THE. STJNDAXv QREGQNIAN, . OTJANP, , DECEMBER 2, 1906. 21 FOR SALE FARMS. 84200.00 322 ACRES ON THE SOUTHERN Pacific. 70 la actual cultivation, bal ance 'In brush and pasture; 7-room house. Rood barns and outbuildings; two orchards; 1-3 cash, balance 6 per cent. 912.S0O.00 120 tcm. 70 In cultivation. B0 acres genuine beaverdem. splendid buildings, miles from Portland. $6,500.00 lo acre In the ' beat part of "Washington County. 14 miles from Portland. Full description on ap plication. $1,200.0024 acres, mostly la cultivation; house and barn, 114 miles from town and boat landing, Columbia River, above Vancouver. 10 or 20 acres at Reaverton. $50 per acre; any terms; 8 miles from Portland. J. F. COMPTON. 100 Abington Bldg. VALLEY FARM OF OVER 300 ACRES OK the best land in the country; a beautiful and up-to-date place; 40 acres of hops, thor oughbred stock, latest appliances; barn full of feed, and It Is on the river. Stock ranch In Eastern Oregon, 2040 acres of deeded land, controls about nine sections of grazing land and abundance of water; houses, bams and orchard; this is an ex reirtlonal opiortunlty as It U only one day's drive from the mountain range and will carry 40O0 head of rheep. Fruit lar.d In the Mcsrter district, Just east of Hood River, in acreage to suit, improved or unimproved; this is an excellent apple district and we can give you a, good bar gain. 4t a-re unimproved Just west of the city, only easy terms; this will make you good money. SPHINX AGENCY. 305 Stark St. KXCBLLBNT FARM BARGAINS. i:00 8 acres choice garden land with buildings, creek, on Ncwborg city limits. $.'i."i00 120 acres fine land, 70 acres In cultivation, springs and creek, 1 miles from electric station; great bargain; terms. $o600 100 acres, highly improved, fine buildings, 10 ai res tine hopyard. more than ajooo improvements, near Newberg; if you look at It you buy. 8K5 per acre for 315 acres highly im proved, farm in the valley, tine, location; tills place had a yearly income of over $;Mt00 for the last five years. $1'l a day and all expenbes paid if not found as 1 say. F. FUCHS, 521 Morrison Street. A FARM SNAP. ISO acres. 32 miles from town, on good road, over half un.ler cultivation and clashed, bal ance good timber. 14 acres hay; near school, store, pcwtofflce, etc. Will sell stock and all farm Implements with land, land sold for $."iO an acre close by; our price for short time only. $2500. Owner leaving state. Best buy in the market. "Bll early. F. O. NORTHRUP CO. 211 Commercial Block. 2d and Washington sta. FARM BARGAIN. 100 acres of good land 3 -miles from Newberg. .10 acres In cultivation, 25 acres stump and pasturage. 7 acres In hops. 2 aires In strawberries; 1800 fruit trees, one-half bearing, 60 cords of dry fir wood, farm tools, 50 boxes apples, etc. ; 5-room house, fjr barn; place Is watered by 3 springs and small stream, V mile to school, R. F. D. mall, pnone; situated 10 miles from Portland; only $4.V0. J. FRANK PORTER. 222 Washington at., cor. 1st., upstairs. FARM FOR SALE, inn acres In Clark County. Washington. Tenr Wafhougal; fine barn. 30x60: five-room cot tape, part good meadow land, balance fine timber; running water; price $3000; $500 ca-sh, balance long time 6 per cent. LAMONT & HARRIS. Id7 Sixlh St. 62 ACRES, 15 IN CULTIVATION, BAL anco pasture, easy to clear, all fenced, fine spring. 6 miles south of city, mile from depot, school and church; will take some income city property on payment; price $3:100, terms. F. T. Berry, 4 6th St. Phone Pacific 2082. FINE. CLOSE IN. 10 ACRES WITH ORCH ard, vineyard, berries, creek, house and barn, on county road, convenient to steam and electric carllne; farming tools, live stock, poultry and feed, all for $2800. Home I,nnd Co., 145 First ot. FOR SALE IlorseSt Vehlckles. Etc. SORREL HORSE. WEIGHT 140O POUNDS, works single or double: also pair of horses, weight 2600 pounds, suitable for heavy hauling or ranch work; one black horse, suitable .for delivery; one seal brown gelding, suitable for any purpose; one light farm wagon and double harness; also one pony. Call Hegal Stables. 14th and Burnside sts. TEAM OF WELL-MATCHED HORSES. 8 years old, weight 2110; sound, work sin gle and double' suitable for milk wagon, express or light farm team. Team of chunks, 7 and 8, weight 2810, sound, gen tle, true; with set of hand-made breech Ipr harness and new Mollne wagon. Will sell separate. 154 N. oth st. HANDSOME BLACK GELDING, 7 TEARS old, weight 1075 pounds; very stylish driver; also new rubber-tire runabout and hand-made harness, entire rig $150; also nice gentle pony for children. Price $35. Call at my residence 4:11 Alder St. SOUND HORSE. 8 YEARS OLD. WEIGHT 1240; sound, gentle, suitable for delivery or driving horse. New rubber-tired buggy and hand made harness. 5th and Irving, also 1400-pound brood mare for sale cheap. PA I It OF HORSES, WEIGHT 2tS00 POUNDS, are sound and suitable tor farm or grad ing work; also new set of heavy harness with breeching, all complete. Price $ir0. Call 2:1 N. 14th st., ask for Brown's team. 8-YEAR-OLD BAY HORSE WEIGHT 1100, sound and works single or double; suitable for delivery or driving; will be sacrificed; owner has no use for hlra. Phone East 8458. VEHICLES OF ALL KIND8. NEW AND second-hand; largest stock, lowest prices; horses and rigs rented by day or month. Tomllnson A Casslday, 211 Wash. Pac. 607. TO EXCHANGE WANT A HORSE OR team; will exchange two good lots at the beach for same; 110 plugs: must have some life. Address K 65, Oregonlan. FOR SALE HORSE, WAGON. PLOW, HAR nexs, cow, heifer, hay, pigs and poultry, some potatoes, wheat and oats. Address Mr. Wahl, 1074 Holgate ave. FOR SALE ONE TEAM OF TOUNG horses, weight 1300 and 1400 pounds, or trade for city property. Inquire 123 Lowns. dale St., West Side. BAY MARE. WEIGHT 1100 POUNDS, bound, suitable for farm, very gentle. Price 4. call Regal Stables, 14th and Burnside streets. DRAFT TEAM. WEIGHT 8200 AGES 7 and 8; also harness and wagon, suitable ror logging or heavy work. Phone Tabor 84. FOR SALE TWO-SEATED LIGHT WAGON with brake: almost new. Portland Riding Academy. 22d and Johnson. BUSINESS RIGS. HORSES AND WAGONS for hire bv day or month: boarding. Red Front Stables, 28 N. 16th St. MUST SELL TEAM. 2300 POUNDS; WAO on and harness, $125. Irvlngton Race track. James Twlsh. 1200-POUND HORSE, DARK BAY, WORKS any way. Price $125. H. G. Starkweather, It. F. D. Mllwaukle. GOOD SINGLE EXPRESS HARNESS AND second-hand top buggy, cheap. Call 13d Sellwood St., Alblna. BLACK. WELL-BRED MARE. SUITABLE for lady's use. Call S2d Patton road. Phone Main 4310. 60x100 LOT NEAR MT. TABOR CARLINE to trade for young work mare. K 68. care Oregonlan. FOR SAI.B ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO, mahogany case; cheap for cash. - 311 W. Park st. WANTED TO BUY A WELL-BRED GEN tie driving mare. 425 East Ash. G. W. Jack- on. FOR SALIC 15 WELL-BROKE HORSES, weight 1000 to 1050. 5th and Montgomery sts. We buy. sell, rent, exchange, horses, wagons, saddles, harness. Hubert Hall. 2n 4th. OXB GOOD WORK HORSE. WEIGHT 1350. for sale cheap. 347 Jackson st. HOt:SE FOR SALE PRICE $0. FRAZIER McLean, 5th and Taylor sts. Pianos. ELEGANT UPRIGHT PIANO IN OAK case; will be sold for amount of mort gage. 10 Washington bldg. A VERY FINE SECOND-HAND PIANO FOR sale; good as new. 350 Alder at., bet. 7tl and Purk ets. A FINE HOBART M. CABLE PIANO FOR sale cheap. Soft East Ankeny. Miscellaneous. NEW $250 CASH REGISTER, SACRIFICE for ca-sh: call today. Room 2. Raleigh bldg. FOR SALE AT 208 1ST ST.. ROLL TOP desks, large sale, showcases and fixtures. FOR SALE Miscellaneous. $30 WALNUT SUITE, $12.50; FIR SUITE. $10; beautiful mahoganlxed dresser with French mirror, $15; large solid oak side board, $18; 0-foot extension table. $3.50; three-piece mahogany parlor suite. $20; plusj' patent rocker, $5v upholstered cor ner chair, $3.50; couch In art denim, $4; good plush sofa bed, $6.50; hardwood dresserj, $6.50; $10 iron beds. $5: oak parlor deBk. $5: flat top office desk (good one l, $12.50; office revolving chair. $3.50; 9x12 art squares. $5; carpets from $2.50 up to $10: hotol dresser. $4; mantel fold ing bed. $7.50; good No. 8 cook stove, $7.50: heating stoves. $1.65 and up to $15: kitchen safe. $3: kitchen treasure, $1,501 nurse rockers, $1; parlor table. $2. All sorts of household goods at way-down prices, bought, sold or exchanged, and a square deal. M. J. McGrath, 06 North Third, between Davis and Everett sts. Main 2087. $$$$$ IF YOU WANT THE BEST STOVE OR range in Portland at the tight price come - to the' $; we guarantee our stoves and ranges; also ult kinds of furniture. Square dealing our motto. 232 1st St. Main 6874. $$$$$$$$$ FOR SALE LOT PRIME RUSSIAN SABLE skins, or will make up to order (any de sign) very reasonable. Also Siberian squir rel blouse, bust 30; almost $00. I-ot of sample fur scarfs, half price. A Reiner, the furrier, Lewis bldg.. Park and Morri son. 50 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler & Wilson. Domestic, White. Household. Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler e Wilson and Singers. 3. 8. Sigel, 335 Morrison St.. Marquam bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collecder. 48 3d st. PANORAMIC CAMERA, JUST THE THING for city, river, eeashorfl and' mountain views; carries daylight loading films: cheap for cash or what have you to trade 7 M 61, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE SET OF ABSTRACTS OF Skamania County, Washington; just com pleted; only set of abstracts in the coun ty. Apply to D. Crowley, Vancou"r, Wash. FOR SALE CHEAP PARTY GOING abroad will sell new stereoptlcon lantern and 250 beautiful views; good chanre to make quick money. Phone East 4035. FOR SALE 10 MILCH COWS. 1 TEAM OF draft horses, 1 colt and 22 head of young stock; must be sold at once. Mrs. Lawrence, Lexington, Cowlitz Co., Wash. FOR SALE ALMOST NEW 12-GAUGB WIN chester pump gun. case, two boxes shells, $15. J. O. Williams. 1804 S. 11th St., Sellwood, near Golf Links. A NATIONAL S-DRAWER DUPLEX CASH register, model 07, suitable especially for hotel or cigar store. Apply 92 N. 3d St., new Grand Central Hotel. HUNTING OR OPEN-FACE GENTS' 2T.-YR. gold watches with Waltham or Elgin 15 Jewel movements, only $16.50. Uncle Myers, 143 3d it., near Alder. FOR SALE FINE TALKING PARROTS, IM portcd canaries, red birds, mocking birds. 200 pairs of pigeons, fancy pheasants, etc Port land Bird Co., 304 3d st. THE ONLY ONE IN EXISTENCE RKl'EXT- petrified' ostrich egg. What U the value of It? X 71, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FOR BREEDERS WHITE Holland turkeys, white Pekin and mallard ducks and Toulouse geese. 181 14th st. Phone Main 5904. EDISON MIMEOGRAPH, FIRST-CLARS order, good as new. little used, cost $50. sell for $.10. Call 308 Stearns bldg., th and Morrison. MOVING-PICTURE FILMS TWO THOU sand feet Lost Child, six set song slides, good condition ;' very cheap. F 57, Orego nlan. FINE VELVET COAT AND BONNET FOR ' child of 0; ,als6' streetcar conductor's cap and coat, almost new. Hotel Kenyon, room 2. FIXTURES FOR SALE S CASES. 2 COUN ters and candy Jars and new awning and ehelvjng. 353 Union ave. N-, near Broadway. SNAPS DITLEX DRUM, $23; MELLO- phone. $:f0; pocket cornet, $25; cello. $20; Boston slide. $13. York's. 227 Stark st. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C. Albea Co., 248 Grand ave. - ONE - FRESH FIRST-CLASS FAMILY cow. Corner Grand ave. and Kearney St., Montavllla. Phone East 4122. FINE OLD PICTURES, OVER 200 YEARS old. rrom Lord Holland: also plates. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington. CAN USE $5000 WORTH FURNITURE THIS week: hlgflest prices paid. Western Salvage Co., 827 Washington. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT r HOUSEHOLD Co., 627 'Washington. HAVE 2000 SHARES OF CASCADIA stock to sell at bargain; make offer. H 75, Oregonlan. 100 TONS GALVANIZED AND BLACK sheet-Iron; cheap. M. Barde & Son, 8th and Gllsan sto. 3 16-FOOT COUNTERS,, ALSO SHOWCASES, good condition. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington. FRESH COW FOR SALE ON BARNES road, mile and a half west of park. J. Quinlan. GAS AND ELECTRIC FIXTURES. GOOD condition. Western Salvage Co., 627 Wash ington. . 200 TONS GALVANIZED WIRE. ALMOST new; cheap. M. Barde A Son., 8th and G Il ea n st?. THREE FRESH COWS. OPPOSITE RESER volr No- 2, South Mt. Tabor. Phone Ktxat 4377. 4 WATER SPANIEL PUPS FOR SALE. Apply Model Market, 688 Mllwaukle St., city. GAS HEATERS. RANGES. COOK STOVES, cheap. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washing ton. ROLL-TOP DESKS. ALSO REVOLVING chairs. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington. FOR 8ALE AT 208 1ST ST.. ROLL TOP desks, large safe, showcases and fixtures. 60 TONS 8TRAP AND BAR IRON; CHEAP. M. Barde & Son, 8th and Olisan sts. FOR SALE CHEAP A LONG WHITE handsome boa. Phone Main 2030. FOR SALE FRESH COW WITH NICE) heifer calf, at 081 Bast Madison. FINE FUR SEAL ART RUGS AND BASKETS I from Siberia, at cost. East 3757. FOR SALE 1 GAS STOVE and 2 GAS LOGS, 2d hand. Phone Main 6773. BABY BUGGY, GOOD AS NEW, FOR HALF price. Phone Main 6350. $60 DRESS SUIT, ALMOST NEW; BIZB 40, for $15. Main 325. HELP WANTED MALE. MAN ACQUAINTED WITH VANCOUVER and vicinity. An exceptional opportunity; good pay. Call 18 Lafayette Bldg., 8 to 12; permanent position. YOUNG MEN LEARN SHOWCARD LET erlng and designing; it's a money-maker; samples free. Thumpeon School, Poutiac, Mjch. TWO MEN OF HUSTLING ABILITY CAN make $100 a week: others are doing It; per manent. Collector wanted. 18 Lafayette Bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED PLANINOMILL manager who thoroughly understands sash and door manufacturing. V 71, Oregonlan. WANTED A RELIABLE BOY TO DRIVE a delivery wagon. Apply to Andrew Kan & Co., 2S7 Morrison. BOY FOR OFFICE WORK. ETC., $20 MO. State age and reference. Address Hardware, care Oregonlan.. WANTED CROSSCUT SAW FILER AND A. rough carpenter. Inquire 12 N. 2d. WANTED PARTNER WITH $100 FOR PAY lng cash business. H 62, Oregonlan. UPHOLSTERERS WANTED STEADY work. 55 Front, corner Davis. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS. Nlcoll. The Tailor, 108 3d st. ' BOY AT GRADON ft KOEHLER'S DRUG store. First and Main sts. WANTED BOY TO DELIVER; WHEEL furnished. 309 Stark st. WANTED KITCHEN BOY. taurant. 386 Morrison st. A. B. C. RES- WANTED GOOD -STEADY Front, corner Davis. BOY. 55 HELP WANTED MALE. CALENDAR SALESMAN THE Whitehead & Hoag Co. desires a Arst-cJass, thoroughly-experienced, local and traveling representative , for its new .Jine of color Art, Wall-. and Desk Advertising Calendars; p original, copyrighted designs, new ideas and novel features; second to none on the market today. Appli cation must be accompanied by sat isfactory references and full partic ulars as to previous experience in this line. Address the Whitehead A Hoag Co., Calendar Dept., New ark, N. J. A LARGE MINING AND SMELTING COM pany in California wants three OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE CLERKS. Of ability and good character; men with experience in storehouse of cast work- in connection with shops preferred. Good pay and chance for advancement. In reply give full details of age. education, experience and salary expected: also address where you can be found Monday. Give telephone number if possible. Address X 65, cars Ore gonlan. WANTED AT ONCE STA VB-BOLT CTJT ters; wages $1.40 per cord, steady work Apply Western Cooperage Co.. Btsarns bldg.. Portland, or Hjmlton. Or. SALESMEN TRAVELING IN WASHINGTON, Oregon, Columbia River, Southern Idaho, Northern California, to handle our staples as a side line; liberal commissions' paid; quick sellers to general store trade; few samples required; this is an exceptional op portunity, and no answers will be considered unless stating experience, lines and ter ritory. 1, 96, Oregonlan. WANTED i-' AGENTS AND CANVASSERS working v' through the country and small towns and villages, to handle as a side line the greatest oney-maker of its kind in the country: evewy . farmer and almost every householder will buy It on sight; costs little and pays big-. Obn't pass this by, but send a postal ody. to Box 867C. Fredericktown, Ohio. 1 V. WANTED FOR TJ. 8. ARM 1, ABLB-BOD-led unmarried men, between ages of 21 and 33, citizens of United States, ot good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer, Alnsworth block. 3d . and -Oak sts., Portland, Or. COMPETENT ADVERTISING SOLICITOR wanted who can handle two hlgh-olass propo sitions on the entire Pacific Coast; only men who can- produce business; commission prompt on reliable contracts. Apply to Held's Tourist Bureau. Raleigh bldg.. Washington and Sixth atresia Portland, and Shafer bldg., 1414 Second ave., Seattle. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN, FOR most complete and popular line of adver tising calendars and novelties; only men of high character, good education; exclu sive territory; liberal oontract: require bond and best references. Bennett-Thomas Mfg. Co-., of .Chicago. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured in from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder -.sts.; entrance 233 Alder it. Portland. WANTED 600 TUNNELMEN ON WESTERN Pacific R. R. at Beckwlih. Cal. Foreman, $4.50; machine men, $4; machine helpers, $3.50; muckers, $3; board, $5 per week; 2 ycar lob. Address Utah Coaslructloa Co., - Cromberg, Cal. WANTED FOl.'R MEN TO TRAVEL IN each state, distribute sample and advertise our goods; salary $21 per week and expenses guaranteed; expenses advanced; experience unnecessary. Address with stamp, stating ass and occupation. Reeve Co., 417 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED AN ENGRAVER FAMILIAR with Hour bag brand work. 'Apply at once Amen-Harria-&eville Co., 6th and Davis sts. '' THE -MEIER A FRANK STORE RE qulres 150 salespeople for various depart ments. Good salaries and permanent posi tions "for those whose services prove sat isfactory. Apply to the superintendent be fore 10 A. M. HAVING CALLS FOR EMPLOY E8 CON- stantiy for all lines of business activity, we offer a wide field of opportunity to those desiring Co better their position. Commer cial Abstract Co., Suite 34, 828 Wash ington st. LARGE WHOLESALE HOUSE. PAYING ITS salesQien $1500 per year and expenses to eell staple line to general trade, desires two more men for 1907, to commence work at once if possible. Address Sawyer, Leslie A Co., De troit, Mich. WANTED SALESMAN TO TRAVEL FOR cloak and suit business In the North and Northwest territory, one who is familiar With the trade, must furnish reference. Ad dress Meyer Bros., 1774 Geary St., San Fran cisco. WANTED AN AGGRESSIVE, C'ABLE salesman to handle superior staple Wiie; $75 per week and expenses to man who can make good; responsible house; established 12 years; references. Frank R. Jennings, Chloago. SEVERAL GOOD POSITIONS OPEN FOR high-class salesmen, life insurance men with good records preferred. Call on or write the Realty Associates of Portland, Or., 804 to 812 Dekum bl(Jg., Portland. Or. WANTED MAN TO OPEN UP BARBER shoo, small country town. EaulDment fur nished If desired. Usual barber's examina- tion not necessary. Good opportunity for right man. V 64. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD MAN IN EACH COUNTY to represent and advertise Hardware Depart ment, put out samples, etc. ; salary $21.00 weekly; expense money advanced. Dept. AS, the Columbia House, Chicago. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly; expert instruct ors; tatalogue free. Moler 8ystem of Col leges. 35 N. 4th St.. Portland. WANTED CASTERS. MODELERS AND competent staff and terra cotta workmen who are en route for Los Angeles for work to call on the Western Decorating Co. Steady work. Highest wages paid. $50 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES TO GOOD salesman for Oregon; full Una of soaps and extracts and a proposition of vital importance to every retail dealer. 8ales Dept. 21 W. Atwater, Detroit, Mich. WANTED THREE EXPERIENCED TRAV ellng salesmen to complete 1U07 selling force: attractive line to retailers; $5000 to $84M)0 annually to hustlers of ability; permanent. Box 074, Dept. 23. Chicago. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. WHO CAN sell, as a side line, our Spring Drew Fabrics, White Goods and Shirtings to retailers on commission. Schuylkill Mills. Box 1192, ' Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED MAN TO LEARN SAW HAM merlng; I will teach you to hammer all kinds of saws for $100 and guarantee ab solute satisfaction. Address P 59, care Oregonian. INSURANCE MEN WHO CONTEMPLATE making a change January 1 write for par- ucuiHiB, we ui proposition. .Vic- d cago. BROKERAGE COMPANY WANTS FIRST -class salesmen to eell gilt-edge stocks. Sal ary and commissions. State age, experi ence and references. Address S 63, Oregon lan. Men and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, jeweler work, opties. easy terms: posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watehnikg-Engrav. Ech l. 1426 tb av. Seattle SALESMEN TO CARRY AS A SIDE LINE our advertising fans, calendars and novel ties; best line out; good commission. Write for terms, Mahon Novelty Co., Kenton, Ohio. ALL-AROUND JOB PRINTER WANTED at once; steady job to right man; mar ried and not over 80 years old. Telephone Register Publishing Co., McMlnnvllle, Or. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Burbank'e new stone less plum; miracle; big pay; psrmanent position. Chico Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. WANTED ABSTRACTOR, MUST BE ALL around, first-class man Mo take charge of an office In small town. Realth Abstract Co., 14 Wolverton Block. Spokane, .Wash. WANTED A STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS salesman for Western Washington territory to represent an old established Portland coffee and tea house. Apply Oregonlan. WANTED MEN TO TRAVEL, DELIVER samples and advertise our goods locally; salary fl Per month and expenses. Beezley Co., Dept. A, Monon Block, Chicago. WANTED STENOGRAPHER AND ASSIST ent bookkeeper; young man for out of town, $ii0 per month and board. Call up phone East 3265 today, between 11 and 12 A. M. HOTELsCOOK, PORTERS. DISHWASHERS, hospital houseman, orderlies, $2o; fore man, dishwasher combined: everybody call. Drake's, 205 Washington. HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North 2d St. 50- Burnside St. OPEN TODAY. Hook tender, $4.50; book tender, horse camp, $3.50; skid road foreman, $3.50; head faller. $3.50: 2d fa Her. $3: buckers. $3.25 and $3; rigging rustlers. $3.25 and $3; bark ers. $3 and $2.75; chasers, $2.75; swampers. $2.60 and $2 and board; signal or whistle boy, $2 day; miners, $3; muckers, $2.75: man and wife for farm, $40 and found; man and wife sawmill camp. $65 and board; baker and pastry cook, hotel. $50 and found; 2d cook, camp, $40; kitchen help, camp cook. $75; cook R. R. survey party, $46, free fare; cook for 8 men, $46; assistant stenographer sawmill, $30 and found. R. R. DEPARTMENT. All free fare Rock foreman, open work, $4; 2 blacksmiths and tool sharpeners, $3.50; one all around camp blacksmith for Northern California camp, $75 and found; bridge car penters, $3: tunnelmen. rockmen. drillers, teamsters, laborers, north, east, south, new work. $3. $2.76. 82.50. $2.25. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. SALESMEN ONE OF THE FASTEST selllng propositions in America; men of good reputation call: expenses guaranteed. Conservative Mutual Lite Insurance Co., Elks' bldg. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COLORED barber, with family . preferable; If not first-class need not apply. Win. Jackson, 14 N. 1st St.. N. Yakima. Wash. WANTED DETECTIVES; SHREWD. RELI able man for profitable secret service, to act under orders: no experience necessary. Write H. v.. Webster. Indianapolis, Ind. SEVERAL YOUNG MEN WANTED IMMB dlately to prepare for (special) examination for postofflce clerks. Splendid opportunity. Mr. Heynen, 816 Columbia Bldg. WANTED IN RAILROAD OFFICE BOY over 14 years of age who has at least nad grammar school education. Apply In own handwriting. F 69, Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPERS, SALES CLERKS. BTENOO raphers everywhere paid well to collect in formation during spare time; no selling. Guarantee Co., Toledo, Ohio. $20 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED (POSITION permanent), distributing circulars, samples. For particulars. Commercial Advertising As sociation, Philadelphia, Pa. CUTTERS ON MEN'S SHOES; ALSO LAST ers and otber shoemakers: steady work. Washington Shoe Manufacturing Com pany, Seattle, Washington. SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL SLICK souvenir novelty; commission basis; write for particulars. Hlilson Co., 44 North Market at., Boston, Mass. WANTED A WIDE AWAKE BOY 17 OR 18 years of age for general work In an office; chance for advancement to right applicant. Address G 62, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO DISTRICT AGENTS FOR health and accident Insurance company, per manent situation with good Income to right partiea S 74, Oregonlan. AD SOLICITOR WANTED FOR LEADING publication. Must be a Irrst-clttss man, no others need apply. Apply immediately, 616 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Adver tising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED FIRST-CLASS, COMPETENT woodiinlsher. day's work; long Job to right man. Inquire E. P. Bheldon, 265 Wash ington st.. room 8. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE GOOD pay to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WANTED GOOD MAN WHO UNDER. stands farming, to take charge of a farm. Permanent position. Inquire 738 Johnson. Phone Main 2918. WANTED REPORTER AT ONCE ON small city daily near Portland. Address, stating experience and salary expected. T 71, Oregmian. . GOOD EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE bookkeeper with some knowledge of type- - writing, wanted by M. Barde A Sons, 8th and Gllsan. WANTEDJ-MAN AND WIFE. NO CHIL dren to work on small fruit farm near city; good place right party. 332 Johnson st., op posite depot. WANTEDEXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for bright young man In newspaper of fice. Small salary to start. Apply O 63, Oregonlan. SALESMEN WOULD LIKE TO GET INTO communication with a first-class specialty salesman. Address P. Q. Box 482, Iowa City, Iowa. COMPETENT YOUNG MAN . STENOGRA pher with good references, for out of town position. State age and experience. W. 04, Oregonlan. $25 PER WEEK AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen to sell goods to grocery dealers; experience unnecessary. Purity Co., Chicago. SIX WEEKS' INSTRUCTION IN TRAVEL lng salesmanship; posltlqn guaranteed upon completion. Bradstreet System, . Rochester, N. Y. $80 PER MONTH, EXPENSES ADVANCED Men to travel, advertising, port signs and leave samples. Saunders Co., Dept. 2, Chi cago. WANTED A TAILOR Bt-'SHEI.MAN. MUST be a good press, at the East Portland Cleanlrur and Dye Works, J48 Grand ave,., city. DANCING LESSONS, 250. private and clasens; taught dally. Prof. Wal. Wilson, offices and academy, Alleky bldg., 3d and Morrison sts. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. ; no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago. WANTED CAKE BAKER FOREMAN; MUST be good on coffee cake. Wages from $20 to $25 per week. Apply 860 Washington. WHOLESALE HOUSE WANT8 GOOD OF flc boy. Address In own writing, P. O. Box 115. city, and give references. BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MAN; STATE) age and experience; also salary expected. Good opening. C 65, Oregonlan. WANTED A GOOD MAN WHO UNDER, stands slaughtering apd sausage-making. Address Box 361, Eugene, Or. ROOFERS WANTED, TINNERS WANTED, sheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wyu koop, the Roofer. 248 Ash St. WANTED FIRST-CLAS9 MEN. PORTLAND and state. Excellent opening for the right ones. Call 607 McKay Bldg. WANTED YOUNG MAN OVER 18 TO PRE pare for Railway Mall Service. Apply to W. C. C. S., 513 McKay bldg. SOLICITORS WANTED BY FRATERNAL life and acoldent society, Gllt-edgas,propo-sltlon. Phone East 1123. TRAVELING SALESMAN, FIRST-CLASS Op portunity to right party; reference required. Call 344 Sherlock bldg. WANTED AN ALL-AROUND EXPBRI enced man (n furniture store. W. L. Bloch, Oregon City, Or. A MAN TO PUSH OUR ADVERTISEMENT proposition: muwt be neat and good talker. Phone Scott 5557. KITCHEN MAN WANTED, ONE WHO understands firing furnace. 63 North 18th st., cor. Davis. 108 10TH PLEASANT ROOM WITH board, suitable for one or two young men; table board. PRINTED NEEDED AT ONCE BY COUR ler, Oregon City. Apply in person. Office open Sunday. WANTEP BY A REAL ESTATE FIRM, A man to list and show property, . Q 85, Oregonlan. this city, good pay, steady position. Apply 66 1st st. WANTED A TAILOR: STEADY WORK AND good wages. Union Tailoring Co., 305 Stark st. WANTED CAMPBELL MACHINE Op erator. John Clark Saddlery Co., 104 Front st. CIGAR AND CONFECTIONERY STORE AT 183 Morrison; One location for business; $250, rent $10. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. Shoes, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Tel. Pacific 46. WE SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bers. Special membership, $2. Y. M. C. A WANTED SALESMAN FOR MEN'S FUR nlshlngs. etc. Lion Clothing Co., 166 3d st. WANTED MAN TO RUN SHAPER. ORG gou Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam road. WANTED PHOTO NEGATIVE RETOUCH ers; ladles or gents. Cutberth, 801 Dekum. 500 men wanted Free shaves and haircuts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST, CITY, state wages expected. 71, Oregonlan. SALESMEN BIG WAGES; SOMETHING positively new. 215 Commercial Block, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MACHINE MAN, SASH AND door factory. $4; door clamper. $3: bench hand, $3; stickerman, $3.50; cabinet mak ers. $3 up; log deckman. $2.75, ratchet setter, $2.75 up; 4 lumber pilers, $2.50; others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. Main Office 12 N. 2d st. FIRST-CLASS BOOKKEEPER. WITH cashier experience and familiar with voucher system. One who Is rapid at cal culating Interest ond statement work pre ferred. State age, experience in detail and salary expected. Q 61, Oregonlan. YOU CAN MAKE $100 A WEEK BY GIVING . performances in parks, theaters, clubs, churches, schools, etc., with a moving-picture machine. Call at Newman's Motion Picture Co. for particulars. 145 6th. MATTRESS MAKER. EDWARDS CO.. 191 1st street. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Phone Main 2602. Wants Monday. 3 body troners. $1.25 to $1.50: 4 mangle Jiende. $1.15 to $1.25; 2 boarding-house cooks. $.13: 3 first-clam family cooks, $35; mill camp cook. $40; man and wife, house girls, second gtrls, plain cooks, 2 waitresses, eity, $7 week; 3 waitresses, $26; chambermaid, . country, $25: others. HANSEN'S LADIES" AGENCY. 843 Washington St. Cor. 7th, Upstairs. YOUNG LADY WANTED FOR VERY light housework mornings and evenings for room and board; more for companion ship than otherwise. Call at 343 yam hill St., between 8 and 4 P. M. WANTED A COMPETENT STENOGRA pher and typewriter. Apply this (Sunday) morning between 10 and 12 to the Shafer Whittier Co.. 427 Lumber Exchange Bldg., 2d and Stark sts. EMBROIDERY WORKERS. MUST BE thoroughly competent in all kinds of white embroidery. The Needlecraft Shop, 382 Washington. WANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: 7-room house, two In family, no washing. ,414 Holladay ave. Telephone East 1286. WOMAN CAPABLE OF ADDRESSING PEO ple; all or part time: married or single; easy work, good pay. Call 18 Lafayette Bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR confectionery and fruit store; must under stand serving light lunches, etc 113 2d st. WANTED ELDERLY WOMAN ASHOUfE keeper. One who can appreciate good home. Apply at 151 West Park. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED GIRLS to work in confectionery. Now York Candy Kitchen, 340 Washington St. WANTED GIRL TO DO UPSTAIRS WORK in small family and take care of a child 6 years old. 709 Flanders st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848 Washington st., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. HOME LADIES' AGENCY. 168 Fourth st., corner Morrison, upstairs. Phone Main 6826. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUNTRY, middle-aged lady preferred: no objection to small child. E 63, Oregonian. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO ' DO general housework. Call Monday. 720 Was- CO st. Phone East 800. WANTED FOR PRIVATE BOARDING house Girl for kitchen; one for dining room. 340 Anlceny st. WANTED GOOD STRONG GIRL, NO other need apply: for taking care of in valid. P 60, Oregonian. CAPABLE GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; good wages. 809 Lovejoy. Phone Main 2929. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING SOME housework; good wages. 777 Flanders St., phone Main 2528. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages. 420 23. 16th st. N., Irvlngton car. GIRL FOR, GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND cooking; good wages, small family. 295 West Park st. WANTED A GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE work, two In family. 654 3d st. Call mornings. WANTED WOMAN WITH BUSINESS ability to take orders. Grocery Co. 2U2 Front st. WANTED A YOUNG GF.RMAN GIRL IN German family, good home, good pay. Call 356 Hall st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work; one who understands cooking. Phoue Main 8525. YOUNG LADIES. 16 OR 17 YEARS OF AGE. a number wanted. Apply to Olds, Wortman A King. WANTED EXPERIENCED NURSE, CARE for Infant boy, bottle teed. Apply S91 Gllsan st. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework. 770 Overton et. Phone Main 3813. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR CHAMBER work and help in the dining-room. 284- Main street. WANTED GOOD EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Call at 7U1 .Tilla mook. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAIST FIN lsher, Mrs. St. John, ITS 17th, cor. Yam hill. EXPERIENCED GIRL. CASHIER. BOOK ' keeper; wages $26 per month. G 73, Oregon lan. WANTED AN ENERGETIC SOLICITOR. Call on Pacific Realty Co., room 8, 140 1st st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; small family, good wages. 586 Tillamook DANCING LESSONS 25C. WILSON'S school. Atinky bldg. 8d and Morrison sta EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; call forenoon. 240 King st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST HOUSE work; small flat; good home. Main 1902. WANTED PUPILS OF THE PIANO. 25c A leseon; references if desired. R 63, Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD WOMAN COOK FOR FAM Uy five, $30 month. 370 Park st. Main 5043. GOOD GIRL AT THE PARK HOTEL, 350 Gllsan St.; good place for the right girl. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work for young couple. Call 289 Grant fit. WANTED A BRIGHT, YOUNG GIRL TO work in office. United 8tates Laundry Co. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 186 East 10th St. GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK Pnone 2887. Residence 204 East 2oih st. WANTED CHAMBERMAID, MIDDLE-AGED German woman preferred. 232 1st st. WANTED EXPERIENCED ARM WAIT ross at Winters' Restaurant, 230 1st st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSB work, small family. Phone Scott 5557. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER AND MANI curlst. Rosenthal Sisters, 109 7th st. WANTED GIRLS TO SEW ON FURS. THE Sllverfleld Co., 4lh and Morrison. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK; NO cooking or washing. 95 N. 16th st. CAPABLE HOUSEKEEPER: SMALL FAM ily; good home. Q 73, Oregonian. WANTED A WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK 4 hours daily. 172 23d North. GIRL TO ASSIST; CARE OF BABY. APPLY dry goods store, 631 Mllwaukle st. v. ANTED STRONG. WILLING GIRL AS housemaid. Apply 510 Flanders st. GIRL FOR GENERAL WORK IN SMALL family. 347 Montgomery St. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 747 Gllsan st. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL. NOR tonia, 14th and Washington. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOLSE work. Apply 731 Savier st. FOR OFFICE WORK; SALARY $10 PER month. 315 Alisky bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family. T34 Irving. WANTED APPRENTICE GIRLS AT DRESS making. 454 Larrabee st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK GOOD home. 33 North Park St. FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS WANTED AT once. 405 Fleldner bldg. WANTED GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK. 434 Market su HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LADY bookkeeper and cashier tor a high-class family hotel. Portland. Must have city bank or business man references. One who can use typewriter preferred. State expe rience, references, salary expected with board, etc.. and address at once to N 63, Oregonian. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds et work, register with 11s, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstalra WANTED BY A GENTLEMAN OWNING nice home, refined, educated woman as housekeeper: pletfse " give address ana phone and explicit description : a good sit uation for lady fond of a home. 8 64, Or egonian. THE MEIER A FRANK STORE RE quircs 150 salespeople for various depart ments. Good salaries and permanent posi tions for those whose services prove sat isfactory. Apply to the superintendent be fore 10 A. M. WANTED WILLING YOUNG LADY FOR office work and stenography. Must live at home, .Salary smalt to commence. Splen did opportunity for advancement. State lowest salary desired. Apply N 63, Orego nian. WANTED LADY TO ADVERTISE OUR goods locally ; several weeks' home work ; salary $12 per week. $1.00 a day for ex penses. Saunders Co., Dept. R, 46 Jackson bldg., Chicago, III. WANTED INTELLIGENT WOMAN OVER 25 years of age for light work every night until 11:30, Sunday Included: must have good references; reply in own hand. V 59, Oregonlan. SEWERS GINGHAM APRONS MAKE highest wages: material sent to dor free of charge; stamped addressed envelope for par ticulars. L. P. Richards. 4504 Cottage Grove ave., Chicago. LADIES TO ASSIST AT HOME MAKING cushion tops for holiday trade; work will continue after Xmas; easy, rapid; no ex perience. Call 8 to 6. 826 Flledner bldg., 407 Washington st. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE HAS Posi tions for 25 girls who want to learn tho business. Rapid promotion for Industrious girls. Apply to the superintendent before 10 A. M. A GOOD BOOKKEEPER, STENOGRA pher or cashier can be had for perma nent or substitute work by phoning Ec lectic Business University, M. 4504, 08 Third st. THE MEIER A FRANK STORE WANTS 50 cash girls and wrapperers at once. Good wages to bright, active girls. Apply to the superintendent before 10 A. M. SALESWOMEN. EXPERIENCED, WANTBO In all departments, with an opportunity for promotion to any who are faithful and desire to excel. Olds, Wortman &. King. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls; lessons given to inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave., and E. Taylor st. LADIES TO WORK PIECEWORK, (3 PETl day: materials furnished; no canvsssing; steady work; stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co., Champialn bldg., Chicago. - WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework and assist with care ot 2-year-old baby; two in family. 147 N. 2ist st. Phone Paclfio 1047. COMPETENT COOK FOR FAMILY OF TWO: wages, $3o; mut have personal olty refer ence; none other need apply. Call Monday morning 714 Wayne street. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER. MUST BE rapid and accurate. Permanent position. Good salary. Address in own hand writ ing. K 64, Oregonian. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT HOME. $9 per dozen; can make $15 to $20 per week; work sent prepaid. Unity Supply Co., Dept. 6, Chicago, 111. RESTAURANT WAITRESS, $9 (ROOM); dishwashers, cooks, waitresses, domestics, kitchen help (both sexes). Drake's, 205 Washington St. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework, good wages. Call today, room 302, The Brown, Hawthorne and Grand aves. MARRIED LADY WITHOUT CHILDREN, dogs or cats, can have two furnished house keeping rooms for caring for rooming house. Pacific 2226. YOUNG WOMEN FOR BOOKKEEPERS, clerks, stenographers and general office as sistants. Hal Snyder Co., Century bldg., Denver, Colo. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS: also chambermaid to assist in dining-room evenings. Apply Beverly, Park and Yam hill sts. WANTED A GIRL OR AN OLD LADY FOR company and to assist in light housekeeping, as one of the family; moderate wages. Phoae Union 719. GOOD EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE bookkeeper with some knowledge ot typewrit ing wanted by M. Barde & Son, 8th and Gllsan sts. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; family of two; good wages. Call 358 North 32d St., Willamette Heights. YOUNG LADY AS BOOKKEEPER AND cashier; good chance to take up stenography; one living on East Side preferred. XXX Ore gonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework, small family. Apply mornings, 883 E. Taylor st. Phons East 3642. WANTEDYOUNG WOMAN FOR AN OF flce position who is well acquainted with the streets of Portland. Address B 62, Oregonian. MANICURING. HAIRDRESSING, SPECIAL $5 course, one week only. Trade school for girls and-women. 23, 24, 25 Lewis bldg. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 3 Grand avs. and E. Taylor St. Intelligent, energetic woman by established firm; no others need apply; good opening to right party. D 86, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; small family. Mrs. W. E. Bliss, 725 Multnomah st. Phone East 5810. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAIT ress and chambermaid. Llndell Hotel, Market st., between 8d and 4th. LADY COMPOSITOR WANTED STEADY Job and good pay. Telephone-Register Publishing Co., McMlnnvllle. Or. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER OR - CHAM bermald. 144 6th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Al PERFORMERS FOR THE medicine business; versatile sketch team and comedian, piano player, man with picture machine and plenty of films; also M. D. registered In Oregon. Call for J. U. Nelson, Hotel Royal, 108 Fourth St. WANTED IMMEDIATELY CLEVER AMA teur for Desmond's Dramatic 8tock Co., steady work during Winter; good salary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 145 Sixth. WANTED 2 OR 3 FIRST-CLASS STENOG raphers; must be familiar with abstract work; no others need apply; good salary. Title Trust Co.. Seattle, Wash. The Great Western Employment Office. 3O0 Couch st. Phone Main 8518. We make a specialty of furnishing all kinds of labor. 6. St. Clair, general manager. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WELL-EDUCATED YOUNG MAN. CON versant Spanish, English, excellent pen man, quick at figures; understands Mexi can laws and general business methods, desires position in office or wholesale firm as bookkeeper, collector or general cler ical work; first-class references. F 60, Oregonian. AN EDUCATED, CAPABLE AND EXPE rlcnced business man. energetic and adap table, seeks a position with a local firm where he may find recognition on the basis of his ability to "make good"; highest references and bond if desired. F 62, Oregonian. DRUG CLERK WANTS POSITION WHOLE sale or retail, over 15 years' experience; can ,handle prescription, kodak and soda dispenser; will start at moderate price; ref erences. E 60, Oregonlan. GROCERYMANi YOUNG MAN AND Ex perienced, desires inside position as clerk, with some leading grocery company of Seattle or Tacoma. W 72, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. GOOD PENMAN, ACCUR ate in ilgures. wants position as book keeper 01 office assistant; city references. G 61. Oregonian. y - . TRAVELING SALESMAN. EXPERIENCED In drugget's sundries and specialties, open for engagement for 1007. Q 74, Oregonlan. MALE STENOGRAPHER. 4 MONTHS' Ex perience, will work tor $6. 56, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers suid Clerks. PRIVATE SECRETARY, desires respnslble position. Graduate of an Eastern college and law school; first-clas stenographer and typewriter; experienced in court work; was for some time private sec retary . to the president of a large Eastern corporation: capable of managing a large estate. Best local references. Please ad dram E 65. Oregonlan office. BOOKKEEPER. ACCOUNTANT. OFFICES manager, audit and institute latest methods, card. Index and loose-leaf systems: any claes of accounts, grain, transportation, mer cantile; high-grade man with unusual record and best indorsements; 30 years of age. married; open for engagement until Mon day, December 3. only. R 56, Oregonian. FINE. ACCURATE AND RAPID PENMAN desires position as assistant bookkeeper, letter work, copying bills and general clerical , work; best of references. N 61, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. ENERGETIC, REFINED YOUNG MAN with lit-jrary ability would wish to hear from kindly person knowing of some vo cation requiring literary taste. 8 61, Or egonlan. WANTED POSITION AS FIREMAN OR nlghtwatchman or janitor by sober, reliable man of middle age. willing to engage for $7 per week. J 66, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED RACHET-SETTER WANTS a position in sawmill, with opportunity to he advanced to sawyer; 3 years' experience. Address D 67, Oregonlan. A MAN 45 WANTS POSITION AS JANITOR and fireman; 13 years' experience. Best ot references. Neither smoke, chew nor drink. F 61, Oregonlan. WORK WANTED FOR COOKS, WAITERS. dishwashers, laborers, camp, city, mills; anybody, anywhere. Drake, 205 Wash ington. WANT POSITION AS OFFICE BOY; HAVE good references and am only here about 3 months. Alfred Brunjes, 363 Morrison street. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds ot belp. - Main 4859. 268 Everett. ELECTRICIAN WOULD LIKE TO HAVH charge of electrical display during the holi days, or permanently. D 62, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK HXTBRI enced in various lines of electrical work, reading meters, etc. L 65, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUHIISJir's college wants place to work for board and room. Phone Main 6442. WANTED BY AN EXPERIENCED SAW miu man. management of small mill; references. E 57, Oregonlan. JAPANESE WANTS POSITION GENERAL housework or any kind at 1:30 to 4:30 every day. VW 58, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS SITUATION a packer, trucking or running an elevator; references. T 58. oregonian. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board and room. A 47. Oregonlan. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION AT general housework, except coufting. Tel ephone. Pacific 1624. BUTCHER AND SAUSAGE MAKEIt wishes position. Frank Gray. Fairmont Hotel, 20 N. 6th. RELIABLE MAN. UNDKUSTANDS STEAM and hot water heat, etc., wants situation. Main 1796. D Witt. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WITH in YEARS' experience wishes position in family, city. Q i7, Ongonian. MIDDLE-AGED MAN WITH SOME EXPE rience would like position in grocery store. T 64, Oregonian. JAPANESB BOY WANTS POSITION AS school boy in city or country. 40 1st st. Telephone Main 5142. A JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION to do hot sework and help cook. O 73, Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE KTUDENT WANTS po sition in a store during daytime. O 05, Oregonlan. BUTCHER POSITION WANTED P.Y first-class cutter and sausagemaker. S 56, Oregonlan. JAPANESB BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO general housework or help cooking. E 55, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN WISHED POSITION AS ENGl neer; seven years experience. B 65, Ore gonlan. 0 GOOD BAKER, BREAD AND CAKE, wants position. Day work. O 57, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN STUDENT WOULD LIKE TO do light work for meals. E 62. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS A Posi tion hi family, city or country. 45 N. 2d pt. COMPETENT JAPANESE BOY WANTS Po sition in private family. N 66. Oregonian. CARPENTER WANTS WORK JOB OR DAY. Ask for Campbell. Main 6920. SITUATION WANTED FEMALB. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. ACCURATE, RAPID YOUNG LADY, STEN ographer, 6 years' experience operating any machine, desires position; understands law, mercantltle, railroad and general of fice work; first-class references. Address S 65, Oregonlan. REFINED. EDUCATED YOUNG WOMAN, stenographer. Underwood or Remjjigton operator, but can operate any machine, will work for $10 per wek, furnish ma chine with an advance. Main 6375, Sun day. A GOOD BOOKKEEPER. STENOGRAPHER or catrhler can be had for prmanCit or sub stitute work by phoning Eclectic Business University. M. 4B04. YOUNG LADY BOOKKEEPER AND CASH ter, two years' experience, drftlres a change; first-class references front present employer. K 69, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WISHES position In lumber, law. or any permanent position. Low salary. Phone Pacific 2.1rn. STENOGRAPHER, SEVERAL YEARS' Ex perience: no commercial work; owns type writer; salary $25. Phone Scott 2744. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION AS stenographer and office assistant, reference exchanged. A. 63, Oregonlan. COMPETENT YOUNG LADY 8TENOGRA pher wishes position: could also assist with bookkeeping. 71, Oregonlan. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED, HIGH class stenographer; 4 years' experience; references. Box 96, city. EOOKKEBPER THOROUGH AND Accu rate city references desires position. Phons Main 681)4. FOR EXPERT STENOGRAPHIC WORK call Main 6490. 310 Dekum. Dictation taken. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES position; salary reasonable. Phone Main 7038. COMPETENT LADY BOOK K EEPER HE elres position; references. C 64. Oregonlan. Housekeepers. CAPABLE WOMAN. GIRL 3. DESIRES situation housekeeper small family adults or widower's home; East Side preferred. 2.10 Yamhill. Main 541.1. YOUNG WIDOW WITH CHILD WISHES position housekeeper In refined family: good cook; reforences. Address A 62, Or egonlan. RESPECTABLE WOMAN, 50, DESIRES situation, housekeeper widower with no small children. 230 Yamhill. Main r.413. A LADY WISHES POSITION AS H0USE keeper In widow's family; thoroughly under stands care of home. V C2, Oregonlan. YOUNG WIDOW WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper. Write M:s. M. A. Wing, Port land, Or. Phone East 3526. - 414 EAST PINE ST WOMAN WANTS A respectable position as housekeeper. Phone East 1837. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER by neat and comietent lady. A 68, Orego nlan. Domestics. A YOUNG CHRISTIAN JAPANESE GIRL wishes position in nice family to do house work or cooking; has had long experience; understands English. D 60, Oregoniun. SITUATION WANTED AS COOK IN PRI vate family; excellent worker, wages $30; no laundry. P 73, Oregonlan. JEWISH GIRL WANTS HOUSEWORK WITH Jewish family, wages $18 per month. Call Monday, 660 Front at. YOUNG GIRL WANTS POSITION TO As sist in housework. B 01, Oregonlan.