The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 28, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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Merchandise Purchased on Credit Tomorrow, Tuesday and Wednesday Will Go on Your November Account
The Meier & Frank Stores Great November Bargain Sales
Bleached Satin Damask Tab!e JSapBM,
Recmlar $2.00 grade, on sale at uus
Bleached Satin Damn TableNapkins
2 .anrr. $2.89
soSstyfls, gre'at values, at the fpllowmg low prices.
Size 2x2 rd8 at S1.58 ea. - SiZe2x2i2 yards at $1.98 ea.
Jltc j
Ul-linen bleached Table Damask; best
Be"ular 65c grade, at this special low
Aif-hnen bleached Table Damask
lar 75c grade, on sale at tnis special
1 fe . . , ,,i-v l-
,sSment-grand values, at the following special low P-
c :.v Or 9 inch at 22c each
12 inch at 39c each
" . ,. i.,
clvaat w prices: , ;
- . j AP,rh-Take Advantage
ijngnSampIes at
- , a, of fine satin
t,-, snpcial otterins or nne sauu
iES Ito. M
Cloths. $3.40 Ech
TnanKsgivuig u'-" i--
c-i , " " '
$3.00 a?Kln KiDss for . i
cu conDon Dishes- )
Apiece sih-er-plated TM o"!!r i2-50.
?iAao value S9.99 V bins at these " " ' '
2 ,. n
?.oo co:ees::-?-g
jo.o0 Cutglass Bowls S3 To
Rosers' -1S47" K Kn i' T tWs
i , Fork tm- i- V
Rogers' T.7l-n. c r thls ,vwr
.,ri.. lelly Spoons for thic i
Koe' Id Tt Forks f ETt? ' " " V ' ' '
So?P Ladles4.'... this IcVSj--.
holiday Piecerarriv.,.3 S" "6
. -ee M achine.. Chafing Dishes,
Women's Silk Passementerie cir-.-ular-shaped
collars, S inches
deep; this season's newest shades:
beautifully made of silk braid and
taffeta silk; regular 1
52.50 values, each. . . S J Ozf
Women's silk tailor-made Stocks,
with hand embroidery, faceotine
and TVannl. 1 i.- i , . P
. wmre, DIack
and white, light blue and
white; 50c values for 5C
Taffeta silk embroidered Stocks,
finished with ruehin? in lnc
white, light blue, black and Uvea-'
der; 50c values on sale at..23J
Peter Pan or College Blouse Col
lars, of fine quality pique and
lawn, variety of designs, patterns
and colors; this season's
best style, each 4V3C
"M-k Grenadine Windsors; all col
ors; 25c values, each
Starts tomorrow and
continues until Thanks
giving Dav The time
f the vear when we
give ?he housewife an
opportunity to replen-.
ish the linen closet at a
Ricr Saving-The stock
is at flood tide, immense
assortments of the new
est and best Table Lin
ens Ireland. Scotland,
Vno-1ind and Austria
produce Values we
know you cannot equal
in the City-Read!
w j - Q
ma grand vanety of 2.18
patterlarge .variety .,
pnce, yard. ...... ......
Pn , - - .
v.; low -nnce. -vara r?-
18 inch at 48c each
in the very best designs. Three
Half Regular Value
Damask Cloths and apians-samp
t""""0 , v;i,.-.j num.
vte as follow..
$-i.00 OotM. Order. F.Ued
" . .
, '' eacn X
values on sale V ' 5.97
410.00 VaJna ?-,.
Ir urSiass Nappies U1 eo
$a.o0 Cute-W tJ. s---24-62
on. , . .
&5-00. CutoW rr:..--- S2-85
$5.00 CuBTgAeT.
W Pleach P
prlce each....
price eah '
- ' each
cT7,, -
l noveT-
etc, etc.
colt, button and Blucher Ik-W P3teDt
metal Bluchers and LaCe &J '
Fall ,nd ;Win footCweL oSf; T'
very best stvl. -n -: . of the
surprisingly lop-g1
-uers Carefully Filed.
Great special sale of Tosedo Veilings
in Dlain and fancy meshes; also
chenille and velvet dotted effects;
black, brown," navy, black on white,
white on black, white and other good
shades; values np to $1.00 a 1 9
vsnl on ea1 at TWr vard C V
Women's - I TJniou Suits, t Q ues, a
75 New Silk PeiAAa..
iir 1.50 yalues for $ 6.95
H Anrtrhsa..! .- . . " '
' r.
Wnmen's TailoredSutts
w .
ets aiwj :,.
4fcTwith velvetvesisanitij
sale at tbisjowprice-;. z
1 ne pt T.0 advantage
fered thri-f c"" "
of them arriving by every egress. Th.
ve fashions .nd
lecied by the cloak g and
York City black "and
backs; and leDfts plaids
Ught and xned-m IPW
every new P-f-; best dispiay mtMa
Bv far the
Jp a f npm to you.
up to $60
j,et us o""
.:,v rw in. exclnsive
jvew plaid
a utioareL Second floor.
ZZ3L4SSui at this
I Apparel
uVr price, each
2d Floor
Chlldrens sni
tucKea. w "-gj-s.
SillLandDress Goods SneHic
2000 r9r. .11 , . -
iiuy on gale at this special Tow ' resuiar
10,000 yards bf Taffet !,Tt - T PnW' P C
75c affetlon Sft? " ,Plete stock of new shades: w
.000 yards of Hessll
. "Eisf -lorreguiis 8oann ASJ
. t-"" AAies uooas and Bilk- h-ir
w lv5j
splendiH k -
&inin women's
you wanTrT nrr tiPj?
'J-waae of the bc
offers for tomor-
trim - JSs&PSOt n
- r -
bite checks,
and checks;
styles - New
popular po
-jong cuff; pieaa w
Great values at.
i . r: coc
Sasv. iooo
' them:
is. 20.
d . ,
Lace and
Closing out a grea
Allover Laces m -bite en5ennes
- i c fQ
ihe yard; oa sale at, y..
- v fimed and dotted Kets, in
45-incb figured ana i t and
white and cream, for w
gowns; values P toJL
on sale at this low pnce--- v
Swiss, Cambric ; and
LfvTet patterns;
rrr, to 50c the yard,
values up w y
on sale at this low .
lot of Swiss andainsook
. . . , r ririce...
rset Coverings; yBldi
Wer lace -fS;
are on sale at all styles
erSburpSg -lues.
Drug Sundries
Stationery, Jew-
elry, Etc.
Dr. Graves' Toilet Talcum and
Baby Powder; great spe- Q
wal value at; per can "C
4-row imported Tooth Brushes; great
special value at, each 12J
Satin-skin Cream; gives and pre
serves the satin efcin ;n i
jar on sale at, per jar . . ovc
Pond's Extract Antiseptic Cream;
oontams no glycerine or metallic
oxides; 50c jar on sale for. . .39
s rowaer; anniversa
ry package; every one contains a
package of Cashmere Bon- 1 Q
quet Soap. Great value. .. -C
Fancy Back Combs; newest effects
in ball and high tops; shell and
amber; values up to $1.25, OA
on sale for this low price. . O -rC
Gold-filled Hair Barettes; large as
sortment; values up to $1 "j
each, on sale at each OVC
Linen Writing Paper by the pound;
white, blue or gray; regular 35c
value, on sale at. nnnnrl oer
Envelopes to match the above: latest
shapes, package of 25 for. . . 8
Post-card Albums; assorted covers,
pretty designs; holds 100 o'
cards: ereat valn at dZGC
Good quality enamel Playing Cards -assorted
backs; great 1 J
value, package 1 vC
School Fountain Pens; eVery one
perfect and guaranteed; extra spe
cial value at this
price, each Great value... "C
rnoto and Library Paste; A
special value at, bottle ,CC
Neck . Chains ; seamless, gold-filled
gold-soldered, 12 and 14-inch
lengths; great special TQ
-value at, each J?C
Solid gold Heart Pendants; QO
great value at, each. 70C
Sterling silver Bracelets with secret
lock; $1.50 value at, each 9S
Wire Coat Hangers in brass A
or nicKei; special, each
Best Trouser Hangers; made great
special value at, each 12
Shoe Rails ; 25c values atl . . ..16
All lines of Notion and Drug Sm
dries sold here at the very lowest
prices, juaii orders filled.
100" Pairs ofTT
Suede Gloves f or ODe-lasp Kqne
: zf
c,i y' u sizes- ,ureet wear
sale ar. tv,,v i. B' ? 00 valna
ttoa G-::r...;.ydc
---.0 of the
best ' Wi31te and tan i. coat"
o'JFi? e bu.-i'T8"
o, or; at' per p....: aq..on
ors, all sg. -oJcl Gloves
2 and .t ' Pair--..S4 nn
Entire Stock
Corded Arabian Bonne Femmes;
rich, heavily-corded patterns, with
9-inch flounce, made in three widths
to fit any window; gives the panel
sffect now in vogue.
36-in. $3.50 values, each... $2.35
36-in. $1.50 values, each.. .$2.95
36-in. $5.00 values, each... $3.3 5
36-in. $6.00 values, each.. .$3.05
50-in. $5.00 values, each. ..$3T3o
50-in. $6.50 valuea, each... $4735
50-in. $7.50 values, each. ..$4.95
50-in. $8.50 values, each.'. .$5.65
50-in. $9.75 values, each... $6.50
72-in. $9.25 values, each...$6Tl"5
72-in. $11.25 values, each...$ 7.50
72-in. $12.50 valuesT each ... $8735
72-in. $15.00 values, each. . .$9.85
See Fifth Street Window Display.
1000 glazed Jardinieres in all sizes
and styles at very special prices.
20c Jardinieres for, each 16
25c Jardinieres for, each 19
40c Jardinieres for, each 32
60c Jardinieres for, each 49i
$1.15 Jardinieres for, each. .. .91
$1.50 Jardinieres for, each.. $1.19
We are sole Portland agents for
"Peninsular" Stoves, Steel Ranges
and Wood Heaters; 100 models to
select from; every good style and
size; every one fully guaranteed.
Gas Stoves, Oil Stoves and Heaters
at the lowest prices Basement. . .
New Belts
"Fifth Avenue" and "Varsity"
Handbags, in black, brown, tan,
gray and green; the very latest
novelties at . .$1.25 to $6.50
New Handbags in seal, walrus, ele
phant, snake, lizard and alligator
skins; all the newest shapes. Great
variety at.... $2.00 to $25.00
New Belts, in kid, silk, velvet, elas
tic and bead effects; handsome
buckles, grand variety; at prices
ranging from .$2.00 to $7.50
New line of Buckles in gold, silver,
!ut steel and oxidized, plain and
set with new jade stones; great
variety, at ......50 to $5.00
Special lot of Women's Handbags,
in black, tan, brown, green and
blue ; Vienna handles ; values up to
$2.50 each, on sale at $1.59
Special lot of pleated and shirred
Belts, in black, blue and brown;
regular 50c values, on sale at. 25
Semi-vitreous Dinner Sets; brown
5 f?fc fUows
f cc xor ...
100-piece set forT
t- i z q .os
Pink fl,-...! j , :
ous DimT-,rB?.le? i-vitre-
.n.-i " : , OTana ves at:
Green floral decomeTTWr
Sets; grand values aS follows -JO-piece
set for .... c oo
White and gold decorated Mint
vitreous Dinner Sets. Great values.
jpO-piece set for flftgp
Blue and white Japanese Umbrella
"uo, lcg. w value $1.59