The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 02, 1906, Section Three, Page 28, Image 28

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TWO big musical events are sched
uled for tKis week,- which are ah
ticipated with much pleasure by
music lovers. The famous pianist
Gabrilowitsch will appear "Wednesday
evening, and the following night Mrs.
Walter Reed's big invitation concert
will be given at the Heilig. Mrs. Reed
and her pupils have Issued invitations
enough to fill the entire theater, in
cluding the gallery, and those who ex
change their tickets for seat coupons
early Tuesday morning will get the
choice of seats. Much Interest is taken
in the appearance of the popular-Treble
Clef Club at this pupil concert It is
composed of well-known local soloists
and its work Is most artistic. One of
the numbers which will be given by
this club is Chamlnade's "St. John's
Miss Vida Rosalind Reed, who made
her debut at the June commencement of
the Portland Academy, will appearin
her mother's .programme Thursday
night. Mips Reed has a rich, sweet con
tralto and is especially good in her
interpretation of lighter songs. Mrs.
Sanderson Read, whose coloratura so
p'rano, sweet and high, is a favorite
voice in Portland, will also appear, and
one of her numbers will be the famous
"Ballatella" from "Pagliacci." Mrs.
: Reed has an unusually large repertoire
of big operatic arias, which few sing
ers have the execution to do.
The other soloists on the programme
are Miss Kathleen Lawler, Miss Ethel
Lytic, Miss Helen Lytle, Miss Mae
Breslin and Mrs. Lulu Da hi Miller.
The appearance of the famous Boston
Sextette and Shanna Cumming came at
a rather inopportune time. Thanksgiving
night being essentially a family or home
occasion, and many who would otherwise
have' attended the concert did not ap
pear." They missed a good time, how
ever, for it has been a long time since
Portland has enjoyed a musical treat
equal to the one given by the Sextette.
The members of this club are all artists
of wide experience and marked ability.
Gabrilowitsch to Give Concert
Famous Russian Pianist Will Appear at the Heilig Theater Wednesday
- & . i
'1 - i
BEETTHOVEN. Bach, Schubert, Cho
pin, Arensky and Gabrilowitsch him
self are the composers supplying the
programme which the famous young
pianist will present to an eager musical
public on Wednesday evening at the Hei
lig Theater". The coming recital has
created much enthusiasm, even among the
non-musical people, and the seat sale
opens tomorrow morning at 10, when the
students, scholars and the merely curious
will stand shoulder to shoulder with the
muslc-lovera to get seats for one of the
most important events of the entire sea
son. The programme is given herewith:
Rondo, G major, Beethoven; prelude, A
minor, Sarabande, E minor; Gavotte, B
minor (arranged by Camille Saint-Saens,
the French composer, who has been play
ing to such tremendous houses in New
Vork). Bach; "Moment Musical," A flat
.najor .and minuet. B minor, Schubert;
tonata, B flat minor; Grave-Doppio move-
eaerxo, "Marol runebre," and
finale, Chopin; prelude. A minor; prelude,
D minor, Arensky (new); and "Theme
Varie." the new Gabrilowitsch composi
tion. Part of this programme was presented
recently In Boston, and one of the critics
wrote: "To the student and lover of
Bach, Gabrilowitsch's renditidn must have
been a pure delight. The prelude, a run
ning stream of melodic modulations, was
given with a clearness of articulation, a
glancing finish, that revealed Bach in all
his beauty. ' In the Gavotte tme was
whirled away with tremendous energy
into lilting rhythms, figurations of bril
liant technique. In which the octave runs
were as clean-cut as single notes the
whole delivered with an elan than was
mightily stirring."
The recital on Wednesday is under the
direction of Lois Steers- Wynn Coman, and
was arranged for only a few weeks axco,
when the young Russian made his first
appearance in this country. The Beat sale
opens tomorrow at If o'clock.
and the organization has few rivals from
an artistic standpoint. Mr. Staats. the
clarinet virtuoso, is an artist of inter
national reputation and experience, hav-
ng played in the leading musical organ
izations in Europe and America. His
performance here gave the utmost satis
faction, as did that of all the other mem
bers of the club. The 'celloist and violin
ist were both exceptionally fine and the
ensemble work of the club could not have
been smoother or more pleasing. There
were no musicians in the Leoncavallo or
chestra who could compare with the six
artists of. this. Sextette Club.
Miss Cumming was most graciously and
cordially received by the Portland au
dience. Her magnificent physique seemed
to be in accord with her glorious voice.
She only sang one difficult number, the
aria from "Mignon," and it was not a
composition especially fitted to a dra
matic soprano like hers. Musicians would
have selected a different programme for
the prima donna, but the one she ren
dered pleased the audience mightily and
it demanded double encores for some of
her numbers. . The aged father of the
singer sat in the audience and her most
gracious responses and smiles' were di
rected to him.
Waldemar Lind's engagement as lead
er of the Portland Hotel Orchestra is a
tribute to the popularity and merit of
Mr. Llnd as a musician.
Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer will be the solo
ist at the Rosencrantz concert.
One of the most enjoyable features of
the recent Installation of Rabbi Jonah
Wise at the Temple Beth Israel was the
duet by Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer and
Arthur Alexander, their voices blending
beautifully in the selection, "Peace to
This Heavenly Dwelling.
Miss Effie Johnson sang at the concert
Thanksgiving eve at the Seamen's In
stitute, meeting with great applause, to
which she responded with a double en
core. ,
Miss Grace Gilbert sang before Mrs.
Rose Bloch Bauer's Tuesday afternoon
class, a group of French and German
songs. 9he will give a recital to the
class in the near future, her programme
consisting of children's songs, to whtch
her voice Is particularly adapted.
"The Music Lovers' Calendar," a
yearly publication for musicians and
music lovers, has just been issued in
most attractive magazine form by
Brietkopf & Hartell, and is handsomely
Illustrated with portraits of leading
American composers and others. The
Calendar has devoted considerable edi
torial space to the study of music in
public schools and colleges, and an
nounces that it will continue this
policy, believing that this important
subject has not yet received the at
tention it merits on the part of the
public nor on the part of those in
charge of the education of our young
people. Attention is called to the ef
fort made in Chelsea. Mass.. by Alton
E. Brlggs. principal of the High School,
to introduce a course in music that
will enable students on graduation
from the High School to pass the ex
amination in music offered by the col
lege entrance examination board, and
thus matriculate in a university as
well grounded in music as in other re
quired branches.
Among the many Instructive and in
teresting articles contained in the
Calendar Is one on "American Music"
by Arthur Farwell. Mr. Farwell will
be remembered here, having appeared
In Portland season before last in a
lecture-recital on "Indian Folk Songs."
A history of "The Great Symphony Or
chestras of America," by William J.
Henderson, is an interesting feature,
and a number of excellent biograph
ical sketches of prominent composer!
will be appreciated by all musicians.
The calendar and anniversaries are also
most useful to all interested In music.
The "Music Lovers' Calendar" is pub
lished under the auspices of the School
of Music, University of Illinois, Urbana,
XJ. B. Lipplncott Company has Issued
a useful volume, entitled "Voice Pro
duction In Singing and Speaking-,
Based on Scientific' Principles," by Wes
ley Mills, M. A., M. D., F. R. S. C.
Professor Mills, who is professor of
physiology and lecturer on vocal phys
iology and hygiene in the McGill Uni
versity Conservatorium of Music, of
Montreal, Canada, has made a life
study of the voice, and believes that
all teaching and learning In voice cul
ture should rest on scientific founda
tion. Believing that practice and
principles have been too much sep
arated, he has quite successfully en
deavored to combine them in his
book, and the teacher and the student
of voice, whether speaking or singing,
will find much information in the vol
ume to give him a sure foundation for
the principles that must underlie
sound practice.. The book is amply il
lustrated, 63 cuts and diagrams being:
The latest additions to "The Musi
cians' Library" series, Oliver Ditson
Company, Boston, are "Fifty Shakes
peare -SaESJU'jedJtfiil Jjv Cfcaitta yui J
cent, and "Early Italian Piano Music,"
edited by M. Esposito. The latter is
a collection of pieces written for the
harpsichord and clavichord, and con
tains some charmingly quaint compo
sitions. The song collection comes for
either high or low voice, and should
be In the library of every vocalist. The
editions are the regulation size of for
mer publications of Musicians' Library
series. Price: Paper, J1.50; cloth, J2.50.
Frederick W. Goodrich will give his
fourth organ recital at Astoria on
Tuesday evening next, with the fol
lowing programme: Concerto for or
gan in B-flat, Handel; "Legend and
Caprice," Cadman ; Concert Fugue In
G. Krebs; "March of the Magi Kings,'
Dubois; "Fantasia on Old English
Carols," Best; "Old French Noel," Guil
mant; "Berceuse," G. de Lille; "Old
Scotch Carol," Guilmant; offertoire,
"Sur Deux Noels," Guilmant: wedding
march from "New Marriage Suite,"
Feratta. Miss Maja Frederickson, of
Astoria, will contribute violin solos.
Mrs. Rose Bloch-Bauer and Mrs. W.
A. T. Bushong sang a beautiful duet,
"Lead, Kindly Light" (Biedermann),
last Sunday morning at the First Con
gregational Church. It is a pleasure
to hear these two singers in sacred
music, their voices being specially
sympathetic and beautiful in such
Miss Elizabeth Harwas was accorded
the privilege of singing before Rug
glero Leoncavallo during his recent
visit to Portland. The great com
poser expressed himself as delighted
with her voice, and gave h?r his per
sonal recommendation to the maestro,
Luigl Aversa, of Milan. Italy, where
she expects to go next year. Miss Har
was, who Is a pupil of Mrs. Edward
Alden Beals, was also presented by her
teacher to Madame Johanna Gadskl
when that singer last visited Portland,
and was highly complimented on her
voice and singing. Miss Harwas has
an exceptionally rich contralto, and is
a favorite in Portland on the concert
Frederick W. Goodrich has arranged
the following programme of organ
music for today's services at St. Da
vid's Episcopal Church: Morning
Prelude, "Adagio" ("Sonata Pathet
ique"), -Beethoven; offertory,- "Allegro
in F Sharp- Minor," Guilmant: post
lude, "Fugue in C Minor," Bash. Even
ing Prelude. "Elevation in A Flat."
Collin; offertory, "Nocturne in E Flat."
Chopin; postlude, "Wedding Proces
sion," lloffmann. Short organ recital
after evensong will Include Lemmen's
"Storm" Fantasia, by special request.
Mrs. C W. Tower, a prominent singer
of Coos Bay, is in Portland for the
Winter. Mrs. Tower and her daugh
ter are both adding many new songs
to their repertoires, under the direc
tion of Mrs. Walter Reed.
Leoncavallo entertained R. A. Luc
chesi at supper after his concert last
Monday night, and very generously
presented his guest with copies of all
his published operatic scales, this
being prompted by Mr. Lucchesi's ac
count of his losses In the San Fran
cisco fire.
Mrs. A. L. Richardson and a number
of other prominent society leaders of
La Grande have engaged Mrs. Walter
Reed and Arthur Alexander to give a
concert programme In that city next
Mrs. Susie Fennell Pipes, violiniste,
who - has recently returned from
abroad, is to give a concert in Eugene
on the evening of December 12, assist
ed by Mrs. Walter Reed, contralto, and
Miss Huggins, accompanist.
Miss Esther Leonard sang "Resigna
tion," by Roma, at the First .Christian
Church last Sunday morning. Her in
terpretation was all that could be de
sired. The following musicians assisted Mr.
J. J. Kilpack, at a concert given
at the Seamen's Institute Wednesday
evening: Miss Alta Broughton, pian-
iste; Miss-- Gladys Grenier. soprano;
Miss Irene Stokes, contralto; Mr. U. V.
Ackles, tenor; Mr. Kilpack, baritone.
Miss Banfleld and Mr. Hicks added elo
cutionary numbers to the interesting
Miss Isabel Beckwith and Miss Nor
ma Graves entertained the Thanksgiv
ing dinner guests of the Y. W. C. A.
with a number of delightful and well
rendered piano solos.
At the First Congregational Church
this evening. Miss Cornelia Barker, vio
linist, will 'assist the choir, playtng an
obligato to one of the numbers. The
choir of this church; consisting of Mrs.
Rose Bloch Bauer, Mrs. W. A. T.- Bush
ong, Walter G. Gill and W. A. Montgom
ery, under direction of Miss Leonora
Fisher, organist, will render the follow
ing musical programme at today's ser
vices: Organ, "Andantino." G minor
(Cesar Franck); quartet, "I Will Sing of
Thy Power" (Sullivan): quartet, "O Lamb
of God" (Brewer): postlude. canon In
A (Salome): organ, prelude in F (Nicho
las): quartet, "Still. Still With Thee"
(Rogers): quartet, "O Lord I Come"!
(Braga-Bassford): postlude, march, op.
145. No. 4 (Werkel). ,
The recital given by Frederick W.
Goodrich, Mordaunt A. Goodnough and
John Claire Monteith, at St. David's Epis
copal Church, on Tuesday evening last,
was attended by a very large audience.
Every number' on the programme was en
joyed by those present. Mr. Goodrich
played his solos In brilliant style, espe
cially the fine concert fugue by Krebs.
Mr. Goodnough's delightful touch and
finish were shown to advantage in his
well-selected solos. The ensemble of the
two performers in their concerted num
bers was perfect, and the combination
of organ and grand pianoforte had a
most beautiful effect. One of the most
effective numbers was "The Harp of
St. Cecilia," by Wiegand. a really beau
tiul composition with a charming melody.
Mr. Monteith was in fine voice, and Is
ranked among Oregon's finest singers.
His rendition of "Gloria." by Buzzi
Peccia, was a fine and effective piece of
William M. Wilder, organist and choir
master of Grace Church, has prepared
the "following programme for today,
which will be rendered by the quartet
choir and a male chorus of 20 voices: Or
gan, fantaisle (Leybach): anthem, "Fath
er. Keep Us" (Sullivan-Hodges): solo.
"Come Unto Me" (Lindsey), Miss Ethel
Shea: organ, "War March of the Priests"
Athalla, (Mendelssohn). Evening "Fes
tal March." (J. Batiste Calkin); anthem,
"A Pilgrim and a Stranger" (Shelley):
chorus, "The Sun Sinks in the West"
(Parks'), Grace Church male chorus; gos
pel solo (Anon), Miss Ethel Lytle; organ
offertory in G (Raymond).
Monday,. December 3, Mrs. Charles N.
Farrington's pupils will appear in class
to their parents and friends, at the stu
dio, 668 Broadway, at 4 o'clock. P. M.
Besides the usual drills in rhythm, time
staff notation, audition, etc., the follow
ing piano number will be given: One
finger exercise (Burrowes), Dorothy Rog
ers; "The White Moon Fish" (Burrowes),
Helen Mlnsinger; vocal, "Going to Sleep"
(Burrowes), Mary Cellars, accompanied
by Margaret- DuBols: "The Rosamond
Air" (Schubert), Marguerite Burrcl: "In
Rank and File" (Schumann), Elmer Ram
sey; "The Joyous Peasant (Schumann),
Raymond Buckley: minuet from "Don
Juan" (Mozart), Mary Cellars: "Heather
Rose" (Gustave Lange). Hazel Ramsey;
"Spinning Song" (Englemann), Margaret
Scott: waltz, op. 42 (Tr. Chopin), Henry
Music at the White Temple services,
Sunday, as follows: Morning Organ vol
untary, "Invocation' (Matlley): anthem,
"Draw Nigh to Me. Ye Weary" (Cornell);
selection by Tcmole girls' chorus. Even
ingOrgan voluntary, "Priests' March,"
from "Athalla' (Mendelssohn); anthem.
"God Is Ixvc" (Sullivan): solo, "Fear
Not Ye, O Israel' (Buck), Mr. Carl Rob
son. .
The musical programme given at the
annual meeting of the Daughters of the
American Revolution, Wednesday, was
moat delightful. Mrs. J. Whyte Evans,
who sing9 but seldom in public, was In
A Knight of the Cumberland
The only possible complaint that the reader can
make Is that this book is too short, but perhaps It
would fall too short if it was twice as long. Chicago
Evening Post.
Illustrated in Color, $1.00
On Newfound River
"It is a story pure and sweet, an idyl of loyalty
and of love thrilled through and through with the
tender grace of a day that is dead." New York Times.
Illustrated in Color, $1.50
The Tides of Barnegat
His plot Is original, his characters unusual in their
vitality and in the hold they take upon the reader's
Interest. New York Times Review.
Illustrated in Color, $1.50
Whispering Smith
Exciting, graphic, full of adventures by field and
forest, and of hard riding and deadly gunplay, the
reader's attention is not allowed to flag for an instant.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
. Illnstrated in Color, ?1.50
Josef Meredith Rosencrantz
Great Interest Shown in His Coming Concert at the Heilig Theater
Monday Evening, December 10.
4 -f-Gv-- -fcv
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the violinist, will use his historic
Nicola Amati violin and play at his
concert at the Heilig. December 11, by
special request, the "Witches' Dance," by
This brilliant set of variations was pub
lished with many other of Pagantni's
compositions, after his death. In this, as
In his concerto, greater brilliancy and ef
fectiveness were gained by tuning the
'four strings of the violin half a tone
higher than Is customary (so that they
sound the notes A-flat, E-flat. B-flat and
F). The instrument thus gains a more
brilliant and penetrating tone; not only
because of the greater tension of the
strings, but also because of the open
strings that can be used in playing in
the key of E-flat, In which this piece Is
written. ,ta. sound. The player, however.
Angers it as If he were playing In D,
whereby he gains a much greater facility
in executing the numerous runs, passages,
arpeggios, octaves, harmonies, etc., with
which the composition bristles, and many
of which would be quite impossible In
the key of E-flat wjthout this special
tuning. Paganini was wont to surprise
his hearers with these effects, whfch
seemed incredible.
The air upon which this piece Is
based Is said to be a ballet tune. There
is an Imposing introduction in slow time.
The theme Is announced, and three varia
tions follow with a finale. Effects of pass
ages of harmonies are lavishly employed,
including .such uncommon combinations
as two harmonies .in a chord of four
notes, and extended scale and other pass
ages. The concert promises to be a notable
society event.
We are still selling Furs and Millinery at the
Make your selections now and have them laid
aside until you want them, by paying a small
charming form and her great contralto
voice was heard to splendid advantase.
Miss Frances Batchclder was the efficient
Mrs. Fred L. Olson and Miss Elizabeth
Harwas, whose portraits are presented to
day." will appear at the Elks' memorial
eervices today in Salem and Albany, re
spectively. Mrs. Edward Alden Beals will
accompany Miss Harwas.
J. Adrian Epping is a favorite soloist
with the Scots of Portland and his tine
rendition of "McGregor's Gathering" at
the St. Andrew's celebration Friday night
was most enthusiastically received and
Miss Ethel Shea will be a soloist at the
local Elks' memorial service today.
Talk on New Zealand at Y. M. C. A.
"New Zealand, the Wonderland of tho
South Seas." will be the theme of an
address by Harry N. Holmes, at the T.
M. C. A. hall this afternoon, at 3:30.
Mr. Holmes, the general secretary of the
T. M. C. A. in Wellington, arrived In
this country last week to make a tour
of the United States for the purpose of
studying association methods. He will so
from Portland to San Francisco, and
thence Eastward, visiting the principal
cities of the country. Before leaving home
the government gave Mr. Holmes a num
ber of fine lantern slides. Illustrating its
resources and Institutions, which will ho
used in the talk today. The meeting is
free to men. and will be preceded by a
half-hour concert by the Y. M. C. A.
Jewish Women Meet Wednesday.
The meeting of the Council of Jewish
Women for December will be held next
Wednesday, at 2:30 P. M . In the Sellln?
Hlrsch hall. An essay, discussion of cur
rent events, and music, will form the
programme, which is in charge of Mrs.
Simon Harris.
If Bbr Is Cnttlnc Teeth
Be man and um that old and well-trlM rmm
dr. Mrs. Window's Boothtoc 6rup. tor ehu
rea teething. It oootheo lb cblld. softens
too (uma. allay au 110. cure wlrt eaue
and dlaxrttoea.
fe . F'Tvynrffiif -' -) -''1
HEN a man leaves home in the
evening it is because he seeks
amusement. The best, way to
keep him home is to give him the amuse
ment there. Make home a competitor of
downtown, the club, the Safe, the theatre
and the concert hall. No one thing
will furnish so much amusement for so
many people, so many times, and in so
many ways as the Edison Phonograph.
Talk about versatility ! If you had a brass band on tap and several
leading concert ball singers on salary, and two or three funny men to crack
jokes, and a beautiful soprano to sing ballads, you could not give the same
amount of varied entertainment that the Edison Phonograph gives by simpl
changing records. ' r
You can hear the whole program at some nearby store in this town.
National Phonograph Company
" Lakeside Ave, Orange, N. J.
Dealers with established stores wanted to sell Edison Phonograph U
erery town not covered. .