The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, November 04, 1906, Section Three, Page 27, Image 27

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M. E. Church gave a social at th horns
of Mrs. L J. Hicks, B05 Tacoma. ave
nue. Friday evening. Oct. 26. A musical
programme was rendered, after which
refreshments were served by Mrs.
Hicks, Mr. Belford, Mrs. Lean and
Miss Ruby "Walker. It being a moon
light night the guests adjourned to the
lawn and played games.' Among those
present were the Misses Clarabel Grim,
Gena Orcutt, Etta Orcuft. Katie McClel-
lam. Mabel Blasser. Florence Bower.
Willena Shrlner. Dora Rhodes, Lutie
Brady, Mamie Rickaon. Ethel Campbell
Marie Stoughton. Jennie Gray. Mrs. J.
F.. Dean. Ruby Walker. Lulu Daniels,
Roseana Osbourne. Cora Blosser. Mrs. G.
W. Roser. Mrs. L. M. Chapman. Mrs.
L. J. Hicks Lylian Johnson.. Mary A.
Belford. Mrs. May Irle. Nellie Rickson,
Irene O. Ray. Margarette Ray, Mae
Fitzwater, Sylvia Rickson, Bella Camp
bell. Mrs. A. B. Wagner. Rev. A. O
Wagner. R. V. Belford. Claude E. Hicks,
J. F. Dean. R. H. Hopkins, George Camp
bell. Chester Stryker. Melvln Shankland.
Carl Murhe. Fred Bauer. Jr.. L. J. Hicks,
Will Rlckon, Frank H. .Kerr, Walter
Miss Vernon Isabelle Gradon enter
tained about .30 young people Hallow
een. The color scheme was yellow
and black, intermingled with ferns and
Autumn, leaves. A white shrouded fig
ure pointed the way upstairs, m silence.
In a gay peanut hunt, Jacob Letz and
Cecil McFarland were the prizewin
ners. Following that was a progres
sive game of pumpkin-seeds, William
Sheehy winning the first prize and Miss
Adele Garretson the consolation prize.
The guesrs then learned their fortunes
from candles, apples and palmistry.
The Hallowe'en fare of sweet apple
elder, pumpkin pie and doughnuts was
served. The favors were pumpkins
with Mother Goose rhymes. The guests
were: Miss Lida and Agnes Rice. Adele
Garretson. Matie Billings. Irene John
son. Nlta Brtggs. Edith and May
Pheehy. Hazel Hardie, Sarah Minzinmie.
Emma Batman and John Daly. Jacob
Letz, Cecil McFarland. Bert Cohn, Earl
Shaver. Will Sheehy. Henry Hingley.
Chester Gault, Pembroke Gault. Willis
Van Atta. Herbert Van Wyngarden.
George Hargis.
A very pleasant party was given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wicke, 32,
Front street, serving a twofold purpose,
one being In honor of Fred Cook's de
parture to San Francisco, and the other
being the celebration of Hallowe'en.
Gamesiiof all descriptions that were ap
propriate for the occasion were played.
The pumpkin decorations were the fea
tures carried out exclusively. Cosmos,
ferns and Autumn leaves were also prom
inent among the decorations. Every mem.
ber of the party was presented with a
souvenir, a small jack-o'-lantern. Those
present were: Miss B. Eichelberger, Miss
E Renfer, Miss E. Mader. Miss C. La
Flemme, Miss M. Scott, Miss L. Walker,
Miss I. Evans, Mrs. Lang, Mrs. H. J.
Blaesing. Mrs. Herdt, Miss M. Wicke.
Miss L. Wicke, Miss A. Wicke, Mr. Ban
ter. Mr. Hansen. Mr. Campbell, Mr. Wit.
temeier. F. Smead. Mr. Allen, F. Gibson.
H. Landenberger, W. Scott, F. A. Cook
and P. Wicke.
A party was given on Hallowe'en at
the residence of Mrs. A. Olson, at 149
Lownsdale. -hose present were the
Mises Alvina Horn. Marie Lallement.
' Olga Hammer. Marie Tynan. Anne
Crowley. Nellie Templeton, Edith Ol
son, Nathalie Duprez. Minnie May'oerry,
. Ada Hagan. Mrs. Alice Broadway. Mrs.
A. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. C. Savaran. Mr.
and Mrs. Major Buforth. Madame Ad
ward, Mrs. Stone. Mrs. Duprez, Messrs.
William McCauley. James Addie,
George De Pyro. Harry Weinpall. Ar
thur Ferland, Marion Phelps, William
Greene, Louis Walton. Fay Johnson.
Harold Olson, .James Falkner. Albert
Davison. Frank Kaaady. James Mc
Guire, Alfred Evans. A musical pro-
' gramme was rendered. Among the
numbers was a vocal solo by Miss Al-
. vina Horn, a pupil of the Oregon Con-
: servatory of Music: a vocal duet ren
dered by Mrs. Alice Broadway and
. Mr. James Addie. Miss Mayberry also
gave several piano selections.
The merriest Hallowe'en gathering was
a party given tay Misses Nina and Judith
Joy. at their home in Richmond. When
the guests alighted from the car, they
were guided to the right place by small
spectres, who beckoned with waving
arms. Among the novelties was a witch
march, in which each girl carried a
lighted candle. This terminated in a
haunted house. Witchery prevailed
through the evening. Those present were:
Misses Harriet Kern, Helen Beach. Alma
Hollingswerth. Alda Burk. Ada May Big
gar, Grce Thomas. Grace Collier. Bertha
"Winter, Nina Walker. Carrie Gavin, Ruth
"Beach, Mildred Learned. Genevieve Fra
2er, Helen Brown, Cynthia Johnston, and
Dorothy Walton: Messrs. Harold Dabney.
Luke Rader. Waldo Miller. Ray Winter.
Harold Kendall. Arthur Gossman. Wil
liam Russell. Charles Dunham, William
Dunham. Kirk Reynolds. Harry Scougal.
Frank Johnston, Kenneth Frazer. Colton
Meeks, Leland Townsend, William Mun
ley, Wellington Gilbert.
Lean ghosts and fat ghosts, tall ghosts
and many little ghosts walked. Hallow
e'en, out of W. H. Markell's home.
East Oak street, formed a jack o'lantern
procession and marched along East Fif
teenth street to the home of Rev. A. J.
Montgomery, of the Third Presbyterian
Church. In walked the specters of the
night and, placing a huge mission rocker
In the reception room, forcibly seated
Mrs. Montgomery therein, then showered
many substantial offerings upon her.
When Mrs. Montgomery had somewhat
revived after so sudden a visitation.' she
was requested to rise and read the good
wishes accompanying each gift. It was
the occasion of her birthday and among
her many friends are poets who con
veyed their wishes in verses. After these
were read, the guests shed their white
raiment, and a most enjoyable evening
was spent. The beautiful rocker was pre
sented to Mrs. Montgomery" by the mem
bers of the Christian Endeavor Society
of the church.
A very pleasant Halloween party was
jglven by Miss Aylean Harold on Wednes
day evening at her home. 463 North Twenty-second
street. The evening was spent
In games, music and dancing, after which
lunch was served. The mnlng-room was
beautifully and artistically decorated for
the occasion, everything beingi served in
pumpkins. The guests present were:
Emma Smith. Ethel, Rose and Aylean
Harold. Katie Planchard. Hazel Richard,
Katherine, Helen and May Dinnen. Adele
Kresse, Lettie Connell. Mrs. E. D. Har
old, Jr.. Anna and Aladone Meehan, Kate
Donohue, Marion Leahy. Edna. Annie
and Maud Murphy, Margaret Stephen,
Fred Leeston-Smlth. Nore Parka, Thomas
Monks. E. D. Harold. Jr.. J. Wiley. F.
Van Oatman. Fred Harold, P. Hherke.
Georse Carney, Arnold Fultz, James
Kearney, Carl Bock. Edward Wade. Al
fred Carson, Baby Edward Harold,
Charles Carney, George Carney, Jr.
Chap. A P. E O. entertained their
husbaniSs and friends with a hallowe'en
party and mock Initiation at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. William Hull. 793 Clacka
mas street, Wednesday evening. With the
house dimly lighted by jack o'lanterns,
the members dressed as ghosts came
downstairs to .Chopin's funeral marcA
and proceeded ' to initiate the men Into
the mysteries of the order.
The refreshments consisted of pumpkin
pie. coffee, doughnuts, cider, apples ana
Those present were Messrs. and Mes
dames Hull. Aitchison, Going, Edwards.
Jaeger. Grady. Teibble, Thornton, Fergu
son. Albee, Davis, Milke Wardner and
Weir. Mesdames Shomas and Watson,
Misses . Ferguson. Tribble. Lockwood,
Watson. Overholt, Freeman of Seattle,
Dalrymple of Boston and Mr. Haines.
One of the events of the past week was
hM Hallowe'en surprise party Jtendered
to little Baby Hoben at the residence of
her parents. Captain and Mrs. Andrew
Hoben. of 368 Larrabee street, by a num
ber of her little playmates. After a mu
sical programme, a luncheon was served,
the table being tastefully decorated for
the occasion with English laurel and Au
tumn leavoB. Each little one received a
small pumpkin filled with candy as a
souvenir. There were all sorts of merri
ment around the table. Zilpha Dempsey
passed the loving-cup around and made
a pretty little speech, thanking the host
ess. After supper the little maids all
joined In the Virginia reel. Helen Temple
ton leading the grand march. Mrs. Hoben
was assisted by Mrs. June McMillen Ord
way. A reception was given Wednesday, Oc
tober 31, by Miss Willow Fields in honor
of the English and German graduating
class of Portland High School at her
residence at 4T5 Pacific street, Irvington.
The gueats were Messrs. George Nelson.
Artie Wilcox, Harry Meier. William
Lightner. Ben Buck. Don Sutter, Harry
Moore. Willard Shaver, Frank Breeding,
George F. Schott. Jr., Canil Bailey. Gil
bert Herron, Arlie Caighey, L. H. Seely;
Misses Frances Smith, Anna Hall, Nellie
Nesvold. Mabel Orton, Myrtle Ferry.
Anna Hochull, Frances Parker, Teresa
Bacrich. Irene Wuest. Hazel Brown,
Frances Blumenauer, Hazel Henry, Isa
belle Beckwith, Ruth Hess. Deane Foster,
Winnie Burg, Anita Turlay. Helen
Brown. Bertha Coughey, Hazel Fields,
Willow Fields.
A delightful Halloween party was given
last Wednesday evening by Miss Dorothy
Peterson at her residence, 175 North Sev
enteenth street, to 18 young misses. A
number of amusing games were played
under the superintendence of Mrs. Milton
Friberg. who took charge of the children
during the evening. The prizewinners
were Misses Helen Dunne, Katherine
Tracy, . Adelaide Lowenson, Wanda Lev
lnson. Mennalena Cameron and Marguer
ite Lehman. Miss Doris Elkington se
cured the ring In the large cake. Among
those present were: Misses Josie Arnold,
Achsah Paget, Katherine Tracy, Doro
thy Lowenson, Wanda Levinson, Adelaide
Lowenson, Helen Dunne, Helen Fitzger
ald. Lillian Sparmer, Grace Blumauer,
Mennalena Cameron, Doris Elkington,
Marguerite Lehman.
Miss Lillie Goiden and Miss Lora Allen
gave a witch's bonfire at the home of
Miss Golden, at Woodmere, Hallowe'en.
It was a masked affair, and was attended
by a goodly number of the young folks.
The guests assembled around the bon
fire and then paid a visit to Mr. and
Mrs. Bickness.
After returning to the home of Miss
Golden the masks were removed, and 'the
rest of the evening was spent in a witch's
walk. Those present were: The Misses
Mabel Farnsworth. Alice Barker. Fern
Allen. Edith Toon. Leo Melvin and Mrs.
Melvin, and Messrs. Joseph Hugglns, Ir
vin Farnsworth, Leigh Huggins, Claude
Coffman. Ed Thurston. Louis Toon. Clar.
ence Salee, Hallie Smith and James Har
row. One of the enjoyable events of the
week was a Hallowe'en party given in
the Oregon building at the Exposition
grounds by the Fair Club. The hall was
very beautifully decorated with Oregon
grape, the windows being draped with
American flags, and the huge fireplace,
which was lighted, gave a very brilliant
effect. Punch ' and light refreshments
were served in one of the adjoining
rooms. About 75 couples were present.
The music was furnished by Van Hou
ten's orchestra. The club members are
E. Haworth. Hoyt Lesher. Ethel Hus-
tetter, Frank Insley. Cora Walker. Kath
erine Platz. Mrs. Sterns. Orval Huston.'
Pearl Johnson. Similar parties will be
given throughout the season.
The New York State Society met on
Tuesclay evening at the home of Captain
nd Mr W. H. Pope. The members
were pleasantly entertained by several
Instrumental solos by Miss Bell and an
original, negro dialect story "Uncle Ryus
on Being Sick in New York," by Judge
D. J. Haynes, which afforded much
amusement. It was decided that the so
ciety should celebrate .Evacuation Day on
Monday, November 26, as the historic date
this year comes on Sunday and the execu
tive committee was authorized to make
all necessary arrangements for the event.
All New Yorkers, whether members of the
society or not are urged to remember this
date. The place of meeting will be an
nounced later.
A delightful Halloween party, for the
young folks of Calvary Presbyterian
Church, was held at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William B. Honeyman, at 295 Elev
enth street, on Friday evening. The able
bodied ghosts were as spookish as could
be desired; the little lady, in remarkably
realistic gypsy attire, did a land office
business telling fortunes, in which "ye
medium dark man and ze blonde young
lady" figured prominently, with endless
matrimonial and financial variations; the
refreshments were as choice as abundant;
the decorations Japanese lanterns and
the regulation carved pumpkin, here,
there and everywhere were skilfully pre
pared and as carefully tended. All pres
ent had a rarely good time.
Among the many pleasant Hallowe'en
parties was one given by Miss Ida M.
Steele at her home, 130 East Twenty
seventh street. The evening was spent
in playing games, and several musical
selections were furnished by Lou Wood
ford and Miss Laveme Will. Those pres
ent were; Misses Ida M. Steele, Anna M.
Dillinger. Fay Hughes. Lillian Powers,
Ethel Smith. Lena Turnbull, Stella Angle,
Maggie Morrow, Laveme Will, Edith
Elkington and Haggarty; Messrs. C. M.
Peterson. J. A. Matteson. J. W. Steph
enson. Amos Meininger, L. C. Thomp
son. B. Campbell. J. Callaghan, H. Keck,
A. H. Shaw, George Steele and H. Mor
den. On Tuesday evening St. Lawrence Hall
Embossed in Any Color
On the Best Paper
Order Now
W.fc SMITH 6X0.
Washington Building
was beautifully Illuminated and thronged
by a large crowd of merry-makers, the
occasion being the second card social by
the St. Lawrence Social Club. Five hun
dred and whist were the games of the
evening. Miss N. Sheehan received the
prize in five hundred and Mrs. M. Murphy
the whist prize. The musical and literary
programme added much to the pleasure of
the evening and was as follows: Piano
overture. Miss Mary Barrett; baritone
solo, Andrew Cain; soprano solo. Miss E.
Harwas; recitation, "Betsy'a Flag," Mrs.
Butikofer. The next social will be given
on November 14.
A very plesant surprise party was
given by friends to Mr. and Mrs. Jerry
Malchester at their cozy home in Mon
tavilla Tuesday. Halloween games
were played and an old-fashioned Hal
loween supper served, after which, 500
was played.
The prizes were small pumpkins filled
with bonbons and were won by Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Cook. ' Among those
present were Mr. and Mrs. George H.
Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Dalziel,
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Harter, Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Cook, Mrs. J. Gaddis Nichols,
Miss Maud Farrel, John Bacon, Master
Lewis Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hare entertained the
Wednesday Eve. "500" Club at their beau
tiful home, 274 Caruthers street, Tuesday
evening, October 30. The house was very
beautifully decorated with ferns, lanterns
and Autumn leaves, sad tables arranged
for 14 couples. Very dainty refreshments
were servedt The first prizes were won
by Mrs. L. B. Smith and Mr. George F.
Silknitter. The consolation prizes fell to
the lot of Mrs. J. N. Brown and Mr. Davis.
Mrs. Dabney was presented with the
guest's prize. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Kig
gins, 340 Fourteenth street, will entertain
the club Wednesday evening, November 7.
One of the pleasant events of the
week was the whist and dancing party
given Tuesday by Mount Hood Circle.
Women of Woodcraft, in the East Side
Woodman Hall. Forty tables were
filled and the game was military whist.
First prizes, consisting of china sugar
bowls and creamers, for the ladies, and
German steins, for the men, were
awarded to Miss Gladys Chamberlain,
Mrs. Ina Rutledge, Mr. f A. M. Brown
and Mr. F. M. Chase. After refresh
ments were served the canvas was re
moved from the floor and dancing was
enjoyed until midnight.
Mrs. Lena W. Chambers has organized
her piano pupils into clauses for the study
of musical history and literature and has
been fortunate in securing Miss Laura
Cleland, who has been abroad for the last
two years, to conduct them. The pro
gramme for the first meeting was as fol
lows: Roll call, answered by musical
items: Development of the Piano Forte;
Life of Leschltizky. Mrs. Chambers stud
ied with Miss Helen Harrington, who was
a pupil of Leschltizky1 s, and is planning
a trip abroad next year for the purpose of
further 6tudy of the method. "
One of the most delightful club dances
of the season was held by the Orranco
Club at the New Woodman Hall. East
Sixth and Alder streets. Monday evening.
More than s0 couples attended and a thor
oughly enjoyable time was enjoyed by
all. Music for dancing was furnished by
Parsons' Orchestra. The hall was taste
fully decorated for the occasion by an
elaborate display of evergreens. The pat
ronesses were: Mrs. J. C. Adams. Mrs.
J. W. Taggart. Mrs. Frank Schmidt. Mrs.
T. J. King and Mrs. R. W. Jamison.
The Initial hop of the Revellers was
given last week. The club is composed
of the following young men of Piedmont:
George Dolph. Frank Lilburn. Frank
Scott. Fred Stipe, Chester Vosper and
E. Cecil Woodcock. The Irvington club
house was beautifully decorated for the
occasion. Houten's orchestra furnished
a delightful dance programme, including
a Paul Jones, which was enjoyed by all.
Miss Rogers and the Misses Cramer acted
as patronesses.
Mr. and Mrs Matthiesen entertained
the 1906 Whist Club last Friday night at
the Hotel Matthiesen. The; first-prize
winners were Mrs. Seidler and Mr. Brelt
bait; second, Mrs. Eisenhauer and Mr.
Claus; booby, Mrs. Prazil and Mr. Schnei
der. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs.
Schacht, Mr. and Mrs. Meyer. Mr. and
Mrs. Breltbart. Mr. and Mrs. Eisenhauer,
Mr. and Mrs. Claus. Messrs. E. and W.
Matthiesen, Mrs. Prazil, Messrs. Schnei
der. Kiel. Applegate, Pang, Seidler and
Mies Kiel.
A very pleasant evening was spent at
the home of Miss Bertha Bibelhausen on
Wednesday evening. Music and games
were enjoyed until a late hour, when re
freshments were served. Those present
were: Misses RoseWilhelm. Rose Zahn.
Anna Bird, Essie Leary. Lillian Zahn.
Gladys Johnson and Bertha Bibelhausen;
Messrs. Charles Bird. Carl Wilhelm,
William Clarke, John Leary, Fred Zahn.
Fred George. Stanley Phillips, Anson
George and Mr. and Mrs. William Bibel
hausen. A china shower was tendered to Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Williams Friday evening at
their home on Wheeler street. The even
ing was spent very pleasantly. Those
Catalogue Will
Be Mailed
You Free of'"
Charge for the
Write Today
Apparel Right
ly Priced at
Our stock is replete with all the newest and
most desirable lines of fashionable ladies' and misses' furs, suits, coats,
hats, skirts, waists, hosiery, etc., etc.
The Long
Shower Coat
The most serviceable coat we
could mention. It may be properly
worn in all sorts of weather; is
light and slips on so easy. Keeps
you comfortably warm on chilly
evenings, and perfectly dry on
rainy days. We are showing a fine
line of these Coats in plaid and
plain effects, at such reasonable
prices you wouldn't hesitate a mo
ment. Ask to see them, on sec
ond floor.
Fur Special
Russian Fox Boas, in the sable and
Isabella colors; natural brushes, long
cord and pretty tails; this is an ex
cellent Fur at $22.50, but, just for a
cracking special from this section you
may choose one for pricey
ft re, IMt
No after-regrets go with these.
-n t :'7-.'.
More Tailored Suits, $14.95
All the newest designs of the tailor's art, including the Prince Chap,
Norfolk, Bolero and Tourist Jacket, in light and dark mixtures,
checks and plaids; also black. Your Fall Suit can be purchased to the
best advantage at the Women's Store. $25.00 values 14.95
iKIF Underwear, 69c
Here's a garment you'll not buy anywhere for
less than 85c . Come .to Silverfield's and"
pay 69i
Ready Trimmed Hats, $3.98
We have collected for Monday an assortment of Ladies' Ready
Trimmed Hats you would pay up to $8.50 for elsewhere; -
Monday .. $3.9S
Waists, $1.98
The material would cost you at least 75c
the yard. It's a $3.00 Waist, for the special
price of ........81.98
ladies' Fancy Hose, 39c
50c is the regular' price, and the colors are
black and white; prettily stitched. Yours
for, pair 39
oresent were: Mysie Sharp. Abbie Roe,
Nettie Hogsett. Myrtle Long, Ruth Lee,
Lolita Grange, Ethel Johnson, Margaret
McNeil. Sadie Goodman, Messrs. George
Dickson, Jack Adams, Henry Hingley,
Herman Hucke, Robert Jamison. Dick
Williams. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and
Mr. and Mrs. Royden L. Heaman.
A number of little Gladys EndicotCs
friends gathered at her home. 321 North
22nd street, on Wednesday afternoon, the
occasion being her eighth birthday. Re
freshments were served by Mrs. Endicott.
assisted by Agnes Ahem. Those present
were: Margaret McDonough, Buena Snell,
Margaret Kelly, Agnes Huntington,
Maude Whittlesey, Marie Pomeroy,
Blanche Rychtmeyer. Selina Barnell. Ag
nes Ahem, Ruth Ahern. Vincent Ahem,
Gladys and Ralph Endicott.
Mrs. Guy F. Oeburn entertained a num
ber of girl friends Wednesday evening at
her home on Pacific street. The parlors
were beautiful in maple and cut flowers,
being lighted throughout by Jack o- lan
terns. The evening was spent in fortune
telling and Halloween tales, followed by
a light repast Mrs. Osburn was formerly
Miss Nellie Morey, of this city, and is a
great favorite among her large circle of
friends. Plates were laid for 25.
The Sentaminute 500 Club had their first
meeting of the season with Mr. and Mrs.
Walter F. Jeffreys, of 625 Holly street.
last Saturday evening. The members of
the club are Dr. and Mrs. R. L. tSilles
pie, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Davis, Mr. and
Mrs. Lw O. Lakin, Dr. and Mrs. Joseph
Applewhite. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Holmes.
Mr. and Mrs C. R Watson, Mr and Mrs.
E. H. Hobbs and Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
Eureka Councif. No. 204. Knights and
Ladies of Security, celebrated Halloween
after lodge last Monday evening. In the
apple ace Miss Viola Wright won first
prize and Mrs. Whitcomb second prize
at whist: Mrs. Steel won first ladies'
and G. H. Thomas first gentleman's
prize. Pumpkin pie and coffee were
served after whist. The next social affair,
will be a whist party November IS.
On Friday evening the second meet
ing of the Neighborhood Five Hundred
(Ceneluij nn Pag 2
A Skin of Beamy is a joy rorever
c is
Removes Tan, Pimples,
Freckle, Moth Patches,
Raso, and Stiln Diseases,
ana every oieuma
on beauty, and de
flee detection. It
has stood tbe test
of 67 years, and
ia so harmless we
taste It to be sure it
Is properly madf.
Accpt no cou o ter
felt of similar
name. Br. L. A.
Savre, said to
lady of the bauU
toa a patient) :
As you ladies
will use them.
I recommend.
'Goarand's Cream as the least nariful of all the
skin preparations." for sale by all druxKits and Fancy
Goods Besiers In the United States, Canada and Europe.
FERD.T.HOPBNS, Prop, 37 Great Jem Sheet, MewYort
J. P-
Oar Sealskin Coats have the quality,
style and finish so desired by correct
dressers. Our name in any garment is
a guarantee that it is the best of its
kind. "We are furriers exclusively the
largest in the world. "We don't travel
on beaten paths; there is always chic
and smartness to our productions, con
vincing evidence of the originality of
our designers.
The immense volume of business
transacted by this house enables us to
give the best quality of fur at the same
price charged by other houses for in
ferior goods made up to selL
"We refer our out-of-town customers
to our Illustrated Catalogue, containing
price list. Furs sent on approval.
fl More progress has been made in the light
ing of modern homes than in any other branch
of domestic economy. ELECTRICITY has done
it. There are many people, however, who do
not avail themselves of this most efficient and
attractive illumination. They may not realize
its economy. They may not be familiar with
the innumerable uses to which electricity may
be put in the home.
fl Everybody knows, in a general way, how;
attractive Electric Light is how clean it is and
how convenient. But the manifold safeguards,
comforts and economies which electric devices
afford in the kitchen, nursery, bathroom and
parlor are not fully realized until they have been
tried. Then people will never be without them.
J In the sickroom the Electric Heating Pad
has superseded the dangerous hot-water bag.
In the bathroom there is the Massage Vibrator
and the Curling-irons, ready for use. The
Electric Fan will dry the hair after a shampoo
quicker than sunshine. In the nursery the
Electric Milk-Heater will heat the baby's milk
at any hour of the night by the twist of a switch.
In the kitchen Electricity will bake, broil, stew,
make coffee and do any form of cooking quickly,
economically. The ELECTRIC FLAT IRON is
a household convenience of inestimable value.
J These devices are no longer luxuries.
They are conveniences with which every home
should be equipped. Based on our new scale of
REDUCED RATES for current on meter basis,
the cost of operation is nominal.
I For information call MAIN 6688.