The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 09, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Shop Mornings and You'll Get the Best Service as Well as Best Bargains Shop Mornings
The Meier Frank Store
A Great Christmas Sale of
Fine French Undermuslins
AT ',.14 OFF
Oar great Annual Christmas
Sale of fine French Under
muslins. starts tomorrow
and continues until further
noticeThousands of pieces
of dainty lingerie, all styles,
grades Gowns made of fine
French percales and nain
sooks, hand - embroidered
and lace trimmed hand em
broidered eyelets, ribbons
Long and, short sleeves.
hand-embroidered , chemise.
M A sCrfl k?v Hand - made and hand
'mOim broidered drawers -Hand-
Av CrkVyM YP''i made and hand-emproiaerea
petticoats and corset covers
Magnificant sets A 1 lon
sale at V of the 7- ff
regular prices I Vll
Great holiday sale of women's white lawn Aprons, with or with
out bibs; made with wide hems, tucked and embroidery trimmed.
Grand bargains, at the following special low prices : '
35c Lawn Aprons at 25c $ .85 Lawn Aprons at 72c
5Cc Lawn Aprons at 43c $1.00 Lawn Aprons at 83c
60c Lawn Aprons at 47c $ 1 .25 Lawn Aprons at 98c
75c Lawn Aprons at 67c $1.50 Lawn Aprons $1.22
"Women's fancy short Swiss lawn and cambric Aprons, with and
without bibs; trimmed in fine laces, headings and embroideries, also
ribbons. Great special values at these low prices, each .
60c Values 47c 85c Values 72c $ 1 .50 Values $ 1 .22
75c Values 67c-$ 1 Values 83c-$2.00 Values $ 1 .69
A Great Christmas Sale of
New Bonne Femme Curtains
Corded Arabian Bonne Femmes, with beautiful 9-inch " lace
flounces; all magnificent designs, great variety; 34 yards long;
three widths, to fit all windows. Great special values at
36-inch regular $ 4.50 values reduced to, each $2.95
36-inch regular $ 5.00 values reduced to, each $3.35
36-inch regular $ 6.00 values reduced to, each $3.95
50-inch regular $ 5.00 values reduced to, each $3.35
50-inch regular $ 6.50 values reduced to, each $4.35
50-inch regular $ 7.50 values reduced to, each $4.9 5
50-inch regular $ 8.50 values reduced to, each $5.65
72-inch regular $ 1 1.25 values reduced to, each $7.50
72-inch regular $ 12.50 values reduced to, each $8.35
72-inch regular $ 1 5.00 values reduced to, each $9.85
Odd lot of Arabian colored Bonne Femmes, in one size only; 50
inches wide by 3 yards long; $4.50 values at, each $2.25
Odd lot of white and Arabian colored Bonne Femmes; made on net
with Renaissance and braid designs; one size only; 50 inches wide
by 3 yards long; $6.50 and $7.50 values at, each ..$3.75
Picture Department Spec'ls
Pastel Pictures, framed in 2-inch gilt frames; large variety QO.
of subjects; regular $1.75 values, on" sale at, each -rOC
Colored Japanese Pictures, framed in green frames; size 7x9 LQs
inches; best 50c values, on sale at this low price, each...'
Fancy shaped Tabourettes, stamped in a variety of de- fl 1 AjQ
signs for burning; regular $2.25 values, on sale at.'iP '
Complete stock of Pyrography Outfits and Stamped Wood. Great
showing of framed and unframed Pictures. Second floor.
Artistic Picture Framing to your order at the lowest prices. Xmas
orders should be brought in at once. Second floor.
Silk Waists and Petticoats
Great holiday sale of women's Taffeta Silk Waists, in plaids and
fancy stripes; tailor made or fancy effects, in green, red, brown,
blue, tan,, black and white; large variety, grand values, as follows:
$10.50 Waists at $7.25 $12.50 Waists at $9.45
$11.00 Waists at $8.45 $15.00 Waists at $11.85
$16.50 Waists at $12.45 $18.00 Waists at.... .$13.85
Great special holiday sale of high-grade Silk Petticoats; 12 and
lS-inch flounces; plain colors, plaids ;. Dresden and Persian Silks;
exquisite styles in black and all the leading shades. Beautiful
Skirts for Christmas gifts. Second floor. '-
$10.00 Petticoats at.. $7.43 ; $18.00 Petticoats at.. $13.95
$12.50 Petticoats at.. $9.25 $25.00 Petticoats at.. $18.25
$15.00 Petticoats at.. $11.95 $30.00 Petticoats at.. $21.85
$40.00 Petticoats at. ..$29.45 Tea Gowns, Kimonos, Etc.
Sale Traveling Bags and Handbags
17-inch Cabin Bag; full stock
leather, leather lined, 2 end
pockets; special at.... $5.20
Leather Oxford Bag; linen
lined, side . pocket, 12-lnch,
great valus at, each.. $2. 50
12 and 13-ineh Oxford Bags;
full stock leather, niokle trim
mings; $4 value, each.$3.40
Suitcases, each.'. ..$2 to $40
Great special assortment of
women's high -class Hand-
. bags; beautiful styles in all
leather and colors; ; values
from $10 to $40, at.. OPF
Special line of suede leather
Music Rolls ; great special
values, at, each. .... .$1.29
Mexican carved leather
Purses, all prices. Best values.
Great showing of Bells.
Picture Framing Orders For Xmas Delivery Should Be Brought in at cmce Second Floor
Greatest Assortment of Trunks amd Traveling Bags on the Pacific Coast Third Floor
The Meier Frank Store
est "Tdyland" m Town
The biggest Toy business in our history is looked for this season and we are better
equipped to properly care for it than ever before greater stocks, greatly increased space.
matchless assortment and none 'of the- trashy kinds The grandest store full of good
Toys in the city Instructive, practical and mechanical Toys that educate as well as amuse.
Every year at this tima we say "Don't put off buying until the last few days' It is
not selfish advice There's no "string" to it Simply a recognition of the fact that eleventh
hour choosers have to take what they can get Purchases made now will be carefully
packed, stored free of charge and delivered any time yon say A general review follows ;
Celluloid Dolls. :.. 10c, 15c, 30c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50
"Kestner" baby Dolls, 60c, 75c, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.25
Immense variety of Horns, each, 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c
Chimes with long handle, each, 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.25
Magic Lanterns at from, each. .35 tip to $15.00
Steamboats at, each 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.25, $1.75
Fireboats at from, each $1.00, $1.50, $2.50, $3.00
Auto Boats at from, each 60c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.50
Steel upright Engines, each.. $1.50 up to $75.00
Electrical Toys, all kinds, each, $1.50 to $65.00
Mechanical Trains, each, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 up to $20.00
Enamel white and blue Kitchen Dishes, 20c to $1.25
Fine enameled , Tea Sets, per set, 35 to $2.00
Doll Cabs, Dolls' Apparel, Dolls' Jewelry, etc., etc.
Rocking Horses, $1.35, $2, $2.65, $4, $5.50
Blackboards at, each, 25, 50, $1.00 and $1.25
-Toy Bureaus, Wash Stands, Sideboards, etc.. at,
each.. 25, 50. $1.25, $1.50 up to $7.50
Laundry Sets at, per set, 25, 50 and $1.00
Roller Skates at, pair, 50, $1.25, $2.75, $3.75
Alphabet Blocks, 10, 15, 25, 35 to $1.50
Shooflys, each, 75, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.75
Lead Soldiers, 25, 35, 50, 65, 75, $3
Humpty Dumpty Circus, each, 60 up to $3.50
Iron Trains at, each, 25c, 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.25, $1.50
Automobiles, Velocipedes, Express Wagons, Hand
Cars, Wheelbarrows, Talking Machines, Xmas Tree
Ornaments, Games, etc., etc., in endless assortment.
Holiday Sale Women's Wear
Women's $55.00 Suits $38.25 $34 Fur Coats $28.25
Children's Fw Sets at, each $3.18
Women's 34-length Coats! $14.45
Women's $4.50 Fur Scarfs $3.45
Women's $16.00 Coats for $9.85
Special holiday sale of 50 women's Tailored Suits in tight-fitting,
. pony and blouse effects also tight-fitting styles handsomely
trimmed with braid, Persian gimp and velvet, in broadcloth, chevi
' ots and tweeds; solid colors, checks and fancy mixtures. This
season's most attractive garments, selling regularly tfJfcQ O
at $52.00 and $55.00 each. 'Value extraordinary at.. yJO.J
Great holiday sale of 100 women's new Coats, 7-8 length, in gray
mixtures, tight-fitting and semi-fitting backs, with broadcloth col
lar in red or green; fancy braid trimmed. Coats we CQ fL
have sold hundreds of at $16.00 each. Grand value at.P0 J
Special line of women's Coats in. mannish mixtures, 3-4-length gar
ments of the very best style; box back. Regular 1 A
$18.00 and $20.00 values on sale at the low price of. J
Women's Eur Coals, French sable coney, made in plain box style or
tight-fitting blouse effect j finished with silk girdle; nicely lined
with Skinner's satin; all sizes. Regular $34.00 val., at $28.25
A style and quality garment the exclusive fur store asks $40 to $50 for.
Special holiday sale of women's Fur Neck Scarfs, made in French
coney sable color, 4-in-hand style ; double fur lined, T 1 A C
finished with silk fringe, at the very low price of S J.'i'J
Special holiday sale of children's Fur Sets of white Thibet collar
and muff; collar is nicely lined with satin; muff is made in the
new flat style, finished with silk cord. Very nobby CJ t 1Q
little set. Great value while they last, at low price of.
hild's lamb's wool set, flat collar, satin lined;
trimmed muff. Great value at the very low price of.
Sets, Stationery, Toilet Novelties, Etc.
Dennison's Holly Boxes for send
ing Xmas gifts, etc., at. .5, 8
Xmas Bells, special at, each, 7
Leather chip and playing card
Racks, hold from $2 to $5 in
chips ; 'values ' from $5.00 to
$10.00, at 20 PER CENT OFF
Silver-plated Shaving Sets, brush
' and mug, in fancy cases, etc.
Great special value at... $2.33
Oxidized .metal Comb and Brush
Sets,, guaranteed not to tarnish.
Special value at, per set... 69
Hardwood Boxes with brass trim
mings and initial plates; used for
collars, cuffs, neckties, gloves,
etc. Great special values, $1.19 '
Hardwood back Hand Mirrors , in ;
ebony, oak and mahogany. " $1.50
values at the low price of $1.19
French stag horn hat and bonnet .
Brushes with sterling mountings.
Great special value, each, $1.09
$2.25 and $2.50 Manicure Sets in'
leather cases. Special at.. 98
i Celluloid v Whisk Broom Holders,
: with broom - to match. Very
pretty . $1, values on sale at 79
, Fancy Soaps . put - up -in . Xmas
; boxes, 60c values on sale at. .39
I Oxidized silver. Inkstands and
; Desk .Blotters. Great special
values at low price of, each, 79
A new Portland Souvenir Book,
just the thing to send to your
Eastern ' friends. Great special
value for this sale at, each. .25
Men's Housecoats $4.50 to $15.00
An immense Holiday showing of Men's House Coats and
Smoking Jackets, in every new style and material two
toned, effects, fancy shawl collars, fancy caffs and pocket
lapels Grays, browns, maroons, navy, tans, plain colors
and fancy mixtures All sizes Best values at prices rang
ing from $4.50 to $ 15.00 ea. Elevator to Second Floor
Bath and Lounging Robes
Of heavy blanketing materials ; grays,tans, reds, blues and dark greens ;
plain colors, fancy scroll and -flowered effects. Beautifully made
and finished. A handsome Xmas gift 'to give any man, or young man.
Pair of Japanese bath slippers given free with each purchase of bath'
or lounging robe. Second Floor. Mail orders filled.
Men's Fancy Vests in great variety; all prices. Second 'Floor. .
Men's Tuxedo and Dress Suits at special prices. Second Floor.
The Meier Frank Store
Christmas Sale Silk Hosiery
$5 Values
Great Christmas Sale of women's beautiful quality black
silk Hosiery Lace allover and boot effects, magnifi
cent patterns in large assortment, sizes
&Vz and 9 only Values up to S5 a pair
Women's extra aualitv trare
silk ingrain Hose; solid black;
double soles; sizes 8A to 10.
' Regular $3 values C1
on sale at, pair. ..PHrJ
Women's "Onyx" black spun
silk Hose, cotton foot; also
pink and blue, French blue,
white, gray, nile and pastel
shades, sizes 8 to 10. (treat
special value
only, per pair
Women's black thread silk
Hose ; lisle feet ; medium
. weight; beautifully fashioned;
sizes 8 to 10. Best value ever
offered at this T 1
low price, pair. . . S v
Women 's extra fine quality
silk Hose in black and colors,
white, pink, light blue, red,
tan, brown, helio, yellow,
green, French blue and navv.
All sizes.. $2 values, $1.69 , .
Women's fine silk thread Hose with embroidered instep. Variety of
beautiful patterns. All new merchandise. All sizes. CO
Regular $3.50 values on sale at low price of, per pair. J
Magnificent assortment of the finest Silk Hosiery in D 1 f Oft
all the newest and best styles, a pair, $3.00 to...P V,WV
In the Silk store, a great holiday
sale of 10,000 yards superior qual
ity Taffeta Silks for waists,
dresses, fancy work, Xmas gifts,
etc. Complete line of colors
black, white, tan, light blue, pink,'
brown, reseda, red, turquoise, etc
Best 85c value, most stores would say $1.00 value, yard.. 63
85c Taffeta Silk
63c Yard
Big Christmas Bargains
CutGlass and Silverware
Fancy metal Candlesticks, great value at the low price of 19
10-inch brass Candlesticks, $1.00 values on sale at, each.-. ....79
Gold candlesticks, assorted designs, $1.00 values at, each 79
Brass Candlesticks, 12-inch, $1.75 values on sale at, each.;.. $1.38
Plain and decorated colored Candles on sale at, each 2-4
Cut glass Cologne Bottles, regular $3.50 values for only.... $2.80
Cut Glass Violet Bowls, regular $1.50 values, on sale for. ....$1.19
Cut glass Rose Bowls, regular $9.00 values, for only. . . .$7.20
Cut glass Bowls, very pretty, regular $5.00 values for.... $3. 98
Cut glass Bowls, regular $6.75 values on sale for only $5.39
4-piece silver-plated Tea Set, regular $16.50 value; for.. $13. 20
4-piece silver-plated Tea Set, regular $9.50 value, for only. .$7.60
3-piece burnished Tea Set, regular $12.50 value, for. .. .$10.40
3-piece silver-plated Water Set, regular $9.50 value, for. ...$7.60
Medium size Fern Dishes, best $10 values for low price of. .$7.98
Silver-plated Cake Baskets, $2.50 values for low price of. .$1.99
Rogers' "1847" Pickle Forks, great value at very low price of. .43
Rogers' "1847" Chip Beef Forks, 65c values on sale at 55
Rogers' "1847" Pie Servers, assorted patterns, at, each.. $1.71
Rogers' "1847" Berry Spoons, gilt bowls, at only, each.. $1.47
3-piece Carving Sets in lined case, $3.25 values on sale at.. $2.69
3-piece Carving Sets in case, great value at low price of, set. .$1.47
Decorated Lamps with shade to match, No. 2 burner. Greatest
lamp value in the city at the extremely low price of each. . . .99
Decorated Lamp, with globe to match, on sale special at, each, $1.20
Decorated Lamp, with globe to match, on sale special at, each, $1.58
Decorated Lamp, with globe to match, central draft burner.
Great special value for this sale at low price of, each $2.22
Decorated Lamp, with globe to match, $3.50 value on sale at.. $2. 84
Decorated Lamp, with globe to match, $6 val. at low price of .$4.89
Holiday Goods in great profusion in the big Basement Stores
China, Bric-a-Brac, Chafing Dishes, Five o 'Clock Teas, Lamps, etc,
at all prices. Great assortment of Holiday Silverware, Cutlery, Carv
ing Sets, Copper and Brass Novelties. Visit the Basement.
Great Sale Laces and Embroideries
2500 yards of dainty Corset Cover Embroideries, lace trimmed,
eyelet, shadow work and 'French embroidery. Great values at
$1.25 values at, yard.. 59 $1.50 values at, yard. . 63
$1.75 values at, yard.. $1.19 $2.50 values at, yard.. $1.69
Great special assortment of Point de Paris, Plat., Val., net top and
uny Lace and Insertion for pillows, aprons, Q
dues np to 25c a yard at low price of, yard....
imitation CI
etc., etc. Values
18-itjch white Venise and baby Irish all-over Lace the latest for
evening waists. Beautiful designs. Values np to $3 at.... ..98
Imitation Cluny and Maltese Lace and Insertion, Va t Y2 inches
wide ; handsome for underwear and waists, etc. Great values at
9c values at, a yard.... 5 15c values at, a yard.... 9
20c values at, a yard 14 30c values at, a yard 20
Complete stock of round-thread Vals., Mechlin and French Val.
Laces. Beautiful designs. Best values in town. Take advantage.
Christmas Sale of Jewelry
Women's Fancy Enamel
Watches; very pretty novel
ties ; guaranteed movement.
Great special values.. .$3.33
Sterling silver Signet Hat Pins.
Grand value at, each. .28
Gold-plated Beauty Pins for
. your baby or collars ; large
variety. Grand values at 19
Solid gold Pens with pearl han
dles, fancy plush boxes, 89
Gold-plated Watch Fobs ini
tialed. Great values at.. 25
Graduated pearl bead Neck
laces, pretty and dainty col
ors. Great value at,. ...59
Sterling silver Souvenir Spoons
on sale at low price of. .89
Sterling silver Perfume Bottles
on sale at low price of.. 63
Powder Puff Jars, each. .28
Fancy mounted Back Combsr
great values at, each 25