The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 21, 1906, Page 16, Image 16

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Portland Agents for Columbia Yarns, Butterick Patterns, La Grecque Corsets, Perrin's Gloves, Ostermoor Mattresses, Willamette Machines
Illilr ' $ Wff In P" This store is busy as a bee-hive these late October Days Throngs of eager buyers daily crowding every flf sjlit ifl ' -
kILtWIN JMIJJI. msttt nook and corner of Portland's Largest and Best Store Enormous stocks of superior quality merchandise at V lpffl lifflllnMiil IMttfj-
.wa I jj'mf f , Fi00ai . the most reasonable prices is the magnet that is bringing to us a phenomenal October business a policy that WM&fe lUJv f II I MW"
iwvU Mli lp has resulted in making The Meier &. Frank Store the "Shopping Center of the Northwest" Mail Orders Filled j yr ' W
i 1 ' 1 i. , n i , . i
$1.75 to $2.25 Gloves 98c Pr.
Special line of women's Suede Gloves one, two and three-clasp styles; pearl or
metal-black, mode and gray; nearly all sizes; regular $1.75 to $2.25; pair. .9S
"Perrin's" 2-clasp Pique Sewn Kid Gloves, in black, white, brown, tan and red,
all sizes; every pair guaranteed. Regular $1.75 values, on sale for P 1
a few days only at this special price, per pair take advantage P "
Women's 12-button length glace Kid Gloves, "Vallier's" famous make ; red: Nile,
light blue, Alice blue and tan broken line of sizes. Regular $3.00 pair. .$2.39
Women's 85 c- $ 1.25 Hosiery 69 c
Women's Knit Underwear
Five Exceptional Bargains
Five great special values in Women's
Knit Underwear Best styles and
grades in just the weights yon want
for immediate wear The shrewd
buyer will do well to look to her needs
Women's "Harvard Mills" heavy all-wool
ribbed Vests and Pants, natural and white;
beautifully finished, all sizes, perfect-fitting
Underwear ; regular $2.00 value C? IQ
at the low price of, each "Hr
Women's extra fine lightweight natural wool
Union Suits, perfect-fitting ' garments ; all
sizes; $1.75 values, on 6ale at fl 1 IQ
this special low price, garment. r
Women 's fine Merino Vests, with high neck
and long sleeves ; ankle length pants ; me
dium weight, unshrinkable; all QQ.
sizes; best $1.25 values for
Women's medium weight white cotton Vests
and Pants long sleeve vests, ankle length
pants; all sizes; regular 65c values,
on sale at this special low price rTV
Complete stock of "Ypsilanti," "Munsing"
and "Harvard Mills" Underwear for women
silk, lisle, wool ; all styles; all grades, best
values. Mail orders carefully filled.
Men's and boys' Winter Underwear a com
plete stock best values. '
$45.00 "Peninsular" Ranges for $36.50
$42.00 "Peninsular" Ranges for $33.40
Two lots of "Peninsular" Steel Ranges, made of heavy planished steel, asbestos
lined, duplex grate burn wood or coal; handsome nickel trimmings 50 per cent
more heating and cooking capacity than any other make ten years' guarantee.
6-hole, size 18 Regular $45.00 model, for this special low price 36.50
6-hole, size 16 Regular $42.00 model, on sale at this special low price S33.40
"Peninsular" Hickory wood Heaters, 19-inch size ; one of our best mod-. Q C
els. fully guaranteed; great Heater special at this low-price.: P
Pacific Oak wood or coal heater, 13-inch sizerfull nickel-trimmed; 100 fcP 1 A
of them to be sold at this special low-price, each Basement P "
Stoves and Ranges on sale in the basement 100 models to select from. See them.
Men's Raincoats $ 1 2.50 to $35
Men's Suits $15.00 to $35.00
Our Winter showing of "Priestley's"
Raincoats is by far the largest and
most complete in the city Every gar
ment the genuine Priestley "Craven
ette" Very latest and best styles made
extra long in neat gray effects Quar-
tor llTl H tin m cillr cloovo linirv o-
gjC J?$ All sfees at prices ranging from $ 1 2.50
up iu j.w a sarnveni oecona r loor
Men's Suits $15 to $35
Men's Suits the display to be found in
our Second Floor Clothing Store is
equal to any to be found in the city and7
according to our method of marking
merchandise, there's a saving of fully
25 on every garment purchased here.
All the latest fashions and materials
Every reputable maker is represented.
Stein-Bloch Co. ; Hart, Schaffner (b
Marx; L. Adler Bros. &. Co.; The Wash
ington Co. and others Regulars,
stouts and slims Very large variety
at prices ranging from $15 up to $35
.'id "
In the Hosiery Department tomorrow we place on sale a great lot of odds and ends
in women's fine Hosiery, embroidered,' lisles,' lace lisles; boot and allover novel
ties ; "beautiful styles in large assortment ; all high-grade stockings;
values ranging from S5c to $1.25 a pair; yonr choice while, they last 4
pt this extraordinarily low price, the pair, 69 cents
- Great special values in boys' and girls' School Hose, all grades. Women's Out
size Hosiery entire stock "at special prices take advantage. Send for catalogue.
Women's New Tailored Suits
$30.00 Valnes Gt $22.45
In the Cloak Store for Monday and .Tues
day shoppers we have the best suit bargain
of the season 100 of them, all new up-to-date
styles secured from a prominent New
York manufacturer at a price far below
value Garments that will please the most
fastidious buyers Splendid variety to se
lect from, including Pony Jacket styles,
Prince Chap, blouse or tight fitting styles,
medium or long lengths in all of the sea
son's popular materials checks and plaids
navy, brown, green, gray and black, all
sizes suits most stores would ask you $35
for Our $30 values for your choosing
day at the '
low price
New Coats in silk and wool are being
received by every express The very
latest fashions personally selected
by our Cloak Chief, . Mr. Ludwig
Hirsch now in the Eastern market
Men's Furnishing Goods
Men's pure linen Hemstitched "Handkerchiefs, at the low price of -2 for. . 25
Men 's super .weight natural wool Underwear, " Shirts and Drawers ; regu- OQ .
lar $1.00 values, at. the remarkably .low price of, per garment. ...... .OC
Men's corded madras, pleated Shirts; light grounds, with small dots CJ 1 1 C
and figures; all sizes; $1.50. values, on sale at the. low price of . .r U
200 dozen men's fancy Half Hose; all ' the newest styles;-' plaids, figures
and embroidered effects; all sizes, great variety; 35c and 25c values, 1 Q,
on sale at this low price, per pair anticipate your Winter needs
Meier & Frank's celebrated Dress Kid Gloves for men; every pair Ql ' t C
guaranteed; $1.50 values on sale at this low price, pair. ..........
'Men's Winter Underwear, Hosiery and Sweaters on sale at the. lowest prices.
Lace, Spangled Robe Specials
Magnificent Lace and Spangled Robes at
greatly reduced prices Exquisite styles
for evening and reception wear Grand
variety. Greatest values we ever offered
Beautiful .-white and colored Net CL' QQ
Robes, up to $10, on sale at, each. . 0.0
"White figured Net Robes in exclusive tfQ
styles, values to $15, on sale at...V'OJ
White and cream Lierre Robes, hand- fl? Q QO
some styles, $16 values, at, each.. V -'-'O
$20.00 Lierre Eobes on sale at . . .$13.95
$25-00 Lierre" Bobes on sale at. .... ... 19.75
' Black and Silver Spangled Robes, magnificent
. srvles and wonderfuL values, at
$12.00 Robes. . S8.95 $15 Robes. . $9.95
$18.50 Robes. .$13.50 ' $25 Robes. .$19.75
Great special lot of Evening Nets, in pink, blue,
red, yellow 45 inches wide;-values 75c
and Soc a yard; your choice at, yard. .
2000 yards of new Swiss Corset Coverings, splen
did variety of .the very best. designs;, CQ
regular $1.25 values, on sale at, yard.. JC
SwisSv and .Nainsook Embroidery .and insertion
dainty patterns" for children's "wear ' 1 0
1 to. 4 inches wide ; 30c values, at, yard. C
' Small. lot of 500 yards Batiste Embroidery and
insertion,- exquisite designs, in .French- effects,
, for lingerie waists, etc.; values up t.Qfl
. $4.00 yard, for this low price. . ....... 'OG
25c and 35c Ribbons at 17c Yd.
20,000 yards of choice satin Taffeta and silk Taffeta Ribbons, in a complete assort
ment of colors; black, white, navy, brown, green, red, cardinal, garnet, 1 f?
pink, light blue, lavender, yellow, etc.; best 25c, 35c quality, on sale at. '
i rn e nr Great special lot of women 's all pure silk Girdles and Belts
$ 1 .OO to 33.QQ fancy shirred and button-trimmed effects all staple colors ; val
BELTS at 73c ues ranging from $1.00 to $3.00 each; your choice at ff'f
this wonderfully low price J each
500 Pairs of Lace Curtains
$9.00 Values at $4.95 Pr.
Value extraordinary in light grade Lace Curtains An importer's
line of Irish Point at about one-half their real value all the new
est and most approved styles ivory and beige colors plain cen
ters and detached figures with neat Swiss Renaissance effect bor-
ders and insertings, made
on the best nets 500 pairs
in the lot 20 handsome
patterns to select from
Values up to $9 a pair to
sold at this phenome-
k Him i wmi. r'Hi per pr
See 5th st. window display
Mail orders carefully filled
Custom shade and drapery
work our specialty, best
materials and workmanship
Our expert drapers are al
ways at your service, esti
mates cheerfully given on
any work Private Ex. 4
Send for new Fall Catalogue
$8.50 Trunks $7.05 Each
32-inch canvas-covered Trunks; waterproof painted, cloth-faced, brass trimmings,
one tray, two leather straps over the top, sheet-iron bottom, strongly f
built throughout; regular $8.50 value, on sale at this low price VJ
24-inch full ' stock leather Suit Cases; figured . linen lined, drop shirt fold,
brass lock and trimmings; our best $7.00 . Suit Case, on sale-at $5.50
243ncb. genuine Keratol Suit Cases; linen lined; handsome, durable C0
Suit Case; regular $3.00 value, on sale at this low price vJJ
18-inch full leather Club Bag; leather lined, leather-covered frame, CJfe
brass lock and catches; $4.25 values for this special price V''
The largest and best selected stock of Trunks and Traveling Bags to be found
on the Coast. Every good size and style is represented. Third Floor.
250 New Plaid Silk Waists
$8.50 Values $4.45 Each
In the Waist Section A great special sale of
new, stylish Plaid Silk Waists is announced for
tomorrow 2 5Q of them, plaids and stripes in
handsomest designs and color combinations
Trimmed in plain silk with braid and buttons
Green, light blue, navy, brown, red, lavender.
black and-white Very large variety All
sizes Waists selling regularly at $8.50 each
Your choice while they last at
this surprisingly low price, each
No Mail Orders Will Be Filled Second Floor
$ 1 .25 Brussels $1 .03 Yard
For. one week we will sell our celebrated Cordova Brussels Carpets, regular $1.25
value, at $1.03 yard. The best Brussels Carpet on the market for j
' hard wear. ' Oriental designs and figured effects. : Sewed, laid, lined. P VJO
Closing out 12 patterns of our famous Hostelry Brussels Carpets the best carpet on
the market for the price; splendid variety of patterns and colorings.1 Regular
$1.05 value, sewed, laid and lined at this special low price. Housewives O
should investigate.' Sewed, laid and lined, yard............ vl C
Our Carpet Department is prepared to furnish estimates on any size contract for
floor coverings. The largest and best stock in the city to select from, and work
shop facilities that insure prompt and satisfactory execution of all orders. 3d Floor.