aii.i'V'. 23 TUTS STTSTJAT OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 2, 1903. PERSONAL. $50.00 REWARD IS OFFERED FOR In formation as W whereabouts of my wire and 5-year-old sou. Oliver Edwin Rich ardson, she left home October 25. tak ing th boy, whonc return J desire. He Is tall for his ago, light hair, fair complex Ion, and gives his full name when asked. Tney may have been accompanied by a young man. tall, very light complexion and hUr, blue eyes, consumptive looking. Oliver's- grandmother is on the verge of collapse. Will some one assist in finding the boy and get -the $00.00 reward? Ad; . dress E 56, care oregonian. LADIES. ONE WORD WITH YOU 2J years' of successful practice In Portland la ' the treatment of diseases peculiar to worn, "en should be sufficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of an experienced physician and surgeon. I have assisted hundreds of anxicue and suffering women. I can assist rou. -If in trouble, no matter from what cause.' call on old Dr. J. D. Grey, the old reliable specialist; no charge for consulta tion or advice. 251 Alder St.. corner 3d. Portland, Or. Correspondence sacredly con fidential. - MME. MADAL1N LINNWOOD AND MME. Myers wish to announce' to their friends and patrons that they have moved from the Montgomery to 23-24-25 Lewis bldg.. cor. Morrison and Park, where we will .conduct our trade school of dermatology and physical culture for women and girls. We now have private rooms to give treat ments as well as teach manicuring, scalp and facial trea-tmont, halrdresslng, pack treatment for the face, a scientific beau ty and muscle builder. Special scalp treat ment for ladies only. HARRY CHESTERFIELD WANTED E. C. Chestcrnel'k 1420 Yealer Way, Seattle, wants information of his missing boy, Harry, who until the latter part of June last Uved with his father and mother- at their home In Seattle. The boy is about 17 years of age. He Vi'roto his parents from Ellensburg, July last. He stated then that he intended to go to work In the harvest fields. Boy weighs about 160 pounds, has dark wavy hair and there is a slight cross to his left eye. MADAM ANNA LUCKET. Principal of the American Beauty Parlors.- Gives scientific treatment for re moving wrinkles and facial blemishes with the French paste; jars of paste from $2 to (5. and. formula for sale. Mme. Karrow's famous remedies. Electric and vapor baths given. Ladles only. Patients received with treatment, board frnd room. Satisfaction guaranteed. Testimonials from leading physicians. 851 H Stark st., Portland, Or. X-RADIUM BRDICAL INSTITUTE AND SANITARIUM. For the special treatment of diseases of womes. Irregularities Immediately checked. Our methods of treatment are unique; no charges for consultation. Graduate lady physicians and professional nurses in attend ance. Maternity hospital. Infants adopted. 253 ALDER ST.. PORTLAND. OR. Corner Third. Phone Main 2796. DR. MARY LANE. Late superintendent of Chicago Woman's Hospital, treats diseases of women exclu sively; ladles will consult their best inter ests by communicating with me; no fee for consultation; correspondence absolutely con fidential; maternity cases given special at tention. Sanitarium and offices. 253 Alder, corner Third, Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 2786. SPIRITUALISM. Mrs. Woodtteld, of Detroit, Mich., will assist Mrs. Wilson In Drew Hall, 201, to the right of the head of stairs. Mrs. Wood field gives- tests in trance, and is sure to please all who listen to her. She requests all of her friends to be present. Mrs. Wil son will lecture from subject from the audi ence, and will also give tests. . Good music All are welcome. HARTMAN DETECTIVE AGENCY. Will handle anything In the line o( detective work in and out of the city; have an ex vert on gathering evidence in lawsuits; all work strictly confidential; you can rely on the work done through this office.. Room 24 and 25 Raleigh Bldg.. 6th and Washington sts. Office open day and night. Pacific 27:14. FAT FOLKS. Your weight, double chin, busts, abdo men and hips reduced; have lost 41 pounds, no starving, no wrinkles; .cuar itnteed harmless. Call Wednesday or" write for booklet free. Mrs. A. O." Byers. 'Mti Cherry st., Portland. Phone East 3773. YOU It ' FUTURE FORETOLD' FRElJ TO prove the superiority of .my life rt-aUlngs above all others. 1 will send yours free, with ipeoial forecast for t-his year. Send stamped addrfsed envelope and birth-dato and 'feet a fm tune- worth having. Aima, Zyto, Drawer 752, Chicago. SUITS PKESSKD WHILE TOU WAIT, 50c To visitors of Portland hotels' and to pub lic at large: Suits pressed at 80c at Gilbert, the tailor's. 1UB"A 6th St.. next to Quelle. Ladies' skirts pressed, 6tc. Feathers and boas cleaned and curled. Phone Pac. 2088. A. REINER, PRACTICAL FURRIER. Expert fitter: furs remodeled, repaired and redyed; 30 years' experience insures entire satisfaction; will call at residence and give estimates; prices moderate. Phone Pacific 2497. Lwl bldg.. Morrison and Park. THOSE WRINKLES WIU, LEAVE. YOUR face ' when you build up by the use of Eexlne Pills. II a box. (6 for $5. with full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemen son, druggist. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Port land, Or. BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY. WORTH (10, 000 cash, ' Will also Inherit Ten Thousand more, wishes to meet young or middle-aged man with view to matrimony povertv no objection. Address Mls Hart, Dept. 233, 54 Wabash,- Chicago. BTRANOEK IN CITY DESIRES ACQUAIN tance of lady between the age of 25 to HO. who is a good housekeeper; can give best of references: object matrimony. Ad dress Alex. Brosjseau, 268 Vi Front st., room 4. . YOUNG MAN 23 YEARS WOULD LIKE TO meet lady with view to matrimony: Is worth uver (25,000 in real estate; will Inherit (10, OuO: no objection poor maiden r widow. Address Mr. H., room 1S6, Ceylon bldg., Chi cago. BEAUTIFUL HAND-KNITTED AND CRO cheted articles made to order at reason able prices. Baby afghans a specialty. Will call at any address in regard to work. Address Mrs. C. H. Rhodes. 436 Union ave. North. IF YOC ARE NOT HAPPY. BRACE YOUR nerves up by using Sexine Pills. $1 a box. 8 boxes $5, with full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemenson, druggist, corner 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. FREE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD, FUTURE and past revealed, surprising, by America's Eminent Philosopher, Astrologlst, Clairvoy ant St. John, 12 Sheldon St., Chicago. Send birth-date and stamp. Know thyself. THE CELEBRATED STAR HAIR REMEDY is guaranteed to restore gray hair to its original color; cures dandruff and stops hair from falling; not a dye. Paris Hair Store, SOS Washington St., sole agent. ELECTROPODESWORN IN THE SHOES, are guaranteed cure for cold feet, rheu matism, etc., or money back; $1 pair by mall Albert Bernl. druggist,' agent. 2U3 Washington st.. Portland. Or. LOST VITALITY IS QUICKLY RESTORED by the use of Eexlne Fills. $1 a box, 6 boxes $5. with full ' guarantee. Address or call, J. A. Clemenson, druggist, corner 2d and Yam hill sts.. Portland. Or. . " SWEDISH TRAINED NURSR. HELSING fors graduate, positively cures rheumatism, nervous disorders and- stomach troubles.- 7 H. 11th st. S., 2 doors from E. Ankeny car line. Phone East 200. WILL THE. NIECE OF WARREN B; CHAM, berlain, better known ss "Goose," who was killed at Washougol Wednesday, communi cate with 11. L. Colvin, 435 Williams ave., this city 7 Manly vigor restored by Dr. Roberts Nerve Globules. One month's treatment $2; 3 months', $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents. Woodard. Clarke Co., - Portland. Superfluous Hair, Motes, etc., removed by electric needle. Parlors. 170 (4 10th St.. near Morrison. Established 1894. Lady op erator. Physicians' references. Mala 6207. DR. G. V. KETCHUM CURBS NERVOUS, chronic and private diseases; also . special female ailments; correspondence confiden tial. Office 170H. 3d. cor. Yamhill. Pac. 2229. Dress Suits for rent, all sizes $1 month keeps your clothing cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on. rips sewed. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. 309 Stark street. SELECT CHIROPODY AND MANICURING parlors for ladles and gentlemen; . also elec-. trio vibratory treatment; Barker's vibrator, 2244 Washington st. Phone Pacific 114. MARRY WEALTH . AND BEAUTY; MAR rlage directory' free; pay when married: en tirely new plan: send no money. Address H. A. Horton. Dept. 81. Tekonsha. Mich, MISS ETHEL WARD MANICURING AND chiropody parlors; corns and Ingrowing toe nails succesrf ully treated. Ladles and gen tlemen. Suite 16. 351 H Morrison st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenz Nerve Tonic Tablets: 25c a box. Write or call, at Eyssel's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison St., between 1st and 2d. YOUNG. SCIENTIFIC MASSEUSE GIVES electrical, alcohol and medical treatments; ladles only, chiropodist, manicurist. 41 Ral elgn bldg., 0th and Washington. POTER FRANZ SHUR, FORMERLY OP Coos- County, call on, or write to, Frank S. Grant. Oregonian building, and learn of matter to your financial advantage. PERSONAL. MISS-BEAUBIER. formerly with Asa H. Rlb becke: scientific treatment of face, scalp and general beauty--culture; advice free. 148 10th. Phone Pacific' 830. Ladles only. - . "SON OF A SWORD-MAKER." "TURKEY Egg Griffin." "The Harkrldero,' "The Starbucks," by Ople Read. 25s each; list free. A. W. Schmale Co.. 229 First. 187 BECK. THE- JEWELER. 1906. Bargains In watches. 205 ALDER. BET. FIRST AND FRONT. Just in rear of O. W. P. Waltlng-Room. PRETTY WIDOW. VERY AFFECTIONATE, alone, large fortune, wishes husband capable of managing her extensive business affair, Box 405, St. Joseph, Michigan.,- RESPECTABLE! SOBER, SINGLE MEN AND women wishing to become acquainted, object matrimony, address with stamp H. C. Wil bur, 4U0 3d st., Portland. Or. . - RESPECTABLE LADY. 4S.'. WITH GOOD, home, desires acquaintance with gentle man of means and good income; object matrimony. . A 61. Oregonian. ELDERLY WIDOWER. WEALTHY. LIB eral and alone, .wants a good companionable wife. Address F. L. Rich, 235 Washington - street, Boston, Mass. YOUNG . GENTLEMAN FROM NtBRTH would like to meet or correspond ; with re tlned young lady, object matrimony. Address M 04,. Oregonian. LADY TO SELL LACES; COAST TERRI tory; expenses advanced; can travel with writer until posted; New York house. B 64; Oregonian. BACHELOR. 36. STRANGER AND LONE some, wishes to meet companionable work ing girl; object matrimony. R 73. Orego nian. YOUNG MAN WANTS WELL-LIGHTED room with bath or bath convenient; state terms and phone number. R 65, Orego nian. EMMERT. THE CHIMNEY SWEEP AND furnace man; !eae orders at Bernl's Drug Store. 233 Washington st. Tel. Main 400., Mme. Courtright. dermatologist: facial blem ishes removed; scalp treatments; vibratory body massage. 225 FUedner bldg. M. 5042. MRS. DR. HUNTLEY, PHYSO-THERAPATH Cures rheumatism, nervous- disorders and paralysis. 587 Washington st. Pacific 2691. NOW OPEN MANICURING AND CH1ROP pody parlors for ladies and gentlemen; also healing. 201 Vi 3d St.. cor. Taylor. MOLES, wrlnttles. superfluous hair removed. No charge to talk it over. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Fllcdner bldg. Pacific 138. IOC BUYS ENOUGH INK POWDER TO make quart; add water; all colors. Trius Co., 301 West 117 street. New York. BEST MAGAZINE CLUBS EVER OFFERED; send for prices: agents wanted. Jones Book Store. 291 Alder st.. Portland. Or. WANTED TO MEET HONORABLE LA dies and gentlemen of responsible age, view to matrimony. S 59, Oregonian. REFINED YOUNG LADY, JUST ARRIVED from New York, gives massage, ladies only. Room 6. 291 Alder. IF YOU WISH TO MEET NICE CLASS OF ladies 'and gentlemen, join Mrs. Palmer's Select Club, Lewis bldg. TAPEWORMS REMOVED WITHOUT FAIL by the famous John Wllhelm Tapeworm Remedy. 95 North loth at. 100 NEAT VISITING CARDS WITH YOUR name. 50c. 50 for 35c: 250 business cards, $1. Schmale Co.. 229 1st. REOPENING OF PERSIAN BATHS TUES riay. (Formerly Phone Main 2592.) Suite 34 and 35. Lewis Bldg. I AM STYLISH AND ARISTOCRATIC; need light, elegant employment. Address H 72, Oregonian.-. . RECENTLY OPENED MANICURING PAR ior' ladles i an gentlemen. 351 hi Morrl- -soa.lst. ,rox.m -iih.J - .. -.---f, j. r..'.-. r. . t- - MANICURING PARLORS LADIES' AND .irenttirrnen. -355! -.yam hill,.; "corner,- Park. . parlors 4'"and 5. ' ' ' ' Bust -Hnd neck "developed. Oriental -method: ' re-FUlt6.-guaTntped. FTiedner bldg. Pac. 135. Graduate Finnish MaspeUBe, 405 Ablngton. Pa cific 2297. Ladies only. Open. evenings. Baths. DR. PAUL CROMWELL, THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium 127 N. 12th. Main 5478 Good prices paid for ladles and gents' clotn ing in fair condition. Phone Pacific 1920. DR. - ATWOOD. female diseases; maternity cases: nrlvate hnsnltul R tj.aa torfc x t-r- special notices. Proposals Invited. BIDS EOP. FOOD SUPPLIES WANTED BY The Port of Portland during Dec. 1906. win be opened November 30 and must be in the office at City Hall by 2 P. M. of that date; bids must be made on forms which can be secured by applying at the office of The Port of Portland. . Masters Notices. FR. BARK "EMP. MENELIK," CAPTAIN Moret. Neither the captain nor the un dersigned consignees of above named ves sel will be responsible for anv debts con tracted by the crew. Kerr, Glfford & Co. BRITISH STEAMER "BESSIE DOT.T.AR from Comox Neither the owners nor the undersigned will be responsible for any debts mai may De contracted oy tne crew. A. Gow, Master. Miscellaneous. NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS MEETING Notice Is hereby given that the annual meet ing of the board of directors of the Smug gler Gold & Copper Mining Company for the election of officers for the ensuing year, and such other business as may come up, will be held at the company's office at Van couver. Wash., on Monday, January 7, luol, at. 2 P. M. A preliminary meeting of the stockholders will be held at the office of the company, 202 Stark street, Portland, Or., Friday, December 28, ltKie, for the election of the board of directors and such other business as may come before the meeting. Mckinley Mitchell, President, SOL HART, Secretary. . PHOENIX . IRON WORKS THE ANNUAL meeting of the stockholders of the Phoe nix Iron Works will be held at the office of the company, E 3d st. and Hawthorne ave., Portland, Or., December 10, 190G, at 7:30 P. M., for the purpose of electing di rectors and for- the transaction of such other business as may be brought before said meeting. November IS. lOOtj. L. Steln liauser. Secy, and Treas. ; Samuel Mor row, President. ANGELUS DISTRIBUTING AGENCY Dis tributes circulars and tackA up signs over Los Angeles City and County. Address C. M. Love. mgr.. Los Angeles. Cal. Box 407. HE LAUGHS BEST WHO LAUGHS LAST. Watch for Catterlln & Co. answer to circular letter of 15. BUSINESS CHANCES. LET ME GIVE YOU A SNAP IN SOME stocks I have for sale. 200 American De Forrest preferred: Bldwell Cold Moto-; .Hurst Switch; Alaska Petroleum & Coal; Oregon Securities; Tacoma Steel: and any stock in the Coeur d'Alene district. F. J. Catterlln & Co., 125 Ablngton bldg., city. FOR SALE CHEAP A COMPLETE PRINT -ing plant, including a first-class standard ize Jobber, first-class Washington hand . press and type and Incidentals necessary to do all kinds of job work and edit an ordi nary country newspaper. Inquire 62o Cham ber of Commerce, City. FOR SALE HARDWARE AND IMPLE ment business. $6000 to $S0OO. In center of alfalfa, grain and stock-raising coun try sin Eastern Oregon, that will soon add thousands of acres to Irrigated area. Ad dress C 59, Oregonian. 10-ROOM HOUSE. VERY FINE FURNI ture. centrally located. Best buy in city. If you are looking for a house don't fail to look this up. Have many others. Grosse Roomlng-House Agency, 151 West Park. Pacific 1830. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you have stocks or bonds- 'for sale let me try to sell them for you. George M. Kel logg, Broker. 540 Elllcott Square, Buffalo. COMPLETE, UP-TO-DATE CUSTOM SHiRT and waist business; factory fully equipped. Address R 74, Oregonian. IF YOU WANT tO BUY OR SELL CITY or country real estate, address for inter view, R 71, Oregonian. HALF INTEREST OR ALL OF TWO GOOD paying cigar stores. Good opening to right party. L 71, Oregonian. TO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE, DINING room and kitchen in Osborn, Hotel. East ' Ash and Grand ave. SALOONS! SALOONS! SALOONS! EIGHTEEN in number; best locations and prices. Room 2. Raleigh Bldg. . I AM IN THE MARKET FOR SOME GOOD mining property. What have you? O 71, Oregonian. BARBER SHOP FOR SALB. 211 4TH ST. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. . O. C. R. Ellis, W. E. Kahler. F. V. Ianken. ELLIS. KAHLER & LANK-EN. .; .- Aooma 20 and 21. Cambridge Bldg.. 204 Morrison st., S. W. cor.. -Third St. IF YOU WANT A ROOMING-HOUSE or HOTEL, call here. The best propositions for sale, are on our list, also the biggest bargains. Every house is FULL TO OVERFLOWING and NO BUYER should hesitate to get In. We have them from $350 to f 12,000, the best as well as the cheapest. Terms arranged on any. SWELL FAMILY HOTEL. 65 rooms, choice locaUon, steam heat, run ning hot and cold water in rooms, furniture and carpets of beet grade; new and up to date; rooms all full best class of guests; cheap rent, with Ions; lease; profits X500 a month; price for a few days, (10,500; cash required, . 6O00. IN A CLASS BY ITSELF. 33 rooms, new, central, brick, steam heat, private baths, running hot and coid water in rooms, furnishings nearly new, elegant and complete; profits $250 a month; price $5500. TRANSIENT, GOOD PAYER. 30 rooms, on best central corner; excellent furniture and carpets; paying 4175 a month profit; price 3000. REDUCED FOR QUICK SALE. 40-room corner brick, modern, in best cen tral location; extra well furnished and pay ing $400 a month clear; price (55O0. SEE THI3 AT ONCE. 22 rooms, all one floor, well furnished; turning people away every day; owner can prove to you that this place U paying (100 a month profit; price (2100. 12 ROOMS BARGAIN. Near City Hall, corner residence, rent only (27.50 with lease; receipts, (70; price (Coo, half cash. PARTLY FURNISHED. 18 rooms, 9 unfurnished, Nbrth 16th. worth investigating; rent (50, leas two years; better see it; only (425. And many smaller ones. Also EUROPEAN HOTELS. 40 rooms and over; FAMILY HO TELS and APARTMENT-HOUSES, PRI VATE LODGING-HOUSES and CHEAP LODGING-HOUSES. Call and see what wo have. Some or the best not advertised. DO IT NOW. (20,000 (20,000. We have purchasers for Real Estate that will bear investigation. SNAP IN TIMBER AND SAWMILL. (5000 will swing - it; Eastern Oregon, yellow pine, situated on railroad. CHOICE BARGAINS FOR $2000. Two cottages, 6 and 8 rooms. South Portland; rents for (30. - (10.000 (10,000. Invested In Income property nets 15 per cent. Secured by bond. We ivlll buy your property. We will sell your property. We will Incorporate your property. . We will buy your-stocks. We will sell stocks to you. We will guarantee the dividends. Bank and business references given. OREGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO.. 304-812 Dekum Bldg. (300 CHOPHOUSE DOING SPLENDID business. (550 Swell restaurant, too much work for me. Will sell one-halt or all. (GOO Rooming-house, close to Court house. (750 Dyeing business. I am sick ana must sell. C. & S. REAL ESTATE CO., 205 Marquam bldg, Notary Public. Phone Main 1046. Res. phone Scott 109. FOR SALE DRYOOODS AND LADIES ready-to-wear business, located in one of the most prosperous and growing towns of Washington; two great railroads buff ing at present; good profits; a snap to tne right party; owner has made money; only reason for selling is poor health; the above will stand the closest investigation. For further information address O 64,- Orego nian. MANUFACTURING CONCERN ESTABLISH ed 20 yrs. and products well known, will pay a salary of (200 per month,- expenses and commission for- satisfactory man with (SO00 ' cash as tnanager at Portland; right man with clean record and hustler should make at least (4000 per annum. Mr. Whitman, 145 LaSalle St., Chicago.-' - ' PATENT SECURED OR FEE RETURNED. Illustrated 'Guide Book and List . of Inven tions Wanted, free to any address. Patents secured by us advertised free in World's Progress. Sample Copy Free. Evans. Wil kens & Co., Washington. D. C. ONE OF THE BEST WHOLESALE AND retail concerns in the city for sale. Has been . established over 30 years, and Is well advertised throughout the Northwest. This is an unusually good chance to get Into a paying business. Requires (16.000 to (18,000. The Ames Mercantile Agency. (6000 FLOURING MILL MEN TAKE No tice I have a 50-barrel mill, latest im proved machinery. In the best wheat belt In the Northwest, situated on main line of O. R. & N. Will guarantee (25 per day clear of all expenses. Inquire T. R. Imbree, 323 Ablngton. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST fN CASH . business, established eight years, yielding a guaranteed permanent Income, increas ing: prefer person competent to assist, which will pay extra. (10,000 required; . references. No agents. C 61, Oregonian. STRICTLY CASH GROCERY OWNER IS tired of hired help and wants a reliable partner; (450 required; no bonus. Owner guarantees you will be paid never less than (100 a month; experience unneces sary. Call 248 V4 Stark st. A REAL ESTATE AND ART BUSINESS that netted the owner (3000 the last year; must sell; business in the East the reason; town of 4O00; the only picture and framing business In the city: takes (800 to swing it. R 57, Oregonian. CORNER SALOON WITH ELEGANT Fix tures, 3 years' lease; sub-tenants will pay all rent; fine stock of goods and doing large business; will be sold at great sac rifice. Particulars L. E. Thompson & Co., 228 3d. MORRISON ST., CHEAP RENT. GOOD lease and clearing about (350 per month. Nice stock of hair goods, combs, brushes and other toilet articles. Price (1800. Dietz-Mueiler Co.. 229-234 Lumber Ex change. - v PARTNER WANTED FOR SOLID REAL estate business; experience not necessary beyond ability to show property, etc., which Is easily learned; profits large; only (250 required. Particulars 248ft Stark st. RESTAURANT. TABLES AND COUNTER; seats 50 people; dishes for 100; receipts average (40 daily; on good business street; big money-maker: only (400. Portland Business Chance Agency. 145H First st. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH FROM owners only, small rooming-house, 9 to 12 rooms, close In and well furnished. Give full particulars in letter. H 63. . Oregonian. s NICE BAKERY AND GROCERY. GOOD Lo cation; 3d st.; established trade; can be doubled: (900. Other business chances. McFarland Investment Co., 309 Stearns building. PARTNER. LIVE MAN, CAN MAKE (100 per month and more on (150 Invested; clean office business; Investigate today. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morri son st. FINE GROCERY STORE. A bargain in first-class grocery store; fine ' business and everything first class. Don't miss this opportunity. D 64. Orego nian. ANY ONE LOOKING FOR A GOOD. COM fortable home, beautifully furnished, rent (dear, good income besides, biggest snap on the market, call at 667 Everett. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS APARTMENT house site, close to business center; give price and all particulars. John Rickins, 703 New York block, Seattle, Wash. WANT TO BUY SMALL HOTEL OR RES taurant In good town, within 150 miles of Portland. Address with full details, room 2, 324H First at., Portland, Or. SCISSORS AND PASTE PLUS BRAINS AND (3 capital makes you (75 a week. The Brains for 25 cents silver. Moore Bros., Dept. A, Coldwater. Mich. CASH BUSINESS FOR (1400 OWNER guarantees this store will clear (200 a month over all expenses: .trial given.. Call 248 Stark st. A MAN WITH CAPITAL WISHES TO EN gage In manufacturing or Jobbing busl ' nessr Address with particulars. S. P.. 150 ' 11th st A GOOD REAL ESTATE SALESMAN CAN find something to his interest . by inqulr x ing at 307 Alisky bldg. 12-ROOM ROOMING HOtlSE LOCATED IN best part of city, cheap for cash. Address W 59, Oregonian. RESTAURANT ON 6TH ST.; GOOD PLACE for two partners or man and wife. K 62. Oregonian. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. CIGAR STORE and fruit stand. Inquire 132 5th St.; no agents.' GROCERY ABOUT (700 AT INVENTORY; part cash; rare chance. Phone E. 4255. CENTRAL SALOON PRICB (3250; WILL - invoice. Call 248 Stark st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. SOME CHOICE BUYS. DEITZ-MUELLER CO.. 229-230 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark. -.. : ....VEBSWEU.. , - ....... 35 ' rooms, new corner brick.--, the'hest location in city. Private baths, steam heat, hot and cold water in all rooms; elegant ly furnished and the best of all Is clear ing (500 per month; clear, straight, three year lease. Don't fall to see this. Price (10,000. GOOD BUY. 45 rooms, brick, steam heat, private baths, elevator, hot and cold water In all rooms. Very nicely furnished and clear ing above all expenses (300, good long lease. This is the best buy In the city. Price (5500. . VERY CHEAP. ' 20 rooms Washington st; rent only (100 per month; very nicely furnished and making good money. This house sold one year ago for (3600; price today (1800. Terms. SOMETHING EXTRA. 10 rooms, heart of city, fine lawn, ele gantly furnished; all new six months ago, clearing (60 per month: strictly modern house. If you see this you will certainly buy It Price $1000. MODEL HOUSE. 26 rooms, corner, brick, strictly modern, nicely furnished, clearing (125 per month; house chuck full of good steady roomers. Price $3100; one-half cash. GOLD .MINE. 28 rooms, corner Washington St.. near Perkins Hotel, absolutely clearing $200 per month over all; 2 -year lease; nine rooms pays the rent. Price $2500. If you don't see what you want come in. as we have the most complete list of rooming-houses and business chances of any In the city. DIETZ-MUELLER CO.. 229-230 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. Phone Main 156. ONE LODGING-HOUSE. BIG PROFITS. for $4000 6 rooming houses $1000 to $3200 3 Hotels $4500. $8000. $1750 14 acres in fruit, Ashland. Or.; nice cot tage: will exchange for Portland property; $3500. Another 6-room dwelling, ..$2000; fruit, berries, etc. M'FARLAND INVESTMENT CO.. 809 Stearns Building. ROOMING-HOUSES. 24-room house, central, $1600. So rooms, one floor, fine furniture, $2500. 50-room house, mostly housekeeping, $2100. 85-room house, good lease. $3500. 12-room house, rent (40, (750. 10-room house, rent $50, (900. 7-room house. (325. HATFIELD & SMITH. 16514 Fourth Street. FOR RENT AT LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR grounds, buildings adapted for almost any purpose. Call at office In Administration bldg.. Fair grounds, or phone Main 2519. Portland Development Company. RESTAURANT SNAP. New, neat place, Washington st. lo cation, central; 28 chairs, doing business of (35 to (45 a day: light expenses: this is worth investigation; price (650. Ellis, Kahler & Lankan, rooms 20 and 21, 264 Morrison st. FOR SALE HARDWARE BUSINESS, side line furniture, located In prosperous growing town near Seattle, building and business for $3000; business between (24. 000 and (30,000 year; good profits; a snap to the man that means business. Write K 56, Oregonian. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT. (3000 (3000 (3000 Bakery and confectionery, fruit, cigars and tobacco, news stand, located in one of the best towns in Oregon: will stand closest -Jn-epectlon. Address H 58, Oregonian. FOR SALE - A SNAP; CHOICELY SE lccted stock of new groceries, tobaccos and fixtures In brick building, desirable loca tion, on 6th St.; cheap rent; must be sold within next three days. 80V4 N. 6th st. Phone Main 6S2S. FOR BALE HOTEL SITUATED NEAR thriVmfe mining camp. surrounded by Goose Lake Valley, a splendid agricultural district, located In center town; the leading hotel. Address Lake Hotel. New Pine Creek, Or. A. SNfAP 3 VSTOKES, CONFECTIONERY, ice ' creainu1. cigars and groceries; living rooms in rear; old-established business, long lease, low rent; invoices (2200; price $1200. State Land Co., 133 Vs 1st st. RESTAURANT FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT of other intereste. which demand my im mediate attention. I will sell at a very rea sonable price, my little money-making res- ' taurant. Call 212 4th st. FOR. SALE WOODWORKING PLANT having a large Eastern and local trade; reasonable price and terms: a snap; ac count manager retiring. A 32. Oregonian WANTED PARTY WITH CAPITAL TO PUT on market my new invention In beet dig ging, topping and loading machine. Address Thomas Elliott, Dallas, Polk County, Or. FOR SALE HOME BAKERY. CONFEC tionery and groceries; rent $13, with liv ing rooms, value $1500; might' take some trade. 86 Russell at., or phone East 4855. WANTED A PARTNER IN ONE OF THE best paying candy stores, fine location, long le.ise. Price (3000. Remaining partner a ca'ndy manufacturer. O 61. Oregonian. $100(1 INVESTED IN A HIGH-CLASS COM mitroial business will earn (25.000 in 12 mcntns: write for particulars. Clark Wood & Co., 412 85 Dearborn St., Chicago. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN CANDY store, poolroom In back. Fine location, do ing big business. Must sell. Have other Interests. P 01, care Oregonian. FOR SALE OR RENT A BLACKSMITH shop in a thriving Eastern Oregon town. Write for particulars to The Citizen. Oen terville. Wash. FOR SALE SAWMILL, 23-HORSE-POWER. and planer: will sell all or part. Address James Murray. R. F. D. 4. McMinnvllle. Or. WE ARE BUYING HURST AUTOMATIC Switch stock. What have you got to of fer? J. F. HURST & CO.. 206 McKay bldg. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE! store; only store in the place; postoffice in connection. Address X 60. care Oregonian. I OFFER BLOCK 9000 BRITISH COLUM bia Amalgamated Coal stock at 5 cents per share. Address L 59. care Oregonian. THE LARGEST CHIROPODY AND HANI curing business in the city, in up-to-date office building.- 200 210 Commercial bldg. (100 HOTEL BAR CLOSE INVESTIGA Jion solicited: will be sold to responsible parties only: rent (65. 81 N. 6th st. WiANT TO BUY 15 OR 20-ROOM LODG-ilng-house. Must be centrally located. State location and price. W 74, Oregonian. FOR SALE GROCERY AND MEAT MAR ket on extra fine corner. Good business. Will sell either. N 58. Oregonian. FOR SALE BRICK HOTEL. GOOD Busi ness, long lease. Inquire Hotel Kenyon. 18th and Washington sts., room 2. IMPORTANT WESTERN STOCKS BOUGHT. American De Forest and Hurst sold cheap. W. J. Curtis. 215 Commercial block. ROOMING-HOUSE. 77 ROOMS. RENT (100: full every nieht: 66 regular roomers; price (2500. J. Andersen, 81 N. 6th St. 145U. 6TH. CORNER ALDER FOR SALE OR exchange for small property up to (2000, house of 50 rooms, paying well. FOR SALE GROCERY AND FIXTURES (400 takes tt. Come quick If you are look ing for a snap. 64 7th st north. FOR SALE GROCERY. DELICATESSEN and bakery combined; first-class location; cheap rent. A 67, Oregonian. A FINE LITTLE SALOON FOR SALE ON account of sickness; doing a good business. Apply at 347 Morrison St. FOR SALE THE LARGEST CHIROPODY and manicuring establishment In the city. 210-212 Dekum bldg. SAVE MONEY ANYTHING IN PRINTING See Madden. Odd Fellows Temple. 4at and Alder sts.. upstairs. PAYING RESTAURANT. WELL EQUIPPED, good location, price reasonable. Kellogg, Kelso. Wash. WILL SELL LEASE. ON ROOM 30x60 FEET near a good business corner. 8 71. Ore gonian. . PARTNER WANTED IN GOOD PROFIT . able business;. (175 required. T 63. Orego nian. ' FOR SALE SALOON. FOR PARTICU lars Inquire 160 Grand ave. or Phone East 4782. WOULD BUY LODGING-HOUSE OR Ho tel; price (4000 to (6000. F 64, Orego nian. , IF YOU WANT GOOD-PAYING COUNTRY . bakeries, see F. Fuchs. 221 V Morrison st. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE AND FRUIT stand. 44 4th st. Inquire above address. CIGAR AND FRUIT STAND: EXCELLHNT location; reasonable. 20 North 6th. (500 HOTEL RESTAURANT: 60 STEADY . boarders; rent (40. 81 N. 6th su BUSINESS CHANCWM. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. - Headquarters Can Save Buyers Money. 22 Years In Portland Will Locate you Right. Houses. Alt Sixes and Prices. - LILLIAN DE KEATER. 10 rooms, central, good buy, cheap rent. House very clean, (600. 9 rooms, very central, $450. 10 rooms, new furniture, . nice house, $750. 21 rooms, very central, good money maker. Bargain, $1500. 26 rooms, good business, only changed hands once 11 years. Good lease, $2000. 21 rooms, very - nice house, tine furni ture. Central. $2000. 20 rooms, central, good location.- $1500. 62 rooms, nice hotel, clears from $250 to $300 per month; steam heat. Cheap rent. $4800. 28 rooms, business offices, good Income, fine buy. $2,100. Nice house, boarders Income. (150 per month. Very central, good buy. (1500. Terms. Fine delicatessen, good business. (330. Grocery and home cooking, big busi ness. (150 to (175 per month. Rent cheap. Price (1500. . LIILIAN DE KEATER, 22 years in Portland. 425 Taylor st. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SALOON, where you can make (200 every month, we will sell you one for (000 and give you trial to demonstrate that we mean busi ness. PARTNER WANTED IN SOLID MAN UFACTURING BUSINESS Must Invest $900. fully secured; salary $150 per month, besides profits. Experience not necessary. LABORING MEN'S HOTEL OF 35 " ROOMS Owners are responsible people and will guarantee you $200 every month. ' Retiring from business. $1000. CORNER CASH GROCERY, doing a business of $50 a day. Must be sold at In voice. CORNER GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE, netting $3000 a year. Can be bought at invoice. MACHINE SHOP PARTNER WANTED Duties will be to look after hired help. Guaranteed $100 per month besides prof Its. $1200. CIGAR STORE WHERE YOU can have a trial and be guaranteed $135 a month. $750. CALL ON DONALD H. SMITH. Room 825 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. STEAM SAWMILL FOR SALE 8 MILES TO boatlanding on good road, located on 320 acres timber land, deeded; the timber on 3 other 80s goes; mill cuts 15,000 per day; new machinery: saws, planer, cut-off saw and other machinery, log wagons: all the appurtenances to the same; other timber for sale; price $500: terms. Inquire W. W. Espey, room 319 Com'l Bldg FOR SALB ONE-THIRD OR ONE-HALF Interest in an established mercantile busi ness in Eastern Oregon; sales (55.000 a year. U. S. Government spending over a million dollars now In an irrigation project within eight miles. A gilt-edge opportu nity, open to investigation. For further In formation write to Fostofilce Box 92. Echo. Or. HOTEL, 35 ROOMS. WITH RESTAURANT in connection, bar adjoining and commu nicating; house always full and doing good business; well furnished; in best little town in State of Washington; good reason for wanting to sell: good proposition for ho tel or restaurant man; (1U.000; long lease. S 73. Oregonian. DRUG BUSINESS STOCK. FIXTURES, lease, etc., for sale; fine location, on cor ner, good carllne; locality building up fast and well; can show good and increasing business; reason for selling purely person al; price low; (3250. Morgan, Sweet & Chapman, 213 Ablngton Bldg. Phono - Main 2015. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY HAS Inside Information regarding business open ings in this territory; their correspondents keep them posted on all desirable offerings. Merchants looking for location in this city or in country towns are Invited to call. In formation of this kind free. The Ames Mercantile Agcy., Ablngton. bldg. FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 8 to 10 years time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Agent. 242 Stark Street. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holulng permanent positions and responsible firms, easy payments and strictly confiden tial; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 MOHAWK bldg. Loans to salaried employes on note. wltnout mortgage; easy payments. Month. H-moT,th. Week. W Repay to us... $13.35 or $8.65 or (339 (25 Repay to us... (B.6B or f.1.30 or (l.flp . $15 Repay to us... (4.00 or (2.00 or (1.00 We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 44L THE STAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can ret on his note, without mortgage (coa flrlentlal): Month. H-montb. Week, (no Repay to M...113.M or (tf.86 or (3.38 (25 Repay to in...! 6.B9 or $1.30 or (1.6S (16 Rpay to us...( 4.00 or (2.00 or (Low 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names without security: cheapest rates, easiest payments: cftlces In 6H principal cities, save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 223 Ablngton bldg.. 106V4 3d St. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLtS Just on yout own' name; no other security necessary; dont borrow until you see me; my system is the beet for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, street-car men and all other employes: business strictly confiden tial. F. A, Newton, 424 Ablngton bldg. THERE IS A WAY TO MAKE MONEY In Nevada mining stocks; we will tell you how In our market letter, sent free for asking. Patrick Elloltt & Camp, conserv ative brokers and mine-makers, Goldfleld, Nov. $2;;00 PRIVATE FUNDS. WHOLE OR PART to loan on good Inside Improved realty, one to three years, 6 to 7 per cent Inter est. No commission. Give full 'description. D 61. Oregonian. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates, strictly con fidential. Employe's Loan Co., room 716 The Dekum. 3d and Washington. Phone 224. WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts oa anv kind of real estate In Oregon or Wash ington; 2d mortgages purchased If well se cured. H. E. Noble. S12 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN. REASONABLE RATES: real estate, chattel mormac or personal se curity: notes bought. C W. Pallett. 304 Fenton building. LOW I Furniture .etc.: confidential. 228 Flled I ner bldg.. 10th and Wash. Pac. 2U59. RATES. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45, Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. (icon to (loo.noo TO loan in sums to suit, at 6 to 7 per cent, on Improved realty. M. G, Griffin. ' 266 Stark, opp. C. of Cora. MONEY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGE sums on Improved and unimproved real estate. W. H. Nunn. 552 Sherlock block. (10.000 WANTED ON GRAND AVE. Busi ness property. Will bear fullest Investiga tion. Pay 15 per cent. C 62, Oregonian. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF (5 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Washington bldg. Pacific 1832. (50T)o OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON REAL estate; charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. Mlddleton, 617 Chamber of Commerce. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM (5 TO (5000 ON all securities. R. I. Eckerson & Co.. room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Pacific 1831. (11(00 AND (600 ON IMPROVED CITY, suburban or farm property. Newton Mc Coy, room 715 Oregonian bldg. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN til you see us. HUT10N CREDIT CO.. 512 Dekum Building. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas state agU. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curlty. Wm. Holl, rm. 9. Washington bldg. A LOAN lkR THE ASKING SALARY OR chattel. The Loan Co.. 410 Dekun bldg. TO LOAN (10.000 IN SUMS TO SUIT. NO commission or agents. S 62. Oregonian. $50000 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Falling bldg. $500 TO LOAN ON CHATTELS, have you? B 60, Oregonian. LOST AND FOUND- LOST NOVEMBER 25, FOX TERRIER, female; marked black and brown on head. Phone Main 4070. . LOST ROSARY. PRAYER BEADS. FIND er please return to- 124 East 17th., city, and receive reward. LOST HAT; INITIALS J. B. D. RETURN to Hewitt, Bradley & Co. and receive own. LOST COLLIE PUP. FEMALE. NEAR DE pot. Sat. evening. Reward. Pacific 690. LOST AND OCNT). LOST NOVEMBER SO, IN THE VICINITY Of 24th and Lovejoy sis., or on the car be tween there and the Union Depot, a lady's open-face gold watch and pin with mono gram "L; E. A. on back. Finder will please return to Ames Harris Neville Co., 6th and Davis streets, and receive reward. LOST AT BEHNKE-WALKER'S Busi ness College, goid and pearl-handled um brella. Finder or any one giving Informa tion leading to recovery of same will re ceive reward by returning same to L. C. Smith Typewriter Office, Goodnouga bldg. LOST AT OR BETWEEN EXPOSITION Rink and St. Vincent's Hospital Tuesday, lady's closed-faced gold watch and chatelaine, fob. letter "S" engraved in old English: medal of Blessed Virgin In back. Return St. Vincent's Hospital. Reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same day. 228 Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. H. Metxger. proprietor. LOST ON WASHINGTON. THIRD OR Stark sts., a small, black purse, containing about (10 and a garnet pin. Leave at Ore gonian office and receive reward. LOST MASONIC KEYSTONE, ENGRAVED on back W. H. Brown. Portland. Chapter 8, R. A. Return to 153 Idaho st., recelvo reward. Phone Pacific 715. LOST GOLD SPRING-CLASP BRACELET in business district or on "S" car Wednesday. Phone Main 657S or Exchange- T. Reward. LOST THURSDAY EVE-TING AT EXPO sltion Rink tgallery) or on Washington st. or Mt. Tabor car, "Yale" brooch. Phone East 4077. Reward. (SO" REWARD LOST. A PINK WREATH breastpin at Meier & Frank's, November 30. Address 380 32d st- North. Phone Main 5851. ' . FOUND SMALL RING IN WHOLESALE house: owner can have same by proving ownership and paying for ad, X 64, Ore gonian. LOST IN OR NEAR CITY. A GOLD locket, round, marked letters W. G. B.. engraved; finder please leave at 505 Alder: reward. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH. NAME ON case. Mattle Janxen; also gentleman's pic ture Inside. Phone Main 6740, receive re ward. LOST FEMALE SCOTCH COLLIE UOO. color light brown: answers by the name of Nellie. Return to 441 Roes st.; reward. LOST A SHRINER BUTTON. BETWEEN 14th and 11th sts. Finder please return ta 22 North 11th st. Reward. LOST SMALL DIAMOND STUD, FRIDAY. November 30. Finder will be rewarded for its return to 100 N. 14th St. LOST KNIGHT TEMPLAR STICKPIN ON Morrloon St., or Mt. Tabor car. Return to 468 Park St.; reward. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accountants. M'LAREN, GOODE CO.. Certified Public Accountants. Cost Experts, Auditors and Investigators. 104 2d. Phone Main 1436. W. Whitfield. Mgr. GEORGE T. MURTON. 318 CHAMBER OF Commerce. Phone Main 3081. Bookkeep ing, expertlng. teaching. Accordion Plsltins;. MISS O. GOULD, 801 MARQUAM BLDG. Accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. Assay-era and Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD. ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 204 Vs Wash ington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, 188 MORRI on st Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 2o7 Alder st. Attorneys at Law. S. B. RIGGEN, ATTORNEY AND COUN sellor at law. 118 and 120 Ablngton bldg. BoatbuUder. GRAHAM'S BOATYARD. FOOT E. PINE St. Launches and gasoline engines In stock. Carrses Cleaning. Sanitary carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on floor; suction and compressed air. M. 5534. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & ESTELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists; purlors room 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d st. Phone Main 1801. This is the long-haired gentleman He is the man you are looking for. CHIROPODY AND MANICUR1HG FOR ladles and Gentlemen. 40-41-42 Raleign bldg., 6th and Washington sts. i'acinc 2o. Chiropody and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 Flledner bldg. Phone Pacific 135. J. LINDELL, expert chiropodist; all instru ments sterilized. 702 Maruuam. Main 5256. ' Commission AZercnants. HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs. wuuL mohair, tallow, old rubber and old metal, and general commis. slon merchants. Front st., near Main. Port land, Or. Cash advanced on conalguiuenta. TAYLOR. YOUNG At CO., SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. ALLEN, & LEWIS, COMMISSION AND produce merchants, Fruut and Davis sts., Portland, Or. PORTLAND COMMISSION CO. FLOUR, hay and mlllstuUis. 204-206 Front st. Carpenters and Builders. W. L. Buckner. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 5831. Cleaning and Dyeing. iJEULlN DYE WOl'.KS SPECIALTIES ii't-ench dry cleaning; steam cleaning, dye ing to sample; 1'cu.sonutile prices, prompt sei-vice. 34i becond. Main 6417. Dancing.. DANCING LESSONS, 25c, classes or private; waltzing, Lo-atep, inree-step, etc.; stage dancihfc, buck and wing, clog, reel, klrt, SpanLbU. Highland mug, etc.. Prof. Wai. V iison, Alitftay biiig. &u-Morrlon. Woodward's Dancing School. Class. - Monday. Thursday and Sat. eve.; private leasons dally; social, fancy and sLep uancing taught, fcecund and Morrison. Phone Pacific 1U10. MAMINOLI ACAPCill Of PA.VClMi, iu 14tn, near JeQeraon. Phone Main 3893. Dog Ivennels. Dogs boarded; new kennels; large exercising around; rates reasonable. Aud. Chas. Kre kcr, 1-reiuutou, Or. city aduueas, koo Aider. Dog aud Jrlorss Hospital. Dr. C. ii. iirown. D. V. 3.. D. C. M. Dog. horse bospuai. luti N. 6th t., Union Irans Co. Engineering. W. R. PHILLIPS, MECHANICAL AND HY drauilc engineer Drawings, specmcatione, general engineering and superintendence. Room 430 Lumber .h.xchaugo blug.. Main 4682 Casuliue fcjiglne. SEE US FOR LAUNCHES. ANY SIZE, style and price; "Little Special" iauueo. (195; sum sailboats, towboats and cauues. itciereon Machinery Co.. 182 Morrison. Harness ana Suudies. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO.. WHOLE sale saddle and harness mis., leather aud saadUry hardware. 80-86 lt. Main 226. - Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK ss CO., PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool, lure, tallow, old rubbers, metais and sacks. 312 Front at. . Leather and Findings. J. A. STROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished 1858. Leatner and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stocks; full line Eastern Jumbos. 180 Front st. Mining Brokers. COEUR D'ALENE AND NEVADA MINING stocks 1 aui always in the market to buy or sell any tirst-ciass mining stock; get my prices before buying or selling. T. P. Brown. 4ul McKay bidg., 3d and Stark sts. All merltable mining stock bought, sold, ex changed. Boliam. Grussl & Higley. 128 3d. Bloving Picture Machines. Btereoptlcons. lantern slides, films; correspond ence solicited. E. H. Moorehouse. 312 Alder. Musical. MR. AND MRS. B. F. DRISCOLL. PIANO, vocal, cornet and violin ieseons, 537 Mont gomery st. Phone Pacific 677. PIANO. VIOLIN. CORNET GUITAR LES aon. Prof. E. A. Smith. 254 12th. Main 4703. MUSIC STUDIO. 269 I4T1 BEGINNERS A specialty. Phone Main 3893. bH&AMlSS AI1KKCTOKZ. Machinery. B. TRENKMAN CO., MINING. SAWMILL, logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings, all kinds repaired. 1U4 N. 4th. Northwest Viavt Co. Lewis Bldg., Park and Morrison sts. "Health Talks" to women Thursdays at 2.30 P. M. Osteopathic I'hyslcians. DR6. ADIX & NORTH RUP. 415-10-17 Dekum blug. Third und V asntiis-tun sts. V Phone, office. Alain 349. Resilience, Alain 15o3. Residence, Last 1028. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY. GRADUATE OF the Osteopathic Colli ge of Kirtsville. Mo., who is a specialist on rr.euruatism. stom ach and all female diseases, office 410 Falling blag., cor. 3d-V'dsh. Pacific 1862. DR. L. B SMITH. PIOSKKR I ISTCnP ITU of Oregon, graduate Kirkville, Mo. 409 Ore gonian Diug. Aiatu 14; res. Main 2752. Patents. PATENTS NEW GUIDE BOOK FREE This book Is the lesult of our 20 years' ex perience and tells all about Patents. Illus trates 10(1 Mechanical Movements and con tains a Full History of all the Great Money Making Inventions .of tl Century. Bonk ! ree to every one. o AVara & Brock, Pat ent Attorneys, 918 F St., Washington, D. C. Iatent Lawyers. B- C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGV patents; infringement cases. 604 Dekum. showcases. Bank and Stone Fixtures. R. H. Btrdsall. designer: agent M. Wints Lumber Co.. 7 Hamilton bldg. Main 6530. PORTLAND SHOWCASE 4 FIXTURE CO 848 1st. near Market. Phone Pacific 1620. THE LUTKB MANUFACTURING CO.. COR, 6tb and Hoyt- Phone Main 1408. Rubber Stamps. Rubber Stamps. 8tencils. Seals, trade, bag gage checks. P. C. Stamp Wka, 249 Alder. ALSO SEALS. STENCILS. TEL. SLUGS. BAR checks, etc. Coast Co., 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. 1'aints, Oils and tilass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils, glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor, F. E. Beach & Co., the Pioneer Paint Co., Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334 Storage and Transfer. SAFFS. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped; alt work guaranteed: large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storage. Office 209 Oakv st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 647. C. O. PICK OFFICE. 88 1ST, BET. STARK and Oak. Phone 596. Pianos and furniture" moved and packed for shipment; commodious.' brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms,-' Front and Clay sts. Painting and ruperhanglng. For reliable work, reasonable prices Sheebr; Bros. 2824 Yamhill, near 4th. Main 3072. Safes. D1EROLD Manganese and fireproof safes; lock outs opened; metal fixtures; vault and Jail work: Jacks. J. E. Davis. 60 3d. Main 1655. SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; GREAT bargains. 70 6tb at. bet. Oak and Pins. Spiritualists. WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU WILL SAVE (4.0O. FOR A FEW DAVS ONLY. A BfLX'IAL (5 READING FOR Jl.) ALWAYS CONSULT TUB BEST. PROF. IS. KHIAIO, ASTRAL DEAD TliA.NCE CLAIFtVOYANT. No ClUKllB IF NOT SATl-iKIEI) WHBM READING IS OVER YOU TO BE JUDGE. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make no charge if 1 fall to call you by name in full, names of your friends, enemies or rivals. 1 piomlse to tell whether your husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false; tell ou how to win the love, of the one you most desire, even though miles away; how to succeed In business, speculation, lawsuits, bow to marry the one of your choice, how to regain youth, health and vitality. Removes evil lnfluences. cures drink habits, locates treasures, mines and oil wells, cures all nervous diseases. I WILL DO ALL OiHBUS ADVE.RTi-i TO DO, AND A cKEAT DEAL MOKE. THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN ; CTAi.'i'LED WITH THE i'OW EKd OF THB U.NeliiiA ruitchjd 1 WAVE AT MY COM MAND, and I will prove it to you wluumc puce by giving you a . FRlifcJ iEoT FREE, by having your NAME TOLD (IN FULL). JL6T WHAT YOU CAME FOR. and glvs; ou advice absolutely Fit EE before you de cide to have a reading. WHiJ CAN OH WILL; DO MORE TO CONVINCE THE SKEPTIC? j DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. At IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED YOU AGAIN. Do not hesitate, delay is dangerous; corns at once and find out: How can I marry weI17 Mow can I have good luck? How can I control any oneT How can I conquer my rival T How can I settle my quarrel 7 Jiow can I succeed In business? How can I conquer my enemies? How can I get a good position? How can I keep my wife's love? How can I make my home happy? How can I remove bad inlluences? Bow can I make any one love me? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I make distant ones think of met Permanently Located In His Own Home. HOURS. 10 TO 8. DAILY AND SUNDAY. PROF. E. KH1MO. No. 256 Fifth St., corner Madison St. Phone Main 6070. ' READ! READ I READ! This is for you. Read carefully the following words: MADAM BARTH Is permanently located In her own home, 429 STARK ST. This wonderful woman, acknowledged by the world to be the greatest clairvoyant alive, without you writing a question or uttering one word,) she tells you Just what you came for, how many in your family and all about them-) Tells names, dates and facts. Tells you of; love, marriages, deaths, business specula- tlons. Investments, etc.; locates oil, gaa. and minerals of all kinds; removes evil in fluences and teaches you how to control, the one you love, unites the separated and causes speedy and congenial marriages. No matter what your condition may be. MADAM BARTH WILL HELP YOU. 429 STARK. CORNER J2TH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEE WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL 8 P. M. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. 6T. GEORGE, EGYPTIAN GYPSY. Clairvoyant, Spirit Medium. Palmist Consult this man of mystery. Business, love, marriage, health, lawsuits, all things revealed. Wonderful power! Builds up good luck, restores lost vitality, magnetic . forces to fascinate anyone; cures weak hab- 1 its, nervous debility, evil lnduences. deaf--ness; removes love, domestic, business trou bles, enemies, rivals; absent treatment f.r the sick. Tells your name, age, occupation. Teaches you this profession, locates treas ures, hastens marriage; (5 reading for (1,. 1104 4th St., corner Washington. MME. ADWARD, SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuits, love, matrimony; unites the separated, no matter the distance or cause; satisfaction guaranteed; reading 50 cents, daily and. Sunday. Moved to Goodnough Mdg., cor. 5th and Yamhill, opposite Postoff Ice.. Ele vator fifth floor. Parlors o.i'i and 633. Nu sign. FREE TEST FKEEj TEST. Take this advertisement to PROF. DE NIBLO. 30314 Washington Street. He will give you a test of his wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS, by telling you your name in full, free of charge. MR8. WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. Room 72. Lewis bldg., 'ibO'ii Morrison st. Hours 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. MME. ZINGA, EGYPTIAN SEERRSS. PALM bit. clairvoyant: mediumship developed; heal ing through psychic force; readings dally; 5oc upward Cosmos, 208 Morrison., DON'T MISS HEARING MRS. PIERS, THE . great Spiritualist medium. In Drew Hall every Sunduy evening at 8 P, M-, corner 2d and Morrison sts. PROFESSOR WALLACE. PALMIST. CLAIR voyant and med um: readings 5oc Parlor 4, The Cosmos, 268 ' Morrison su MRS. C. CORNELIUS, test medium; sittings dally. S43V4 Yamhill. Phone Pac! no 199T. tejgn Painting, SIGNS ("That Attract") A. H. Boat Co., 287 Stark. Pacific 1596. Typewriters. New Typewriters, all makes, rested, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark at. Tel. 1407. First-class public stenographer. Miss Young, 803 Lumber Exchange. 2d and Stark sts. Whale Amber. Msde in Norway; guaranteed finest shoe dressing out. Your dealer handles It. Alfred Andresen A Co.. Minneapolis. Minn. Wholesale Grocers. AtLEN A LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY. . cor. N. Front and Davis sts., Portland, Or.