror (16x22 Inches) is 6
feet 3 Inches, making a
most beautiful 'chiffonier
of splendid proportions.
J1.00 a week buys it.
Parlor Cabinets
A new lot of beautiful
Saiior cabinets has Just
een placed on show and
we think they're the
handsomest and most rea
sonable priced cabinets in
' the city. There are large
ones all a-sparkle with
mirrors, bent glass doors
and plate glass shelves.
The bottom is plush
lined and the woodwork
Is genuine mahogany. Al
so smaller ones' that are
quite as pretty and neat,
but not so expensive. Just
the thing for Christmas
Sunlight Airtight
Heater $9
It has a heavy cast
steel top and bottom.
Body Is made from the
best quality of rolled
steel with an extra heavy
lining. Footralls, panels
and rails are nickel
plated. We have the fin
est line of heaters in the
city. Hot blast coal heat
ers, combination coal and
wood heaters and oil
heaters. We carry the
Perfection oil heater, the
one : advertised in the
magazines. Our price Is
Table $12.90
Regular price
is $17.50 and eas
ily worth it too.
Made of genu
1 n e blrdseye
maple, hand
polished, and
has a large
drawer with
full serpentine '
front Measures
32 inches across
and is fitted
with a 16x21
French plate
mirror nearly a
quarter of an
incH thick. It
makes an Ideal
Christmas pres
ent. $1 a week
does it.
The Set $3.95
The set consists of six forks,
S knives, 6 teaspoons and 6
tablespoons; made of solid
silver- metal, guaranteed not
o tarnish and better than
plated ware, because it won't
wear off. The set usualiv sells
fof J5.10. This week, J3.95. .
Bureau $16
A strong, well made
bureau, nicely finished
in mahogany or white
maple..-. Fitted with a
genuine French plate
oval , - mirror 20x24
inches, divided ser
pentine '. front top
drawer, solid brass
trimmings. A dresser
that would look well
In any. bedrooom and
is worth Just a little
more than the 'price ,
we ask,
Pedestal $6
Exactly as pictured, a sim
ple, yet
Lwii l wJl 'l " f -1 J 1 llsiT'llii II IfilrTOTWrofe
I 1 'to' J' I v III II I i I I ft I I I If It
pleasing design.
Well made, from
selected wood.
Column Is 4
Inches In diame
ter; comes In
three finishes
quarter sawed
grolden oak. wea
thered oak and
imitation mahogany.
Attorney's office is without means ' to
prosecute violators.
It is claimed that the Ministerial As
sociation and the Municipal League, or
ganizations which are working in har
mony for the permanent closing of the
slot-machines, will Insist upon the pass
age of a special ordinance by the City
Council, should a test case brought by
the operators be won by the latter In the
courts. ' .
Tomorrow is the last day dice-shaking
will be allowed by the police, and it is
believed the slot-machine men will move
soon to bring the question into the
Detroit Free Press Sold.
DETROIT. Dec. 8. Control of the De
troit Free Press was purchased today by
Philip-H. McMillan, Ed Stair and Henry
Stephens, of this city. Mr. McMillan is
the younger son of the late United States
Senator James McMillan, and brother of
W. C. McMillan, one of the leading Re
publican candidates for United States Sen
ator. Mr. Stair Is at the head of many
theatrical interests and is president of
the Detroit Journal Company. Mr. Ste
phens Ls a. stockholder in the Journal.
Must Tear Down New Campanile.
PARIS, Dec. 8. (Special.) Venice may
have to wait much longer than It ex
pected for the new Campanile of St.
Mark's to replace the famous structure
which fell three years ago. Progress on
the new tower has been stopped by the
official report of Professor Luxardo, who
recommends that the work be all undone
because the materials are faulty. Pro
fessor Luxardo found an excessive pro
portion of -sulphurous anhydride in the
blocks of brick used, and the cements also
contained sulphates in large proportions.
This would seriously impair the stabil
ity of the Campanile, which, says the pro
fessor, will have to be cut down to the
base of its foundation and begun again.
To dress men well. If you are one
of those with pride in your appearance,
a perfectly fitting: suit of clothes ls
likely to be upon your mind. We can
fill your desires and remove the anxiety
If you will let us do it. Qur goods
are the very best and run "in values
from 825 to $50. Every garment ls
a bargain at our prices. Armstrong
the Tailor, 'Raleigh building, Washing
ton and Sixth. ;
Wrecks Train for Revenge.
venge as a motive for the wrecking of a
fast Baltimore & Ohio train, last Satur
day night, was announced by detectives
who guarded Patrick Eagan, In the lock
up last night Eagan is charged with
wrecking the. train.. ' Several nights pre
vious to the wreck Eagan is said to have
climbed into the cab at McKeesport with
Three ' Escape and Captain Brulu
Covers Rest With Revolver Until
Patrol Wagon Comes.
In a sensational raid on a gambling
den filled with colored men. Captain
and Inspector Patrick Bruin, of the police
department, was obliged to draw his re
volver and threaten to shoot yesterday
afternoon before he forced seven angry
negroes to stand back and await the ar
rival of a patron wagon. Detective Ser
geant Baty, who assisted In the raid, was
outside to summon the wagon when the
caged gamblers made a desperate attempt
to escape. Three got away before the
flash of a weapon and a stern command
to stand hack cowed the prisoners.
The establishment is located at 152
North Sixth street directly opposite the
Union Depot. It hao been known to the
police for some time that gambling was
conducted there, but it had been most
difficult to secure the evidence, as the
place had been guarded more closely toy
sentinels and watchmen than any den In
' Chinatown. It is said to have long been
a "hangout" for negroes in the employ of
various railroad companies.
Captain and Inspector Bruin and Ser
geant Baty went to the place yesterday
afternoon and found no one outside on
sentry fluty. They crept to a "peekhole"
in the Irving-street door and were able
to see that a game of poker was In prog
ress, but they could not determine how
Drink the old original ArbucUes
XKIOSA Coffee, the blend of
Brazilian coffees, most wholesome
and stimulating, as well as most
economical Anything dearer
than Arbuckles' ARIOSA is
extravagant, and no one can sell
as good coffee for the same price.
People who drink Arbuckles
ARIOSA Coffee are not dys
peptics with fashionable nerves
who take vacations in Sanitariums,
on featherweight rations, but the
healthy . vigorous manhood and
womanhood that constitute the
useful majority. The first roasted
packaged coffee ; sales of Arbuck
les ARIOSA Coffee for 37
years, exceed the combined sales
of all the other packaged"coffees.
In sealed packages only for
your protection. Don't buy loose
coffee out of a bag, bin or tin that
the roaster is ashamed to seal in a
package with his name on iL
If your grocer won't supply
write to
Nw Ymk Cmn.t
the engineer who hauls that train regu
larly, and requested him to slow up for
him at Coulter, where he resides. The
engineer refused. " '. :
It is alleged Eagan, in a fit of anger,
declared. "I'll fix you for this."
Saturday night was Engineer. Darre's
regular run, but he had laid off, and an
extra man, who worked instead, lost his
life. .
Bank wrecker Escapes Trial.
CEDAR- RAPIDS. la.. Dec 8. Judge
Church, at Anamosa, today quashed In
dictments against . F. E. Snyder, the
Olin banker, charged with fraudulent
banking. The Indictments proved de
fective. The depositors are aald to)
have lost about $100,000 In the failure.
of the- bank.
Select Your Coat, Suit or Skirt
From the Largest Stock on the Coast
We have the most competent
fitter and tailor on the FaciCc
Coast. Each garment we sell is
a guarantee of this statement.
For Monday we -are offering
Coats, values up to $20.00,
for $5.00
A $22.50 brown mixture Coat, velvet collar, finely tailored, 50
, inches long; a good $22.50 value. Monday .... $7.00
$35.00 white and black plaid Coats, the finest garment shown
this season for $35.00 ; Monday . . . . . . . . :,. ..... . $17.50
Only a few Come early
m is
if Uf? 1$T
11 JT V
The J. M. Acheson Go.