The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 28, 1906, Page 14, Image 14

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Admits Husband Was Impli
cated in Forest Grove
Bank Robbery.
Actual Work Done by George Perry
and Professional Crack Bnrglar
Named Rogers Says They Later
Murdered Her Husband.
Admitting the connection of her mur
dered husband, Carey M. Snyder, with the
plot to rob the Forest Grove bank and
with other crimes, projected, but never
carried out, Mrs. Madge Snyder last night
told what 6he asserts to be all the cir
cumstances so far as she knows them,
surrounding the sensational 'Washington
County murder, which the officers of the
law have been probing for months past.
She declared that George Perry and a
man named Rogers robbed the bank and
that her husband had planned to take a
hand in the crime, although the others
did the Job without him. and afterwards
killed him because of his knowledge of
the affair.
For weeks Mrs. Snyder has positively
refused to say anything which would link
her husband's name with the bank rob
bery, or any other crime, but she now
freely admits his connection with it. Her
changed attitude she "attributes to the
action of R. M Snyder, her father-in-law,
who was accidentally killed In Kan
sas City yesterday.
"I refused to connect my husband with
the robbery." she said last night at the
Hotel Portland, "because R. M. Snyder
asked me to say nothing which would put
a stigma on the Snyder name. While
writing me letters to show the officials.
In which he told me to tell everything, he
also sent me private letters, asking me
to keep Carey's name out of It. I did so.
thinking he was acting in good faith to
ward me. but I found later that he had
written to the officials telling them to in
vestigate my relations with George Perry.
This was prompted by newspaper clip
pings, implying that my relations with
Perry were not what they should be. I
sent him the clippings myself, but he
thought they came from the officers.
Snyder Imported a Bnrglar..
"My husband was to have robbed the
bank In company with a man named
Rogers, who came out here from Kansas
City at his request. He told me that
Rogers was an expert safe-breaker, but
that he had never been detected in any
crime. Perry was also in the plan to rob
the bank, but my husband had a disa
greement with them, and the other two
"My husband's falling out with
Pei ry and Rogers was due to his re
fusal to participate in holding up the
box office of the Heilig Theater, then
called tho Belasco. This job was to
have been done on the Tuesday pre
ceding the bank robbery, but when my
husband was called up on the tele
phone from Portland he refused to go
down and participate in the robbery
of the theater. I do not know why
he refused, but I do know that the
other men were angry because of it.
"Previously the three men had
planned to rob Dan Marx' jewelry
store in Portland, and they tried to
Induce me to take a part by carrying
away the plunder, saying that I would
not be suspected. bu,t that a man car
rying satchels of plunder would be
apprehended. They had intended to
murder the clerk in order to rob this
"The bank was to have been robbed
"Wednesday night. Carey rode away
from home on horseback that night
and did not return until nearly morn
ing. He was furious because the other
men had failed to meet him. The bank
was robbed the following Friday.
"When my husband learned, three
days later, of the robbery, he said that
the other men had done it without
him and swore that they must divide.
'I am going to Portland to find Perry."
he said. "When I get him he will have
to give me a share of the money, and
if he refuses to do so either he will
go down and out or I shall.' He then
left and that was the last T ever saw
of him. It is evident that he was the
one to do down and out.
Was Lured to His Death.
"I am of the opinion that after my
husband came to Portland he drove
out with Perry and Rogers to a spot
where the money was supposed to be
concealed. He was told, I have no
doubt, that he was to be given a share
of the plunder. When they arrived
at the spot he was murdered in cold
blood s.nd his body carried to the place
where it was recently found."
The story told by Mrs. Snyder last
right is practically the same as that
she related to Deputy District Attor
ney Tongue and a court stenographer
earlier in the day. It is asserted that
this statement supplies the necessary
link in the evidence which the officials
already have, and will form a basis
for issuing a warrant for the arrest
of Perry. This would probably have
r-een done last evening had District
Attorney Allen not been absent from
Hillshoro. As it is a warrant will prob
ably be issued within a few days, and
in the meantime officials in the Bast
will keep track of Perry.
If is said that the officials have no
knowledge of the identity of Rogers
other than what they have gained
from Mrs. Snyder. However, they
have known of his alleged connection
with the affair for some time, and
have found that he received his mall
at the Cornelius postofflce during the
reriod preceding the Forest Grove rob-r-ery.
In her confession to the officials
Mrs Snyder told of the hiding of a
quantity of dynamite near her home.
the explosive having been intended for
use in tne bank robbery.
"I think it was dynamite." she said
last night. it was tom. kind of ex
plosive with fuses. The officials have
sked me to go with them to the place
where it is buried. I will remain here
jit m'ihf nine, out x co not believe
that I can remember exactlv where I
buried it."
Mrs Snyder expressed sorrow when she
aas told of the death of R. M Snyder.
Deeply Affected by Xews.
"My God. it seems that troubles will
r.ever cease." she exclaimed "I do not
know that I would have told all that I
have today if I had known of this. It is
awful to have al! this about Carey and
The account of his father's death printed
on the same day.
"But then I cannot help but feel this
way about it," she concluded "R. M.
Snyder would probably never have been
killed if he had come to Oregon and
helped investigate the murder of Carey."
In her story Mrs. Snyder told of muoh
harsh treatment at her husband's hands.
Phe said that he beat her repeatedly be
cause she refused to Join with him in the
crimes he planned, and that he kicked her
and struck her in the face.
Her unwillingness to mention his name
in connection with the crimes, she assert
ed, was entirely in deference to the re
quest of his father, and not because she
wished to shield Carey.
Deputy District Attorney Tongue last
night gave out the following statement:
Tongue May Drop Case.
'Aside from what has been told by Mrs.
Snyder and published weeks ago, there
was no evidence given out today that
would have any weight before a Jury as to
who were the murderers of Carey M.
Snyder. We have been greatly hampered
by fictitious stones in the newspapers.
As a matter of fact. Mrs.- Snyder long
since stated that she believed that Perry
and another man were responsible for her
husband's death. It appears that she has
given no evidence that will lead to convic
tion. "It requires evidence to conviot any one
of murder, and evidence is what we lack.
Unless we get more than we now have
there is not the remotest probability of a
warrant being issued and the case must
be dropped."
Joseph Warner Pursues Mrs. War-
ner to San Francisco and Has
Her Taken Up as Insane.
SAX FRANCISCO. Oct. 27. (Special.)
Joseph Warner, a prominent mining
man of Seattle, today had his wife,
Ada May Warner, whom he married a
year ago, arrested on a charge of in
sanity, because she would not return
to live with him. Mrs. Warner left
Seattle October 22, as the result of
a quarrel with her husband. She went
to Portland and later came to San
Francisco with Miss Beatrice Bailey,
an actress, of Portland.
October 23 Warner brought a suit
for divorce in Seattle, accusing his
wife of extreme cruelty. Then he
traced her down the coast. He reached
San Francisco yesterday and found his
wife had gone from the Hotel St.
Francis to the Hotel Baltimore, where
she and Miss Bailey registered as
"Miss Williams and Miss Walker."
Today Warner found his wife at the
Hotel Baltimore and endeavored to ef
fect a reconciliation with her. She
refused to return to live with him and
prepared to leave the city. Warner
then went to Superior Judge Trout and
procured a warrant for the woman's
arrest on the charge of insanity. She
was arrested at the ferry depot as
she was about to leave the city on a
ferryboat. She was locked up at the
lunacy ward at the Emergency Hos
pital. Dr. Magnus, on duty at the hospital,
declared that the woman is perfectly
sane, but in spite of that she will have
to stay in the detention ward until
Monday, when the lunacy commission
ers will meet.
Warner is a graduate of Columbia
College and interested in mining prop
erties throughout the Northwest. Mrs.
Warner declares that her husband has
been extremely jealous of her. She is
23 years of age. She says that on
their wedding trip his Jealousy first
manifested itself.
Russian Terrorists Capture It
by Daring Attack. J-
Oregon City. Paper Company Found
Guilty by a Jury.
OREGON CITY. Or.. Oct. 27. (Special.)
After five minutes' deliberation, the
Jury in Justice Stipp's Court this evening
reported a verdict of guilty against the
Crown Columbia Pulp & Paper Company,
which was charged with depositing lum
ber waste and shavings in the Willam
ette River. The offense ie punishable by
a fine ranging from &0 to $1000, and Jus
tice Stipp will pronounce sentence Mon
day morning. The Jury that decided the
case consisted of J. N. Harrington. J. M.
Ware. C. C. Babcock. J. W. Aldridge, R.
W. Porter, and, William Beard.
Thie is the first conviction for violation
of this statute that has been secured in
this county and three other cases are
pending. The case against the Willam
ette Pulp & Paper Company will be tried
in Justice Court next Wednesday. Deputy
Prosecuting Attorney Schuebel conducted
the prosecution.
Books and Cash Turned Over to
Town of Kendrick.
MOSCOW, Idaho.. Oct. 27. (Special.)
Miss Anna E. Nelson, town Treasurer of
Kendrick, at last hae consented to turn
over the books and cash of her office to
her successor and this afternoon per
formed thie task upon advice from her
chief counsel. S. S. Denning. The stand
taken by Miss Nelson caused much in
convenience to the town of Kendrick
and her persistency resulted in the mat
ter being dragged through the courts.
The battle was a memorable one, but the
young woman was beaten at all points.
Nez Perces Registration Is Light.
LEWISTON. Idaho, Oct. 27 (Special)
Notwithstanding this is considered a
heated campaign in Idaho, registration in
Nez Perce County is ery light and in
many instances registrars are compelled
to beg voters to qualify for the election,
November 6. Registration in Lewlston to
day shows that loTT out of a possible 2400
have registered.
The registration throughout the county
is heavily Republican. As an example,
Winchester precinct, with 300 voters reg
istered, shows over 2S0 of them to be Re
publicans. Clearwater Rises Rapidly.
LEWISTON. Idaho. Oct. 27. (Special)
siting snows during the recent warm
weather started a rise in the Clearwater
this morning and several hundred cords
of $7 50 cordwood went out under the
boom in the east end of the city. The
falsework on one of the piers on the O.
R. & N. bridge was also washed away.
Several thousand cords of wood are scat
tered along the bank of the Clearwater
between thie city and 25 miles up the
Must Wear Uniforms on Duty.
NEW TORK, Oct. 27. A police order
was issued by Police Commissioner
Bingham that every plain clothes man
in the city 6hall don a uniform to
night, and in the future the power of
captains in assigning any man to plain
cloths duty will be limited. The or
der threatens to do away with the
plain clothes men. otherwise known as
"wardmen." Such appointments as are
made must be through inspectors.
Many retirements from the force are
looked lor on account of the order.
Wants Gans-Herman Fight.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Oct 27. (Special )
Manager Tom Mccarty, of the Los An
geles Club, today wired his Chicago agent
that he would give a purse of $12,000 for
the Gans-Herman fight for any date dur
ing December. January or February. The
offer must be accepted by October 30.
To tone down, refine, beautify the face, use
utm skin powder. tints, only xv
Bombs Thrown In Heart of Capital
Wreck Cashier's Carriage and
$200,000 Is Taken While
Battle Goes On,'
ST. PETERSBURG-, Oct. 27. The most
daring robbery plot in the annals of the
St. Petersburg police was executed today
when at about noon a band of 15 revo
lutionists armed with bombs and revolv
ers attacked the cashier of the custom
house, who was proceeding in a carriage
from a sub-treasury with a sum variously
given as $120,000 to $300,000. They wrecked
the vehicle with a bomb, but were driven
off by two gendarmes forming the cash
ier's escort, who made defense of the
When the bomb exploded the cashier.
his assiBtant and two guards Jumped out
of the carriage and fled in a panalc,
abandoning the money, but the gen
darmes, though wounded by the explo
sion, opened fire on the revolutionists.
They were soon joined by some passing
soldiers and several policemen and the
robbers, who were mere youths, fled be
fore the growing numbers of the defend
ers of the treasure.
Lose Battle, but Get Cash.
A running fight ensued, lasting 15 min
utes and extending for several blocks
from the scene of the outrage. The revo
lutionists, who threw two or three more
bombs in their flight, lost two killed and
had five of their number captured, 'ine
firing of the rifles and revolvers and the
explosions of the bombs were audible
throughout the business aisinct k tma
caused great excitement.
After the explosion $120,000 in paper cur
rency was recovered from the wreck
of the cashier's carriage. The police of
ficials who conducted the preliminary in
vestigation said this was the entire sum
involved, but according to the accounts
of eye witnesses of the affair, when the
gendarmes abandoned the carriage to pur
sue the robbers, a woman ran out or.
the house from which the revolutionists
issued, seized a large package of money
and escaped in the confusion which fol
lowed. The panic-stricken cashier, they
said, bewailed . the loss of $180,000.
Later in the day, however, the total
amount in the cashier's possession was
officially stated to have been $330,000, of
which the package containing $196,000 was
stolen, but it is said that the amount or
booty may be raised to $200,000, as the
count of the smaller packages hae not
yet been finished.
Careful Plan of Attack.
The scene of the attack was carefully
chosen in a narrow street .bordering on
the Ekaterinsk canal and overhung by a
house, from one of whose windows the
first bomb was thrown. Immediately
after the explosion a group of revolution
ists on the sidewalk drew revolvers and
attempted to surround the carriage, with
the result already detailed. Ihe lorce oi
the explosion shook three blocks of
houses, and many of these now show the
marks of bullets fired during the fight be
tween the revolutionists and officers.
In spite of wholesale arrests and the
cordoning at noon of the scene of the
robbery, a majority of the revolutionists
have made good their escape with booty
amounting to $200,000. Up to midnight
the police had no definite clews and re
leased all those persons arrested except
the five who were captured during the
battle. None of these has been identi
fied. All of them persistently refuse to
answer questions, but it is supposed the
crime was organized and executed by a
band of Moscow and Warsaw revolution
ists, of whose coming to St. Petersburg
the police were warned ten days ago.
Confederate in Customs-House.
It is said that, because of intimate
knowledge of the method of transfer
ring money, the men had a confederate
in the customs-house service.
The police report of the affair con
firms the above story in all its essential
details. Two robbers were killed and
five captured, one of the latter being clad
in the garments of a student He was
slightly wounded by splinters from a
bomb which he threw against his pur
suers. Three gendarmes, the cashier, a
house porter and a civilian were slightly
injured. One woman was dangerouslyl
hurt. During- the fusillade five gen
darmes had their horses killed under
Workmen Not Allowed Evidence Of
ficials Supported Council.
ST. PETERSBURG, Oct. 27. In con
sequence of the refusal yesterday of
the court which is trying the members
of the Council of Workmen to admit
the report of M. Lopuesin. the ex-Director
of the Police Department, to
Premier Stolypin. proving that the po
lice department had caused incendiary
proclamations to be printed and had or
ganized attacks on the Jews, or to sum
mon Count Witte. Minister of War Ru
diger. Admiral Birileff and other Min
isters as witnesses to prove that the
Council of Workmm was sanctioned
by the government, the attorneys de
fending the 52 delegates today with
drew from the case.
The accused men. through their
spokesmen, M. Krustaleff and Bron
stein, then declared that they ceased to
recognize the jurisdiction of the court
and would press to the extremity of
shedding blood their refusal to partici
pate any further in the trial. ' The
court, to avoid trouble, thereupon de
cided to proceed with the case without
the presence of either lawyers or the
accused. Such a procedure is quite
customary under present revolutionary
conditions in Russia.
The scene in the court was dramatic.
After M. Grusenberg. the leading at
torney for the defense, had presented
his reasons for withdrawing from the
case, M. Kru6taleff arose and harangued
the court with fiery eloquence, declar
ing that the whole procedure was a"
travesty of justice; that the conviction
of the accused was predetermined.
As the accused were taken, under
guard, back to the prison, the specta
tors demonstratively left the room,
when the trial proceeded before an
audience composed mainly of policemen.
St- Petersburg Strengthens Forces in
City Auxiliary.
ST. PETERSBURG. Oct. 27 The garri
son of St. Petersburg has been strength
ened by three regiments of infantry to
assist in preserving order October 30. the
anniversary of the grant of the Russian
constitution, which will be celebrated In
St. Petersburg by official service of
thanksgiving in the Kazan and St. Isaac
Elegance in Home F
f Mis
J fa GSlvfcSTt
In selecting the Furniture and Carpets for the
new home let quality be your first consideration
select pieces of distinctive grace, beauty and
sterling worth, that will be a pleasure to look
upon and that will serve their purpose, not for
a month or a year, but all through life. Such
styles and qualities are shown in their fullest
assortment at POWERS and are worthy the
careful consideration of all prospective home
Library Cases
Bookcases, in mahogany, golden and weath
ered oak. All shapes and styles; pretty ef
fects in leaded glass
ii ill?!
Rockers and Odd Chairs
We have them in all sizes and shapes
every wood and finish.. Our line of Leather
Chairs has just been increased, and if you
are looking for comfort we have it.
ladies' Desks
Newest designs, all woods and every finish.
Desks for the bedroom, library and den.
Combination Table Desks, in fact every
thing in the desk line.
The largest and best assortment we ever
had is still unbroken. We can give you a
Dresser in any design, a Dresser in any
wood or finish, a Dresser at a reasonable
Mission Furniture
Mission Furniture is here to stay. We are
showing a complete line for dining-room,
hall, library and living-room, in fact we
have Mission Furniture for every room in
the house.
We Have
Received a
Get Our
thing to
Cathedrals. Permission has been given
to the inhabitants to decorate and illu
minate their houses, but strong orders
have been Issued against street demon
strations or meetings. The Prefect of
Police has ordered the house porters, who
form an auxiliary police, to remain con
stantly on duty at the doors of their
houses from October 29 to October 31, and
assist in maintaining order.
.Demonstrative strikes are expected to
occur in a number of cities in the South,
but these, like the one-day strike at Eka-
terinoslav. on which Thursday s sensa
tional story in the Rech was based, are
anticipated to be merely temporary, and
no serious menace to business or traffic
Is reported.
At a meeting of the local nobility at
Tula yesterday, it was decided to exclude
Professor Serge Mouromtseff. who was
president of the defunct Lower House of
Parliament, from participation in the ac
tivities of the nobility, on the ground that
he is one of the signers of the Viborg
manifesto. M. Mouromtseff was excluded
last week from the sittings of the Mos
cow Zemstvo and municipality also, on
account of his having signed the Viborg
Public Believes in Attempted Assas
sination, Though Police Deny. '
ST. PETERSBURG. Oct, 27. SpeclaL-
It has been rumored today that an at
tempt has been made to assassinate the
any V erification. According to one report.
two men were arrestee: in tne grounas
of the palace in Peterhof yesterday with
a bomb and were hurried to prison. This
is denied by the authorities, but it is
believed by the public.
It is known that since the Emperor s
return from his yachting trip in Finnish
waters new threats have been made by
the terrorists and that there have been
renewed precautions taken by the police.
Strike to Show Patriotism.
KHARKOFF, Oct 27. Though thou
sands of men struck today as a mark
of sympathy with the 28 men who were
shot by troops a year ago- today while
defending the barricades, the day passed
without bloodshed. The cemeteries were
occupied by troops.
Italians Give Gorky Ovation.
NAPLES, Oct 27. Maxim Gorky was
the object of enthusiastic demonstrations
here today, especially by students. The
Socialists have organized an anti-Russian
meeting for tomorrow, which will be pre
sided over by Gorky.
Birmingham Grand Jury Has Busy
Day With Chisholm Gang.
BIRMINGHAM. Ala., Oct. 27. The
Federal grand jury today returned seven
indictments against Alexander R. Chis
holm, ex-paying teller of the First
National' bank, who defaulted for $100,
000: four indictments against P. G. Smith,
who runs a brokerage office known as
Foster & Co.; and one indictment against
W. L. Simms, manager of the local of
fice of Gilbert Clay. Gordon Dubose, ex
president of the First National Bank of
Ensley, was indicted for embezzling Na
tional Bank funds.
J. W. Leach. Earl B. Evans and J. R.
Wheeler, employes of the Louisville &
Nashville Railroad, were indicted on the
charge of having discriminated against
employes of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers.
Say "Bertie" Is the Man.
LONDON. Oct 27. (Special.) There" is
much gossipy about a probable husband
for Mrs. Potter Palmer. He Isa certain
"Bertie" Spifford. a "very smart" man.
popular at court and accounted the best
leader of a cotillion in London.
Distinguished Gathering Witnesses
Inauguration of Roosevelt Profess
sorshlp in Berlin University.
BERLIN. Oct 27. Professor John W.
Burgess, dean of Columbia University,
New York, the first incumbent of Theo
dore Roosevelt professorship of American
history and institutions at the University
of Berlin, began his lectures today. Em
peror William, the Empress, Prince Au
gust Wllhelm. United States Ambassador
Tower and Mrs. Tower, Dr. Studt, the
Minister of Education, and about 50 pro
fessors and some resident Americans oc
cupied chairs near the reading desk In
the lecture-hall, while behind them were
400 students, who energetically cheered
Professor Burgess when he entered and
applauded every reference to President
At the opening; of the proceedings, Pro
fessor Burgess read a letter from Pres
ident Roosevelt.
The rector of the university. Professor
Kaftan, thanked Professor Burgess, and
referred appropriately to President Roose
velt s message to the university, the
Kaiser's presence and proposed three
cheers for the Emperor. While the cheer
ing was still in progress, the Emperor
rose and said:
"Fellow-students: Let us express our
thanks for what has been expressed so
eloquently by accepting the offered hand
which has been extended to us from
America, and by giving a cheer for the
man who is the Incarnation of the good
qualities of his people. President Roose
velt. Hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!"
The members of the Emperor's suite,
the professors and the students responded
vigorously. The Emperor then conversed
with Professor Burgess, congratulating
him on the successful beginning of his
work, and also had a talk with Ambas
sador and Mrs. Tower. The Emperor re
quested the Ambassador to cable to Pres
ident Roosevelt his thanks for the Pres
ident's co-operation.
A permanent American institute has
been opened in one of the university buildings.
Many Downtown Establishments in
New York Will Be Crippled.
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. CSpecial.) The
mammoth six-story plant of the New
York Steam Heating Company, occupying
almost the entire block bounded by Green
wich, Dey and Washington streets, was
destroyed by fire shortly before midnight,
and in consequence many down-town es
tablishments that secure power from this
concern will be disabled for several days.
The damage by the fire will amount to
Englishman's Arrest in Spain May
Lead to Complications.
LONDON. Oct. 27. CSpecial.) One
ef England's most pressing political
problems Socialism was brought
most unpleasantly to the front this
week by the arrest in Madrid of Guy
Bowman, a leading member of the So
cial Democratic Federation, the most
powerful organization of its kind in
Bowman was in Spain gathering: ma
terial for a series of articles to be pub
lished in the Socialist paper. Justice,
and was locked up almost as soon as
he landed as an anarchist. His arrest
did not take place on Spain's own initi
ative, but in response to a. hint from
England that Bowman, while not per
sonally plotting violenoe, might. If al
lowed free intercourse with Spanish
anarchists, provoke another attempt
upon King Alfonso's life.
That the situation will lead to a ire
mendous commotion in labor circles is
certain. Bowman is known in England
as a most respectable Socialist, He
was never molested by the British po
lice; yet when he goes abroad, he is
arrested by a friendly government upon
the suggestion of his own country. An
English Socialist is scratched and
Spain finds an anarchist.
sylvania and endorsed the last Legisla
ture's good will toward tho Administra
tion of President Roosevelt.
Portland, Me., Preachers Interested
in the Case of Woman Whose
Daughter Went Insane.
PORTLAND, Me.. Oct. 37. (Special.)
There is a possibility that Portland
clergymen may take up the case of Mrs.
Alice Phelps of Kansas City, who has
attempted to persuade her daughters,
who entered the "Holy Ghost and United
States'" colony at Shiloh, six years ago,
to desert that society.
Mrs. Phelps claims the experiences of
her daughters Bessie, aged SO, and May,
aged 32, who were teachers in Kansas
schools, have been particularly shocking.
One of them was committed to the state
insane asylum last Summer, she having
lost her mind, it is alleged, as the result
of her life at Shiloli.
The other daughter is believed to be
suffering for food and clothing, which are
reported as being very scarce at Shiloh
since the departure of Rev. Frank W.
Sanford and about 70 of the members of
the colony for the Holy Land,
District Attorney Moran Criticises
. Secretary Bonaparte.
BOSTON, Oct. 27. District Attorney
Moran, George Fred Williams and others
addressed three large raillies in the Tre
mont Temple and on Boston Common to
night under the auspices of the Independ
ence League.
In his address at the main rally Mr.
Moran charged Secretary Bonaparte with
being openly for lynch law and declared
that President Roosevelt would insult
those who believe in trial by jury by
appointing Mr. Bonaparte attorney gen
eral of the United States.
Bryan Off for Chicago.
VAN WE9T. O.. Oct. 27. (Special.)
W. J. Bryan has come and gone. The
"peerless orator" sent into Ohio by the
Democratic National Congressional
Committee to arouse Buckeye Demo
crats from indifference, completed his
three-day speaking tour at Van Wert
tonight. In a thousand miles traveled
in Ohio he made 3t speeches and ad
dressed 100.000 people. Tonight he
went to Chicago, where he will rest
tomorrow. Monday he will go to Iowa
for two speeches, and hence to Nebras
ka, where he will close the campaign.
Senator Knox Speaks.
PITTSBURG. Oct. 27. United States
Senator P. C. Knox was the principal
speaker here tonight at a large Repub
lican mass meeting held in Old City Hall.
He reviewed at length conditions In Penn-
Hoodlums Snatch Woman's Purse
Mrs. Coleman of 452 East Ash street, re
ported to the police yesterday that two
young hoodlums snatched her. purse while
she was passing the Osborn Hotel, at
Grand avenue and East Ash street. There
was less than 60 cents in the purse, but
it contained some ribbons and several re
ceipts. Mrs. Coleman gave a description
of the two criminals.
Wrong Man Arrested.
CHICAGO. Oct. 27. The police today
received Information that the man now
under arrest at Falrbury, Neb., is not
Leonard Leopold, who is wanted hers In
connection with the murder of Mrs. Mar
garet Leslie. The man declares he is
Edward Engles
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