The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 11, 1906, Section Three, Page 32, Image 32

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A Box of Delicious Hood
River Apples
Good Set
Best Set
8 A. M. to
Captain U. B. Scott, Veteran Riverman, Is Approaching the
Eighties, and Is Still in the Harness.
IN the beginning there was a con
spiracy 6n the part of several of
us to inveigle Captain Scott Into
talking about himself. The Captain ob
jects strongly to publicity, possibly be
cause he doesn't like newspapers and
newspapermen. There are people who
feel that way. and they're entitled to
hold their position. It doesn't matter
much in the long run there are ways
to circumvent them.
It was a harmless trick we played on
Captain U. B. Scott, one of the last
leaves among pioneer American steam-
boat men. He- will- be -SO years- old- be
fore many weeks, but it is till hard
to get the best of him. It required all
the strategy of a clever woman to In
duce him to talk about himself before
a group of us the other evening, and a
great surprise, is .in store for him
when he reads this.
I was struck with the masterful way
the splendid octogenarian has. with his
erect carriage, keen eye and active
brain. Surely it is worth getting old
for an old age without bitterness
when the wine of life still has a bead
on it: when the -rising up for the day
still means something that one may
look forward to; to still be useful in a
world where men have work to do.
Captain Scott's old age sits thus grace
fully upon him.
Many traditions and customs of the
elder days cling to him. Somehow his
well-made and well-polished topboots
of calfskin give him distinction, as
does the old-fashioned cut of "nis
clothes. They identify him with the
antebellum period, when life was sim
pler and cleaner and more dignified;
But it is largely in outward semblance,
however, that the old gentleman sug
gests the past. His interest in the pres
ent is keen and it was something of a
task to draw him into reminiscences.
"I don't know why you're interested
in the fact that I went out as an ap
prentice as a small boy, away back in
the latter '30s. he began, as the skein
of his memory began to untangle. "My
experience was not much different from
the experience of dozens of boys I
knew in Ohio in those early days. I
had to help make the family living, so
I went to work for an ironworker. I
got my. board and lodging, but had to
find my own clothes. I remember "now.
I learned to make knives and such
light things out of steel, and after reg
ular working hours I would put in the
time at the shop, making little things
ti sell, so that I could buy clothes.
They let me do that and I could earn"
a quarter or so a night at it.-and that's
how I dressed myself. I think I was
15 when I bought my first suit of store
clothes. The man I bought 'em of
cheated me and the pants only came
down half way between my knees and
my feet. I didn't mind that so much,
though, becauso they were better than
most of the other boys had. I think the
proudest time for me was when I saved
money enough to buy a pair of fine
shoes. I went to church the next Sun
day, proud as a dude, but for fear I
would wear em out too fast I walked
the two miles that I had to go bare
footed, and carried the shoes in m v
hand. When I got. to the church door
T put 'em on. and when meeting was
over and I got outside, off they, came
and I trudgea back home with them
under my arm. I don't suppose I looked
very fancy, but thought I aid, and was
proud of myself."
So the Captain took us in hand and
led us back along the path long years.
It was all interesting, from in
Ohio, when Ohio was almost on the
All of you may not know that Captain
V B. Scott is an Oregontan who has fol
lowed our rivers successfully for manv
years as he did those of the Middle West
for almost a generation before he ever
saw the Columbia. He iE still in the
harness, and his crack boats. Telegraph,
on the Portland-Astoria run, and the
City of Everett, on the Sound! still keep
him in touch with commercial affairs, al
though he no lonper personally navigates
his own boats. . He has turned the wheel
over to younger captains, but much of his
time is still spent aboard them.
Steamboating on the Ohio.
It was in 1SS4 that he took to steam
boating on the Ohio River. At that
time he had already made, a success in
the business of makinpr machinery, and
was a man of family. He invested a few
thousand dollars which he had saved in
a boat. and. having learned navigation,
ran her with considerable profit between
the river towns of Ohio and Kentucky.
When the Civil War came he had already
built and sold several packets for the
trade and was owner of one and master
of another when the Government im
. pressed them for military service. Dur-
One box of these fancy Apples to every patient having $25.00
worth of Dental Work done before January 1st, 1907. 1 have
an orchard in the famous Hood River Valley, and am proud
of it, and I would like my friends to have some of these
apples. Understand, your work will cost you no more here
than it will elsewhere. I simply do this to show my appre
ciation for your patronage. Remember, we extract teeth
positively without pain or danger. My system of Crown and
Bridge Work cannot be excelled. Our new method of filling
teeth with porcelain is making a great hit with ladies who
, object to showing gold in their teeth. If properly done, it
is difficult to detect it from the tooth structure. In our plate
department we have the best skilled workmen on the Coast
and our prices are exceptionally reasonable.
of Teeth on Rubber' Plate,
of Teeth on Rubber Plate,
5 P. M.;. 7:30 to 8;30 P. M,; Sundays 9 to 1.
(Eleven Years in Portland)
4 aw - .
Captain U. B. Scott. From a
Photograph Taken a Num
ber of Years Ago,
ing the Rebellion he ran his boats in the
Ohio. Mississippi and Cumberland rivers,
transporting troops and supplies for the
Federal armies. He was in the midst
of war's alarms for four years, and his
service, though In a civil capacity, was
at times more hazardous than if he had
been a soldier!
After the War he took-his boat South
and entered the Lower Mississippi and
Red River trade, carrying cotton from
the up-river plantations to New Orleans..
He made a fortune and then, through
bank failures and other mishaps, lost
most of 'his property.
It was then .to "be exact, in 1573. that
he became interested .in Oregon and
came out to Portland to begin over again.
He had but little means, but he saw the
possibilities of Willamette River naviga
tion and managed to scrape together suf
Reporter Learns How to
Get Rich Quick
John H. Stevenson. of - Telegram,
Geti lS(t For Plaolog Election
JOHN STEVENSON, political reporter
on the Telegram, made $150 on the
late Hughes-Hearst election and did
not put up even a single penny. He
was spared all the heart throbs suf
fered by the Hughes adherents when
the returns of the voting in New Tork
City first began to arrive In Portland
on election night and yet made a, very
decent 'killing," thanks to the good
fellowship of Charles Sweeney, the Spo
kane millionaire.
The day before the election Steven
son called upon Mr. Sweeney at "the
Hotel Portland. In the course of their
Conversation . Mr. Sweeney remarked
that he had a little spare cash which
he would like to place on Hughes. Mr.
Stevenson prompted the information
that he could probably be accommo
dated 3t Schiller's cigar stove and the
two wnt there together.
Mr. Sweeney produced $3010. which
he said he wo.jld like to bet on Hughes
at the prevailing odds, and he left
it at the store, hoping that it could be
placed. The day after the election
and when the outcome of -the contest
was certain, the reporter and Mr.
Sweeney again met at the Hotel Port
land. "Let's go down and collect our
money." remarked Mr. Sweeney.
"I am pretty busy and I am afraid I
can't go Just now," rejoined the re
porter. '
"Oh. come on. it will . only take a
few minutes." Insisted the millionaire.
They soon came to, terms and to
gether marched down to the cigar
store. There It was found that $1600
of the $3000 had been wagered at odds
of 4 to 1. Mr. Sweeney had $400 com
ing to him in winnings.
"Here, go buy yourself a new suit,"
declared Mr. Sweeney as he shoved se-ven
ficient money. I think he told me $12,000,
with which to build a boat to run on the
upper river. He built a scow, remodeled
it somewhat, built a cabin upon it and,
when completed, had a steamboat which
drew so little water that it could . navi
gate In a heavy dew. This was in the
Summer of "73, and the Ohio, that's
what he called the boat, was the town
joke. The river was low and none of
the boats in commission were able to get
by the Clackamas Rapids, so Oregon City.
Salem and the other river towns were left
high and dry for water transportation fa
cilities. Captain Scott proposed to run the Ohio
to Salem and beyond in spite of hades
and low water. Old timers will remem
ber how the town laughed at him and
the monstrosity which he had built to
run in eight inches of water. But he
fooled them all. After days of delay he
finally signed a pilot who took the prop
osition seriously, and so one day steamed
up the river. They went to Salem with
out untoward Incident, and then, grown
bold, continued on their way to Albany.
The shippers at every landing fairly
mobbed the boat In their eagerness to
load freight for Portland,, and-the-Ohio,
after turning away many tons of cargo,
returned. ' loaded to the guards, to give
the- Portland wiseacres the laugh.- When
the boat whistled for the landing the
whole population was there to welcome
her. '. ' - " " . .'
; Cplonel Joe Teal was one of the few: who
had believed in the venture and when the
Ohio came steaming in with Captain Scott
at the wheel. proud as a conqueror. Colonel
Joe mounted a barrel and shouted:; ."How
much freight have you got. Captain
"A hundred tons," answered the plucky
"I knew you'd do It. I knew you would.
Captain Scott, if you tell me you can
jump across this river I'll believe you.
So help me. I will!" the Colonel shouted.
AVins Both Fame and Fortune.
This, marked the successful beginning of
a career of steamboating on the '.Willa
mette and Columbia which has been in
many respects remarkable. Captain
Scott made enough out of the "Ohio" that
first Summer to build a better boat, the
City of Salem, and since then has pros
pered exceedingly. He built and- operated
the two Telephones.- the latter of which
established the record for fast time be
tween Portland and Astoria.- Some eight
years ago the Captain retired from active
work on the river, but he still directs the
business of the Telegraph and City of Ev
erett, which are valuable properties.
At SO he is full of energy and works as
few men of his age are able. He has
fdund the secret of living long and hap
pily and now he is satisfied with the
world in which he has- lived this long time
and with its people. He faces the sunset
and watches his - day wane with a brave
face smilingly and unafraid.
$20 and one $10 gold pieces in the di
rection of Mr. Stevenson as the money
was being counted, out to him.
"But, but ," ejaculated the amazed
"Oh, that's all right, answered the
millionaire,' "put it in your pocket and
feel easy, because It is coming to
you. If I hadn't met you that morning
I would never have placed the bet."
Mr. Stevenson, to make a long story
short, kept the money. There are ru
mors that the reporter is about to
blossom out in a new suit but it goes
without saying that it will not cost
Jennie Jforthrup Sues Portland Kail
way Company for $3000.
Jennie Northrup yesterday brought suit
in the State Circuit Court against the
Portland Railway Company, for $3000
damages for personal injuries alleged to
have been sustained October 3 last, while
alighting from a car at Sixth and Wash
ington streets. Plaintiff claims that the
conductor prematurely signaled the car
to start, with the result that 6he was
thrown violently to the ground, causing
serious contusions -to the left' arm. shoul
der, hip and leg. besides wrenching her
back and cutting her head.
Emmons & Emmons and W. H. Fowler
are attorneys for plaintiff.
Oregon Electric Company Sues Ter
willlger Land Company.
The Oregon Electric Railway Company
commenced condemnation proceedings in
the State Circuit Court yesterday against
the Terwilliger Land Company to con
demn a strip of land 60 feet in width ex
tending through defendant's property.
Judgment is asked for the judicial assess
ment of damages against the land com
pany, all previous efforts in that direc
tion between plaintiff and defendant hav
ing been unsuccessful.
1 jfllJ
The Monarch Malle
able Range
$1.00 a week will place one in
your home.
Handsome Rocker $3.00
Made from the finest grade
of selected quarter-sawed oak,
golden finish, with deeply chis
eled carving. The saddle
shaped seat and panel back
are unusually beautiful in
grain and finish. A big, roomy,
comfortable rocker that ,you
wouldn't expect to get for less
than $5.00 while they last $3.00.
hllilllliiil lil ll!!! pi! in
J !il4liPI
yjiiiaiiiiiiiliniiilliiiiiil iU
The Camp Cook, at This Late Day, Gives Him His Right Place in
the History of the Far West.
Copyright. 1908. by the Great West Syndi
cate. t f a-fr HERE was a artist along with
I us on the last Spring round-up."
said Chuckwagon Cal. when
cigarettes were lighted at the camp fire.
"His Western picters is the admiration
of everybody in the East. I asked him
what he was out for on that trip, and he
" 'I am seekin' an ideal flgger to typify
the West. What 'd you advise ' me to
make a cowboy, rancher, miner. Injun or
" Well, if I was you. a-makin' picters."
I says, 'and you was me a-mixin" sour
dough fer a lot of wolf appetites mas
queradin' in leather breeches. I'd draw
none of the things you have suggested. I
would make a plcter, grand and imposin'
of the Tenderfoot."
"I see he thought I was tossln" him a
joke outen the camp almanac, but such
was not the case. The Tenderfoot Is all
that has made the West. It might a-been
possible without the Tenderfoot, but it
wouldn't a-been probable. If it hadn't
been for Tenderfeet, the citizens of BufT
ler. Noo York, would now be llvin In log
blockhouses and gittin" prematoor deef
ness strainin" their ears to hear the war
whoop and the hiss of Injun arrows. The
toughest and most sun-br'iled citizen you
kin strike out "here in the cactus was a
Tenderfoot onct. though you may start a
feud if you remind him of it. Old Jim
j,.idger. Kit Carson, and ha rest of them
fellers who blazed the trails we are now
followin' so patient with our iron horses,
was Tenderfeet at one time In their lives,
though if they had stopped to let It git
to be a habit this hull West "d be some
dift'rent f"m what it is today. The fellers
who started for Californy in '49. with
trouble hidin' behind every rock and bit
of sagebrush on the way, was Tenderfeet.
No seasoned Westerner - had the nerve
to face what them boys did. Only an on
thinkin". nappy-go-lucky, brave-hearted
blunderbuss of a Tenderfoot would have
had the nerve to tackle it and git through.
"We have heard lots in song and story
about the Injun fighters and the cowboys,
but nobody seems to give the Tenderfoot
their due. Yet they was game boys in
the main, and seldom did their courage
prove as tender as their,feet. I remember
Your Thanksglvlna; turkey will taate twice aa good If roasted In a Monarch. iot onlr
this bat you -mill feel a whole lot better, and be better able to enjoy your dinner. Only half
the work wben uin a Monarch Ranee. The Duplex draft admits air at both ends of the fire
box, caualnjc the oven to beat evenly. You never need to take out your roast and turn it
around. And then lt"a never necessary to blacken the Monarch, even after cooking on it a
whole day. Ail you need do is to wipe with a moist rag; and your ranee stays as brlsht
and blue aa a new kuq barrel. The thin malleable top heats through In one minute and is
guaranteed never to crack, turn red or warp.
We are constantly adding new- pat
terns, and have a large assortment of
beautiful designs, at prices that cannot
fail to please even the most careful
buyers. Our fabrics are all durable,
only dependable makes obtaining a
place in our stock. Brussels Car
oc a yard.
Dining Table S1S.OO
Square extension table, made of beautifully
grained quartar-sawed oak a table that
. we'll guarantee you won't find elsewher for
a . cent less than $20. The top measures 45
inches ' across and extends to 6 feet. The
construction, polish and cabinet work . are
all of the very best.
PEDESTAL TABLE $20 Exactlv as pic
tured above, only the picture doesn't show
the beautiful grain and polish. Extends to
6 feet and is worth a little more than the
price we ask.
Perfection Oil
Heater $3,50
Carry it about from
room to room. Turn
wick high or low
there's no danger.
Smokeless device pre
vents smoke and smell.
Easy to operate as a
lamp. All parts easily
cleaned. Brass oil fount
beautifully embossed
Holds 4 quarts of oil
and burns 9 hours.
Gives intense' heat.
Handsomely nickel
plated, useful, reliable.
Every heater warrant
ed and usually sells
for $5.oO.
Folding Ironing Board $1.80
Made from close-grained white
Pine, fastened together with screws
and bolts (no glue used in joints.
Board measure. 57 inches long by
14 inches wide. Adjust to three po
sitions, and folds perfectly flat
when nnt in iica '
Pres Cutglass Fruit
Dish 39c
10 inches in diam
eter and stands 9
Inches high. Bril
liantly finished, the
latest production in
imitation cutglass.
the design and lus
ter making it hard
to distinguish be
tween the Imitation
and the real.
. Carving Set $1.35
Made from the best ground
and tempered cutlery steel,
with genuine buckhorn han
dles, and usually sells for $2.
1 m
Bi Mill huh;
pop plaos mo
one Tenderfoot, in my young and summut
reckless cowpuncher days, who showed up
at camp when he was roundin' up for one
of the biggest outfits in Wyoming. He
didn't teil where he come from, nor why,
and nobody bothered him with questions.
In fact, we got too busy botherin' him
other ways. We put him on our meekest
lookin' hoss. and he got one of the pur
tiest and hardest throws I ever seen. But
he came up smilin' and never hollered,
though he did git a little pale when he
found a dead rattler in his blankets at
night. Before mornin' we had played so
many trices on him that we was plum
sore f m laughin". and could hardly saddle
up to ride circle. Then somebody asked
who he was. and we nearly fell dead whn
he says, quite calm and sweet:
"I'm Lord So-and-So, the new owner of
this ranch, and I thought I'd ride out to
see how one o' my round-ups ts carried
on. doncherknow."
. "'But he was game, was that Tenderfoot,
and never a man was fired, and a few
months he could ride and rope and shoot
and tell a campflre He with any man in
the outftt.
"It was the Tenderfoot" s ability to shuck
his skin in a hurry that put him in touch
with Western life. A young feller would
blow out West in a stiff hat and a shirf
that was stlffer than the hat. but he
wouldn't git his feet shot at more 'n a
couple of times afore he'd realized some
thin was wrong; and then hed bloom out
in the widest of hats and the softest of
shirts and the highest-heeled of boots, and
go down the street, with a heavy gun slap
pin at his hip, lookin fer Tenderfeet to
"In my Tenderfoot days the West was
some farther East than it is today. After
a man had crossed the Msisoury, his scalp
began to prickle at the roots, for sheer
oneasiness. It was my luck to throw in
with a - freightin' outfit across the Bad
Lands, and. right at its fountain head I
got next to the picturesque side of the
West and learned how to pour a constant
stream o" leather into the tough hides o'
mules, and to make my langwidge glow
like a 'rorer boreali& I learned a few
liftle real life maxims of the West" that
faint heart ne'er won faro game: that the
least said the sooner the doctor could
mend you:. and that the men who throwed
the biggest conversational loop couldn't
alius rope the most steers. I found out
that clothes without an artillery pocket
didn't make the man: that there could be
godliness in a country where alkali made
cleanliness some difficult: that covetin'
your neighbor's pile o' poker chips was
equivalent to stakin' out.a perpetual home
The finest assortment of patterns
in the city. A good grade of Eng
lish linoleum in floral pattern at
70c a yard. Beautifully inlaid lino
leums in floral, tile and inlaid wood
patterns. They're thick as a board. -and
will wear a lifetime.
II V Hi' I
Hassocks 50c
- Well made, in a
variety of shapes,
from pretty carpet
remnants. Those
for. 50c are made
from a good grade
of Brussels carpet.
Those made from
Axminster or vel
vet carpet range
in price from 75c
to $1.00.
Turkey Roasters 0c
Measure 11x16 inches, .large
enough to hold a big one.
Made of heavy Russia iron,
with corrugated top that
causes the moisture to drip
down on the roast a perfect
self baster. that usually sells
for $1.
Doormat, Special 35c '
.75 Doormat. 16xM $ .SO
.90 Doormat. 16x2 .5
.75- Doormat. 2)x32 .". .- 1.35
k 1
on Boot Hill: and that Mr. Colt's little
levelin' machine beat the Declaration of
Independence in makin' all men equal.
"Of course tenderfootin' today ain't
what it was in them days. Why. I s'poee
it won't be long afore they have Seein'
the Wild West coaches and automobiles,
same as I seen in Denver last WirfTer,
with fellers bellerin' descriptions of the
eights through a conversational tunnel.
" 'There, ladies and Tenderfeet." he says,
'you see fhe broad, romantic plains you
have read about. The rancher has seen
em first.' however, so don't try to walk
across 'em onless you want to git tangled
in barb wire. The mound over there is
the home of that ferocious animile. the
perarie dog. one of the few onchangin'
features of the West. We will the
coach here to permit the snapshotter to
shoot the perarie dog while he is posin'.
Over there you see a kyote, the only one
that has not run into a ranch fence and
broke his neck. A little farther on we
will come to the footprints of some ex
tinct animiles. includin' the deer, bear and
Texas steer. Over there you .see a real
sheepherder. tendln' a band o' 6heep. You
may think he is locoed and romantic, but
he ain't. He Is a college graduate and kin
ekln any of us in a debate on political
economy or the ethics o" football. Far
ther on, down the gulch. I will show you
the last o' the cowboys, stufTed and mount
ed for edcuational purposes. He is kep'
there to show to Eastern writers of West
ern stories, so they kin say they have seen
introduced we quote prices
Teeth that you can eat with for no pay) . $5.00
Reinforced 22k Gold Crowns . . $5.00
Bridge work, this week, per tooth . . $3.50
Gold or Enamel fillings . . . $1.00 and up
Silver or Cement fillings . . . . $ .50
Painless Extraction . . . . $ .50
Dining Chairs $2.25
We have just placed on
show a new lot of pretty
dining chairs, and have
made the prices even
more attractive than the'
Exactly as pictured
above. The finest grade
of quarter-sawed oak
used in these chairs.
Panel hacks and curved
French legs. A chair
you'd guess to be worth
at least $4.50.
Sunlight Wrtijlit Heater f 3
The $S.OO Heater we
have been selling is all
sold out. and we are of
fering in its place our
, regular $10.00 heater for
$9.00. It has a heavy
caststeel top and bottom.
Body is made from the
best quality of rolled
steel, with an extra
heavy lining to protect
the outside hofly.
Airtig-ht Heaters, bea-ry
cast top and front, 4..o.
Hot Blast Coal Heaters,
elaborately nirkeled. S.
.Combination . Coal .:and
Wood Heaters, 6.O0.
one of the things they write about so
"But what, sort of a picture did your
artist make, after you gave him such
good advice?" asked the camp tenderfoot.
"Oh. he goes back and rirawe an impos
sible picter of an impossible cowboy rid
in' an impossible hoss and ropin' an im
possible steer, and now the public won't
let him do anything else. It's got to take
some bigger and better artist than we've
had yet to give the tenderfoot his risht
New Incorporations.
Articles of incorporation of the Lon
Lake Hardwood Company were filed with
the County Clerk yesterday by C. E S.
Wood. H. H. Parker and W. H Addis.
Capital stock. $;.O0A
The Davenport-Stanley Ranch Com
pany Incorporated yesterday with a cap
ital stock of $50,000. Frank Davenport.
F. S. Stanley and R. Smith are the in
corporators Edward A. Baldwin. Alfred Biles and
Jesse Stearns yesterday filed articles of
incorporation of the Baldwin Farms, cap
italized for $75,000.
If Baby Is Cutting Teeth
Be enre and use that old and well-tried rm
dT, Mrs. wlnslow's Soothing Byrap. for obu
drn trtblnc. It soothes lb child, softens
th sumu. allays mil pain, cmw wind eolla
and llarrhca-
in First-Class Dental Work
done by Dentists of 15 years'
experience. To get our work
as follows:
Tmv nit m whw i
1 WW
Open from 8 to 8
Sundays, to 1 P. M.