The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 23, 1906, Image 1

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    48 PAGES
VOL. XXV-NO. 33.
Has Plan to Save Dis
tracted Republic.
Will Come Together With Me
diators as Referees.
SUey Confer With American States
men Negroes Bitter Against In
tervention Persistent Rumor
That Palnia Will Resign.
HAVANA, Sept. 22. Secretary of War
faft sees a way tonight of saving the
sovereignty of the Cuban Republic. He
tdmlts that he has a tangible plan, but
will not disclose its exact character. It
Is not a victory for either political party,
but contemplates radical concessions by
The Secretary's programme depends
opoa the patriotism of the Moderate and
Liberal leaders, both of whom have shown
confidence in the mediators by naming
delegates with definite powers of attorney
to treat for their respective parties.
This action by Messrs. Taft and Bacon
Is regarded as the most Important yet
taken. Negotiations on a new basis will
open Immediately and It Is believed that
eventually the opposing delegates will be
brought together at United States Min
ister Morgan's villa at Marlanao, with
President Roosevelt's mediators as ref
erees. The Indications tonight are that an end
to the Cuban war Is near and that peace
will be attained without the intervention
of the United States. j
Delegates Have Binding Power.
Mr. Taft and Mr. Bacon and more than
a score of leaders of the revolution held
a conference tonight, and It was an
nounced that the latter had appointed a
fcommlttee of seven to represent the Lib
erals In a conference. The leaders told
Mr. Taft that all had agreed to abide by
the Judgment of this committee In any
peace arrangements which It can make
with the Government through the aid of
the American Commissioners.
In the conference which selected the
committee and later visited Mr. Taft were
Ave prisoners, including Jose Miguel Go
mes, Liberal candidate for President in
the last election, and all the principal
revolutionary Generals. The committee
consists of Jose Miguel Gomez, Juan
Gualberto Gomez, ex-Senator Monteagu
do, Carlos Garcia, Garcia Telez, Alfredo
Zayaa and General del Castillo. Among
the Generals present were Pino Guerra,
Machado, Ferrara, Asbert, Guas, Acosta
and BetancOurt.
The first conference between the com
mittee and Mr. Taft will be held tomor
row. Mr. Taft expressed most hopeful
views tonight concerning the situation.
He said the leaders of both parties were
very optimistic, the rebel leaders frankly
declaring their conviction that the war
was over.
Taft Pushes Away Obstacles.
At the end of the conference the pris
oners, in order to keep their parole, re
turned to prison In an automobile, escort
. ed by Captain McCoy.
At first the Government threatened to
shatter all hopes by Its refusal to. release
the prisoners In order that they might
attend the conference, and the prisoners
themselves had refused to accept the con
ditions, declining absolutely to be the re
cipients of favors from the present gov
ernment. Mr. Taft took up the matter
diplomatically, wlfh the result that Consul-General
Steinhart and Captain Mc
Coy, military aide to President Roosevelt,
drove In, an automobile to the Presidio
here, where they saw Secretary Montaivo
and got his consent for the release of
Jose Miguel Gomez and four others ot
the leading alleged conspirators. The lat
ter returned with them to Mr. Morgan's
house, arriving there at 7:30 o'clock this
Rebel Chiefs Called In.
Meanwhile, Machado and Ferrara. the
rebel leaders In Santa Clara Province,
had taken an automobile here and gone
direct to the rebel camps outride Mari
anao, returning with Generals Del Cas
tillo and Pino Guerra, respectively Lhe
leaders of the revolt in the Provinces of
Havana and Plnar del Rio, who were on
horseback. Arriving at Marlanao, they
went to the house of the local president
of the Liberals. Baldomero Infante,
where they held a preliminary sc4on.
On the arrival of the prisoners from Ha
vana all went to Mr. Morgan's house;
and the conference on which, all persons
felt, rested the success of the endeavors
to settle matters without American Inter
vention proceeds.
Way Paved for Agreement.
The situation today wa considerably
changed from that of Friday, as a re
sult of the proposal made then by the
Moderates to accept whatever disposition
of the controversy Messrs. Taft and Ba
con might decide, upon condition that the
rebels surrender their arms and legally
promise to accept and comply with such
decision, whatever It might be. While
these proposals are still unsatisfactory to
and ridiculed by the Liberals as weak and
not made Id good faith, they have never
theless paved the way for suggestions
by Messrs. Taft and Bacon for further
concessions from both sides, which may
yet save the republic without the neces
sity of American intervention.
The Impression Is that the suggestions
of the commissioners will Include the re
tention of President Palma and perhaps
Senor Fonts y Sterling, Secretary of the
Treasury, with Manuel Despalgne, the Ad
ministrator of the Customs, In their pres
ent positions or In the Cabinet. Senors
Fonts y Sterling and Despalgne are high
ly esteemed by both Liberals and moder
ates as honorable business men. The prot
gramme of the commissioners will prob
ably include new general elections, al
though there may be arrangement for
electing members of the Cabinet, the
present Congress to continue until next
year's Congressional election.
Mediators Call on Palma.
This morning Messrs. Taft and Bacon,
accompanied by Mr. Steinhart and Cap
tain McCoy, came in an automobile
from Marlanao to the palace, where
they were In conference -with Mr.
Palma, obtaining from him his ideas
as to what he was willing should be
done under the circumstances. Upon
leaving the palace, Mr. Bacon eald the
visit had been purely a friendly one
and that the formal matters of the con
troversy had not been discussed. The
visit, however, lasted 35 minutes. Upon
leaving the palace Messrs. Taft and
Bacon returned the calls of the officers
of the fleet in the harbor, which now
numbers nine vessels. - -
- . .. . v
Negroes Fear Intervention.
In general the public discussion of
flie entire matter is assuming more and
more the nature of a controversy be
tween blacks and whites. The whites,
and they include every foreigner, wel
comed the arrival of the United States
warships. On the other hand the ne
groes give vent to expressions of
hatred and disappointment as each new
vessel appears. The negroes seem to
be of the opinion that, if the Ameri
cans gain control of Cuba, the present
race equality will become a thing of
the past. '
Some of the Liberal leaders declare
that the rebels would lay down their
arms if the government would resign.
The men in the fields generally aver
that they would just as soon fight
Americans as the Palma government.
' Crowds Watch Proceedings.
Not since the efforts at mediation be
gan had such Intense interest pre
vailed. Crowds thronged the streets
surrounding Mr. Morgan's villa and
with .suppressed excitement awaited
the arrival of the rebel leaders. It was
evident that the sentiment of the vil
lage was with the rebels, but the poo-
pie feared to applaud them.
Automobiles dashed to and from the
villa regardless of speed limits, taking
participants to the conference . and
carrying messages. There were similar
scenes in front of Senor Infante's house
during the afternoon on account of
the expectation that the prisoners and
the rebel leaders would gather there.
The streets were crowded, but order
was maintained by the local police un
der the personal direction of the Mayor.
On the announcement being made that
the prisoners had refused to accept
conditional release, the crowd with
drew quietly, but reassembled again
this evening and followed the outer
evidences of the proceedings .with
About 4 o'clock this afternoon Mme.
'Concluded on Page 4.)
Used by Murphy, Only
to Be Thrown Aside.
Steal Independent Choice for
Second Place.
Hearst May Retaliate With Inde
pendent Local Nominations in
City Parkhurst Joins Voice
to Anti-Hearst Chorns. ,
NEW YORK, Sept. 22. (Special.)
William R. Hearst and the forces
which hope to nominate him for Gov
ernor of New York at the Democratic
convention at Buffalo Tuesday will be
signally and completely' routed, ac
cording to indications today. Hearst's
supporters are utterly demoralized,
and admit there is only one chance in
a thousand that Hearst will be the
nominee at the head of the regular
state ticket.
Boss Murphy, head of Tammany
Hall, with whom Hearst was credited
with having pourparler agreements,
will go to Buffalo and oppose Hearst.
Murphy posed as being friendly to
Hearst In order to secure Hearst's sup
port in his campaign to capture the
primaries. Having done with Hearst,
Murphy has thrown him over, and Is
now looking for another candidate,
although he Is noncommittal. If Mur
phy Is of the same frame of mind
Tuesday as he Is today, the Hearst con
tingent at the Buffalo convention will
be a disconsolate lot.
Murphy Hope of Financiers.
Murphy Is the hope of the financial
Interests of the state, which have uni
ted against Hearst. Murphy IsJIke a
sphinx about any deal that has been
made by him with Ryan, Belmont,
Sheehan, Parker and other anti-Hearst
From Illinois. Roger C. Sullivan,
Democratic National committeeman,
and John P. Hopkins, ex-committee-man,
both powerful leaders, are com
ing to fight the nomination of Hearst.
They will show that, while Hearst is
coddling the party In New York, he is
endeavoring to destroy it in Illinois,
and that, if he succeeds in defeating
the ticket In Chicago, the state will be
lost to the Democrats.
A body blow to Hearst was given by
Dr. Charles Parkhurst, acknowledged
head of the reform movement here,
who returned yesterday from Switzer
land. Parkhurst boosted ' Charles E.
Hughes, and said this about Hearst:
"There are many good things about
Mr. Hearst, but he is tainted in the
minds of the people of New York, and
to make him Governor would be a dis
grace to the state."
Asked what the taint was. Dr. Park
hurst replied solemnly:
"A moral taint If, when Mr. Hearst
first came to New York, he had fallen
under wholesome Influence and, un
derstand, he Is susceptible to influ
ence he might have done a great deal
for the credit of this city, but he has
not had a wholesome effect as a man
or Journalist."
The breach between Hearst and
Norman E. Mack is regarded as com
plete. Will Rob Hearst Henroost.
The World today, for the first time
in several days, publishes no funeral
oration on the Democratic party. The
World makes the statement that Mur
phy Is now against Hearst and plans
to beat him by submitting the name
of Lewis Stuyvesant Chanler to the
Buffalo convention as a candidate for
Governor. Chanlor Is now on the
Hearst ticket for Lieutenant Gov
ernor. Such a political coup would be simi
Senator Bailey "Merely a Retainer.'
lar to the one that Murphy put
through In 1903, when, after Grout had
been nominated by the reformers for
Comptroller of the City of New York,
Murphy gave Grout the Tammany
nomination, and thus devastated the
reform henroost. He thinks that, if,
he can capture Chanler, he can get
with him a lot of the Hearst strength
and leave the editor out of the race.
The World reports further, how
ever, a story1 that the Hearst manag
ers served notice on Murphy that, if
he opposed Hearst at Buffalo, the In
dependence League would put up can
didates for every local office In the
City of New York.
Mayor McClellan has decided to gd
to Buffalo Sunday to take part In the
anti-Hearst fight.
Hlggtns Can Have Second Term.
In the Republican camp, the tide Is
(Concluded on Page 2.)
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature 74 de
gree!!; minimum, 54.
TODAY'S Showers; southwest winds.
Taft haa plan by which peace may come
without intervention. Page 1.
Each party appoints delegates to peace con
ference. Page 1.
Negroes bitterly opposed to intervention.
Page 1.
American ships land 1100 men to repel at-
tack on Havana. Page 1.
United States has all preparations made for
sending army of intervention. Page 1.
Latest newsy gossip from Europe. Page 3-
Bodies of Japanese fishermen slaughtered
by Russians found. Page S.
French clergy prepare to vacate govern
ment church property. Page 4.
Germans angry about Meteor affair. Page 4.
Reported outbreak of revolt In Mexico.
Page 2.
Russian parties hold conventions for new
campaign. Page 4.
Root sails from Colon. Page 5.
Hearst will meet his "Waterloo at Buffalo.
Page 1.
Beverldge speaks at Chicago on Cuba and
Government ownership. Page 4.
Bryan says he is for ownership with pro
visos and William? opposes him. Page 5.
General demand in Texas for, Bailey's re
tirement. Page 2.
Two of Mayor Weaver's officials resign on
account of demands for political aid.
Page 2.
Negro assaults on white women cause race
riot at Atlanta, in which many are
killed. Page 1.
Woman repulses mob of strikers attacking
strikebreakers at Columbus. Page 13.
S tens land expected home today. Page 2.
Football prospects in Northwest colleges.
Page 14.
Local baseball season ends today. Page 13.
Multnomah football prospects are bright.
Page 15.
Ean Francisco baseball team hopes to win
the pennant. Page 14.
Champion shots will attend trap shoot at
The Oaks today. Page 15.
Beai'ers down Fresno on Portland diamond.
0 to 0; Gum pitches great game. Page 15.
Salvldere wins Gravesend stakes and
makes record winnings for season.
Page 15.
Tracy wins- qualifying auto race for Van-
derbllt cup. Page 15.
Pacific Coast.
Oregon has the only cobalt mine In the
United States. Page 6.
Woman and five children left by husband to
subsist on acorns near White Salmon,
Wash. Page 7.
Tacoma Slav falls to show up at his wed
ding. Page 7.
Nineteen-year-old Seattle youth steals horse
and buggy to give sweetheart ride.
Page 6.
Commercial clubs of Northwest to gather at
Spokane. Page 7.
Commercial and Marine.
British Government's estimate of India Jute
crop. Page 81.
Wheat markets affected by reports of locust
damage in Argentina, Page 81.
Scarcity of money hampers stock specula
tion. Page 31.
New York banks gain in surplus reserve.
Page 31. .
Portland and Vicinity.
Threatened strike of gralnhandlers and
longshoremen may tie up water-front to
morrow. Page 1. i
Lad da turn in $1,250,000 more personal
property to Assessor this year than last.
Page 10.
Aliens hasten to become naturalised before
new Federal law goes Into effect. Page 11.
Automobile-owners appear in Police Court.
Page 4S.
Clubwomen prepare plans for work of com
ing year. Page 10.
Colored citizens celebrate Emancipation day.
Page 21.
Autumn realty market opens with a rush.
Page 20.
One-third of $3M,000 building fund being
raised by Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. la
pledged. Page 10.
Fifty-fourth annual conference of Oregon
Methodist Episcopal Church to begin
Monday at Sunnyslde. Page 48. ,
Features and Departments.
Editorial. Page 8.
Church announcements. Page
Classified advertisements. Pages 24-30.
What the new football will be. Pages 38-37.
With Army women at American Lake.
Page 40.
Monument for Pocahontas. Page 80.
Cuban rebels trained to guerrilla warfare.
Paee 42.
What Uncle Sam is doing for sportsmen:
Page 44.
In the romance of chemistry. Page 38.
Religious news. Pages 87 and 48.
Book reviews. Page 45.
Ham Burr's fun. Page 46.
Social. Pages 18. 10 and 33.
Dramatic. Pages 34-35.
Musical. Page 22.
Household and fashions. Page 41.
youth's department. Page 47.
Strike Threatened on
the Waterfront.
Demands Increase of Wages,
Which Exporters Refuse.
Longshoremen Ready to Walk Out
in Sympathy Strike Will Prob
ably Go Into Kffect at 7
o'clock Tomorrow.
Unless the Grain Exporters' Associa
tion, comprising the five largest grain
exporting houses in Portland, shipping
the bulk of the grain exported from the
Pacific Coast, increases the wages of
members of Gralnhandlers' Union No.
263 from 35 cents to 40- cents an hour
by 7 o'clock Monday morning, the Port
land waterfront will be involved in a
strike affecting between 1000 and 1200
This is the ultimatum which Oscar
Melby, representing the gralnhandlers,
and Andrew Madsen, representing the
longshoremen, gave the exporters yester
day afternoon.
Individual exporters declare the raise
will not be granted and say they are
ready to meet the threatened strike.
The ultimatum of the gralnhandlers
was In answer to another from the ex
porters themselves, demanding a declar
ation from the gralnhandlers of their po
sition on the wage question, by noon
Saturday. The response of the union
was immediate and from the shoulder.
If the strike Is called .not only the
gralnhandlers will walk out, but the
members ot Longshoremen's Unions 264
and 265 have pledged themselves to
strike also In sympathy, according to the
gralnhandlers. The gralnhandlers handle
the grain on the docks, passing It to the
longshoremen, who load the ships.
Gralnhandlers' Union No. 263 has a
membership of about 250. The long
shoremen of the two other unions num
ber In excess of 750. Those In both
affiliations are pledged by the terms of
a compact d.-awn up and signed by a
committee from the three unions early
in the week to support each other to
the bitter end. This compact has been
kept closely secret, and only comes to
light through the threatened strike. It
marks the first time that the. longshore
men and gralnhandlers have Joined hands
In Portland to achieve a common end.
Wage Question Definite Issue.
By the ultimatum of the grainhandlers
the wage question, which for months
has been growing more and more men
acing, has Bhaped into a definite issue.
Since the beginning of August and the
first part of this month a committee
from the gralnhandlers has three 'times
held conference with the exporters. The
contract between the exporters and
grainhandlers which has been running
since September, 1905, by which wages
were 35 cents an hour, ended on the first
of this month. Since then there has been
a. sort of truce. Friday the exporters de
manded that the handlers renew the
contract on the same scale. This precip
itated matters.
One hundred and fifty enthusiastic mem
bers crowded the hall of Union 363 Fri
day night, at the rousing special meet
ing called by Business Agent Melby to
deliberate on this demand. They voted
unanimously to stand firm for 40 cents.
So Melby and Madsen yesterday carried
the filial answer to the exporters: "Forty
cents or strike:"
The exporting firms affected by the sit
uation are: Balfour, Guthrie & Co.;
Kerr, Gifford & Co.: the Pacific Coast El
evator Company, Pacific Grain Company
and J- C. Flanders Grain Company. These
firms combined ship millions of bushels a
year. The coastwise grain trade will, not
be affected bv a strike. !
Both sides stand firm and will not talk
arbitration. They have widely varying
"Let Them Strike," Exporter Says.
"We pay the gralnhandlers now more
than they get In other Coast cities," said
Peter Kerr, secretary of the Exporters'
Association, last night.
"In Tacoma. gralnhandlers are paid 30
cents an hour. Here they get 35 cents.
The demand for 40 cents Is exorbitant.
We will never pay it. They can strike
if they want to it will make no differ
ence. Positively, we will not be held up
for 40 cents, even If the waterfront Is
tied up temporarily; but of that we shall
see. The exporters are all unanimous on
"Where only 30 cents an hour is paid
in Tacoma, to 35 cents here, nobody seems
to have any trouble getting labor enough
up there. So I don't think a strike would
tie us up very badly here."
One grain exporter Intimated that the
longshoremen are behind the trouble.
"Our petition for 40 cents an hour is
only a return to the old contract scale
paid up to 1890," said Thomas Spence,
one of the members of Union 263.
- "Then we were cut to 35 cents on ac
count of the hard times. The promise
was made then that former wages would
be paid again. They never have been
paid. Time and again we have asked,
but have been refused. We propose to
strike for our rights now.
"True, grainhandlers in Tacoma and
Seattle are only paid 30 cents an hour.
But there Is a vast difference between
work and conditions there and here. Up
there the warehouses are large and
roomy. Grain only has to be piled flive
to eight sacks high. In Portland they
often must be piled 12, 14 and IS high.
That Is a huge difference, let me tell you.
The weight of a sack of grain does not
decrease the higher one lifts it. Many
men from Tacoma coming here have
found the work too hard for them.
Will Tie Tp Watee Front.
"This strike will be called to the bitter
end. The longshoremen will stand by us.
Unless the exporters yield, the whole
waterfront will be tied up. If the ex
porters get men, it will cost them 31
an hour."
Monday morning the grainhandlers and
longshoremen will report to their union
headquarters. If their demands are met
they will work, but few expect to la
bor tomorrow. Unless one side recedes,
a big waterfront strike will take effect
at once.
Army of 1500 Ready to Resist At
tack and ProtectAmerican
Lives and Property.
HAVANA, Sept. 22. Fifteen hundred
marines and sailors are preparing to
land in Havana tonight for transfer to
Camp Columbia. The United Railways
has two trains with a total of 30 cars
waiting to transport the force.
As it became known . that an armed
American force was coming ashore, it
was said that forcible Intervention was
at hand. The object of landing the troops
Is stated to be preparedness to resist a
possible attack on the city and to be
ready to protect' American lives and
property in the event that the rebels out
side the city become dissatisfied with the
condition of tha peace negotiations and
undertake to invade Havana.
It Is a significant fact that the Cuban
Government has ordered the transposi
tion for the troops and made all the
arrangements for their occupation of
Camp Columbia. This camp quite closely
adjoins Marlanao, where Secretary Taft
and Mr. Bacon are carrying on their ne
gotiations for peace.
Claims Full Authorization to Repre
sent Liberal Sentiment.
HAVANA, Sept. 22. Alfredo Zayas said
to the Associated PreBS today:
"Concerning the question of my au
thority fully to represent Liberal senti
ment. I already have full powers from
the rebels In P'inar del Rio and Havana
provinces. With the arrival here of Or.
estas Ferrarla and Machado and the
commissioners from General Guzman, of
Santa Clara province, coupled with the
unquestioned support of the leaders who
were liberated from Jail today. I shall
have ample authority to represent the
Liberal party and will be able to dispel
Secretary Taft's Just doubts on this point.
"I am confident that the basis recently
presented, supported by. the above pow
ers, will solve the problem promptly."
Bloody Revenge fo
Attacks on Women.
Whole Population Goes Gun
ning for the Blacks.
Series of Brutal Assaults Rouse
Whites to Fury and Every
Negro Seen Is Beaten
! ' or Killed.
ATLANTA. Sept. 23.-1:30 A. M.
Reports are being received from the
outskirts of the town of rioting and
negroes being killed and driven from
their homes. Rumors have It tnat
25 to 30 negroes have been killed
here tonight, but it is impossible at
this time to confirm these reports.
ATLANTA, Ga Sept. 22. Special.)
Four attempted assaults within four
hours tonight, many negroes killed by un
known parties, the, riot call sounded to
clear the streets, every policeman In the
city summoned to the Station-house, any
number of negroes pulled from street
cars and every negro in the city being
chased from the heart of the city by
mobs of angry men and boys, Is a brief
summary of the bloody Saturday night
In Atlanta.
The women on whom the assaults were
attempted were Mrs. Jessie Chafin, liv
ing near the Soldiers' Home on the out
skirts of Atlanta: Miss Alma Allen, 1?3
Davis street: Mrs. J. F. Arnold, 1S7 Bul
lion street; Mrs. Mattle Holcome, 275 Mag
nolia street. -
The first negroes killed William
Durham, bootblack at the Leland barber
shop; on unknown . negro on Broad
street; deaf and dumb negro In front of
the Kimball house; two unknown negroes
at the corner ot Prior and Richardson
At midnight the Fire Department was
called to Decatur and Richardson streets
to turn the hose on the negro Bowery
and drive the loafers away. Mayor
Woodward and the leading citizens of
the city came to the heart of the city
to plead for peace and quiet.
What Infuriated Whites.
The first assault occurred this after
noon at 3 o'clock, when an unknown negro
came up behind Mrs. Chafln, a young
woman of 24 yearR, who was walking In
the woods near her home, and grabbed
her. She jerked loose and ran to her
home. Later, when she came out again,
he was In hiding in the grass and grabbed
at her again. She ran back and got a
gun, but the negro fled Into the woods.
He Is being pursued by an armed posse
of 300 men.
At 7 o'clock Mrs. Frank Arnold went
on her back porch. As she stepped Into
the shadow a negro crouching near by
sprang at her and grabbed her In his
arms. She screamed and he fled. He)
was pursued by thousands. A negro
named Henry Green has been captured
and landed in jail as a suspect.
As Mrs. Hattle Holcome went to her
front window to close the blinds, a negro
on the outside reached for her. She)
screamed and another posse was organ
ized. Miss Alma Allen, of 12 Davis street,
was In her back yard shortly after dusk,
when a negro pursued her. She screamed
and fell In a faint. A posse started In
Negroes Beaten and Killed.
The mob began its work early In the
evening, pulling negroes from street-cars
and beating them with clubs, bricks and
(Concluded on Page 2.)