THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, NOVEMBER 4. 1906. 3 f X f NTEBE5T GHOW HG GRIDIRON GAME Football Critics Impressed With the Possibilities of New Style of Play. BIG ELEMENT OF CHANCE JLessons Drawn From Whitman Multnomah and Idaho-Oregon Contests "Referee" Writes Entertaining Review, BT REFEREE. Football critics who saw the Multnomah-Whitman game a week ago were lmr ' pressed with the possibilities of the new style of play. That the same has been made more Interesting from the stand point of he average spectator, there can be little doubt, for the elimination of mass plays has given a preponderance to- the clement of chance, and with plenty of kicking, there Is always a possibility of a long run or a score. The new game suggests many Interest ing comparisons with the spectacular football of the old days, before the game was reduced to an exact science. The gradual decline of the old, open game was marked by an accession of knowl edge which finally turned the game into a very Intricate series of problems, the solution of which called for the maximum of skill and brains, and the execution of whose solution on the playing field ap peared to the uninitiated spectator as little more than a contest of brute strength. Although there is a general revolt against the "10-yard rule," it is freely admitted that the new game Is more in teresting than the old. and that the for ward pass and "onslde" kick are plays that appeal to both players and specta tors. The new game has undoubtedly placed a premium upon speed and skill, and the team that depends upon avoid upois has been relegated to the rear. That Individual playing is more of a fac tor than heretofore cannot be denied, al though the aim of the coaches Is to avoid It and cling to team play. Good Individual Players Shine. In the games of this season there is hardly a team on which some man has not stood out like a noonday sun among the lesser lights that surrounded him. Lonegran, of Multnomah, and Moullen, of Oregon, are but examples of what in dividual strength and skill may do for a team. Although accurate teamwork is not to be laughed at, the eleven that has a good end runner, an accurate place kicker, or a pair of strong defensive ends Is the eleven that wins games under the present code of rules. The Multnomah-Whitman game was un doubtedly the best early-season match ever seen In. Portland. The Missionaries, under the watchful eye of Coach Baird, have developed a team that will make a hard run for championship honors. The way Whitman tore up the Multnomah line and gained ground during the first half was a revelation to local enthuslasts, and the forward pass from Schmidt to Bpagle was as neat a piece of work as was ever seen on the gridiron. Whitman has a strong, well-balanced team, but the back field Is a trifle weak on handling punts, and the field captain used poor Judgment In trying to buck the Multnomah line when the ball should have been booted. The Walla Walla men are clean players, and their fine game and sportsmanlike conduct made them hosts of friends among Portland football enthusiasts. Multnomah's team promises to be up to the high standard of Its predecessors, and predictions are freely made that the local clubmen will go through the season undefeated. Captain Jordan and his men are learning all the fine points of the new game, and some surprising plays may be looked for later on. Halfback Frank Lonergan was by long odds the star of the game against Whitman. His brilliant dashes around Whitman's right end brought the Multnomah rooters to their feet, and the way he eluded the colleg lads who tried to down him was a reve lation, even to his most sanguine admir ers. Quarterback Blanchard did some . clever work against the Missionaries while Dowling and Jordan, the speedy ends, showed their old-time form. Taken as a whole, Multnomah's team work was somewhat ragged, but as the season ad vances a gradual improvement will be shown. By Thanksgiving day Multnomah snouid nave a team that will make Ore gon look to her laurels. Oregon Outplayed Idaho. The Oregon-Idaho earns will Into history as one of the greatest games ever played in the Northwest. The man gled foot of big Fred Moullen turned wnat would have otherwise been a wore lfss game Into a decisive victory for the Eugene men. .Moullen Is certainly a won a!rtul kicker, and there are not a few who assert that he Is the peer of Chi cngo's famous Eckersall. Reports from Moscow indicate that Oregon outnloved Idaho at all stages of the game and that tne score of 12 to 0 represents the rela tive strength of the teams. The Idaho people are generous In their praise of the Oregon players, especially Moores and . Handler, tne speedy ends. The Oregon men were all on the side. lines of the Multnomah-Whitman game and seemed- to enjoy the contest Im mensely. They were loud In their praise of their Idaho rivals, declaring that Cap tain Larson and his men are hard, clean piayers ana game losers. Idaho Is evl- ently surrounded by a wholesome ath- tio spirit, for the Moscow aggregation as won many victories during the past ew years, and has. at the same time. avoided . athletic scandals and charsres of graft. Captain Larson, the big left tackle, ' distinguished himself by clever playing in the game with Oregon, and Halfbacks Small and Armstrong' did jrreat defensive work. Since returning from Moscow the Ore gon team has undergone a general shake up. Chandler and Moores have been shifted to the halfback positions, and Clark has gone from half to full, with McKlnney and Moullen on the ends, and Zacharlas at left tackle. Many friends of the Oregon boys doubt the wisdom of these changes, but Coach Bezdek and Captain Chandler know what they are doing and It may be that the shifts will work wonders for Oregon. The next game or two will demonstrate the wisdom or folly of the changes. The Oregon men are getting ready for their big game with Washington, November 17, and from present Indications they should defeat their Northern rivals. Last year's Oregon-Washington game was a tie, 12 to 13, and there is a general feeling at Eugene that Oregon should establish her supe riority in the coming contest. In passing. (It might be well to note that Oregon has never lost to Washington on Kincaid field, Oregon's home ground. The new arrangement of players gives Oregon a heavier line and a faster back field for offensive work, but on , defense the old line-up will be used. Oregon has no game next Saturday. The varsity men wljl be given a good rest In order to be In condition tax tea ab lngton game. Multnomah, likewise, has no game next Saturday, so the week will be a quiet one In football circles of the Beaver State. Idaho to Play W. S. C. on Friday. The principal game of the coming week will be the Idaho-Pullman contest Fri day and the Washington Willamette match Saturday. Idaho and Pullman are old rivals and the feeling between these Institutions is strong, even to the degree of bitterness. When Oregon played in Moscow recently, several hundred Pull man rooters were there to yell for Ore gon, but more particularly to yell against Idaho. The Washington State College is only nine miles distant from the Uni versity of Idaho, and the feeling between the two Institutions in times past has been so bitter that athletic relations have often been severed for periods of from two to three years. Figures show that Idaho has won a ma jority of the games of the past ten years, and those who are familiar with the football situation in the Inland Empire are of the opinion that Coach Griffith's men will come out victorious next Fri day.' The game will be played In Pull man and several hundred excursionists will go over from Moscow and surround ing Idaho towns.. The way Corvallls held Washington down to a scoreless game leads the Wil lamette players to believe that they have a good chance to win next Saturday, at Seattle. The O. A- C. team is composed of green men, yet they acquitted them selves In a most creditable manner at Seattle, and may give 'both Oregon and Willamette something of a surprise later on. Willamette has a speedy, well-balanced team, and with such players as Reader, Nace, Marker and Owens, should give Washington a hard battle. Those PORTLAND COLLIE ONE "V : l ' y 7 ' ; t -s - . - -, ' 'i ts I ft. i V. . . . 1 -1 ' - is X xf( i ' , "J I' f J i JACK HILL'S LAIRD III. Laird III, Jack Hill's 14-months-old Scotch collie. Is one of the handsom est collies on the coast. Laird is a high-born Scotchman, his sirs being ths Imported Glend Tana Marquis, who was brought to this country br Thomas Griffith, of Spokane. Laird has a black coat with tan markings and not too much white, and is a thorough beauty. who pretend to keep posted on North west footbal say that Willamette will win without much trouble. . Four mem bers of the Salem team played on the famous eleven of Puget Sound "University In 1903. Washington laid claim to the Northwest championship that year, but refused to play Puget Sound University, and there was a newspaper controversy which lasted several months. On paper, Puget Sound looked stronger than Wash-, lngton. These four men Rader, Nace, Nelson and Marker are more than anx ious to get a chance to show Washington a thing or two about football, and while the coming gamo will be a friendly one, the former Puget Sound players -vlll play like demons. Chauncey Bishop has been assisting Coach Boyer since Willamette's defeat at the hands of Whitman, and the team will go to Seattle In the best of condition. Corvallis will play Professor Stubling's fast bunch from The Dalles Athletic Club next Saturday, while the second team of the Agricultural College will go to Eu gene for the annual game with the sec ond team of the University of Oregon. . Princeton Coming to the Front. Princeton's defeat of Cornell was the feature of last Saturday's develop ment of the Eastern situation. Prince ton 4ias been coming- to the front rap Idly during the past two weeks, and after next Saturday's game with West Point the Tigers will be able to figure on their chances against Yale. The Princeton eleven 1b big and fast, and, although Tale may show wonderful Improvement between now and No vember 17, the present condition erf the Jerseymen 18 causing the coaches at New Haven no little worry. Cor nell gave the Tigers a hard game, but Princeton's strength was too much for the Ithacans. Tale's offensive work against Am herst was ragged, but the defensive work was of Buch a high order that there Is Joy In the hearts of the Ells. A long run by Amherst placed the ball on Yale's two-yard line, but Yale's de fense was stubborn, and Amherst was forced to try a place kick, which went wide of the goal. On the whole, the Tale team is not playing as well as It should, but the prospects for a whirl wind finish are excellent. Tale seldom looks good on paper, but Is usually in at the finish. Harvard's offensive play in the game with West Point was a disappointment to the Cambridge meh. The cadets got the Jump on the Harvard forwards, and the tackles Pullen and Weeks tossed their Harvard opponents about as if they had been dummies. Harvard's double passes were failures and several forward passes were regained by luck. Orr, Harvard's right end, played a con sistent game, and Newell got off some 60 and 70-yard skyscraping punts. On the whole, Harvard's work was of a poor quality, but Coach Reid has high hopes of giving Carlisle a severe drub bing next Saturday. Pennsylvania's defeat sit the hands of Carlisle was not much of a sur prise to those who have followed the Eastern football situation. Pennsyl vania and Michigan will -meet on No vember 17, and although the Wolver ines have a weak team this season they stand "a fair chance to win from the Quakers. Michigan's decisive de feat of Illinois has given Tost some encouragement, but the Ann Arbor ag gregation Is but a shadow of Its former greatness. Mllwankie Country Clnb. Eastern and California races. Take 9eU wood or Oregon City car, starting from First and Alder streets. DIGEST OF NEW FOOTBALL RULES Expert Says Effect. Will Be to Reduce Roughness and Improve Game. OFFICIALS' ADDED POWER Referee, Two Umpires and Head Lineman Given Power to Enforce Penalties Play Made More Interesting for Spectators. BT W. LAIR THOMPSON. The code of rules promulgated by the Intercollegiate rules committee to govern the game of football as played In American colleges for the . season of 1906 Is tho outcome of agitation OF BEST ON COAST against the game because of alleged undue roughness, and presents some radical changes from the game as played during the past several years. To my mind the new rules are notable for changes that may be divided Into three general classes, to wit: Tho great latitude given the team In ad vancing the ball, through the forward pass and the liberal "on-slde" rule for punting, both made necessary by the Increased distance required to be gained in threo attempts, if the team Is to retain possession of the ball; sec ond, legislation directed at the rough er features of the game In the elimina tion of hurdling, tackling below the knees, all those rough tricks by which ungentlemanly players brought the game Into disrepute, and all mass plays, or use of heavy line men behind the line for plunges, and third, the almost unlimited power delegated to the officials for enforcement of the rules. And of these In the order men tioned. " V. IMUILai V 111! IlfS. There are two changes that stand out pre-eminently In the new rules the forward pass and the rule provid ing that when a ball has been kicked players of the kicker's side shall be "on-side" as soon as the ball has touched the ground after the kick; that Is, when a ball Is kicked from be-' hind a line of scrimmage every man on either team except the man who did the booting, may secure and retain the ball as soon as It has touched tho ground, whether the man who secures the ball was ahead or behind the man who did the kicking. As the old rule governing the ball when kicked pro-, vlded that all members of the kicker's team who were ahead of the ball when It was kicked should be "off-side," and should not again be permitted to touch the ball until they were put "on-side" by a member of the opposing team having touched the ball, the radical change Involved in this rule may be seen. It means that a premium has been placed on the punt, and espe cially on punting to order that is, placing the ball In some particular lo cation In the Held, In accordance with a signal previously given to members of the kicker's team. That the forward pass will prove as effective as the placed punt I am not yet ready to believe. True, It Is a radi cal change. The old rule prohibited pass ing the ball toward the opponent's goal that is In the direction In which a team Is endeavoring to carry the ball. The new rule permits one forward pass to each scrimmage, with the exceptions that the ball must not cross the line of scrim mage closer than five yards from the center, that the ball must not touch the ground before It Is touched by a player of either team, and that it must not be passed to the center, the guards or tackles. Only the team which put the ball in pfay Is permitted to make a forward pass. A violation of any part of this rule Is penalized with loss of the ball at the spot where the pass was made. This Is one of the most severe penalties that could be placed upon a team, for if a play .ere attempted near the team's own goal, it might result In giving the ball to the opponents with in easy striking distance for a touch down. Effect of Forward Pass Rule. To me the forward pass as such does not offer great opportunities for ground gaining, but is essentially a protection to a team with fast backs which unfor tunately makes a forward pass in execut ing a play. It see ma to me that the pros pects for advancement are not adequate to the risk run. I have seen the pass attempted several times this year, the ball being thrown clear across the line of scrimmage out beyond the ends, but It was not effective. It does, however, make faster work behind the line possible, and might be used to advantage In long sensational passes on end runs, talk Mrs. Wood remarked, "Be what your As a corollary to the changes men tioned are the rules against mass plays. This year if any of the line men, other than the ends, are pulled behind the line, they must goflve yards back, and at that their place on the rush line must be filled by another player. - If either of the ends Is called back, he must be standing with both feet outside the end man's regular po sition in the line. And only one end can be thus called back. The rules re quire that six men shall always be on the line of scrimmage, and that if any one of the seven men whose regular position is on the line is called back, he must be outside the end position. Also that back and rush line men can not exchange places in order to get the big men back of the line to use their weight In line plunges. This rule, while preventing mass plays, forces the use of the forward pass and short punt, for where teams are any ways near evenly matched it will be Impossible to gain ten yards In three down without the use of mass plays unless the forward pass or on-slde kick are resorted to. . Hurdling Is prohibited, and Is de fined in two classes: Hurdling in the line is done when a player carrying the hall leaps with feet or knees foremost over players in the line of scrimmage, and hurdling In the open Is for a player carrying the ball to jump over a man who is on his feet on the ground. This Is legislation directly against a very dangerous feature of the game that was rapidly gaining fa vor. Sensational in the extreme was the sight when a player going down an open field at full speed approached a player of an opposing team, and a head-on collision seemed Imminent, and then at the critical moment, when spectators were watching with bated breath for the daring tacKie, tne run ner made a spectacular leap, shot into the air over the head of the tackier, and landed running on the other side. But this is dangerous. There is dan ger that the runner might fall on his head, if he should fail to get over the tackier, or that he might strike the tackier in the head with a bdoted foot or knee. In either case the great speed at which the runner was moving might cause serious results. It seems well that hurdling should be barred. The rules committee also saw fit to re turn to the rule, of some years ago that tackling below the knees should be prohibited. It Is, however, permitted to tackle at or above the knees, and then permit the hands and arms to slip down to the runner's ankles. Added Powers for Officials. AH -forms of roughness that could be added to the game by a player with the intention of hurting or harassing his op ponent are barred, and officials are given full power to enforce the rule with se vere penalties. To finish the work of revising the rules, the committee saw fit to give an extra umpire, making two umpires, one referee and'one head lineman In the game, all of whom have power to inflict penalties for the offenses that were getting football into disrepute In the United States. It seems to me that this was the most im portant step taken by the rules commit tee. -Football Is essentially a rough game, but the elements of danger have never been great enough to Justify putting an end to the sport, except when played by men who lacked the qualities of true sportsmanship. Of course there have been serious injuries received In the game when properly played, but this is true of every sport rough enough to satiety young America. It was when the game was abused that the greatest dissatisfac tion was manifested. During all these years there have been rules against roughness, but the penalties Imposed were either not heavy enough or the offense was insufficiently defined. This year there are plenty of officials to detect any un sportsmanlike conduct, and penalties are provided that will effectually eliminate objectionable conduct, if the officials per form their duty. This discussion would not be complete If attention were not called to a rule which, while probably made for the benefit of players who are doing effective work, will really result in making the game much more interesting to spectators. This is a provision that each captain may ask that time be taken out three times in each half of the game, without loss, but for every request for time after the third, un less a player Is removed from the field, the team asking the time shall be set back two yards, the distancb be gained remaining the same. Will Make Play Faster. One of the things that has decimated attendance at football games in recent years has been the Tiray the games were dragged through a whole afternoon. Shrewd captains had a man asking for time every down when the opponents were gaining, in an effort to recover and get the team together. This year there will be little of this, as every request over the limit costs yardage. Also the game has been shortened 10 minutes. There has been much said for and against the new football rules. Play ers of several years' experience under the old rules are almost unanimously opposed to the changes. Whether the committee has accomplished its avowed object in the changes, and eliminated the greatest elements of danger, re mains to be determined after a sea son's experience. On theory It would seem that the attempt has failed. The most serious injuries that were re ceived In football games came from head-on collisions and hard tackles in the- open field. When men run a con siderable distance and then come to gether after getting under full speed, the shock is somewhat greater than bumping together in the line. The new rules, doubling the distance to be gained In three downs, and necessar ily forcing teams to attempt long end runs, forward passes and kicks, all of which are open plays, will cause more hard tackles In the open, when play ers are running rapidly. The rules committee must have expected that, for they provided the means of having It. I have always thought that plays di rected against the line, spoken of by newspapers as "terriflo line plunges," etc., were less dangerous than open plays. Seldom Is any one injured in a line play. From the viewpoint of tne specta tor, however, the new game will be more interesting and Intelligible, for the average spectator has not played much football, and the game can be learned only by playing it. This year's game will be open, easily understood, sensational in the extreme, spectacu lar enough to satisfy any one, and ex tremely hard on the players, requir ing endurance and perfect physical condition. It will also require move practice at place and drop kicking, for without a field goal many games will be scoreless, the yardage to be gained being too g.reat for straight football clear across a field. To summarize, the rules committee has doubled the distance to be gained in three downs, and then given us the for ward pass and "on-side" kick, and elimi nated all mass playB, to force a use of the pass and kick. It has eliminated many rough features of the game, and has placed with the officials enough power- to clean up the game; it has provided to eliminate unnecessary drag ging of the game over the allotted time, and has made a game that is more spec tacular and certainly not less arduous. I believe It has also created a demand for heavier, Instead of lighter, men for back-field positions. Speed has been placed at a premium, but it is speed coupled with weight. PORTLAND AGAIN PENNANT MINER Baseball Bunting Is Brought Home for Second Time -in Five Years. 1906 SEASON ENDS TODAY Because of Various Occurrences That Threatened Life of Ijeague, Team Did Not Arouse Much En thusiasm This Tear.. BT WILL, G. MAC RAE, Today marks the passing of the baseball season of the Pacifio Coast YOUNGSTER WHO IS RAPLT-LY CLIMBING LADDER OF PUGILISTIC FAME '- t I 4 FTGHTrNQ League. The best part of this bit of news Is the fact that once more I'ori land boasts of a pennant-winning team, a thing that has often been predicted since Portland Joined the then outlaw league, Hut not fulfilled until this sea son. The first and only other bit of championship baseball bunting brought to Portland was won by Jack Grim and hlB team in 1901. The fact that Portland won the pen nant for 190G has not apparently cre ated as much of a stir among the baseball fans as it should have. The loyal fans were many. This fact was shown by the ready way in which they responded when contributions were asked with which to buy the watch charms for the pennant-winners. Yet the real hot stuff sensation that a pennant-winning team should have creat ed was not on tap. There may have been two reasons for this. First because the team fin ished the season away from home and second because all through the season there has been a doubt about the league sticking out the season. When the earthquake occurred San- Francisco, noV Portland, was leading the league, and it looked as if the Seals were going to make a runaway race of it. Then the big shake took place, and for a week or more It didn't look as if there was to be any more baseball on the Coast. Finally things got straight ened away and the season began again. This time Portland was at home, and McCreJle's crew began celebrating their arrival by hitting up a winning streak that was simply great. It did not take the 1906 champions long to take the lead, and once In command, they wer8 never headed. This should have set the fans crazy, but it did not. First Los Angeles, through Jim Morley, tried to break up the league. The moguls patched up the trouble, but somehow the fans seemed to bo afraid to enthuse over the fact that McCredie had rounded up a lot of pennant grabbers. They were cf the opinion that it wouldn't do any good, because the league would burst and pennant-winners wouldn't count. Just about the time when the fans were settling down to enjoy the sensa tion of having a great ball team and had begun to worry over the averages and to figure out how many games Portland oould lose and still win the rag, Seattle tried to break up the Coast League wagon. This gave the local fans another chill, and they did not seem to, warm up, even though they were shown that Seattle could not end up the season by refusing to go South. Perhaps If tho team had finished the season at home, the fans would have shown more enthusiasm. They watched very closely the first two weeks of the scores after the team went South, but Just as soon as it was cinched that Portland had won the pennant, then the fans seemed to lose Interest. It may be that the season is too long and that they had grown weary of base ball. If this was the reason, there is some excuse, for Portland had more baseball this season than ever before. Underneath, Portland fans are proud of their winning team. The members of the team that Manager McCredie surrounded himself with this season are young men that any city would be Justly proud of. They were a clever lot of ballplayers, but first of all they were gentlemen, not only off the field, but in uniform. It is tof be regretted that Manager Mac could not keep his team together at least another season. The fans would have been greatly pleased and so would all the players. 1 - if - ; I. - 1 v- aeK-.-. for there is not a man on the team goes away hut that wishes he could stay, because they like Portland and like the management. The fact that the major organiza tions have stripped McCredie's team of many of its stars does not mean that he will not have a good team next season. McCredie knew early in tho season Just closed that he could not keep such men as McLean, Henderson, Esslck, Mitchell and the rest of thoso he sold and drafted, so ho began branding players as early as the next drafter. Right now he has great foun dation for a great team next season. The local fans will get a chance to see a number of new faces, but they are new faces that if they play anywhere near to their past records will make good right off the reel. "FIGHTING DICK" HYIAXD. Youngster Fast Climbing the Pugl llstlc Ladder. Fight fans are watching with interest the career of "Fighting Dick" Hyland, the youngster, who but a little more than a year ago was only a promising amateur. Since his first defeat at the hands of Fiankie Nell, Hyland . (whose right name is" Willie Uren), has been climbing steadily up the pugilistic ladder, until now, the top notchers are none tc anxious to give the boy a chance. The yourrrsTer s las. five battles were ail won on good, clean knockout. Leav- ing San Francisco after the ' fire, Dick r i f y V ' y ' 1 y'y i f y i ' 4 " DICK" HYIASD achieved fame In Denver by knocking out three tough boya on the same night. His next opponent- in that city was Martin Devany, whom he put away In four rounds. The famous Young Corbett was bis next victim and Hyland surprised even his most ardent admirers by flatten ing the former featherweight champion in five rounds, a feat ne'er beforo nor since accomplished. The battlo was fought at Ogden. Tommy Mowatt, "the fighting" conductor, was then trimmed in Denver, after" five rounds of fighting. a Then "Fighting Dick" received a set back. He was handed a lemon in Los An geles, when Referee Eddie Robinson de clared that he fouled "Cyclone" Thomp son. More than one who witnessed the mill claim that the boy was jobbed and that the "Cyclone" could not have gone much further. After this battle, San Francisco promot ers sat up and took notice that Hyland was matched with one of the toughest lightweights in the business, Eddlo Han Ion. Hyland won in the thirteenth round, beating Eddie so badly that he could not go on. It took Battling Nelson 19 rounds to turn the same trick. Hyland Is now after Brltt, McGovern or Kid Hermann, the former preferred. His manager, Sammy McCllntlc, will bet any of these boys $2500 that Hyland wins. ON THE STAGE From Page 34. last of the current bill, with Its many feature specialties. It is a good show. NEW ACTS AT PANTAGES. Comedy Specialists Will Head the New Week's Bill. Today will be your last opportunity of seeing the wonderfully Intelligent little animals of the Schepp dog, pony and mon key circus. These pete, at Pantagcs, as the feature act, display remarkable in telligence, and not. only bring shrieks of delighted laughter from the little ones, but arouse the enthusiasm of older people as welL A strong supplementary bill makes the show an exceedingly good one throughout. For the new bill an equally strong fea ture has been imported from the East In Nichols and 9mith, comedy trick bike riders. The tricks these people do on their wheels approach Hie impossible, and they invest their work with a lively and infectious humor which keeps their audiences in an uproar of laughter. Such Is their record in the East, and they will undoubtedly duplicate it here. fBeverley and Danvers, the star come dians, who were billed for last week but were unable to arrive In time, will be sec ond on the programme with their new "Happy Englishmen" sketch. As fun makers these people have a long record. Harry Lane, the blackface comedian. Is a funster of the first water. Harry al ready has considerable of a reputation locally, as a Jokester and comedian, and ought to make good with ease. Brown and Brown are sketch artists of ability, and come well recommended from Seattle and other points on the Pantages circuit, where they have appeared. Ar buckle and Blaine, burlesque team, put on a lively travesty. Good burlesque Is always at a premium, and these players are reputed as dishing up the genuine article, . . V - ' s " 3 x J SPORTING GOSSIP OF SAN FRANCISCO Presentation to the Beavers Surprise to Fans of the Bay City. PLAYERS ARE APPLAUDED Outcome of Berger-Kaufman Fight a Disappointment to Many Who Expected to See New Heavy weight Champion Born. BY HARRY B. SMITH. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 3. Colonel Tom Rk-hardson did the grand last Sunday afternoon, and before a crowd of 6000 people presented the Beavers with their watch fobs, emblematic of their success in winning the pennant this year for Portland. So far as the fans of San Francisco were concerned, it was a genuine surprise. They had heard vaguely that the Portland play ers wore to be rewarded for their ef forts, and that was all. When Colonel Tom appeared on the field with the medals, there was an anxious inquiry on all hands as to what he was there for. He soon explained, and the vari ous players were given a round of ap plause as each took the fob that was intended for him. Then the Portland men finished the game and took the train for Fresno, where the season will bo concluded tomorrow. San Francisco has been play ing the Oaks this week, while the Sl-' washes have been in the South with th Angels. ' 'Hie next thing of importance is tiie question of the make-up of the league for another season. I see that there Is some talk of President Lucas, of the Pacific Northwest League, jumping the traces and forming an outlaw or-, ganlzation, with Portland and Seattle ns part and parcel of the affuir. That hardly looks feasible, and I doubt if there is more than talk to the propo sition. So far as can be ascertained from Walter McCredie. the Portland management is heart and soul with the Pacific Coast League, and will stick. Fresno looks extremely doubtful. The town is not a paying proposition, and either Sacramento, San Jose or Stock ton would do better. The popular Hal Chase may be per suaded to remain in San Jose next year, to manage that team and run a cigar stand and cafe, or liquid refresh ment parlors. San Jose is wild to have Chase remain at home, and it is hinted that sufficient inducements might be made. Stockton did something of the sort when Danny Shay was persuaded that ho would do better in California than elsewhere, and it might be the same with Hal. Of course. Chase is a younger man, and the glory that comes with being the star first baseman in the whole country will probably cut some figure with him. The deriding Ramos in the State League series will be played tomorrow,1 and Stockton, practically has a clnoh on' the pennant. Stockton has two games to' play, and must lose them both to lose the pennant, while the Garden - City men must win the one they have away from home. So far as telling the real strength of tho teams, the games are a farce. Every team in the league, and partic ularly San Jose and Stockton, have strengthened with outsiders, and it has just been a case of win anyhow. You will remember that the Coast Ieague followed that sort of n. game for a short time, but found that it was not a paying proposition. Little Harry Baker surprised the wise ones when ho fought Abo Attel in Los Angeles last Wednesday night. Tho ref eree gave Attel the decision, but judg ing from the reports, the public was any thing but pleased. Baker is a newcomer in the professional ranks. He had a de cision on Frankie Nell, but even his home people did not imagine that he had much chance to win. He had at least 13 rounds and everyone is agreed that he was entitled to a draw if nothing more. Joe Thomas, whrt is hailed as the welter-weight champion. In view of the fact that he beat Honey Mellody while Honey Mellody in turn defeated Joe Walcott, won his fight against Dick Fitzpatrick. with comparative ease the other night at Colma. but the attendance was very poor. San Francisco people do not like the long car ride to Colma and further they did not fancy that Fitzpatrick bad any chance. For once they were right. The Chicago man proved to be both slow and awkward. He covered up well, and Thomas did little but jab with his left for 11 rounds. Once he found Fitz he opened up with his left and in the 16th he had his man down and out for keeps. Jack u'wln) Sullivan is in San Fran cisco from Dawson, whore he had a few fights, and is now anxious to match Mike Twin against Joe Thomas at 142 pounds. Eddie Graney has' the month of Novem ber in the light trust apportionment, and it is thought that he will give the two men the opening. Tho Berger-Kaufman fight, won by Kaufman in the tenth round, is now a matter of history. It was a good fight to see, but in one way it was a vast disappointment. The crowd looked to see a new heavyweight champion born. It found nothing of the kind. Berger was overanxious and amateurish in the ring. Kaufman was cool, but he lacked the threatened punch of which so much has been said. It. was a light that swayed. First this man and then the otner had the advantage. The first round proved that Berger was clever. In the second Kaufman smashed tradi tion and had the round by a large mar gin. The third was another whirlwind of surprise. Berger came back strong and knocked his man down four times. But he failed to follow up the opening and when he had his fight won he let it go After that the strength of the blacksmith lad told, and in the tenth Berger was so far" gone that his sec onds tossed the sponge in the ring and the fight was ended. There was plenty of excitement arfd sensationalism, but the fit opponent for the winner of the O'Brien-Burns fight in Los Angeles the latter part of this month was not forthcoming. Neither' man showed the class. Billy Delaney says significantly that he Is not crazy enough to imagine that his boy can lick the champions and that he will send him to schooL There is said to be some talk of re matching the boxers. Why there should be this kind of talk I cannot under stand. The fight did not merit a re turn majch, at least at the present time. The attendance was a disappoint ment to Jimmy Coffroth. The receipts amounted to $10,100, where he had confidently expected they would fall nothing short of $16,000. Of course $10,000 is not a purse to be sneered at, but at the same time the fancies of the boxers have been raised to such a pitch that the promoter figured the attendance would be far larger than it really was.