31 plans for the year's -work. As the past season was so successful, a decision was THE SUNDAY cOREGONfAXt rORTLAXD,. OCTOBER 14, 1906. Chyyyy.. (&yf&X Out-of-Town Orders will receive ChlSfFSytr feWrSl" PWragf Prompt attention. All goods guar- VMynM4 'HBha-l f anteed to be exactly as advertised ynwrftrfrwi 1 J C. made that each hostess, as formerly, fur nish the programme for her special aft ernoon. Mrs. John T". Logan will be the hostess Tuesday, October 23, at her home, SS Bast Sixth street. Benjamin Holman and his wife, for merly Miss Ethel Walters, have returned from their wedding trip to Banff. . Miss Alita, Una Arriek. whose picture appears In the society columns today, is one of the most brilliant pianists in the city, and gifted with a sweet sopra.o voice. Under the leadership of J. Adrian Kpping. of the Western Academy of Music, Miss Arrlck has been assisting In the musleal programme of the Fruit Festival at Hood River during the past week, where her piano solos and accompanying met with the highest appreciation. Mis. Frank I.ee Hunter arrived from San Francisco for the Prael-Keed wedding Tuesday. NANCY LEE. EVENTS OF THE WEEK. I'rominent among the week's sooial events in Salem, was the "Kitchen Shower," given by Miss Cecilia Haines at her charming home. No 14S Marion street, Wednesday afternoon, at which a number of young ladies were enter tained in honor of Miss Morec Fawk. The house decorations were in keep ing with the occasion, red hearts pre vailing in all the rooms. The hall stairway was banked with ivy find red holly berries, while beautiful potted ferns were also used. Garlands of ivy and red hearts were suspended from the corners of the room to the chande lier in the front parlor, while bou ouets of red cut flowers also made a prety effect. The dining-room was especially beautiful with a wealth of Autumn leaves In their red tints. The table was dainty in its appointments. A large fern ball was suspended over it. from which satin ribbon streamers were suspended to the corners of the, table, held in place with large clusters of holly berries. "Hearts" were play ed, Miss Moree Fawk winning the first prize, a handsome vase, while Mrs. Krnest Wiggins received the second prize, a pretty Egyptian Inkstand. Miss Fawk was presented with a beautifully trimmed cake, which contained a ring, inptured by Miss Lenna Cavanaugh, and a thimble by Mrs. Mulkey. Mrs. James Waltom. Jr., of Portland, was among the guests. On last Saturday evening Mrs. Ed ward Alden Beals entertained with a delightful musicale. The guest of honor was Miss Jeanette McMillan, of Chicago. The following impromptu programme was rendered: Vocal duet, "O Wert Thou In the Cauld Blast" (Mendelssohn). Miss Nancy Beals and Mis. Sidney Rasmussen; piano, "Scher zo" (Goetze), Miss Margaret Palmer; song, "Love In the Southland" (Can field). Miss Frances Bingham; piano, "Valse Op. '42" (Chopin), Miss Jeanette McMillan; "Alria from Roberto" (Meyerbeer), Miss Elizabeth Harwas; vocal duet, "There Let Me Rest" (Greene), Misses Nancy Beals and Frances Bingham; violin obligate by Miss Ziphora Harris; piano solo, "Gnomenreigen" (Liszt!, Miss Maud Bell; "Bedouin Love Song" (Pisutl), Mr. Charles McPherson; violin (a) "Traumerei" (Schuman), (b) "Kular viak" ( Weiniawski), Miss Ziphora Har ris; song, "Spring's Awakening" (Dud ley Buck), Miss Elizabeth Harwas; pi ano. "Polonaise" (Liszt), Miss Jeanetta McMillan, song. "Sing Me to Sleep" (Green), Miss Hazel Brown; "Slave Song" (Del Rigo). Miss Nancy Beals. After the programme, refreshments were served by Misses Nancy Beals, Kllzabeth Harwas and Frances Bing ham. A farewell reception was given to Rev. and Mrs. George Ellis at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paine. University Park, on Tuesday last. Rev. Mr. Ellia was admitted on probation Into the Ore gon Conference of the Methodist Epis copal Church at its recent session and appointed to Coquille and Bandon. That he leaves the University Park Church with the good wishes of its membership was evidenced by the large company present and the beautiful gifts given as tokens of esteem and friendship. Re freshments were served and a programme of music was rendered. A presentation speech by Mrs. E. Everts and response by Mr. Ellis, with singing "God Be With You," and prayer by the pastor. Rev. D. A. Wolters, closed a pleasant evening. Rev. Mr. Ellis and family leave by boat for their new home Friday night. Mi s. Maurice M. Binford gave a unique postal card tea Friday afternoon, Octo ber 5, 1H0S, at her home, 47 East Seven teenth street, North, in honor of her mother, Mrs. J. W. Grout, of Oregon City. The afternoon was pleasantly passed with games and music, prizes being won by Mrs. Ed L. Story, Mrs. A. J. Montgomery and Mis Maggie Reilly. Souvenir postal cards were in evidence throughout all the games. Dainty re freshments were served by the hostess. The place cards were souvenir postals. Those present were: Mrs. A. J. Mont gomery. Mrs. Minnie Ralph, Mrs. George Weiss. Mrs. Fred Miller, Mrs. John Laue, Mrs. George Munro, Mrs. M. McGeehan. Mrs. Chris Schubel. Mrs. Ed Story, Mrs. J. L. Swafford, Miss Maggie Reilly and Mrs. J. W. Grout, of Oregon City. Mrs. William E. Prudhomme entertained fifteen tiny tots and their mothers at her beautiful home, 794 Irving street, Sat urday afternoon, October 6, in honor of the second birthday anniversary of her little daughter. Frances Bernadette. Miss Frances guests were: Misses Aileen Cooke, Vera and Klois Prudhomme and Marie Burke; Masters Jack Klosterman, Graham Taylor Bennett, Norbert Kavan augh, John Heilyer, Worthlngton Archer, Jack Herlng. Jordan Burke, Wilben Prud homme. Bert Bernard and Lew Tyrell. The decorations were autumn leaves, ferns, roses and potted plants. Mrs. Prudhomme was assisted by her mother, Mrs. Norden, and sisters, Mises France Norden and Lorena Prudhomme, and Mrs. E. L. Dodson, recently from New York. Mi.is Virginia D. Ncwby, whose wedding is to take place October 15. was given a linen shower by about 25 of her young friends at her home. 1S1 Gibbs street. Vocal selections were rendered by Misses Jennie E. Malley, Emma Barnecoff and .Margaret Welch. Miss Ada Matthews and Mildred Riggs recited very cleverly. Decorations consisted of la France rose buds. Those present were: Ollie Shan non. Rosle Schrowder. Rose Hrihshka. Es ne May, Emma Barnecoff, Ethel Barnc toff. Effle Barnecoff, Anna-V. Newby, Es ther Segal, Mollie Segal, Anna Segal. C.retchen Kurth, Nettie Hoggsett, Mar garet McNeill. Helen Cundlach, Emma I'no, Jennie E. Malley. Ada Matthews, Mildred Riggs. Vesta Young, Margaret Webb, Mrs. Ribbs and Myrtle E. Long. Eureka Council, No. 204, Knights and l.Huics of Security, had public installa tion of officers lust Monday evening at their hall in the Auditorium. About SO members of the Willamette Council of Oregon City were present. Their staff and installing officers installed Eureka's . officers u a very creditable maiintr. after which Ice cream and cake were served. The officers-elect are ms follows: President, F. JqpHn: first vice-president, Mrs. Florence E. Mutch; second vice-president, J. C. Johnson; prelate, Mrs. M. E. Bergie; conductress, Mrs. L. L). Feeney: financier, T. H. Thomas; secretary, Mrs. M. L. Johnson; sentinel. Mrs. Mollie Wells; musician. Mrs. Schacht; trustees, S, F. Burns, D. C. Wells and William Wolkan. Mrs. Frank Plympton gave a kitchen shower Friday afternoon, September for her cousin, Miss Florence Graham. The rooms were decorated In Autumn 'uives Tind the dining-room in garden II- f ft i - s- -Ms -? IliY v" 1 . lis- vegetables and fruit. A dainty luncheon was served. Those who accepted Mrs. Plympton's hospitality were: Mrs. O. P. Graham, Mrs. Wlnterbotham, Mrs. Leigh ton, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. S. J. Plympton, Mrs. Cratn, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. James Abbott, Mrs. Bampied. Mrs. Ortley Plympton, Mrs. H. N. Burdin, Mrs. Sprague Burdin. Miss Inez Craln, Miss Leila Wlnterbotham. Miss Gertie Graham, Miss Mabel Strahn. The Alhambra Clug gave its opening party of the season last Thursday even ing at the Auditorium Hall. Parsons' orchestra furnished popular music. The patronesses were Mrs. VV. T. Ftnnigan, Mrs. W. N. Robinson. Mrs. William Brandes, Mrs. George Covach. Mrs. W. Bowman and Mrs. William Kerrigan. Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson, 320 Union avenue north, gate a birthday party the evening of October 7 in honor of W. O. White, of Woodlawn. The house was beautifully decorated in ferns, roses, .chrysanthemums and autumn leaves. Mrs. Henry Lettow sang several selections, and whist was played. First prizes were won by Mrs. Harry Adams and Frank White: consolation prizes by Mrs. Frank Mobery and Leon Cowles. The hostess was assisted by Mrs. W. O. White and Mrs. R. H. Oliver. Mrs. J. P. Kennedy and Mrs. F. M. Gray assisted in serving. Monday evening. October 8. a very en joyable stein shower was given Mr. and Mrs. Alexander A. Charnig at their home, S9'4 Seventeenth street, by their nu merous friends. The evening was spent very enjoyably in games, cards and music. Each of the guests presented the couple with a stein and the hit of the evening was a loving cup presented to them by Mrs. Charnlg's father. B. Klely. of Kennett, Cal. Each of the guests present drank from It to the health of the couple, who have just been newly married. Mrs. Fred Lind was .tendered a sur prlse Tuesday afternoon at her home CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE BY Mr. Clarence C. Eaton, C. S. B. OF TACOMA. Member of the Christian Selene e' Board of Lectureship of the First ' Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass. ' AT THE HEILIG THEATER Thursday Evening, October 18th, 1906, at 8 o' Clock Given under auspices of First and Second Churches of Christ, Scientist. ADMISSION FREE Reserved seats may be had without charge at the box office at 10 A. M., Wednesday, October 17. extraordinary Value G ivm g EXTRA 3000 yards of heavy Cotton Crash; 17 inches wide very absorb ent; this is a regular 7'-zc grade. Sale "5 EXTRA 30 dozen Bureau Scarfs and Squares, embroidered and open work designs; regular 50c value; spe cial 2oy EXTRA ."iO pieces best loc grade Flannelettes, light and dark colors, 36 inches wide; swell new designs; special lSSVi EXTRA 60 dozen Loom Dice NapT kins, size 16x16 inches; extra quality, for hotel and restaurant ; special, per dozen ; 55 Monday and Tuesday You can hardly afford to overlook these great savings on every-day necessities, especially when you are sure of getting goods of reliability and unquestioned merit. We expect hundreds of Portland women to take quick notice of this great sale of household supplies and lay in a supply for the months to come. Table Linens, Towels, Crashes, Blankets, Comforters, Bedspreads, Sheets and Pillow Cases, Lace Curtains, Scrims, Drap eries, Fancy Linens, etc., etc., are all included in this great three-day sale. EXTRA White Bedspreads, good size, about ten dozen in this lot; sev eral different patterns; a regular Hoc grade; special 6S EXTRA Best grade Outing Flannel, in new patterns, light or dark colors; regular 12 l-2e kind 10J EXTRA Best 10c grade of Outing Flannel in new patterns, light and dark colors; extra heavy fleece; spe cial, yard 8 l-3 EXTRA Best 10c grade of Flannel ettes choice selection of new pat terns ; 27 inches wide, light or dark ; special 8 l-3 Sale of Table Linens SPECIAL 58-Inch Loom Dice Table Damasks, made especially for restaurant and hotel use; best 45c value; special, per vard SPECIAL 60-inch Silver Bleached Table Damask, extra heavy and good wearing quality, several different patterns; spcl.. yd.29 SPECIAL 60-inch Bleached Ta ble Damask, extra heavy, fine, soft finish: this is a standard 60c value; special, yard SPECIAL AO-Inch Mercerized Ta ble Damask. 8 different patterns to pick from, soft satin finish; best Sf)c Krade; special, vd . uOc SPECIAL 72-inch Silver Bleached Table Damask; the usual 75c grade; choice of several new patterns; special, a yard...50d SPECIAL 72-Inch Bleached Ta ble Damask, extra heavy, dou ble warp, new 1906 designs; a good Soc value; special, yd-65 SPECIAL 72-inoh Bleached Ta ble Damask, warranted all pure linen -and a standard Jl.DO grade: special, yard 75J SPECIAL 66-Inch Silver Bleached Table Damask, strictly all-llnen; worth $1.00 a yard; special, yard 75C SPECIAL 72-inch Double" Satin Table Damask, warranted all pure linen; best $1.25 value; special, per yard 95C SPECIAL 72-incii Pure Linen Ta ble Damask; an extra heavy grade and standard $1.65 value; special, yard SI. 25 Wool Blankets, Comforters SPECIAL 13-4 size White Wool Blankets, red. blue and pink borders; best $4.50 quality: extra heavy; special, pair 83.35 SPECIAL 11-4 White Wool Blankets, a standard $5.50 quali ty, rod. blue and pink borders: special, a pair $3.95 SPECI A L Gray Wool Blankets, full 10-4 size and an extra jtood weight; sell regularly at $5.5": special, pair S3. 95 SPECIAL 11-4 Mottled Gray Wool . Blankets, best grade of wool; standard $6.60 value; special, pair ! S5.75 SPECIAL 11-4 Scarlet Wool Blankets of extra good weight; usually sell at $7.50 a pair: spe cial, pair '. $6.00 SPECIAL Irftrge size Cotton Killed Comforters, light and daj-R colors and a regular $1.3.1 irrade: an extra special at. each SI. 19 SPECIAL An extra large Cotton Filled Comforter, good covering and good weight; regular $1.65 value; special $1.35 SPECIAL White Cotton Filled Comforters, hand tufted with choice selection of coverings: best $L'.50 grade: spl.. ea.S1.95 SPECIAL Extra large Comforter, filled with pure wiiite cotton, hand tufted, good winter weight: $:t.00 value; special $2.15 SPECIAI Cotton Sheet Blankets, made extra large in white or gray: usual 85c grade; an extta special, pair 65e Table Napkins SPECIAL Red border Table Napkins, size 17x17' inches; special, dozen 65 SPECIAL Loom Dice Napkins, size 20x20 inches; good grade; dozen... 6o SPECIAL-Bleached Table Napkins, extra heavy, 20x20 inches; per dozen ... .1.15 SPECIAL Mercerized Napkins, 20x20 .$1.65 value; special, per dozen $1.35 SPECIAL Mercerized Napkins, size 22x22 inches, $1.7o value; per dozen $1.50 SPECIAL Linen Table Napkins, size 20x20, $2.00 value, per dozen $1.65 SPECIAL Table Napkins, full 24x24 ins.; $2.50 grade, per dozen $1.95 SPECIAL All linen Table Napkins, 24x24, $5.00 grade, per dozen $3.95 A Towel Sale SPECIAL Fed-bordered Huck Towels regular 7c value, special, each 5 SPECIAL-Hemmed Huck Towels, size 17x27; 8c value, special, each SPECIAL 16x32 Hemmed Huck Towels regular 10c grade, special, each 8 SPECIAL Hemstitched Huck Towels, 17x :-t.'t inches, 15c value, special 10 SPECIAL White Huck .Towels, extra large. 22x3!) ins.; 18c value, speeial.l2H SPECIAL Knotted fringe Linen Towels, colored borders; 50c value, special. .25 SPECIAL Bath Towels, 19x48 inches heavv double warp; special, each. .12', SPECIAL Bath Towels, 24x44 inches, dou ble warp; 30c value, special.. 21 Curtain Specials SPECIAL-Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 2'-'. yds. long, stripe patterns; 75c value.. 50 SPECIAL Ruffled Swiss Curtains, border of tine tucks, 2' yards, Soc value... 60 SPECIAL-Ruffled Swiss Curtains, 2V-, yds. long, dot patterns; $1.25 value.. 955 SPECIAL-Ruffled Swiss Curtains, lace stripe design; 3 yards long; special .. .95 SPECIAL Ruffled Swiss Curtains, very fine grade, $1.50 value; special SI. 19 SPECIAL Ru f f led Bobbinettc Curtains, white and Arabian, $1.50 value. . .81.25 SPECIAL-Ruffled Bobbinette Curtains Battenberg edge and insertion full 3 yards long and regular $2.50 value; sp'l..$i.95 Vi Umbrella Sale Umbrellas for men and women gloria silk top, strong frame choice assortment of handles; our regular $2.00 grade, special, choice $1.47 Umbrellas for men and women, rainproof coyer, strong frame; horn, silver and wood handles; regular $l.o0 grade $1.15 JUST RECEIVED, A SHIPMENT OF NEW CLOAKINGS, 56 INCHES WIDE, IN THE NEW GRAY MIXED EFFECTS IN LIGHT, DARK COLORS SPEC'L PRICES CORNER THIRD AND MORRISON STREETS Umbrella Sale 10 dozen men's extra strong Umbrellas a good $1.25 grade ; carved wood handles; choice, each 75 Women's $5.00 Umbrellas with silk and linen cover; gold, sil ver and pearl handles; a great assort m't to select fr'm.$2.97 at River View in honor of her birth day. A musical programme was given and a- bountiful luncheon served. Mrs. Lind received some handsome gifts. . The Sewing Club of Lincoln-Garfield Corps, W. R. C. commenced the season's campaign Tuesday, September 25, at the home of Mrs. Samuel Downs, at St. Johns. Mrs. Downey served the lucheon. Last Tuesday the club met with Mrs. Nellie Clapp at Kern Park. Many orders have beeen received and work Is pro gressing favorably. Miss Eva Clapp served the lunch. Mrs. Penwell, of George Wright Corps, and Mrs. Bowen. ot Sumner Corps, were visitors; also Miss Charlotte Tabor, granddaughter of the vice-president, Mrs. Mary B. Janney. Mrs. A. A. Bailey entertained the Tues day Afternoon Club at her home at Mounf Tabor. At roll-call the ladies responded (Continue-! on Tape ::v ) Exclusive Apparel For Social Functions The Fall seSkon is in full sway, and we are in readiness to meet the demands for it. The beautiful creations displayed during: the past few weeks are but a glimpse, a premonition, as it were, of what we have in store for you. It was impossible to show all, and have artistic displays. The smartest conceptions of every Parisian design are represented in our as sortments of Women's Costumes, Suits and Coats; advanced ideas, correct lines, soft, beautiful color ings, newest fabrics and artistic trimmings, about sum up what go to make these the original and individual creations that they are. Women's Smart Costumes of soft, clinging fabrics laces, crepe, meteor and chiffons in Empire, Princess and other newest models," $50.00 to $250.00 Novelties in Furs Continuation of Our $15.00 Suit Sale One hundred and twenty Suits are ready for tomorrow's sale. You can readily understand the reason of the enormous sales of the past week when you see- the fine suits. The material in these suits is exceptionally good; plaids, checks c f A and solid colors; cleverest suits ever shown for. $13 UU $6 Trimmed Hats for $3.98 MODELED BY OUR BEST DESIGNERS, with the sole idea of producing the highest possible style character, combined with practical value. How well they have succeeded you'll be able to decide for yourself when you see them. ; It's our opinion that no better Hats were ever offered at values up To rko to $6.00 than these at b5,y O Fourth and Morrison LVERFIELD' Fourth and Morrison Our varied and extensive assort ment of Novelty Fur Neck Pieces and Muffs has merited and re ceived the approval of discrimi 'ndting fur buyers from every sec tion of the country. The care shown in the selection of the skins, the taste displayed in the styles chosen, and the skillful workman ship exhibited in their manufac ture, being manufactured in our own factory on the third floor of our establishment, are plainly ap parent to everyone that has visit ed our Fur Department, and the universal opinion is that we have far surpassed all previous efforts in the beauty and richness of our showing. Alaska Seal Coat Everywhere acknowledged to be the finest Seal Coats made, are made by us, and made to your order; George Rice's London Dye, at prices from $50 to $100 less than any other Portland Fur House. Money refunded if not so. FURS OF ALL KINDS REPAIRED AND REMODELED AT THE LOWEST POSSD3LE PRICES. For Monday's Special $5.85 French Coney Set Four-in-Hand Tie and Muff; good value ?9.50