THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 11, 1906. 19 XEW TODAY. A GOOD INVESTMENT AT YOUR COMMAND If you had an ideal dairy farm like the one we are going to tell you about, you could he come ' independent in a short time. With 225 acres, 100 in cultivation, you could easily keep and realize a fine profit from 40 cows. With this farm you will get a new $100 cream separator, a complete set of farm implements, a team of horses, wagon, buggy, harness. You also receive 26 head of cat tle, 14 of them first-class Jer sey dairy cows; a herd of 15 thoroughbred Berkshire swine. In addition, the fruit prospect here is a profitable source of revenue to any family. ' You have a 7-acre orchard, in hear ing, with a fine fruit dryhouse. The finest trout creek in the state runs through this fertile farm. You have 1,000,000 feet of saw timber, with a 10-foot water power at hand. If spring water is desired, you have four per petual springs two of suffi cient elevation to enable the water to he piped through the neat 5-room house through the new 52x64-foot barn with suf ficient water all the time for all the stock. Don't worry about the hay. You have over 100 tons to start you on a short feeding spell. You have a fine gravel pike 8 miles to travel from this farm to Oregon City, and just as good a road to Portland 15 miles. You are only one-half mile to school and store. A creamery wagon calls at the gate for your dairy cream. A more ideal spot cannot be found for a dairy ranch and a home. The low price includes all we have mentioned, with lib eral terms to a buyer. The real estate department of the NORTHWESTERN GUARAN TEE & TRUST COMPANY, 209 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG., S. E. CORNER SECOND AND STARK STS., PORTLAND, OR., knows some other good things about this fine farm, and can tell you about others if this one does not please you. The best thing you can do is to call on this company an'd get all the particulars concerning this farm, and find about all the others they have for sale in every county in Oregon. 1-Story Brick Building 37 feet frontage on Alder Street, near First. Price, $23,500 A GREAT SNAP. ' Come and investigate. GOLDSMITH & CO. 441-442 SHERLOCK BUILDING. Third and Oak streets. GOOD BUYS FOR $35,000 Corner on Seventh street, close to business part of the city. $75,000 Corner, 55x100, only one block from Morrison street; paying today over 8 per cent on purchase price. $45,000 Full quarter block, with substan tial brick buildinp, well leased and paying: over 10 per cent, $20,000 cash will handle. $40,000 Full quarter-block on Everett st. $15,000 30x100 on Flanders st. ; a good lit tle investment, close down to the busy part of town. Portland Trust Company ol Oregon, S. E. COR. THIRD AND OAK STS. City Real Estate FOR SALE S CO. i 250 ALDER ST. INVESTORS NEW TODAY. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street Lota in Myrtle Park on Mt Scott car line, easy payments. 60x100 lot in Sellwood near school house be quick. Full lots East Portland Heights. $25 cash, balance $10 per month. Lot 50x100. East 8th and Beech streets; worth $450. Lot 50x100 East Main st $50. Cash $10 per mo. Best lot In Midway, on car line. corner, worth $700. Lot 50x100 on 22d and Clinton; very cheap. Lot 50x100, corner. City View Park. Worth $1000. 5-room cottage. South Portland; walking distance. 6-room cottage. .South Portland; easy payments. New 7-room house, corner, lot 75x100. Tobasco; one-half cash, $15 per month. 6 lot and 4-room house; Uni versity Park; snap. 100x100. nice quarter block, 13th and Ivon; snap. 100x100 cor., good new 5-room modern house, Woodstock. 6 rooms, 42d and Hawthorne; $300 cash, bal. easy terms. Modern 5-room cottage and at tic; brand new; lots 50x124: E. St.; $300 cash, bal. $20 per month. 6 rooms full lot, Hawthorne av. $4u0 cash; new house. 6-room house. 50x100 lot. Clover dale; fine buy. Lot 50x100 cor loth anJ Bast Sal mon, part cash. New 5-room cottage: Gantenbein ave. and Mason st., swell. , 6- room house 2d st. near Meade, worth more money. 7- room house and 100x100 lot, all In fruit. East 6th st 9-room modern house at High land $1000 cash. H block S. W. corner Han cock and Fourteenth. Swell 5-room cottage on Quimby and 2uth st. Part cash. Strictly new modern 7-room house; full lot, Wasco, E 20th. 56'ixlOO Grant st. bet. 3rd and 4th. tine for flats. Four flats and 3 houses: Income $60 per month; easy payments. 9 rooms modern and up-to-date, cor. lot Front and Sherman. Fine home 7-rooms. lot 100x100: hedge fence, good barn, walking on Tillamook st. 3 houses and 100x100 on 17th and Columbia; part cash. S 200 $ 300 $ 350 $ 350 $ 400 $ 500 $ 550 S 650 $ 800 $1000 $1200 balance $1200 $1400 $1500 $1600 $1650 Yamhill $1700 $1800 $1850 $1900 $2300 $2300 $2350 $2500 $3500 $3750 $4500 $4500 $5300 $5500 distance $6500 Bollam. Grussi & Higley 128 Third Street INVESTMENTS r.r,(MMI Quarter block on 4th st.; in come $430 per month; terms. 920,000 Quarter block and splendid 3 ' story brick, leased and paying; 10-J4 per cent net; terms. HOMES $6,000 75x100, south and west front and splendid new 10-room house, situated in Holladay and sur rounded by elegant homes. 3,500 43x113 and splendid new 6 Toora house, modern in every particular; central East Port land: terms. 600 5 3x100 and good 6-room house, nicely situated in Irvington, nice lawn and fruit trees; terms. $2,500 40x108 and good 7-room house, East 17th St., near Morrison. $2,150 Nice lot and 6-room "nouse, pas. porcelain bath; Sunnyside; terms. $1,75063x100, East 17th St., near Morrison. ACREAGE 52 acrea closo In, desirable for plat ting Into small tracts; all cleared and set to small fruits; fine soil and the price is very low. 3 acres near White House, over looking river and golf links: a beau tiful spot for a suburban home; sell all or part, cr exchange for city prop- W. O. WADDEL 317 Lumber Exchange Building, Second and Stark Streets. First Street 4-Story Corner Brick Bdg.,Pays 9 per cent. Net. Finest Buy in the City. Price, $35,000 GOLDSMITH & CO. 441-442 SHERLOCK BUILDING, Third and Oak streets. Irvington S 740 50x100. $1500 75x100 (choice). $240) 100x100. $2700 100x100. $3203 S rooms. 7th near Weidler. $3750 5 rooms, 18th near Tillamook. $4200 rooms, fine buy. $4500 6 rooms, Weidler. $4800 7 rooms, Multnomah. $5800 8 rooms, 691 Broadway. $6500 Fine home, 100x100. $6630 673 Hancock. $7500 700 Hancock, corner 21st $7700 8 rooms, corner 21st $7s00 S rooms, 21st and Tillamook. A2VD OTHERS. ... Albee Bekhi Company Phone Mala 3004. Concord Bids;. WASHINGTON STREET 50x100 sio,ooo Albee-Benham Co. Main 3004 Concord CIdg. TfEW TODAY. Anglo-American Oil 6 Coal Co. 403 OREGONIAN BUILDING Portland, Oregon Louis G. Clarke. President President and Manager Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Chemists and Druggists. H. L. Pittock... First Vice-President Publisher Dally Oregonian. Fred S. Stanley. .Second Vice Pres't Dm Chutes Irrigation and Power Co. D. W. Wakefield. .Third Vice-PreS't. Wakefield, Fries & Co. George H. Hill.. Secretary and Treas. Vice-President Title. Guarantee and Trust Company. E. J. Rathbone, Field Superintendent, Katalla. Alaska. Formerly Superintendent o Water Line of in. u. k. & -n. co. The management of the Anglo American Oil & Coal Company does not need any introduction to the pub lic. The standing of the above named business men in the commu nity is sufficient guarantee of the merits and solidity of the enterprise here presented. e have been -watching develop ments in Alaska for several years, and have had a representative con tinually on the ground, and as a re sult we now own OVER 11,300 ACRES of the choicest oil land locations in the fabulously .rich oil and coal re gion known as the Kayak District, embracing lands on Bering River, Bering Lake, Katalla Bay and Con troller Bay, Alaska. Some of our holdings are at tide water; other holdings will be reached bv the railroad now building, 20 miles of which will be in operation before snow thes in 1907. This road passes over a portion of our lands on the west shore of Bering Lake. Several thousand acres of our land adjoins the lands of the millionaire Cudahy people, and other of our lands adjoin those ot the Lnglish syndicate owners of the famous big gusher, which threw , an 8-inch stream of oil 110 feet in the air for three days bey fore it could be capped whereby stock in the company jumped from 16 cents to $10 a share over night thus showing an instant profit of sixty two and a half for one. MILIONS IN COAL. We are in the very midst of the richest coal fields on earth coal fields that will in a few years produce mil lions of dollars' worth of the best grade of anthracite and semi-bituminous coking coal. Read the follow ing brief extract from the report of Professor George C, Martin, ' who, with a large force of men, spent sev eral years in this wonderfully rich oil and coal region as geological expert for the United States Government: "The Bering River coal field cov ers an area of about 70 square miles, including 25 miles of anthracite and 45 miles of semi-anthracite (or semi bituminous) eoking coal. The seams are numerous and very large; several exceed 20 feet in thickness. The av erage quality of the Bering River coal is excellent, several of the seams be ing remarkably low in both ash and sulphur. Bering River coal is not now available for sale in' any market, but there are prospects that trans portation will soon be provided to tidewater on Controller Bay, Katalla Bay and Prince William Sound. It ought to be put into the San Fran cisco and other Pacific Coast mar kets at a cost far below that of East ern coal, in which case it should have no difficulty in entirely supplanting the latter . . . These coals are the equivalent of the Pocahontas, New River and Georges Creek coals of the East, and are eminently adapt ed for use on warships and other purposes for which a high-grade, pure, smokeless steaming coal is re quired, and for these purposes will command a considerably higher price than any coal now being mined on the Pacific Coast." (Report of Prof. G. C. Martin, Bulletin No. 2R4, pages 20 26. U. S. Geological Survey.) For the purpose of providing funds for the early development of our large and valuable holdings, the Anglo American Oil & Coal Co. will sell a limited number of shares of its treas ury stock at bedrock figures. Stock is fully paid and non-assessable. Each and every share stands upon an equal basis and will all participate alike in the profits. That these will be very large, is certain. A small investment now may mean a fortune for. you. Call or write for full information. Investigate thoroughly. Act quickly.. Office open evenings, 7:30 to 9 o'clock. 403 Oregonian Building, Portland, Oregon. WE OFFER FOR SALE , Acre Tracts The finest fruit land in this city 5 cent car service assorted fruit trees from 6 to 12 years old. part cash. OTHER ACREAGE. fCnfl Acre tracts fruit land, 4 blocks auUU from Montavilla. (rnn Acre tracts near Woodstock car $UUU line. Kasy payments. $2000 di Id"6' at ,'enmn8s loa8e will t10nn Four acres at Gray's Crossing dldUU on Mt Scott car line. (07 Cfl 20 acres fine fruit land on Base WtOU Una road, no gravel. Bollam, Grussi & Higley 128 THIRD OTREET. West Side Property Lots and quarter blocks close in and with incomes. Cannot advertise these but would be pleased to submit them to you with all the particulars. Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark street. NEW TODAT. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS $1200 $1800 $3250 $4000 $6250 $5500 Vacant lot Schuyler St., ce ment walks: street and lot graded; select neighborhood. Terms. . (74) Fine ,: new modern cottage; Firland: Mt. Scott line, Easy payment plan. 8C) orroom modern cottage; 10th St.; walking distance. (-) 8 rooms: strictly modern r quarter block; beautiful grounds: convenient to car and school; East Side. (41) Beautiful 7-room home in Ir vington. Modern in all de tails. (137) Corner lot 7th st. S.; 10-room house; can be made into flats with slight cost... (9o) $12,750 Choice quarter block; 12th St.. S. ; fine .location for flats or residence. Look at thlsr (40) Apartment House Sites Several choice down town sites. If you want something good see us. We also have apartments and flats paying 10 per cent and 11 per cent on the investment. Snap In Warehouse Site We have the best buy on the East Side; improved st. and rail facilities. Don't buy without seeing us, as we surely can save you money. We also have choice acreage sites on the S. P. track within city limits We Will Build for responsible tenants, warehouse on track East Side: also on N. 4th St.. West Side. Acreage on Mt. Scott line at the extremely low price of J250 per acre. See us for down town property Portland RealtyeTrust Co. 106 Second St. Phone Main 2129. $60,000 ding in heart of per cent net. Brick building in heart of city; long lease; 74 per cent net. $25,000 Corner Second, north of Burnside, guaranteed lease $3300 a year. Thirteenth Street 100x100 corner, on track. Fine for warehouse or Jobbing house. Fifth Street Corner, short distance north of Oak. Sixth Street 50x100 and 100x100. Seventh Street Corner pays good interest on $18,000 210x200 In SoutIT Portland, stores and one dou ble house; rent $110. flOO. IRVINGTON 21 Acres short distance east of Irving ton. 400 per acre. Will- double in value by next Summer. E. J. DALY 114 THIRD STREET. Scenic $300 to $400 for 50 by 100 foot lots in-Scenic Place, on St. Johns car line, adjoining Columbia Park on the east. Plat has been filed less than two weeks and 40 lots have been sold up to date. Every one who sees this property buys, so don't overlook it. Holmes & Menefee 89 Third St., Chamber of Commerce. Or Our Agent, R. B. CAREY, Peninsular Station. $40,000 100x100 on 6th street. This the last opportunity to get a auarter block on 6th street at that price. You had better act quickly if you want it. AAA 60x100 on 6th street. A 11(111 good speculation. We have u TjWV seVeral good buys on 6th street which we are not at liberty to ad vertise. For particulars call on us. $25,000 100 feet on Burnside. 50 feet on Ninth. Is a sure winner. North Beach 1 32 acres, J.o per acre. niirs new city at nanpton means through rail communication to this prop erty. (TCCA per acre for 4 acres of fine JjU .eaver Dam ,and at Mllwau- CAAA Per acl"e fr some good orchard JUy land at Milwaukie, Oregon. Money erty. to loan on city and farm prop- Hart Land Co. 109 Sherlock Bldg Glisan St., Bet. 23 and 24 Will sell 50. 55 or 60 feet for $70 a front foot, or 100 or 110 for J65 a front foot. Small amount down, balance long time at 6 per cent. This is certainly a verv sightlv location and remarka bly convenient. Property all over Portland is appreciating in value rap idly, and in that locality especially. FRANK C. BAKER, Room 12, Hamilton Bldg. Main 6D5. R. M. WILBUR Has returned from the East and will be glad to aee his friends and Heal Estate- cus tomers at bifl office-, 110 2nd at. Pace NEW TODAY. SIXTH STREET! SIXTH STREET! SIXTH STREET! LAST QUARTER LEFT $60,000 100x100 Feet With Improvement PAYS ITS WAY Get on the Street with SKY SCRAPERS Goldsmith & Co. 411-112 Sherlock bldg., 3d and Oak. CCnn Modern 6-ronm house, beauti ODDUU fully finished with hardwood floors, tiled bathroom, best of plumbing. Built by owner" for a home must be seen to be appreciated. N. B. cor. Hancock and E. 19th. $5000 More than 2Vi lots. N. TV. cor. 16th and Hawthorne terrace: iJortiand Meignts: cement walKs. water, sewerage, improved streets, near car, fine view. This is a high lot at a low price. $6500 w modern It-room residence: hot-water heating plant. Cor ner B. ICth. near Hawthorne ave. Half cash. tfopflfl Good 6-room house. Broadway OZOUU near 6th: a nice home. Terms. ' CKKflfl 3xl- with good 6-room house, wJuUU on Chapman st., near Yamhill. This is cheap. trnCf) .j0x100 on Russell St., opposite WU&UU Bates' Bank. This corner is bringing a good income now. and can be made to produce 15 per cent on invest ment. fill Ylflfl Trinity place, near Wash VI ington St.; price1 and terms on application. KflYTflfl8 w- cor- Savier and 26th ijuaiuu sts- we have a good price on this property for a few days only. Cord Sengstake & Co. 90 Fifth st.,' near Stark. " Worth Investigating Cnfl 2 lots on E. 35th at., near Haw- W UUU thorne; very easy terms. $1000 $ 800 $ 700 $2200 $1800 50x100 on Hawthorne ave., nea 33d st. 40x100, near 32d on Hawthorne. 50x100. on 34th st., near Haw thorne. Terms. 100x100. corner 32d and Haw thorne. 82x100. on Hawthorne ave.; cheapest buy on the street. tyifinn 'tn an Mill: 2 stores and OtUUU living rooms; renting for J35.00 per month.- CCOCfl 10-room flat, close in on East dOldll Side: a bargain. tCOEn 50x120. with 3 houses, bringing wQtuU $60 per month; on Roosevelt st. This piece of property is bound to in crease in value very rapidly. 1fl (inn A '.4 block in the north end I U UUU of the city. Investigate this, as it is below its real value. tOn nnn A " blork on Mth st. switch. 0U UUU The best and cheapest ',i left on the street. We also have several good pieces of property on N. loth st. at right prices. KNAPP U1ACKEY 2 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. ACREAGE You Can Double Your Money 8 acres adjoining Spring Valley Addi tion, near Irvington; a good plotting proposition: this will make 48 lots 50xltnl. with streets and will readily sell for JJOO per lot; price $000 per acre. This will make you 1 00 per cent $ 450 Ij0t 60xt10' Union ave-anj Ma Mnnn Cash, balance $27.50 month at 6 OlUUU per cent; modern 7-room house; cement basement, full lot. (Ctnn Cash, balance at 6 per cent: 10 wJuUU acres near Oatman Station. Woodstock car line; good 8-room house, barn, windmill, etc. $CCn Casn- balance $25 month at 6 DOU per cent; 6-room modern house, full lot: Holladay Park, f ICnn Cash, balance at 6 per cent; OlUUU 9-room modern house, all kinds fruit trees, small barn; E. Taylor st. $100 C"8"- balance $10 month at 6 IUU per cent; 1-acre tracts near Kendall Station; Estacada line. f llCfl lor. lot dOxIUO on Lovejoy st.; OOI JU for a. few days only. $2600 Lot 50x100 on Northrup at.; must be sold Monday. Scandinavian-American Co. 107'A 6th St.. room 4. Special Investments $8500 $9000 Corner on 4th street; Income $3o0 a year. 2 Houses on 10th Btreet; income $1104 a year. tm Knn Corner on 10th street; in OlU 0'JU come $960 a year. $13 500 $l0aryOnr5tl1 street; ,ncome $u ooo $irHBSth strcet: ,ncome tOn Corner on First street; in- &U uuu come K160 a year. t01 block on 4th street; in- 0 I UUU come over 6 per cent per. COB ROn block; Income $3060 a MU www year. F. Dubois Washington Bldg.. Room 3. Two Good Homes OOCn Modern 8-room house with fur OOOUU nace: Central East Side: 50x100; $500 down, monthly payments. 6 per cent. tOQKn Buya a strictly up-to-date home. 0wwU fine place, large porches, pan trv: nothing in the way of comfort omit ted; well-kept grounds; 100x100: subur ban, but only one block from car; $1000 aown. J. F. COMPTON. Pacific 1S43. iOO Ablngton bldg. - NEW TODAY. Wanted-Real Estate If you havQ any real eatate to sell at a bargain, bring It to me and It it suita I will buy IU ' WM. B. STREETER. 114"Thlrd - St., near cor. Washington. CANTON BAZAAR Chinese and Japanese Curios and art soods: carved, furniture, royal satsuma. cloisonne, brasses, carved ivory; fine Canton linen em broideries; eilk and satin dressing gowns direct imported. tf Sixth Ht.t between Mtark and Oak. FOB SALE KKAL ESTATB GOOD TIME TO BUY A HOME. $JOOO S-room house, large open fire place, beautiful location, fine lawn; East 20th and Main etb. $4 OOo will buy a nice 8-room. new and modern house, with a large, line corner lot. on E. Aider st.; 4 cash required. $;)2."i0 Large vacant lot on 1st st. near Lincoln; good location for flats. $:il5o 7-room house, nearly new, nice lot; E. Main st., near $l!Vn New 8-room modern house, on E. I'bth t., near Ankeny. $2-0O New 7-room modern house, beau tiful sivle of architecture, nicely located on Mount Scott carline. S V2oO 8-room house, newly papered, electric lights, large level lot. West Side, within walking dlntance of P. Q. , terms cash. A. H. BIRREI.T,. 201-20; McKay. Bldg. $11,000 lOOxlOO. ON 2D ST.; ONE OF THE few choice corners, close in, partially improved. MOORE REALTY CO., " Stearns bldg., oib and MorrUon. $725l CKOTCE QUARTER BT-OCK S. B. cor. j. t th and Belmont. Makes a good factory site. H. P. Palmer, 222 Failing bldg. Main 54KI1. FREE A NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. One acre of choice land, cleared, partly set to fruit; fine soil; neat 5-room new cot tage; 3 block car line; 20 minutes' ride; land alone worth the money; cottage thrown in for good measure; only $1350; better in vestigate. J. FRANK PORTER. 222 Washington. Ujwtairs. FOR SALE- BEAUTIFUL. HOME ON EAST Ash street; 8-room house, ce ment basement, fireplace, fur nace, good plumbing, large lot ; owner obliged to sell on ac count of removal from city; price and terms unusually fa vorable. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON, SE. cor. 3d and Oak Sts. ACREAGE HOME CHEAP i acres land, black soil and none better; all cleared and improved, with fruit of all kinds; fair 7-room house, good bam, chk-k-en-hou.e, etc.; also two Jersey cows, plenty hay. chickens. Winter wood, potatoes, and close to car line, 40 minutes' ride to Port land; price only $2i00; one-half cash, bal ance long time. Call Western Land Co., 24HV Stark st. $5700 FULL LOT AND EXCELLENT BUILT 8-room home, with oak floors downstairs, fireplace In reception hall, four large sleep ing rooms. combination brass fixtures, c hades, screens, cement basement, furnace. Holladay's Addition; move right In; Just what you are looking for. GrlndMaff & Schalk, 24 Stark t. Phone Main 392. $5500 BEST BUY IN THE CITY; 11 ROOM?, furnace, cement basement, stationary tubs, fireplace, mantle, two con.ervatoriet. house newly decorated; walking distance Washing ton St.; house alone cost asking price; only . $1000 required, bal. 6 per c-nt. CITY REALTY & BUILDING CO., 612 Commercial Bldg., Main 1040. WEt HAVE SOMETHING CHOICR IN PORT land Heights property, at prices that will aurpriae you, as they have not been offered before, but especially one-half block with 7-room house, fine view, with fruit, etc., and a chance to double vour money. WESTERN OREGON TRUST COMPANY, 211 Stark Street. M'KA RLAND'S AGENCY, 3U0 Stearne Building. $4000 lo-room lodKlng-house. long leas; profits $400 monthly. Also others, $1500, $20u0. Hood River apple land: terms. Timber lands, Portland lots, dwelling, etc. REAL ESTATE. Tf you want to sell your real estate or rent your house, cottage, store, etc., quick, we have customers waiting to buy real es tate if prices are right. SCANDINAVIAN AMERICAN CO., 107, 6th Street, Room 4. SMALL BUT GOOD INVESTMENTS. $2300 Nice lot, walking distance, with two good cottages, bringing 10 per cent net. $oOOO Fine corner, close In, bringing good Income, easv terms. F. FU-CHS, 221 Morrison. HOP LAND FOR SALE 400 ACRES OF choice hop land near Eugene, Oregon, must be old undT forced sale within the next 30 da ye; will sell all or any part of the tract at a iacrifice. For particulars address "Farmer," 6te, Eugene, Oregon. $3500 WILL BUY THE PRETTIEST Lo cated heme on the Oregon City car line; Tunning water, good selection fruit trees and l-erries; substantial fl-room house; 3 . acres; terms, S20O0 down. John Gower, Rlsley's Station. Milwaukie. $500 CASH, $25 MONTHLY. PRICE $3500. for a superb modern 6-room house, large reception hall, cement basement, smalt modern barn, fine electric fixtures, on Garfield ave., near Failing st. State Land Co.. 133 1st st. FIVE ACRES OF FINE LAND. ALL IN cultivation, best of toil. well Improved ; a modern 7-room new residence, with all mod ern conveniences, 2 hlockw O. W. I, car line; a snap at $50oo. J. Frank Porter, 22 Wash ington, upstairs. FOR SALE ONE 0-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50 xlOO. with fruit trees and ilowers; $2000, part cash, balance on time; also new 4 room cottage, good basement, lot SoxlOO. Inquire 8. W. corner Grand avenue and Beach st. . . M -BLOCK. S. E. CORNER UNION AVE. and Halsey St., $4450; or eat 40 feet of both lots. $1550; west 60 feet of corner lot, $1700; west 65 feet of lot. 2 for $1450. Culver, 623 Chamber of Commerce. HERE'S YOUR SNAP! IDEAL 8-ROOM home, walking distance. East Side; all mod ern conveniences;, must Bell at once; more than full lot; move right In: price, $4500, $200 cash. M 24, Orezonlan. A SNAP MODERN 6-ROOM HOVSB FOR sale by owner, in fine location; 15 minutes' ride from town; best car wrvice in city ; must be sold In DO days. Phone Tabor 225. IF YOU WISH A FINE MODERN HOME, suburban lots or other real estate at a bargain, call upon us. Jenne, Trimble & Trimble, 411 Marquam bldg. A NEW MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE AT Kern Park, 2 blocks from car. 2 lots, price $1500; terms same as rent. State Land Co., i:ia 1st st. 85x100 N. W. COR. BANCROFT AVE. AND Ohio st.; very sightly; 1 IOO; one-half cash. A. D. Marshall; 427-420 Chamber of Commerce. QUARTER BLOCK WITH TWO HOUSES and room for two more, on car line, and only S4OO0; easy terms. Sphinx Agency, 305 'Stark t. 3-ROOM PLASTERED COTTAGE, NEAR Mount Scott carlin furnished or unfur nished. Phone Tabor 279. A NICE HOME IN IRVINGTON. fl-ROOM modern house, easy terms; will sell or rent. Phone Sellwood 91. FOR SALE BY OWNER TWO CHOICE lots In St. Johns; no agents. Address A 23, Oregonian. WE WILL SELL YOUR BUSINESS OR residence property. Sphinx Agency, 305 & Stark st. BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE $4000; $500. $25 monthly. Owner, phone East 675. , FOR SALE ONE LOT EAST 32D. RET. Clinton and Division sts. Phone East 5258. Houses built Easy payment; lots if desired. Miller, 612 Commercial Blk. M. 1940. FOR SALE MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, Holladay Addition. Phone East 831. TWO LOTS IN MIDWAY CHEAP. APPLY 502 Lckuin bldg. I'huue East 316. FOR SALE REAL ESTATB BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE. $625 Quarter block, Patton tract, N. corner brainard and Missouri ave. $MOO Big lot. Rodney ave. , $25oo 7-rooni modern dwelling, next north M. E. Church. Kerby st. $670J Two .modern fiats on Russell st. $2loo-r-Two acres, near Point View, St. Johns; suitable f.r platting. $ 250 Lot 60x 1 os with a 1 ley. sewer in - ', alley, on Cook ave.. near Kerby Ht. $175 2 houses and lot on Revere St., near Mississippi ave. ; rent $20. $IH50 Modern house and lot on Fargo st. : fruit ; connected w ith sewer. $200 to $250 Nice building lots In North, Irvington; some of the streets are Mm - . proved; $25 cash, $10 pr month. $1400 New 5-room house and half lot on Gantenbein ayt., near Cook ave. $7oo Nice corner lot. Gantmbeln ave. $70o Two houses and full lot on Kear- . ney nt.; rent $30. SH.'iO Lot on Stanton st. 5205O Nice houne on Fremont st. $I.0 N. W. quarter block I, Alblna Homestead. $5."ki Two lots, N. E. corner of Kerby. .- , 8t. and Cook ave. ; nice building site. $25oo 7-room house, S7tf Borthwick. $ 1 35o l-room house, 503 Gantenbein. $225tt fi-room house, 754 Borthwick. $4000 Quarter block on Williams ave.;. suitable for business. p.jOot Quarter block and two new 7 room modern dwellings; S. E. corner ot Rodney and Fargo sts. $i3oo Flat with good income, Kerby and Commercial sts. $2000 Two lots, corner Vancouver ave and Fargo st. v Money to Loan. JOHN M. PITTING ER. Agent for German Alliance and Glens Fallg Insurance Cos.. both in class "A." Room 552 Sherlock Building. Phone Pacific 70S. $450o TAKES A GOOD 11-ROOM HOME East Stark st.; it has furnace, two fireplace, full baaement. halls, closet, full attic, cor ner lot. 67x100. The house cost $7000 to build. Terms if desired. $.1500 buys a snug, modern, new 6-room home; It's a dandy and In a good neighbor hood; only about 10 minutes' walk from center of city. $850 5-rom home, with 2 lots, near car; one-half cash; It's a snap. $l5oo for 5-room home, with bath, toilU . full lot. two blocks from car: thi price in cludes good furniture in house, and can n nad on your own terms. Thia U a great snap. We will build you a home at Anahel; foun dations are now in for three of them; let . you arrange etyle. size, price and terma. ' Lots on very easy payment. STEIN METZ & CO.. The Homesellers. 103 Morrison St. $2750 DO YOU WISH TO BUY A LARGE Si room house, full lot. modern artd lt' a fine location, with small payment down? Look this up. This Is a enap for home or as a speculation. M OO R B R EALTY CO M P A N Y. Stearns bldg., 6th and Morrison. ( FOR SALE LARGE 9-ROOM HOUSE ON $4500 Corbett st. ; fine view, good sur roundings, excellent car service. Buy today and take advantage of the increase in South Port land vaiueo. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. E. cor. 3d and Oak Sts. A. GILBERT & SON. REAL ESTATE AND houte renting. Buy and sell real estate. Cot tages rented and taken care of for non resident.. Exclusive agents for Hermosa Tark and Mountain View lots, the select residence property of Seaside. Office east end bridge. Open Sundays, Seaside, Or. CRISP SNAP. Elegant block on 3d-st.. car line, not far from 3d and Yamhill, partly improved ; just right for apartments or stores; here's a chance to make thitt . good Jmeome property for the price, $22,500, part caeh. Owner, box 380, city. NEARLY NEW AND MODERN 7-ROOM house, right where values are Increasing on Peninsula; lot 100x100, corner; nlco garden, fruit trees already bearing; close to car and only $3000. Can give terms, j;, .Western Oregon Trust Company, 291 Stark, street. NOTHING LIKE IT FOR THE MONEY. $t.5O0 Most maenificent modern 8-room t corner residence, swell neighborhood. n 1 block from E. Ankeny carline, ground 7ox 120; a great bargain. STAUB & SAWTELL, 22714 Washington St., Room 17. IRVINGTON. Lot $800; houses built on Installment; all Improvements. F. J. Raley, Agent, 218 213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phon Main 1293. Resident agent, 700 Schuyler at., cor. E. 21st. Phone East 144. 9-ROOM HOUSE. FULL CEMENT BAflE ment. furnace, gas, bath and hot water plumbing; all in good -condition ; lot 25x IOO feet ; 15 minutes' walk from Poetof-fi'.-e; $4KrO. Hatfield & Smith, 165 4th. $5000 8H ACRES JUST NORTH OF MONT A villa car, near Weet ave., all In cultivation; house, barn and city water; best buy on market. G rinds ta ft & Schalk, 264 Stark mU Main 392. C ROOM HOUSE. BATH. GAS AND HOT water; lot 50x100 feet; nice and sightly; adjoin in H aw thorne tract ; walking dif. tance; $3000. Hatfield &. Smith, 105!V 4th st. $950 BY OWNER. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE, full lot; $200 down, balance on time, or monthly payments: rents for $10 pee month. Inquire 1564 E. 13th st., Sellwood jjOOO NEW HOUSE, 6 ROOMS ANT , bath, full basement, 50x100 lot, one block; from tar; $500 rash, balance to suit Sphinx Agency, 305 Stark st. 6-ROOM NEW HOUSE, CEMENT BASB ment. ga and electric plumbing; corner lot 50x100 feet, 2 blocks from car; $2400. Hatfield & Smith, 165 la 4th st. $.175 EACH 2 BEST 1JOT9, IN PTTCDMONT, facing east; 2 feet above graded street; near. Williams ave. station; $150 down, balance easy terms. G 21, Oregonian. SEE ME FOR CHEAPEST LOT IN HOL laday Park. Cement walk and Improved street. Clackamas st. A. D. Marshall, 427 429 Chamber of Commerce. HOI-LAD AY'S ADD.. BLOCK ; 2 MOD ern dwelling's; cement basements, 'fruit, lawn, flowers, cement sidewalks; cheap fi cash. 375 E. 3d st. N. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE IVTS, WELL located on car line, for exchange by nwner for city residence from $6000 to $12,000. . Q 19. Oregonian. $t;20O NICE. MODERN 9-ROOM HOME) O East Burnside at., near 22d ; ask us about this. Grindtaff St Schalk. 264 Stark U Phone Main 392. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 937 ROD ney ave.. near Skidmore t.; eey terms; owner home Sunday afternoon. Take "U" or Union ave. car. WANTED GOOD BARGAINS IN ST. Johns or suburban lots, acreage or cot tages. The Dunn-Lawrence Company, 149v 1st st. ACREAGE JUST THINK OF IT! 44 MILKS, - out and only 50 per acre; 40 acres of it ' to b sold in one lot. Sphinx Agency, 305 ftj ' Stark st. HOUSES ALL PARTS OF CITY, BUILT AND sold on installments. Kroner, 16-17 Cam bridge bldg., aouthwest cor. 3d and Morrison. CHEAP ACREAGE WE HAVE 2, 3, 5, 7 acre tracts on O. W. P. R. R. to Oregon City, cheap. Let us show you. 243 Stark st. $7500 WATER FRONT ON RAILROAD, two blocks, about three acres. Apply own er, H. P. Palmer, 222 Failing bldg., M S6U. $500.00 DOWN. BALANCE $25.00 MONTH, buys new modern 6-room house. Holladay Park. Now rented $25. I'hone owner. E 1507. A NEW MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE IN. Sunnyside, a good home, price $2400 1 terms to suit. State Land Co.. 1334 1st a. ? FOR SALE CONTRACT ON HOLLA LA Y Park Add., lot $!50; terms, $425 rash, balance $10 monthly. V 26. Oregonitin. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLADAY Park, latest design, best lnterlop finish; everything complete. East 242:1. jg.-,0 NEAT 4-ROOM COTTAGE; FULL 50 xlOO lot; owner leaving town; cash or terms. Owner. 831 E. !th M. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. PRICE $1700; terms reasonable ; good locatf on ; near car line. M 17, Oregonian. FOR SALE OWNER. 1 T-OT AND 2 FOUR room houses. Inquire 628 Wlttlams ave.. Up per Albina. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, NF.W, 1XT 75x100. Call OX Gilliam axe.. Mt- Tabor. Phona East 559. BUY AT ONCE, $12O0, COR. LOT, HOUSE, Highland; term. Phone Wood lawn 202, G-OOD 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE CHEAP. 916 Halght ave. PIvt" East 3K49. $tOO 2 COTTAGES. NEW. MODERN, 4 $1350 rooms, near car shop. 208 4th. .1