The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 21, 1906, PART TWO, Page 21, Image 21

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New Head of Episcopal1 ".HUrch in Oregon is Essentially a Working Man
r.Y ARTHl'R a. .;rfenb.
NY first impression of Charles Scad
ding, who has come out here to
be bLshop of Oregon for the Pro
testant Episcopal Church, was that of ex
traordinary physical powrr. After 15
minutes' conversation I was convinced
that his mind is as big and virile as his
body and that in him are blended those
elements which have macle men leaders
from the time of Moses down to Roose
velt. The new bishop stands head and
whouIiWs above the commonality, speak
ing it both ltU-rally and figuratively. He's
i fine pattern of a champion in the lists
of the church milium.
He has a big combative head set
firmly upon a boiy which suggests
gladiators and knights in armor. His
Vi e-sence is dignified without being
austere; his cordial smile and . hearty
Imnd-shake attest to that.. He radiates
good-fellowship in its best sense anU
makes one fed that here is the big broth
er of his people, whose capacities tit
him to tarry burdens and administer
heavy duties.
Complete muster of himself, knowing
.humanity in all its phases, sympathetic
but positive, capable and sure. Bishop
adding seem tiie man among 10.000 to
lake up the hard, trying work of this
.-3 re at diocese with its infinite tasks and
possibilities. Surely the choice has been
well made. The mantle of B. Wistar
Morris, grand old pioneer of a holy cause,
has fallen upon worthy shoulders.
The bishop is a young man to have
reached such power and influence. He
is 4,"i. bu. If the truth must be told, he
lowkri perhaps five years o!u?r. The gray
in his hair and beard do the mischief,
for he. is otherwise in the full prime of
his manhood. He Ls certain to accomplish
great things for hU -church, being ad
mirably adapted to missionary work, of
which there is a great need, for there
ii re vast wildernesses to be penetrated
here in Oregon. Struggling frontier com
munities mast be ministered to. though
the mountains be hard to surmount and
the deserts a sore trial to toss. In
very respect a fortunate choice it seems,
for Bishop ScadtVng is equally at home
with his people in a log cabin or a
tathedral. He's been through all the
It was Wednesday night that I called
upon him to learn what manner of man
lie is. The result was most pleasant for
the interviewer.
"What's the chance for a settlement
of the. prainliandlers strike?" he asked
me the minuate we were settled In our
armchairs. "The bishop is getting on,"
was niv mental comment and I had to
ndmit that lie knew more about that
.strike than 1 did. It was a good sign
and augurs well for h.. future as a
factor in public affair. He proved to
l)e thoroughly informed .s to many of
the nuest ions which are agitating the
municipality and state.
When the fact was commented on he
carne back with another question.
"Why should a clergyman not be a
citizen? There is such great work for the
church to do that it cannot be carried for
ward unless its ministers have eyes and
ars and hands for the world's affairs. I
have always had strong human Interests.
The church is no cult nor Sunday club.
It is God's machine for doing good in his
world. I've worked and lived in the
Social Curtain Rises at Washington, D. C.
i m : . . . ,
r ASHrNGTONT. Oct. 15. (Special
Correspondence.) The return of
President and Mrs. Roosevelt to
White House marked the rise of
social curtain, and since that time
there has been a steady Inflow of homeward-bound
vacationers who desire to
witness the first act. During the pre
lude, there hu been twice-a-week din
ner parties with Mr. Roosevelt as host
und gentlemen with whom he could dis
i'uss polities and cuba, as guests. In
most rases, t lm wives were also present
to share the honor of the occasion with
Mrs. Roosevelt, and later to enjoy a quiet
hour with her in the beautiful newly
furnished "red room." while their re
spective spouses remained in the state
dining-room for cigars and a "flow of
Secretary of State and Mrs. Klihu Root,
who arrived from South America about
llih time Mr. and Mrs. Roosevelt came
here from Oyster Hay. have been the
most feted guests to date. Now they are
passing the honor to Secretary and Mrs.
Taft, who have just returned to their
K-street home after a strenuous fortnight
in Cuba. If present plans carry, life in
Washington for the next few weeks will
be scarcely less strenuous than In Ha
vana, for the popular Secretary and his
wife, as everybody is agreed that what
ever Is done In t lie way of entertaining
Mr. and Mrs. Taft must be accomplished
without delay lest there be another call
for the Nation's Itinerary Secretary of
State to visit lands far distant for the
purpose of diplomacy or war. and society
here he left with a new case of "Ham
let, with Hamlet left out." Certainly.
man in piddle life has a record for
official traveling equal to that of the
Secretary of War, and few women in her
circle have had more varied experiences
than his wife.
The return of Mrs. Taft makes the
number of Cabinet hostesses in town five,
the absentees being Mrs. Shaw, who is
visiting relatives in Iowa, while the Sec
retary of the Treasury is campaigning in
the West ; Mrs. Bonaparte, whose home
at Bupna Vista, between Washington and
Baltimore, was recently the center of
a disturbing earthquake; and Miss Wil
son, who is settled in Paris for another
season. The ninth member of the Cab
inet, it will be remembered, is a bache
lor, and though he is a favorite with
the President, his lack of home ties
makes him a man scarcely after the
Roosevelt heart.
The early-return example of Mrs.
Roosevelt and t he ladies of the Cabinet
Is followed by the diplomatic hostesses,
so that by the time Congress convenes,
the social season will be in full swing.
The Austrian Ambassador and Raroness
Hengelmueller, who will this year be the
hend of the foreign corps, are expected
within the coming week, their retinue
of servants and wonderful collection of
pets having been already installed at the
Kmbassy In charge of secretaries and
under-secret arles.
The opening of the French Kmbassy
has been delayed by the death in Paris
of Mme. Jusserand's mother? on the eve
of the former's Intended departure for
America. Mrs. Richards was the wife of
n American banker in Trance, with
iany friends In Washington to regret
iier death, and the consequent temporary
fetiiement of her daughter from society,
ffhe Rraallian Kmbassy is another popu
lar official residence to bo closed by
he death of a near relative of the host
ess, but Mine. Nabueo. like Mme. Jus
aerand, has a considerable circl of
friends among the litterateurs and artista
of the city, so that society's loss will be
their gain.
' ,
The German Emperor Is said to be con
J " n vi; iV? "V v"
i 7 I- - v MimKs
-grjr V. -. r. -V in j jf
slums and on the avenues. The 'other
half are my friends and brothers.
To reach results we must not wrap a
mantle of Pharisaic righteousness about
us and sit in cloister. We've got to get
out and do something.'
The Bishop's aggressive ideas of Chris
tianity fitted my first impressions of him
"How about your plans, and how does
the situation here appeal to you?" I
asked, being confident that his answer
would be something like the one he gave
"I come with no preconceleved notions
nor prejudices. I have never been west
of Denver before and only since my se
lection have I had an opportunity to in
vestigate conditions, hut I'd rather be
bishop of Oregon than any other dio
cese in the country. There is so much to
templating drastic changes in his corps
of representatives in Iondon and Paris,
but to be entirely satistied with his Am
bassador to Washington and the latter's
American wife, who Is, of course, the
hostess of His Majesty's embassy here.
Karon von Sternberg is a personal friend
of the President, and as sljch has-a pres
tige never before enjoyed at this capital
by a Germart diplomat, and for this rea
son alone, the Kaiser would doubtless hes
itate long before signing his recall.
The Ambassador's etaff was recently in
creased by the arrival of Prince Ernest
de Lynar. who is a son of the late Prince
Alexander, and his wife Princess May
Amelia de L-ynar, formerly Miss Parsons,
of Columbus. O.
The hynars are Lutherans and are of
the house of Iindenau, near Oetrand,
province of Silesia. The junior members
of the house are entitled to be called
Count and (ouhtess de hynar while
Prince Ernest mutt be addressed as "Se
rene Highness."
The star performers of the NoTember
act of the season's play will, by common
consent, be the debutantes, for whose ap
pearance on the social stage, splendid
preparations are already making. Autumn
brides, however, will not give them the
i k" r r 1 fig-jq i 4
be done In carrying on the great work
of Bishops Scott and Morns. I can
not hope to accomplish what those, saint
ed men did, but I come to the task with
a tremendous lot of physical strength and
a willingness to do every possible thing
of which I am capable.
"I've been so splendidly received here
that I already feel that this is my home.
If I could have chosen my own field I
couldn't have been more happy. You
Oregonians take a fellow in so complete
ly. Now you know how I mean, that."
lie interpolated, as he responded to my
smile at his choice of an expression. "You
extend the 'glad hand' beautifully.
"My efforts are going to be directed
alons the lines of making strong what
is rather than any unusual expansion. Of
course I'm speaking of the church. I am
making soundings and endeavoring to fa
right or way for nearly another fortnight,
Nor is the latter list confined entirely toinf the venerable Archbishop of Canter-
the younger set, having been stretched
this weelf to cover -two ladies who are
grandmother?. They are Mr. Augusta
Hancock Hare, whose marriage to Mr.
Frank P. Mitchell, on Wednesday, was
witnessed" by her children and grandchil
dren, and iWrs. T. B. M. Mason, who be
came the wife of Medical Inspector Wal
ter MqClurg, I". S. N.t October 10, in New
York. During the life of her former hus
band, who was also an officer in the
Navy, Mrs. McClurg enjoyed an enviable
reputation as a hostess and her return to
Washington society is welcome news to
the Navy set.
Mrs. McClurg is the sister of Mrs.
Julian James, of Washington, largest in
dividual contributor to the fund for the
purchase of the site for a National Epis
copal Cathedral, to be erected at Mount
St. Albans, overlooking the Nation's cap
ital. Mrs. James gift of $50,000 completed
the purchase price of nearly $300,000, all
of which has been raised by popular sub
scription since the advent here of Bishop
9atterlee. ten years ago, when the Dis
trict of Columbia was created a diocese
separate from that of Maryland. In 1RR8
President Mc Kin ley laid the cornerstone
miliarize myself so far as possible with
the needs and opportunities. I want to
say that I am not allied with any par
ticular church party. There is room for
all. though in minor matters they may
disagree.. IJfe is too throbbing, the rich
red blood runs too strongly to make it
worth while to quibble over technicalities.
I'm no private chaplain and in no pos
sible sense a partisan. Discord is so
detestibiy small. I hate it. There is so
much to do and few enough of us to do
it. So unity in the church, as it Is in
industrial, political and social affairs, is
the all-to-be-desired sentiment.
"I want to he a faithful, hard-working
bishop and citizen. Wherever there is
need of me I want to be on the ground.
Giver me a chance to work and I'm suit
ed, and I feel that I'm going to be very
hapfy herd in Oregon."
of a Peace Cross, erected on the site to
commemorate the end of hostilities be
tween 9pain and 'America. A few years
later, a cathedra, or bishop's chair, carved
from stone, sent for the purpose from
Canterbury, Knpland. was unveiled with
j apjirupnaie ceremonies, riere, also, Jres-
iueiii mnt'vt'i, in unrt, aaurpasea tne
most notable " gathering of Anglo-Saxon
bishops ever assembled in this country,
the occasion being the .44Oth anniversary
of the establishment of. the English
Chureh in Amerieji The event wr made
internationally important bv the presence
bury, who was the first ecclesiastical dlg-
nit'ary of that rank to visit the land of
Uncle Sam.
Before the wholesale druggists and
Spanish War Veterans had successfully
taken their leave, an army of telegraphers
arrived in the city to attend the dual con
vention of the Old Time Telegraphers &
Historical Association and of the Military
Telegraphers of the United States. A
feature of the telegraphers' visit was the
revitalizing of the instrument that ticked
off that world-famous message. "What
hath God wrought?" The historic ticker
ift a carefully guarded treasure of the Na
tional Museum and years have passed
since it sounded the dots and dashes of
its creator. ,
Jcispoh Hickev and
wlfe to Daisy
hi of block
wife to J. J.
Kate Blazicr. Wly.
Carters Addition...
C. A. CoolidKe and
Reed. W. Is of lot
1, 2 block 330,
Hawthorne Park
A. J. Freeman and wife to L. D.
Bonn, lot 1 block 36 Central Alblna
William M. Ladcl and wife to Fi-
v Lumber Exchange Bldg., Second 1-loor.
You young men who are in the springtime of your youth are, or
should be, seeking safe investments. Why not turn your attention to
Baker City, Oregon, the "Hub" of a rich territory, three hundred
miles in areaf Baker City, known as the "Queen City," a city of
opportunities, is surrounded by beautiful hills, being an ideal loca
tion for a eity of 100,000 or more population. This is possible within
the next few years, located as it is at the head of one of the most
fertile valleys in the West, with markets for more tlian ten times the
production of the valley; in fact, thousands of dollars are sent out
for eggs, poultry, hay, grain, etc., every year, that could, and should,
be raised at home.
Baker City needs more energetic, progressive young men. This
city is destined to become a great mining, manufacturing and trading
center. Certain conditions in and around Baker City will cause it
to take strides which if has never known before. These existing
conditions can be seen at a glance; such as railroad building, the
construction of an electric line to the Searles mines, the Eagle Valley
line now building will connect Baker City with important outside
points. The Pacific States Telephone Company will immediately begin
the work of spending $30,000 in, improvements of its Baker City sys
tem, enlarging it to meet the needs of a rapidly growing city. These
are only a few of the things which have been started in this lively city
in the West
This company owns and has on the market some desirable lols
' located near the business district. '
These lots are '25x100, each located on a street which is fiO feet
wide, with alleys 16V2 feet wide running through the blocks. We are
offering the corner lots at the low price of $100, the inside lots for
$50 each. We are prepared to give the purchaser a clear title to any
of this property, and our terms are so reasonable that every man in
the City of Portland should take advantage of this chance to nike a
gilt-edge investment.
delity Transfer Company, lot o. 6,
7 and 8. block 4. Wilson's Addition 6000
J. N. camnbell and wife to Mary S.
Campbell, lot 8. block 76. Bellwood. oW
Mary Phelps Montgomery to Alfred
VV. PottaKe. lot 10, 11. block 42
original townfite of Alblna two
Malcolm and Mary McDougall to
Ralph Switzer. lot 7. 8, block 20b.
city -,k"",V
Walter V. Smith and wife to Dolly
Magoon, parts of lot 4. 5. block tio.
Carter Addition 1
William -Hutchinson and wife to
Georne W. Hutchlnaon. 11.400S
square feet, beginning at point 9
feet W. and 760 feet N. of S.E.
corner of Perry Pretty man D. L.
C. ; 2
M. A. and G. Heitkemoer to Anna
M. McNeeland. lot 1. 2. 3, block IS,
Hawthorne 1st Addition to East
Portland 6,wu
Melinda B. Morgan to J. Teuscher,
Jr.. lot 21. H2. block 2. Willamette.. 1800
James Bovles and wife to Calire B.
Campbell. W. 14 of lot 7, 8. block 8.
Garrison's suburb to East Port
land 3Jo0
Bernard Grimm to Frank Grimm,
lot 9. block 12. Central Albina 1200
M. I,. Holbrook and wife to John
B. Hiller. lot 13. block 7: lot 1 block
8. St. Johns Park Addition to St.
George D. Barton, et. al. to Melvin
R. Million, lot 4. block 2. Iexing-
ton Heights '00
Firland Company to Elizabeth D. ,
Van Horn, lot 7. block 2. Firland.. 940
E. J. rowlishaw to Western Oregon
Trust Company. E. 50 feet of lot
5, block 5. Market street Addition.. 1
Julia A. Jacobs to Thomas Pitt
Jacobs, lot 10. block 15. Smith's
. subdivision and addition to East
Portland...... 1
Edna Rachel Gates to John Gates,
lot 5. block 26. Willamette town
site .'. soo
Charles G. Strube and wife to Alex
ander S. Ivhch, lot 1. 2. block 6,
Strub's Addition 600
George W. Cone. et. al. to J. N.
Bramhall. property In Troutdale... 2000
Louis P. Beno. to Mayer I. Barell.
part of lot 2. 3, block 13. Caruthers
Addition 1
E. B. Mallorv and wife to William
Reirit. lot 3. block 26. Holladay's
Addition to East Portland 1750
A. J. Richardson, et. al. to Union
Logging &? Lumber Co.. W. 14 of
N. W. A section 22: T. 1 N. R.
1 W 4000
E. W. Chandler and wife to S. C.
Priestly, lot 14. 15. and 16. block
5, Koxchase Addition 1
J. W. Latimer and wife to 6. C
Priestly, lot 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6. 8 and 9.
block 1. Foxchase Addition to East
Portland;--, also lot 5. block 3.
Lochinvar Addition 630
L. G. Liden and wife to Martha
Brandt. 50x100 feet of lot 1 and 2.
block 5, Logan's Addition.....' 1400
Georgianna B. Prescott to Edwin
W. Morse, lot 8, block 35, Irving
ton 1
Edwin W. Morse to John H. Mc
Clung. lot 8. block 35, Irvington 950
Isaac Hill and wife to Bertha I
Kay. W. . of lot 4 and E. M of
lot 5. block 14. John lrving's Ad
dition 3500
Thomas Murnane and wife to A. H.
Sprague, lot 1. block 34. Sullivan's
Addition to East Portland 1012
Albert Cleveland and wife to D. E.
Keasey. all that portion of lot 5. ,
block "K" Greenway which lies N.
of right-of-way of Portland Rail
way Company : 1
Bertha Fox. et. al. to Charles H.
Albright and wife, lot 15. block 3
Midway Annex Addition 1400
C. C. Shay and wife to Michael
Walsh and wife, lot 4. block 3.
Bungalow Glade Addition 3300
Joseph Dav to Kate Ward. S. 15
feet of lot 1: the N. 35 feet of lot
1 and N. 20 feet of lot 2. all in
block 3. Strong's Addition 9000
Gustav & Enlma Zippel to Nancy
H. Packard, lot 4. block 6. Dunn's
Add'tion to East Portland 3400
Maude M. Moore to C. C. Harlow,
lot 5 and 7. block 25. First Addition
to Troutdale...- 65
J. E. Werlein; Treas. to J. E. Scott.
W. 10 feet of lot 5 and W. 10 feet
of lot 6. block 142 East Portland.. 6T
Mary and William Holz to Cath
erine Wendel. E. 25 feet of lot 7
and 8, block 109 caruther's Addi
tion 900
William J. Miller and wife to John
Havlik. parcel of land commenc
ing at point where section line be
tween section 28 and 33: T. 2 N.
R. 1. W. la Intersected by a canyon
at center of stream running
through such canyon .500
Arleta Land Company to Cordelia
Braden. lot 6. block 2. Ina Park 60
M. M. and Sarah J. Owen to Viola
A. West subdivision 2 in lot 10.
Newhurst Park Place 200
Lewis Russell to Fidelity Trust Com
pany, lot 8 and 4. block "B" Wil
lamette Heights 3500
A. S. and Rose A. Ellis to Alfred J.
and Rose Collins. W. 17 feet of S.
100 feet of lot . block 2 and E. 17
feet of S. 100 feet of lot 7. block
2. Williams-avenue Addition No. 2 1700
E. F. Cannon and wife to R. A.
Hanna and wife, lot 7 and 8, block
2 Cannon's Addition to East Port
land 450
A. Edgar Beard to Elbridge C. Hay
den, lot 9. and 10. Multnomah Berry
1 ranch 1550
Total J66.540
Ht your abstracts msde tti Security
Jlbrtmrt A- Truwt rn.. 7 rtiarnHr Onmmrr.
Tiooma. "Roomi and BoaM." "Honse
kerplnc Rooms." "Sltaatlona Wanted. 15
word or lem. 15 cents ; 10 to SO word. 20
cents; SI to 25 words, 25 cents, etc. No dls
count for additional Insertions.
"'ew Today," 30 cents for 15 words or lesst
16 to ZO words. 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 50
cents, etc. first Snsertion. Each additional
Insertion, oiwhalfx no farther discount an'
der one month.
"NEW TODAY Cranrs measure a Kate),
15 cents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per
line far each additional insertion.
dressed care The Orejronlan. and left at this
office, should alwaya be Inclosed In sealed
envelopes. No stamp la required on such
The Oreeonlan will not be responsible foe
errors In advertisements taken through the
O. F. Members are requested to attend, the
funeral services of our late brother, Robert
A. Little, of Lewlsvllle Lodge. No. 07. Lewis
vllle. Wash., at Dunning' undertaking pur
lors. at 2 P. H. today (Sunday!. Interment
at La Center. Wash. All members of the
order are Invited to attend.
J. V. SWAN, Secretary,
LADY MACCABEES Attention: The an
nual interstate raJiy of Columbia River hlvee.
Indies of the Macabees. will be held at Keleo,
Wash., on Friday. October 2B. at 10 A. M.,
the date being changed from 27th.
to be given by the Brotherhood of American
Yeomen, at the Western Academy of Music.
Second and Morrison sts., next Wednesday
ev ening. Admission 3 centB.
NO. 1 Will Rive a whist party and dance
Thursday evening. October lis In K.. of P.
Hall, 11th and Alder sts. Refreshments. Ad
mission 15 cents. Friends are invited.
E. M. LANCE. R. K.
WHIST SOCtAL Saturdav evening. Octo
ber 27. by Orphla Temple. No. 18. B. S.. in
Kof P. Hall. .Admission 13 cents. Refresh
ments; all friends invited.
DECORATORS' I'NION of Portland will
meet in Alisky Hall, room .101, corner 3d
and Morrison ats.. at 7:30 Monday night.
VANOSDOL-,-October 111. 100H. to the wife
of Ora Vonosdo! tan employe of the For
est Grove Condensed Milk Factory!. In
South Park. Forest Grove, a daughter,
weighing seven pounds, the parents of
whom are the best-pleased couple In the
- world that It la a girl. Dr. C. L. Large,
POWERS-NICHOLS Miss J. Elizabeth Nich
ols and Ira F. Powers were united in mar
riage Monday afternoon by Dr. F. R. Short.
They will be at home after November 1 at
Victoria Court.
BEAMIS In this city. October 20. 1SOS. Flor
ence ReajniH, aged 8 years. Funeral notice
I hereafter. .
SCHLOTH October 20. 190. at the family
residence, :U0 Sherman street. Mrs. Ida
Schloth, aged 07 years. Funeral notice
TIDCOMBE In this city, October 18. 1006,
at the family residence, 7S5 York street,
Nellie Prances Tldcombe, aged 23 years,
9 months and. 31 days. Friends are re
spectfulVy invited to attend the funeral
services, which will beheld at the above
residence at 2 P. M., Sunday. October
21. Interment Greenwood cemetery.
BABCOCK Friends and acquaintances are re
spectfully Invited to attend the funeral serv
. Ices of Eliza L.. Babcock. which will be held
from the family residence. 548 Taylor st.. at
3 P. M. today. Sunday. Oct. 21. Interment
Oak wood Cemetery. Syracuse. N. Y. Syra
cuse and Seattle papers pleass copy.
L.1TTI-E At his late residence, 015 East
Tenth street North, October 12, lUOtf. Rob
ert A. Little, aped 74 years. Funeral
will take place today (Sunday), October
21, at 2 P. M.. from F. S. Dunnlng's
chapel, corner of East Alder and East
Sixth streets. Memmebrs of the G. A.
R.. I. O. O. F. and friends are respect
fully Invited to attend. Interment at La
Center, Wash.
ressors to Dannlns A Campion, undertaker
and embalmers: modern Inr everr detail; ?ta
and Pins. Phone Main 430. Lady assistant.
EDWARD HOLM AX. Co.. Funeral Director,
t?u 8d st. Lad assistant. Phone M. 507.
J. P. FIN LEY ft SON. Funeral Directors,
No. 181 a St.. cor. Madison. Phone Main 0.
F. 8. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414
Alder, Lady assistant. Phono East 52.
ZELLER-BYRXES CO.. Undertakers. Em
aimers. 273 UummsU. East JOBS. Lady a i t.
s. Lady assistant. Phono Main 01S1.
street, la now open for recaption of puplla.
Vew today.
On Tuesday Next, October 23d
Under instructions from Mrs. E. M.
Du Bois, we have removed the furniture,
carpets, rugs, etc.. from her residence to
our palesrooms for convenience of sale,
enmprismg DAVEJJPORT In dark green
covering, with wardrobe: LIBRARY TA
BLE, box couch. MORRIS CHAIR parlor
ROCKERS in mahogany and quartered
oak: center tables, SECRETARY BOOK
CASE, very neat lounge in velour. lace
curtains, parlor rug. highly polished ped
estal DIXIXO TABLE. 8-foot BUFFET,
box-seat chairs, all in quarter-sawed oak;
enameled IRON BEDS in various colors,
IMPERIAL EDGE felt mattresses, feath
er pillows, comforts, quarter-sawed oak
DRESSERS full swell front and French
plate mirrors CHIFFONIER to matoh;
dressers In other paterns; -size iron bed,
good all-steel springs, commodes, bed
room chairs and stands, several Brus
sels carpets, wool rug 12x12, sideboard,
alr-tiffht heaters large quantity linoleum,
STEEL RANGE, kitchen table and other
effects. The above goods can be viewed
at 10 o'clock.
Xext we sell household goods, carpets,
etc.. for various consignors. What we
offer for sale you will nnd all clean and
ready for the home. Sale at 10 o'clock
BAKER & SON: Auctioneers.
We buy. for cash, household furniture,
carpets, etc. If you have anything to sell
Phone Pacific 1907.
BAjvR & SOX, Auctioneers.
" 052-4 Alder Street.
Auction Sales
By J. T. Wilson
Four Days This Week
At Salesroom, 208 First Street
Monday, Wednesdayjhurs
day, Friday,
at 10 A. M. each day
Monday's and Wednesday's
Comprise Antique Mahogany furniture,
sweet tone New KnRland organ; Gilbert
upright piano; monstrous pair elk
antler: rtnev folding bed Fide-board,
bedroom and dining room furniture; fancy
china, jardiners. glass wers. Guernsey
cooking sets; copper utensels: bedding;
cook Mtoves. gas stoves, ranges! linoleum
and other house furnishings etc.
Thursday's Sale
Fancy and Staple Groceries
Fixtures, Provisions and
Supplies. At Salesroom, 208
First Street. The McArthur
and Whitney Stock removed
from Sellwood. 1
For convenience of sale, the stock
was recently purchased from the whole
sale house and comprises all the different
lines of fancy cooKies. package goods,
cereals, health foods, bottle and canned
goods, spices, teas, coffee, canned meats,
sardines, mackerel, salmon, syrup, ex
tracts, sugar, salt and other items carried
in a first-clajs grocery establishment. In
addition to the groceries, we will sell all
the fixtures, ehow cases, scales, hall
safe. etc.
Friday's Sale
At Salesroom, 208 First Street,
at 10 A. M.
Furniture, Carpets, Stoves
Parlor, dining-room, bedroom and kitch
en equipments, complete housekeeping
outfits, crockery glassware, etc.
NOTE. We pay modern prices for any
thing in the housefurnlshtng line. We
need good: phone Main 1626 if you have
anything to sell.
J. T. WILSON". Auctioneer.
Portland Auction Rooms
Restaurant Auction Sale
On Sixth St., let. Couch and Davis.
Good Location
Neat and clean, everything just like
new: tables, chairs, linen, side-board,
silverware.-' chinaware. glassware, range,
gas plate, mirrors. refrigerator and
everything necessary for a first-class
restaurant. ThU will be offered in
block to parties wishing to continue the
business or sold by the Item as desired.
It must be sold tomorrow. Here is a
bargain for some one. Sale at 10 A. M.
C. L. FORD. Auctioneer. -
Fine Goods
Office furniture includes ronton and flat
top deska. library tables. typewriter
deks. etc.. In Weathered and Rolden oak.
also No. 6 Remington typewriter good
aa new. '
In house furniture we will Fell. MAS
MACHINE and all the sundry chair,
rockers, couches, bedroom suits, carpets,
curtains, heaters, kitchen furniture, etc.
Tomorrow at 2 P. M. sharp we will sell
Buggy, rubber tire worth 1175.
Horse, Harness and Buggy
Horse. Rood driver worth $175.
This is a clean new outfit and must be
sold to the highest bidder. Come sharp
at 2 P. M. tomorrow. 2J1 First street.
Dan't forget our sales on Wednesday and
Friday, lots of good goods Jn the furni
ture line.
C. L. FORD. Auctioneer.
S. I. N. OILMAN, Auctioneer
No. 413 Washington Street
Main H',3.
Great continuation sale of elegant
Household Furniture. Tuesday. October
23 at 10 o'clock A. M. Sale commences
with the elea-ant round 8-ft. extension
table:. Eastern buffet; box dining chairs;
splendid couches in leather: velour
couches and steel range; Koby rugs; chif
foniers and dressers in polished oak; 100
bedcomforters: linoleum, oilcloth: choice
rockers and chairs: all other consignments
of household effects. N. B. This line of
household furniture Is all first claxs and
buyers can save money by attending
sale Tuesday.
The Auction Sale
Will be continued at same place Thurs
day and Friday each day at 10 A. M.
7th St. Quarter
Rffflponnible tenant ready- to take Ionic
lease If pnrrhaaer will erect au I table build
ing; the lnventment will yield a A per cent
net income, on upward of $100,000.
Washington, Corner Third.
over, exchanged; diamonds, piuctoua etone,
loose and mounted; watche. jewelry, re
paired. Uncle V.ent JirWr. 143 3d-Alder.
, 318 "Worcester Building,
fbone Pacific 1807.