The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 28, 1906, PART THREE, Page 30, Image 30

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Dodo" at n amateur performance several
years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Mstrasn have
taken apartments at the Nortonia.
ag K3. h;" 1). GREEN, ufio has Ions
, 11 beon noted for her clever and oriR-
' lnal ideas, has planned a society
' vaudeville show, to be given for the bene
' fit of some worthy Portland charily, in
the near future. Several prominent ma
v trons and pirls of the younger society set
-are taking unusual interest in 4.-ho affair.,
and many have promised to appear in
special numbers, singly' arid, in teams. The
hie reception hall of the 'Nortonia has
'been generously loaned for the occasion
-by Mrs. A. S. Norton, and will bo utilized
'for an impromptu theater. The pro
gramme promises to eclipse anything pro
'duced in the theatrical line for some sea
"sons. A remarkably pretty tea was given Kri
rtay afternoon by Mrs. J. Ernest Laidlaw
and Mrs. Rupert J. I'hipman, at the for
mer's residence, on Montgomery street,
-for Mrs. MathesVm. The drawing-rooms
'were most effective with their decorations
of green Oregon grape and quantities of
; fluffy pink and white chrysanthemums.
" The dining-room was done entirely in
tones of pink. Brass candelabra and
Individual candle sticks were used
. throughout the rooms. Mrs. Chipman
'- was gowned in a handsome white crepe,
' cut en tralne. and she carried a huge
arm bouquet of white chrysanthemums.
' Mrs. Laidlaw wore a blue and white or-
gandle with a stylish girdle, and also
.carried white chrysanthemums.
' Matheson's gown was a beautiful one.
' white grenadine cloth with a heavy satin
strlje. over chiffon. She carried pink
. chrysanthemums. Mrs. Scott, mother of
Mrs. Laidlaw, served ices, gowned in
i black velvet, with heavy lace motifs.
Mrs. Sanderson Reed. In a becoming
J cream lace, and Mrs. Lloyd Wentworth
t t.Mlss Imogene StuarO. In her wedding
, gown of white net and real Ince. poured
.. tea. Assistants were Mrs. Hugh Laid-
law. in a pink and white striped pina
cloth: Miss Carlotta Parker, in a dainty
pink and while silk organdie: Miss Inez
' Barrett, who made a pleasing picture in
- a whlto silk mull over chiffon, cut ert
princess, and Miss Marion Jackson, who
- wore a smart pale blue Louissine satin
with handsome lace. This Is the first of
! fc aeries ot teas to be given by Mrs. Laid-
Society turned out en masse on Thurs-
day to the reception tendered Bishop and
Mrs. Scaddlng at the Hotel Portland.
i The altalr was held In the white and
- gold and the blue and gold drawlng-
rooms, where the decorations 'were yel-
low chrysanthemums and greens. Mrs,
, Sjaddlng was attired In ' a white lace
f. gown combined with lace, worn with a
necklace of amethysts.
Bishop and Mrs. Scadding. who have
been guests of Mrs. t H. Lewis, will
r now occupy the blshopcroft on the north-
east corner of Twentieth and Everett
streets, which was formerly occupied by
the late Bishop B. Wistar Morris and
family for a period of 23 years.
-. .
Mrs. Thomas Kerr, entertained Friday
afternoon with bridge in. honor of her
sister. Mrs. -Joseph Grant, of San Fran
cisco and Burlingame. The affair was
given at the- attractive Macleay residence
on Lownsdale ' street. After bridge a
score or more of guests arrived for a
reception, a profusion of white and pink
cosnios was used in the drawing-rooms,
in the dining-room tile mahogany table
with its handsome centerpiece of brilliant
long-stemmed.. American beauties, was
presided over by Mrs. Brown, nee White
house, and Miss Frances Lewis. Mrs.
Brown wore a white crepe de chine, and
Miss Lewis a beautiful lingerie gown of
white with a girdle of Dresden satin. Mrs.
Kerr was in a white chiffon satin elabor
ately trimmed with lace. Mrs. Grant's
gown was a lovely one of white broad
cloth, the blouse being almost entirely
composed of Irish point lace. Among the
guests were Miss Henrietta Falling. Mrs.
J. B. Montgomery, Miss May Montgom
ery. Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd, Miss Louise
Flanders. Mrs. Carrie Glisan. Mrs. Zera
Snow, the Misses- Fannie and Katie Hol
man. Miss Carrie Flanders, the Misses
Katie and Nellie Flavel. of Astoria: Mrs.
B. T. C. Stevens, Miss Russell and others:
After a visit of seven weeks In the
Eastern and Southern cities, Mr. and Mrs.
James Mcl. Wood have returned home.
Much of the time was spent in
motoring with friends in a large touring
car. and an interesting feature of the
trip was a 700-mile cruise down the Mis
sissippi River in a handsome houseboat.
Mr. and Mrs. Wood were guests at a
large house party in Newport and at a
country seat at Long Island, and were in
New York at the ttma of the Vanderbilt
cuu races.
Miss Harriet Kinney, formerly of As
toria, returned recently from San Fran
cisco, and with her father. George Kin
ney, is occupying apartments at the Ho
tel Portland for the Winter.
Miss Bonnie Meade entertained the
Reading Club at the Waverly Golf Club
Wednesday at luncheon. The members
present were: Mrs. William Alvord. Mrs.
A. C Tucker. Mrs. Wallace McCamant,
Mrs. Lee. a sister of Miss Meade. Mrs.
William Brewster, Mrs. Frank Hart and
Miss Celeste. Moore . entertained last
week with a musical afternoon in honor
of Miss Alma Thane, of San Francisco,
who with her mother, has resided for
several months at the Hobart Curtis.
George A. Eastman, who for the past
year has lived in Birmingham, Ala., ar
rived last week with his bride. Mr. East
man, who was prominent in Multnomah
Club set. will be remembered for his
clever portrayal of the role of "Kins
The engagement of Miss Anita Har.
vey, of San Francisco, the debutante par
excellence of last Winter, to. Oscar Coop
er, of that city, was made public recent
ly. The betrothal was announced at s
dinner given by Miss Harvey's grand
mother, the famous Mrs. Elinor Martin,
at her handsome Broadway residence.
which was the scene last year of the Alice
Roosevelt reception. Miss Harvey, who
has traveled extensively, was educated In
an Austrian convent. She Is a daring
eqestrlenne and has Inherited the good
looks that characterized her mother. Miss
Harvey is a decided favorite of her aunt
by marriage, the dashing Mrs. Peter Mar
tin, of New York. Mr. Cooper is a Har
vard graduate and a man of brilliant
mentality. He is a conspicuous member
of the University Club of the Bay City.
Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd was hostess at a
luncheon of eight covers on Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph B. Stetnbach re
turned last week from an extensive tour
of the Continent. Mr. Stelnbach came di
rectly on to Portland, while Mrs. Stein
bach will remain East for an indefinite
period, where she will be joined by Miss
Gertrude atemoach.
Mrs. A. B. Wade, of Chicago, mother of
Mrs. O. F. Paxton. returned yes
terday to her home in Illinois. Mrs. Pax-
ton has taken apartments at the Hobart
Mrs. J. B. Mann and the Women's
Club are to give a reception at the form
er'8 residence on Tuesday afternoon In
honor of Mrs. Sarah Piatt Deker.
The Juniors of the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic Clubr will entertain with a danc
ing party on Saturday evening at La
rowe s hall.
Howard Holland Is registered at the
Auditorium In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard and their
little daughter leave shortly for the East,
where they will visit In New York and
at Mr. Shepard's old home In East
Orange. New Jersey. They are planning
to remain untu arter tne nouaays.
- Colonel and Mrs. Glassford, I. S. A,
have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. 8.
pague. .
Mrs. J. S. Parke, Miss Parke and Miss
aPullne Parke have returned to Van
couveri Barracks after a delightful visit
of two .months at Eaton s- ranch In w y
oming. a picturesque place that ls
favorlte rendexvous of Easterners.
x .
Miss Kate Woolsey, of Tacoma, one of
the bridesmaids at the Warren-Smith
wedding, returned to her home in Wash
ington on Saturday. During her visit s
was a guest of Miss Meade at the Hobart
Mrs. William Jordan, Jr., wife of Cap
tain Jordan, U. S. A., left recently to
loin her husband at Government Island,
where he is now stationed. During the
summer months Captain and Mrs. Jor
dan were guests ef Mrs. William Jordan,
Sr.. at her residence on Willamette
Heights. Later Mrs. Jordan occupied
apartments at the HUI Hotel wnile cap
tain Jordan was attending maneuvers in
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bealev. of the
Nortonia, entertained ijieutenant-Colonel
Mackay, of the English calvary, and Don
aid Bowles at dinner on Thursday even
ing. Colonel Mackay is touring the . world
on a pleasure trip and Is staying at the
Hotel Portland for a few days.
Miss Margaret Walters left on Tues
day morning for Tacoma, where she will
visit for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore 6. Wilcox hav
returned frotn, a month's visit in New
Mr. and Mrs. Benja nin Holman have
returned from their we-mg trip and
have taken up their residence In Overton
street. ,
Mrs. W. H. Skene is entertaining Mrs.
Cooper, of Oakland. Cal., who was for
merly Miss Goodhall. On Wednesday last
Mrs. William warrens was hostess at
pretty luncheon at the Waverly Qot,
Club in honor of Mrs. Cooper. ne guests
were Mrs. John C. A ms worth, Mrs. W.
H. Skene, Mrs. Bert Ball, Mrs. Edward
C Mears and Miss Carrie Flanders.
Mrs. Theooore B. Wilcox entertained
Mrs. t nomas Kerr, Mrs. Joseph Grant
and Miss Nan Wood at luncheon on
Wednesday at the Mraverly golf unks.
. Mrs. Thomas Kerr entertained with
bridge on Friday afternoon in honor of
her sister. Mrs. Joseph Grant, of San
Francisco and Burlingame.
m m m
The banquet which will be tendered the
delegates- to the State Federation of
Women s Clubs at tbe Portland Hotel
next Tuesday evening, is expected to be
a large and brilliant affair, Mrs. Sarah
Piatt Decker, of Colorado, will be the i
guest of honor and will be the principal !
speaker of the evening. With the excep
tion of Mrs. Decker's talk there will be
no set speeches. Mrs. Decker Is known
as one of the most -brilliant women of
the country and has been extensively en
tertained In the various cities of we
country, where her duties as president of
the National Federation took her. She is j
eloquent and a woman of fine personal
appearance and infinite tact.
Mrs. John Morgan Thomas, of Mil
waukee, Wis., who will be remembered
as the attractive Miss Gladys Jones, was i
the honor guest at an afternoon of music
given by Mrs. Gwllym Jones last Thurs
day. Mrs. Jones was assisted in receiving .
by her mother. Mrs. M. C. George, and j
her sisters, the Misses George, about 30 i
guests being present. Mrs. Thomas was !
beautifully gowned in blue crepe de chine i
and Bruges lace, and Mrs. Jones wore a
trailing gown of white chiffon. -
Miss Maida Hart has returned home
after a delightful Summer In Europe with
Mr. and Mrs. Swngert. whom she joined
upon the completion of her college term
Boston. Miss Hart entertained Friday
at her residence on Portland Heights with
prettilv luncheon in honor of Miss Mar-
Jorie Hoffman, who leaves shortly for
Boston to pursua her musical studies. The
guests were Miss Milla Wessinger, Miss
Stella Frohman. Miss Alta Rush. Miss
Dorothy Holbrook, Miss Leslie Smith and
Miss Leslie Weidler.
Mrs. George Flavel, who with the
Misses Nellie and Katie Flavel have
guests at the Hotel Portland the past
three weeks, returned to her home early
last week, her daughters remaining over
until today.
The Portia Club was entertained on
Tuesday at the residence of Mrs. John
F. 'Logan. Autumn ;leaves were prettily
amnffpH urt decorations, the luncheon be
ing served where possible on the many-
hued leaves. Mr. Dobson- sang several
pleasing numbers during the afternoon.
The first prize was won by Mrs. W. Y.
Masters and the second by Mrs. M. A.
Butler. Mrs. Oglesby Young will enter
tain the club Tuesday, November 13.
Franklin. Jones, of New York, who
brought several letters, from Frank De
kum to the prominent girls and matrons,
arrived last week. Mr. Jones was made
the honor guest at a dinner on Wednesday
given by Mr. and Mrs. T. ' T. Strain at
their attractive residence on. Willamette
Heights.. The table decorations were ex
tremely artistic, quantities, of perfectly
formed vari-colored grapes with tnelr
foliage being arranged in artistic confu
sion in a quaint basket. The effect was
further . enhanced by cut glass candle
sticks with the delicate shade of yellow.
Covers were laid for eight. The guests
were Miss Fannie Brown. Miss Marlon
Jackson. Miss Wynn Coman, Arnold
Rothwell and Jordan Tan.
The Fortnightly Bridge "Club met this
past week at the' residence of Mrs.
Charles Runyon. At the conclusion of the
game a delicious luncheon was served.
The first prize was won by Mrs. B. S.
Pague. The members of the bridge club
are Mrs. M. Hansen, Mrs. J. Closset, Mrs.
John Manning, Mrs. Kathertne Daly,
Mrs. Charles Runyon, Mrs. Will See, Mrs.
George C. Flanders, Mrs. W. F. C. Krull,
Mrs. Robert Lutke. Mrs. McKinley Mitch
ell, Mrs. R. P. Graham and Mrs. Richard
D. Cannon. Mrs. William See will gn-
teriain at tne next meeting.
Mrs. Milo Kirkpatrick has sent out
cards for a reception on November 1.
Mrs. Samuel C. Kerr and her. little
daughter. Isobel. returned last week from
the coast, where they have been spending
the Summer and Autumn months.
Mrs. Newton Rountree and her son.
Robert Rountree, who left here in Feb
ruary last for a tour of the world, re
turned a few days ago. Their itinerary
included an interesting visit to the Ori
ent, Egypt, Africa, India and many of
the European countries. While in France
Mrs. Rountree was a guest of Mrs. Ru
pert Blue, formerly of Portland, who
owns a handsome chateau in the French
capital. Harry Failing, of this city, who
has been attending Yale, spent his vaca
tion abroad and joined Robert Rountree
in England during his mother s visit in
Paris, and together they toured the con
tinent. En route home Mrs. Rountree
and her son visited in New York. Wash
ington. D. c, and, many of the larger
Eastern cities. Upon his return Robert
Rountree left immediately for a short
trip to Eugene where he has been iden
tified with the University of Oregon, and
in which city as well as Portland he is
a general favorite in society.
Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and daughter. Lil
lian, left Wednesday for a brief visit
in Chicago, -after which they will go to
New York and Winsted, Conn.
Miss Mabelle Brents, who has been the
guest of honor at numerous affairs, left
last evening for her home in Walla Walla.
the last week of her stay having been
spent as a guest of Mrs. Walter Cooke.
In Irvlngton. Mrs. Sterling, a sister of
Miss Brents, who visited Mrs. Joseph
Teal, lert lor W ashington the week prior.
... 1
Mrs. Rupert Weeks will be hostess, on
Wednesday, at a dinner at the Hobart
Curtis. .
The friends of Mrs. W. A. Mears will
be glad to learn that she is rapidly re
covering from a successful surgical od-
eratlon. Later, Mrs. Mears leaves for
an extended Eastern, visit, spending some
time in Washington, v. C. '
Brilliant socially : Was the reception
and dance given by the Scottish Rite
Masons at their cathedral last Friday
evening, the guests numbering 115. In
addition music was supplied by Par
son's orchestra. Some of the guests
played progressive whist in one of the
parlors, the winners among the ladies
being Mrs. Robert Lutke, and among
the men P. B. Borgan, 10 games being
the store noted for best goods at lowest prices
Our Annual Thanksgiving Sale of Fine Table Linens starts Monday
morning. The be6t products of every flax-producing land is repre
sented in this great linen store. We want to impress upon you the
fact that there's no "fake" about our linen advertising the exact
truth as to Qualities and prices forms the foundation of all our ad
Examine our linens closely you'll find no varnished glazing to cover
up defects, but good, sound table damasks, such as any woman would be proud to own. Yeu
can't afford to experiment, so come to the store with a well-established reputation for lin-
"ens,: Special prices during this great sale.
vertised statements.
Uaud - embroidered Doy
lies, 18-inch,' in pretty
floral and fruit designs-just-6
dozen in the lot.
An extra special QO .
for 3 days Et.....Voc
Table Napkins
SIZE 20x20 Extra heavy
Bleached Napkins ; regular
$1.50 grade; special, a doz
en $1.15
SIZE 20x20 Satin finished
Napkins, new patterns and
best $1.65 values ; special,
dozen SI. 35
SIZE 22x22 Satin finished
Napkins ; rich new designs ;
$l.ft grade, special, doz
en $1.50
SIZE 20x20 Linen Napkins,
extra heavy and worth $2.00.
Several patterns ; special,
dozen $1.65
SIZE 24x24 Pure Linen
Napkins, a splendid $5.00
frrade; rich designs; special,
dozen , $3.95
Fringed Cloths
new patterns; our best $1.00
grade (napkins to match, $1
dozen) 75
6-4 SIZE Fring-ed -Table Clotn.
fancy openwork border, $1.50
value: special 91,25
Napkins to match. doz.$1..2o
Cloths. S-4 size, 3-inch hem:
best J1.65 value; spcl..$1.50
Table Linens
60-INCH Satin Finished Damask, in fine,
rich floral designs; 15 different patterns to
select from; C5c grade, special 50
72-INCH Bleached Table Damask; our best
75c 'grade; a beautiful surface and fine
wearing quality; for 3 days, special. .50
66-INCH Satin-finished Table Damask, in
pure' white; elegant new patterns (napkins
to match, $1.35 a. dozen) ; 75c value, spe
cial . ... 58
66-INCH extra heavy satin-finished Table
Damask; pretty floral designs, best 85c
grade (napkins to inatch, , $1.50 dozen);
special 65
72-INCH Bleached Table Damask, extra
good weight ; double warp, choice new pat
terns; best 85c value (napkins to match,
$1.75 dozen) 65
72-INCH Bleached Table Damask, warrant-
" ed all pure linen and worth $1.00 a yard
(napkins to match, $2.50 dozen) ; special,
yard 75
72-INCH Bleached Double Satin Table
Damask, warranted all pure linen and best
$1.25 grade (napkins to match, $2.75 doz
en) ; special 95
72-INCH Pure Irish Linen Damask, double
warp and beautiful finish ; a good $1.75 val
ue; an extra special, per yard $1.25
72-INCH Double Satin Damask, warranted
pure Irish linen ; extra heavy, choice new
patterns (napkins to match, $5.00 dozen):
special $1.47
Knotted Fringe Linen
Towels, extra large size;
red and blue borders; also
plain white ; best 50c
grade; a great special for
these three days ORi
at 3 JC
50 dozen Bureau Scarfs and Squares, in
pretty new designs, in embroidery and
openwork. These are a regular 50c
value, but we will sell them Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday at, OC
your choice.
Fine Linen Sets
TABLE SET - Fine bleached
all linen; rich new patterns;
one dozen napkins to match ;
a good $7.50 value; extra
special for 3 days. ,.$5.0S
TABLE SET Full 8-4 size,
fine hemstitched linen cloth,
with one dozen napkins to
match (20x20 inches) ; our
regular, $10.00 values; spe
cial $8.37
TABLE SET Extra large
size, all pure linen; hem
stitched cloth and one dozen
napkins to match ; actual
$13.50 value, sp'l.. $10.35
36-INCH Linen Centerpiece,
Mexican drawnwork design,
afi hemstitched edge....$l
36-INCH Satin Damask
Squares, hemmed edge; beau
tiful new designs; 75c grade,
special 50
18x45-inch Mexican Drawn
work Scarfs, all linen and
85c value; sp'l., ea....60J
Garnet and Wine
Special Dress Goods Vals.
Garnet and Wins
52-INCH Imported Garnet Broadcloth, a beautiful
rich fabric sponged and shrunk; best $4.00 grade.
Special for three days ..$3.25
52-INCH Imported Broadcloth, in a rich garnet
shade ; tine weight for suits and worth $2.25 a yard.
Three days, special........ $1.75
52-INCH Wiue Color Venetian, a swell fabric for
tailored suits; our regular $1.75 value. Special for
three days, yard $1.25
45-INCH Prunella, in several new shades of wine
and garnet; a standard $1.75 grade. Special for 3
days, yard $1.25
38-INCH Storm Serge,-in an extra good weight;
newest shades of garnet and wine; best 05c value.
Special, yard 50i
46-INCH Cardinal Serge, a grade that sells for $1.25
anywhere in the eity. Our special price for three
days, yard 98
20-INCH Garnet Taffeta Silk, guaranteed to wear
and to be a regular $1.00 grade. Special for three
days, yard f 85
19-INCH Taffeta Silk, in several of the new wine
shades; warranted all pure silk, 75c grade. Spe
cial, yard .. 60J
We have just received a beautiful line of Novelty Printed Japanese Silks for ladies' ties and fancy
neckwear, 26 inches wide, $1.00 a yard. New Panne Velvet, in a complete line of shades; silk pile, 75c
grade 60c a yard.
For 3 days we offer our
regular $1.50 line of wom
en's' Fur Neck Pieces
at the low price
Suit Section
'Women's new plaid Coats
in length, light and
dark colors; $16.50 grade,
We have just received a special shipment
of new Silk Raineoats, in . the popular
plaids. They are exceedingly trim and
stylish and are bound to be much in de
mand. All colors are represented. New
women's and misses' Suits in the mixed
grav effects, and several new models in
garnet and wine shades. Great reductions this week on Furs, Waists and Skirts. Another shipment of
children's Bearskin Coats just in. They're very stylish and at the same time warm $3.25 to $5.00. Sam
ple line of'-black Panama and Voile Skirts, in the popular plaited styles, at greatly reduced prices. A
splendid line of Plaid Coats in both the popular and full-length styles $0.50 to $30.00.
$8.00 SILK PETTICOATS, all colors, SPECIAL $5.45
G. P. Rummelin 6 Sons
Bet. Washington and Alder Bts.
We Are Showing
Smart Designs
In Ermine Neckwear, Mink Scurfs, Sable
Scarf, Chinchilla Scarf,
Black Lynx Throw
Established 1870.
Send for new fall catalogue.
The Greatest Retainers of Value
The pt-esent trend of market quotations make tli
diamond the best kind of an investment for the
Favorable Buying Facilities
and a larfte and well assorted stock in all sizes
!?ive the purchaser, the benefit of great opportuni
ties at this store.
Our Diamond Jewelry
It; well worth your attenttion for exclusive designing.
Manufacturing Jeweler
Cor. Third and Washington St.
E 1