THE SUNDAY OREGOMAN, PQKTLA1VD, NOVEMBER, 25, 1906. 1? NEW TODAY. EW TODAY. K1IW TODAY. NEW TODAY. $450 FOR FIVE-ACRE TRACTS Only $10.00 Per Month One and three-quarter miles north of "Willamette Heights, and only -one-half mile straight west from railroad, Northern Pacific bridge and Lannton road; overlooking the City of Portland; and electric lines are laid through it. Don't forget that the Nor thern Pacific paid $1200 an acre within a very few rods of this land. We ; have also r. lots that you can buy in bunches of five lots for $50," at $5 a month. They are not. farther- than St. Johns, and Salem line building within a few blocks of them. This is no gamble. Come and see the owner. - WM. REIDT New Books Added to Public Library POLLOW1NG te a list of books added to tha Portland Public library last Wek" . PHILOSOPHY. Calderwood Handbook of moral phil osophy. fox Home thoughts, 2 v. Kverett Kthlcs for young people. Watson Outline of philosophy, ed. 3. Weber History of philosophy. RELIGION. Herkless Francis and Dominic and the mendicant orders. Johnstone Muhammad and his power. McKenzie Divine, force in the- life of the world. talker Ufa of St. Paul, new ed. Trumbull Individual work for indi viduals. Walker Reformation. SOCIOLOGY. Ashley Progress of the German work ing people. Bosanquet Strength of the people. farey Manual of social science. Fairbanks Introduction to sociology, ed. 3. Flnry Book about fans. Hamilton Savings and savings Institu tions. Hepburn History of coinage and cur rency in the United States. Howell Labor legislation. Jeans Waterways and water trans portation in different countries. Lleb Initiative and referendum. Rvan Living wage. S?eley Introduction to political science. Stanwood American tariff controversies In the nineteenth century, 2 v. Wlnslow Woman of tomorrow. PHILOLOGY. Bowen First Italian readings. Darmesteter Historical French gram mar. Klug & Luta Kngllsh etymology. Pievers Old English grammar, ed 3. Skeat Principles of English etymology, 2 v. Sweet History of language. SCIENCE. Cajori History of physics in Its ele mentary branches. 1833. Bviins Evolutional ethics and annual psychology. Hastings Light. 1902. Laugbein Complete treatise on the electro-deposition of metals. 1905, 1th ed. Mill Realm of nature, Parr Practical electrical testing la physics and electrical engineering. 1301. Scott Studies in fossil botany. 1D0O. Scott Bird studies, 1SSS. Tait Light. 1900. Thomson Elements of the mathemati cal theory of electricity and magnetism, im. ed. 2. Verworn General physiology, 1839. X'SEFUL ARTS. Abel Practical sanitary and economic cooking. 1890. . f'randall How to keep well, 1903. Hawkins & Wallis The dynamo. 1903. Hooper & Graham Home trade (for nierly known as modern business meth ods!. 1900. Horner Principles of pattern-making. 33(13. Houston & Kennelly Electric telephone, 1303. 3d ed. Kerr Power and power transmission, 1902. , ngdon Applications of electricity to railroad working, 1S37. Peabody & Miller Steam boilers. 1906. Rhead & Sexton Assaying and metal lurgical analysis, 1302. Seaman Real triumph of Japan, 1906. Sprague Accountancy of Investment, 3304. t'nwln Elements of machine design, 3901. rev. ed., 2 v. Zaelindorf Art of book-binding, 1900, 2d rd. reissued. FINE ARTS. Grieg Edward Grieg; bv H. T. Finck. MarDnwell Kdward M'acDowell; by Lawrence Gilman. N LITERATURE. GoldonI (Un) curioso accidente; corn media. Learned Treasury of American verse. TRAVEL AND DESCRIPTION. Colquhoun Africander land. Klein In the land of the strenuous life. Pepper Panama to Patagonia. HISTORY. Marriott Makers of modern Italy Maz zini, C'avour. Garibaldi. BIOGRAPHY. Judson, Adoniram Life of Adoniram Judson: by his son. Edward Judson. Stevenson, R. L. Robert Louis Steven son: by L. C. t'omford. Tennyson. A. T. Baron Alfred Tcnny Bon: by Andrew Lang. Wolseley. O. J.. Viscount Story of a soldier's life, 2 v. BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Ba rnes Blockaders. Black Photography Indoors and out. liapin True story of Humptv IJumptv. Dewey Ethics; stories for home arid, school. Eliot Poetry for children. Fnrtescue Story of the red deer. Smith Eskimo stories. Strang Koho. Strickland Stories from history. Van Bergen Kov of old Japan. Taggart Little grey horse. The library will be open for reading on Thanksgiving day from 2 until 8 J. M. onlv.i DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RETORT. PORTLAND. Nov. 24. Maximum tempera turf. 40 arg. ; minimum. SO. River reading at A. M., 7.4 feet: change In last 24 hours, fall I S. Total precipitation, 5 P. M. to K P. M.. none; total etnoe September 1, J!X, 13.80 Inches: normal. 9.G7; excess, 3.9S. Total eun ehino November 23. 100, 9 hours. 12 minutes; possible. 0 hours. 12 minutes. Barometer (re duced to sea level), at ft r. M.. 30.32 inches. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Observation- taken at 5 P. M.. Pacific time. WEATHER CONDITIONS. riurlng the last 12 hours the barometer has risen over Western OreRon and Western Washing-ton and fallen over Montaaa and the ra V'tax. Light rain has fallrn along the Wash InRten coast, and traces of enow are reported at Walla Walla and Spokane and at 6 P. M. it was still snowing et these two stations. Thn chances In tempAmtura since yesterday FULL SIGHT No Bart in Front The bt by tent. Try on. CVe rent. and repair all makes, and carry rib bons, part and supplies for all. Writ ua or nhona ua. XV' are ftpfrlalJsts In Office Stationery. Ribbon. Carbon. Etc. .Rubber Stamps. Seals, Stencils, etc. Ultlcw and T. W. Desks and Chairs. Fountain Pens and Repairing. Beat Good, Lowest Prices. P. n. CUNNINGHAM CO. COAtT A(iBN'CY), 251 Stark btreet. Phone Main HOT. . ROOM 15 WASHINGTON BUILDING J. WHYTE EVANS AND HARRY ROOM 7, CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING FOR SALE 80,000,000 to 100,000,000 Feet of Good First Growth. Timber Located near Stevenson, Washing ton, and Columbia River. This timber is situated so that the logging of same can be done at a very low cost The above can" be had for $1.00 per thousand feet, CASH ONLY. have been .light everywhere on the Pacific slope. The Indications are for generally fair weather tn this district Sunday, with no marked change In temperature. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Sunday, falri wester, ly winds. Western Oregon and Westers Washington Sunday, fair; westerly winds. Kastern Oregon and Southern Idaho Sunday, fair. H?astern Washington and Northern Idaho Sunday, clearing. STATIONS. I -"S 2 3 53 ? 8 : - - Rakfr CMt- . I1S1 T. I 4W . .I3KI0.O0 41KB ,.U4I T. 4W . !S4!O.Oll 1MB . llfiiO.OOl 4INW . i!o.(Ki oioalm . I4HI0.O1I . IS2;0.0 4 w ..!4O0.00l 4:SW . IR6IO.OOI 4ISW , ."VMO.OO! 4iW . .1510.001 4i ..1310.021 diCalm . 1 116 0.00I12NW .!2rtl T. I fi!KV . ISR'O.OW RISK . WO.ItllS NW .1301 T. 4;S ifloudy Pt. cloudy loioudy jloudy ICloudv ICloudy IRain U'loudy M""loudy leiear Blemarck Hois Kureka Helena K am loop. B. C. North Head Pocatello Portland , Red BlutT Rote burs facramento Halt Iake City.... Shu Francisco. . . . Spokane Seattle Tatoosr Island... Walla Walla Pt. cloudy near ICkudy !Clear (Prow ir-leudy (7inutv ISnew trace. EDWARD A. URALS. District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES "Booms," "Room, anil Board." "Honss keeping Roams, "Sitaatloaa Wanted,' 14 words or less, 15 cents: 18 to tQ wsrds, 20 cents; 21 to 3S words. & cents, ets. No dis count for additional Insertions. tXDEK A IX OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SO cents for Ik words or lean; IS to 20 words, 40 cents: 21 to tS words. 50 cents, etc, first Insertion. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further discount un der one month. "NEW TODAY' (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insert Ion; 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ' ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregon Ian. and left at this office, should always be inclosed in sealed envelopes. No stamp Is required on such letters. The Oregonlaa will not be responsible for errors In advertisements taken through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES- HBRSCHE3L. LODGE. NO. 50$. The funeral of George D. Getty, late a member of Hersohel IjOdge. No. 508, of Hartford, N. T.. win be held at Finley's at 2 P. M. to day. Portland and visiting Masons invited to attend. JOHN T. WHALLBT. Secretary Portland Masonic Board of Relief. CITY BOARD OK CHARITIES The annual meeting of members for the election of di rectors and transaction of such other husi no?s as may properly come before it will be held at 30.i Jefferson St., near Rth. Monday. November 28, at 8 o'clock P. M. W. R. WA1.POL.E, Secretary. I A. O. Ti. C. will give a bazaar and whist in the afternoon and evening. Decem ber 1, 1 fxirt. in the Salllng.Hlrsch hall, loth and Washington; refreshments: dancing commences at 3 0 P. J1. ; admission 15 cents. THE BROTHERHOOD OP AMERICAN YEOMEN will dive a dance In the Western Academy of Music' hall. Wednesday evening. November 28. Admipsion 25 cents. Prizes will be awarded the best waltzers. MT. HOOD CIRCUS. W. O. W. Military whlt Tuesday evening in East Side W. O. W. Hall. Special robetra and canvas off floor for dancing. Game called at 0 P. M. DIED. HOLAXDEH Oscar Molander. at T.a Center, Wash.. November 21. Funeral Friday, No. ' vember 23. STAFFORD In this city November 24, at Patton Home. Alice Stafford, aged 77 years. Funeral notice hereafter. DARLING John M. Darling. East Tenth and Ainsworth. died 4:30 P. M . Satur day, from hemorrhage of the bowels. MTERS In this city. Nov, 24. 1906, at ths family residence. 515 Hancock St., Francis Croydon Myers, aged 4 weeks. 1 day, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Myers. SMITH At Salem. Or.. Nov. 23, ISO, Mary A. Smith, widow of the late Joseph E. Smith. Funeral announcement later. L. SALE BORN. TIL.ZER November 24. to ths wife of Dr. A. TUzer. 51 Marshall street, a son. IX'NEBAl, NOTICES. GETTY Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend the funeral services of George D. Getty, which will be held at Finley's chapel at 2:30 P. M. to day (Sunday). DARLING John M.. beloved husband of Eliza J. Darling, aged 48 years, 1 month, 2 cava, runerai conducted by Bridge carpen ters' Union, Monday, November Jiti. 10:30 A. M., from family residence, 1251 E. 10th St., to River View Cemetery. HOLM November 21. 1006. at North Parifln Sanatorium, Anna Holm, aged 25 years 8 monms. r Tienas are respectlully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the Swedish Lutheran Church, corner of 19th and Irving sts., Sunday, November 25, at 2 P. M. Interment River view Cemetery. DUNNING. M'ENTEE GILBAUGH Suc cessors to Dunning A Campion, undertakers end embalmers; modern In every detail; 7th and Fine. Phone Main 430. ILady assistant. EDWARD HOLM AN CO., Funeral Direct or, 220 3d St. Lady assistant. Phone M4 507. J. P, FINLEY SON. Funeral Directors. No. 261 Sd St., cor. Madison. Phone Main S. F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker, 414 East Alder. Lady assistant. Phone East 52. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., Undertakers, Em balmers, 173 Kusseil. East 1088. Lady asst. EB1CSON UNDERTAKING CO., 409 Alder st. Lady assistant. Phone Main 6133. NEW TODAY. 34750 STRICTLY MODERN 7-ROOM Resi dence situated in Holladay's Addition; gas, electric lights, furnace: lot 50x100. 3700 Six-room modern house on Cook, avenue; concrete basement, gas, bath: lot 50x100. Aim some choice quarters and Inside lots in Mouaaay s Anaitton. IVAN C. ANDERSON. Phone East 559. 110.000 FOR 400 ACRES COAL LANDS 3 miles rrm a navigable river and railroad $4O00 for 80-room hotel, furnished through out and an excellent oatronase. Many other pieces of farm property for sale. Address Geo. w. Kowan. Castle Rock, Washington. A SNAP THE BEST BUY IN ST. JOHNS A modern ft-room house, lot 54x08, also H block: streets are improved, two blocks from school. Investors it will pay you to . Investigate this before buying. Call room . zvah Morrison st. UNCLE MYERS' LOAN OFFICE, 143 RD at., near Alder, established 1870; old and renaDle; any amount loaned on watches, diamonds. Jewelry and sealskins. GEORGE BLACK. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, 818 Worcester Building. Phone Paclflo 1807. SELECT ROOMING-HOUSE, 24 ROOMS, hot and cold water all . rooms, all full. Elegant furniture, $2250. Rent $125. 207 I4tn. rnone Main 1153. FOR SALE DINING-ROOM. CLOSE IN cheap rent. A snap If taken at once. Call room 4, Z0jV4 Morrison st. HANFORD & BLACKWELL CIVIL ENGINEERS Railroads, Power Plants, Industrial Plants 1101 Alaska Building. SEATTLE, WASH. SAWMILL PROPERTY FOR SALE. Location on Columbia River, with river and rail facilities: best point on N. P. for cars: mill capacity 2&.0OO to 30.OOO; about 15,000.0(k timber goes with mill, and more timber available; a complete logging outfit, two donkeys, cook and bunkhouses, office. Darns: run electric ngnt plant, in fact No. 1 plant every way;- same is for sale at about price of the timber; plenty of orders on hand, s 48, oregoman. - Mortgage Loans 5 and 6 - Keai estate uity and 1 arm Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL 201 to 203 McKay Bldg., 3rd and Stark ACCTIOST SALE OF MILCH COWS. Oa December 3, 10O8, at 10 A. M. A public auction sale, consisting1 of o nrai-ciass aairy cows, or wnich zo nave rresnened in the past two months. 10 heifers, will be fresh soon; 5 good norses, mils: wason, spring; wagon, dairy utensils and (arm - machinery, Will be on Columbia Slough Road 4 miles cast of Woodlawn 2 miles north OI Mont&vuia. K 1L SCHA-MP. Auction Sales By J. T. Wilson AUCTIONEER. - Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 10 A. M. each dayk At Salesroom, 208 First Street The offerlncs lor each sale comprise extra values in oak and ash dressers, massive dining-room suit In antique oak, sideboard, extension table and cflairs en suite. uii leather couch and easy rocker, center tables, rockers, chairs, davenport uea, twice loiaing, ana iron oeas, up holstered rockers, chairs and settees, bedding, pillows, portieres, lace curtains. couches, wardrobes, toilet sets, commodes. library and dining-room effects, a tine line of crockery, glassware, dinner sets, cooklnfr seta, utensils, kitchen ware, fine body Brussels carpets, rugs. mattingTind linoleum, steel ranges, cook stoves, gas stoves, heating stoves and other val- uaoie lurnismngs. TUESDAY'S SALE On the Premises 24 12 North Tenth St. Cor. Burnside. At 10 A. M. The Elegant Furnishings of an Eight-Room Flat HAVING INSTRUCTIONS FROM THH OWNKR. WE WILL. SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION SALE THE NEARLY NEW GOLDEN OAK WARDROBES. twice folding beds, dressers, commodes, fine par lor rocKers ana cnairs, iron Deas in pretty timings, springs and mattresses, VELVET AND AXMINSTER CARPETS in rich colorings, large couch, fine lace curtains, lovely dining-room suit, "buffet, round extension table and chairs en suite, . HAVILAND CHINA dinner set. glassware, cutlery, etc., portieres, rugs, chairs, rockers, nearly new . Guernsey cooking set. dishes, utenRils, etc, gas range, linoleum, fine bedding, pillows and linen, pictures, toilet sets and other val uable furnishings throughout the house. Note If you have anything to dispose of for cash phone Main ltt. J. x. WILSON, Auctioneer. High-class furniture and Wilton carpets. Batter t son win sen oy auction ON TUESDAY NEXT At BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSK. corner Alder and Fark, the following tirst-class nousetumisnings. viz.: Luree rockers. in genuine leather," suitable for parlor or library: massive library table In ma hogany finish, quartered-sawed oak hall seat, witn irencn plate mirror to match; portieres, lace curtains ana small rugs, very pretty iron beds, with brass trim mings, cable springs, good cotton mat tresses, feather pillows, comforts and others bedding, full swell front dressers in auarter-sawed oak. chiffonier to match. maple aressers ana commodes, toilet ware and bedroom rockers, high-class dining-room suite, comprising pedestal table, sideboard, buffet, with leaded glass doors and chair;, all In oak to match; lirst-grade Wilton velvet carpets, also good Moquette and other carpets, folding screen, parlor couches, center tables, good oak rockers in saddle and cobbler seats. Royal Rival steel range, with waterback: heating stoves, child s high chair and other effects. Sale on Tuesday next at 10 o clock. ON FRIDAY NEXT At 10 o'clock we sell household furniture, carpets, rugs, etc., for various consignors. sale at iv o clock snarp. BAKER & SON. Auctioneers. RETAIL FURNITURE NEWS Our Eastern Dressers have arrived at last. Drop in (and compare the quality and prices with the local "FURNITURE TRUST," which includes all, with' the exception of the little ANTI-TRUST STORE at 352 ALDER STREET. For this week's specials: ROYAL WILTON RUGS for J36.00: TRUST PRICE. M8.00. These rugs are genuine Royal Wiltons, not tanestrv velvets. AXMINSTER RUGS are going fast at usual price, Salesroom, 362 Alder street. GEO BAKER & CO. . Phone 1967. Portland Auction Rooms A. SCHUBACH. PROP. HOUSEFURNISHINGS Auction Sales 211 FIRST STREET Monday-Wednesday-Friday x 2 P.M. Monday's sale consists of Quartered oak round extension table and box-seat diners en suite: Windsor folding bed: Mahogany parlor suit; Manogany Dric-a-Drac stand: rattan chairs and , reckers (Imnorted) grand collection of pictures, Morris rock ers and chairs: English breakfast table buffet and box seat chairs in Mission oak: extra fine 9x13 Brussels rugs and carpets; Buck's steel range, cook stove and beaters; bedroom suites, etc., etc. Office Furniture Roll top desks, bookkeeper's desks, re volving chairs, cash registers, cabinet file, etc., etc. Remember . We also pay good prices (cash) for any- tmng in tne line oi lurnuure or House hold goods. C. L. FORD, Phone Main 5655. Auctioneer. S.L.N.Gilman, Auctioneer SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OF HANDSOME FURNITURE Tuesday November 27, at 411 Washington Street, at 10 o'clock A. M. ; Included in sale very fine genuine leather easy rockers, brass bedsteads, Princess and larcts dressers, chiffon iers. 9sl2 rugs, steel couches, leather couch and springs, extension tables in oak, and dining chairs and Ivers & Pond piano. Sales Monday at 417 Washington street, also saleS Friday at 411 V ashington street at 10 A. M, S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sale of MR. GEORGE JEFFERY'S Hand-Painted China Suitable for Christmas presents, dally until sola at s:-ju and v :ju r. At., at 413 WASHINGTON ST., BETWEEN TENTH AND ELEVENTH. CANTON BAZAAR Chinese and Jap&nose Curios and art goods; carved furniture, royal satsuma, cloisonne. bratases, carved Ivory; tine Canton linen em broideries; Ilk and satin dressing gowna direct imporwa. 90 Sixth St., between Stark and Oak. IP SPECIAL i M A A KB- us an offer on the the corner Second and Alder streets. 100 feet on Second. ' SB you willing to buy a lot iuu reet on i nira street that will double in a year. Only ilO.000. 1 ALJj and let us show you a whole block in the warehouse district with railroad on two aides. ' G K I E ICK If we do -not. make you 25 per cent advance on flats In Nob Hill dis trict paying 9 per cent net. P YOU will" call we will show you a, lot on Third street paying 9 per cent. ACH of the above will " stand strictest invest!- t gation, besides several J others on our list, m COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT COMPANY 330-331-332 Ijumber Exchange.. Front Street Half block 200 feet on Front street with. substantial improvement, J120.000. First Street Corner 60x100. very central, "pays 7 per cent net on price, $57,500. S5xl00 with 3-story brick on First. In come J167.50 month; J30.000, L-S cash down. North 21st Street Corner lOOxSO on North 21st, near Wash ington, with large 10-room house, C2.000. Acreage Splendid tract of 200 acres well adapted for platting: $185 an acre. Terms. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO., 210-214 Abington '106V Third St. ROSE CITY PARK Be patient, good friends! If we could sell you lots in our new Addi tion tomorrow, we would, but it takes time to survey and plat, and all we can do, yet, is to register your names when you come in to talk about it. This gives you an advantage, how ever, of picking out the choicest of the lots first platted, and we are ready to give you all the information pos sible. HARTMAN & THDMPSON Chamber of Commerce. Best Residence Buy In select section. $3000. Harrison Street near Portland Academv. 100 feet west oX 14th sr. Between a beautiful Improved quar ter block and a fine residence, now buTldins. Nothing but fine homes here. " Fine view and no climb. MORGAN, SWEET & CHAPMAN 21J Abington Bldg. ' PORTLAND la attracting mors attention than any etty cm the Pacific Coast and Is undergoing a MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION and. In ths Bext ten years will likely maks mors PROGRESS than It has In Its entlr past. The EAST SIDE has the moat HOMES, tias ths GREATEST population. Is growing the most RAPirLT. and ths GREATER PORTLAND MUST and WILL bs there. Holladay's Addition It tb ffftorrapblc&I center of tb city, and la tba most DESIRABL.S residence district, and much of thia will becoraa BUSINESS property. Do not overlook tbe& FACT3 when making Investments, and call and In spect tba property, for set Ingots- believing. The Oregon Real Estate Company S8tt Third St.. Room 4. Portland. Oregon. filagnificent Residence QUARTER BLOCK Finely Improved. nous modern In evf-ry rea!et ; cnt $1 ft.OCM) : lot wort h $12,500. Corner 18th and Irving. Will eeH for $25,000. . . Wm. B. Streeter 1114 THIRD STREET Good Speculation 100x100. East Washington and First streets, 100 feet on railroad track. We have this at a price that will make you $6000 in less than six - months. Dietz-Mueller Co. , 229-30 Lumber Exchange. STO,000 Yamhill street property; 1500 per month guaranteed income. TUB HART UND COMPANY, 109 Sherlock Bldg. REAL. ESTATE BARGAINS $3650 Strictly modern 7-roora house built 2 years; furnace; every thing first class. Big value. Mill st (182) Park St.. full lot: vacant; Ideal residence location. (176) $7500 $12,750 Quarter block on 12th st. South, best value on the street. Choice location for residence or apartments. (157) OCA A Modern 8-room house. S years j)0uUoid: lot SOx130' 51 301,1 st- (226) i AAABeautifui 8-room modern home jmlfU wl'h quarter block of ground highly improved. (205) CI )AAFu11 ,ot Irvlngton st.. improved J I 1111 lot graded; cement walks. One of Portland's nicest homes on adjoining lot. Terms to sult.(ZSl) ffOAAAQuarter block East Side ware j0UUUhou!,e propertji. Half black, V VVtl.D00. Rail facilities. (381) C4 AHA 3 tor's brick and granite, Jj'l-J.Ulill 40 rooms. 4 stores: one of , ' Portland's best built build ings: quarter block. Building alone worth price. (250, FOURTH STREET Quarter black. Call for location and price ACREAGE J250 per acre; g acres Mount Scott lino. J300 per acre; 5 acres same vicinity. These pieces are worth 1500 per acre and surrounding properties are now selling for that. FARMS SO acres. 4 miles from Ients. Half in cultivation: price. 170 per acrej Terms: will trade for city property. (476) 230 acres, one of the finest Yamhill county farms on S. P. track, one mile from thriving valley town. Price H0 per acre. Will trade for Portland prop erty. (478) 216 acres In thorough cultivation. Polk county, near town and rail. Price, $20,000, Including all livestock, machinery, grain, etc., with which the place is well stocked ana equipped. wm traae lor fortiana property. (503) If you want a farm It will pay you to see us before purchasing. SKY SCRAPER SITES Ijarce and small. We have them. Please call at our office for Information regarding inside realty. Portland HeaftysTrust Co. 106 Second St. Phone Main 2129 3-Story Brick Building 37 feet frontage on Alder Street, near First. Price $23,500 A GREAT SNAP Come and investigate GOLDSMITH & CO. 441-442 SHERLOCK BUILDING, Third and Oak- Streets. The only half block on Sixth street between Burnatde and Yamhill streets that is liable to be put on the market. Call at our office for particulars. 73.000 square feet, corner, at Third and Market streets, with partial improve ments. This is a snap and will not be long on the market. Investigate. S1250 A very choice corner lot in Irvington. S35.000 100x100 feet, corner, on Morrison street. A big bargain. ' Ground leases for a term of years may be secured through us for several quar ters and half blocks which cannot be purchased. These properties are of the greatest importance as ouRiness locations in tne city. Absolutely central. S12.000 A very choice acreage tract on the peninsula. This is . a bargain and the best chance for the price in tms district. Lambert -Whitmer Company 107 Sherlock Bldg. 4 New Houses Move Right In Walking distance, East Taylor street Modern improvements and nitly ar ranged. They are cheap for the price, Only takes $1200 or $1400 down, bal ance at 6 per cent. F. 0. NORTHRUP & CO. 211 Commercial Block, Second and Washington Streets. S40,000 100x100 on Sixth street.. Note the price. Compare the location and see if you can find anything that wij. equal this. THE HAET LAND CO., 1U9 Sherlock Bldg. Choice Buy 43x66. on Jefferson street. We have an offer by responsible party of $275 per month for a fio-room appartment house that would cost about M?.0iv on this property; ground cheap at J'jOOO. Dietz-Mueller Co. 229-30 Lumber Exchange. Three Good'Buys Kast Ankenv street, lot 50x100. modern R-room house; variety of fruit; walking distance. WM0. East 28th s. lot 50x100. nearly new - room house. Frloe Jlfeoo. Terms. Kast 11th St., corner 109x100 with mod ern 7-room house, furnished complete. Price $4000. J. S. WINTERS. 317 Lumber Exchange Bldg. $130,000 100x100, busln33 corner, . Third street, four-story hrick buildlnr: eood income: part cash; balance long time at 6Vi per cent. CORD SENGSTAKE & CO. 90 Fifth St. Business Property Only a Few Left! Of Downtown Buys! tCfl finn Quarter block. with im AUU UUU Drovements. 6th St.: fine business property; will be worth double in less than six months. tCil finn WxlOO ft. J-storv brick. First 0U UUU and Morrison, pays 8 per cent. tin nntl SOxlOO ft. lot. Flanders St.. U UUU near Sixth. A snap. tOK nnn BOxIOO . on Sixth St.. rev- Zj UUU enue bearing. tCn nnn Choice quarter on Stark and DU UUU Burnside: a buy to make money easy. $20 000 fgaV-sn. 6th Bt-: t7K S-story cor- brick, right wlu UUU down town. Pays 8 per cent. tQn nnn Quarter block. 4th St.. with wiU UUU lmprov's. near Courthouse. t09 Cnn 37 ft. front. S-story brick; blQ 0UU Alder and F!rst sts. $25 000 60"foot brick bids- Frnt -GOLDSMITH & CO. 441-442 Sherlock Bldg.. Third and Oak Sts, ACREAGE!! BARGAINS Good Investment, Big Profits! 21 acres, less 19 blocks east of Union, avenue and north of Ainsworth street: ready for platting: no stumps; price $500 per acre. This tract will make 126 lots 50x100. with streets, and will readily sell for $150 per lot. This will make you over 75 per cent profit. IS acres adjoining Irvington Heights, ready for platting. Splendid view. Pries $K00 pe acre. These lots will sell as rap Idly as lots in Irvington, and the prion will b less than half. You can rapidly sell these lots for from $275 to $450 per lot. Figure this out. We offer this tract for few days only. 30 acres platted addition on Ainsworth avenue. Price for a few days only $600 per acre. This tract lies near lots that are selling for $150. 25x100. You can aell these lots 50x100 at $200 and make 100 per cent. $18,000 Good Al Inside residence property; rents for $170 per month; pays 9 per cent net: new- modern buildings. $50 cash, balance $10 per month at t per cent for lots on Woodstock carline, be tween Gladstone and Maple avenue. Three 6-acre tracts; level as a floor, uncultivated, good soil. 18 feet to water and near 5-cent fare. Price $300 per acre. Lot, 50x100. on Fargo street, between Union and Rodney avenues. Price $K-.0. Only lot left on that street; faces south. Lots sell there for $1000. Scandinavian American Co. Sixth Street, Room 4. "BUY BUSINESS PROPERTY" $28,000 .Three-story brick with bull basement: J stores on ground floor; 38 rooms on 2d and 3d floors; income $250 per month; located on East Side. Reed, Fields & Tynan Co. 102 Second St. Phone Main 7004. That New Car Line From Salem runs past that 100x110 on corner of Second and Hall streets, that we must Bell in the next few days for $11,000. If you do not buy this you lose a good opportunity to make a piece of money. Moore Realty Co. 416 Rtearn Building, Sixth and Morrison. Don't Build a Home UNTIL YOU SEE Colonial Heights Improved streets, cement sidewalks; everything ready; walking distance; rea sonablo prices; easy terms. CordSengstakesCo. 90 Fifth St. FOR SALE Plainfield Adjoining Richmond Beautifully situated, overlooking city; 12 lots each 50x100 feet, price. $17,600. $6fr0 cash, balance In three years at 6 per cent; this property acquired by trust estate on foreclosure of mortgage; for saie at coat. Frederick H. Strong, trustee, at Ladd. & Tllton's Bank. Finest Quarter Block la Nob Hill District A bargain If purchased from owner without commission. Address M 67. Oregonlan. University Park Lots 25x100; price $125 to $176: $5 cash and $2.50 per month; near carline. A. C. McDonald University Park. Phone East 713. A Whole Block $6000 On West Side between 14th and Ixrwns dale. Clifton and Myrtle; $1000 spent In properlv grading' will make this block worth $12,000. J. r. OOMPTOV. 100 Abington Bldg. I'aclfto ISO.