THE SUNDAY O REG O XI AN, PORTLAND. OCTOBER, 7, 1906. 27 HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. 6. ARMY ABLE-BOD-led unmarried men. beiwn aces of -21 and 3,-.. citizens of United State of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read or write English. Apply to Recruiting Officer, Atnsworth block, 3d and Oak t.. Portland. Or. 6TR0NG TOUNd MEN. GOOD SIGHT AND hearing, for firemen and brakemen on- Ore-. Bon and other railroad; experience unneces sary ; firemen $l'o monthly, become en gineers and earn $200; brakemen $76,- become conductor and earn $150; name position referred; state ago. Send stamp. Address 40, Oreguulan. ' AGENTS WHO ARB HUSTLERS BIG money-selling articles of dally use to men; want men capable of handling large terri tory and working it thoroughly; full particu lars to those who mean business; give ref erences and state present line. H. J. Kline. Adrian, Mick. BALESMAN EXPERIENCED IN ANY line, to sell general trade in Oregon an unexcelled specialty proposition; to nil va cancy October 1. balance of this year and 1107; commissions with $35 weekly. Ths Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, O. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON with a full line of soaps, perfumes and flavoring extracts; furnishing ths $2 for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $:M) week ly advance. F. F. Cook. Sales Dept., De troit. Mich. HEN TO PREPARE FOR RAILWAY MAIL clerk, letteroarrler and custom-house serv ice; over 60 other positions paying from 500 to $250 and up; our evening course of study qualifies you. W. C. C. 8.. 513 McKay Bldg. TRAVELING SALESMAN TO HANDLE ths finest leather-soled rubber boot line on the markut as sideline on commission; state territory now traveling, references required. Rubber Hide Co., Denver, Colo. MEN AND WOMEN" TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks; graduates earn from $13 to 125 weekly; expert Instruct ors; catalogue free. Moler System of Col lege. 85 N. 4th St., Portland. "WANTED TO MEET A YOUNO MAN WITH a few hundred dollars, that can give his time to the formntlon of a large Oregon cor poration; money secured. Answer, with ref erences. N 44, Orcgonlan. WANTED SALESMAN FOR WHOLESALE liquor house for Washington and Oregon; must be acquainted with the trade; no other need apply. Call 164 Second st. WANTED A MAN TO HANDLE WELL Es tablished business in Oregon City and Clackamas county; must furnish surety bond and wagon. G 45, Oregonian. WANTED WELL-DRESSED MAN. CAPA ble of earning $40 a week, to call upon business and professional men. Apply be tween 8 and 12 A. M. to J. D. Miller, -415 Columbia bldg. iWANTED GOOD, RELIABLE SALESMAN, one who has had experience in grocery preferred. Address T 42. care Oregonian. stating age, experience and salary expect ed. Alen and women to learn watchmaking, engrav ing, Jeweler work, optica, easy terms: posi tions guaranteed; money made learning. Watchmkg-Engrav. Ech'l, 142a 4th av. Seattle .WANTED 20 SWAMPERS AT GOOD wages, 28 miles from Portland and one mils from R. R. Apply Western Cpg. Co., SOS Btearns bldg.. Portland; also at Houlton, Or. 'IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE YOU IN salesmanship, secure you position a travel ing salesman srith responsible firm. Address ths Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS TO INTRODUCE THE GREATEST horticultural wonder Purbank's new stone less plum. Miracle. . Big pay; permanent position. Chlco Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN. 17 TO 19 YEARS old. to start as office boy in large whole sale, house-. Rapid promotion as soon as ability la shown. R 54. Oregonian. NEWSPAPER AND PROGRAMME ADVER tlslng solicitors wanted: commission; ad vertising contracts cashed upon accept ance. . 6o3 Goodnough bldg. -80 PER MONTH, EXPENSES ADVANCED, men to travel, post signs, advertise and leave samples, Saunders . Co., dept. 6, Jackson Blvd., Chicago. 'BOOKKEEPER AND OFFICE MAN MUST be good penman and good at flgifvs. State age, experience and ealary expeoted. Ad dress R 41. Oregonian. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED MAN WHO understands and Is willing to do all kinds of farm work. -Wages $80 a month. -Address T 87, Oregonian.' WANTED TWO OR THREE! FIRST-CLASS all-sound -machine men: permanent posi tion, good -wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co.. Macadam Road. WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD some experience in country newspaper office. Apply personally Dally Star. Ore gon City. Or. .YOUNG MAN ACQUAINTED WITH CITY to drive liquor wagon and work in store; single man preferred; references. P 42, Oregonian. WANTED A FEW CAPABLE SALESMEN for Washington. Oregon and California; Al portions for good men. Address A 44, Ore gorrlan. WANTED BY EASTPRX A WESTERN Lumber Co. at Camp No. 3. Eufaula. Waeh.. 8 head falters, 8 second fallers; good wages. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED LADIES' iacket and coatmaker. Write Harris & isher. 616 Mohawk blk., Spokane, - Wash. I WANTED MAN WITH HORSE TO HAN dle collections; must furnish references. Singer Sewing Machine 'Co.,-402 Washington. 'UNION LATHERS WANTED $3 PER 1000; 50 cents extra for -coves. Master Plasterers Association, 425 15th St., Oakland. Cat. . 'WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, etc.: good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. . -WANTED FIRST-CLASS CANDYMAKER, capable of taking charge of factory. Good salary. Address F 43, Oregonlan.- CUTTERS, LASTERS AND OTHER SHOE makers; steady work. Washington Shoe Manufacturing Co.. Seattle,- Wash. - . WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO WORK In slock, also an errand boy. Apply to Lowengart &.Co., 92 Front St. ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK IN FURNI turo store; must have good references and experience. T 49, Oregonian. WANTED FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICT. tnrs to Introduce Dust Clean. Apply at 834 Alder rt.. bet. 4:30 and B:30. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN, FAMILIAR WITH machinery, for shop work; chance for ad vancement. 130 Front st. BOYS WITH WHEEL WANTED IMME dlately. Apply at superintendent's office Olds, Wormian & King. .WANTED AT ONCE. A OOOD 8TOVE mounter. Apply to Albion Stove- Works Limited, Victoria, B. C. . ' WANTED GOOD UPHOLSTERER ; MAY accept as partner. The Reliable Furniture Repair Co., 300 First st. WANTED A COUNTRY PRINTER. RAP Id adsetter. Apply at onca Dally - Star, Oregon City. Or. YOUNG MAN FOR LIGHT JANITOR WORK In exchange for tuition In business college. T 4fV, Oregonian. BOY WANTED TO WORK ABOUT TWO hours each day after school. Apply 00 1st St., Monday morning. WANTED YOUNG MAN ABOUT 16 YEARS old. Apply Mt. Hood Factory. 2d and Couch, after A. M. EXPERIENCED SEWER DIGGER; STEADY work: good wages. W. H. Root & Co.. 222 Grand ave. SOLICITOR ONE WILLING TO PUT IN few hours day on household goods. Call 2R2 3d St. - . . . . BOT ABOUT IS TEARS OF AGS WANTED for office work and a messenser. ... C 47,. Oregonian. BOY WITH WHEEL TO HELP IN STORE) and deliver packages; good wages. Fraley, 214 Sd. 6 BOYS WITH WHEELS: STEADY POSITION and advancement. Sllverfield, 4th and Mor rison. WANTED FIRST-CLASS TAILORS ON ladles' coats. M. E. Ross. 420 Morrison. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CANDY helper In candy factory. Apply 104 N. 5th. WEJ 6ETRH EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM be ra Special membership. $2. Y. M. C. A. FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER AND PANTS maker wanted at Raffling, 231 Washington. WANTED ERRAND BOY WITH A WHErlL; wages $5 per week to good boy. 170 3d St. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOE'S, highest prices paid. 52 3d. Phone Pacific 48. WANTED PARLOR FRAME FINISHERS. o5 Front, corner Davis. I HELP WANTED MALE. SALESMEN WANTED FOR THE BEST Ac cident and health insurance In the world; stock company; cash capital and Insur ance; deposit of $25o.000; $1000 policy costs $2 a year; $100 emergency benefit, accidents of any and all kinds; handsome black seal , grain pocket case given free with each policy; good salesmen are making $100 per week; If you want to get on, write to day for exclusive renewal contract with lib eral commission. German Registry Co., 211 N. Seventh .. St. Louis, Mo. WANTED AT ONCE PLANING MILL MEN. sticker bands, matcher hands. sawyers, planer men, shapera, hand sawyers, turners, sash and door men, bench hands, cabinet makers, etc., for San Francisco: 8 hours a day, highest wages. Address A. C. Bred ficld, Secretary S. F. Planing Mill Owners' Association. 220 Oak St., San Franclscos Cal. RAILROAD WORK. STATION MEN, FINE wheelbarrow work, also good riprap work at extra -good prices on ths O. R. N.; east of ' the . mountains;' free transportation. Meacham, Or., or room 10. I. O. O. F. bldg., Portland, Or. E. T. Johnson As Co.. contractors. SALESMAN FIRST-CLASS, ALL-AROUND hustler to cover unoccupied 'territory sell ing staple line to retail trade; technical knowledge unnecessary; permanent to right man; $30 weekly, expenses ad vanced. Sales Managor, box 725, Chicago. WANTED SALESMEN WHO HAVE' SOLD life Insurance, advertising or contract proposition; position worth not less than $100 per week for the right man. . Mo-Alllster-Comaa Co., 856 Dearborn, Chi cago. WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMAN FOR permanent position; reliable hustler can make $4000 to $0000 annually: attractive line; -holiday season now on. Address P. O. box 611. Dept. 81. Rock Island. 111. WANTED GOOD MAN IN EACH COUN ty to represent and advertise hardware department, put out samples, etc. ; salary $21 weeklv; expense money advanced. Dept. A. The Columbia House. Chicago. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured In from 8 to 6 days; consultation free and strlatly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts. ; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. SALESMAN WANTED TO PLACE JEWEL ry departments with general trade in Ore gon; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; .permanent position for capable salesman;' Jewelry experience unnecessary. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. WANTED EXPERIENCED TRAVELING salesman for line of wire rope and logging supplies, In Oregon and Southern Wash ington; some knowledge of machinery re quired; give references and salary ex pected. . F 44, Oregonian. WANTED SALESMEN; MANY MAKE $100 to $150 per month, some even more; stock clean: grown on reservation, far from old orchards; cash advanced weekly: choice of territory. Address Washington Nurser7 Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. . SALESMAN "ORDER GETTER" (NOT "order taker") can earn $2500 to $5500; specialty ability paid proportionately; line sells general trade. Bartoa-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar -Rapids, Iowa. WANTED SALESMAN TO TRAVEL FROM of Wilton rugs, Brussels rugs and ingrain carpets. Address Thomas Develon's Sons, Philadelphia. Pa. THE MEIER & FRANK COMPANY WANTS Immediately- a number of boys 16 years of age or over to learn the business: perma nent positions and rapid advancement to Industrious boys. Apply to the superintend ent. 8 to 10.- WANTED EVERY VIOLIN PLAYER TO know that you can Improve the tone of your violin over 100 per cent. Handsome booklet free. J. Wesley Lord. 404 Fay bldg., Los Angeles. MARRIED MAN TO WORK ON FARM; houee, cow, garden and fruit furnished; year's work if party suits. Call Sunday or Monday before noon. 663 5th St., Portland. WANTED LOCAL MEN IN EVERY TOWN In the United States to distribute adver tising matter; no canvassing; permanent; $3 dally. Harry Contrls, Chicago. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE, GOOD pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. HERE'S A CHANCE TO SECURE WORK IN a cash business as partner; experience un necessary; pay you $4 a day; $150 required. Call 2484 Stark st. WANTED" THOROUGHLY COMPE'CE.NT registered drug clerk; give experience, ref erences and salary wanted. Address H 52, Oregonian. - GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;- no canvassing.- Universal Adv. Co., Chicago. : BRIGHT. INTELLIGENT BOY, BET. 18 and 21. for office work; must be fair pen man. Address, with references. S 43. Ore gonian. WANTED A THOROUGHLY BXPFJRI enced drapery cutter and hanger; none other need apply. Address X 62. Ore gonian. LEARN . TELEGRAPHY AT HOME BY mall; easy to learn: catalogue free: Amer ican Telegraph Institute, Kalamazoo, Mich. STENOGRAPHERS AND BOOKKEEPERS register with the Underwood Typewriter Co. Good positions furnished free. 68 Sixth st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CANDYMAKEK capable of taking cnarge or factory; gooa salary. Address F 48. Oregonian. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WHO HAS HAD some experience In mattress-making. Apply H. Metzger, 228 Front st. RESPONSIBLE SOLICITORS. EASY PROPO eltlon. $3 a day and commission-on extra business. 82 4th st. BARBERS THE BEST-PAYING SHOP ON Washington st. for sale; Investigate. Call 608 Washington st. WE WANT REPRESENTATIVES IN EVERY locality; sell everything.. Nelson & Co., 154 N. 14th Bt. WANTED FIRST-CLASS FINISHER ON old furniture. Charles E. Walborn. 23 Grand ave. WANTED A GOOD SOLICITOR FOR FIRE Insurance; good salary to good man. N 61, Oregonian. FOR SALE FINE FULL DRESS SUIT; good as new, size 87; bargain. Write. V 61, Oregonian. WANTED DISHWASHER IN fiMAILL CHOP house: good pay. Call 212 4th St., K. C. chorhous. WANTED BOY OF IB OR OVER AS Ap prentice In photo studio. Apply 446 Wash ington st. . BOY WANTED TO LEARN THB BUSINESS. The Irwln-Hodson Co., 1st and Salmon sts. GOOD SOBER MAN FOR BOOTBLACK AND janitor work. Baths, 2d and Washington. YOUNG MAN TO DO CHORES AND HELP on a delivery wagon. Phone Union 2011. CABINET MAKERS WANTED. GEORGE! Alnslie & Co., 16th and Pettygrove sts. WANTED BOY, STEADY WORK; CHANCE for advancement 65 Front, cor. Davis. WANTED MAN DISHWASHER. EITHER white or Japanese. 53 N. 18th. cor. Davis. WAXTED-rOOOD STRONG BOY ABOUT 16 years old to work in bakery. 145 Sd st. WANTED EXPERIENCED PIANO PLAYER for concert company. Room 8, 06 11th. st. BOY WANTED AT G. P. RUMMBI.IN & Sons, 126 Second St., near Washington. BOY WANTED TO DRIVE GROCERY WAQ on. Call 'at once. 739 Union ave. N.. WANTED A MAN ON SMALL FARM NEAR city; steady place. W 43. Oregonian. WANTED SOLICITOR AT THE INDEPEND ent Coal A Ice Co., 353 Stark st. GOOD BOY STEADY WORK; CHANCE for advancement. 225 Clay st. SILK SALESMAN MUST ' BH BXPBRI enced. Olds, Wort man & King. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS MAKERS. Nlcoll the Tailor, 108 Sd st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKBRJs. Nlcoll the Tailor, 108 3d St. BOY WANTED AT M. A A. 6HOGREVS wheel required. 141 10th St. STACK PAINTER EXPERIENCED MAN wanted. C 44. Oregonian. 60 MEN WANTED AT THE HEILIO THE. ater. 6:30 P. M., Monday. BOY TO RUN ELEVATOR. SILVERFIELD 4th and Morrison. ' THREE GOOD PAINTERS. CALL TODAY 161 N. Grand ave. . HELP WAXTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. - OPEN TODAY. R. R. camp blacksmith. $3.50; hand steel sharpener, $3, same place, free fare; K. R. camp blacksmith. $75 and board; 8 mill wrights. $.1.50; shoemaker. upholsterer; plumber, going wages; head taller, $3.50; second, $3; 8 buckers, $3; rlggfcig stagers, chasers, snipers, swampers, woods laborers, $3.50 to $2.50. Sawmill foreman with Coast experience, $100 to $125; gang edgerman, $3.50; saw mill laborers, yard laborers. $2.60 and $2.25. Four rough carpenters, $3,-50; 2 finish car penters. $3.60, 8 hours; 2 rough carpenters for mill, $3; 10 bridge carpenters, $3, free fare; a at $2.75. 2O00 railroad construction men, teamsters, laborers, rockmen, concrete men, steam shovel laborers, top wages, $2.25. ' $2.50, $2.75. $3 a day and free fare. We ship railroad men on new work to Bridal Veil. Latourell, Summit, tUlgard, Bingham Springs, North Fork. Telocaset. La Grande, Elgin, Rlparla, Perrington's Bar, Carlton, Drain, East, Northeast and South, for some of the largest contractors In the Northwest. Company work also. Track men, extra gangs and sections; also for new slectrlo line construction. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, 26 N. Second st. and 250 Bumslde St., Portland, Or., and 208 Stevens st., Spokane. Wash.; The Dalles and Walla Walla. Send your orders in for help or take your situations from a man who Is doing the .-business, and the only one who is spending advertising money helping people to come here and build up the great North west. GET BUSY. WANTED FIRST-CLASS CARD WRITER for department store; also assistant win dow trimmer. Apply - to Superintendent, the Golden Eagle. WANTED BY Y. M. C. A. EMP. DEPT., Monday, one first-class bookkeeper, one com bination bookkeeper and stenog., two driv ers, one stenog., .3 solicitors, several boys and Janitor. WANTED MAN AND WIFE, CAMP COOKS; see boss here today; planer foreman; 6 car penters to build sawmill; all top wages; 800 others. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 12 N. 2d st. SPECIAL POSTOFFICE CLERK Ex amination, Oct. 27. Young men desir ing special preparation see E. O. Hey nen, -315 Columbia Bldg. Call day or evening. WANTED FIRST - CLASS TAILOR, one who will cut and work on bench. Good, steady position for right man. Address J. E. Dalley & Co.. Olympla, Wash. WANTED A CLEAN AND CAPABLE salesman; one who will appreciate and make the most of an opportunity for ad vancement. Address C 51. Oregonian. $2000 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED: Posi tion permanent, distributing circulars, .sam ple for particulars. Commercial Advertising Association, Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED MAN OF BUSINESS ABILITY; this is an exceptional opportunity; only hustlers need apply. Call 607 McKay bids. Monday, 9 to 12. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WELL Ac quainted In the city to drive a single furni ture wagon. The Edwards Co., 191 1st st. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER. $75; ETENOO- rapner, groceryman, xoo up. Monday. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison st. fcVANTED BOY WITH WHEEL TO PE- llver parcels. Eastern Outfitting Co., Wash ington and Tenth streets. WANTED IMMEDIATELY PIANIST FOR "theater" out of town: salary $30 weekly. Room 2. 145 6th. WANTED COATMAKERS AND VEST makers;' highest price paid. A. J. Brault. Hamilton bldg. TEAMSTER TO DRIVE FURNITURE wagon. Call 892 E. Taylor. HELP WANTED FEMAI.B. LADY OF EDUCATION AND REFINE ment to manage a business; short .hours, good wages. M 52, care Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG- GIRL TO HELP WITH light housework in family of two; good home. Apply 535 E. Davis st. GIRL FOR- GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN suburb; two In family; will take girl of no experience. Phone East 5U60. . WANTED LADY TO - -TAKE CARE OF small rooming-house; give phone number if possible. D 55, Oregonian. WANTED NEWLY GRADUATED STBNOO rapher, small wages, short hours. At 271 1st St. Air-Tight Stove Co. WANTED TWO WAITRESSES. CARLTON Hotel, Carlton, Or.; one hour from . Porl- land. Inquire Main 1825. YOUNG LADY- STENOGRAPHER WITH knowledge of bookkeeping. Address In hand writing, J 61, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR COOKING and general housework, family of three; good wages. 647 7th St. WANTED SCHOOLGIRL TO BOARD. LOVB ly home; terms reasonable. 404 .Jefferson st. Phone Main 2471. WANTED GIRL .ATTENDING BUSINESS college to assist In housework for room and board, 146 E. 12th t. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUSE, work; experience not necessary. Mrs. Oaa Le Roy. 184 B. 8th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, two In family; wages $30. 605 E. Main, cor. 16th. WANTED IMMEDIATELY PIANIST FOR "theater" out of town; salary $30 weekly. Room 2, 145 0th. A WOMAN TO DO CHAMBER WORK OF 12 rooms for board for herself and husband. Call 251 7th st. WANTED GIRL TO TAKE CARE 0F child 3 years old during the day. Call 867 Hood St. GOOD HOUSEWORK GIRL AND SECOND girl; good wages. In small family. 674 Everett St. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages, good home. . 645 E. 28tb et. South. GOOJ) DINING-ROOM GIRL IN A SMALL private boarding-bouse, at once. Call early. 251 7th St. WANTED AN APPRENTICE! WITH SOME experience In dressmaking. Will pay. 143 11th t. WOMAN WANTED TO AS3IS.' IN TAIL or's repair shop. 281 Alder, bet.. 1st and Second. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family; good home. Phone East 3810. SCHOOLGIRL TO WORK FOR ROOM AND board In family of 2. Address T 63, Ore gonian. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework; good wages. Apply 605 6th street. WANTED DRESSMAKERS, FINISHERS and apprentice. Call Monday, 184 12th St. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 181 12th St., corner Yamhill. WANTED A COOK; GOOD WAGES. 570 Hawthorne Terrace. Telephone Main 3099. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSB work, small family. Phone East 3016. WANTED GIRL TO WORK ON VESTS. Call 224 Washington st., room 9. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID. CALL Monday The Manltou. 261 13th st. YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF CHILD during day. Apply 816 -Johnson. : .. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work, 15 E. 17th, corner E. Ash. WANTED SKIRT AND WAIST HELPERS. Teeedale, 606 Marquam. SILK SALESWOMAN. EXPERIENCED. Olda, Wortman & King. WANTED A KITCHEN" GIRL; CALL AFT ernoons. S40 Ankeny. FIRST-CLASS WAIST FINISHERS WANT ed. S14 The Dekum. ONE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 615 Morrison St. WANTED CAPABLE SECOND- GIRL. TEL. Main 3068. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 670 Lovejoy st. LADY BARBER WANTED. D 43, ORE gonlan. WANTED SEWING GIRLS AT 54 N. 15th Bt. , A WOMAN COOK WANTED. 284 MAIN ST. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES! WE TRUST YOU LET US SEND you $4 worth of "Everpure" toilet prepa rations on consignment; 50 per cent Im mediate commission; 10 per cent self earning future commissions and liberal premiums to your customers; a great plan! Waste no time, but send at once for goods and full particulars. Nt money required In advance. Miller, Walker & Co., Dept. 82, Chicago. ATTENTIOX. 'Applicants for air kinds of work register with us, free of charge, so we may locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 843 Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. HIGHEST WAGES. WITH A GOOD. COM fortable home, will be given to a thor oughly competent woman for cooking and general housework In small family. Ap ply 1530 Hawthorne ave., last house east. Phone East 5085. SEWERS GINGHAM APRONS; MAKE highest wages; material sent to door free of charge; stamped addressed envelope for particulars. L. P. Richards, 6002 Forrest vllle ave., Chicago. WIDOWER, ALONE. WANTS HOUSE keeper; nice country home; give personal description, wages wanted, - no objection to small child. V 43. Oregonian. LADIES TO WORK PIECEWORK--$3 PER dozen; materials furnished; no canvass ing; steady work; stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co., Champlain bldg., Chicago. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND general work In a small family; good wages; also one for second work and sewing. 100 North 23d st. Phone Main 2032. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts and overalls. Lessons given to Inexperienced. - Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave., and B. Taylor at. LADIES TO MAKE SANITARY BELTS; materials all cut ready to sew, $1.20 per dozen'; particulars stamped envelope. Lenox Co.. Dept. 682. Chicago. WANTED 2 WOMEN FOR GARMENT alteration room: must be experienced; good salary to right people. Apply to - superin tendent the Golden Eagle- WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages; 8 In family; girl will have good furnace-heated room. 581 Madi son St., King's Uelshts. AN EXPERIENCED COOK; SOME GENERAL work; also experienced second maid, small family. Apply morning or evening. 415 West Park, cor. Hall st. WANTED GOOD RELIABLE WOMAN FOR general housework; must be good cook. In quire 260 Wheeler St., corner Wasco. Phone East 1018. MILLINERY APPRENTICES WANTED Paid while learning; also experienced makers; Monday. 188 13th St., Madame Bodle. GIRLS TO WORK IN CRACKER- FACTORY - Good wages, steady employment. Apply Paciflo Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th and Davis - streets. GIRLS. WHEN YOU WANT WORK CALL on tbe Scandinavian Ladles' Agency, 1U7 6th st Main oltuu. John Anderson, Mgr. EXPERIENCED AND INEXPERIENCED girls wanted to work in candy factory. Pa cific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. MATURE WOMAN OF ABILITY AND JUDG ment wanted for business opening, one who can leave city preferred. F 42. Oregonian. WANTED Cooks, waitresses, domestics and housekeepers. The Home Ladles' Agency, 165 4th St., oor. Mor., upstairs. Main 6820. STENOGRAPHERS AND BOOKKEEPERS register with the Underwood Typewriter Co. Good positions furnished free. 68 Sixth st. GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL housework; German preferred; good wages. 874 E. 12th; N. Broadway car. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory, 3 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor st. LADY WANTED TO PREPARE FOR pos tal service; only a few more days to file applications. 513 McKay bldg., city. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply at 148 N. 18th Rt. from 8 A. M. to 2 P. M. Phone Main 6734. EXPERIENCED . GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, plain cooking and baking; good WAge. 6t8 Fourth St., near Sherman. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY IN fur department; none but experienced need apply. . Sllverfield, 4th and Morrison. 85 EXPERIENCED- SALESLADIES IN ALL departments; none but experienced need ap ply. Sllverfield, 4th and Morrison. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 848 Washington st.. cor. 7tb. upstairs. Phone Main 2082. EXPERIENCED CLOAK AND SUIT SALES lady; none but experienced need apply. Sllverfield, 4th and Morrison. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Small family, call in forenoon. 123 E. 19th, between Morrison and Alder. GIRLS WANTED BY MASON, EHRMAN A Co. Apply Holmes Cannery, E. 8th and Division sts. Phone E. 38. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED LADY FOR cook In private boarding house. Apply 895 6th st. Phone Main 5490. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 2 In family. 175 E. 15th, near Bel mont. Phone East 154. WANTED TEACHERS' GRADE AND rural. $50 to $60. Flak Teachers' Agency. 1200 William. East 344. WANTED -A GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, small family. 702 Northrup st. Phone Main 3716. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS: also duck and macklnaw coats. Mt. Hood Factory, 2d and Couch NURSE TO TAKE CARE YOUNG CHILD and assist In second work; German preferred. Apply 145 N. 22d st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK In small family: references. 828 loth st Phone Main 2168. EXPERIENCED MILLINERY SALESLADY; none but experienced need apply. Sllverfield 4th and Morrison. ' WANTED YOUNO GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework: no cooking. 570 East Madison St.. near 14th st. YOUNO LADY FOR LIGHT WORK IN Ex change for part tuition In business college. L 43. Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good home to the right ' girl. C2S Montgomery St. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- "ore; K"i i)ioin vuufc, iwj jo lamiiy. BUI Marshall st. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUT5E- work, small family. 702 Northrup st. Phone Main 3716. GIRL GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SMALL family. German preferred. Call at 300 Park st. COMPETENT GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK and assist In care of baby. Call at 688 Everett St. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT HAND Eastern Outfitting Co., Washington and 10th sts. LADY SOLICITOR TO SELL PATENT M"ED Iclne, consumers; good sellers. W 45, Ore gonian. WANTED NBAT GIRL. LIGHT HOUSE- work. i-none main 4000, oetween e and 12 A. M. WANTED NBAT YOUNG GIRL TO TAKS care of 3-year-old baby. 414 7th, corner Hall st. WANTED GOOD. NEAT GIRL TO AS- .... . V. 'I . ,nw . " . ... .- ... uwv . l.i corner Mill. BUTTONHOLE MAKER WANTED. JA cobs Shirt Co., Hamilton bldg., 131 3a ,t. GIRL WANTED ON DOUBLE-NEED LH titrt machine at 75 1st: boss nf m WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN- ' ... . UVmglQQ, WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- . -1 t.A.wrtrlr Annlv IftA Co. . ... l . ' WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEX rfll housework. ADDly 448 TrvUf $7 PER WEEK MUST BE GOOD COOK, washer and Ironer. 1085 Vaughn st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK lit .malt fnmllv. 186 N. 1 flr. mt WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN- eral nousewor. ivo x mnaers. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 1M X. 17th st. WANTED AX EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. GIRL TO DO SECOND WORK, GOOD wages. 111 o. st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSiJN'S LADIES' AGENCY W ANTS MONDAY. Cook, $40; dishwasher, $204 chambermaid, $20; waitress, $20. all for same new country hotel; pantry girl or woman, experienced, $10 a week; 8 dressmakers, $1.60 a day; woman to do plain sewing and help In dye house, $1.25: family cook. $40. 3 at $3o: 80 or more houseglrla for plain cooking and housework, some to assist; 3 second girls; 2 waitresses, city, $7 week; 7 for country places. $25 and $20; 3 chambermaids; some very good places; 2 housekeepers. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 843 Washington St., corner 7th. upstairs. Country orders given prompt attention. - WANTED GIRLS OVER 16 FOR WRAP ptng desk. Apply to Superintendent, the Golden Eagle. . WE WANT COOKS FOR HOTELS. RE6 taurant, $12 a week; 50 house girts and cooks, from $25 to $40; housekeepers, sec ond girls, waitresses and chambermaids. Home Ladles' Agency, 105 4th St., cor. Morrison. Main 6826. WAITRESSES, CITY, ALSO HOOD RIVER (4), Heppner, Rainier, $25; housekeepers, domestics, chambermaids. dishwashers, cooks, waiters, Chinese, ' Japanese. "Prake's," 206 Washington. A STEADY WOMAN TO ASSI6T IN FAMILY of three; no washing, oooking nor sweeping; pleasant, warm room; nice place; will pay $10. In answering give phone number If In city. X 61. Oregonian. TWO GIRLS TO TRAVEL WITH THEA ter company; parties to take part in play If willing to learn; experience not neces sary. Call at 207 8d St., room 0, or 108 12tm. WANTED NURSE GIRL TO LOOK AFTER little girl 2 years old; pleasant home end good place for reliable girl. Call at 6M0 Til lamook St., or phone East 4315. WANTED YOUNG LADY 18 TO ' 20 YEARS of age, office work, copying, etc. ; must be a plain, rapid writer. Answering, give references. M 64, Oregonian. LADIES TO MAKE SOFA CUSHIONS FOR holiday trade; piecework; may be taken home; very easy; no experience. 826 Flled ner bldg., 407 Washington st. WANTED A YOUNG LADY ROOMMATE; preferably some one who Is studying short, hand and typewriting; very cheap. In quire at 430 Yamhill. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Inquire of Mrs. Grosscup, Portland Hotel, Monday morning. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR second work. Inquire of Mrs. Grosscup, Portland Hotel, Monday, between 1 and 3 P. M. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework and cooking; small family; good wages. 161 '14th St., cor. Morrison. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, COOKS, SEC ond girls, nurses, waitresses. St.' Louis Ladles' Agency. 230 Yamhill. Main 6413. THE BEE HIVE WISHES TWO EXPERI enced salesladies for cloaks, suits; also fancy goods. Apply immediately, 171 3d st. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO HOUSE - work for a small family; good wages. Call 350 Montgomery. Phone Pac. 2700. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER and apprentice; steady work if competent. Apply Monday A. M., 420 Tillamook st. WANTED TEACHER FOR BASTBRN OR egon, to begin Immediately. C. R. B. Teach ers' Agency, 265 Morrison, room 303. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework; good wages. Apply 6S4 Marshall st. Phone Main 2U28. DEPENDABLE GIRL TO TEND BABY for small wages and lessons In embroid ery. . Telephone Scott 4035 mornings. I FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER TO share parlors with dressmaker; everything furnished first class. Call 510 Alder. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN erah housework and cooking in small family; good .wages. Call 661 Washington st. HF.I.P WANTED MALE OK FEMALE. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN Gregg shorthand: won the highest award at St. Louis Exposition; learned in half the time at half the expense of any other sys tem; ta.ught everywhere in the East. Holmes Business College, Washington and 10th sts. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. PRBFER ably young man. Addrees In own handwrit ing, state age and business experience; good opening for good business. N 43. Oregonian. WANTED -RESPONSIBLE MARRIED couple take charge rooming-house, St. Johns. Man employed during day. C 64, Oregonian. ACTIVE CITY SOLICITORS TO TAKE GHO cery orders; ladies or gentlemen; good open ing for active workers. Phone East 1313. MEMBERS WANTED NEWLY ORGANIZED amateur dramatic club; opportunity to play, practical experience. F 60, Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY PIANIST FOR "theater" out of town; salary $30 weekly. Room 2. 145 6tb. WANTED EXPERIENCED COMPTOMETER operators. Apply G. Loudon Darley, agent. S4 3d st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A MAN OF AT tested executive ability and experience? Would' you like to get a line on a keen dlscerner. an aggressive, comprehensive worker who would makvfout interests his? Here Is one with Initiative and who can show you results; a man with a vig orous understanding; a good Judge of men; fix salary when you are satisfied; 31 years old; Al Eastern and Western refer ences. Address H 55. care Oregonian. ENGAGEMENT WANTED BY EXPERI enced bookkeeper, 20 years' experience; highly trusted position during the last 12 ytars with large manufacturing concern in San Francisco; know how to handle men: speak German; not particular &s to work or hours: best of reference. V 45, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND COR. respondent and all-around office man is open for an engagement; a vigorous work, cr in or out of an .office; beat of refer ences; 80 years old. Address D 54. Ore gonlan. BOOKKEEPING 1 WILL POST YOUR books, make up your statements and take oft monthly trial balance, at small expense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton. the ac countant, 318 Chamber of Commerce. M. 36S1 BOOKKEEPER. CASHIER AND GENERAL office man wishes position with some strictly reliable firm; none others need' apply; can Invest If desirable; best refer ences. T 52. Oregonian. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED, HONEST, well-educated married man. permanent position as office man, collector or sales man; no objeotlon to leaving city. Ad dress K 33, Oregonian. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. 9 YEARS' experience In manufacturing and dispensing graduate Ph. C, strictly sober, desires position Oct. 15; highest references. Address F 41, .Oregonian. EXPERIENCED OFFICE1 MAN EXPERT stenographer, correspondent and bookkeeper: good penman, wants position with wholesale or commission house; references and bond. D 4&. Oregonian. WANTED A POSITION - AS GROCERY clerk In city or country; 15 years' experi ence: best of references. Address F. L Schmltt. 974 Macadam road, Portland, Or. ORDER CLERKS, WAITERS, TEAMSTERS, dishwashers, farmhands, laborers, anybody, anywhere; (furnish any race). Drake's, - 205 Washington. REGISTERED PHARMACIST WANTS Posi tion In Portland or Valley; good references. Address G 62. Oregonian. MALE STENOGRAPHER OF 3 YEARS' experience desires situation In or out of city. A 51. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board and room. D 10. Oregonian. CHEMIST, EXPERIENCED IX MANUFAC turing and analysis. Is open for position. H 44, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER AND bookkeeper; good, reference. K 45 Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERT BOOK keeper; best references. V 47, Oregonian. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER' DESIRES GOOD permanent position. F46. Oregonian. BUscfllttuieoas. FIRST-CLASS CEMENT SIDEWALK FIN lsher wants work. P 48. Oregonian. JAPANESE, GOOD COOK. RESTAURANT, hotel cr boarding-house. 352 Oak st. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION AS schoolboy. J 45.' Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. AN EXPERIENCED CIVIL AND MECHAN tcal engineer and draftsman desires per manent employment in Portland. His specialties are railroad (steam or electric) location and construction, bridges, build ings, maps, plane, expert examination and reports on transportation propositions. Ad dress J. Harris, Box 874. Vancouver. Wash. WANTED POSITION TO. SUPERINTEND or steady employment as millwright, by New York City man, A No. 1 at installa tion; very best references. Address J. M. Ejcare R. E. Wylle, 1 Eart Oth. - YOUNG MARRIED MAN. SOBER AND RE liable, wants position as driver of light delivery, or In printing office. Can set type and understands urlvlng. M 42 Ore gonian. A YOUNG. SOBER MAN DESIRES Posi tion as driver of delivery wagon, or other suitable position. I am used to care for horses. Q 48, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY MAN AGED 88; Office or similar work or In engineering stores; good writer: good references. D 44, Oregonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also: all kinds of help. Main 4659. 208 Everett. WANTED BY A FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE cook, a situation in hotel, restaurant or camp; wages $50 up. X 64, Oregonian. YOUNO MAN, AGE 17, WANTS CHANCE to learn plumber trade, lives at home; no ' bad habits. Telephone Tabor 172. YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION WITH some wholesale house with chance to learn from the bottom. H 41, Oregonian. WANTED WORK AROUND PLACE: HAN', dy with cows: also fruit, garden and house work... Address X.44. Oregonian. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS tlon as driver: familiar with city. Main 3501, or El 51, Oregonian. POSI Fhone MARRIED MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS wants position; can furnish . security add references. V 54, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MIDDLE-AGED man wants to do rough carpenter work. P 55, Oregonian. . FIRST-CLASS HAT AND FURNISHING goods salesman wants position. Address O 55, Oregonian. A YOUNO CHINESE BOY WANTS OFFICE cleanlng work and attend school. Apply phone Main 3923. JAPANESE STUDENT WANTS TO WORK downtown; hotel. club or private family. W 64, Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION IN small family, possible to attend school. II 5S. Oregonian. YOUNG MARRIED MAN. WISHES Posi tion as bartender; experienced. P 41. Ore gonian. I WOULD LIKE A POSITION A3 TALLY man In a lumber yard. Address 816 Broad way. SAWYER. COMPETENT AND RELIABLE, wants position In sawmill. Q 55. -Oregonian. YOUNG. STRONG MAN. 80. WANTS Posi tion in city; German. K 41, Oregonian. SCHOOLBOY WANTS POSITION. R. -8., care Japanese Mission, 121 N. 15th st. ALL KINDS OF HOUSECLBANING DONE! Mr. Fischer. Main 6531. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Htenoocraphers. A THOROUGHLY COMPETENT. RELIA ble and trustworthy young lady stenog rapher with varied experience; also able to assist In bookkeeping and general office detail work, desires permanent position; can furnish Al references. S 54, Orego nian. FIRST-CLASS STENOGRAPHER WISHES position with good house; railroad and hand experience. S 51, Oregonian. WANTED CASHIERSHIP, BY REFINED, educated, reliable stenographer; salary nominal. Room 2. Main 6876. SITUATION WANTED BY GOOD STENOG rapher, well educated and familiar with of fice work. Phono Main 3465. STENOGRAPHER,' SEVERAL YEARS' Ex perience In commercial work; best of ref erences. K 44, Oregonian. WANTED TYPEWRITTEN COPTING done neatly and accurately. Address M 65, care Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER AND ASSISTANT BOOK keeper; reference furnished. . Q 41, Ore gonian. COMPETENT BOOKKEEPER DB6IRES position; references. B 42, ' Oregonian. Dressmakers. LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES AND BOYS' Buster Brown suits neatly made; chil dren's clothes of all kinds, also plain skirts and shirtwaists; terms very reason able. 62 N. 13th. Phone Pacific 2067. LADIES' HATS REMADE AND KETRIM med; order work a specialty. Mrs. West phal. 208 14th. Mam 7151. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES sewing at home or by the day. ' Phone Main 6109. 354 ,Clay st. DRESSMAKING WILL GO OUT BY DAY: experienced In all lines. Phone Pacific 2187. 240 5th. SEWING IN FAMILIES BY DAY. LADIES' and children's clothes. $1.60 day. A .43. Oregonian. DRESSMAKER WILL MAKE A FEW EN- t . ciflc 1205. LADIES' UNDERGARMENTS MAfSij TO order; children's clothes a specialty. Phone East 1363. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS AND SHIRT walsts mads at your homes. Phone Monday Tabor 148. DRESSMAKING SUITS MADE FOR HALF prlce during the Fall. Phone Main 2S26. MRS. M. 8. SAVAGE. DRESSMAKER, 2U0 Halsey st. Phone East 6804. STREET SUITS. EVENING GOWNS AND wraps made to order. 447 Main St. DRESSMAKING OR PLAIN SEWING DONE In your home. Phone Main 4600. TRY ANGELES DRESSMAKING PARLORS. 242 6th and Main. Pacific 982. HousekeeiMra, WE HAVE SOME GOOD HOUSEKEEPERS war ting positions for widowers. Home La3es Agency. 165 4th St.. cor. Mor., upstairs. Main 5S20. Open Sundays. WIDOW WANTS POSITION AS HOUSB keeper in hotel or rooming-house., or wid ower, at once. Phone Main 4806. - A PLACE AS HOUSEKEEPER, NURSING or light housework; no washing. - Mrs. SmltJi. room 19. 196 Grand ave. WANTED BY WIDOW WITH ONE CHILD, situation as housekeeper for widower near city. Phone East 1340. RESPECTABLE WOMAN AS HOUSE keeper, widower's family; city or country. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. LADY WISHES POSITION AS HOU9E - keeper In exchange for board -for. little daughter. Phone 6997. DRESSMAKING. REMODELING, REPAIR. 1ng at .your own horns or in shop, $1.50 per day. Main 6266. BY REFINED. INTELLIGENT YOUNG lady as nurseglri; not more than two chil dren.. T 65, Oregonian. MIDDLE1-AGED EXPERIENCED WOMAN AS ladles' nurse; references given. Phone Main 3968. MISS K. PORTER ROBB. TRAINED NURSE; specialist, electrical massage. Main 4173. LADY WISHES POSITION AS NURSE. Phone Tabor 66. Miscellaneous. SWISS WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK, washing., .ironing,, clean ing. sto. - -B 44, Ore gonian. LADY PIANIST WOULD LIKE ENGAOE ments with good orchestra. L 61. Orego nian. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED. EXPBR--lenced; phone Union 1276. Miss S. M. Scott. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND 8TRETCH ed, 40 oents per pair. Phone Main 7014. WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD BECOND hand bicycle. Phone East 5246. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY OR evening. Phone East 1182. LACE CURTAIN8 LAUNDERED AND FAN CY Ironing. Phone Mala 8740, SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. " ' "LADY SPEAKING GERMAN, FRENCH. Italian, Greek, Turkish, - English; experienced in traveling, good sewer, wishes position as governess or traveling companion. O 63, Oregon Oregonian. WORK WANTED FOR CHAMBERMAIDS, office buildings, dishwashing, cooking. - wait ing, families, factories, stures. "Drake's," 2o0 Washington. - , RESPECTABLE, MIDDLE-AGED - COOK wants position camp, hotel or restaurant. Apply Monday; Cook, 11)3 St. Clair st. Phone Main 1369. WOMAN WANTS CHAMBERWORK OR help In kitchen by the week, sleep home nights. Call 143 .M. 14th at. YOUNG LADY GIVES PRIVATE LESSONS In grammar grade ntudits: German, draw ing and music. Main 1076. FIRST-CLASS WOMAN'. PASTRY COOK, w-anta situation In nrst-class hotel or res taurant. M 45, Oregonian. COMPETENT COLORED LAUNDRESS wants family w-ashfng and Ironing by the day. B 52, Oregonian. GENTLEMAN AND LADY WOULD LIKE TO take care rooming-bouse; bave had exper ience. Q 44. Oregonian. LADY TEACHER WANTS POSITION; state location and salary. Address C 55. care Oregonian. FORMER TEACHER. LIMITED EXPERI ence In stenography, desires position. A 46. Oregonian. GERMAN LADY. TEACHER OF FRENCH and piano, wants some more pupils. X 41. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED LADY CASHIER'OH ticket-seller; experienced: references. C 41. Oregonian. WANTED AG EXT8. $8000 YEARLY POSITIVELY MADE 1N troduclng and appointing sub-agents for our Just patented flro extinguishers. " S. Wills, Cincinnati, made $tjyo In one week; experience unnecessary; we give agents exclusive territory, co-operate with tliem in every way, extend credit and- offer a grand opportunity to secure a fortune. Eagle Tool Co., B 1140. Cincinnati, O. MONEY IX MUSHROOMS, GREAT DE mand; big profits; cheaply grown; either sex; In cellars, stables, gardens, etc., whole year. Send for free booklet and learn this profitable business. Department 90. Eastern Importing Co.. Brighton. Mass. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO 8BLL pocket hats; every man buys one at sight; no previous experience necessary. Write for particulars about the biggest money-inaker on earth. Carl F. Keltx, box 427, 315-325 New St., Newark, N. ' J. ' WANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST grown nursery stock on the Coastj nclud-p Ing Burbank's new pltless ' plum. Miracle;" commission advanced weekly; write quick: for choice of territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Oregon. WANTED SPECIAL AGENT; $75 WEEK- . ly and expenses easily made selling our' popular health and accident policies and appointing agents; experience unneces sary. Write Royal Fraternal Union, St. Louis. Mo. $23 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED BY LADY agents taking orders for us; outfit pre paid; we start you in business and make you Independent. Write for circulars and terms. Woman's Apparel Supply Co., Chi cago. NEW SPECIALTY IT'S ALIVE IT'S HOT, it sells; big profits; exclusive territory. Write for sample. Automatic potato peel er; peels 12 potatoes perfectly In one min ute. P. Edgren Company. Milwaukee, Wis.' AGENTS EVERYWHERE COIN MONEY selling the famous "Star" Inverted Gas. Lamps; something new; large profits; .ex- . elusive territory. Address Star Light Co., ' 28 State st., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free: cash weekly: write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nurs ery Co.. Salem. Or. AGENTS, SELL MENDARIP AND 8 TOOLS' In one; best. handleBt, money-savers, de lighting farmers and teamsters; big money; special sample prices. The J. Fernand Co., Pasadena, Cal. AGENTS DON'T ACCEPT ANY AGENCY until you hear from us; quickest seller on earth; 2,000.000 sold;' $20 day; samples free. Domestio Mfg. Co., Minneapolis Minn. LADY AGENTS WANTED TO SELL . UN breakable side steel corsets; popular prices; profits large. Write for catalogue. The Fisher Co.. 210 Monroe St.. Chicago.. AGENTS $3900 CLEARED YEARLY BEI.t, ing our Gasoline Lighting Systems, $23; domonstratlng outfit free. Address Se curity Light Co.. Chicago. 75 WEEKLY AND UPWARD EASILY made flttlng glasses; our eye book free, tells you how. Write National Optical College, St. Louis, Mo. WE3 PAY $36 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO men with rlrs to Introduce poultry com pound: year's contrnct. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54. Parsons, Kan. AGENTS NAMEPLATES, SIGNS. NUM bers, . readable darkest nights; easily sold; profits large; samples free. Wright Sup ply Co.. Englewood, III. HOT SIDE- LINE PAYS HOTEL BILLS; . consigned goods; pocket samples; prompt commission. American Chewing Gum Co., St. Louis. AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR HIGH-GRADE perfumes; our plan wins; large profits; terms reasonable. Lefflor & Co., St. Louis.' Mo. WANTED TO RENT. AN OLD BACHELOR OF REFINEMENT wants room. In a prlvato family. .wlih.Jaoard, preferable; wants a pleasant home; rofer- . enccs furnished. Address P. O. Bo 687. city. WANTED A FURNISHED OR UNFUR-. nished modem house of six or seven rooms 1 Eaet Side, Irvirsrton or vicinity preferred. J. B. C. Lockwood, Lumber Exchange bldg. YOUNG COUPLE, WITH TWO BOYS, -ages 6 and 8. want desirable suite of 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping rooms: reason able terms. Address W 53. Oregonian. WANTED DOUBLE, OR ONE LARGE FUR- . niehed room with private family by .youhg business man: would like to find such room on Portland Heights. E 48. Oregonian. WANTED ABOUT NOV. 1 ROOMS WITH board for family of five; no children; must be first-class and reasonable; references el--changed. Address R 44. Oregonian. WANTBD HOUSES AND COTTAGES, EAST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates. TWO GENTLEMEN, OR ONE, DESIRE A room In private family-on East Side, between 20th nnd 35th sts., convenient to Hawthorne car line. O 42, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 6 OR T-ROOM HOUSE, furnished or unfurnished, with barn, near school. Oregonian Agency, St. Johns, Or. Phone Union 8105. WANTED MAN WHO CAN PELL BUSL ness chances. Reference and some capital required. See the Horns Land Company, 145 1st st. BY RESPONSIBLE TENANT. 7-ROOM MOD em house; must have fireplace and furnace; near school. AddreBS T 61, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT BY ADULTS, FUR nished suburban house and barn not too far from car line. S 44, Oregonian. " . WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR 8TU dents; reasonable; give particulars; register. Behnke-Walker Business College. . . WANTED ONE OR TWO UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms on West Side; refer ences given. .V 63, Oregonian.. . . WANTED TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS close In on West Side; state price. G. II. Andrews, 408 Jefferson st. WANTED TO RENT A ROOMING-HOUSE, furnished, of 8 or 10 rooms, on West Side. Address G 61, Oregonian. WANTED SMALL. WELL-FURNISHED flat, suitable for three adults; close in and modern. C 53. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 10 ACRES CLOSE IN on 5o car line. Give price and descrip tion. R 4a. Oregonian. FURNISHED SUITE. APARTMENT OR cottage for housekeeping for two about Oct. 25. V 44, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A GOOSENECK wagon by the day. Apply to the Meier it Frank store. FURNISHED HOUSE, 8 OR 10 ROOMS, suitable for roomers; good location. X 41,, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY 'WANTS A BOARDING place. N 62, Oregonian. -