The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 11, 1906, Page 2, Image 2

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Cupid sn
McKinley's Niece Stows Away
on Transport to Enjoy
Despite President's Orders, She Goes
to Philippines on Transport
With, Husband Three Days
Starving in H02A.
. f
DES MOINES, Ia.r Nov. 10. (Special.)
Presltlent Roosevelt. Secretary Taft and
the whole War Department were van
quished by a mere slip of a girl In a con
test In which love played the principal
part. Mrs. Grace McKinley Heidt. niece
of the dead President, who was once in
vited to share with the President's wife
the honors of mistress of the White
House, was the heroine against whom
the entire forces of .the' United States
Government were arrayed and those
forces fell In the unequal battle. But it
was only when the United States tried
to break up the happy honeymoon which
had Its inception in the wedding of Miss
McKinley to Captain Grayson Heidt, of
Atlanta, Ga., last July that the Govern
ment Buffered a defeat which even pow
erful nations could not bring about.
Love Laugha at Army Kales.
Soon after the wedding Captain Heidt
was ordered to the Philippines. His wife
wanted to go along, naturally. Together
they went to Seattle, but there McKin
ley's niece found herself against the stern
regulations of the War Department which,
forbade any woman to sail on the pro
vision ship Dlx, to which her husband
!harj been assigned. To General Hum
phrey, Mr. Taft and the President the
girl appealed successively, but In vain,
to secure a modification of the rule. Even
powerful friends of McKinley were en
listed to change Mr. Roosevelt's mind,
but they were of no avail. He declared
the Dix was no place for a woman.
Mrs. Heidt bade her husband an affec
tionate farewell at the dock. Half an
hour later she was at home again, donned
an old uniform of her husband's and
Just before the ship sailed walked up the
gangplank and boarded the ship. In the
hurry of departure no attention was paid
to the girl dressed in a dashing cavalry
uniform and she was safely stowed away
In the ship's hold. There she was dis
covered three days later while the ship
was far out at sea. A steward dragged
her to the deck, half starved and almost
famished for want of water. Her hus
band discovered her, forgave the daring
Blrl and soon provided her with decent
wearing apparel.
Facts Leak Out at Last.
Mrs. Heidt wrote a friend at Fort Des
Moines of her escapade and, despite the
attempts of army officers to keep the
affair a secret, the fact leaked out today.
At Honolulu the unfortunate but distin
gushed young lady had to argue long and
loud before she was allowed to continue
her journey to the Philippines, but her
entreaties finally prevailed and she was
permitted to accompany her husband. He
had no previous knowledge of her pro
posed action until astonished by her ap
pearance on deck.
An investigation will probably be made
of the affair because of the President's
stringent orders that Mrs. Heidt should
not be permitted to accompany her hus
band to the islands.
The McKinley-Heidt wedding was sol
emnized at Fort Des Moines last July
19. the bride and groom leaving immedi
ately for Seattle. Miss McKinley, a sister
of the martyred President, attended the
ceremony and one of the gifts was a
silver service from the widow of the
martyred President.
Trainmen Close to Settlement of New
Wage Demands.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10. Tne demands of
the railroad engineers, firemen and other
trainmen of the Eastern railroads for in
creases in wages and readjustment of
hours are believed by officials of the
unions Involved to be near a satisfactory
adjustment. Assistant Chief Hurley, of
the Engineers' Brotherhood, said last
night that 00 engineers of the Lacka
wanna road are close to a settlement with
President Truesdale, of that road, and
that In all probability an equally satis
factory agreement would follow on the
New York Central, New York, New
Haven & Hartford, the Erie and the New
Jersey Central.
The number of brotherhood men of both
orders at the Broadway Central Hotel
last night had increased from 75 on
Thursday to 150 last night. Numerous se
cret sessions of the committees were held.
Assistant Grand Chief Hurley presiding
over the deliberations of the engineers,
and Grand dief J. J. Hannahan, of Pe
oria, conducting the sessions of the fire
men. The chairmen of the various boards
of adjustment who had been received by
the'railway managers reported lue results
of their conferences.
The board of adjustment at yesterday's
' meetings represented 800 engineers and
firemen on the Lackawanna Railroad be
tween here and Buffalo, 2000 firemen and
engineers on the New York Central be
tween here and Buffalo, where the New
York Central road proper terminates; 1400
engineers and firemen on the Erie road,
700 on ...e New York, New Haven & Hart
ford, and 400 or more on the Central Rail
road of New Jersey.
Form New Trotting Association at
New York.
NEW YORK, Nov. 10. (Special.) An
event of most unusual interest to trot
ting horse breeders of the country will
take place some time during the first
week of December in New York, the ex
act date not being yet announced, but
very likely some time during the progress
of the Old Glory Sale at the Garden.
A large number of most prominent trot
ting horse breeders, from all sections of
the country will meet, very likely at the
Murray Hill Hotel, and organize what
will be known in the future as The
American Association of Trotting Horse
At a preliminary meeting held at Lex.
tegton, during the trotting races, the Idea
was first promoted, and a committee of
seven was selected to meet here and
formulate plans as well as elect offi
cers. The committee consists of Hora
tio N. Bain, of Poughkeepsie; William
Russell Allen. Pittsfield. Mass.; Sterling
A. Holt, Indianapolis; Senator Bailey, of
Texas; B. C. Estill, of Kentucky; J. H.
Johnson, of Maine, and H. K. Devereux,
of Cleveland.
Besides the working body the commit
tee will select a board of 50 directors,
ten or a dozen of whom will serve with
the president as an executive committee
for the entire oreanlzatlon.
The directors will be chosen from such
breeders and horsemen who can be
called typically representatives of our
National light harness Interests, the en
tire body to convene annually to discuss
and devise means for the advancement
and suggest the - best methods ' for the
further Improvement of the breeding interests.
Famous Massillon, O., Eleven Wants
Game With Multnomah.
If present plans are carried out, Port
land football fans, will have an oppor
tunity to see some of the world's great
est football players in action. Football
authorities of Multnomah Club have re
ceived a letter from the manager of the
Tiger's football team of Massillon, Ohio,
asking for a game , with the local club
men. The Ohio team is scheduled to
make a trip to the Coast.
While on the trip they will meet Seat
tle Athletio Club. Willamette University
and other teams of the Pacific Northwest.
In the Tiger lineup are five ail-American
men, besides several others who have
made the all-Western team. If suitable
arrangements can be made . Multnomah
will meet the Tigers here December loth.
This game would undoubtedly be a draw
ing card, as it would demonstrate the
strength of the strongest team on the
Pacific Coast, as compared with Eastern
Most Important Road in Republic
Becomes Part of Great System.
Connecting Line Projected.'
ELL. PASO, Tex., Nov. 10. It was re
ported here today on reliable authority
that the Mexican Central Railroad has
been purchased by the Chicago, Rock
Island & Pacific and is now a part of the
Rock Inland system. A connecting line
will be built from Brownwood to El Paso
to be used by the Rock Island In place
of the El Paso & Southwestern tracks in
entering El Paso.
This is said to be the Important an
nouncement which President A. A. Robin
son stated In Mexico City would be made,
within a week. The information is de
rived from both Mexican and American
sources. The Mexican Central is the
moBt important line in the Republic of
Mexico and is the only road in Mexico
that is not largely owned by the Gov
ernment. At present the Rock Island enters El
Paso via Santa Rosa, N. M., over the
El Paso & Northeastern, a part of the
El Paso & Southwestern system. Colonel
J. Ll Bell, who built the El Paso &
Northeastern, says that he is here for
the purpose of constructing an Important
line of railroad from El Paso to the
northeast, which is understood to be the
connecting line between the Rock Island
and its new property, the Mexican Cen
tral. This will be from either Browns
ville or Amarlllo.
Polish Socialists Start Killing Off All
Who Oppose Them.
WARSAW, Nov. 10. The Socialists have
commenced a campaign of murder
against those who are opposed to them,
and have killed the director of the gas
works and wounded several Nationalist
Sentenced to Prison for Throwing
Bomb at Bialystok.
ST. PETERSBURG. Nov. 10. The man
named Schekter, who threw the bomb at
Police Captain Samsonoff, of Bialystok,
one of the terroristic acts precipitating
the Jewish massacre there, was convicted
and sentenced to ten years at hard la
bor. The prisoner, who is a mere youth,
testified that he entered the Terrorist or
ganization as a spy at the instance of the
police in 1904 and served the police faith,
fully for two years. But he became con
verted by the Terrorists, and determined
to expiate his treachery by killing Cap
tain Samsonoff.
This recalls the famous ease of Deg-
dieff, a member of the inner council of
the Terrorist organization, who, alter
the assassination of Emperor Alexander
II, in 18S1, sold himself to Colonel Suder-
kln. Chief of the Secret Police, betrayed
a thousand of his comrades, and finally
confessed his treachery and atoned for
it by killing Suderkin in 1SS3. Degdieff
fled to . America, where it was reported
he took up his abode under . another
The most recent exploit of the St. Pe
tersburg revolutionists is the theft of a
machine gun of the latest model and a
large supply of cartridges. It is pre
sumed that an expert gunner is in
volved, because all the necessary acces
sories were simultaneously extracted from
the armory. The Prefect of Police has
Issued an order especially emphasizing
the necessity of recapturing the gun.
New Cruiser Launched.
ST. PETERSBURG, Nov. 10. The
new cruiser Pallada, of 7900 tons and
designed to have a speed of 23 knots,
was launched at the new Admiralty
works here today. She is of the type
of the armored cruiser Bayan, now in
course of construction here. The new
Pallada and the new Bayan take the
places of the Rusian cruisers of those
names which were sunk at Port Arthur,
refloated by the Japanese and re
named. Eleven Seamen Lose Lives.
RICHIBUCTO, N. B., Nov. 10. The
wrecked bark Adeona was boarded to
day for the first time since she went
ashore off this port last week and not
a single seaman was found on the ves
sel. Only the ship's cat survived. It
was known previously that at least
five of the 11 men had perished in an
attempt to reach shore in a boat, but
the fate of the remaining members
of the crew was not definitely known
until today, when it became evident
that all had been drowned.
Anthracite Miners Get Advance.
MAHANOT CITY, Pa.. Nov. 10. (Spe
cial.) Charles P. Nell, United States com
missioner of labor, today notified the
operators and officials of the United
Mineworkers that the wages of the em
ployes in the hard coal field for Novem
ber would be 7 per cent above the basis,
or S per cent more than last month.
Defeat California in Splendid
Contest on Berkeley
Ten Thousand Spectators Cheer
- Stanford Gladiators on to Vic
tory Imported Football
Nov. 10. Stanford gained a victory over
the University of California today in
their first Rugby intercollegiate . contest
by a score of 6 to 3. Ten thousand spec
tators crowded the big football arena to
witness the struggle. The new game
proved as. exciting and interesting to the
crowd as the old. The play was fast and
spirited from toss-up to finish. President
Wheeler, of California, who was mainly
responsible for the elimination of the old
intercollegiate rules, expressed great
pleasure at the cordial reception given
"Rugby is a fine sport; today's contest
proved it superior to the old game," he
said at the. close of the contest.
California excelled in defensive play
and at long punting. The offensive work
that gained the try in the first half was
excellent, but before the game was over
Stanford's back field, played California
down and was playing a faster and
stronger game at the close than at the
Btart. There were practically no acci
dents. The offensive play of Holman, Stutt
and Chalmers was the most exciting
part of the contest. In the first half
California got the ball out of scrum
and Stanton carried the leather over
the line for the first score of the day,
with three points. When Stanford was
30 yards fromthe California line and
in front of the goal posti Referee Un
mack penalized California for tackling
a man who did not have the ball. This
gave Stanford a free kick for goal.
Fenton, of Portland, Stanford's star
fullback, was chosen to do the kicking
and sent the leather squarely between
the posts, tieing the score.
The final three points that gave the
Cardinals the victory were made In the
middle of the second half on a free
kick for goal. Holman, also a Port
land man, was Stanford's other star.
Holman, operating with Chalmers and
Stott in the wing position behind the
halfback, made repeated gains on
passes from scrum.
Forest Grove Moleskin Warriors
Score 30 to 0 Victory.
Or., Nov. 10. (Special.) Pacific Univer
sity defeated Pacific College, of Newberg,
on the home gridiron this afternoon by a
score of 30 to 0. P. U. kicked off to the
Quakers and downed the ball on 25-yard
line. Ne vberg tried a forward pass, but
P. U. caught the ball and H. P. Hum
phreys carried it over the goal line, scor
ing a touchdown within the first minute
of play. Newberg then kicked off. Water
man caught the ball and ran It in for 20
yards. The Varsity, by fierce line bucks,
sent Lawrence over the line for another
touchdown. The first half ended with the
ball in the collegians' territory.
In the second half Forest Grove kicked
off to the Quakers and then got the ball
on a fumble. The Varsity tried a for
ward pass, but lost the ball on a foozle.
D. I. Allen, the Varsity's right end, made
several brilliant nlavs advnnnino- th hail
1" to 26 yards three successive times. A
run of 40 yards was made by H. P.
iiumpnrey, right half. The line-up:
r. u. fomtlon. p. c.
' ouunners
Rrvant . Tt. fl T. t.m
Demy L. G. R. ' Moore
R- T L i Smith
Lawrence L. t- R Williams
Humphreys R. H" L, Had ley
Ward (capt.) lH-R... Motchenbacher
nat.rmnn . Ti t.. ti
. . ......... j UIm
Ferrin Q.Hollingsworth (cap.)
Officials Referee. Wassam. of 'Pnrffi rv.i
lege; umpire, Peterson, o Pacific University.
Navy Wins on Defensive Tactics.
ANNAPOLIS, Nov. 10. Swarthmore
was defeated by the Annapolis Midship
men today by the close score of 5 to 4.
Annapolis secured a touchdown, but
failed to kick goal, while the best that
Swarthmore could do was kick a goal
irom tne neia. swarthmore outplayed
Apnapolis and gained considerable more
ground than did the Middies In offensive
tactics, but this was only offset by the
splendid defensive strength shown by the
Middies at critical stages. Only In the
first half and twice In the second the
visitors worked the ball within striking
distance. On the latter two occasions
the ball was within Navy's 15-yard line,
but each time the sailor lads recovered
it on downs arid punted it out of danger.
Whitman Wins at Pendleton.
PENDLETON, Or.. Nov. 10. (Speclal.
The second football team of Whitman
College today defeated the Pendleton
High School eleven by a score of 6 to 3.
Both scores were made in the first half-,
during which period of the play the ad
vantage was clearly with the Collegians.
The visitors scored their touchdown by
falling on a blocked punt, while the lo
cals scored a safety on a kick-off. Neither
side was able to make yardage consist
ently during the second half and neither
goal was endangered.
Tacoma Wins at Centralia.
CENTRALIA, Wash., Nov. 10. (Spe
cial.) The Tacoma High School team to
day won from the Centralia High School
eleven by a score of 11 to 10. Both teams
played well and although Centralia
played better football, luck was on To
coma's side. Centralia put the ball over
the Tacoma line four times, but received
only a touchdown and a field goal.
Multnomah Amateur Athletic Club.
November 17, Willamette University, at
Portland; November 29, (Thanksgiving
Day). University of Oresron. at Portland!
December 25, Seattle Athletic Club, at
seatue; January l, Seattle Athletic Club,
at Portland.
Seattle Athletic Club.
November 29, Spokane Athletic Club, at
Spokane; December 8 or 15, Spokane
Athletic Club, at Seattle; December SS,
Multnomah, at Seattle; January 1. Mult
nomah, at Portland.
Spokane Amateur Athletic Club.
November 17, Washington State College,
at Spokane; November 24. Blair Business
College, at Spokane; November 29, Se
attle Athletic Club, at Spokane; Decern-'
ber 8 or 15, Seattle Athletic Club, at
University of Oregon.
November 17, Washington, at Eugene;
November 24, O. A. C, at Corvallls: No
vember 29, Multnomah, at Portland.
University of Washington.
November 17. Oregon, at Eugene; No
vember 29, Idaho, at Seattle.
University of Idaho.
November 17, Whitman College, at
Walla Walla; November 29, Washington,
at Seattle.
Oregon Agricultural College.
November 10, second team vs. U. of O.
second team, at Eugene; also November
10. Columbia Athletic Club, of The Dalles,
at Corvallis (first team game); November
24, Oregon, at Corvallis; November -29,
Willamette, at Salem.
AVillamette University.
November 17, Multnomah, at Portland;
November 29. O. A. C, at Salem.
Whitman College.
November 17, Idaho, at Walla Walla;
November 29t Washington State College,
at Pullman.
Washington State College.
November 17, Spokane Athletic Club, at
Spokane; November JVVV'n'tman, at pull-man.
F. N. Bay Tells Kow He Gathered
Statistics for Portland Team.
PORTLAND. Nov. 10. (To the Sport
ing Editor.) Thanks for the glare of
the limelight in this morning's Orego
nian. I only desire, in Justice to myself,
to set you right on one point, since you
have given the fans the Impression
that I am heralding myself as "official
statistician" of Portland club. I don't
care whether you call me official "bell
ringer," water-boy, bat-carrier or dope
ster perhaps I am a dopester, but I
will bet a new hat that more Portland
fans will swear by my figures, official
or not, than will accept the dope of
Secretary Anderson.
For the simple reason that Anderson
has admitted, in a telegram, which was
published in the Portland papers some
months ago, that all his records, not
only of the Portland club, but of the
whole Pacific Coast League as 'well,
were destroyed in the San Francisco
fire. On the other hand, I have In my
possssion 'every single record, club
standing, batting, pitching, fielding,
club and individual, of the Portland
team, for every game playd this year.
I have watched for and obtained the
ruling of President' Bert on every pre
tested and forfeited pame in which the
Beavers have participated, this season
and I have checked up my records
against every possible error, and
I think I am just as good at simple
arithmetic as Secretary Anderson,
yourself (pardon me), or any other fan.
It is true that I am not the official
scorer of the Pacific Coast League at
this point. That honor has been dele
gated to you, and as such - all your
duties consist of is to provide the
league with an official box score for
such games only as are played In this
city, and you are not supposed to pre
pare any data on any games that Port
land plays In any other league cities.
You are not supposed to prepare or
keep any data dealing with the whole
season's record of the Portland club.
I was delgated by the officials of the
Portland club to prepare and keep of
ficial averages of .all kinds for the
Portland club for the season of 1906,
both for games played here and else
where, and for that reason I can Justly
say that my figures or any statistics
I may prepare are reliable, and more
complete, I will venture, than any oth
er set of figures available in this city.
As for being a bell-ringer. I will ad
mit that I did that out at Recreation
Park on many occasions the past sea
son, but I did It only as a courtesy to
the official scorer (pardon me again),
whose' duty it is to notify the fans of
the number of runs made each inning,
as you will note in the instructions to
official scorers, who are paid for that
As correspondent for certain San
Francisco papers. I also kept box
scores of games played In this city.
F. N. BAY.
Running Water Leads Frank Gill at
NEW YORK, Nov. 10. The results at
today's racing at Jamaica were as fol
Six furlongs Emergency won; Mintia,
second: Reticent, third. Time, 1:14 1-5
The Queensboro Steenlechase Hnndicnn
about two and one-half miles Expan
sionist won: Yama Christv. second- Pnr-
ash, third. Time, 5:03.
l ne Haldame Handicap, five furlongs
Veil won; Adoration, second; Loring
third. Time, :59.
The Edgmere Stakes, mile and a fur
longRunning Water won: Frank Gill,
second; Philander, third. Time. 1:52.
Mile Leonard Joe Hayman won; Hol
lowmas, second; Keator, third. Time,
Six and a half furlongs Adelinette
won; Judge Post, second; R. E. Bastone,
third. Time. 1:21 2-5.
Results at Latonia.
CINCINNATI. Nov. 10. Toboggan was
the only successful favorite at Latonia
today. Track fast. Summary:
Six furlongs Beau Brummel, 104 (Ker
ner), 80 to 11, won; The Golden Bird, 101
(Lloyd), 7 to 1, second; Otanbark, 101
(Minder), 15 to 1, third. Time, 1:113-5.
Mile and an eighth Lucky Charm, 108
(Mountain), 30 to 1, won; Adbell, 105
(Aubuchon), 8 to L second; St. Tammany,
110 (Hogg), 9 to 2, third. Time, 1:45 4-5.
Six furlongs Lady Esther, 101 (O. Mor
ris), 16 to 5, won; . Hazelthorpe, 102 (D.
Austin), 13 to 5, second; Lady Henrietta,
110 (Aubuchon), 7 to 1, third. Time,
1:13 4-5.
Mile Shawana, 97 (Lloyd), 11 to 2, won;
Dr. Leggo. 110 (Mountain), 9 to 2, sec
ond; Telegrapher, 95 (Moreland). 8 to 1,
third. Time. 1:40 3-5.
Six furlongs Toboggan, 111 (Kerner), 2
to 1. won; Auditor, 109 (D. Austin), 5 to
2. second; Salvage, 111 (Larson), 60 to 1,
third. Time. 1:13 2-5.
Mile Shining Star, 109 (D. Austin), 8
to 1. won; Hadur, 99 (S. Morris), 2 to 1,
second; Pirate Polly, 109 (Kerner), 6 to 1,
third. Time, 1:412-6.
Boy Pool Player's Challenge.
OREGON CITY. Or., Nov. 10. (Special.)
Get Rid
of Scrofula
Bnnches, eruptions, inflammations, sore
ness ot the eyelids and ears, diseases of the
bones, rickets, dyspepsia, catarrh, wasting,
are only some of the troubles it causes.
It is a very active evil, making havoc of
the whole system.
Eradicates it, cures all its manifestations,
and builds np the whole system.
Accept no substitute.
" Branch Office Council Crest Park Main 550
Starting Monday, we will give demijohns away absolutely free with each
gallon of wine costing not less than $1.50 a gallon. To introduce this entirely
new venture, to subtantiate this statement, to assure you of no advance in
prices, we offer, for ten days only, the following specials
O. I. C.
(10 years old)
50, $2.00.
A Big Fall
An Honest
A BIr Full
195 Third
George Sharp, of this oity, has Issued
a challenge on behalf of Ralph Wilson,
aged 10 years, to play any boy of that
age for the pool championship of the
Magoffin Wins Marathon Race.
ITHACA, N. Y., Nov. 10. C. F. Magoffin
won the Cornell Marathon race today.
The course was 10'4 miles over a very
hilly course. Time, 1 hour, 3 minutes
and 8 seconds.
Aged and Orphans to Be Housed.
CHICAGO, Nov. 10. The Illinois Grand
Lodge, Knights of Pythias, which is hold
ing Its 37th annual convention here, in
structed Its board of trustees yesterday
to proceed immediately with the erection
of a J25O.OO0 Pythian home at Decatur, 111.,
for old people and orpnans. Decatur do-
Tne islues
The "Bines" in but another name for a mental
depression which is entirely of physical orifrtn.
The common anises of thin deprenslon are con
etipHtion, indigestion, and biliousness. uu c&a
prove Uiiaanj tuue by the use of
Seltzer Aperient
(Ree. v. a. Pit. oa.)
Itmakft the down-hearted liRht-hearted, b
emUBelts pitta RtonKii:h,bowelpaad liver Into per
fect working order, and the physical conditions
which cause "blues" are entirely eradicated.
TARRANT'S la a refreshing, effervescent
morning draught, bo palatable that children
like It.
In stxtT Teara physicians and pnhlio have
found nothing to take the place ol TAHKAKT'S.
Nothing like It at any
At sratgtiu 50c and $1.00
or by mall from
T5he Tarrant Co.
44 Hudson Street
New York
Ladles! Ask your Druggist for j
imBMwri run m iwnf
rod Gold metallic boxes, eled'
with Blue Ribbon. Take a other.
Buv of vour Druceist and ssk for
( HI.fHFR.TrRR ENftLIRn. tfca
years' regarded s Bsst, SsJast, Alw-ay
ReliiMsL Sold by Druerfcts evtrywhers
CaaUcl Oct. JPhllTlphla, As
x TO
Inhale the Mountain Ozone. Enjoy the in
comparable scenery of all this world.
Buy a lot in Portland's Most Popular Res
idence District
Lots $300 to $800
20 per cent down. Balance on Liberal Terms
See our agent MR. BROWN in the Red Tent
at the Y. Ask the conductor. He knows.
0. I. C.
(10 years old)
50S $2.00.
0. I. C.
(8 years old)
$1.00. 54.00.
An Honest
A BIk Full
Delivery Service to Any Part of the
nated $25,000 and 60 acres of land for the
Poles Fail to Speak German.
BERLIN. Nov. 10. Fifty thousand Pol
If you are interested in this fascinat
ing art, it will pay you to visit our
Pyrog'raphic Department
You will find our stock most complete
and that we do not intend to be
This is only a few of our specials:
Regular. Special.
Ontfits $2.50 $2.00
Ontfita $3.00 $2.40
Ontfits $3.50 $2.80
Ontfits $5.00 $4.00
P a .
It Today
O. I. C.
Champagnes. Pints.
California t .DO
Mumm's 1..-.0
White Seal 1.50
Mumm's f.3.00
White Seal 3.00
Beer, Quarts. .2 for 25c
An Honest
Main 380
lsh children persist in refusing to respond
in the German language to religious in
struction in the public schools, and the
Prussian government continues to apply
measures designed to convince the chil
dren and their parents that their resist-
- ance will be of no avail.
Glove Boxes, Collar and Cuff Boxes.
Photo Boxes, Handkerchief Boxes.
Jewel Boxes, Lace Boxes.
Stools, Tabourettes, Points, Steins,
etc, in proportion.
phic Goods