The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 25, 1906, Page 8, Image 8

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    THE., SUNDAY OREGOyiAN,. , POBTk AJfD, S ATUEDAT, , 'fix , 1?06 , ,
Little Steamer Mildred Carried
Away and Sunk Near
Celilo Falls.
Hallway Contractors Suffer Losses
of Construction Materials and
Tools Through the Sudden
Ilise In Waters.
The river steamer Mildred, which was
taken to the upper Columbia last Spring,
turned up missing from her moorings
near Columbus last "Wednesday and 13
believed to be at the bottom of the river.
The Mildred wan purchased by the Port
land & Seattle road for use in carrying
construction materfcils to and from the
various camps on the North-Bank line.
She was loaded on llatcars and hauled
overland to Kennewlck and there
launched on tho upper river. Soon after
ehe. was launched the Spring freshets
commenced to subside and It was found
that her draft waa too great and she was
taken to Columbus and fled up at that
place, where she was lying when the re
cent floods came.
Last Wedneadny the people of Colum
bus found the Mildred missing. Inquiry
revealed the fact that she had not been
taken away by her owners, and as sev
eral hundred yards of barbwlre fence to
which phe had been moored was missing
also, it wan figured out : that she had
been carried away by the high water. j
The shores were closely scanned from
Columbus to Celilo, hut no trace of the
missing boat was found, and for sev
eral hours searchers were mystitled.
Friday morning the crew of a passing
towboat saw a lot of fence rails held to
gether by barb -wire moored In midstream
about a mile above the falls, An inves
tigation revealed that the rails and wires
were held in their position by cables, and
the discoverers presume that at the o'ther
end of the cables lies the missing Mildred.
Before reaching the point where the
fence posts are anchored, the Mildred
would have passed through the Hell Gate
rapids and was probably so damaged at
that point that she sank an soon as Mill
water was reached. A thorough exam
ination will be made of the wreck, and
If hen condition warrants it the Mildred
probably will bo raised and repaired.
A larg'3 ferryboat is reported perched
on the brink of the falls at Celilo. Where
.the craft came -from is not known, but
It Is presumed that she was brought by
the flood from some point near the falls,
n river men do not think she could have
Moated any great distance down the river
without being stranded or wrecked.
Another freak of the flood was the car
rying away ot tho hulk of the J. M. Han
liaford, which was abandoned by her own
ers some time ago and was then used
as a lodging-house by a number of Jap
anese. She was swept across the Colum
bia from the point where the had been
moored. The craft was high and dry,
but was floated by the freshet and, the
plrong wind carried her to the opposite
bank and left her about 100 yards from
the water's edge. The Japanese were
carried across with the craft, and were
terror stricken until the boat lodged on
the opposite shore and allowed them
jump to saffcty.
The sudden rise In the river naught
many of the North-Bank contractors un
awares and materials and tools worth
thousands of dollars were swept away.
Culverts also fared badly in the raging
waters. '
Captain makes charges.
Master of French Bark Asserts Ef
fort Was Made at Extortion.
Captain Corvic. of tho French bark Ia
1'ereuse, which arrived here recently with
a cargo of coal, and which Is now loading
w heal for the United Kingdom, has issued
a statement, in which he charges Pilot. G.
Bailey of the Columbia River bar service,
with an attempt at extortion. According
to Captain Corvic. the pilot demanded
that he pay the sum of $10,000 before his
vessel would be towed into the Columbia
Itlvcr. At the time La Pereuse beat off
the mouth of the river her actions caused
considerable comment, and the .explana
tion of the captain has just been issued.
In which he explains the affair. He claims
to have the demand In Captain Bailey's
bandwriting. which he says he has for
warded to the owners of hts ship.
The local pilots scout the broad charges
of the Frenchman, and claim that Bailey
is not such a fool as to make such an ex
orbitant demand in writing when a reg
ular, towage si-ale Is In effect at the mouth
of the Columbia River.
Inspector Bollcs Says Guilty and
Bulger Says No in Mongolia Case..
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 24. Captain
John Bermincham. United States Su
pervising Inspector, gave out for pub
lication yesterday the decision of Unit
ed States Local Inspector O. B. Bolles
In the matter of tho grounding of the
Pacific Mail Steihiship Company's
steamer Mongolia on a coral reef at
Midway Island, on September 15, 1906,
tnd the dissenting opinion of United
States Local Inspector John K. Bulger.
Captain Bolles recommended the sus
pension for six months of the licenses
of Captain W. P. S. Porter and Chief
Mate Andrew Martin. Inspector Ber
mlngham will write his opinion In a
Jay or two and settle the controversy.
River Steamer Disabled Several
Weeks Ago, Is Repaired.
The steamer Telegraph, which lost her
pitman rod in the Columbia River sev
eral weeks ago by the blowing out of a
cylinder head, hns been repaired and will
resume her run to Astoria and way
points on Monday." An effort wn made
to recover the pitmanhy dragging the
river at the point where the accident oc
curred, but this was unsuccessful and a
diver was sent down without result. The of repairs to the craft will aggre
gate in the neighborhood of fcftioo.
I-ocal Designer Drawing Plans for
Vessel to Replace Steamer Dlx.
Fred A. Ballln, the local marine de
signer, returned yesterday from a visit
to Puget Sound, where ha had been
summoned by the Port Blakely-Mfll
Company to draw up plans for a new
boat which is to take the place of the
sunken steamer Dix.
The hey vessel is to be 130 feet long,
of 22 feet beam and will be equipped
" -fit 1 . -
with 70 horsepower engines. The craft
Is to be capable of carrying from 25 to
40 tons of freight in addition to 250
passengers. She will be subdivided
Into five water-tight compartments,
which will render her practically un
slnk'able. The contract for the con
struction of the vessel has not yet
been let, but bids will be advertised
for as soon as the plans are com
Vessel Is Examined at Everett and
'Several Beams Found Bent. ,
SEATTLE, Nov. 24. It was found
upon examination of the steamship
Meteor, of the Globe Navigation Com
pany, upon her arrival at Everett, after
a rough passage from San Francisco,
that the beams of her No. 2 hold were
broken and badly bent. The starboard
side inway of No. 3 hold was drawn
inboard for a distance of four inches.
The Meteor a few days ago was
chartered to the Thomas-Richie Lum
ber Company to carry lumber from the
Colubia River to San Francisco at the
rate of J9 per thousand feet, the high
est price ever paid for lumber tonnage.
Notice to Mariners.
FRANCISCO, Nol. 24. Mare Is
land Strait, California (List of Lights,
Buoys and Daymarks, Pacific Coast,
1906, page 27).
Notice is hereby given that Commis
sion Rock Beacon, located on the
shoalest part of Commission Rock,
Mare Island Strait, Cal., heretofore re
ported destroyed, was rebuilt November
The new beacon consists of an Iron
column, crowned with a round cage
having vertical slats, the whole struc
ture painted with red and white hori
zontal stripes. H. T. MAYO,
Commander, U. S. N.
Inspector, 12th Lighthouse District.
Berlin Clears With Loruber.
ASTORIA, Or., Nov. 24. (Special.) The
American ship Berlin cleared at the Cus
tom-House 'today for San Francisco with
a cargo of 1,000,000 feet ot lumber, loaded
at Llnnton.
Sampson Stranded Xcar Victoria.
VICTORIA, B. C. Nov. 24. Sampson,
with a cargo of salt salmon for Seattle,
stranded when leaving Victoria Har
bor. Tugs are assisting the vessel.
Marine Notes.
Assistant United States Engineer Da
vid B. Ogden returned yesterday from a
trip to the Snake River. He reports that
the dredge Wallowa, which has been at
work there, has been taken out on the
ways at Riparia for repairs.
The British ehip Inverness-shire finished
lining yesterday and shifted to the
Oceanic dock to commence taking on
grain for the United Kingdom. She
brought cement to Balfour, Guthrie &
Co. and is loading for the same firm.
Three lumber-carriers cleared for Cali
fornia porta yesterday. They were the
Northland, with 850.000 feet for San Fran
cisco; the Aurelia, with 530,000 feet for the
fame place, and the Nome CHy, with
300,000 feet of railroad ties for Redondo.
The British ship Bankburn was taken
to the Portland Lumber Company's mill
to commence loading a cargo of fir fof
Peruvian ports. The French ship Hoche
commenced discharging ballast. at Mont
gomery dock No. 2. She will load grain
for Europe.
The French bark Buffon cleared yester
day for Queenstown or Falmouth for or
ders. She has a cargo of 117,43 bushels
of wheat, valued at S2,000. Her berth
at tho Columbia dock No. 2 was taken by
the French bark Europe, which Is also
to load for the same quarter.
The steamer Eva, Captain Amos, picked
up a derelict pteam launch off the foot of
Oak Afreet yesterday morning, which is
the cause of considerable speculation as
to its owner and home. The craft has
no marks whatever whereby to distin
guish it and it is supposed to have gone
adrift at some up-river point dying the
recent flood.
Arrivals and Departures.
ASTORIA. Nov. 24. Condition of the bar
ftt 5 P. M., obscured; wind, southeast, 8
mll"R; weather, raining;. Sailed at. 8 A. M.
Steamer Costa Rica and bark McLaurln,
for Pan Francisco, and bark Paramita, for
San Pedro. Arrived at 8 A. M. and left up
at 10:30 A. M. Steamer Czarina, from San
San FranciFt-o. Nov. 24. Arrived Steam-
Four of Portland's Pioneers, Whose Ages Aggregate
THERE was a card party over on
East Burnside street Friday af
ternoon at the home of Ahia S.
Watt, which from many standpoints
was the most interesting afternoon of
whist ever given in Portland. Mr.
Watt, who is one of Portland's most
honored pioneers, invited in three
friends who came to Oregon about
the same time he did, and although
the aggregate ages of the four players
was 329 years, they enjoyed the game
hugely and talked over boyhood days
with the vim of renewed youth.
The guests of this remarkable whist
party were Colonel John McCraken,
now 80 years old; John Carson, 88
years of age, and General George H.
Williams, who has reached the . 84th
milestone. Mr. Watt, the host. Is past
83, and as all of the party have been
in Oregon considerably over 50 years,
there was naturally much of interest
to discuss.
It seems almost Improbable, but
these four veterans play a better hand
at cards now than they did 50 years
ago, and neither old age nor the dis
cussion of events which took place a
half century ago caused any false plays
to be made. The contest was keen,
and there was no such mistake as for
getting what had been played or lead.
Ten and fourteen-story modern
buildings are now growing up in what
was a suburban district 60 years ago.
and the changes which have occurred
in Portland since the days that these
four were counted among the most
dashing swains of the village and guld-
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The British barks Peter Iredale and Galena went ashore on Clatsop beach
within three weeks of each other and at points only three miles apart. Both
apparently were not certain of their bearings and beat In too close to the shore
and before they were able to sheer off went on the beach. Both vessels were in
ballast and were coming to this city to load grain for the United Kingdom.
er Ukme, from Portland. Sailed Schooner
Annie Larson, for Columbia River. Sailed
at 4 P. M. Stener Asuncion, for Portland.
Arrived yesterday Ship C. B. Kenney, from
Columbia River, and schooner Compeer,
from Astoria. Sailed yesterday Steamer
Coaster, for Portland.
Port Pirle, Nov. 24. Arrived British ship
Bardowie. from Portland.
Teneriffe. Nov. S.4. Arrived Admiral
Jauregeberry, from Pan Francisco, via Mont
evideo, Bahia and Havre.
Bombay. Nov. 24. Arrived . 8th Housa
tonic. from San Francisco.
Hongkonar, Nov. 24. Arrived previously
Doric, from San Francisco, via Honolulu,
Yokohama, Hiogro, Nagasaki and Shanghai ;
Trcmont, from Tacoma and Seattle, via Yo
kohama, etc., for Manila.
tSan Francisco, Nov. 24. Arrived Steamer
City of Puobla, from Victoria; steamer Iakme,
from Astoria; schooner Annie K. Smale, from
Port Hadlock; U. S. S. Thetis, from Tacoma;
fhlp St. David, from Ludlow. Sailed Schoon
er Soquol, for Olympia; echooner Annie Larson,
for Astoria; Norwegian steamer NordenakJold,
for Ladysmith ; t earner Nebraska n, for Hllo;
steamer Watson, for Seattle; steamer Asun
cion, for Astoria; French bark Pierre An tenia,
from Saint Lo, for London.
Will Pay for1 Information Concern
ing Her Missing Son.
Mrs. C. Dell, of 270 Front street,
whose 12-year-old son Richard disap
peared nine weeks ago, on the opening
day of school, and has not been heard
from since, is in a state of deep dis
tress over his loss and offers a reward
of $10 for any Information which may
lead to the discovery of his where
abouts or to his return. Mrs. Dell ex
plains that she realizes J0 Is a very
small sum to offer In a case of this
kind, but that she is in reduced circum
stances and that it means a great deal
to her. She is compelled to work hard
for a living and receives only 85 pents
a day for her labor.
The lad who disappeared is supposed
to have run away, as he had an apathy
Tyr-v .wJw; .... .
AS' A v
Ahia S. Watt.
ed the young ladies of their acquaint
ance home from singing school, have
naturally been many. In those days
they used hand lanterns In lieu of
electric arc lights, and the cement
pavements were only cowpaths run
ning zig-zag among the stumps of the
lately cleared forest. But there wal
something of social life, and all of
7 V !
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for school, the result of Jfavtng been
severely punished by. a teacher two
years ago. He kissed his mother good
bye on the opening day of sehool and
started down the street, having prom
ised to go straight to school, but he
never got there. He was seen at 8:30
o'clock that morning going south on
First street In company with a strange
woman, walking beside her and carry
ing some of her bundles.
The boy is described as rather tall
for his age and very slender. He has
auburn hair and large brown eyes, a
email face with freckles across the
nose and a' slight scar on one nostril.
When he disappeared he wore a' blue
suit and cap, black stockings .nd
shoes which were nearly worn out.
Worcester Public Iibrary Bars Mark
' Twain's Book.
WORCESTER, Mass., Nov. 24. Mark
Twain's book, "Eve's Diary," was barred
today from the Charlton Free Library
because a trustee was shocked at the pic
tures of Eve it contains. Mrs. H. L. Car
penter, employed In the library, picked up
and scanned the book before placing it on
the circulation shelves, and she took the
book to Trustee Frank Q. Wakefield, who
looked at the etchings which depicted Eve
in all kinds of Summery costumes. In par
ticular one which showed Eve in a re
cumbent position on a rock engaged his
attention and decided him to bar the
Tlabbl Joseph Goes to Tennessee.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Nov. 24. Rabbi T. F.
Joseph Friday received a call to Mizpah
Congregation of Chattanooga, Tenn., and
has announced his acceptance". He has
been very popular during his seven years
with Temple De Hirsch here.
George H. William.
the four who sat about the card table
participated in it. They talked of the
old time parties and compared them
with those of the present day but
there was nothing of sadness or re
gret in "the reminiscences, for these
well-known pioneers are typical Port
landers and are not old and bent just
because they have passed the four
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y ? v , - vs. ' s.
Henry E. McGinn and District
Attorney Found in Contempt.
As Result of Addresses Made at the
Morning Session McGinn Is .
Fined and Manning
Henry E. McGinn at the opening of
the session of the Circuit Court yes
terday morning made the following
"A. scoundrel known to this commu
nity as District Attorney John Man
ning, masquerading behind a . grand
jury, has seen fit to make a violent
attack upon my professional character.
I am here at this time to ask and to
court at the hands of Your Honors the
fullest investigation. If I have been
guilty of contempt ofcourt I want to
be dealt with according to law. If I
am within my rights I want that dec
laration to go forth to the world. I
will not allow Mr. Manning to make
political deals with the newspapers and
make me a scapegoat.
"Mr. Facing-Both-Ways Manning is
selling his office right and left every
where as cordwooa, and If he Is per
mitted to go on for another year he
will be able to buy the Wells-Fargo
.Judge Sears Informed Mr. McGinn
that there was nothing before the
court touching the matter. Mr. Mc
Ginn answered, saying that His Honor
must know as a man and a Judge
what he referred to. ' - .
District Attorney's Statement. v
District Attorney Manning later ap
peared in the courtroom and addressed
the court as follows:
"During my absence I have been In
formed that one Henry E. McGinn has
been allowed to address the court
and make charges against me. I am
sorry that the court should have al
lowed Mr. McGinn to speak as he has
done, since the matter to which he re
fers is not before the court. I "
"Do you presume to instruct the
court as to what are its duties, Mr.
Manning?" asked Judge Sears.
"I do not," said Mr. Manning, "but
Mr. McGinn was permitted, when there
was nothing before the court, to come
in and tonguelash me in my absence."
"Your language is exceedingly in
sulting, Mr. Manning." said Judge
Sears. "You and Mr. McGinn can at
any time appear before me and present
your cases. I will not hear any more
of this matter now."
"The court should have told Mr. Mc
Ginn to sit down," responded Mr. Man
ning. i
"This !is the third time you have in
sulted the court," Judge Sears an
swered, i "We will have no more of
this," and he arose and left the bench.
Before the afternoon session Judge
Sears had cited both Judge McGinn
and District Attorney Manning to ap
pear at 3 P. M. for contempt of court.
At that time Judge Sears said:
At the coming on of court, or very soon
thereafter, Mr. McGinn, one of the counsel
whom I have referred to in the order served
upon tho two gentlemen, arbse and 'em
ployed language of an exceedingly offen
sive character, applied opprobrious epithets
and contumelious conduct which certainly,
under any code of morals which looks only
to the preservation of the dignity of the
bench, should be severely reprimanded. This
was done In the absence of the person
whom he reflected upon. As to the truth
fulness, or otherwise, of what was said by
the parties, of course that has no bearing
whatever upon the conduct itself upon the
question of whether a contempt of court
was committed.
The languHB of Mr. Manning waa per
haps more offensive to the court than the
language of the other counsel, and for that
very reason it Is always more difficult for
a court to deal with: and I may say like
wise an to him that some allowance must
be made from the fact of the provocative
language employed In his absence. I make
come allowance also for that.
I am not certain that Mr. Manning fully
contemplated and recewnlzed some of the
language that he employed, and I am un
willing to think that he intended to make a
disrespectful allusion to the. Judge who at
that time presided over the court, as I
had never known 1jim to be guilty of any
thing of that kind. In several instances of
this kind that have come before me where
Improper language has been employed on
both sides, I have usually restricted the
punishment to the one who provoked the
Considering these matters, t have ad
Judged both lawyers in contempt.. In the
case of Mr. McGinn, the Judgmrnt of the
court Is that he pay a fine of $2". In the
case of Mr. Manning there will be no Im
position of any penalty, but T desiro to
severely censure him for the language bo
did employ In addressing the court.
Asks Fine Be Raised.
"Would Your Honor put J23 more on
that?" asked Judge McGinn, "for I reit
erate In the strongest possible manner
what I said this morning. You can Jut
put 25 more to it and make it $50, and
329 Years, Meet
John McCraken.
score mark. And if anyone doubts
they are not young In spirit, they
should have seen them eat the deli
cacies which were served after the
game at Mr. .Watt's home.
."Best game of whist I've had this
season!" declared Mr. Carson as they
took their departure. .
"Yes, and well played, If I do say It
" '" k - ' f X.
Tin'sf" niirnTisnntjr iriTsfiiririAtfii Tir 'iiirnmiii-'--'aj
give me an appeal to the Supreme Court
of the State of Oregon."
The court I will add 175 more and make
it ilOO.
Mr. McGinn (continuing) The court ha
been taking a little -hand In this thing,
too. v
Mr. Manning If the court please .
The court Just a minute. I am ex
ceedingly sorry that you used that lan
guage, Mr. McGinn.
Mr. McGinn I am using It. and I am
using it knowingly, for I know what has
been going on here: I have not been fooled
in the least. I propose to probe this mat
ter and show
The court Will you be silent? If not.
the court will not be satisfied with a
Mr. McGinn Well, I can He in Jail, if I
have to. -
The court Well,- you may put a fine
of $150 against Mr. McGinn.
Mr. McGinn And I appeal to the Su
preme Court of the State of Oregon from
the ruling of the court. If not permitted
to appeal ,
The court You can have an appeal.
Mr. McGinn I suppose I may be al
lowed to go on my own recognizance?
The court You may.
District Attorney's Address.
District Attorney Manning then made
a statement to the court, saying:
"Your Honor well knows that the
epithets and names and accusations
made in the presence of Your Honor
against me are absolutely false. But
not wishing to go into that matter
with Your Honor, because I am satis
fied Your Honorhoroughly understands
that, yet some of the lawyers of this
bar suggested that I see Mr. McGinn,
but I said that I should address my
self to the court to whom Mr. McGinn
addressed himself, under the idea that
the court had no right at that time
to hear Mr. McGinn on a matter which
was not before the court, and which
Mr. McGinn had no right to speak
about: believing, If the court please,
that Mr. McGinn said this solely for
the purpose of getting it into the news
papers in which it has already appear
ed since, wherein he said that I sold
public Justice on the streets, as farm
ers Bell cordwood, and that if I was
not stopped I would own tho Wells
Fargo Building. I was certainly very
much offended with that sort of treat
ment; never have been used to it,
never accorded that kind of treatment
to a member of the bar in my life or
even a man in business. So I-ay to
Your Honor now, that I must apologize
most humbly for the language I used
this morning. It was provoked. If a
crazy man entered the courtroom and
addressed the court thus, why should
the newspapers take it up? If a North
End bum, a man who had been a prosti
tute himself, and who had been f
drunkard; who had been a man without
word or honor "
The court: "Well, Mr. Manning, you
are simply doing what I punished you
both for. I do not think that is "
Mr. Manning then continued bis
statement, and Judge Sears brought
the incident to a close by saying: "It
was with extreme pain that the court
had to add anything to Mr. McGinn's
fine. It is the only case in the manj
years I have been upon the bench that
I was ever grossly Insulted in open
court. Such a thing never, occurred
before from the mouth of any man.
The proceeding Is closed."
V. 1. HcnnesMey Finds Stolen Do?
and Proves His Claim.
Frank D. Hennessey, Clerk of the
Municipal Court, got a pleasant sur
prise last evening when he boarded a
trolley car at Thirteenth and Morrison
streets to come down town. His valu
able dog, "Spot," of which he Is very
fond, was on the same car. The dog had
been missing from the Hennesey home
for five weeks, and its master had
mourned It as lost, thinking he would
never again set eyes on his pet. The
dog was so delighted to see him that It
leaped and whined and refused to re
main with the man who had it in
Hennessey found that Spot was in
charge of Eugene Silver, who declared,
after being taken to police headquar
ters, that he purchased tbe dog from
one J- Durkee, an employe of the Port
land Railway Company, who lives on
Upshur street. Silver said that Durkee
told him he had raised the dog from
puppyhood. but Silver did not attempt
to deny Hennessey's claim to tho ani
mal, as It was apparent to all who
saw the dog's actions that It knew Its
true master.
Hennessey felt that Silver might
have had something to do with keep
ing the dog away from him, and was
angry over tho affair. He permitted
Silver to leave police headquarters, but
told him he would consider swearing
out a complaint charging theft. It is
probable that Durkee also will be called
upon to explain his connection with
the case.
Don't forget Le Palais Royal is the
place to buy your hat. 375 Washing
ton street. ,
Baptist Sunday School Rally.
Tomorrow afternoon and evening the
Baptists of Portland and vicinity will
hold a Sunday School rally at the White
Temple, at which there w.l bo a live
ly discussion of subjects and issues
common to the organization, and tho
introduction of all Baptist Young Peo
ple's classes in the city. The guest
of honor and chief speaker of the even
ing session will be Rev. Herbert Jud
son White, of Tacoma.
at Whist Table
myself." added Colonel John Mc
Craken. "But you boys will have to keep
your eyes open If you score with Watt
and me," bragged Judge Willams.
"Come again, boys." urged Mr. Watt,
as he shook hands with his departing
guests. "Come again soon, and we'll
have another rubber at whist."
A carload of uncanned bouklets is
being turned loose bv the "TERRIFIC
Thi antiquated "Bell Cow" mou-
strosity. celebrated for its rotten serv
ice ana hii?h rates the "WOULD
0 EK,' believes iiie wav to succeed
is to knock and discredit the Auto
matic System and the securities of the
new Independent Home Telephone
Company by sending forth an ava
lanche of cut and dried "Bogus" in
formation to the public bv the Soft
Shoe, on-the-quiet, Lonely-Pete-Route.
There Is but one answer to make to
anything originating from the Knock
er a Cutiu.
to improve iis OWN SERVICE and pay
its hungry-looking hirelings t-nougn to
be courteous to its patron, lind study
the art of attending to its OWN Bl SI
NESS, they would at least bo prepar
ing to hold a few telephone subscrib
ers when the "JIOMK" dues cut in.
KNOCKER, and such overtures origi
nating from any source, with or with
out cause, will And nci svmnathizers in
this or any LAW ABIDING. HOME
LOVING community.
If I size the people here up correct
ly that almost unanimous popular
vote Portland rolks gave ihe Auto
matic on election dav would indicate
the DEAR PUBLIC can't sec what the
RLEF-US" Territio Rates Telephone
Co. is worrying about, because if the
Automatic is no good and the fctoek
holders are no better, operation and
residence will tell better than argu
ment. The fact is, and I guess most people
know it. the Terrific Rates. Useless,
Ail-In, Overnoad, Woodpeckered Pole
Telephone Servico Is up against the
Real Article, and must resort to am
bush methods, before their ' UNCONDI
be the One Telephone YOU "HITCH
UP TO." regardlesH of their talk or
mine. This does not interest the Pub
lic: what people want is "Telephone
Service" and courteous treatment the
best for the least amount of money.
They aro sick and tired of this "BELI
COW" - Con, take-it-or-lct-it-alone,
rule-or-ruin service.
This la a free country.' Honest men
have the riht to live and sell their
wares. 1 sell these securities and be
lieve in them, and believe in the com
pany anj people back of them with all
my soul so much so that I hereby
agree with each purchnser I have sold
a Portland bond to. if 18 months after
operation and general service is given
you are dissatisfied or disappointed
with vr investment. I WILL RE
TURN YOUR MONEY, together with 6
per cent compound interest. I am per
fectly able to do so. and defy any state
ment to the contrary.
President American National Bank.
San Diego. Cal.. representing National
Securities- Company, of Los Angeles,
Cal., in Bond Denartrnent. Lafayette
block. Portland. Or.
A woodpekr peckM
On a telephone pole,
H pecked away
Till he pckeii a bis hole;
That's nothing.
H kept It up
This pecking way,
TIM he peeked every pel
The same old way.
And that's nothing.
Then he flew to the barn
This woodpecker bold
To sharpen hta bill
, So I am to!d.
But that's nothing.
Now when he came back
To peck some ot hers,
He tackled a pole
That wasn't his ruthers.
Still that's nothing.
He necked and h pecked
Till him bill eot sore.
Then back to the bam.
For he peeked no mora.
That's something.
The last pole pecked
Was a "Home" and alive.
There's a difference In poles
Where woodpeckers thrive.
An d tha t ' s e v ery t b Inc.
And the Knocker as
May knock at his own.
But a "rap" at your neighbor
Is knocking alone. v
Tta not even rnanly
This "Woodpecker" war.
The World loves a Booster;
Let the World have iia way.
Bonds, Lafayette Bldg. Portland, Or.
One of the awards made by the truste of
the Carnegie hero fund was to Rufua K
Coombs, of Midway, Ky.
Coombs and Richard Godson, of the nm
town, were political rivals. The contest be
tween them developed perional enmity and
the people of tha town looked for a pistol
duel at any time.
Godson wan a lawyer and inventor. On
day last Spring he dacendd !nn a vault to
repair a gaamakins machine. While there he
Has overcunie by the fumes of the gas.
The vault had but one opening a small
manhole at the top. Those who discovered
Godson's condition hesitated to go down for
fear of the foul gas.
Coombs heard of Godson's plight. ' The
former was In poor health. Suffering fmm u
plnal affection, his physician had warned
him acainst niacins any violent exertion.
Nevertheless. Coombs ran rapidly to the
si.ot. He pushed aside those who sought to
restrain him by saying that Godson must be
dead by this time, and defended.
Three times did tbe scml-lnvalid bring the
body of the unconscious man his deadly
enemy up the ladder. Twice tho people
at the top let It fall. The third time tney
secured Godson and also drew out Coombs,
who fell l'aintlnn across the body of the
man he hud aaved.
The carneare trustees did well when they
awarded Coombs a medal and J1.VX).
Why did Coombs save the life of ils
dearest enemy at such a fearful rick of his
own ?
This was the reply to many such In
There's a lot of manliness in Coombs'
reason, and it reveals a leading trait In
the Anglo-Saxon blood, which is fighting
The white man, wherever you find him.
likes a fair fighter.
He who fights open and above board Is
respected even by his Nearest foe, whiie he
who strikes below the belt, should he go
down, finds no willing hands to help him up.
A victory that Is won by a foul is a eheup
sort of victory. Indeed, It Is not victory
at all.
Home Telephone Securities,
Lafayette Bldg., Portland, Or.