THE SUNDAY OKJSliOiaAN, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 16, .ltXHJ. 28 HELP WASTED MAtB. WANTED BOYS ABOUT 16 YEAR- OF age for factory work. Apply at once. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE. CO.. 6ta and Davis tu. MAN WANTED IN THE REAL, ESTATE business, experience unnecessary; If hon est, ambitious and willing to learn the business thorougnly by mall and earn $30O to $500 monthly as our local rep resentative, write Immediately tor lull particulars. Address nearest office tional co-operative Realty Co., 792B Athenaeum bldg.. Chicago; 792B Maryland bldg . Washington, D. C. ONE HEAD CAMP COOK. 1100. Man and wife. $S0. Vegetable man, $50 and found. Buckets, swampers, fallers. Millmen. yardmen, from $2.25 to $3.75. Teamsters, rockmen and tunnelmen. 800 railroad laborers at $2 25 and $2.50. City work at $2.25 and $2.50 day. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 26 North Second Street, near Burnslde. HIGH-GRADE MEN. EXCLUSIVE SERVICE. Hard-working salesmen earn from $50 to $150 per week handling "KERN KALEN DERS" and advertising specialties. Suc cessful calendar men wanted as state managers. Special inducements. The A. F. Kern Co., Chicago. SALESMAN FIRST-CLASS. ALL-AROUND hustler, to cover unoccupied territory selling staple line to retail trade; techni cal knowledge unnecessary; permanent to right man; $30 weekly expenses ad vanced. Sales Manager, box 725. Chicago. SALESMAN WANTED TO PLACE JEWEL ry departments with general trade in Ore gon; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position for capable salesman; Jewelry experience unnecessary. Jesa H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. X POSTOFFICE EXAMINATION WILL BE held In Portland November 17: full In formation about all civil service exami nations and questions recently used by Commission free. Columbian Correspond ence College. Washington, D. C. WANTED COMPETENT YOUNG MAN BE tween 28 and 35 years of age for outside work; must be a resident of this city and have first-class recommendation' a to abil ity and character; steady position to right party. Address K 7, Oregonian. WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMAN FOR Western territory; experienced patent medicine salesman preferred: excellent opportunity for right man; reply confi dential; our general man is now in the West. Box 655, Chicago. Traveling salesman to sell our Spring product of dress fabrics and shirt ings to retail country trade; good commis sion; profitable side line. South Philadel phia Woolen Co.. box 1341, Philadelphia. WANTED SALESMEN WHO HAVE SOLD life Insurance, advertising or contract propositions; position worth not less than . $100 per week for the right man. McAl-lister-Coman Co., 856 Dearborn, Chicago. pALESMAX. EXPERIENCED IN ANY line, to sell general stores in Oregon; an unexcelled specialty proposition, commis sions and $35 weekly for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED IMMEDIATELY EIGHT MEN to prepare for clerks in Portland Fostof flce. $50 to $125 per month; examination November 21. E. O. Heynen. 315 Columbia bldg.. 9 A. M. to B P. M.; evenings. 7 to 9. WANTED SPECIALTY SALESMAN FOR permanent position; reliable hustler can make $4000 to $6000 annually; attractive line; holiday season now on. Address P. O. box 511. Dept. 31. Rock Island. 111. SALESMAN "ORDER GETTER" (NOT "order taker") can earn $2500 to $5500; specialty ability paid proportionately; line sells general trader Barton-Parker Mfg. Co., Cedar Rapids, Iowa. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER ORE gon with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Company. Detroit. Mich. ELECTRICIAN, CAPABLE OF INSTALLING and operating plant: International Corre spondence School student preferred. Apply I. C. S representative, T. R. Phillips. 614 McKay bldg. WANTED MAN ACCUSTOMED TO SALT fish packing, who also has had experience as grocery porter: none but experienced need apply to vv&aname : JK.err .Bros., corner tn and Hoyt. WANTED EXPERIENCED LOGGERS AT the former Benson Logging & Lumbering Company s Midway camp. Wisconsin Logging & Timber Co., Ira Baldrldge, foreman. PHYSICIAN REGISTERED IN THIS STATE to take charge of advertising doctor's of fice; first-class opportunity; good salary, state age and qualifications. B 5. Orego nian. IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE YOU IN salesmanship, secure you position as trav eling salesman with responsible firm. Ad dress the Bra.datreet System, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED DRIVER FOR GROCERY DE Jivery: must be thoroushlv acoualnted wim tne city. Apply with references to E. B. Colwell. cor. 3d and Jefferson. BRIGHT AND RELIABLE BOY TO WORK in store and deliver packages. Apply with references Monday morning at 8 o'clock, Robinson A Co., 2S9 Washington at. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR: ONE who has had vast experience and is well acquainted In the city. Address, giving references, to J 7, Oregonian. WANTED, MEN EVERYWHERE GOOD pay. to 'distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc.: no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago, 111. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.: no canvassing. Universal Adv. Co., Chicago. WANTED 4 SHEET-METAL WORKERS. 4 furnace men $4 per day; union men. W. G. McPherson Co., 19th and Wilson sts. BOY WANTED IN PRINTING OFFICE Good opportunity to learn trade: $5 week to start. Alvin S. Hawk Co.. 145 3d st. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNsT distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. APPRENTICE WANTED COMPOSING room; one of some experience required. Ths Irwin-Hodson Co., 1st and Salmon sts. BOY WHO WRITES .A FAIRLY GOOD HAND j wanted; a good chance for advancement. 4 Reffllng. 231 Washington, near 2d st. EXPERT TEACHER WANTS PUPILS IN algebra evenings; class now forming. Terms ( reasonable. Adress F 57, Oregonian. WANTED BRIGHT BOY TO RUN BR rands; good chance for an advancement. Apply Lowengart A Co.. 94 Front. MEN TO DISTRIBUTE SAMPLES. TACK signs, good pay. steady: no canvassing. "Oliver." Monroe Bldg.. Chicago. BOYS WANTED AT THE PORTLAND Cigar Box Factory: good wages. Call at cor. Union ave. and E. Pine st. BOY WITH WHEEL CAN LEARN SIGN writlng free: begin with $6 per week. J. M. Acheson Co.. 131 6th St. FIRST-CLASS COAT MAKER WANTED AT once. Spokane bill paid. Telegraph. Baldeck & Ransburg. Lewlston. Idaho. WANTED TWO MEN IN ORCHARD AND around prune-dryer. in ' city. A. Van Strahn. 26th and E. Harrison. WANTED TWO ORNAMENTAL 1RON workers; also helpers. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 3d and Flanders sts. FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR WANTED FOR family liquor business; references re quired. R 10O. Oregonian. BOY WANTED WITH WHEEL TO DE- liver packages: wages $6 per week. R M. Gray. 269-271 Morrison st. SHOE, SALESMEN. THOROUGHLY EXPERI enced and reliable. Apply to Superintendent, Olds, Wortman 8s. King. WANTED IN WHOLESALE HOUSE, YOUNG man. 18 to 21 years old: must be able bodied. B 6, Oregonian. WANTED BOY TO CARRY NEWSPAPER route. Apply city circulator's desk, busi ness office, Oregonian. WANTED ENGINEER FOR SMALL SAW mill. Apply Doernbecker Mfg. Co.. E. 28th and O. R. & N. WANTED EXPERIENCED GROCERY man, with good references. E. B. Colwell, cor. 3d and Jefferson. FIRST-CLASS COATMAKERS WANTED. K. S. Ervin Co.. Ltd.. 3d and Alder. BOY WANTED 16 OR OVER: MUST HAVE wheel: references. 229 First. WANTED FIRST-CLASS COATMAKJ2RS. Ktcoll the Tailor, 108 3d st, SELF WA'TP MALE. RELIABLE MAN TO TAKE "JTEMST IN real estate business; party leaving city. J02 commercial utm.. TWO OR THREE- GOOD COMPETENT shinglera. Call Monday. 11 to 12:30, 213 Ablngton bldg. BOYS BETWEEN 16 AND 18 YEARS AP ply to superintendent' office. Olds, Wort man King. WANTED CARPENTER WORK BY A first-class mechanic. H. Baumgart, 63 N. 10th at., city. BOYS WANTED $30 PER MONTH GUAR anteed. Apply to manager Western Union Telegraph Co. TOUNO MAN ABOUT 17 YEARS OLD WHO understands horses. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark st. WANTED REGISTERED DRUGGIST IN city; state salary expected. Address C 4, Oregonian. WANTED BOY WANTED WITH WHEEL, Monday morning, permanent. Palace Market, 260 Yamhill. FIRST-CLASS STAIR BUILDER WANTED also papernangera ana paiaveiv. awij wj Northrup st. WANTED A SHORT-ORDER COOK FOR small place. Information at ym let at at cigar store. BOY ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE WANTED for office work and a messenger. C 17, Oregonian. CLERK EXPERIENCED. WHOLESALE office; state age and references. K 100, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO LEARN DRUG business. Bast Side. Address u lou. ure gonian. WANTED BOY 15 OR 16 YEARS OF AGE with wheel. H. B. Lltt. 4th and Wash ington. SALESMAN, BOOKKEEPER, TAILOR. 1ST- class cook. call Mtrly, ssi). Aider si., room 16. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MARKER AND distributor, at Pacific Laundry, nil Artnur street. TAILOR WANTED FIRST-CLASS COAT- maker, at ones. Bauer wilkins, corvai lis. Or. WB SECURE EMPLOYMENT FOR MEM bers. Special membership. $2. Y. M. C. A. WANTED YOUNG MAN 16 OR 17 YEARS old. Mt. Hood Factory. 2d and Couch sts. WANTED MAN INTERESTED IN GOLD en seal or ginseng culture. X 99. Oregonian. 600 MEN WANTED FREE SHAVES AND haircuts. 248 Couch st. Moler Barber College. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest prices paid. 82 3d. Phone Pacific 46. COATMAKERS WANTED AT ONCE. .Co lumbia Woolen Mills Co.. 7th and Stark. WANTED AT ONCE. 6 BOYS OVER 15 years. Roberts Bros., 3d and Morrison. BOY TO WORK FOR ROOM AND BOARD, morning and evenings. 200 14 Park st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS MAKERS. Nicoll the Tailor. Ip8 3d St. MAN WANTED AT 270 GRANT ST. CALL bet. 8 and 12 noon today. WANTED ERRAND BOY. APPLY D. B. McBride Co.. 84 6th St. WANTED BOYS AT PAPER BOX FAC tory. 10th and Glisan sts. GOOD COATMXKER WANTED AT REFF Ung. 231 Washington st. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS BUSHELING man. 106 6th st. BOY WANTED. KLEIST & SCHUELE. printers. 107 6th st. MATTRESS-MAKERS WANTED. 65 FRONT St.. cor. Davis. FTELP -WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN Gregg shorthand: won the highest award at St. Louis Exposition; learned In half the time at half the expense of any other sys tem: taught everywhere In the East. Holmes Business College. Washington and 10th sts. WANTED A LIVE MAN OR WOMAN TO get ready to hold a splendid position, paying handsomely st start, with unlimited chances for advancement; no soliciting, no agency, straight salary. Address H 68. Oregonian. WANTED $12 TO $24 WEEKLY SALARY and expenses paid to energetic man or woman employing agents for fast-selling goods in Oregon territory: experience un necessary: permanent; references. Jos. Moore. Portland, Or. PRUNBPICKBRS. 6c: DRYERS. $2.25; WAIT er. waitresses (Aberdeen), others city, family; factory, grocery help ($50); housekeepers, camp waitress. $30; chambermaids, farm hands, dishwashers. Drake'B, 205 Wash ington. WANTED LADIES' TAILOR AND TAILOR ess; only competent need apply; also ap prentice for ladies' tailoring. Mrs. Zeitfuchs, 3S6 Washington, bet. West Park and 10th. WANTED TEACHERS: HIGHER GRADES. $55: Intermediate and primary. $50: general high school assistant. $75. Fls-k Teachers' Agency. 1200 Williams ave. East 344. AMATEUR DRAMATIC CLUB WANTS RE fined members: instruction, rehearsal, pro ducing plays; give telephone. N 83, Orego nian. SOLICITOR. LADY OR GENTLEMAN, clean, respectable business, profitable, new. 613 Commercial bldg. FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY MAKER'S AT. prentices and bright boy wanted at 400 v asmngton street. WANTED MORE HOPPICKERS. ITTKE vara, gooa accommodations. Call 287 Mor rison st. at once. WANTED BOYS AND GIRLS OVER 16 to wrap soap. Luckel King Cake Soap Co. KELP WANTED FEMALE. HAIR DRESSER AND MANICURIST; ALSO apprentice. Rosenthal Sisters. 109 7th. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework in small family. 200 Park st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Inquire 269 N. 22d st. RELIABLE GIRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OF two children. 794 Irving St. Main 11S2. WANTED TWO GIRLS. WAITRESS AND chambermaid. 53 N. 18th, cor. Davis. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENER. al housework. Apply 186 E. 16th st. GIRL WANTED IN VROOM COTTAGE; NO cnuaren. o N. jua St.; good pay. STRONG GIRL FOR GENERAL, HOUSE- worK on rancn. inquire 7 4th st. - COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- wwn; gooa wages. m r landers St. WANTED LADY TAILORESS ON PANTS ana vests. 220 Goodnough bldg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, FAM ily of two. Call 594 E. Main st. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN nousework. 186 N. 16th St. HOUSEWORK GIRL AND SECOND GIRL good wages. 674 Everett st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 210 N. 25th st. GIRL ABOUT 16 TO 20 TO ASSIST IN .nouseworK. zuu ark st. GOOD NORWEGIAN GIRL FOR GENERAL nouseworK. zuui farK st. GIRL TO HELP WITH GENERAL HOUSE GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 747 Glisan. A GOOD PLAIN COOK FOR SMALL FAM ily. Apply 824 Marshall st. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL nouseworg. joi is. 241a st. GIRL WANTED ON DOUBLE-NEEDLE shirt machlns at 70 1st: boss of all factory. A YOUNG GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN small family. 04 1 ftoaney ave.. Alblna. SCHOOLGIRL TO WORK FOR BOARD IN family of two. 366 N. 1st, near Broadway. WANTED YOUNG LADY APPRENTICE for dressmaking. 374 rtoss. Union 6031, WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GF.N eral housework; good wages. 340 Hassalo st. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 692 Hancock st,, Irvington. COMPETENT WOMAN TO DO HOUSEWORK uwa cook, no wasmng. rnone ast 4155, WANTED HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO WORK lor Doaro, snuui iaauiy. rnons Mala 4512. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRLS ABOUT 16 YEARS OF age lor factory work. Appiy w AMES-HARRIS-NEVltLE CO., 5th and Davis sts. WANTED FOUR WAITRESSES: TRAY work preferred; pays s-o per myniu. board and room; no laundry work; serve about 60 per meal altogether. Answer ,i-b i. - -mhr Address C. F. Gilbert, manager Mt. Hood Hotel. Hood Jtlver, or. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work reglstst with us. free of charge, so we mar locate you on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington at., cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED BOOKKEEPER AND STENOG- rapher for plain set of bookB; must db c curate, reliable and thoroughly experienced and come well recommended. Apply, atat ing lowest salary, V 59, Oregonian. THE MEIER 4 FRANK STORE HAVE A- candes In every department lor compcci... and polite . salesladies: good opportunities for advancement; apply in person or by letter to the superintendent. SEWERS GINGHAM APRONS; MAKE highest wages: material sent to aoor n" of charge; stamped addressed envelope for particulars. L. P. Richards, 5002 For restville ave., Chicago. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE WANT young ladles. 16 years ana over. 10 the business; rapid advancement for Intelli gent workers. Apply to ths superintendent before 10 A. M. WANTED LADY OF NEAT ADDRESS for responsible position witn large manu facturing company; salary position; op portunity for advancement- Address J 5, Oregonian. WANTED COMPETENT CLOAK, MILLI- nery and corset salesladies, floorwalkers ana ticket writer. Apply, giving full references, to Symons Dry Goods Co.. Butte. Mont. LADIES TO WORK PIECEWORK $3 PER dozen, materials rurnisnea; no cm ing; steady work: stamped envelope. Best Mfg. Co., Champlain bldg., Chicago. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL- FOR GEN- eral housework; must be good plain cook, small family. 581 W. Madison st. King's Heights. Comfortable room for girl. FEW LADIES WANTED TO ASSIST MAK- lng easy fancy work spare time ai nom. good steady pay, no experience required. 326 Fliedner bldg.. 407 Washington st. A YOUNG LADY TO PREPARE FOR POS- tal service at ones. Salary from ouw " $800. Examination soon. W. C. C. S.. 613 McKay bldg., Portland, Oregon. LADIES TO MAKE SANITARY BELTS: material all cut ready to sew; 51.0 per dozen; particulars stamped envelope. Lenox Co.. Dept. 537. Chicago. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on shirts ana overalls. esson B,v - Inexperienced. Apply at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor st. WANTED A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; first-class wages to party; must be good cook. Apply 8 Union ave. N.. cor. Holladay. WANTED ELDERLY LADY AS HOUSE- keeper for family or z; win nave care m child during day. Call 766 Kerby 6t., or Woodlawn. 342. SALESWOMEN, CLOAKS AND SUITS; must be thoroughly experienced and Tena ble. Apply to Superintendent, Olds, Wort man & King. LADY TO TRAVEL REFERENCES Re quired; salary fzi per weeic; expense ad vanced; no capital necessary. J. S. Zlegler & Co., Chicago. GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL TO HELP witn nouseworK in excna-lise lur ,wi board. Address S 100, Oregonian. Phone East 2391. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X- Radlum Medical institute ana owiiuu-iuin, 3d and Alder; entrance 253 Alder st.. Port land. WANTED GOOD COOK. SMALL FAMILY. Phone Main 1356. Cor. 21st and Jackson sts. FIVE WAITRESSES. 8 CHAMBERMAIDS. 6 girls, general housework; oooKKeeper ana cashier. Call early, room 16. 25H4 Alder t. GIRLS. WHEN YOU WANT WORK CALL on me iscanainavian iaaies Ageuiy, 7i 6th st. Main 5909. John Anderson, Mgr. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN CANDY factory, steady employment; good wases. Pacific Coast Biscuit Co.. 12th an Davis eta. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED TO WORK m fruit cannery. Inquire Holmes canning Co., East 8th and Division. Phone East 38. WANTED REFINED YOUNG LADY TO As sist wiui Daoy ana 1 general jiuuacAcjiufi, small family of adults. Apply 692 Hoyt st. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaking. Apply Standard fac tory. 2 Grand ave.. and E. Taylor st. WANTED IMMEDIATELY, CAPABLE presser on fancy garments; steady posi tion. Berlin Dye Works. 347 2d st. WANTED SCHOOL GIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework for room and board, i-'none fa cine 2409, Monday, between 8 and 5. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY STEN ographer immediately, owning machine preferred. N luu. oregonian. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 843 Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs.. Phone Main 26D2. HOME LADIES' AGENCY, 165 Fourth St., corner Morrison, upstairs. Phone Main 6826. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework: good wages; tnree in family. oeo nawtnorne ave. WANTED A GIRL TO DO UPSTAIRS work and help take care of chliaren. Ap ply mornings to 659 Hoyt 6t. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK AND COOKing; no wasning; wages oo cj. Main at. Phone East 1616. INTELLIGENT WOMAN. OVER 25. FOR position now ready: good pay to right party. L 100, oregonian. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS TRIMMER FOR a retail millinery store. Apply Muller A Raas Co.. 5th and oak st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work in family of two. Apply mornings, lower flat. 256 12th st. 1 HAVE A GOOD HOME FOR A GIRL TO work while attending school. Apply at 984 East Stark, corner 33. EXPERIENCED HELP. HELPERS AND Ap prentices wanted at M. A. Shogren's. 141 10th St.. corner aider. WANTED GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. PART day, sleep at home; wages vj; Sundays free. 651 .earney st. WANTED GIRL- FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work in small family; good wages, ouo m. Bumside. corner 20th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work and cooking. Apply bo i Washington st. Phone Main 2S6d. SCHOOLGIRL OR YOUNG LADY CAN have home in return help mornings, even lngs. East 5259. GIRL ATTENDING HIGH SCHOOL AND will work for board and room. Call morn ings, 692 Irving. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GENERAL HOUSE- work and care for two children; salary. 685 6th: Main 3579. FIRST-CLASS CAFE WAITRESSES WANT ed. Apply Boston Grill and Restaurant, Eolse. idano. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IN COOKING and general housework, three in family. 471 Main st. WANTED SCHOOLGIRL TO ASSIST WITH housework for room ana board. M 98, Oregonian. YOUNG GIFL TO HELP WITH HOUSE- work and take care of baby, $20. Phons East 4288. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Phone East 1S18. Inquire 330 weldier st. GIRLS WANTED TO WORK - IN PAPER box factory. Oregon f aper Box Factory, esi 1st st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small lamuy. Mrs. t. p. F aimer. 713 E coucn st. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; two in family. 292 12th st. STENOGRAPHER. EXPERIENCED. WHOLE sale house; references. Address 3 c Ore- HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 2 cooks, small restaurant, city, $50. 1 cook, small restaurant, country, $50. 2 hotel cooks, city, $40. 2 hotel cooks, country. $35. Cook and waitress, same place, city, $40 and $20. Cook and waitress, same place, city, $30 and $25. Cook and helper, same place, city, $30 and $20. 3 waitresses country town. $25. 1 chambermaid, country town, $-0. 3 waitresses, .city. $7 week. 6 waitresses, hotels, city, . $20. 3 chambermaids, $30. 3 chambermaids. $20. 1 good strong woman for general house work, family of 3, out of town; go Monday, fare nald. 6 family cooks. $30 and $35. 20 general housework girls, $25 to $35. 4- second girls, $20 to 4 dishwashers, $20 to $30. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE SHIRTS AND overalls. Mt, Hood Factory, 2d and Couch streets. GIRLS CAN MAKE FROM $9 TO $12 PER week after they learn to make cigar boxes; we pay beginners fair wages; two more wanted. Call at the Portland Cigar Box Factory, cor. Union ave. and E. Pine sts. SHORTHAND AT REDUCED RATES IN A new college; one month s trial free; Pitman system; one or two young ladies may se cure part tuition in exchange for light work. A 3, Oregonian. WANTED A GIRL ABOUT 16 YEARS OF age to help with housework: no washing; can go home evenings and Sundays. Ap ply in evening. 463 Union ave. N., or phone East 943. GOOD HOME TO REFINED MOTHER AND daughter, or two suitable, in exchange for light housework, or same place with fair wages to quiet girl or woman. Address L 3, Oregonian. LADY TO WORK ON LADIES' JACKETS. nnisning: also skirtmaker, also girl in la dies' tailoring store with a little experi ence in selling. 432 Washington. G. K. Stern. WANTED THREE FIRST-CLASS SKIRT hands. Apply tomorrow (Sunday) fore noon. Gurney, ladles' tailor,- Mohawk bldg., 4th floor. 3d and Morrison. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK and companion to lady, 32; two in family; good home, wages, use of piano. 212 East 4Sth st., corner Salmon. WANTED 2 YOUNG LADIES TO TAKE advantage of a special scholarship in a business college; part of tuition la paid for you. B 3, Oregonian. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, SEC- ond girls, nurses, waitresses. St. Louis La dies' Agency. 230 Vi Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL TO work for board and small wages. Apply mornings or evenings. 594 Madison. WANTED THOROUGHLY CAPABLE cook, first-class private family; wages $35. 23014 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED AN AGREEABLE WOMAN BET. 30 and 40 as housekeeper for middle-aged bachelor. Address T 5. Oregonian. IMMEDIATELY, GOOD MILLINER AND aressmaker for town of 2000. Box 174, Kelso. Wash. : state 6alary. WANTED EXPERIENCED JACKET. WAIST and skirt girls, also helpers. Mrs. Thomas, room 53 Washington bldg. EXPERIENCED COOK, WAGES $35; NO wasning: 4 in family. Apply today after 2 P. M., 205 King st. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework: two in family. 46S Clay st. Apply in morning. WANTED LIVE LADY SOLICITORS. Ac quainted in Alblna; salary and commission. 638 Williams ave. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework: best wages. Apply 414 7th st.. cor. Hall st. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, family of 3; good wages. 812 Overton st. HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO TAKE CARD OF boy after school. 348 East Yamhill St., phone Pacific 8. WANTED A WOMAN FOR GENERAL work and plain cooking; $20. East 3091. 32S Hasalo st. WANTED COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. Apply Dy telephone, Main 30,1. or call at 731 Everett st. WANTED YOUNG LADY TO EXCHANGE orrice work for tuition In a business college. C 3, Oregonian. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. NO COOKING. Apply at Blaney s Waffle House, 490 Washington St. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. call Monday morning: references. 45 E. 15th. GOOD COOK WITH REFERENCES: SMALL tamiiy: good wages. Apply 328 10th. phone .main zios. WANTED GOOD GIRL TO ASSIST WITH nining-room and kitchen work. Apply OTA Cw . WANTED GIRL WAITERS FOR SHORT nours at Morris' Kestaurant. 229 Washing ton st. GIRL WHO CAN GO HOME NIGHTS. FOR general nousework in small family. 302 Park st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR cooking and general housework. 815 John son. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS and a chambermaid at the Norton, 163 12th street. WANTED APPRENTICE GIRL TO LEARN dressmaking. 311 Cherry st. Phone East 17S7. WANTED ST ARCHER: STEADY EM ployment. Oregon Laundry. Phone Ease 13. WANTED EXPERIENCED SKIRT AND waist hands. 141 13th st. WANTED GIRLS AT PAPER BOX FAC- tory, loth and Glisan. WANTED GIRL TO DO COOKING. 779 Aiarsnau; gooa wages. WOMAN WANTED TO TAKE CARE OF Infant. 620 6th st. A GOOD COOK: WAGES $30. 275 22D ST Woman preferred. WANTED WAIST AND SKIRT HELP. 506 Marquam. GIRL WANTED FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK 453 4th St. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS WAITRESS AT watson'S. WANTED GIRL TO SEW AT 64 N. 15th SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN WISHES POSITION IN LtTM- ber office: can do general office work, and can furnish Dest or references; s years ex perience. Address M. 8. 11, Gen. Delivery, Astoria, Oregon. A MAN FROM THE EAST. HAVING HAD some experience listing and selling farm lands, desires position with reliable real estate firm; am willing to nustls. T 2, Oregonian. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER. BOOKKEEPER. telegraph operator, experienced correspond ent and office manager wants position for all or part or time, u 1. oregonian. EXPERIENCED IMPLEMENT AND Ex pert buggy salesman wants position on road or on tne noor. Address, jr 80, ore gonian. EXPERIENCED BUSINESS MAN WOULD represent Eastern house; have two offices furnished, centrally located; references and bond. t si, oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT bookkeeper- lumber and mercantile ex perience; best references. R 6, oregonian STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER DE- slres position. 6 years' experience, grain, railroad ana mercantile, o. s. oregonian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, STENOG- rapher and office man. age 30 years, good references, u. 1, oregonian. A SOBER AND INDUSTRIOUS MAN wishes position as shipping or receiving clerk. o, oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, CASHIER OR GENERAL office man or long experience; nest of re- erences. E z. oregonian. TYPEWRITING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY done. 315 Columbia bldg., 365 Washing ton st. STENOGRAPHER WITH SOME BXPERI- . nca wants position. - jl 1, oregonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. IF YOU KNEW WHERE TO FIND HIM could you use a man of proven ability, ex perienced in executive capacity? Here is an opportunity to meet one who is an ag gressive, comprehensive worker, and whose employer's interest is his own; a good judge of men; a successful business-getter; can show you results; salary to be fixed when you are satisfied; 31 years old; A-l Eastern, and Western references. A 09. Oregonian. I AM AN EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER A live cumapUBQCHL, 4iu na-vc m. buotuugu knowledge of system in modern office work; experience in charge; can operate a machine and am an all-around man In an office or out; 30 years old: references the best; mod erate salary. B 99, Oregonian. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED 6HOB MAN, 26, present manager and buyer leading de partment store in town of 10.000; four years assistant buyer New York City department store, desires to change; best reasons, Al references. Address Energetic, S 94, Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN WITH 8 YEARS' BXPERI- ence as accountant, cashier and credit man with largest mercantile house on coast, de sires situation as office manager or account ant; good education, habits and gilt-edge references; bonds if desired, . W 96, Orego nian. OFFICE MAN. AGED 27. HONEST, CAPA- ble, energetic, with executive ability, de sires position in real estate office or trust company; several years' experience in high class real estate office in Philadelphia; ref erences; salary moderate. M 99, Orego nian. ADVERTISING MAN WITH EXPERIENCE and ability, can accept situation Oct. 1st; while not a cheap man will not allow question of salary to stand between him and the right position. K 2. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN HAVING KNOWLEDGE OF shorthand and typewriting and considerable office experience, would like opportunity to handle the office end of a good proposition. S 98, Oregonian. M lceIlaxiemB. WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM OR HAVE an interview with an up-to-date plumber, steam and gasfltter or water company, that is in need of a manager or foreman; have had 10 years of master's experience In New York City; American, age 34, strictly sober and not afraid to work. W 93, Oree-onlan. ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL EN- gineer with more than ten years of practical experiences in both lines desires any suit able temporary position for a number of weeks or months. Good machinery design er. Address V 100. Oregonian. REAL ESTATE MEN IF YOU WANT A man who is wide-awake, a hustler and of good ability, and who wants to get In with a good firm and learn the business right, address W 6, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS MECHANICAL DRAUGHTS- man. German, desires position in Port land or vicinity: has 4 years' practical and 5 years' theoretical experience. Ad dress L 96, Oregonian. TWO MEN WANT INSIDE POSITION. NOT afraid of work; shipping clerk or whole sale house work. E. C. Huffsmlth, 3d and Everett. Terminus House. AN EDUCATED. RELIABLE GERMAN 42 years old, 6peaklng both languages, wishes a position as foreman or manager. E. Menslng. 330 Caruthers st. FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST WANTS Posi tion as superintendent or foreman of ma chine shop: have held similar position. Q 1C0. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY COMPETENT laundry foreman; 15 years' experience, 6 years' experience in Los Angeles, Cal. X 2, Oregonian. TRUSTWORTHY. SOBER. HANDY. ELDER- ly man wants steady work of any kind, except horses, city or country. F 3, care Oregonian. JAPANESE LABpR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; ail kinds of help. Main 4659. 268 Everett. STATIONARY ENGINEER. AGED 34. strictly temperate and reliable, wants sit uation. Address E 96, Oregonian. PAINTER. PAPERH ANGER. WANTS TO work for landlords or agents by the day or contract. E. Meves. 728 Alblna ave.' DRAKE, 205 WASHINGTON. FURNISHES notel. restaurant, camp, boat, mill, farm, factory help; anybody, anywhere. JAPANESE BOY WANTS WORK MORNING and evening in family in West Portland; no wages wanted. S 5, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MARRIED man as bench hand In machine shop or any kind' of work. W 6. Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A POSITION OF scnoolDoy. w. x., care Japanese Mission 121 N. 15th st. Phone Pacific 2148. PRACTICAL LAUNDRYMAN OF LONG Ex perience, city or country references. Robert Berendsohn, General delivery. WANTED BY JAPANESE STUDENT. A .iiuauuu 10 wuik irum evening lowara night. N 6, Oregonian. POSITION AS WATCHMAN BY ONE FUL- ly competent to nandte Doners ana machin ery. P 99. Oregonian. JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION TO DO cooking for hotel or Doarding-house. V 98, care Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED flour and feed packer, large mill preferred. M 6. Oregonian. YOUNG. BRIGHT JAPANESE WANTS Po sition of schoolboy work or housework. H 6. Oregonian. ENERGETIC. DEPENDABLE BOY OF 16 wants work after school and Saturdays. G 4. Oregonian. RELIABLE JAPANESE WANTS EARLY morning work, 5 to 9 o'clock; references. Pacific 2465. AN ALL ROUND HANDY MAN WISHES an indoors position; not afraid of work. S 2. Oregonian. . JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION IN small family, cooking-or housework. 273 Burnslde st. MALE NURSE WHO UNDERSTANDS MAS- sage. wants private cases.- m i, oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS PLUMBER'S helper. Address . fa., care Aio Kusseu st. AN EXPERIENCED JAP BOY WANTS A situation in small family. O 2, Oregonian. I WANT TO GET IN WITH A GOOD REAL estate firm. X 6. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS JANITOR OR watchman. A 5. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. CULTURED CAPABLE WOMAN WITH practical business experience, training, wants employment; could entertain In valids, aged with reading, music, general usefulness, by hour or day: references as to qualifications. D 4. oregonian. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT AND RE liable young lady stenographer with varied experience and good knowledge of bookkeeping ana general cierksnip. t a, Oregonian. WOULD LIKE POSITION AS BOOKKEEP er or cashier; experienced and can fur nish very best of city references. Ad dress L 6. Oregonian. LADY STENOGRAPHER WISHES POSITION in attorney s or Dusiness onice. years ex perience; write 80 words minute. R 8, Ore gonian. POSITION BY YOUNG LADY STENOGRA pher of some experience; can also attend to switchboard. O 94. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED AND COMPETENT YOUNG lady stenographer wishes position. Ad dress H 4, Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION BY COMPETENT stenographer; 6 years' experience. L 4, Oregonian. POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER AND CASH ier by young lady; references. C 5, Ore gonian. AN EXPERIENCED LADY BOOKKEEPER desires a position. M 87. oregonian. Domestlcs. SITUATION WANTED LIGHT HOUSE work in family of 2, by middle-aged woman, or companion, or care for invalid. H 3. care Oregonian. REFINED YOUNG WOMAN, GOOD COOK, fine housekeeper, wishes position in nice home. P 2. care Oregonian. WANTED BY FIRST-CLASS COLORED laundress, family washing and ironing by day. W 7, Oregonlam JAPANESE GIRL WANTS PLACE IN small family; wages no object. A 1, care Oregonian. i CHAMBERMAID (COLORED) WOULD Ilka s) good steady place, A 6, -Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKER EXPERIENCED AS A FIT ter. original designer of street, evening and tailor gowns and coats: first-class work, perfect fit; out by day or at home. Address, or call evening, 451 Alder st. OUR PRICES ARB ONLY HALF OF WHAT others charge, work is ths very best, styles the latest; call and see. Angeles Dressmak ing Parlor. 242 6th and Main. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER AND LA dies' tailor, thoroughly experienced, ex cellent references, desires engagements. $4 per day. O 7,Oregonian. LADIES' HATS MADE! OVER AND trimmed: stylish work. 1150 Hawthorne. Tel. Tabor 323. Work called for. DRESSMAKING, PLAIN SEWING; WILL go out by day; best references. Phone Main 5256. 702 Marquam bldg. NEAT. QUICK SEWER WISHES FEW MORE engagements by the day or will take work home. Mrs. M., 181 Russell st. AN EXPERIENCED SEWER WANTS CHIL dren's sewing; will take home or go out by the day. Phone East 6039. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKER WISHES A few more engagements by the day. Phone Woodlawn 176. DRESSMAKING DONE AT YOUR OWN home or at the shop. $1.50 per day. Main 6265. SEWING IN FAMILIES. SHIRWAISTS AND children's clothes. $1.25 day. M 4, Oregon ian. REPAIRING AND SHIRTWAISTS MADE AT your homes. Phone Tabor 146. Housekceeners. IF THE LADY ON MONTGOMERY ST. who engaged Miss Y. to sew the third week in September will send her residence number to 324 14th st. she will not be disappointed. WIDOW WITH CHILD WANTS POSITION as housekeeper in small family: no objec tion to the country. Phone East 309, or Q 7. Oregonian. COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN, GOOD cook, neat housekeeper, would like to take charge of refined widower's home. R 2, care Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER or will rent 20 to 25-room rooming-house completely furnished. D 96. Oregonian. REFINED GERMAN LADY, MIDDLE aged, would like position as housekeeper; references. N 1. Oregonian. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEP er by widow from San Francisco. Apply 145 6th St.. room 48. AS MANAGING HOUSEKEEPER OR COOK. experienced woman. M. Reed, 1054 Grand ave., cor. Alberta st. WANTED SITUATION AS HOUSEKEEPER; willing to go in country. Address B 100. Oregonian. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, SITUATION as housekeeper or to do second work. 110 N. 7th st. PRACTICAL NURSE WANTS POSITION AS bath attendant or care of invalid; under stands massage. F 96. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. LADY SPEAKING SIX LANGUAGES. Ex perienced in traveling, good sewer, wishes position as governess or traveling com panion. Address E. S.. 510 Flanders. FOR OFFICE JANITORS. CHAMBERMAIDS. cooks, waitresses, oisnwasners, laundry, ram ily, camp help, anybody. Drake's, 200 Washington. RESPECTABLE. MIDDLE-AGED. fTBST. ciass cook wants position in hotel, camp or restaurant. Address R 193. St. Clair st. Phone Main ssie. TEACHER OF MUSIC DESIRES HOMF, iiKe mace to assist for board and some practice. G. M., 333 Portland Boulevard, Ar bor Lodge. YOUNG LADY ASSISTS PUPILS WITH grammar-grade studies or teaches! full course to those unable to attend school. Main 1076. TWO MIDDLE-AGED LADIES WANT TO take cnarge or rooming-house; references. 421 Gilbert St., Cedar Park station, St. Jhns car. 2 YOUNG LADIES FROM THE EAST WISH a position in dental office, as cashier and laboratory girls. 415 Knott St. Misses Edlund A HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WISHES PLACE to work for board and lodging while attend ing school. Address S 90. Oregonian. MRS. HAMILTON WILL BE PLEASED TO see her old customers, also new ones, at 428 13th st. Phone Pacific 2741. WANTED TO DO FOLDING OR ADDRESS ing in newspaper or other publication of fice. J 100. care Oregonian. LADIES' HATS REMADE AND RETRIM med; order work a specialty. Mrs. West phal. 266 14th. Main 7151. WANTED A SCHOOL BY AN EXPERI enced normal-trained teacher. Address E 1, Oregonian. WANTED BY LADY. PLACE TO WORK part of day, housework or chamber work. F 7, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE TO GIVE lessons in French or German. X 7, Ore gonian. LADY WANTS WASHING AND HOUSE cleaning by the day. Phone Main 6625. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND STRETCH ed, 40 cents per pair. Phone Main 7014. HOME-LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS. Phone Union 1276. Mrs. S. M. Scott. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED fancy ironing. Phone Main 3740. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNG LADY TO work in office. D 98. Oregonian. WOMAN WANTS HOUSEWORK TO DO BY the day. Phone East 2569. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED SPECIAL AGENT. $75 WEEKLY and expenses easily made selling our popu lar health and accident policies, and appoint ing agents; experience unnecessary. Write Royal Fraternal Union. St. Louis. Mo. WE POSITIVELY GUARANTEE $5 TO $10 daily introducing our "Super-Asbestos" wicks; light equal to electricity: last 8 years; also general agents wanted. As bestos bldg.. 122-A. Brooklyn. N. Y. $25 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED. LADY agents taking orders for us, outfit prepaid; we start you in business ; make you Inde pendent: write for circular and terms. Wo man's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete out fit furnished free: cash weekly; write to day for choice of territory. Capital Cuj Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. AGENTS EVERYWHERE SELLING THE famous Star inverted tas Lamps; some thing new; immense demand: large profits; exclusive territory- Address Star Light Co., 28 State St.. Chicago. AGENTS. SELL MENDARIP AND 8 TOOLS in one; best, handiest, money-savers, de lighting farmers and teamsters: big money: special sample prices. The J. Fern and Co., Pasadena, Cal. AGENTS PORTRAIT AND OTHERS. SEND name and get positively free sample of our portraits on pillow tops. Hargis Bros.. 205 w. Madison St.. unicago, lit. AGENTS NAME PLATES. SIGNS. NUM- bere. readable darkest nights, easily sold: profits large; samples free. Wright Supply Co., Engiewood. 111. $75 WEEKLY AND UPWARDS EASILY made nttlng glasses; our eye dook tree; tells you how. Write National Optical Col lege. St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS, KEEP POSTED "NOVELTY News," 171 Washington St.. Chicago, illus trated monthly, covers novelty field. Trial three months loc. AGENTS LEARN TO FIT GLASSES. OUR eye book with full information free. Jack sonian Optical College, 16 College Place, Jackson, Mich. AGENTS YOU CAN KNOW ABOUT THE profits made supplying perfumes to fam ilies by addressing Left lex & Co., St. Louis, Mo. $36 A WEEK AND EXPENSES TO MEN with rigs to introd-uce our poultry goods. JaveTle Co., Dept. D, Parsons. Kan. CANVASSERS AND LOCAL AGENTS wanted. Quick seller. Good money. Ger mo Mfg. Co.. Sedalla, Mo. CITY MANAGER WANTED. VERY BIG pay, permanent; only hustler need apply. Union Mutual. 705 Marquam. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. $90 PER month guaranteed; expenses to travel. N e& Oregonian, WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL THE BEST grown nursery stock on the Coast, includ ing Burbank's new pitless plum. Miracle commission advanced weekly; write quich for choice of territory. Albany Nurscriea Albany, Oregon. $5 TO $10 DAY SELLING MEXICAN Ol'ALS enormous pronts; nice genteei Dusincas; supply you direct from the Mexican bordt and ship on approval: price list free; sannl opal 10c. A. V. Todd. 409 N. Oregon st.. El Paso. Tex. AGENTS. MANUFACTURE AND SELL YOI F own goods and make all the profits; partic ulars free. Wheaton & Co.. (37) New Bed ford, Mass.. publishers Wheaton's Trade Ad vocate, devoted to "Mixer's" interest. oOc year. 3 months' trial loc. None free. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED TO SELl pocket hats; every man buys one at sight no previous experience necessary. Write fot particulars about the biggest money-iciakcr on earth. Carl F. Seltz. Box 427. 315-3J: New st.. Newark. N. J. DETECTIVES SHREWD MEN WANTED in every community to act under our in structions; previous experience not neces sary; send for FREE BOOK of particu lars. Grannan's Detective Bureau. B. Cin. clnnati. O. WANTED AGENTS. LADY OR GENT: OUR new offer. $5 daily. 801 Dekum. WANTED TO BJENT. WB HAVE TENANTS FOR 100x100 BCIL.D ing. suitable for barn; 5 or 10 years' lease; for store in retail district, about $J00 rent, and for modern 6 to e-room houses. Can you fill these wants? Wakefield, Fries & Co., 229 Stark st. LANDLORDS WILL FIND IT TO THElf advantage to liet their houses with EDWARDS COMPANY. FREE RENTAL AGENCY, 187 FIRST STREET. WANTED ON OR ABOUT OCTOBER 1, furnished or partly furnished (carpets, shades and matting) cottage from 5 to i rooms, northwest part of city; responsible tenant. Address 247 Stark st. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES, COTTAGES, flats, stores, offices, rooming-houses, etc. Landlords will do well to call on Portland Trust Company of Oregon. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. WANTED FOUR OR FIVE UNFURNISH ed rooms for housekeeping, within walk ing distance of Postofnce; references given. Phone East 3947 or address X 3. Oregonian. MODERN 7 TO 10-ROOM, COMPLETELY furnished house; suitable for roomers, bj October 1. for Winter, no children; plane desired. Box 143 G Long Beach. Wash ington. MAN AND WIFE DESIRE BOARD IN private family where there Is good yarc room to keep two bird dogs: references ex changed. Inquire 411 Abington bldg. BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY, GOOD 10 OR 11-room unfurnished house in desirable location; willing to pay good rental for suitable house. R 99. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 5 OR 6-ROOM MOD ern cottage for two adults: no children; Wes' Side: easy distance; reasonable rent; stead tenants. Address G 99, Oregonian. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES. EAST and West Sides, will rent at once. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 104 2d St. Phone Main 1435. Administrator of estates. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS OR FURNISHEE house, Hawthorne tract, will exchange use furnished house Hood River for same Portland. F 4, Oregonian. TWO LADIES WISH 3 FURNISHED OR partly furnished housekeeping rooms; must be comfortable, reasonable, walking distance. V 7, Oregonian. LADY EMPLOYED DURING THE DA'S wishes rooms and board for two quiet littl girls in refined family; answer with phom number. L 5, Oregonian. TWO YOUNG LADIES. EMPLOYED. DE sire room and board in strictly private fam ily; no boarders; East Side preferred; refer ences. N 7. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT WELL FURNISHED house, no children;' must be good locatlor and good yard room; references. lnqulr 411 Abington bldg. WANTED BY LADY WITHOUT CHIL dren. suite of rooms witn bath in prlvau family; with or without board. Addresi Q 4. Oregonian. . WANTED ROOMS. WALKING DISTANCE of 4t,i and Washington, with privilege 01 stable for horse and buggy. F. Jones, 374 2d St. A GIRL WANTS ROOM AND BOARD IN private family: all conveniences nrst class Portland Heights preferred. F 99, Orego nlan. FAMILY OF ADULTS WANTS TO RENT A house of 6 or 1 rooms 'with furnace, gai and shades; give particulars. W 97, Ore gonian. TWO UNFUP.NISHED ROOMS, CLOSE, gas. bath. -ione, no children; permanent, reasonable, private family. M 97, Orego nian. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 OR 8 rooms, for the Winter, close in. East Side; reasonable; references. G 96. Oregonian. WANTED HOUSE. 6 OR 7 ROOMS. HOLLA day or Irvington Addition; will pay $3000 ti $5000; no agents. Address H 2. Oregonian. ROOM AND BOARD OR ROOM WITH breakfast for a young lady, in private fau Ily, West Side, central. N 8, Oregonian. OCT. 1. BY 3 ADULTS, 6-ROOM MODERN house or cottage, on or near either Mt. Tabor car lines. Telephone Sellwood 72. WANTED BY COUPLE. SMALL FUR nLhed apartment; West Side, central; mue have heat and bath. M 90, Oregonian. WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE. Sm'aLL house or cottage, must be modern: state location and price. R 3. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 5 OR 6 FURNISHEE rooms or small furnished house;, north we part of city preferred. P 7, Oregonian. WANT TO RENT OR LEASE 3 ROOMS FOR photograph gallery; must be In good loca tion. West Side. S 97, Oregonian. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM FOR STU dents: reasonable; give particulars; register. Behnke-Walker Business College. WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE. WITHOUT children, the care of a city home; best ol references. Phons East 32S2. WANTED TO RENT NICELY FURNISHEE 4 to 6-room flat or cottage; no children references. C 6. Oregonian. WANTED SEPTEMBER 1. TWO FUR nlshed rooms and board In private family. Address W 3. Oregonian. WORKINGMAN WANTS BOARD IN PRIV ate family east of East 15th. and north o Ankeny. V 8. Oregonian. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN suburbs, or small furnished cottage; state price. S 8. Oregonian. t,. ' RESPONSIBLE WOMAN. BOARD IN PPJ vate family, would care for child part day. N 97. Oregonian. WANTED FOUR OR FTVE UNFURNISH -ed rooms or flat: modern; West Side- J 3, Oregonian. MARRIED COUPLE WISH CARE OF HOUSE or rooms for housekeeping privileges. J 99. Oregonian. WANTED COTTAGE. 4 OR 5 ROOMS, modern: partly furnished. Address H 5, Oregonian. WANTED MODERN 4-ROOM FURNISH ed cottage, central. Address R 4, Ore gonian. WANTED HOME FOR COMPANIONABLE . schoolgirl, 14, Ladd School district. Main 1136. WANTED TO RENT BOARD AND PLEAS ant room for couple. West Side. V 99, Ore gonian. FURNISHED FLAT OR FURNISHED house. R 1, Oregonian. HOUSE NOT LESS THAN SIX ROOMS. Phone Main 1113. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED LESSONS IN LIGHT FORGING and foundry molding. C 99. Oregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of charge. Phone East 2233. WANTED ONE-HALF FRONT 80-HORSE-power tubular boiler. Call Main 1277. WE CAN USE $5000 WORTH OF FURNI ture this week. 627 Washington st. WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND LET ter press, full sized. J 1. Oregonian. I PAY CASH FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS. W. W. Savage. 345 1st. Pacific 360. , WANTED ONE OR TWO SCOTCH TERRIER dogs. Address T 96. Oregonian. WANTED SECOND-HAND SKELETON: state price. B 98, Oregonian.