23 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 11, 1906. PERSONAL. LADIES, ONE WORD WITH YOU 25 years' of successful practice In Portland In the treatment of diseases peculiar to wom en should b sufficient guarantee to those seeking the aid of au experienced physician and surgeon. I have agisted hundreds of anxicu and suffering women. I can assist ou. If in trouble, no mutter from what caae, call on old Dr. J. D. Grey, the old reliable specialist; no charge for consulta tion or advice. 251 Alder Ft., corner 3d, Portland, Or. Correspondence bacredly con fidential X-RADIUM MFDTCAL INSTITUTE AND SANITARIUM. For the special treatment of diseases of women. Irregularities Immediately checked. Our methods of treatment are unique; no charges for consultation. Graduate lady physicians and professional nurses in attend ance. Maternity hospital. Infants adopted. 253 ALDFR ST.. PORTLAND. OH. Corner Thlad. Phone Main 2796. REFINED. REPPKCTABLE YOUNG WID ower, neat appearance, past 3o years, stran ger In city, good circumstance blonde com plexion, height 5 feet 11 4 inches, weight about 10S, wishes to meet respectable, af fectionate single lady or widow, brunette preferred; object matrimony; no trlflers; re plies will be treated strictly .contidential. F 24, Oregonian. DR. MARY LANE. Late superintendent of Chicago Woman's Hospital, treats dlf eases of women exclu sively; ladles will consult their best inter ests by communicating with me; no fee for consultation; correspondence absolutely con fidential; maternity cases given special at tention. Sanitarium and offices, 253 Alder, corner Third. Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 27D6. HARTMAN DETECTIVE AGENCY. Will handle anything In the line of de tective work In and out of the city. Have an expert on gathering evidence in lawsuits. All work strictly confidential, you can rely on the work done through this office. Room 24 and 25 KalotKh Bldg., tith and Washington sts. Office open day and night. Phone Pacific 2734. MADAM ANNA LUCKEY LADIES ONLY. Magnetic, mental and electric treatments. We cure any case of rheumatism and ner vousness; specialist on dandruff and fall lug hair; French paste for removing wrin kles; xatinta treated, with board and r'-oni; physicians' references. 351 Stark ht., cor. Park. Phone Main 2011. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN OP GOOD h ablts, holding lucrative position, to cor respond with attractive young lady of lov able disposition, domestically Inclined and one who would appreciate a goad home, photos exchanged; no flirts wanted; oh Jct matrimony. Address W. A. P., Ore gon City, Or., care Oregon City Daily Star. DON'T BE LONESOME; JOIN OUR SOCIAL club and gt acquainted with the opposite sex, who wish to marry. We have busi ness ami professional men. society ladies and working girls. Private offices; no pub licity. Register with photos, luc. 24 Rus sel bldg., cor. 4th and Morrison at. YOUR FUTURE FORETOLD FREE. TO prove the superiority of my life readings above all others, I will send yours free, with special forecast for thi year. Send stamped addressed envelope and birth date and gr-t a fortune worth having. Alma Zyto, Drawer 752. Chicago. FAT FOLKS. Your weight, double chin, busts, abdo men and hips reduced; have lost 41 pounds; no starving, no wrinkles; guaranteed harin-l-s. Call Wednesday or write for book let free. Mrs. A. 6. Ryer 201) Cnerry St., Portland. Phone East o779. SUITS PRESSED WHILE YOU. WAIT. 50c To visitors of Portland hotels and to pub lic at largo: Suits preyed at 50c at Gilbert. th tailor's. Iu0 6th st.. next to Quelle. Ladles' cklrts pressed. 50c. Feathers and boa cleaned and curled. Phone Pac. 208N. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER. Expert fitter; furs remodeled, repaired and rrdyed; .'10 years experience insures entire satisfaction; will call at residence and give estimates; prices moderate. Phone Pacitlc 2197. Lew I bldg.. Morrison and Park. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE. HET.SING fors graduate, positively cures ' rheumatism, nervous d borders and stomach troubles by hand rubbing, steam, swtai, tub - baths; both sexes. 7 E. 11 th st. S.. 2 doors from E. Ankeny carllne. Phone East 200. MIDDLE-AGED. FINE-LOOKING BUSINESS man would like to meet lady with view to matrimony, hi income is $lo,oH) per year, enough for both. No objection poor maiden or widow. Addre Mr. H., room It '2. Ceylon Bldg., Chicago. BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY. WORTH JSimh) cash, will also Inherit twelve thousand more, wishes to meet young or middle-aged man with view to matrimony. ( Poverty no ob jection.) Address Miss Hart, Dept. 645, 54 Wabash, Chicago. MAIN 2502 HAS OPENED HER MASSAGE and magnetic healing parlors at 431 E. Ash; hoping all my old patients and new on-s will toke my scientific treatments and baths for rheumatism ; ladies only. Phone East 4308. THOSE WRINKLES WILL, LEAVE YOUR face when you build up by the uhj of Sexlne Pills. $1 a box. $0 for $5. with full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemen son, druggist, 2d and Yamhill sts.. Port land, Or. "SON OF A SWORD-MAKER." "TURKEY Ek Gr'frin." "The Harkrlders." "The Starbucks." by Ople Read. 25c each: Us: free. A. W. Sohmale Co.. 220. First. LOST AND FOUND. STOLEN FROM ROSS ISLAND, ONE dark gray mare and one bay horse, weight about 1000 pounds each ; reward for any information. Anderson Bros.' Stables, 2d and Jefferson sts. LOST BETWE E N ST A R K ST. A N D .1 nv. feraon st. depot, a sold bracelet; finder will hn suitably rewarded hy returning to or communicating with 422 East Couch st Phone East 34S2. LOST PURSE. WITH PLAIN GOLD RING and watch chain, between Postoffice and Pluza block. finder please return to St. Geui ge. let and Columbia ts., room 01: get reward. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses renovated and returned same , day. 228 Front st. Main 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. 11. Metzger. proprietor. IK THE WOMAN WHO TOOK THE GRIP from the Columbia Hotel. Vancouver, will return sume to Shyman, Hotel Oregon, she will be row ai ded and no questions asked. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH AND watch pin, with name, between Mechanic tt. and Manhattan tst., or Union avenue; return to 394 Manhattan st. and receive reward. LOST A GOLD-HANDLED UMBRELLA In postoffice lobby Saturday evening, a present to owner and finder will receive reward by teleohoning Main 1824. LOST GOLD BROOCH SET WITH TWO pearls, between 10th and Irving and 7th and Columbia, Reward. M. Nordeen, 2!J3 Uth st., city. FOUND, NEAR HAWTHORNE AVE.. VA re liable property. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this ad. 4S3 East Clay, GOLD WATCH, KEY WIND. NEAR LYRIC Theater. Saturday night. 10 o'clock. Phone East 605G. 4i$ THulladay; reward. LOS T LA DI ES' ELG 1 N WATCH AN D chain; initials N. A. F. on case; No. 32ti0. Phone Union 4422. Suitable reward. LOST LADY'S SUNBURST BROOCH. SET in pearU. diamond center; lost Tuesday. Reward. Telephone East 1079. LOST LEW ELL EN SETTER DOG; WHITE body, dark head, tan cheeks,, one ear gray; return 125 tith st. Reward. CHECK LOST $373 ON FIRST NATIONAL Rank; please- return to 203 Salmon at., Mrs. Frances Dobclbower. LOST A WHITE SPITZ FEMALE BE tween MtlwaukiH and Portland. Reward. Phone East 50tt?s. LOST AN OVERCOAT AT THE AUDITO rii:m on Thursday, Nov. 8. Return to Eat 2110. Losf BLACK DOG, LICENSE DSD RE ward. 4"M 2d t Phone Pacific 2053. FOUND YOUNG MALE COLLIE. APPLY at 450 Williams ave. BUSINESS CHANTFa WHEN YOU WANT TO SELL OR BUY ANY rocks or bonds try F. J. Catterlln & Co., 125 Abington, city. I WILL TRADE A GOOD STOCK RANCH for Cnscadia or Alaska Pet. & Coal. T 32, care Oregon lan. WANTED A PARTNER WITH SMALL capital, in a business proposition. Q 34. care Oregonian. RESTAURANT FOR SALE CHEAP; CEN trally located and doing Hue business. A 20, Oregonian. TEA AND COFFEE ROUTE FOR SALE, well established; bargain. B 20. care Ore gonian. . BAKERY. FIRST-CLASS. AT A SACRI fice. Write Oregonian Agent, Vancouver, Wash. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. O. C. R. Ellis, W. E. Kahler. F- V. Lanken ELLIS, KAHLER & LANKEN. Rooms 20 and 21 Cambridge Bldg., 204 Morrison st., S. W. cor. Third st. IF YOU WANT A ROOMING-HOUSE, call here. We have them from ?300 to $10,000. all sizes, all styles, all prices. All the desirable ones for sale are on our list, the best as well as the cheapest. Terms on any. -V SNAP IN HOTEL. 100 rooms, bar, office, dining-room and kitchen; long established and always full; one of the beet second-class houses in the city, paving $500 a month profit, no buy for 34000 ever offered like this; time on part. SWELL FAMILY HOTEL. G5 rooms, choice location, steam heat, running hot and cold water in rooms, furniture and carpets of best grade; new and up to date; rooms all full best class of guests; cheap rent, with long lease; profits S.'OO a month. Price for few days, $10,500; cash required, $0000. THE BEST IN THE CITY. 33 rooms, new, centrally located brick, er.tire'v modern, private baths, running water in rooms, furnished elegantly and completely; profits $250 a month. Price, $5500. FAYS $200 A MONTH PROFIT. 30 rooms, best central corner location, excellent furniture, doing a big transient business; worth your Investigation. Price, 53000. A LITTLE GEM. 14-room flat, new brick building, cliolce location, modern In every way, with jani tor service. If you want a first-class, well-furnished place, here it is. Price, $1000. BOARDING. Nice 20-room high-class boarding-house In excellent location; new, modern build ing, doing business of $000 a month; long lease; cheap rent. Price, $2000. And many other: EUROPEAN HO TELS, 40 rooms and over; FAMILY HO TELS and APARTMENT HOUSES. PRI VATE ROOMING HOUSES and CHEAP LODGING HOUSES Call and see what we have; fome of the best not advertised. DO IT NOW. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A GOOD IN vestmcnt keep your eye on Coeur d'Alene mining stocks. The time to buy Is while prices are low. "Snowstorm," "Snowshoe," "Copper King" and "Missoula Copper" are all good buys at present prices. With the steady advance in the price of copper these Stocks are bound to go up. I am in the market to buy or sell any min ing tock In which there is a chance for a trade. Money loaned on Coeur d'Alene stocks. T. P. BROWN. 401 McKay Bldg. MINE FOR SALE 4 CLAIMS, VEIN 8 feet wide; essays $-"i0 gold; good wagon road to smelter,. 12 miles distant; electric power and telephone lines; traction line surveyed a crow property ; timber and water on property: buildings, rails, car; tunnel propo sition; $3500 will make property ready for mill. Will retain one-eighth or sell all. No better proposition in Eastern Oregon. Rigid examination asked. Terms reasonable. L. N. Cook, Durkee, Or. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SE enred or fee returned; send model or sketch for free opinion as to patentability; send for illustrated Guide Book ; contains 100 me chanical movements and new Itet of Inven tions wanted. Particulars New Trade-Mark Law. Copyrights. Patents advertised free In World's Progress. Copy free. , Evans, WUkens & Co.. Reg. Patent Attorneys, ttl5 F st.. Washington. D. C. GRAND OPPORTUNITY. For business or investment; 3-story brick, lot 50x100, East Side, best corner in that section; S stores below, 34 rooms above; present c-wner crnducts as rooming-house; right man can make $500 a month here. Price, ircluding furniture, $30,000. ELLIS. KAHLER & LANKEN, Rooms 20 and 21. 204 Morrison St. THE NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 208 Mnrquam Bldg.. Portland. Or. Main 2874. Incorporated 1904. Loans secured, realty, timber, mines, preparation of char ters, organization of companies and sale of stocks and bonds a specialty. Make good all representations; information free. FOR SALE ONE-THIRD OR ONE-HALF interest in an established mercantile busi ness in Eastern Oregon ; salts $55,000 a , year. U. S. Government spending over a million dollars now in an irrigation project within eight miles. A gilt-edge opportu nity, open to Invtstigation. For further in formation write to Postoffice Box 02, Echo, Or. THE NATIONAL FINANCING CO., 208 Marquam Bldg.. Portland. Or. Main 2S74. Incorporated 1904. Loans secured, realty, timb-r. mines, preparation of char ters', organization of companies and sale of stocks and bonds a specialty. Make good all representations; information free. BUSINESS OPENINGS. The Ames Mercantile Agency has the lat et information on trade opportunities in city or country. Parties looking for loca tions In Oregon or Washington are Invited to call THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY. Abington Bldg. $500 WILL PURCHASE THE BEST , AIR cooled two-cylinder automobile made and porure agency that will earn from $200 to $500 per month at 20 per cent commission. We manufacture and guarantee this car. Make check to The Barnes Mfg. Co., San dusky, Ohio. References, The American Banking Co.. aid The Third National Bank. SNAP! SNAP! SNA PI Confectionery store, stock, awning, heat ing stove, everything complete; located on carline; city water, electric lighta. low rent; only $450. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO., 012 Commercial Bldg.. Main 1940. DRUG STORE: GOOD NEW FIXTURES AND fresh stock, for sale for $3250 cash, together with five-year lease on tore; exceptionally well located In growing part of city; oppor tunity. Morgan. Sweet & Chapman, 213 Abington bldg. Phone Main 2015. ATTENTION. . S ALOONM EN. Good-paying ealoon, together with 7 rooms, on 3d st.; reasonable rent and lease; a money-making proposition to parties who mean business. L 30, Oregonian. FOR SALE COMPLETE PLANT, MANU facturing mill work for local and Eastern market; 15o horse power; large dry kiln ca pacity; shipping facilities by rail or water. Owners, room 5.12 Worcester block. 87-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. LRWISTON. IDA ho; well furnished, steam heat. etc. ; rent from store and restaurant pays most of rent; reason for selling, -other business. Addresa A., Drawer R. Lewlston. Idaho. WANTED PARTNER. PREFERABLY young man with $50.no. to invent in a high grade business proposition; money fully se cured ; services of investor desired, Jtut not required. Box T 20. Oregonian. WANTED SOBER. HONEST GENTLEMAN with small amount capital as partner in big profit-paying businfs. 105 4 1st St., New Belmont Hotel, room 1, between 1 and 4 o'clock. FOR SALE irOf SHARES IN BLOCKS OF 5, 10 and ICO each of the rapidly advanc ing stock of the Portland Coal & Develop ment Oil stock; reaeonable. W 19, Oregon ian. FURNITURE AND GOOD-WILL OF 115 room house for sale; all rooms rented: will clear $:C0 to MOO per month; price $6000; a bargain. Apply 318 Abington bldg. AN UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR IN-ves-t merit of $000 and upward in guaran teed proposition, which will return large profits. 017 Commercial bldg. DFL1CATESSFN STORE ON A GOOD COR ner; clears $130 a month over rent, living and all other expenses; will make terms if wanted. Call 248S Stark st. GPOPEPY HERE'S A CHANCE TO GET A good cash grocery with living rooms; other interests force owner to sell quickly. Call 24SV. Stark st. FOR SALE INTEREST IN THREE GOOD paying cigar stores. Either silent or act ive partner. No trlflers. F 27, Oregonian. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 24 ROOMS. Good rroposition and easy terms. Inquire between 10 A. M. and 3 P. M., 95 11th st. FOR SALE SAWMILL. 25-HORSE-POWER. and planer; will sell all or part. Address James Murray, R.'F. D. 4, McMinnville, Or. OTPTFH AND SHORT-ORDER BUSINESS; experience unnecessary to make $140 a month; $575 required. Call 24 8 Stark et. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT Busi ness for sale or trade. Good location. Lock Box 4, Dallas, Polk Co.. Oregon. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN GOOD paying chili counter; only one in city. Inquire .21! Davis st. WANTED PARTNER TO HELP INVENT or PHi-ure patent on a non-rei'illable bottle. P 25, Oregonian. CIGAR STORE FOR SALE CHEAP FOR cash; price $000. 255 First. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. DiETZ MUELLER CO.. Main 156. "229-30 Lumber Exchango. Below are a few of our many room ins house bargains. Read the list over care fully and if you don't see what you want, call on us. We have all the good buys in the city. VERY CHEAP. 50 rooms, mostly housekeeping ; rent $ 150; located on 0th st., close in; good money maker and cheap at the price $1400. ANOTHER CHEAP ONE. 33 rooms, corner brick, 3d st., center of city, clearing above all expenses $200 per month; rent $125; lease to lOoS. Price $1000. VERY SWELL. 45 rooms, new, cor. brick; private baths, hot and cold water in all rooms; very ele gantly furnished and a great big money maker; rent, including ateam heat, only $li50 per month. Price $sooo. BEST ON THB MARKET.- 45 rooms, brick, steam heat, hot and cold w-ater in every room, private bat ha; cheap ren t, good long lease ; eierrrtor and f ur nished elegantly; clearing ?300 per month. Price 5G5O0. MONEY-MAKER. 28 Rooms, Washington st. ; 6 room pays the rent; 3-year lease; nicely furnished; clearing $200 per month. A real bargain. Price $250u. SMALL HOUSES. 2 E-room houses; best locations in the cityr nicely furnished, clearing about uO $50mnt each. Exceptionally good buy for VERY CHOICE. 10 rooms, 2 blocks from Hotel Portland; elegant furnishings, clearing $60 per month; just furnished. Price $1200. DIETZ MUELLER CO., 220-30 Lumber Exchange. Main 156. Cor. 2d and Stark sts. PARTNER WANTED FOR GENERAL MER chandise store to take charge of the bus iness; will be Invoiced. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GRO CERY and commission house will take a partner. A FAMILY LIQUOR STORE, netting $250 per month over and above all ex penses; $3500. LADIES. ATTENTION! We have a cash store, present owner is a responsible man and will guarantee purchaser $200 every month; trial given If desired. RELIABLE REAL ESTATE MAN will take a partner and teach him the busi ness; must invest small amount of cap ital. CORNER CASH GROCERY STORE do ing a business of $40 per day; $1000. SALOON ON THIRD STREET; $700. AN OLD ESTABLISHED WOOD AND COAL YARD, netting $1000 per month; $12,000. LABORING MEN'S HOTEL, S5 rooms; $1000. RESTAURANT DOING BUSINESS OF $50 per day; $000. Call on DONALD H. SMITH, Room 325 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE HOTEL. 4 YEARS' LEASE. $50 per month; 24 sleeping rooms, one hand some suite with private bath, swell Flem ish oak finished office, private writing room, kitchen, laundry, elegantly furn ished parlor, two toilets and one public bath in the house; beautifully electric lighted ; the leading hotel and caters ex clusively to commercial trade in one of the best towns in Oregon; ask any com mercial traveler; the price is right with terms; no agents. Address G 24, Ore gonian. A WELL-PAYING RESTAURANT FOR $300; cost $600. Smaller restaurant. West Side, $225 ; suitable for lady. A one fourth interest in a portable renovating plant, good. $500. One-half interest In an old-established business, $1250. A confec tionery and restaurant doing fair busi ness, $12t0. If you are looking for a safe Investment see us. 6TATE LAND CO., 13344 First st. A SNAP A 50-room lodging house almo.it new and completely furnished, all rooms full, fine location on business corner; a money maker; reason for selling owner goinK East. V 0, Oregonian. STRICTLY CASH BUSINESS OWNER wants reliable partner, who will be paid a pa.ary and hare of profits besides; $500 re quired, which ie placed in bank as addi tional capital; previous experience unneces sary. Call 248H Stark st. NEWSPAPER MAN A PRACTICAL NEWS paper man who has some money, can learn of a splendid opening by calling on O. R. Ball, at American Type Founders Co., Sec ond and Stark ets., Portland. WANTED AS JOINT EXECUTIVE HEAD of Al company (incorporated , man of proved business ability and character; must invest about $10,000; returns very large. F 20, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WITH BUSINESS EXPERI ence looking for opening in legitimate business which will bear close investiga tion; will invest nominal sum; principals only. K 20. Oregonian. FOR SALE CLEAN OFFICE BUSINESS paying well; must sell at once account of other interests; make an offer 9 to 12 to day. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 205 Morrison st, room 303 2S-ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY FURNISHED. bet location in city, money-maker; mvner leaving city and must sell; terms given. Gros?e Rooming-House Agency, 151 West Park st., city.- SALOON OWNER PREFERS A RELIABLE partner to keeping hired help, and will sell half intereet for $450; owner guarantees you $15it a month ; experience not necessary. Call 24SK Stark St. FOR SALE CHEAP GOOD 40-ROOM HOTEL, frame building, with bar in connection; do ing splendid buslnees; good location; J block from derot; terms reasonable. Address Lock R'x 74. Echo, Or. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BUSINESS MAN with capital for the best business enter prise on the Pacific Coast; strictest in vestigation courted; no agents. Apply E 20. Oresonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE WELL Lo cated, close In and finely furnished. Is doing good paying business. This is a bargain. Price $lb00. M. G. Griffin, 2litf Stark st. MERCHANTS. ATTENTION IF YOU WANT to strll your business quick for cash, or if you want a partner, call 2484 Stark st. We keep in strict confidence ail information given us. 12-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRALLY LOCATED, clearing $00 above rent, for sale cheap; own-.T must leave at once for California, Grosse Rooming-House Agency, 151 West Park st. STOCK COMPANIES INCORPORATED IF you have stocks or bonds for sale, let me try to sell them for you. George M. Kel logg, broker, 540 EiUcott Square. Buffalo. FOR SALE ALL OR HALF INTEREST IN a good paying manufacturing and repairing business; $22H) will buy entire business. . For particulars see Louis Salomon, 233 Stark st,, near Second. BLUE BOOK ON PATENTS AND LIST "what to invent free to any address. Pat ents secured or fee returned. Geo. S. Va shon & Co.. 5t0 E st., Washington, D. C. UP-TO-DATE LAUNDRY, BEST 300O TOWN on Willamette; large patronage, good prices, no competition ; owner must leave. Ad dress H. G. Ogden, St. Johns, Or. $750 RESTAURANT, SEATS 50 PEOPLE; owner sick, must retire; doing splendid business. C. & S. real Estate Co., 205 Marquam bldg. Phone Main 1040. WANTED PARTY WITH $1500 TO GO H in purchase of acreage that could immedi ately be cut up in lots and sold at a very good profit. V 24, Oregonian. WANTED FROM OWNER, FIRST-CLASS rooming-house, 12 to 10 rooms; must be cheap for cash; give price and rent in first letter. N 22, Oregonian. WILL SELL EITHER ALL OR HALF IN tereet in good paying general merchandise business; rare opportunity . for right party. Address P. O. box 4SW city. PARTNER WANTED TO ATTEND OFFICE and collect for a business established 15 years; $1300 required, fully secured. Par ticulars 248U Stark st. $175 BUYS HALF INTEREST IN ESTAB lished business Showing good returns; bal ance $125 on Installments; party leaving city. P 30. Oregonian. FOR SALE THE NICKELODION. 130 6th St.; half interest or outright; dissolution of partnership. See or address H. W. Jones, manager. "Nuf ced." WANTED PARTNER IN GOOD REAL Es tate and employment office; one-half In terest very reasonable. Call room 16, 253 Alder st.. today. $375 TAKES A 24-ROOM HOTEL, NEAR O. R- & N. dock and shops, full of good paying boarders. Apply to owner, 491 Rail road atreet. WANTED CASHIER FOR A STRICTLY cafh business as partner; owner guarantees you $4 a day; $200 required. Call 248 Stark st. DELICATESSEN AND GROCERY STAND for sale, very cheap. Call 151 Grand ave., corner Belmont. CENTRAL SALOON; BEST BARGAIN YOU ever saw for $12u0. Call 24S14 Stark st. FOR SALE $100. T 2: -Al BARBER SHOP: , Oregonian. PRICE BUSINESS CHANCES. COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT CO. Offers following gilt-edge business Chances: High-grade manufacturing business Active interest can be secured by invest ment of $5000 to $15,000. Snap ii fuel but-lnesi; as a. tor particulars. Fine open ing In gents furnishings; about $loo. Nice business for man and wife, $150'). Half ii teres t In best paying small res taurant, $250. Reliable man for partner in saloon, $800. Hotels. $2200, $0000. $15,0o0, 15,00t'. Rooming houses, 6 rooms, elegant furniture,- $050; others, $750, $1000. $1500. $2000, $2200; GO -room hotel. 640W. 331 Lumber Exchange bldg.. 2d and Stark. MAN OF GOOD APPEARANCE AND business ability to manage manufacturing business and call on city drug and gro cery trade and manage demonstrators; must have $yU() for one-third interest in business; over $0000 worth of stock on hand; established 3 years; salary $lou per month and expenses, besides share of pront; present manager on the road and cannot attend to city trade; don t ans wer unless you are a business man, can dll pitHo a n1 tr an f at'npl nrv on n "hit v at once. Particulars by interview only.T Answer until iiiursaay. w u, uregonian. AX-HANDLE FACTORY. MAKING GOOD money $3500, with terms, puts you Into possession of ground, buildings and up-to-date machinery of a prosperous ax handle factory in county seat in. the Wil lamette Valley; immense quantities and excellent quality of raw material brought to doors for many years to come; inves tigating means buying. F. Fuchs. 221 Morrison st. M'FARLAND'S AGENCY, 809 Stearns Building, Solicits listing of your properties for sale. Handles real estate, farms, hotels, stores and other business place. Valley and East ern Oregon realty dealer please mail lusts. We advertise for buyers. All kinds Portland deals now offered. IF YOU HAVE PROPERTY TO SELL. EITHER REAL ESTATE, BUSINESS CHANCES; MINES ARE GOOD INDUS TRIAL STOCKS. AND WANT QUICK RESULTS, LIST THEM WITH THE OR EGON PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO., 310 AND 312 DEKUM BUILDING. A CORPORATION DOING A LEGITIMATE business will sell a small amount of its fully paid-up, nonassessable stock for the purpose of extending its business; a good chance for the right man with money for a salaried position. Address R 28, Oregonian. $5000 FOR SALE DWELLING HOUSE. S rooms, finished attic, with furnace, nrst class repair, good location. As 1 am leav ing the city will sell furniture if -desired, or will leave partly furnished for $00 per month. No agents. Address T 28, Oregonian. $300 BUYS BLACKSMITH SHOP WITH 86 regular horses, besides extra work; stock worth $100; receipts at least $200 per month; rent $6; good location; fine chance lor man to start for himself. N 26, Ore gonian. ONE OF MOST ELEGANT FLATS IN city for rent and furniture for sale; fur niture worth $1000, can be bought at your own price. Grosse Rooming-House Agency, 151 W. Park st., city. I WANT A MAN TO INVEST $1500 TO $2000 In an established business and man age same; I have other business and can not give it attention; references ex changed. C 20, Oregonian. SAWMILL, 30.000 CAPACITY, FULLY equipped, on river and railroad; large body timber 2.500,000 logs at mill; will sell all or part. City Realty & Building Co.. 012 Commercial bldg. FOR SALiS BEST SALOON PROPERTY In Portland for the money; centrally lo cated; making big money ; good reasons given for selHng; bonanza for right par ties. B 25, Oregonian. PAI 'L Y WITH HIGHEST REFERENCES, capable of filling office of manager, secre tary or executive ability of most any legit imate business, will be open ror proposition this week; for interview. M 28, Oregonian. WANT-A GOOD REAL ESTATE MAN AC QUAINTED IN PORTLAND. TO SUCH WILL GIVE AN INTEREST IN AN ES TABLISHED BUSINESS. T 29. OREGO NIAN ENERGETIC MAN OF GOOD APPEAR ance who Is good talker can make $loo to $150 per month; permanent-and agreeable work. Address Box M 20, Oregonian. FOR SALE NICE. CLEAN. SMALL HOME bakery, best suburb of Portland, on car line; $150 will take It. Inquire Staub & Sawtell, 227 Washington st., room 17. PARTNER WANTED CENTRAL CASH store; must be steady, man, satisfied with $25 to $;Jo a week ; experience unnecessary; $000 required; Call 248 A Stark ft. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRY IN FAST-GROW-ing Eastern Oregon- town: business $135 per week. Call room 4. Belvedere Hotel, between 10 and 2 o'clock P. M. 54-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE, BRICK building, good repair, long lease; full per manenc roon-ers. bargain if taken quick. No agents. S 30, Oregonian. GOOD HOTEL BUSINESS FOR SALE Leading hotel In town of 10O0; will In voice. Call at Belvedere Hotel, room 4, between 10 an 2 P. M. PARTNER WANTED SOLID REAL Es tate business ; experience not necessary be yond ability to how .property, etc., which is easily learned; - $250 required. Particulars, 248 Vj Stark st. ENERGETIC MAN CAN MAKE $350 A month as partner In a business established ten years; $2500 required ; duties easily learned. Call 248 H Stark et. BE YOUR OWN BOSS WE HAVE FINE opening for a first-class machinist who has a little money and understands his business. 243 Stark st. FOR SALE OLD ESTABLISHED, GOOD paying cigar, news ttore; good comer; long lease; going In other business. 101 6th st. WANTED PARTNER WITH $400 TO $500, outside work; can clear $1000; answer if mean business. C. Hale, Baker City, Or. WANTED WELL-FURNISHED ROOM-ing-house, 10 to 14 rooms. West Side, near Jefferson st.; cheap. C 27, Oregonian. FRONT-ST. ROOMING-HOUSE, CLEARING $00 per month, for $r00. Portland Busi ness Chance Agency, 143 Va First st. S2000 TO $3000 TO INVEST; NO FAKES, schemes or investment companies; refer ences exchanged. T 23. Oregonian. ADMINISTRATOR SALE A GOOD PAYING cigar store: will Invoice about $2O00. In quire of Gerson & Hart. 115 3d street. IMPORTANT WESTERN STOCKS BOUGHT. American De Forest and Hurst sold cheap. W. J. Curtis. 215 Commercial block. IMPROVED CORNER, CENTRAL, WEST ttide; income $2000; price $17,000; easy terms; owner. O 26, Oregonian. STORE AND LOT. 5 ROOMS UPSTAIRS; butcher business and grocery Mck: growing suburb; part cash. N 23. Oregonian. THE MOST CENTRAL AND FINEST SA loon and pool hall in the city of Portland. Address F 23. care Oregonian. FOR SALE A GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY on Main street, in Oregon City. Write Dr. A. A. Wright. San Jose, Cal. FOR SALE: BOARDING-HOUSE. GOOD locality, cheap rent;. $50 will let you In. Address S 2. Oregonian. WILL SELL 100 SHARES HURST SWITCH stock for $150; will leave town Wednes day. O 29, Oregcnian. SAVE MONEY ANYTHING IN PRINTING See Madden. Odd Fellows Temple. 1st and Alder sts., upstairs. WANT TO ESTABLISH FACTORY TO make the Portland washer; capitalists see washer at 108 7th. FOR SALE $175. INTEREST IN BUILDING; profits $20 per month ; permanent, central. 224 3d st., upstairs. WILL SELL MY INTEREST IN BEST paylng candy store in town. Address G 20. Oregonian. CIGAR AND FRUIT STAND. LARGE REAR room; established four years; reasonable. 20 N. 6th st. PARTNER IN BAKERY AND RESTAU rant. $300 required, fully eecured. V 20, Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD HOTEL NEAR Busi ness center or on North 6th st. S 24, Ore gonian. ' FOR SALE CIGAR STAND; GOOD LOCA-tlon- cheap, good business. Call 102 3d st. FOR SALE: CIGAR STORE WITH POOL room; good location. L 27, Oregonian. LUNCH COUNTER AND RESTAURANT for sale cheap. 212 Fourth st. $550 FOR A WELL LOCATED BAKERY and restaurant. X 10, Oregonian. A GOOD HOTEL BUSINESS FOR BALE, address R 59. care Oregonian. BLACKSMITH SHOP: A GOOD PLACFS FOR $350. Call 24Sa Stark st. BUSINESS CHANCES. BARGAINS IN ROOMING-HOUSES. LOCK ME UP. 22 Years in Portland. LILLIAJL DE KEATER. 425 Taylor. 9-room hMise, neat, central location housekeeping, cheap rent. Bargain $450 22-room boarding house. - , .Srooms, central. Bargain 300 S-room house, good buy 450 12-room, central, cheap rent 750 10 rooms, elegant furniture, fine resi dence, this is best house on market, modern, good Income. Price 1,600 I have fine buys in furnished houses, all sizes and prices. Look me up. Best bargain on market, confectionery, delicatessen restaurant, doing fine busi ness. Cheap rent; part cash. Price $1500. Come see me. I will direct you in many - kins of business to make money. 22 years In Portland. LILLIAN DE KEATER, 425 Taylor St. COEUR D ALENE STOCKS ARE MONEY makers. i am always in the market either to buy or sell. WILL BUY. Snowsturm, Stanley, Reindeer, Moonlifrht, Snowshoe. WILL SELL. Park Copper, Rex. Gertie. Snowstorm, Snowshoti, Idaho Giant. Tar Box. T. P. BROWN. 401 M'KAY BLDG. WE WILL RENT FOR SOCIAL ENTER talnments, by the night or for the Win ter, the beautiful Oregon State building at the Lewis and Clark Fair grounds, also the auditorium, seating 2500 persons. We have for rent buildings adapted to athletic sports, sanitarium, manufactur ing purposes, stock barn, etc.. etc. Port land Development Co., Fair Grounds. INTEREST OR PARTNERSHIP IN WELL equipped and successful constructional busi ness, doing highest class of work In its line on the Coant (net annual average 17 years $4O00) ; under present conditions and good business man with $2000, can be in creased. Particulars at interview oniy. X 27 Oregonian. 42-ROOM HOTEL OUTSIDE CITY, DOING good business ; satisfactory reason for sell ing. Dyeing, steam cleaning and tailoring es tablishment; 70 monthly suit customers, good trade; well located ; lease; illness cause of selling. Inquire cigar store. 108 2d street. CIGAR STORE. Paying place, on fine street, at cost of fixtures, and plenty of stock besides; other business compels me to sell; don't overlook this If you want a snap. B 32, Oregonian. I HAVE fSOOO TO INVEST, WITH SERV ices as office or outside man in staple manu facturing or mercantile business, city or country; state nature o? business in reply. Aduress for one week, B 27. care Oregonian. V INTEREST IN WELL-KNOWN AND speedily growing cleaning and dyeing works on West Side; 6 employes and wagon at present; cheap it taken at once. A 28, Ore gonian. A NICE LITTLE BUSINESS, IN ESTAB lished locality, hardware and 10-15c goods, good chance for live man. Call 538 Wil liams ave.. cor. Russell. RESTAURANT AND DELICATESSEN; well furnished; good lease; receipts $4) a day; will sell for $1250, cash or terms. E 31. Oregonian. WANTED Ati PARTNER IN MILLINERY business, woman who thoroughly under stands buying. For particulars, C 28, care Oregonian. SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY WILL BUY half Interest In a legitimate business; this will stand closest investigation. N 25, Ore gonian. ESTABLISHED OUTDOOR BUSINESS. PAY . ing $100 per month, can eaeily be increased to as much more; price $600. K 91, Ore gonian. INTEREST IN PAYING OFFICE. SUITA . ble for either lady or gentleman; too much for one; snap; no agents. Box 669. city. BARGAIN FINE RESTAURANT, CON fectionery, etc., fine business. Price $1500, part crr. No agents. B 28, Oregonian. FINE OPENING FOR inc STORE EAST Side, for man with money. Location es tablished. P 30, care Oregonian. I LEAVE FOR THE EAST TUESDAY. YOU can have 2m American De Forrest for $:i50. Address E 32, care OreKonian. MUST SELL MY $000 HURST SWITCH stock Monday or lost1 my home; make me a bid. V 33, care Oregonian. FOR RENT ROOMING HOUSE, WELL FUR nlshed. and small farm, near city. Alpine Co., 205Mt Morrison st. N BW $225 H AL LWOO D CASH R EG ISTER for sale cheap. Inquire at cottage. 1J3 N 6th. 10-FOOM HOUSE FOR o0 IF TAKEN THIS week from owner. 32 N 11 st. FOP SALE SALOON. FOR PARTICULARS call East 4782. PF.MAL VOriCES- Proposals Invited. WATERWORKS GRAND JUNCTION. Colo.. November 3, 190rt Seated proposals will be received by the City Council of the City of Grand Junction. Colorado, until 8 o'clock P. M. Saturday. November 24th, 1006. for furnishing material and construct ing the Kannah Creek pipe line and dis tributing reservoirs. The work will consist , of a wooden stave pipe line 19.8 mllee long, varying in size from 12 Inches to 22 Inches In diameter, with head works, settling tank, regulating and relief valves, and reinforced concrete distributing reservoirs, having a ca pacity of B.Oon.OOo gallonF. Bids will be re ceived for both wire wound and continuous wooden stave pipe, except for the 12-inch pipe, which shall be wire wound. Plans may be seen, and specifications obtained at the office of the City Clerk of Grand Junction. Colo., or at the offices of Willard Young and Frank C. Kelsey. civil engineers. Salt Lake City, Utah, and 504 Columbia building. Portland, Or. A bond furnished by a surety company will be required for 20 per cent of, the contract price. The time stated in the proposal for completing the work will be considered In awarding the contract. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or to award separate contract for the pipe line find for the reservoirs. I. N. BUNTING, Mayor. JOHN M. CONLEY. City Clerk. FINANCIAL. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried people; lowest rates, strictly con fidential. Employe's Loan Co., room 716 The Dekum. 3d and Washington. Phone 224. WANTED Notes, mortgages or contracts on any kind of real estate In Oregon or Wash ington; 2d mortgages purchased if well se cured. H. E. Noble. 312 Commercial blk. MONEY TO LOAN. REASONABLE RATES; real estate, chattel mortgage or personal se curity notes bought. C. W. Pallett, 3u4 Fenton building. $3O00 TO $100,000 TO LOAN IN SUMS TO suit, at 5 to 7 per cent, on Improved realty. M. G. Grifftn. 266 Stark, opp. C. of Com. LOANS ON FURNITURE, PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45. Washington bldg. Phone Main OloO. MONEY LOANED IN SUMS OF $5 AND UP on all kinds of security. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Pacific 1832. MONTY LOANED IN SMALL OR LARGE sums on improved ami unimproved real estate. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock block. $5000 OR LESS IN SUMS TO SUIT ON REAL estate: charges reasonable. Inquire J. H. MIddleton. 617 Chamber of Commerce. IMMEDIATE LOANS FROM $5 TO $5000 ON all securities. R. I. Eckereon & Co.. room 5, Washington bldg. Phone Pacific 1831. $600 AND $1000 TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city, suburban or farm property. Newton McCoy, room 715, Oregonian bldg. MONEY TO LOAN FOR BUILDING OR other purposes. Ray more, 612 Commer cial bldg. Main 1940. DON'T BORROW MONEY ON SALARY UN til you see us. HUTTON CREDIT CO.. S12 Dekum Building. WANTED TO BORROW $2000 ON IM proved city real estate, at 6 per cent. E 27, Oregonian. $500 TO $5000 TO LOAN ON REAL Es tate security by private party. 617 Com mercial block. State funds loaned. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas state agt.. Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. MONFY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Holl, rm. 9. Washington bldg. Low rate on furniture, etc., confidential. 228 FUedner bldg., 10th and Wash. Pac. 2659. TO LOAN $3000 AT 8 PER CENT. MORT gage. from 2 to 3 years. K 22, Oregonian. W. S. Ward, Lawyer, moderate fe Loans on mortgages from iu up. Aiiskfbidg. A LOAN FOR THE ASKING SALARY OR chattel. Th Loan Co.. 410 Dekum bldg. FINANCIAL MORTGAGE. $1000. BEARING J 7 Per cent for 6ale DOX 1G4 FINANCIAL. MONEY TO LOAN. On Improved city property or for building purposes, for from 3 to 10 years' time, with privilege to repay all or part of loan after two years. Loans approved from plans and money advanced as building progresses; mortgages taken up and replaced. FRED H. STRONG, Financial Agent. 242 Stark Street. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms, -easy payments and etrictly confiden tial ; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a spe cialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 205 Abington Building. THB CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 428 MOHAWK bldg. Loans to salaried employes ou note, without mortgage; easy payments. Month, -month. We. $V Repay to us..,$l3.;5 or ff."-5 or $3."5 $25 Repay to us... $0.65 or :t..tO or $1.6 $1E Repay to us... $4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 We meet any rate, time or terms. Main 2041. THE &TAR LOAN COMPANY. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can ft on his note, without mortgage 'con-fl-1entlsl: Month H-montli. Wk. $,W- Repay to us. . .$13.33 or $R.5 or $ l.U $28 Repay to us...$ 6.65 or $3.30 or $1.65 $16 Repay to us...$ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 THIRD. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just on youi own name; no other security necessary; don't borrow until you see me; my system It the best for railroad men. clerks, bookkeepers, street-car men and all other employes; business strictly confiden tial. F. A. Newton. 424 Abington bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and others upon their own names without security; cheapest rates, easiest payment; 'offices in 60 principal cities, save yourself money by getting our terms first. TOLMAN. 22.1 Ahimrton bldg., HM5U "3d st. $500,000 TO LOAN AT n AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 312 Failing bids. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting; MISS O. GOULD, SOI MARQUAM BLDG. Accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. A ccoan tants. GEORGE T. MURTON, 31S CHAMBER OF Commerce. Phone Main 36S1. Bookkeep ing, expertlng, teaching. Afternoon Kinaenrarten. THE MATTINGLY Kindergarten & Primary School. 209 14th. near Jeff. Ph. Main 3S03. Assay era mod Analysts. GREENLEY & CRAWFORD, ANALYTICAL chemists, mining engineers. 204 Wash ington st. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE, ISO MORRI son st. Best facilities. Prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL. ASSAYER AND ANALYST Gold dust bought. 207 Alder st. Boatbnlldera. GRAHAM'S BOATYARD, FOOT E. PINE st. Launches and gasollna engines in stock. Carpet Cleaning;. Sanitary carpet cleaning carpets cleaned on floor; suction and compressed air. M. 5534. Chiropody and Manicuring. WM. DEVENY & E3TELLE DEVENY. THE only scientific chiropodists; parlors room 203 Drew bldg., 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. This is the long-haired gentleman. He Is the man you are looking for. Chiropody and pedieurlng. Mrs. M. D. Hill, room 330 FUedner bldg. Phone Pacific 135. Bust and neck developed; Oriental method. CHIROPODY AND MANICURING FOR LA dies and gentlemen. 40-41-42 Raleigh bldg., 6th and Wash. sts. Paclttc 235. J. LIN DELL, expert chiropodist; all Instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Main 5256. Cleaning and Dyeing. BERLIN DYE WORKS SPECIALTIES French dry cleaning, steam cleaning, dye ing to sample; reasonable prices, prompt service. 347 2d.st. Phone Main 6417. Commission Mercbanla, HERMAN METZGER, PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wool mohair, tallow, old n rubber and old metal, and general commis sion merchants. Front at., near Main, Port land, Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG & CO.. SHIP BROKERS and commission merchants, Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or ALLEN & LEWIS,' COMMISSION AND produce merchants. Front and Davis sts., Portland. Or. PORTLAND COMMISSION CO. FLOUR, hay and mill stuff,. 204-206 Front t. Carpenters and Builders, W. L. Buckner, office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Main 5tt31. Dancing;. DANCING LESSONS. 25c, classes or private; waltzing, two-step, three-step, etc.; stage dancing, buck and wing, clog, reel, skirt, Spanish, Highland fling, etc.. Prof. Wal. W ilton. Alisky bldg., 3d-Morrieon. Portland Dancing Academy. A refined school. Prof. Ringler and Mies Buckenineyer, Instrs. Clas nights, Tues & fcat; children bat. aft. Priv. lea. dally, 3u9 Aid, cor 0th. Ph. M. lu51 Woodward's Dancing School Class, Monday, Thursday and Sat. eves.; private lessons daily; social, fancy and atep dancing taught. Second and Morrison. Phone Pacific 163o. Miss Adaline McCulloch, teacher of dancing. 204 Goodnough bidg. Phone Main 4525. MATTINGLY ACADEM1 OP DANCING. 14th. near Jefferson. Phone Main 3S03. Dog and Horse Hospital. Dr. C. E. Brown. D. V. S., D. C. M. Dog, horse hospital. I06 N. 6th et.. Union Trans Co. Vug Kennels. Dogs boarded; new kennels; large exercising grounds; rates reasonable. Aud. Chas. Kru ger, Creighton, Or. City address, 25o Alder. Dressmaking;. MRS. A. H. FARRAR, DKESSaiAKER. The Kims, lil Fourteenth st- Koom 6. Phone Main 5587. KducatiunaJ. PIANO AND FRENCH LBoSONS GIVEN BY lady from London and Paris. Calumet Hotel. .Engineering. W. R. PHILLIPS. MECHANICAL AND HY draullc engineer Drawing,, specification,, general engineering and superimendence. Room 430 Lumber Exchange bldg.. Main 402 aMl Ine Kng Jnes. SEE US FOR LAUNCHES. ANY SIZE, style and price; 'Little Special" launch, $iy5; aio sailboats, tow boats and canoes. Keienbon Machinery Co., 1S2 Morrison. HarncHH and Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE sale saddle and harness mfs.. leather and saddlery hardware. o-s5 Just. Main 226. Hou sec leaning. WESTERN CONTRACTING HOUSECLEAN Ing Co., B. W. Peal, Mgr. Windows, tar pets and cellars cleaned, . woodwork and floors cleaned and oiled op cohort notice; ail work guaranteed. Ph. M. 3518. 300, Couch. Junk, Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS OF HIDES, pelts, wool, funs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. J. A. S TROW BRIDGE LEATHER CO. ES tabliEhed 1858. Leather and findings; Stock ton sole leather and cut stocks; full line Eastern Jumbos. 1MJ Front st. Machinery. B. TRENKM AN & CO.. MINING, SAWMILL, logging machinery; hydraulic pipes, castings, all kinds repaired. - 104 N. 4th. Mining Brokers. AM meritable mining stock bought, sold. ex. changed. Rollam. Grusi & Higley. 128 3d. Musical. VOCAL MUSIC LESSONS. By Mrs. John L. Schuyleman, at her beautiful home "The Woodland'' cor. 0th and Madison. Rates reasonable. MISS STELLA M'LENNAN. GRADUATE OF the Art Institute of Chicago, will take pupils in drawing and painting. 21)3 Tenth et. Phone Main 3S62. MRS. B. F. DRTSCOLL. PIANO AND VOCAL lessons. 537 Montgomery at. Phone Pacific 677. PIANO. VIOLIN. CORNET ft GUITAR LES sons. Prof. E. A. Smith. 254 12th. Main 4703. MUSIC STUDIO, 209 14TH BEGINNERS A specialty. Phone Main 3S03. Moving Picture Machines. Stereopttcons. lantern slides, films; correspond ence solicited. E. H. Moorehouse, 312 Aider. Northwest Ykavl Co. Lewis Bldg.. Park and Morrison sts. "Health Talks" to women Thursdays at 2:30 P. M. Osteopathic Physicians. DRS. ADIX &. NORTH RUP. 415-10-17 Dekum bldg. Third and Washington sts. Phom-. office. Main 319. Residence, Main 1503. Residence, East 1C2. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, GRADUATE OF the Osteopathic College of Klrksvlile, Mo., who is a specialist on rheumatism, atom- ' ach and all female diseases. Office 410 .Vailing brdg., cor. 3d-Wasii. Pacific 1862. DR. B. P. SHEPHERD. PRES. CALIFORNIA College of Osteopathy, professor of theory and practice, ex-member California State Board of Examiners. 501-2 Macleay bldg . 4th and Washington st. Phone Main 05iW. DR. L. B SMITH, PIONEER OSTEOPATH of Orfgun, graduate Klrkviile, Mo. 400 Ore gonian bldg. Main 12-12; res. Main 2752. Paints, Oils and Glass. F. E. Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co , Window glass and glazing. 135 1st. M. 1334. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils, gla&, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. Patents. PATENTS 64-PAGE BOOK FREE. THIS book la the result of our 20 years experi ence, and tell all about Patents. Illus trates 100 Mechanical Movements, and con tains a Full History of all the Great Money Making inventions f tha Century. Book free to everyone. O'lHara & Brock, Pat ent Attorneys. tHS TP street, Washington. D. C. ; Patent Lawyers. R. C. WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FORJOON patents; infringement cases. 6u4 Dekum. Rubber Stamps. Rubber Stamps, Stencils, Seals, trade, bag buku i-iiMi-iva. tr. stamp w as. Alder. ALSO SEALS. STENCILS. TEL. PLUGS, BAR checks, etc. Coast Co.. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. blfrn Painting;. SIGNS ("That Attract") Boal Co., 2S7 Stark. Pacific 1506. Safes. DIEBOLD Manganese and fireproof safes; lock outs opened; metal fixtures; vault and jail ' work; Jacks. "J. E. Davis, 66 3d. Main 1656. SECOND-HAND SAFES FOR SALE; GREAT bargains. 70 6th st., bet. Oak and Pine. Spiritualists. WITH THIS PAPER AD YOU Wl LI SAVE $4.00. FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY. (A SPECIAL $5 READING FOR $L ALWAYS CONSULT THE BEST. PROF. E. KHlMOr ASTRAL DEAD TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. NO CHARGW IF NOT SATISFIED WHRN READING IS OVER YOU TO BE JUDGE. I DO HEREBY SOLEMNLY AGREE AND GUARANTEE to make no charge If I tall to call you bv name In full, names .of your friends, enemies or rivals. I promise to teil whether your husband, wife or sweetheart Is true or false; tell you how to win the love of the one you most desire, even though) miles away; how to succeed in business, speculation, lawsuits; how to marry the one of your choice, how to regain youth, health and vitality. Removes evil influences, cures drink habits, locates treasures, mines and oil wells, cures all nervous diseases. I WILL DO ALL OTHERS ADVERTISE! TO DO, AND A GREAT DEAL MORE. THE ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE POWERS OF THB UN&EEN FORCES 1 HAVE AT MY COM MAND, and I will prove it to you without price by giving you a FREIO TEST FREE, by having your NAME TOLD IN FUIL) JUST WHAT YOU CAME FOR. and give you advke absolutely FREE before you de cide to have a reading. WHO CAN OR WILL DO MORE TO CONVINCE THB SKEPTIC? DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY, A3 IT WILL NOT BE OFFERED YOU AGAIN. Do not heflitaus, delay is dangerous; come at once and find out: How can I marry well? How can. I have good luck? , How can I control any one? How can 1 conquer my rival? How can I -ui my quarrelt How can 1 succeed In business? ' How can I conquer my enemies? How can I get a good position? How can I keep my wife's love? How can 1 make my home happy? How can I remove bad influences? How can 1 make any one love me? How can I hold my husband's love? How can I marry the one I choose? How can I make distant ones think of met Permanently Located in His Own Home. , HOURS. 10 TO 8, DAILY AND SUNDAY. PROF. E. KH1MO. No. 255 Filth st., corner Madison at Phone Main 6076. READ READ! READ! ThH Is for you! Read carefully tha following words: MADAM BARTH Is permanently located in her own home, 420 STARK ST. This wonderful woman, acknowledged by the world to be the greatest clairvoyant alive, without you writing a question or uttering one word, she tells you just what you came for, bow many in your family and all about them. Tells names, dates and facts. Tells you of love, marriages, deaths, business specula tions, investments, etc. ; locates oil, gas and minerals of all kinds, removes evil in fluences and teaches you how to control the one you love, unites the separated and causes speedy and congenial marriages. No matter what your condition may be. MADAM BARTH WILL HELP YOU. 42 STARK, -'OKN.ER 12TH. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. FEE WITHIN REACH OF ALL. HOURS 10 A. M. TILL 8 P. M. ENGLISH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. A SPECIAL $5 READING FOR $1. "St. George," the Psychic marvel, best ed ucated, experienced spiritualist, medium, clairvoyant, palmist, natural healer ever be fore American public, gives you a wonder ful mental reading without asking or writ ing names or questions; love, business, health, money, changes. Journeys, partners, friends, enemies; tells whom, when you marry ; cures lost vitality; bad luck evil Influences; teachers all occult powers. Of fice, 300j, Washington et. MMB. AD WARD. SPIRITUALIST MEDIUM, can be consulted on business, lawsuiut, love, matrimony ; unites the sei aerated, no matter the dlstauce or cause; satisfaction guaran teed ; readings 50 cent, daily and Sunday. Moved to Goodnough bldg., cor. 5th and Yamhill, opposite Postoffice. Elevator 5th floor. Parlors 532 and 533. No sign. DON'T MISS HEARING MRS. PERS, THti gi;-at spiritualist medium, in Drew Hall, cor. 2d and Morrison st., Sunday evening, and circles every Tuesday and Friday even ing at the Home Ladies Agency, 1054 4th fct., cor. Morrison, upbtairs, and readings at 381 Yamhill st. Phone Main 5tS20. F REE T E ST FR E E T F5S T Take this advertisement to E'ROF. DE NIBIjO .103 Uj Washington Street. He will give you a test of his wonderful CLAIRVOYANT POWERS, by telling you your name in full, free of charge MRS. W A L L A C E. 25 YEARS PO RTLAN D' S most reliable medium ; all in trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. Room 72, Lewis bldg., 35046 Morrison at. Hours 0 A. M. to 8 P. M. MME. ZING A. EGYPTIAN SEERESS. PALM-k-t. clairvoyant; medlumship developed; heal ing throueh psychic force; readings dally; 50c upwards. Cosmos, 268V Morrison. MRS. NISBETH, SPIRITUAL MEDIUM Free ti'st to all coming prepared for read ing. 252 7th st. MRS. C. CORNELIUS, test medium; sittings daily. 3436 Yamhill. Phone Pacific 1907. Storage and Transfer. SAFFS. PIANOS AND FURNITURE MOVED, packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fire proof warehouse for storase. Office 209 Oak st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK OFFICE. 88 1ST. BET. STARK and Oak. Phone fiOtt. Piana and furniture moved and packed for shipment; com mod loud brick warehouse, with separate Iron rooms. Front and Clay sts. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. I R. H. Birdsall. designer; sgent M. Winter Lumber Co., 7 Hamilton mag. Mam zZ6). PORTLAND SHOWCASE St FIXTURE CO., 348 1st, near Market. Phone Pacific 1A20. THE LUTKB MANUFACTURING CO., COR, 6th and Hoyt. Phone Main 1408. Typewriter. New Typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency, 231 Stark st. TeL 1407. Whale Amber. Mad In Norway; guaranteed finest shoe dressing out. Your dealer handles it. Alfred Andresen A Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE GROCERY 1 , fiGr. N. Front and Davis eta., Portland, Or.