V 22 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVE3IBER 23, 1906. BnXATTOX WANTED FT.MALK. Prsaamskers. FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKER FROM CHI cago wishes engagements in the homes. Evening and reception gown & specialty. Price $3.6" per day. Address 3tiU Mon roe st. A LADT EXPERIENCED IN DRESCMAK lng and ladles' tailoring wants sewing out by the day. Phone, evenings. East 5840. LADIES' HATS REMADE) AND RE trlmmed. Order work a tieclalty. Mrs. Weatphal. 2tX 14th at. Main 7151. MRS. M. SMITH. DRESSMAKING AND sewing a specialty; satisfactory work guaranteed. Phone Tabor 06. DRESSMAKER OF ABILITY. CUTS BT tailor system, original designer, will go out by day. Main 1095. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER CAN ACCOM modate a few more customers at 355 Salmon st. Phone Pacific 1130. DRESSMAKING TEN YEARS IN NEW York, specialty of skirts. Phone Main 00o. 048 Mill. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WOULD make a few more calla by the day. Phone Woodlawn ITS. SHIRTWAISTS, COATS. SKIRTS AND children's sewing. Phone East 408, 286 Broadway. CHILDREN'S. DOLLS' CLOTHES AND ALL kinds of sewtng. East 3130. 146 E. 20th. MRS. m. s. savaof.. dressmaker, 280 Halsey at. Phone East 6S04. TRT ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLOUS. 343 6th and Mala. Paclno SS2. PLAIN SEWING SHIRTWAISTS. 268 Market st. Pacific 853. Housekeepers. WIDOW LADY. AOE 33. WISHES Posi tion as housekeeper In widower's family, or to take charge of rooming-house. Thoroughly understands the care of a home. Give full particulars In letter. Best " of references. O 80, Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED HOUSEKEEPER: ALSO young woman, girl 4 months: experienced woman, boarding-house cook, chamber maids, waitresses. nurse-, laundresses. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. RESPECTABLE WOMAN. MIDDLE AGE, desires situation as housekeeper for wid ower. Good home moro object than large wages. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. REFINED, MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW LADY desires position as housekeeper in wid ower' home no Incumbrances: can give references. Box 2b-', Oregon City. A LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION AS housekeeper, will take full charge family hotel or lodging-house, city, or country. Address D 07, Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNO WOMAN WITH 3-ycar-old girl, position as housekeeper for respectable widower. Address N 61, care Oregonlan. YOUNG WIDOW WITH CHILD DESIRES position as housekeeper; small, refined fam ily. References. Care H 69, Oregonlan. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER by neat and competent lady. A 68, Orego nlan. Miscellaneous. PRIVATE TUTORING TEACHER WITH university experience; college preparatory work a specialty. Studio 86 N. 17lh st. Phone Pacific 754. OOOK. RESPECTABLE. MIDDLE-AGED, reference, want.- permanent place, hotel, res taurant or camp. Cook, 1H3 St. Clair St. Phone Main 3816. LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION IN MIL linery store where part of salary would go toward Interest In business. References. X 68, Oregonlan. NICE GIRL (FEATURES. MANNERS) wishes evening work: for all kinds of help telephone Drake, 205 Washington. LADY WANTS TO DO CIIAMBERWORK for herself and brother's board. Phone Pacific 1406. 20514 Morrison st. TOUNG LADT GIVES PRIVATE LESSONS In grammar grade studies. German and drawing: references. Main 1076. Vol'NG LADY WISHES TO GIVE PIANO lessons to a few more scholars. 325 Union ave. South. I'hone East 11S2. . m COLORED WOMAN FOR ANY KIND OF day work; laundry, sweeping or make beds. Main 3227. SITUATION WANTED BY A NEAT WOMAN by the day. Phone Mala 4378. or 187 Mont gomery st, WOULD TAKE CAJIE OF SMALL CHILD: motherly care; references. V 60, Ore gonlan. GIRL WANTS PLACE TO WORK FOR board near Harrison school. Phone Main 2600. LACB CURTAINS LAUNDERED. T5XPFR lenced; phone Union 1276. Mrs. S. M. Ecott. WANTED WASHING AND HOT'SE cleanlng. Phone Pacific 2024. room 12. CHILD TO BOARD LOVFJLY HOME; terms reasonable. Phone Union 6034. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy Ironing". Thone Main 3740. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY or evening. Phone East 1182. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND stretched, 40c pair. Main 7014. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TO DO BY the day. Phone East 250!). LAUNDRESS DESIRES WORK BY THE day or hour. Main 6531. COLORED WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK Phone Main 4616. WANTED AGENTS. VB.V AND WOMEN TO SECURE SUBSCRIP tion to "The American Boy." It is the leading boys' magazine, and subscriptions . for it are easily secured. It paya higher commissions than any other publication and gives cash prizes besides every month. Write The Sprague Publishing Co.. Detroit. Mich. AGENTS Canvassers, mixers, peddlers, so licitors, mail-order people, etc., should buy KRAMER'S BOOK OF TRADE SE crtts. Regular price .45, but bal. of last edition for $1.25 as long as they last. Guaranteed. Order quick. Sioux Pub. Co., Sutherland. Iowa. LARGE CORPORATION WILL AWARD Ex clusive territory and stock of goods to live representative. Patented article every man needs. Sells on eight. Orders piling up. Small amount necessary. Gibson Mfg. Co., Mercantile bldg.. Denver, Colo. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL TUB BEST grown nursery stock on the Coast, Includ ing Burbank's new pltless plum. Miracle; commission advanced weekly; write quick for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries. Al bany, Or. AGENTS, MALE! OR FEMALE. MAKE BIG money selling our goods. Write for cata logue. If you want to buy for your own use, our prices will astonish you. United " Mfrs. Mall Order Co., 127 Front St., New York City. BIG COMMISSION TO AGENTS TO SELL Everett's Encyclopedia: over 500 pages, sells for $1.50; the best selling subscription book on the market today. Particulars free. Address Mgr.. box 205. Boise, Idaho, AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nurs ery Co.. Salem. Or. WE SEND YOU FREE DIRECTIONS FOR lettering windows: you can make $10 a day; experience unnecessary. New York Gold Sign Letter Co., 113 Fulton st., New York. WB PAY $36 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rigs to introduce poultry com pound; year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 54. Parsons, Kan. MAN OR WOMAN TO DISTRIBUTE SAM ples and employ agents, $18 a week, ex penses advanced: permanent. Zlegler Co.. 220 Locust st.. Phlla. WANTED COUNTY AGENTS: ALSO FIVE city agents for nw musical Invention; ex cellent profits. F. S. Stowell, 221 S. 13th street- AGBNT8 MAKE $10 PER DAY SELLING our "Mendarlp" to farmers. It sews. It rivets. The J. Fernand Co., Pasadena. Cal. TWO LIVELY SOLICITORS WANTED FOR best holiday line: big commission; must have . $3.90 for outfit. 212 Alisky bldg. AT ONCE. SEVERAL FIRST-CLASS CITY canvassers; article In much seed; big money for hustlers. Call 91 6th. WANTED TO BENT. El.DBRLY GENTLEMAN, MODERATE SAL ary. wants room and board. S 54. Oregonlan. WANTED BY SMALL FAMILY. S OR 4 room cottage; permanent. K 70, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COT tagea. flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. 8. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. BY 8INGLB TOUNG MAN. PLEASANT room, private noose; heat, light, bath; -not over ten minutes' walk from Portland Ho 11 ; permanent; references; state terms. J 67. Oregonlan. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES. East and West Sides: will rent at once. Donald O. Woodward, agent, 104 2d at. Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY LADT In rennd family or private boarding house: must be modern and good neigh borhood. Address O 68, Oregonlan. WANTED MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, furnished, piano, West Side preferred, by reliable couple without children. Address giving particulars, L 68, Oregonlan. GENTLEMAN WANTS MODERN, QUIET well-heated room. Walking distance of Oregonlan. Give price, phone number and full particulars. ,C 54, Oregonlan. WANTED IN NICE PRIVATE FAMILY, board and one or two unfurnished rooms for man and wife. State location. A 54. Oregonlan. WANTED FOR LIGHT MANUFACTURING business, upper floor, about 50x100; elevator; In or near wholesale district. Address O 67. Oregonlan. BOY 17 YEARS OLD. OF GOOD HABITS, wants room and board In private family, centrally located. State price. A 52, Ore gonlan. WANTED TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR light housekeeping, within 12 blocks of Ciood Samaritan Hospital. Telephone Main 3S32. WANTED PLACE TO ROOM AND BOARD In private family, walking distance; not over $5 per week. N 70. Oregonlan. WANTED TO LEASE 8 OR 10-ROOM house 8 or 10 blocks from Roae City Realty Co. office. W 70. Oregonlan. WANTED ROOM OR SUITE OF ROOMS with board for couple with child. State price. V 70. Oregonlan. BUNGALOW, MODERN, WANTED TO rent; must be modern and on West Side. M 53, Oregonlan. 8 OR 4 FURNISHED ROOM3 FOR HOUSE keeplng. Apply to R- E. Worrell, care ;olden Eagle. ROOM AND BOARD. PRIVATE FAMILY, for man and wife; reasonable price. B 51, care Oregonlan. HOUSE, 6 ROOMS. WITH GAS AND BATH, near car line; not over $20 per month. 3 42, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT NEATLY FURNISHED flat, close In; must be first-class. L 0 v Oregon ian. WANTED TO RENT FOUR ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. Q 53, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED 500 AUTOMOBILES OF EVERY make to rebuild, paint, trim and make Into one of the latest style, up-to-date cars: we have the largest, beat equipped factory In the West; parts of all cars made to order on short notice; tool-boxes, glass fronts, fenders, curved dashes, lamp brackets and tops lor all make of autos. Autos bought and sld on commission. Pullman Auto-Car Co., tttb and Everett. SECOND-HAND GOODS WANTED. I am Instructed by one of the largest firms in Snn Francisco to buy for spot caBh $10,000 worth of second-hand house hold goods of all description. Highest prices paid. Temporary quarters 183 Front st. Phone Main 4773. Orders promptly attended to. J. Rosencrantz, Mgr. WANTED. Ftirnlture I For Furniture Spot Furniture I ' Cash Portland Auction Rooms. 211 First st. Phone Main 5655. SECOND-HAND OTTER MUFF OR AN OT trr fur large enough to make a muff; must be In good condition and price reasonable. P 55. care Oregonlan. WANTED CHILD TO CARE FOR BY middle-aged lady, motherly care; best of references. Phone Main 6578, or X 70, Oregonlan. WANTED USB OF HORSE DURING WIN ter for his keeping; best of care; weight 1300 to 1500 pounds. Address 226 Falling bldg. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Phone Paciflo 1722. DEAD HORSES HAULED AWAY PROMPTLY free; highest prices paid for bones. Oregon Fertilizer Works, 702 Thurman. M. 1986. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED LADY, rooming-house or hotel to manage. City or out of town. F 44, Oregonlan. WANTED A SOLITAIRE DIAMOND ring; state size and lowest price. Address S 52. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A SECOND-HAND rolltop desk and chair; must be cheap. J 47, Oregonlan. WANTED SEWING MACHINE; MUST BE In good condition and reasonable. Phone Pacific 701. WANTED FOR GIRL 12 YEARS OLD. home in good family. Address O 70, Or egonlan. WANTED DENTISTRY. IN EXCHANGE for piano lessons or painting. V 67, Orego nlan. 1905 FAIR PUSH CHAIR. SINGLE; MUST be In good condition; state price. A 11, Ore gonlan. WANTED DRESSMAKING FOR PIANOrOR organ lessons. Pacific 671 or G 52, Oregonlan. BPOT CASH PAID FOR YOUR FURNITURE, etc.; prompt attention. Phone East 1067. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie tree of charge. Phone East 2233. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. W. W. Savage. 345 1st. Pacific 360. WOULD LIKE TWO LITTLE GIRLS: GIVE them mother's care. Phone Pacific 842. IF YOU HAVE LODGING-HOUSE FOR SALE or nouse to rent. Phone Pacific 706. WANTED BRICK MACHINE; ALSO PAL lets. State price. D 68. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD SHOWCASE COUNTERS. Must be cheap. O 53, Oregonlan. WANTED BABY CARRIAGE. 108 4TH at. Phone Main 6234. Reynolds.' WANTED CHARCOAL. BY INDEPEND ent Coal & Ice Co., 353 Stark st. WANTED TEAMS TO HAUL LUMBER. Apply 223 Lumber Exchange. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE ROOM AND board, it ixl. care Oregonlan. THREE OR FOUR MONTHS MALE FOX terrier, fnone fcaflt 0141. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND ROLLTOP aeK. xu Alder. FOR RENT. Rooms. FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN suite; also housekeeping rooms; electric ngnt, oatn ana pnonc. 3Ug loth. NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH gas and heat, fur one or two gentlemen. 95 lutn, cor. r-tartt st. UNFURNISHED SUITE OF 2 OR 3 LARGS i-.gnt rooms, ga. Dam; gooa neighborhood. 294 Williams ave. RYAN HOUSE. 269 FIFTH EI.FGav-t ly furnished rooms en suite or single, Op posite iny XIKkl. v t Trwtus r-urvfr-n Yii, . walking distance. Good meals, 20 and 30 $6 UP, SUITABLE FOR ONE OR TWO; oatn, pnone, private resiaence. zoo 4th, near Jefferson. AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF rooms, sullaDle for tnree or lour persona. lsu Tin at. 209 FOURTH ST., NEWLY FURNISHED rooms tor men only, Room rrom $1.75 up. Bath; phone. 411 EAST PINE. NEAR GRAND AVE., neatly furnished room with heat and bath, $7 ALCOVE. HEAT. GAS. BATH, RUNNING water; attic; l& minutes' walk. Pacific 22. 76 WEST PARK DOUBLE PARLORS. SIN- gie or double, and one single room. FURNISHED ROOM. STEAM HEAT. N. 23d at. Phone Pacific 822. 4.49 BURNSIDE ST. BOOMS FROM $6 -UP furnace heat and bath. 631 E. ANKENY corner 18th. FURNISHED ROOMS, FOR RENT. THE) OXFORD. CORNER 6TH AND OAK; new brick building in heart 'of business-section; convenient to depot and all carlines; newly and elegantly furnished; -steam heat; hot and cold running water; electric lights; private baths, etc. Rates $1 up per day; reasonable to permanent roomers. Main 88. THE ELLSWORTH. JUST OPENED; NEW DncK building, modern throughout: nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. $2.50 per week and up; reasonable by month; ateam heat, hot. cold water, electric lights, baths, ltttt Lownsdale. near High ScbooL THE YAMHILL. Corner West Park and Yamhill sts. Un der new management, entirely remodeled and refu-nUhed Large, sunny outside rooms, slnglj or en suite. All modern con veniences. 1 ranslents solicited. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH- ington sts. under new management; every thing new. clean and modern; all the prin cipal car lines pass the door; private bath suites- rates reasonable. Phone Main 2433. Mrs. F. H. Powers, prop. FURNISHED ROOMS IN ONE OF THE nnest nats in city: furnace heat, free phone, bath, electric and gas light. Everything new; on two carline; prices from $10 up. Phone Pacific 2418, or call at 414 Jefferson St., cor. 1 1th. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS: HOT and cold running water; gas and electrla lights; rurnace heat; bath; phone; 7 min utes' walk front P. O. Private family. Gen tlemen only. Rates reasonable. Phone Main 524. MILKER APARTMENTS. LEWIS BLDG., corner Park and Morrison Central apart ments, furnished or unfurnished, single or en suite; elevator, steam heat, bath, running hot and cold water. REED MANSION FURNISHED AND UN- furnlshed rooms; furnace, gas and bath; hot and cold water throughout the house; $1.50 per week ant up. First and Mont gomery. Phone Main 2260. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; MODERN; very central; gas, bath, phone. Call after Sunday 141 West Park, corner Alder. THE WILLAMETTE, 322 STARK, S. W. cor. utn st. weu-furntshea rooms, large and light, single or en suite; transients, 50c to $1; by week. $2 to $3. Pacific 126. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D. BET. TAY lor and Salmon; first-class; elevator, steam heat, batbs, hot and cold water in rooms; we cater to traveling public. John Granstrom 115 12TH ST.. NEAR WASHINGTON, LARGE! newly furnished front alcove room, for 2 or 4, 2 beds, or light housekeeping privileges If desired. Heat, light, bath and phone. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, suitable for lady or gentleman; bath, phone, light and heat, private family. 02 Luoretla st.. near "The Hill." Main 5G43. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GENTLE- u'.an In private family; phone, gae. furnace heat and bath; walking distance; deelre ref erence. B 67, Oregonian. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR GEN- tieman; gas, bath and phone; $10 per month. References required. 408 Main st. Phcne Main 4927. NEW BELMONT. FIRST AND TAYLOR sts. Nicely furnished rooms, modern brick; r.oc day up, $2.00 week up; tourist trade solicited. FOR RENT FRONT SUITE IN PRIVATE family, with all conveniences: suitable for two. Gentlemen preferred. 143 11th St., or. Alder. Main 4488. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT kitchen: modern; very reasonable; only two in family. 808 Front St.; "S" car fiouth; no children. FURNISHED SINGLE ROOM IN PRIVATE family suitable for one gentleman; bath, gas and phone. 52 N. 15tb. near corner of Davis. 8TEAM-HEATED ROOMS AT REASONA- oie rates, .notei toyai. iusi 4tn st., Dei, Washington & Stark sts. Phone Main 6234. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM GAS, BATH and phone; private .home; very reasonable. 50 E. Oth st. North. Phone East 1887. UNFURNISHED 2 GOOD CONNECTING rooms in private house; closets, gas, water, heat and bath; easy distance. 363 Ross st. 274 PARK ST., COR. JEFFERSON. TWO rooms, one Day window; modern home, pleasant surroundings. Gentlemen preferred. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN MODERN house; all conveniences; West Side; give breakfast if desired. P 6S, care Oregonlan. FURNISHED BOOMS IN PRIVATE FAM lly. walking distance, furnace heat, all conveniences. 400 Clay St., corner 10th. LARGE FRONT ROOM. NICELY FUR nlshed, all modern conveniences; walking distance. Phone Main 3520. 347 12th. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY desirable location, gentlemen preferred. 153 13th, corner Morrison. Phone Pacific 2509. FRONT PARLOR. SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen; furnace heat; also other de sirable rooms. 15 N. 10th. cor. Burnside. THE, PALM, 189'4 3D. COMFORTABLY furnished outside and front bedrooms; stoves, electric lights, phone. Reasonable. $12 FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. LARGE alcove, 2 beds, modern house, walking distance, reference. 347 College st. - NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SU1T able for man and wife or 2 gentlemen; all modern conveniences. 91 N. Park st. 394 COLUMBIA, CORNER 10TH; NICELY furnished front room, furnace heat, gas, porcelain bath; walking distance. FURNISHED ROOM. ELECTRICITY. BATH and phono; private house; reasonable. 45 E. 15th St. I'hone East 3050. SPECIAL RATES MEN WALKING Dis tance; rooms. $6 month, including batt), heat. 292 loth, near Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family; gas, bath and furnace heat; cen trally located. 52 N. 15th st. . , FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS; RUN ning water: furnace heat. 181 14th st., cor. Yamhill. Phone Main 5904. 435 YAMHILL, COR. 12TII NICE FUR nished rooms, steam heat, gas, bath, rjhone. Prices' reasonable; modern. FOR RENT LARGE, NICELY FURNISHED front room, first floor: choice location; reasonable. 105 14th st. 205 10TH. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ONE or two; all conveniences; easy walking dis tance. Board optional. PRIVATE HOME, NEWLY FURNISHED, furnace heat, hot water, gas, phone. 553 Everett St.. cor. 17th. ROOMS. ALL NEW FURNITURE. $5 PER month, also 2 housekeeping rooms, at 443 5th St.. cor. College. 564 COUCH SUITE OF - 2 LARGE FRONT rooms, completely furnished, private fam ily. Phone Main 1093. ONE NEATLY FURNISHED SLEEPING room. $1.50 a week. Ul East 8th st. ; gen tlemen preferred. 258 13TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms -in new. modern home. Gentlemen only. References. FRONT SUITE. NICELY FURNISHED; GAS, bath, phone: also smaller room, $6.50; close in. 331 14th. x LOOK AT THIS FRONT SUITE: ALSO rooms, steam heat, bath, phone. 494 Mor rison, flat 8. FINE ROOM FOR TWO ' YOUNG MEN: walking distance. Phone Main 7119. or call 467 7th. . 408 FOURTH ONE ROOM. FURNISHED or unfurnished; gas. batti, phone Pacific 1 121. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR gentleman; $10; central. 35 17th et., cor. Couch. 129 TENTH ST. NEWLY FURNISHED parlor suite and alcove; housekeeping priv ilege. ROOMS, SINGLE OR SUITE. IN REFINED home, walking distance. 295 14th. Main 1636. ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE, MODERN conveniences; adults: board optional. 269 14th COMFORTABLE SLEEPING-ROOM, IN AT tic; $5: bath and phone. 72 N. 14th st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, $5 A MONTH. 256 14th St., opposite Hobart-Curtls. NICELY FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED rooms. Kamm bldg., 1st and Pine. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for gentlemen; modern. 367 3d st.' NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board. 629 Pettygrove st. VERY DESIRABLE ROOM, REASONABLE. Phone Main 7101 after 4 P. M. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH HEAT and bath. 34 North Eighth st. . FOR RENT, Boomt. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en vu,,, ffi j i wcck up, nic-.i fc - ' . and cold water; free baths, free phone; dining-room in connection; transients so . llclted; open all night; best location in the city: office- and reading room ground floor. 468 Washington. THE BUCKINGHAM. European, elegantly furnished suites, pri vate baths; rates reasonable. 330 Yamhill St., upposiie Portland Hotel. Phone Main si. HOTEL BUS HM ARK WASHINGTON AND lth First-class furnished rooms, single or en suite, steam heat, hot, cold water, elec tric light, phone In every room, suites with private bath. $7.50 per week; single, $3; by day, $1 up; reasonable by month. Main 5647. Rooms 4'lth Board. CALL AND EXAMINE "THE BROWN" SELECT APARTMENT HOTEL. Haw tuorne and Grand aves. : new management, many Improvements; finest rooms, views and table d'hote restaurant In Portland; handsome ground floor dining-room and parlor; elevator and full hotel service: electricity, gas. running water, fireplaces and free telephone In every suite; six car lines: 10 minutes' walk to center of city: attractive rates to permanent guests. Phone East 281. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlsaed rooms with board In private family, for couple, or two young ladies. All ' mod ern conveniences. 181 East 12th St., two blocks south of Morrison car line. Phone East 3345. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; HOME COOK ing; home privileges. Modern. Splendid lo cation. Very reasonable. Congenial room mate. One single and double room. 327 West Park. Main 6356. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 18TH year Rooms with board, use of sewing room, use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. Ella Bawling. 6upt. 610 Flanders. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH board. Including free phone, gas. bath, furnace heat; .from $25 to $30 for one; $45 to $55 for two. 361 10th st.. cor. Mill. THE COZY, 195 7TH, CORNER TAYLOR Nicely furnished rooms, suitable for two gentlemen; good home cooking; one block from Hotel Portland. Paclllc 1964. A NEW. ELEGANT FURNISHED' FRONT room, suitable for two gentlemen or a couple with a private family; reference exchanged. 335 Montgomery at., cor. 7th. TWO ROOMS, EACH SUITABLE FOR TWO - persons; up-to-date conveniences; reasonable; excellent board: Jap cook. 272 Park st. Phone Main 6054. BLAKELY HALL, 270 6TH ST. PLEAS ant room with first-class board; fine lo cation; accommodation for a few more table boarders. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board at 0V9 Everett St.; strictly home cooking: rates reasonable. Call or phone Main 5968. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAM Uy. home privileges, bath and phone: $5 a week. 449 Everett st. Phone Pacific 3U8. WANTED TWO WORKING WOMEN TO room and board; home comforts:" walking distance; reasonable. Phone East 2S94. ROOMS IN CLEAN, SUNNY HOUSE. CLOSE to car lines: board if desired; good home cooking; reasonable. 567 E. Stark st. NEATLY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR with board, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen. Call at 80 West Park. FOR TWO YOUNG LADIES OR MEN, walking distance; modern: reasonable ;res ldence location. 624 E. Morrison. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH DOUBLE suites for four people: hot and cold running water: good home cooking. "TOURAINE," 188 7TH. TWO DOORS FROM Hotel Portland. Elegant front rooms, with board. Reasonable. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO: MOD ern and central; private house; board If de sired. 31 N. Park. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD; also table board. References. 357 12th st. Phone Main 4S92. 395 12TH 1 TO 3 ROOMS: GOOD CLOSETS, home cooking, gas, bath, phone, furnace heat; reasonable. BOARD AND ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 2; ail conveniences. Apply 147 West .Park or phone Main 3509. 426 ALDER ONE DOUBLE AND TWO SIN gle rooms, with good board; home cooking. Rates reasonable. MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL. K64 N. 26TH. W cars: board and room. $1 day, $5 week; everything new. NICELY FURNISHED .ROOMS. WITH OR without boaid; private family. 320 Will iams avenue. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY on East Side, for a young man. Phone East 5490. 168 '.J 10TH PLEASANT ROOMS WITH board; suitable for one or two gentlemen. Table board. WANTED BY A LADY, GIRL FOR COII panv. evenings; board and room. Q 66, Oregonlan. FOR RENT NICE FURNISHED ROOMS with first-class board. 535 Couch, The Sterling. The Feme Rooms, single, en suite; elegantly furnished; fine table board. 150 Eleventh st- LARGE ALCOVE ROOM. ALSO ONE SIN gle, with board. 395 Morrison, cor. 10th. ROOM AND DINNER FOR JAP BOY FOR one hour's work dally. Close in. 575 Main. NICE ROOMS WITH GOOD TABLE BOARD; modern house; very central. 208 11th st. LARGE FRONT ROOM SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen or couple. 22 N. 11th st. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 634 MYRTLE ST., Portland Heights. Phone Main 3960. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board: modern. 6 East 12th South. THE OZARK ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS SER vlce; hot, cold water. 226 11th st. A LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM, WITH flrst-ciats board. 30.1 12th St. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board. 88 N. 13th st. ROOM AND BOARD, $18 PER MONTH. 207 Grant St. NEW MODERN FLATS. Al in every respect: modern throughout; all conveniences; prices $35 and $37.50 per month: 22d and Kearney. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. g S. E. cor. 3d and Oak., Phone Htc. 72. MODERN FLATS. ALL SIZES, FOR RENT. East and West Sides. . Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. FIVE-ROOM MODERN. UPSTAIRS FLAT: cement basement, hydraulic elevator; 2d and Montgomery; $27.50. Phone Pacific 1426 ba fore 2 o'clock. FOR RENT 3-ROOM STRICTLY MODERN flat at 403 12th St. M. E. Lee, room 20, Raleigh bids., 323 Washington st. Phone Pacific 59. TWO 8-ROOMS UPPER AND IXJWER; walking distance; all latest modern con veniences; cheap to the right party. Call East 6392. UPPER FLAT. PRIVATE HOUSE. THREE large unfurnished rooms with alcove; base ment: yard. 124 N. 19th st. PORTLAND HEIGHTS FOR RENT FUR nlshed. modern, convenient, five-room flat. 509 21st. Phone Main 6995. CORNER FLAT. STRICTLY MODERN; very reasonable to desirable tenant.. 355 6th St. Key next door. WILL SELL OR RENT ELEGANT NEWLY furnished flat of 8 rooms; party must leave city. X 67, Oregonlan. . FOR RENT NEW FIVE AND SBVEN room flats: sightly. Inquire 913 Kelly st. Phone Main 6818. SMALL. PLEASANT FLAT; GAS; CLOSE In. West Side; rent $10. Inquire 233 Hall street. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED House keeping rooms on Union ave. Phone East 440. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING OR OF flce rooms. 229 1st st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS I'hone East 1126. FOR RENT. Homsekenptna' Kooma. $S FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM; sink. bath, gas and phone. Suitable for 2 working girls, man and wife r 2 gentlemen. Board if desired. 635 Yamhill, cor. 17th st. THREE LIGHT, CLEAN AND WELLFI'R ntshed housekeeping rooms, running water, gas, bath and phone. 94 N. ldth St., comer Flanders. Phone Main 6067. FOR RENT ROOMS PARTLY FURNISHED, suitable for housekeeping, or will furnlh for sleeping-rooms; walking distance; no children. 110 E. 14th st.. near Alder. FOUR LARGE ROOMS. COMPLETELY FUR nlehed for housekeeping, with gas light and range. 760 Cleveland ave.; take "U" car, one block east of Williams ave. DESIRABLE. REASONABLE UNFURNISH ed rooms, brick building; no "transient lodg ers: centrally located, saving car fare and time. 211, 2d and Salmon. FOR RENT 3 BARGE FURNISHED HOUSB keeping rooms, lower part private house; bath, gas. phone, piano. 892 E. Salmon st. Phone East 1958. FOR RENT ONE FURNISHED OR UNFUR nished housekeeping room, with or without use of kitchen; price unfurnished, $4. 173 North 21st, room 8. TWO DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS. COM pletely furnished for housekeeping; also large single room; gas, bath, phone. 211 Sherman st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FURNISHED nicely; free phone, electric lights; $10 and $12 per month. Hotel Northern. 12th and Marshall. 272 MONTGOMERY ST. TWO NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms, basement, water; also two unfurnished rooms, gas, bath. 270 MONTGOMERY TWO NICE LARGE housekeeping rooms, suitable for adults: board If desired. Central, gas, bath. Main 4469. BEAUTIFUL UNFURNISHED BAY WIN dow suites in delightfully located apartment house. 305 Jefferson st.. walking distance. PORTLAND ACCOMMODATION AGENCY. 129 7tb. Call; save searching; nicest rooms; furnished houses, flats; moderate. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED HOUSE keeping or sleeping rooms in new flat; gas. bath; rent reasonable. 693 East Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING housekeeping rooms; modern home; water In kitchen; steam heat. 609 Johnson, near 14th. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP lng, all conveniences; rent reasonable. Call 74, Seventh, cor. Oak. Phone Paclllc 1249. TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING: students or bachelor girls preferred. 383 East Washington et. Phone East 3061. FOR RENT NEWLY AND ELEGANTLY furnished housekeeping rooms; everything complete. 215 13th st., cor. Salmon. "THE LOWNSDALE" THE BEST-EQUIP-ped housekeeping and sleeping rooms In the city. 503 Alder. Pacific 938. 315 20TH ST.. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Double parlors, kitchen.; nicely furnished for housekeeping: modern; on carline. LARGE, COMFORTABLE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; low rent, R. C. Barter. Mount Tabor. Phone East 4128. NICE LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms for respectable paopls Call at 91 1st st. Cheap rent. $10 TWO LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE keeplnsr rooms, nice neighborhood. Call to day. 474 12th. corner Clifton. GOOD FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping and sleeping-rooms, $1 week; West Side. Phone Pacific 2226. THREE PLEASANT LIGHT FRONT ROOMS, ground floor, front entrance; nearly furnish ed. 112 East 10th, cor. Alder. UNFURNISHED CONNECTING ROOMS; large, pleasant, separate entrance; private house, close In. 331 14th st. UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON THE FIRST floor to rent for housekeeping In pri vate family. 249 N. ldth. SUITE OF TWO PLEASANT HOUSEKEBP ing rooms; furnished, bath, phone, gas, fur nace, pantry. 655 Irving St. FOUR CLEAN, LIGHT ROOMS. CtlMPLBTR ly furnished for housekeeping; bath, large yard; $20 month. 692 Front. DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO accommodate two or more, at 32 N. 11th St., opposite Armory Hall. TWO OR THREE ROOMS PARTLY FUR nisrhed, to quiet couple. 249 Grand ave. North, Holladay's Addition. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEKP ing rooms, electrtc lights', phone and bath: no children. 280 Clay. A SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSB keeplng rooms, with gas stove; $1.25 -per week. 382 E. Yamhill st. THREE NICELY FURNISHED IIOUSE keeplng rooms, walking distance; price $15. X 63, Oregonlan. A S-ROOM HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENT for rent, $25 month; newly furnished. 155 loth, corner Mot-Tison. THREE OR FOUR NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, good location. 392 Jef ferson St.. corner 10th. $62 UNFURNISHED UPSTAIRS ROOMS, front, running water, closets, fine view; adults. 871 Kelly st. WIDOW WILL RENT QUIET COUPLE rooms; take meals If desired; bt-autitui home. tlOO E. Oak. SUIT OF WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, CEN tral; also single riom in desirable private ' home. 404 Clay Bt. 145 6TH. COR. ALDER A FEW HOUSE keeping suites, one and two rooms to suite, and sleeping rooms. 335 14TH ST.. COR. MARKET 2 HOUSE keeplng rooms, furnished or unfurnished; gas, bath, phone. 435 MAIN. CORNER 12TH FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, from $8 up; gas, bath, phone, central. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. $12: 4 blocks north Hellig Theater; phone, bath. 72 N. 14th et. LARGE ROOM. COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeping, reasonable. Phone, bath, gas. 448 Yamhill st. . $3 NICE LIGHT ROOM FOR LADY. PRtV Uege kttchc-n; walking distance. 332 17th, near Market. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS DOWNSTAIRS; gas, bath, phone. Phone 4732 East. .16 East Oth North. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKBEP Ing rooms, private family; separate entrance. 405 3d st. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING apartments: heat, light, bath, phone. 117 N. 18th St. TWO .SMALL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for man and wife. $13. 251 5th st.. near Madson. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms en suite. 31 E. 3d North, near Burnside. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSB keeplncr: bath, phone, gas. 434 College st. ' Main 5714. DESIRABLE FRONT SUITE. STRICTLY modern, first-class. 67 20th, near Wash ington. FRONT SUITE. NICELY FURNISHED: GAS, bath, phone, privilege of light housekeeping. 331 14th. LARGE. LIGHT FURNISHED AND UN furnlshed rooms, close In. 403 2d St., cor. Harrlson. 164 W. PARK FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeoinr. double parlors; aleo sleeping-rooms; bath. UNFUPN1FHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; ' first-clai house. 230 Russell st. East 1425. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, $14 per month. No. 504 Washington st. NICELY FURNISHED FOR HOUSEKEEP Ing; parlor floor of 310 Main St., close In. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON first floor; modern. Phone Main 3458. LARGE ROOM. FURNISHED FOR LIGHT hous-keeping at 69 6th St., near Oak. FURNISHED NEAT AND CONVENIENT housekeeping rooms. 226 12th st. TWO FRONT SUNNY ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng. on second floor. 326 6th st, FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP ing. East 22110. 829 Sandy road. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, ELECTRIC lights, bath, phone. 310 loth st. 402 4TH FURNISH F.D HOUSEKEEPING suite; reasonable: walking distance. TWO HOUSEKEEPING SUITES AT 5th St.; also single rooms. J47 rOR RENT. Hoaaekeeotiuc Rooms. OPENED NOVEMBER 1. THE OWEN APARTMENTS, 230 RUSSELL ST. ALL OUTSIDE ROOMS. We have left a couple of beautiful 3-room corner suites overlooking the city, with phone, light, water and heat furnished. We will make the price to suit you. Reference required. v A few nicely furnished, sunny rooms, with all conveniences, from $1.50 week up. None better in the city. Take "R-S" car to the door, or Williams ave. car and walk 2 blocks west. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 Washington, cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone, both floorsj nice sunny suites $10 and $12 per month; best rooms in city for money. WELL-FURNISHED, CONNECTING HOUSE keeplng suites of two rooms and three rooms; also furntfhed connecting rooms of five; bath, hot and cold water, sewtng machine, laundry, large yard, free phone, . 421 corner Hall and 2d. THE ONEONTA, 187 17TH ST., NEAR YAM hill New bouse. elegantly furntsned. In suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms, hot and cold water; gas range each kitchen; steam neat, baths, free phone each floor; no chlldren. THB HALL, 414 5TH HOUSEKEEPING; every convenience. Houses. FOR RENT. The Breyman residence, NW. corner E. 3d.. North, and Multnomah sts. Elegant 11 roora house, beautiful grounds. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 229 Stark st. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF . OREGON. 8-room house, modem, Mt. Tabor -.$18.00 10-room house. 292 Tillamook 3O.00 6-room flat, 310 Crosby 25.00 6-room flat, 4S7 East Couch 25. 00 6-room house. 502 Market 14.00 6-room flat. 145 N. 23d 40.00 7-room flat. 290 N. 16th 30.no Store. 233 Market 15.00 More, east end Steel bridge. Terms. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exc. ' NEW MODERN HOUSES Of 7 rooms and receptlon-hali : tnor'ern and convenient; situated East 1st and t.iaoita- mas st. : a splendid localitv; reasonable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. . Phone Exc. 72, FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY, $938 East Morrison st., very modern 8- room residence; all conveniences; $20 per month. 1515 Rockwell st.. Woodlawn, cosy, neat 6-room cottage, $11 per month. A couple of nice suburban 5-acre places lor rent cheap. 149 First St. 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT, 563 EVERETT. for $:',7.."0 9-room house, 617 Marshal, nr. 19th. 40.00 EAST SIDE. ' 6 rooms, '.S4 E. 16th and Karl 8.00 GRINDSTAFF & SCHALK. 264 Stark St. Phone Main 392. ONE NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. JUST FIN Ished; strictly modern, gas, electric lights, porcelain bath, furnace, cement cellar; Washington at, car half block away. 783 York st., near cor. 24th; $27. SO rent- In quire Moore Realty Co., 401 Stearns bldg. Phone Main 2707. EXCELLENT NEW MODERN HOUSE. 8 rooms and fine bath, furnace, electric lights and full basement, on car line, 675 Union ave. North; $27 month; no small children. Phono Suburban 721. FOR RENT BRAND NEW 5-ROOM COT tage and attic. Just finished; tinted walls, everything first class; on carline; $15 per month, including water. Bollam. Grussl & Hlgley, 128 3d St. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, GOOD YARI)s In first -clas.-! residence district. Last Side; $:'0. Portland Trust Company of Oregon, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exc. 72. TO ADULTS NEW HOUSE ON 24TH ST.. between Lovejoy and Marshall. Fixtures, blinds, tinted. Call 303 Chamber of Com merce or 795 Lovejoy. I. Vanduyn. JUST THE THING FOR EXPRESSMAN 4 room cottage, good barn and fruit trees. Rodney ove., between Shaver and Failing streets; $14. Phone Scott 4482. $.'5 WEST SIDE A CLEAN. WELL-FUU-nlshed 5-room cottage. Call between fl to 10 A. M. and 4 to 6 P. M. only, at 450 11th st. Phone Pacific 2139. HOUSE OF 9 ROOMS. JUST THE PLACE for hoarders and roomers of mllltnen; loca tion 283 North 19th St.; rent $20. Particu lars at 84 4th St. $25 MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD Lo cation. $25 Modern 5-room house on cor ner near car. M. C. Davis. 253 Alder. FOR RENT NEW. MODBRN 7-ROOM house: fire place and fnrnaee.; close In on West Side. Call 248 Stark st. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 2" EAST 11TH, corner Burnside st. ; rent, $30. Parrish. Watkins & Co.. 250 Alder st. FIVE LARGE ROOMS. CORNER, MOD ern. $25; 7 rooms, fine, modern, $25. M. C. Davis, 253 Aider. FOR RENT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE in Holladay's Addition. Inquire at ISO E. 7th st. North. 618 MAIN ST 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. Phone Main 1436. BROOM COTTAGE. 192 G ROVER. BET. Front and Water sts. Inquire room 635 Chamber Commerce. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE, NO. 420 San Rafael st. J. L. Day. 190 N. 14th st. Phone Main 4462. j:t5 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GOOD Lo cation, for six months; reference required. 347 College st. COTTAGE WITH 2 LOTS NEAR PORT land Heights; rent, $9 per month. Apply 453 12th st. DESIRABLE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE WITH bath and large yard. 365 Eugene st. I'hone ' Pacific 1026. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE to car line. Henkle ac Harrison, 217 Ab lngton bldg. ALMOST NEW. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, furnace, gas, bath and washtubs. Phone Main 4454. HOUSE: SIX ROOMS. SUNNYSIDB; LARGE yard. Call 170 10th, or phone 6207 for particulars. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE. 1 BLOCK 2 CAR lines, modern. West Piedmont. Phone Pa cific 817. DWELLING 694 6TH ST. 9 ROOMS. BATH and gas. $30. Strode, 617 Chamber of Com merce. 9-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD LOCATION. WEST Side, In first-class repair. 420 Commercial bldg. FOR RENT NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE, Just completed.' Grand ave. and Everett. FOR RENT. $12 NEAT 4-ROOM COTTAGE on Brooklyn car line. Phone East 3422. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE, E. 33D ST., near Stark, $13.50. Call 60 E. 33d st. FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE. 985 COR bett st.; rent $25. Phone Tabor 275. FOR RENT 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 469 7th st. Inquire 394 Salmon st. For furnished and unfurnished houses see Hynson, 270 Wash. st. Main 7039. 6-ROOM LOWER FLAT, MODERN. 487 Clay, near 14lh. Phone Main 3290. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, BATH AND gas: central. Inquire 310 Park st. 8-ROOM HOUSE. SOUTH PORTLAND, block from car. $23: Main 1410. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. INQUIRE 466 Park. FOR RENT. WE CAN RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING houses and fiats at the prices quoted: 795 First. 7 rooms $15.00 270 North I3th. 9 rooms $20.00 148 Whltaker, 8 rooms .". $2.1.00 264 14th. flat, 5 rooms $J.Vtlo 550 Overton, 6 rooms....' $22.50 776 QuJmbv, 8 rooms $25.00 .168 Second, flat. 5 rooms $27.50 368 13th. flat. 7 rooms $33.50 674 Firth, flat. S rooms $11 6; E. Stark. 6 rooms $17.SO 83 B. 27th North, fiat. 6 rooms $18.oi 633 B. Morrison. rooms $25.00 WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO.. 229 Stark. FINE MODERN S-ROOM CORNER RB.il dence, 755 Johnson, corner 23d St.; rent. $45. C H. Koreil. 251 Washington. Furnished Houses. AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 8-ROOM house, well heated, with bath, telephone and electric lights: close to two car lines: 185 Morris st. I'hone East 3775. or call after Monday; references exchanged. FOR RENT FOR 6 MONTHS OR LONGER. house of ten rooms completely furnished to family of adults, nice lawn, fashionable neighborhood: r nt $50. 241 22d, N. W. corner of Marshall. 6-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE. INOLUD- ing oatn; all modern Improvements; piano; very reasonable to right partv. 550 Petty- grove st,. between 16th and 17th sts. COMPLETELY FURNISHED SIX-ROOM bouse. West Side; One location; excellent furnace, bath. gas. electricity, fcreplace; perfect condition. Phone Main 6760. DESIRABLE UPPER 8-ROOM FLAT. FUR nlshed. furnace, gas range, bath. Nob HUI; walking distance, between two cars, rent $35. Apply 728 Irving, bet. 22d and 23d. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. COMPLETE for housekeeping. Call today between 12:30 and 1:30, 129 E. 20th, near Morri son at. FOR RENT NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, FOUR rooms furnished for housekeeping, electrla light, gas range: rent $26. 142 East 30th st. FOR RENT BY FEBRUARY OR MARCH, modern 10-room house, elegantly fur nished: central. W 69, Oregonlan. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE TO lease to private family; centrally located. References. H 52. Oregonian. $45. TO RIGHT PAKTI ES N ICELY FUR nished 9-room house. East 16th and Bel mont. Phone Union 3018. A MODERN FURNISHED COTTAGE. ON East Side. Call at 351 Morrison st., or phone Main 1S85. 213 13TH NICELY FURNISHED MODERN 10-room house, suitable for boarding or rooming-house. NEWLY FURNISHED HOME. PARTLY IN exchange for board and room. O 51, Ore gonlan. FURNISHED HOMB OF FIFTEEN ROOMS: rent $45; lease; cheap for cash. O 64, Ore gonlan. 777 KEARNEY. NEAR 23 D HOUSE OF 7 rooms, 6 furnished complete for house keeping. FURNISHED COTTAGE. FURNACE. BATU. Apply S7 E. 17th. I'hone East 2463. FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. 485 East Clay. Honses For Rent FornlTors F tt Sals. FURNITURE FOR SALE. INCLUDING fight pieces Colonial mahogany, also hou9 for rent; can vacate at once. Call 553 Johnson st. Tel Main 6111. NICELY FURNISHED 7-ROOM STRICTLY modern flat for rent on condltlou furniture is bought; $500; no agents or trlflers. R 60. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 6-ROOM. MODERN. WELL furnlshed flat, or will rent furnished; owner leaving city. Call at 28 N. loth, or phone Main 4796. NICE NEW FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM flat, every modern convenience, fine lo cation; cheap if taken at once. 489 E. Couch. FURNITURE OF 4-ROOM STEAM-HEATBD fint, everything new. complete and modern; cheap this week. 4t)6 Harrison St., KUt O. ELEGANT NEW FURNITURE OF FTVE room flat: 6tnail payment down, balance on easy terms. 535 Bust Davis, cor. 12th. FURNITURE FOR SALE REASONABLE, for housekeeping rooms. 644 Overton st., cor. loth st. Phone Union 1304. $25 8-RIXlM HOUSE: FOUR UPPER ROOMS pay rent: going East: will sell furniture very cheap. 329 Montgomery. THE ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE of 21 Nortn 6th St., cor. Burnside, and house for renL SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. UJ4 K. 2BTH ST.. to desirable tenants; $13; furniture for sale cheap. FOR RENT 3-ROOM COTTAGE. SOME furniture for sale cheap. Apply 180 Car ruthers st. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. KENT $1"; FURN'1 ture for sale. Take U car. 931 Williams ave. FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale cheap: house full. Call 93 10th st. FOR SALE Il'RNITURra 7-ROOM HOUSE. A bargain if taken at once. 269 Jeffenn st. FURNITURE IN lO-ItOOM HOUSE FOR sale or rent cheap. 2t7 Grant st. FURNITURE STEAM-HEATED FLAT; NEW. central. Pacific 310. Stores. FOR RENT LARGE STOP.F. AND BASB ment. corner 17th and Washington sis.. In Bushmark Hotel. Splendid location for np town holiday trade. Gevurtz & Sons, 173-5 First st. FOR RENT MARGUERITE HALL COR. Hawthorne and Marguerite avrs., for wo-lal and fraternal purpts; new and up-to-date. W. L. Nash. 1'K19 Hawthorne ave. BRIGHT STORE FOR RENT, CENTRALLY located, piiltable for light manufacturing, etc.; rent $20. 352 Oak. STORE, 621 WASHINGTON ST., $25. Heat, water Included. Dressmakor, tailor, artist, drugs, etc. NEW STOREROOM. NO. 1048 HAWTHORNE sve., cor. Marguerite. W. L. Nash, 1033 Hawthorne ave. FOR RENT STORE AT 707 MISSISSIPPI ave. Inquire either at store or of owner. 133 5tli st. 24x42. CORNER FREMONT AND MISSIS sippl. 721 Mississippi ave., drug store. O. Paulson. STORES SMAIJ STORE ON 8TH AND AN keny; $ per month. FOR RENT STORE ON 325 STARK. IN qulre 75 1st. Office. DESIRABLE OFFICES INCLUDING ELBC trlc lights, hot and cold water. Janitor and elevator service. In the new airy Common wealth bldg.. old Postofflce site. 6tb and Burnside sts. Agent, room 411. ELEGANT SUITE OF 2. 3 OR !) ROOMS IN the Lewis bldg, fronting on Morrison and Park sts.; elevator, steam heat, hot and cold water: especially desirable for doc tor or dentist. TWO BRIGHT CLEAN MODERN OFFICES in stone building. 3d and Oak sts.: reason able. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. Phone Exc. 72. A PART OF FURNISHED SUITE OFFICE rooms, steam heat, electric lights, phone and Smith typewriter; only $15. 212 Alisky bldg. OFFICE ROOM WITH GOOD ETHICAL physician and surgeon, by an ethical dentist; references exchanged. V 68. Oregonlan. THIRD AND ALDER DESIRABLE LIGHT offices: very reasonable, first floor. Apply X-Radluin Institute. 253 Alder st. OFFICES TO RENT, 2D FLOOR, inn 2D st, near Washington. Howe, Davis & Kiiham. SHARE OF NICE FURNISHED OFFICE. 44 Concord Block, I'd and Stark. AUDITORIUM HALL FOR LODGES, LEC tures and dances. 208 3d St. FRONT ROOMS AND HALLS. ALISKY bldg, 3d and Morrison sts. Halls. AT LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR GROUNDS, the beautiful Oregon State building; also the auditorium, seating 2500 persons, with stage. Portland Development Co., Fair Grounds. KALI, AND BALLROOM: NEW AND WITH latest conveniences; price reasonable. Tele phone Main 396. FINANCIAL. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Falling bldg.