The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 25, 1906, Section Two, Page 16, Image 16

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Much Portland Real Estate Is
Purchased With Money
From Abroad.
I,ot on .Sixth Street and Tract East
ol City Taken by Investors
From the Sound City Good
Movement Under Way.
I-ocal realty dealers are greatly en
couraged by the heavy demand for Port
land property which Is coming from out
Bido capitalists. During the past two
years this phase of the. local market has
been constantly gaining In Importance
until today ther Is more outside money
being offered for investment here than
evor before. In the past the great bulk,
of doaling haa been done among the local
residents, but it Is evident that the situa
tion is destined to assume aulte a differ
ent aspect, and it is certain that with
the indux of new capital the present up
ward trend of values will continue.
Even with the recent advance in prices,
Portland property is still held at mucn
lower figures than ttl other cities of equal
or even less population. In Seattle, for
instance, prices are mucn nigner man
here. There is a reason for this situa
tion, rortlaud has never adopted the
I boom methods of many other cities.' As
" n conspquence values have been inflated
in other cities, while here they are below
actual values, figured on the basis of
. revenues now returned. Residents of
other cities who have large amounts to
Invest are beginning to realize the ex
ceptional opportunities offered In Port
land and aie taking advantage, of themv
. The presence of many outside buyers
Vt 1.3 V, . fantiiM rt t fan l,xr- 1 marliat
a thi. ti-li r'anrtfil f m m r'nltfni-nta
: from tlie Washington cities and from the
Kast is gradually finding . Its way to
Portland for investment in realty, and
local dealers are unanimous in asserting
that more of this outside money will be
jsppnt here during the next six months
limn at any previous time. This is In
dicated not only by the presence of out
side buyers in the city, but by exception
ally numerous 4ftters of inquiry which
' arc being received by the local brokers.
Seattle Man Buys Sixth-Street Lot.
An instance of the investment of Se
attle money in Portland was the purchase
of a lot on the east side of Sixth street,
between Stark and Washington, the deed
of which was flled yesterday. This Is
tlie lot adjoining the Quelle Cafe, and
was sold by Grindstaff & Bchalk and
other local capitalists for $100,000. The
purchaser named in the deed Is Richard
M. Kinnear. a Seattle physician. Two
other Seattle men whoso names are with
held are associated with him in the
transaction. The Seattle men are au
thority for the statement that this lot
would have brought $250,000, similarly
situated in the Puget Sound metropolis,
which shows the exceptional advantages
which aio offered prospective investors
Washington ln-estors also figured as
the purchasers of a, 22-acre tract east of
Jrvlngton, made yesterday. The land
was sold by E. J. Daly and W. B.
Streeter and the consideration was in
the neighborhood of $10,000. This land
lies not far from the 1100-acre tract re
cently purchased by Hartman & Thomp
son and other local capitalists. It is said
that this latter deal involved one of the
largest areas ever handled for platting
purposes In any city in the country.
Surveys are now being made, brush is
being cleared from -the land, and-the plat
will soon be thrown open to investors.
L. O. Palmer, of Bridal Veil. Wash., and
J. M. Loiter, of Portland, were the pur
chasers of one of the most important
transactions of the week In North Port-f-
land. The iirnnertv .waa snM hu t
vKrrioke for !70.00o and lies at the south
: 'wt ctrner of Fifth and Burnslcje street-',
with XS feet frontage on the former and
bl on the latter. Two-story frame build
ines comprise the improvements. The sale
was made by I. G. Davidson.
Half Block Brings $38,000.
A good-sized sale made yesterday was
that of the south half of block 141,
Couch addition, lying north of Kearny
street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth.
The purchaser is the American Laundry
Company, which bought from John Kier
nan for JUS.WO. The transaction was made
through the agency of David Stearns.
; This half block Is at present without im
provements, but the purchasers will soon
commence the construction of a modern
r trff-1f liltmrll'l' It- nrill U .
. ' high and will cover a quarter-block.
t A. 'Cogswell and Custom Frlewald
sold yesterday the southwest rorner of
Seventeenth and YamhiH streets. 72x100.
The price was $27,500, and the sale was
.made by K. O. Northrup & Co. The
property is improved with a dwelling and
Vhe Oneouta apartment house, which are
paying a revenue of 11 per cent on the,
purr-hase price. Tho buyer is a local
man uhose name has not beeVi an
nounced. . H. W. Monnstes and A. F. WJieeler are
'the purchasers whose names . were with
held In connection with the transfer of
the property at the northwest corner of
Sixth and Flanders streets. It was jold
by R. W. Lewis for $60,000. 3. H. Fair
brook, who made this sale, has also sold
for J. 1. Hennessy a quarter-block at
the northeast corner of Sixteenth and
-Johnson .'treets to Peter Taylor.. The
property is tho site of four residences and
.-.the price was $21,000. s
Across from tho Lewis property, at the
southwest corner of Sixth and Flanders
e, .streets, the Cascade Hotel has Just been
s ld by R. AY. Lamson to Frank K. Dooly.
Tile huildlns Is a three-story brick, cov
ering a quarier-Ulock and the price was
;-$M,0W. ' -
" ' Many Good-Sized Deals.
Carlson & Kallstrom have bought from
I Kreske a lot at the northwest corner
. of Fifth and Couch streets. The con-
- slderation was $SO,000. There is a two
story frame building on the property. The
sale was made by C. K. Henry.
Goldsmith & Co. have sold the Coeur
' d'Alene building, occupying a lot at tin
.northeast corner of First and Clay streets,
for $;:5,00t). The "owner was Loewenson
Bros. Tho name of the purchaser has not
been made public.
Peaslee Bros, are preparing to erect a
reinforced concrete building upon a lot
, at Eleventh and Davis streets which
tiiey purchased during the past week. The
lot was bought from A. Knott through
the agency of Whiting & Rountree. The
price was $12,000.
A quarter-block at the southwest corner
of Fifteenth and Gllsan streets has been
purchased Vv, George :F. Thompson from
H. C. and A." Foiilman. The price was
' $2-w. : .
Permits for Week. - .
November 19.
Novembpr 20 ....
November 21 ....
....$ 16.050
.... .9f,8
.... 13,935
November 23 11.050
November 23 43,723
November 24 16,873
Totals $113,583
Transfers for Week.
November 19 . $181,823
November 20 - 44,042
November 21 105,820
November 22 ., 28,696
November 23 131,252
November 24 238,943
Total $730,076
Saturday's Real Estate Transfers.
Jerry E. and May Bronaugh to
Harry- M. Holrien. undivided half
o lots 1 and 3, block 22. Multno
nomah $ 1
Charles H. Thompson to N. M. Mc
Daniel, south 18 feet, 5 Inches of
lot 1, block 16, Gleneoe Park 1
vV. G. Kerns and wife to N. M. Mc
DanieL lot S. block 16, Gleneoe
Park 2000
I. A. Yerex and wife to Dorr B.
Keasey. lot 1 tract "A" Greenwav. 1
jonn K. ueen to Julius Fnusmacher, ;
lot 11. block 16. Willamette.. 900 !
u. m. .rarrisn and wife to Scottish
American Inv. Co.. limited 54
acres of LV C. Potter. D. U C. in
section 19, T. 1, N. R. 1 E 1
Maria L. Flanders to Henrv Rebe.
lot 17. block 809. Couch Addition.... 2200
Milton M. Goldsmith- to Sam L.
Bcary. lot 8. block 3. Alblna 1
Samuel L. Beary to William F. Otto,
lot 8. block 3. Alblna 10
Adoiph W. and Sophia Harr to
Frederick A. Relsacher. lot 14 and
N 16 2-'3 feet of lot 15. subdivision
of block 277. Couch Addition 1
Board of School Tr. to Frederick A:
Relsacher. lot 14 and N 16 2-3 feet
of lot 15 In subdivision of block 277
Couch Addition 6333
Ida M. and J. R. caples to William
and Elizabeth Cornfoot. 33 1-3x50
feet beginning at point 33 1-3 feet
W. of N. B. corner of lot 1, block
17. MeMiliens Addition 2650
Dorr B. Keasey to John G. Kill
green, lot 1, block "A" Greenway. ' 750
Charles N. Wonacott and Isabella
Wonacott to T. P. Howard, lot 9
block 10. Tiltons Addition 3750
E: D. Bradshaw to Charles Kad
derly. W. V, of lot 7. tract "F"
Overton Park 1123
Fred and Louisa Neubauer to Steph
en E. Stansbery, lot 16, block 25,
Woodlawn 'Ml
Sarah II. Williams to J. N. Graham,
a strip of land 2x1900 feet between
the Stephens and Murry D. L. C... 25
Nettie L. Palmer to W. A. Parker
lot 2 and N- H of lot 3, block 12,
Seilwood 150
Wilbert L. Wheeler to H. W. Cooley.
20 acres In S. of B. "4 of W.
M of N. W. section 8. T. 1. S.
R. 4 E 1700
Josephine W. Yocum to Edwin B.
and Elizabeth C. Dews, lot 6. block
7. Clifford Addition to Alblna 450
Edgar E. Chipman and wife to
Ephriam S. Dewcry and Elmer G.
Wendllng. 10 acre3 sections 7 and
18, T. 1, S. R. 8. B 1
Phoenix Land Co. to Richard M.
Kinnear, lot 7. block 375 city 100,000
Portland Trust Co. of Oregon to
Lulu Hlckox. lots 2 and 3. block
24 and lots 12 and 13. block 13, Tre
mont Place... 340
Thomas Collinson and wife to W. G.
Kerns, lots 23, 26. 27 and 2S. block
7. Hawthorne avenue addition 1
Arleta Land Co. to F. L. Kneeland,
lot 7. block 2. Arleta Park No. 4.. 315
Ellen G. VanDuzer to Adam Catlln,
block 36. Tibbetts Addition to. East
Portland 2600
George C. Flanders and wife to C.
H. Buckenmeyer. lots 1 and 2,
block 14. East Portland 11.500
Leonard Dicrlstoforo and wife to
Louisa Zorn: east 80 feet of lot
4. block 72. Caruthers Addition to
Caruthers Addition 1
Georga' E. Waggoner and wife to F.
J. Dolsen. S, Va of lots 11 and 12,
block 1, Bungalow Giade 700
Alexander Mehwalt and wife to Olaf
Netter. lot 40 DeLashmutt & Oat- .
mans Little Homes No. 2..' 1
T. S. Wast to William V. Nedvideck.
N. H of lot 13 Park View Annex... 400
Thomas A. and Mary C. Evans to
F. C. Beach, lot 6. block 37 Sunny
side. 1050
Rosa A. Buchanan and G. W. Gor
don and wife to May L. Cadwell,
lot 8, block 238 Hollodoys Addition. 4700
W. M. Ladd and wife to Hermine A.
Baylls. lot 9. block &. Wilsons Ad
dition 1500
G. G. Gish to Margaret Gish. lot 1,
block 37. Woodstock Addition..... 1
John Joseph Edgerton to Jas Thorn- .
dike. 60 teet orr w. end. or lot i.i.
block 16 Original Townsite of
Alblna 1S50
Crescent Land Co. to Alice Mc-
Cauley, lots 1, i and a, Block i.
Kevstone Addition; also lots 1 and
2. block 4. Bronaueh Addition ' 2600
J. C. and Alice H. Ainsworth to
Harvey Dale, lot 3, block 249 city.. i
Etta L. Stone to Harvey Dale, lot
3, block 249. city 6566
P. B. Potter and wife to F. S.
Eelcher. lot SO. block 32. Willam
ette Heights "000
Albert T. Snrth and wife, to Mat
thew F. Fen ton. 100x155 feet com
mencing at.S. W. corner of block
46 rirlem Addition 7500
Robert W. Lewip to H. W. Monastes
and A. F. Vv heeler, lots 1 and 4.
block. 48. Couch's Addition 60,000
L. H. Maxwell and wife to A. Gieb
isch. lots 3 and 4. block 12. Hoi
ludav Park; also exceDting the N.
ICO feet all of lot 4. block 4,. John
Irvings First Addition to East
Portland 1500
Hugh M. and Emma Glenn to Thad
t'.eus B. Mcilolland. W. 45 feet of
lot 4 and fraction lot 5. block 7.
Mayor Gates Addition 600
Lena C. Patton to Ernest Morris,
lots 1. 2. 9 and10, block 2. Lena C
Patton subdivision of block "J" M.
Patton tract 2300
Ernest Morris to J. H. Nolla. lots
1, 2, 9 and 10. block 2, subdivision
of lot "J" M. Patton tract. 3000
Lnlla Morris to J. H. Nolta. lots 15
and 16. subdivision of E. Vs of lot
"L" M. Patton tract 800
Thomas R. Howltt and wife to
Alfred Thompson. 100x150 feet com
meiving jat. intersection of K. line
of Damascus Road with S. line of
Jas Powell. D. L. C 350
A. 1,. and Minnie. Stone to Alfred
Thompson., lots 1. 2. 3 and 4. block
16 Fairvlew 10
Finlay McKercher to Sabria Reed,
lots 18 and 19, block 1, Concord
Heights: 250
Frank C. Baker and wife to Mary
M. Gillette, lots 1, 2, 3. 4 and 13.
block 15 l.innton 1
George V McCov to Emit Sr hultz
lot 13 Und 14. blpck 5. Wheatland
Addition No. 2, -j 125
Total ...S23S.943
Bav your bcrrctn mad tor th Security
Abitnct Truit Co.. 7 Chambr of Commro.
Deatlrtf Mary Hawthorne Mann.
, Mafj' Hawthorne Mann, whoso recent
death shocked her largo rivcle of
warm and dear friends in Portland,
was born in iackson, N. Y, March 7,
1842. She obtained her education in
the public schools and at 'a seminary
at Castleton, Vn. Sho taught school in
her native state for a short period.
Desiring a newer field, sherwent West
and settled in Illinois, teaching in va
rious cities. She came to Portland in
1S4 and taught In the public schools
of this city. In 1890 she was married
to Thomas Mann. Besides her hus
band, she' is survived .by four sisters,
Mrs. George ..!, Kansas City; Mrs,
C .iftrles Breesr, New Haven, Conn.,
Mrs. Charles rtoaley, Minneapolis, and
Mrs. Frances Dun'ton. who was with
her during her last illness.
Bigamist Given New Trial.
OLYMPIA. Wash., Nov. 24. Because
his first wife was permitted to testify
against him, .1. B. KnlfTen. Who. was
convicted, in Klickitat County on a
charge of bigamy, was granted a new
trial by a decision of the Supreme Court
this morning. The court holds bigamy
is not a crime against the spouse, but
a crime against the marital relation,
and therefore the testimony of oirb
spouse is barred by law.
Drug Fiend Goes Insane.
OREGON CITY, Or., Nov. 24.-(Speclal.)
W. E. Gregory, aged 27 years, who
came recently - from Heppner. was this
afternoon committed to the insane asy
lum. Last night, while crazed because
of the lack of a drug to which he is ad
dicted, Gregory demolished moet of the
furniture in his room at a hotel In this
city. Gregory formerly lived here.
v- :
'Jim" Phillips, the Proprietor, and
Six Inmates Arrested One Minor
Found' In the Dive.
A bold attempt on th part of "Jim"
Phillips to reopen the notorious den
of vice at Third and Davis streets
known as the Paris House, was prompt
ly nipped in the bud last evening by
Detective Sergeant Baty and a squad
of plain clothes men from police head
quarters, who raided tho place and
arrested Phillips. slxvomen and a 19-year-oldooy,
who was found in one
of the rooms.
During the afternoon rumors were
afloat to the effect that Phillips had
sought legal advice and that he had
been informed that a good plan would
be to attempt to reopen the place on
a small scale, to see what action, if
any, the police would take. It was
but half an hour after he permitted
the six women to enter the Fourth
street annex of the big dive that Ser
geant Buty and his men arrived. .
The Paris House was closed two
weeks ago by Sergeant Baty and Act
ing Detectives Hill and Burke, who
were following out instructions given'
them by Chief Gritzmacher at the or
der of Mayor Lane. It was stated at
the time that the place would not be
allowed to open under any circum
stances. "Jim" Phillips, proprietor of the
house, was booked on a charge of
running a disorderly house, and was
released on- cash bail of . $250. Tne
women were charged with being in
mates of a disorderly house and were
released on $25 bail each.
In one of the rooms the police found
R. C. Armstrong, aged 19 years, who
lives with, his parents at 22 Bast Six
teenth street. He was taken to police
headquarters, where he was charged
with frequenting a disorderly house,
and was later released on bail.
It is positively asserted' at ' police
headquarters that no dens .of Iniquity
such as the Paris House' was will be
permitted to run in Portland. A myste
rious Individual has fitted up such an
establishment at Second and Everett
streets, but Chief Gritzmacher declares
that it will not be permitted to open.
Council Is Considering the Proposal
to Advance the License From
$800 to $1000.
TACOMA. Wash., Nov, 24. (Special.)
Tacoma has 140 saloons, exactly the same
number as before the present saloon oral
nance wertt. Into effect about six months
ago. There is apparently no tendency to
decrease the number because of the in
creased fee from $600 to $800, as -the op
ponents of the measure urged at the
time of its passage. If this condition
continues the city will find itself at the
end of the first year of the new ordinance
Just $28,000 richer and with saloons much
more orderly than ' they were under the
Old regime.
There Is said to be a probability that
the Council will endeavor to amend the
saloon ordinance In the near future and
advance the license to $1000.
German Prosperity Reaches Climax
' and "Investors Hold, Off.
BERLIN, Nov. 24. Although Germany
is on the top wave of prosperity, skeptic
ism as to the duration of the boom has
been inoreasing for several months and
the outside public has kept aloof from
speculative investments in indhstrial
stocks, notwithstanding the continued un
usually bright annual- reports of the com
panies showing large gains, the declara
tion of dividends, increases in orders and
higher prices for manufactured products.
This sober attitude on the part of the
private investors is beginning to gain the
support of the manufacturers and bank
ers, who, being able to glance behind the
scenes of industrial activity, express fears
that the torn has already exhausted it
self. When asked to give reasons for
this view the manufacturers and bankers
point to the dearness of money, the high
prices of commodities, the higli wages
and the expensive operations to which
all the industrial companies have been
Every branch of manufactures is taxed
to its utmost productive capacity and In
the coal and iron industries supplies must
be purchased in large quantities from
abroad, chiefly from Great Britain. The
mines and furnaces have booked orders
months ahead, but will be unable to make
The state railroads in the commercial
regions are far from being able to cope
with the traffic .requirements and in the
Essen district a shortage of coal ears
results In preventing from 35.000 to 50.000
tons of coal from reaching the consumers.
The receipts of the railroads for October
are $1.0CO,000 above those of October, 1905.
an increase of 11 per cent, and the for
eign trade of Germany shows the heavi
est, movement ever known in both ex
ports and imports.
Toklo tsable Says Nippon s Want
Public Control of Street Hallways.
TOKIO Nov. 24. (Special) A report In
favor of municipal street railways has
been prepared by the judges to whom the
question was recently submitted. A spe
cial investigating committee had made a
similar report, and as the Tokio city
council has approved it, municipal owner
ship seems likely to be tried, despite
strong opposition.
S-tor inbound Passengers Face Star
vation on Train.
FORT WORTH. Tex.. Nov. 24. Har
rowing experiences were reported today
by the passengers when the Fort Worth
& Denver passenger train arrived here
from Denver over five days late. The
train left Denver last Saturday night
and was delayed by repeated snowstorms
In sparselj; settled sections of the Texas
Eight babies on the train were nearly
starved, the supply of milk having been
exhausted. They were, fed on whisky
and water. The other passengers suffered
greatly for want of food. It being im
possible to obtain supplies. Traffic is
now open and the weather has mod
erated. Message From Roosevelt's Ship.
' WASHINGTON, Nov. 24. The JTavy
Department today received a wireless
dispatch from the battleship Louisiana
giving its location at 5:30 this morn
ing 530 miles north of San Juan. .This
Indicates that the ship bringing the
President home from his Panama and
Porto RIcan visit is making about 15
knots an hour, although the message
apparently was mixed in sending and
Is rather confusing to naval ofllcials.
Burlington Road Suffers From Coal
- Famine and Car Congestion.
OMAHA, Nov. 24. The Bee today says:
The Burlington Railroad Is about to de
cide to cease hauling all grain until the
coal famine in Nebraska has been re
lieved. The car congestion has become so
serious thSt several towns in Nebraska
i are wunoui a ion Ol coat m leservauuu
land the situation demands immolate
I remedy. The Burlington officials say they
cannot possibly supply the demand for
freight cars for grain and coal at the
same time, and, as the coal demand is
imperative and grain can wait a while,
they will turn their attention toward re
lieving the coal famine.
Says Speechmaking and Railroading
Are Both Hard Jons.
NEW YORK, Nov. 24. B. H. Harrlman
came back to town yesterday from his
visit to the West. He spoke of the West
and its great prospects. He said the
y speech he made at the dinner of the Com
mercial Club of Kansas City was one or
the hardest jobs he had" had "In a. long
" Harder than running a railroad?" was
"No. that's the hardest. job I know of,"
he said.
Stensland's Crime Brings Another
Crash In Chicago.
CHICAGO. Nov. 28. Chauncey L. Gra
ham, vice-president of the Steel Ball Com
pany, was arrested last night at his resi
dence in Bvanston by detectives from the
office of State's Attorney Healy on a
bench warrant issued by Judge Kersten,
the charge being uttering fictitious paper.
The accusation grows out of the Milwaukee-Avenue
State Bank failure. The
Steel Bali concern owes the bank approxi
mately $270,000, and most of the notes it
gave as security are considered worth
less. The receive said he has been unable to
find the makers, lndorsers. or guarantors
of certain notes, and that he does not be
lieve they can be located. He thinks
they are all fictitious.
Mr. Graham appeared in criminal
court today and was released on bonds
Of $15,000.
William D. Tilden. president of the
Steel Ball Company, for whom a bench
warrant was issued yesterday, surren
dered today. . .
Both men were later indicted.
Mother and Daughter Found Dead.
. One or the Other Responsible.
(Special.) Did Mrs. Henry Harmon pois
on her daughter Mae, then herself, or
vice versa? Or did they1 die from the
fumes of .natural gas? Coroner Stuta
rendered a verdict that they died from
the effects of morphine and it is the opin
ion that Miss Harmon first murdered
her mother and then committed suicide.
Mrs. Harmon was the widow of one of
Wyandotte County's wealthiest farmers.
She and her daughter, aged about 30,
lived together. Not having been seen
for two days, Mrs. Harmon's married
son, with an officer, forced an entrance
to the house this morning and found the
daughter dead and the mother dying,
both in bed. In the room was a small
gas stove and the presumption was that
they had been overcome by the gas
fumes. Mrs. Harmon died later.
In Miss Harmon's shoe behind the bed
was found a bottle labeled "5o0 morphine
tablets." It contained only 50.
Philippine Supreme tourt Gives
Property to Catholic Church.
MANILA. Nov. 24. An important de
cision .just rendered by the Supreme
Court of tne Philippine Islands ousts
the Aglipayanos and the municipality
of Lagonoy from possession of the pa
rish edifices there in favor of the Ro
man Catholic Church. The decision es
tablished is a most important precedent
as it affects suits now pending for
possession of about 50 churches seized
by the Agllpayanos.
Lagonoy is a town of 8500 inhabi
tants in the Province of Camarines, Lu
zon, where the Agllpayanos, a religious
sect founded by Agllpay, a Spanish
friar, wields considerable power.
Lads Steal Explosives, Fool "With It,
Land In Hospital
TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 24. (Special.)
Five boys ranging from 11 to 14
years were seriously injured by an ex
plosion of dynamite tonight. The lads
stole five dynamite sticks with copper
tips from a building that is being con
structed in the center of the city. They
did not know the sticks contained ex
plosives. One of the boys lumped with
both feet on the two first slicks think
ing that in this manner he could loosen
the copper tips. In an instant there
was a terrific explosion. All five boys
are in the hospital..
Marriage Licenses.
Keefer, 23, Portland, and Katherine L.
Morgan. 20.
Moore 23. - Sonoma County, C'al.. . and
Bernic'e McAnally, IS.
HCFF-G RANT Charles Ludlow Huff,
24. 298 East Fortieth street, and Carrie
M. Grant. 24.
BUBT-Bl'RTON-R. C. Burt. 24. 405
East Yamhill street, and Jennie Bur
ton. 18.
3AUER-BERRETTE Peter Bauer, 23,
Seilwood street, and Ida Berrette. 19.
BRICE At 70 East Eighteenth street,
November 21, to the wife of Bert E.
Briee. a son.
FISHER At Gladstone street and Mor
rison avenue, November 10, to the wife
of George W. Fisher, a son.
FORD At 928 East Morrison street, No
vember 20. to the wife of Frank Ford,
a daughter.
GILLER At 3R2H Front street, Novem
ber 22, to the wife of F. Giller, a son.
KELLY At Firland. November 7. to
the wife of Harry L; Kelly, a son.
NICKERSON At 411 Ivon street, to the
wife xf Deimore E. Nickerson, a daugh
ter. POLLI At Forty-third and Grant
streets. November 16. to the wife of Ed
ward Polli, a daughter.
- ROOF At East Fifty-second and- East
Washington streets, November 18, to the
wife of D. W. Roof, a daughter.
WALKER At 15 East Twenly-eigbUt
9. I O
icuu. li
. I H 'SS'';
street, November 11. to the wife of J. C.
Walker, a daughter. .
ALTMAN At Medical Lake. November
21. Walter B. Altman. aged 37 years.
Remains brought here for Interment.
BOCKERFELD At 8"1 First Vireet,
November 24. Laurina Bockerfeld, an In
fant. ELLISON At 249 Adams street. No
vember 24. Emma Ellison, a native of
Oregon, aged 23 years, 2 months and 17
GETTY At 8SS Thurman street. No
vember 23. George D. Getty, a native of
New York, aged 44 years. 2 months and
25 days.
GREG OR At 479 East Ninth street,
November 22, Antonina Gregor, an infant.
JORDAN At 1358 Macadam road. No
vember 22, Gladys Jordan, an infant.
Building Permits.
MRS. L. A. CULLISON Two-story
frame dwelling. Marshall street, between
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourfh; J15M).
MRS. W. C. WARREN Two - story
frame dwelling, Northrup street, between
Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth;- $4000.
J. H SHANBARKER One-story barn.
Patton avenue, between Kilpatrick and
Clarence streets: S125.
L. G. CROUCH One-story frame dwell
ing. East Fifteenth street, between Clack
amas and Sherrett: $150.
JESSIE BROOKS One - storv frame
dwelling, Going street, between East
Seventeenth and East Eighteenth: $100.
frame dwelling. East Ankeny street, be
tween East Twenty-fourth and East
Twenty-tlfth; $2400.
frame dwelling. Main and St. Clair
streets; $5000.
The Portland N. E. Nelson, Duiuth; 8.
Myers, Boston; Mrs. Johnstone, B. W. Koenlsr.
Boston: R. Prlngle, Chicago; H. White. Los
Angelas, J. A. Peirson, Los Angeles; J. 6.
Powers. Oakland; M. 12. Friedman, New York:
H. Van Ness, Kan Francisco: E. P. Chatfleld
and wife Chicago; W. A. Hanna ami wire,
Danville, 111.; C. R. H. Mintron, P.osland. B.
C. ; Miss M. B. Lind. London: Baron Frlt
von Llteldorf. Germany; W. H. Bor.d, Seattle;
J. BL Fenton, Seattle; E. M. Waiting and
wife. Reeve; Mi U. Flavel. Astoria; Miss
K. Flavel. Astoria: W. . M. Phelps. Hartford.
Conn.: A. w. Trauel, St. Ixmls: H. G. Buah
ncll, St. Louis: O. S. Blukelcy. Chlcaso; F. W.
Raven. Chicago; G. . W'K. Buttermonde. St.
Paul;. H. D. Randall, Seattle; A. I. Strauss,
Cincinnati; B. HalHrnbe-rser. Chicago; E. A.
"Schretcr, Chicago; O. W. 1. Koch. Chicago; C.
W. Thompson, Cascade; G. C. Cummins, city;
H, Ludwitf, Seattle; H. J. Bledenkoff. Kan
sas City; R. W, Heist, Chicago; S. Russell,
Manilla; H. L. Gardner, Providence. R. t. ;
M. L.j Barry. Nome; G. H. Hutton. Seattle;
C. M. Rhodes. Dallas; H. I Burnes.
ISilenokee: Miss J. M. McCord, .Vancouver, B.
C; A. Walker. New York: C. M. Balr. Bll
Hnga; S. G. Reynolds, Billings: P. .JIcDan
iels. Billings: Mrs. P. White, Spokane; J, u
Goodman. Cleveland. O. : M. Joyce and wife,
Denver; E. IS. l'topt'rJ?, Chicago; H. H. Greer,
Valdemy; J. A. Bell. Sim - Francisco ; P. S.
Clay. San Franc!co; G. W. Walters. San
Francisco: L. Schumabacher, San Francisco;
W. B. Browne, fit. Louis; N. Leavitt. New
York: J. T.- Neuman. nn Frascisco: N. H.
Gardner, Canton, O. ; E. V. Piatt. New York:
E. D.. Ressler, Monmouth: L. Wilson, Chicago;
J. G. Delepialn, St. Louis: M. W. Lllland.
San FranCitco.
Tlie Oregon K. F. Raber Tacoma: Mrs.
Levy. Cascade Locks; W. A. Williams, city;
R. P. Iewis. Seattle; C. A. StockbrldKe and
wiTo. Chicago: W. A. Sheridun. W'lliam R.
Klink. William Dicte, Chicago; Frlix Coi,
San rFanctaco: R. .ORaird and wlf. Duiuth:
W. F. Swanon. St. Paul; A. Ivtnger and
wife. Twin Falls; Dan R. Scammon. Eau
Claire. " Wlf. : S. Kleinhcrg, Seattle; W. H. Bo
des und wife. William Eccles and wife. Hood
RKer: Mrf. P. K. Snilra?. Eugene: 11. C
mwm las
Catarrh, is not merely an inflammation cf the tissues of the head and
throat, as the symptoms cf ringing' noises ia the ears, mucous dropping back
into the throat, continual hawking and spitting, etc., 'would seem to indi
cate ; it is a blood disease ia which the entire circulation and the greater
part of the system are involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an excess
of uric acid in the blood. The Liver, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be
come torpid and dull in their action and instead of carrying oil the refuse
and waste of the body, leave it ta sour and form uric acid in the systeift.
This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all
parts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame
the different, membranes, and tissues of the body, and the contracting
of a cold will start the secretions and other disgusting and disagreeable
symptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to all part3 of the body the ca
tarrhal poison affects all part3 of the system. The head has a tight, full
feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, slight fever
comes and goes, the stomach is vpsct arid the entire system disordered and
, , . t ' affected by this disease. It is a waste of
I had Catarrh for about flfleon. .. , . ru ;n,
years, and no man could havo time to try to cure Catarrh Wltll spra3'S,
Ja jy"88 1 trlod everything washes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment
Juned? lThoSfbeVan 8 SS.fand does not reach the blood, and can, therefore,
could eee a littlo improvement do nothin? more than temporarily relieve
from tha first bottle, and after f u 4, . . , r. . the discomfort of the trouble. To cure
im, iix yom mto, j atarrn permanently tne diooci must ce
Catarrh is a blood diseano. ar.d
know there ia nothing on earth Gf
netter ior tno ciooa tuau o. o. a
Nobody thinks mora of S. S. S
than I da.
Lapeer, SXich,
tj 2o
every symptom disappears, the constitution is built tip and vigorous health
restored. S. S. S.'also tones up the stomach and digestion and acts as a
fine tonic to the entire system. If you are suffering with Catarrh begin the
use of S. S. S. and write us a statement of j'our case and our physicians will
eend you literature about Catarrh, and give.j-ou special medical advice'
without charge. . S. S. S. is for sale at all first class drug stores. .
Your Grocer
g00ijhe Story of
! - , mill's
need for other cereals now Heart
J3UK Y 5 1
ereal, Vito
The white heart of the wheat. A 2
retailing at ZUc, when cooked makes
of dainty creamy white food.
Made by the man who makes "Tlie Flour"
BREAKFAST Stir slowly one half CUD
one half cups of bouW water, salt tn tah
Tniniltrvt If Inn thir-lr AA .X . i
- ctuu uvumu waiCI,
delicious luncheon dish, fried and served
with syrup. Numerous daintv
';;''??,. Hinnr HaArfa
T. i . . -
w "V. yi-
I .L f .
luea wun rruii
and icllv. ss
Schade. Seattle: J. Otto Lee, Albanv; Sallle
Lee, Albany; Abe Harris, New York; C. E.
Rinehart. St. Louis; B. F. Mulkey and wife,
Ashland: Emma B. Wlckerham. Ashland: Dr.
M. A. Hoye and wife. Fort Stevens; G. S.
Blakeiey. Chicago; E. J. Fisher. Dcs Moines:
A. C. Shattan and famiiv, Salem: Mls L.
Gelr. city: W. B. Lowrle, palmer C. Dem
erer, Mrs. L. M. Demerer. Aberdeen: Rev. J.
M. Weaver. Auburn. Wash.; Miss Myrtle E.
Mlcheil. The Dalles: M1a Laura E. Thompson,
The Dalles; Myrtle Jean Johnson, Amboy,
Minn: Ella Frances Brown, Amboy, Minn.;
Arthur A. Lotta. New York: F. L. Stewart,
Kelso; H. J. Schwlr.n. Tacoma; Beatrice Cald
well. Seattle: B. E. Allen.- S. Y. Hyde. Jr.. St.
Paul: G. G. Hughes. Los Angeles; C. S.
Hampton. Chicago; Mrs. F. Paddock. Seattle;
Miss W. E. Lind, London.
Hotel Perkins J. Oarmaughter, San Fran
cisco; Anna Luis, Mt. Angel; W. S. Nelson,
Weston; H. J. Dunn. William Knight. The
Daliee; L. C. Murphy and wife. Hood River;
B. M. Vanderpool. Wasco; E. W. Smith, San
Francisco; F. Dunne. Seattle; H. J. Hanford,
Seattle; Louis Claffert and wife, Missou:a.
Mont.; G. M. Dermic Aberdeen; Carl Keen.
Spokane; C. W. Whister. Seattle; Henry
Schaller, Tacoma; O. J. Wacham, Seattle; A.
Crocker, San Francisco; J. P. Palmer, San
Francisco: Maud Palmer. San Francisco; M. S.
Dlckerman, Welser. Idaho; J. D. Ruheimer,
Weler, Idaho: J. W. Tuttle Bordenton, la.;
A. C. Reose. Bordenton, la.; H. Willis, Seat
tle; B. C. Hallstrom, Spokane; Edith Bloom,
Bridal Veil; Mrs. J. G. Ernbry. Bridal Veil:
Q. B. Smith. Oswego; C. I.. Fox. Oswego; W.
M. Dobbin. Union: Helen Miller, Union: L E.
D&vi.i and wife. Union: E. T. Long, Seattle;
W. F. Blair, Seattle; A. L. Geddls, Spokane;
R. L. Loathwood. Oakland; H. A. Thomas,
Astoria; W. T. Perkins. Salem; I.. R. Page.
Salem; W. D. Miller. Junction City; G. F.
Brown and wife,-Corvaills; W. A. irown and
wife, Corvallis; Mrs. T. W. Robinson. St.
Helens; T. Smith and wife, Camas, Wwh.;
H. G. Kl'ollni. Antelope: W. Wilson and wile,
Brownsville; D. R. Carglll. Brownsville: W.
P. Elmore, Brownsville : John F. Whelan.
Spokane; George Schultx, SpWkane; Charles
Schuman. Spokane; E. E. McCIaran, 8pokane;
Capt. J. S. Andersn, Spokane, Ed Hollaway,
Brownsville; L. M. Pound, Albany; F. A.
Fisher and wife, Astoria: D. H. Welch,
Astoria; Edward Wilson, Astoria: John Smith.
Tacoma; W. P. EUnore. Tacoma; Robert
Goetz, Orient: H. M. Stackpole, Ketchikan:
F. H. Frew, Seattle: C. P. H. La Bannty,
Juneau. Alaska: Percy Allen, Houston, Texas;
H. E. Van Ness, Houston. Texas; William
Dunlap. Condon: C. J. Trimble, St. Paul: J.
M. Turner. Walla Walla; W. L Toby. Olev;
W. Seidel, Goldendale; R. L. Swlnk, Washou
gal. The Imperial J. Williams, Tacoma;
James Finnlgan, Salem; Claudia Mumnig,
Eugene; D. Galbralth, city; A. McDougalL
Tacoma; H. G. Van Duzen, Astoria; B. C.
Miles, Newbe.rg, Or.; J. B. Pixley. city; C.
W. Hazelton. St. Louis: A. H. Grlgsley. San
Francisco; C. E. Wright, Berkeley, Cal.; V.
J. Nolan. San Francisco; Velgil Cooper,
Baker City: M. E. Masterson. Astoria: O. P.
Randan. Seattle: S. H. Hewllce, San Fran
cisco; R. Sttadman. Carbitt; C. M. Holllnger,
Denver, Colo.; C. J. Howard, Seattle; Mrs.
Frank Mevers. Frank Meyers. Mllaisukee;
J. D. Hlck-s Seattle; A. L. Mechllng. O. J.
Meciiling and wife, Greenherg, Pa.; Miss
Mithank, Tacoma; Miss Julia Reinhart, Se
attle; C. Parker, San Francisco; H. E.
Llpton and wife, Detroit; C. A. Mand. San
Francisco: A. S. Hyier. Astoria; Rev. D. H.
Retd Seattle; H. T. French. Moscow. Idaho;
A. C. Dixon. Eugene; I.. F. Trumbull. San
Francisco; W. B. Jamison. Rainier: M.- B.
Cox. city; W. T. Coulter. Mrs. W. T. Coul
ter. Collins, Wash.; Mrs. M. A. Jarvls. Van
couver: R. M. Wilson and wife. Detroit; J.
Watson. Boise; Robert G. Shaw. Hood Klver;
Mrs. W. J. Thompson. Orting, Wash.: Miss
Tavla Smith, Longinont. Colo.; Miss Laura
Luce, Cleone; Tom A. Parker, R. S. Norris,
Nome: George Albers. Seattle; Miss Walr.
Hili.iboro; J. S. Mathe3on, La Grande; Mrs.
F. Ople; H.'H. Greer. Seattle; Mrs. Charles
J. Smith and daughter, Pendleton; Robert
Eakin. I.a Grande; W. A. Leger, Detroit;
c. c. Alhright. Victor Zednick. University of
Washlncton: W. S. Tyler. Boston; Lois
Bain, Wasco; B. F. Atherton. H. Smith, city;
John H. Stevenson. Forest Grove: J. E. Cate,
Thomas Italpsh. Mis Ralpsh. Chicago; J. F.
Clvcns. Astoria; F. J. lierresford, St. Paul;
Messrs. Kestl;'. Wood. Hug. Hawlf Dod-
all poisons, and -at the same time
strengthened and built up. Nothing equals
S. S. S, for this purpose. It attacks the
disease at its head, goes down to the very
bottom of the trouble and makes a complete
and lasting cure. S. S. S. removes every
particle of the catarrhal poison from tha
blood, making this vital stream pure, fresh
and healthy. Then the inflamed mem
branes begin tq heal, the head is loosened
and cleared, the hawkinqr and spitting cease,
has it now
W- v'UUIUliUUitilllliliiUilll.iiililiUllti
lb. package
1 1 lbs.
into Iwn
n1 Koi'I .J?
C.- .-Si
V- .'N
son. Kilts, Volgt, Hurd. Ersklne, Barker,
Kilpatrick. Grant, Bellinger, Page, Univer
sity of Oregon.
The St. Imrles O. M. Dodson. Oregon
City; F. S hafer. .Molalla: .1. W. Huff. M.
FInaii. Spokane: R. M. Lome. Astoria; Mrs.
Fultrup. Mrs. Tuttle, o. II. Belknap, Chi
nook: G. II. Mosher. Nasel: J, Monory. Clif
ton; J. M. Torvester. Tacoma; George Bas
key. Rainier: J. B. Er'.ekton. fikye. Wash..
M. Everest. Oregon City; L. H. 1). Quan
sard. G. Vipand. Newberg: A. West. r. H.
Latourell, city; O. Anderson. Stella; l. V.
Dickson. O. t'Hte, lone: .1. H. Reed. Clack
amas: C. Blair, Newberg; J. W. Merrill,
Corvallis; L. wr. Huddle, Sycamore. J. S.
Gammon. Fresno: A. Martin, Scranton, Pa.;
J. B. Miller, Kelso; Clinton Blair. Proce.
Wash W. N. Wadsworth. Mis Annie
Ceans. Sandy; John Chacklnia. Aberdeen:
G. M. Popp. Scappooee; C. 1.. Smith, Cottage
Grove; G. W. Pa.ssage. J. w. Conrad. Van
couver, Mrs. J. B. Halley. Edna Schum,
Pendleton; James H Davideon, Nlles Hol
land. Sheridan: G. West, L. Hazelaus, city;
J. Larson, Aotorta: M. H. Penny and wife,
Newberg: H. Barr, Clathkanle; E. E. Mar
shall, city: M. Everest. J. Gregory and wife,
Oregon City; D. C. Norls, Sheridan; C. H.
Russell, D. S. Warner and family. S. E.
Oalwell and wife. M. E. Waketleld; Jeffer
son: H. Schrender. Camas; C. F. Gesner,
Osceola; Mrs. Graham and children. Trout
dale; R. Manary, G. Vispand. city; W. Gil
lespie. The Dalles; W. H. FltZijerald, W.
Melltnger. Yorktown; O. D. Casady, C. F.
Cllne. C. E. liaughmun. Chehalis; D. ,1.
Mealev and wife. Hlllsbnro: T. c. Merl, Bar
ring. Or.; F. c Clark. Leallln. Yale,
Wash.; J. G. Wlckstrom, Scappoose; E. Ste
venson, Tacoma.
Jfotl nnniieltr. Tacoma. Wash.
CurotMan plan. Katsa. 7 cata t $2:M
cr ria Free 'bus.
I Rave Made the Mot Marvrloo Dis
covery for the FoMltive Cure of
Ueulacsa and Head Koine.
With Thin Wonderful Scientific Wseovery I
IlavA, In a few Minutes. Made People Who
Had Been Ieaf for Yenr Hear the
Xick of a Watch.
Bend Me No Money Simply Write Me About
lonr Case and I &end You br Return
Mall Absolutely Free a Full 1-
script loo of a Heav-o-i?ent -
Discovery That Cure
My eared pattentu are my beat references
After years of rearch along lines o( deep
scientific study, both In America and Europe,
I have found the cause and cure of deafnens
and head noUeit, and I have heen enabled
by this exclusive knowledge and power to
give to many unfortunate and isunVrlnK per
sons perfect hearing again; and I say to
those who havo thrown away their money
on cheap apparatus. salves, air pumps,
washes, douches, and the list of innumerable
trash that is offered the public through
flaming advertisements. I can and will cure
to stay cured. What I have done for others
I can do for you. My method Is one that Is
so simple It can be used In your own home.
It seems to make no difference with this
marvelous new method how long you have
been deaf nor what caused your deafness,
this now treatment will restore hearing
quickly and permanently. No matter how
many "remediH Imfe failed you m matter
how many doctors ha e pronounced your
i. n i-i h l new Infnllf Itlft methrtti nf
t treatment will cure. I prove this to your en
tire satisfaction herore you pay a cent ror
it. Write today and I will send you full in
formation absolutely free by return mall.
!."7t Bank Building. P-oria, III. Remember,
send no money simply your name and ad
dress. You will receive an Immediate answer
and full information by return mail.
until jour throat achs: vour stomach hcivins
like i troubled sra: vour head rrackmir with
pain: that's a bad bilious attack. Then? arc
milder attacks, but all arc bad and some are
(Re. U. 5. Pit. Off.)
Cures 5i.i3usr.sss
An arreeaM frenrescent drink. Nothing
like ltatauy iirtce.
At lroU 50c ai
r by mail from
The Tarrant Co.
44 Hudson St.
New York
Every Woman
uinweiifla una snonia ki:ow
abmittlie wouurfnl
MARVEL Whirling Spray
Tho new Yactail firta. ntc-
oit Mott ronTniiit nt.
At Jr 4mrtrlat Tor It,
If be rannoi supply th
DlAllVKi., tccpt no
other. t"t tend itsmp f r
lllumrmted book a!
full narttcultni and 1ir rti
Tiiinuiei"MMiiri, mi n iki, V if
Vteodaxd, C;xk A Co., Portland. Ore on.
Laue-.DM.vU Drue Co.. tt a tons.
w ti f lur.LisM
l,aa.e I Atk your IJ
1 hl-he-lr PUJb
nd Void metallic be
with BluciUfitoa. Tab
V4 Vvn Nl
ri in. w; r nx
rkf , or
niacin lor a
oo other.
and a&k for
years rvgarded u Bti, suost. Always
ReliiMe. Sold by DiMHsts evervwhere.
tor Caeaaleal Ch PkUadeipaia. Pa