TITE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 16, 1906. U1GKLY PREPARE TO SAIL FOR CUBA Taft and Bacon Will Leave Washington This . , Afternoon. COMPLETE WORK IN WEEK Mariettas Men Remain at Cienfuegos Guarding Sugar Kstates Fun tton to Command if United States Intervene. "WASHINGTON. Sept. 15. Interest In the Cuban situation was intensified to niKht by the arrival here of Secretary Taft who. with Assistant Secretary Bacon, has been directed by the Presi dent to proceed to Havana and aid in the pacitication of the island. Mr. Taft went at once to the War Department, where, all the bureau chiefs of his office discussed matters requiring attention be fore his departure for Cuba. Mr. Bacon will probably arrive tomorrow morning'. Mr. Taft is not certain that he will be able to Bet away tomorrow afternoon, as he had intended. He said tonight that he was engaged In the preparation of a magazine article, which had to be com pleted before he left Washington, and that it might take all tomorrow to get It ready. Will Sail on Des Moines. According to the present arrangements, the ofticial party will proceed to Cuba aboard the cruiser Des Moines, which will meet them either at Tampa or Key West. Mr. Taft said that he had received no further advices from the President regarding Cuba. Mr. Taft will be accompanied by Cap tain Frank R. McCoy, one of the Presi dent's military aides, who speaks Spanish fluently. Frank G. Bockwood also will go as his private stenographer. The party should reach Havana Wednes day morning, September 26. It is believed Messrs. Taft and Bacon can complete their investigation in a week after their arrival. Meanwhile the officials feel con. tident there will be suspension of "hostili ties. Taft Consults Generals. For more than an hour. Secretary Taft was surrounded by the Chiefs of Bureaus who would have to do with active pre parations for the movement of troops in the event the administration's deciding to intervene in the Cuban conflict. These chiefs were General Ainsworth, the Mili tary Secretary; General Bell, Chief of StafT; General Crozier, Chief of Ord nance, and General Davis, Judge-Advocate General. None of these officers would admit that he had discussed the quest of moving troops or preparations for hostilities, but it was pointed out that the gathering offered an excellent opportunity for an exchange of ideas be tween those who would shape the policy of the Department in the event of in tervention, should that extreme move be determined upon. Admiral Converse, the acting Secretary of the Navy, did not meet with Mr. Taft tonight, although early in the evening It was announced that he probably would be at the Department. Neither was any member of the military Intelligence bureau called into the conference. At midnight, after the Secretary had concluded his conferences with the Bureau Chiefs, he announced that he ex pected to be able, to leave tomorrow at 3.43 o'clock, according to his original plan. Mariettta's. Men Guard Plantation. A cable dis"patch was received from Cienfuegos today announcing the arrival of the Marietta at that place yesterday. Later in the day a dispatch from Com mander Fulham, of the Marietta stated that a force had been landed from that ship at Cienfuegos to protect sugar plan tations which were threatened. A tele gram also was received today from Mr. Atkins, of the Constancla estate, near Cienfuegos. announcing that Insurgents raided Solldas yesterday, taking horses. He says his Information does not confirm press dispatches as to the destruction of bugar plantations. From dispatches received today from Mr. Sleeper, Charge of the American Le gation at Havana, it appears that the extent of damage to American property near Cienfuegos had been exaggerates. The report that the Huatey estate has been destroyed js contradicted, and he has not been able to confirm the report that the Constancla estate buildings have been burned. It is also said the buildings on the Hormiguerra estate were not burned by the insurgents. Not Ordered Back to Ship. No orders have so far been dispatched for the Marietta's men to return to the ship from Cienfuegos. and, as they are engaged in protecting American property solely, and their status thereby differs materially from the force originally land ed at Havana from the Denver, it is be lieved they will be allowed to remain on Shore for the present. A dispatch from American Consul Hol laday at Santiago de Cuba says that, so far as he can learn, .there has been no ac tual warfare in Santiago Province, but hat it is reported that 600 men are under arms. MAV SHIP NO CONTRABAND Special Precautions at the Custom- Houses to Prevent Arms Exports. NEW YORK, Sept. 15. That the United States Government purposes to scrutinize closely all shipments of firearms, ammu nition and munitions of war from this port to West Indian, Mexican, Central American and South American ports, pri marily to prevent filibustering for the Cuban insurgents and to Insure compli ance with existing neutrality laws, be-, came evident yesterday, when a special order on the matter was issued by Ne vada N. Stranahan, Collector at the Port of New York. The order precludes any clearances from this date to vessels bound for ports Buch as have been mentioned until full mani fests shall have been filed with the col lectors or until the captains or agents of such vessels have taken oaths whether arms are on board their vessels. The or der. it is explained by the customs off! cials, is not intended to prevent all ship ments or war supplies to the ports cited but It Is Intended to prevent consign ments of them to Irresponsible parties who might use them against their respec tive governments. Cruiser Cleveland Sails. NORFOLK, Va.. Sept. 15. The cruiser Cleveland sailed from Norfolk today for Havana, but will stop at Key West for further Instructions. She carries an addi tional 100 marines to be transferred to the Denver. The Tacoma will leave Norfolk tomorrow. Marines Rushed to Norfolk.- OflCTfiV fipnt IS OMn fitr a rta tachment of 100 marines to proceed at once to Norfolk, Va., were received to rtay at the Charlestown Navy-Yard. Upon arrival at Norfolk, it was ar ranged to embark upon a United States cruiser bound or Cuba. It was planned to send the men away on an afternoon train. The new battleship New Jersey, which came here a few days ago for repairs, has received rush orders to proceed south ward. She will coal at once. . PORTSMOUTH, N. H., Sept. 5. A de taohment of 86 marines left the Ports mouth Navy-Yard under hurry orders today on their way to Norfolk, Va., where they will embark on one of the cruisers, which is under orders to sail for Cuba next Monday night. FUNSTON CALLED IX HASTE May Aid in Mediation and Command if America Intervenes. WASHINGTON, Sept. 15. (Special.) "Fighting Fred" funston, now Brigadier General, who won his spurs In Cuba and the Philippines, is on his way here to night from Tacoma under hurry orders to Join Secretary of War Taft and Assistant Secretary of State Bacon in Cuba. It was learned that during last' night's confer ence at Oyster Bay the discussion turned upon the question of who should com mand in Cuba in case of armed Interven tion. Funston, who captured Agulnaldo, was the favorite. While it is said no positive selection was made it was decided to summon Funston to begin a campaign of concilia tion. His long service in Cuba and his wide and strong personal friendship with the patriots In the Palma government and with the insurrectionary leaders, com bined with his dash and daring, his knowledge of guerrila warfare and his MAN WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE GENERAL TKF.rO FT, RUSSIAN MINISTER OF IMPERIAL, HOUSEHOLD. familiarity with the Spanish language and customs, were deemed to fit him as one of th. trio. MAY NOT GET AWAY IN HURRY Moody Hopes Intervention in Cuba Can Be Avoided. BOSTON, Sept. 15. Attorney-General William H. Moody, who was here today, said, with reference to the Cuban situa tion: 'I hope sincerely that they wUl bring order without the United States inter vening. If we went there a second time. we would not be able to get away In a hurry." Mr. Moody was asked whether he could Imagine a situation two years hence in which President Roosevelt woum be com pelled to run again. "I can Imagine such a situation, but still I hope most earnestly that it will not occur. I have aosoiuta connaence in his sincerity that he does not desire an other nomination." SAIIi UNDER SECRET ORDERS Battleships Louisiana and Virginia Off to Unknown Destination. NEWPORT. R. I.. Sept. 15. Under orders received from the Navy Depart ment at Washington, the -first-class battleships Louisiana and Virginia sailed today. The destination of the vessels could not be learned here. Marines Ordered From Annapolis. ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Sept. 15. In ac cordance with orders received at the Naval Academy marine barracks, 72 marines will leave for League Island, Philadelphia, tomorrow, and it is ex pected they will sail thence on Mon day for Cuba. ONE SHELL NOT A SHAM Unknown Private Fires Birdshot Into Group Ahead. GRUNDY CENTER, la., Sept. 15. In a sham battle between the Grundy Center Veterans and the National Guard Com pany, of Vinton, at the County Fair here, a loaded shell was fired directly into a group of soldiers. Captain Whipple, of the militia, was struck in the face and hands and Private Andrew Brewer, in the chest, with a heavy load of bird shot. Two other privates were slightly wounded. The officers say the shooting was done by a private of the company, but are unable to explain the presence of the loaded shell'. On the other hand, it is rumored that there is much jealousy in the company's ranks and that the shoot ing had been threatened. No arrests have been made. Society Man Dies a Convict. CANYON CITY, Colo.. Sept. 15. Her bert F. Mellen, once a prominent society man, but for several years a prisoner in the state penitentiary here, serving sentence for embezzlement of the funds of the International Trust Com pany, of Denver, died last night after a lingering illness. While in the peniten tiary Mellen was a model prisoner and was employed as bookkeeper to the dep uty warden. The remains will be sent to Boston for interment. BAILEY ON OIL JOB Hired by H. Clay Pierce for Work in Tennessee. DID INVESTIGATION WORK While Thus Employed Is Given Charge of John P. Gruet, Who Now Is Suing for $S5, 000 Back Salary. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 15. The hearing of witnesses in the suit of John P. Gruet, former secretary of the. Waters-Pierce Oil Company, against H. Clay Pierce, chairman of the board of directors, for $25,000. which Gruet claims due him as back salary, was continued today until next week in order to secure additional witnesses. On the witness stand Mr. Pierce testi fied that he had obtained Gruet from the Standard Oil" offices in New York over 18 years ago and that Gruet had ren- FOR BLOODY SUNDAY. DEAD dered the Waters-Pierce Company valu able services during a long term of years. In February, 1905, Gruet was dropped from the company and later appealed for re-employment. He was given a clerical position with the Pierce Investment Com pany. ' "Immediately after Mr. Gruet's em ployment, effective April 1, 1905," said Mr. Pierce, "he came to see me in New York. I told him that the affairs of the Tennessee Central Railway Company, of the Tennessee Construction Company, of the Briar Hill Collieries and the Cumber land Coal Company required Investiga tion, and that as I had placed my in terests in these matters in the hands of Senator Bailey, of Texas, with power of attorney for me to handle them- as he saw fit, I wished Mr. Gruet to place him self at the disposal of Senator Bailey and make such investigation into the inter ests mentioned as Senator Bailey de sired. Gets His Orders From Bailey. "Mr. Gruet readily assented to my Bug gestion and returned to SL Louis within a day or two,' where he met Senator Bailey and received instructions from him in regard to the investigation which the latter desired made at Nashville, Tenn. which was the headquarters for all these companies. Mr. Gruet went over to Nashville under instructions from Sena tor Bailey and remained there some time. "He returned to St. Louis and was elected by Senator Bailey, who had H. Clay Pierce, Chairman of Water rierce Oil Company, Who Testified - hi Suit of Missouri Against Oil Mo nopoly. charge of these companies, president of the Briar Hill Collieries Company, and I am not sure, but I think he was made a director and president, and I think he was given some official position In con nection with the Cumberland Coal Com pany and also the Tennessee Construc tion Company. He became auditor of ad justment and accounts of these proper ties under Senator Bailey all of this time and continued In that capacity practically up to the end of Gruet's employment by the fierce Investment Trust Company. Pierce went on to explain that Gruet put in several months at Nashville mak ing investigations under the direction of Senator Bailey and then went to New York to make a report to Mr. Pierce. Mr. Pierce continued: "Senator Bailey expressed the opinion that Gruet's ex aminations at Nashville had been without value; that he had simply copied the ac counts, instead of Investigating and checking them up as he was sent to do, and that the reports were of no value. He bad simply repeated the statements he had copied from the books, and the work of subsequent auditors put upon the work proved that Senator Bailey's impressions were correct and that Gruet had simply gone to Nashville and copied the books." On cross-examination Pierce estimated his own interests in the properties at 13, 000,000. ANARCHISTS DOG KAISER Several Caught at Maneuvers, but Had No Chance to Kill. tutot.tw Sent IS Taurine th Inst A,,- n l.' m rn.r-r.T- William', Vlnif tn Si- lesia for the maneuvers several anar chists were arrested at Bresiau ana in this city, but despite statements to the n,,KllaliaH in tViA T T1 1 tf-H Ktatpg it is categorically denied officially that any of tnese attempted me me 01 mo timperor. Hungarians Honor Washington. -DTTT-k TlTOT AaM 1 r. Tll f- rrV in tZ out of the official programme of the un veiling of tne wasnington siaiue ut-gaii today. Hungarian Americans assembled thi., mnnino- in th KmiArp. of the Na tional .Museum and marched to the monu ments of the Magyar, i-eioiy ana uio 1 1 .. .1 AniD nt thn Vamrnr Fa.therla.nd. Szchenyl, and placed wreaths upon them and later visited the monument of St. Stephen. This afternoon flowers were placed on Kossutn s tomD. Japan Will Raise New Iioan. .rT.mT,Ti T-r il Qant IE Vfr. Tfl - VXL-IUAIA, I- -r J - v kahashi, vice-governor of the Bank of Japan, is expected to arrive here to morrow or Monday on his way to New i 1 T nnnn rt nPOTitlate fl Tl O t fiT foreign loan for the Japanese govern ment, wnicn owes ura . m 1 j.v.tB 1 mi enn finn the total foreign debt being over $571,000,- 000. Mr. xaKanasni saia m . - rlA with Jacob laiiKcuicu. -- ... .. Schiff or E. H. Harriman, but that both had promisea 10 bbsioi iu imm the loan when the time came. Mnst Soon Reduce Armaments. 'Istwwi-'ASTT.'E-ON-TYNE. Sept. 15. rr- a nnfirpnnn ftf the commanders of the local volunteers this afternoon War Secretary Haldane said ne De lieved the time was nearer than moat people thought when the work of com pelling a reduction of the crushing burden of armaments would be under- -taken. Sicilians Flee to Tents and Caves. Tl t I T7-T A 11 Cant 15 Thfl nPAnlfl Of Sicily are still in a condition of panic Ki.i.a)i.a ft thA P9Tthnilflkfl ShOCkS which have been occurring here for four days, xney continue 10 camp iu the open and many have taken refuge In -nvefe. Whole towns and villages have been deserted. American Bank in Berlin. TJTPTJT.TTC Son IS Vrnt Thji 1 mrt nn of Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co., has re turned to continue the arrangements for th Mtanilahmpnt ftf the new banklntr in stitution entitled the Amerlka Bank, which is being organized under the aus pices of the Darmstadter Bank. Anarchists Trapped at Marseilles. "M A Tt sstittt .T.RS. Sent. 15. Six Italian or Spanish anarchists' were arrested here today. They had recently arrived from Montpelier and Barcelona. It is supposed they intended an outrage on President Failleres, who arrived toaay to attend "the Marseilles Colonial Ex position. Ecuador to Borrow. $27,000,000. GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, Sept. 15. The trovernment of Ecuador has signed an undertaking for a loan of $27,000,- 000, payable in bonds In 50 years with interest at 5 per cent with the "French Finance Corporation of America," of Paris and New York. GIVES UP STENSLAND LOOT (Continued From Face 1.)' tion was unusually difficult. In forging notes three kinds of ink were used- blue purple and red to further baffle detection and divert suspicion. I was struck by the free use of purple Ink and secured a sample from the bank and had it analyzed. It was found to be an ideal forger's ink. It responds sensitively to reagents, such as chloride and acetic acid. While having all the advantages of an excellent writing fluid, It could easily be erased by the use of proper chemi cals. Reward of a Scientist. "Hering evidently had discovered the right reagents. When the pen was touched to the damp paper, little fibers, invisible to the forger, absorbed the ink and although the forged letters look smooth and clear, yet under the glass the lines of the writing show blurred revealing the forgery as clearly as if it had been witnessed by a thousand eyes, Had the forger waited uptil the paper dried and taken a heated iron and bur nished the scarred surface, where the honest writing had been, the detection would have been difficult." WANT POSTAL SAVINGS BANK Citizens at Chicago Mass Meeting Suggest Remedy- Against Failures. CHICAGO, Sept. 15. (Special.) About 800 person attended the mass-meeting, given under the auspices of the North Side Turngermelnde tonight to, further publlo Interest in postal savings banks. The meeting was addressed by Mayor Dunne, Congressman Boutelle. ex-3enator W'illiam Mason, Hon. Julius Goldlzer and others. Most of the speeches were in favor of Government control of the peo ple's savings, and after the speakers had finished resolutions were adopted pro nouncing custody of the people's savings by the Government Itself the true rem edy against the Insecurity of private in stltutions, and urging upon Congress and upon Chicago representatives in that body the speedy enactment of proper laws for that purpose. MEXICANS FAIL TO RIOT Independence Day Dawn Ushers In No Trouble. MEXICO CITY, Sept.. 15. The holiday celebrations opened today with no sign of trouble, as has been predicted for sev eral months past. Today is the birth day of President Diaz and always ushers In the celebration of the independence of Mexico, marking the re-establishment of the Republic after the defeat of the French. President Diaz received many callers at the National Palace, Including the various members of the Diplomatic Corps, Army and Navy officers and many citizens, rne rresiaent is vt years old and is enjoying excellent health. The shipments of marble to the United States In 1905 from the Carrara quarries, near Leghorn. Italy, amounted to $905,851. an increua o SiJ.JUU over IWi. BUTCHERIES BY BRIGANDS PASSENGERS OJf TRAIN NEAR HAH- BIX KILLED OR CARRIED OFF. Hodera Hunshutse In Kwang Tung Carry Machine Cons Piracy Off Yamaguchif Japan, VICTORIA. B. C Sept. 15. Accord ing to advices received today by the steamer Tremont, Hunghutze brigands are making more raids in Manchuria, the latest attack being on the Russian end of the Manchurian railway. A railway train was held up between Harbin and Changchun, the travelers being robbed and 40 made prisoners, while six were killed. When Russian troops arrived they found the corpses of six passengers lying on the railway track. In Kwangtung, a lorce oi Hunghutze with two machine guns at tacked and wholly annihilated a Jap anese garrison of 25. The bandits es caped before a Japanese company sent in pursuit could locate them. A piracy is reported from the Jap anese Coast, off Yamaguchi, where 38 pirates in three -boats attacked a fish ing boat,, robbed te supercargo of the money on board, looted the fish caught and after cutting the rigging, left the vessel adrift. ' Arrangements have been completed by the Japanese government for the visit of Admiral Togo to America and England next Spring. The voyage will be made via Cape of Good Hope to England and afterwards to America. China's new "Rights Recovery" campaign is being continued energeti cally, the latest move being to oust Japanese Buddhist priests who were establishing Temples in China and al leged to be starting political propa ganda. Japanese priests were being expelled from several provinces. Further advices were also received by the Tremont regarding the pro posed reforms for China, stating 15 years Is to be occupied in preparations before the constitution is granted. The office of Viceroy is to be aban doned and Viceroys replaced by pre fects, similar to the Japanese system, while the present Governors and Tao tai are to be abolished. Governors of the Amur region have been appointed a commission to select suitable customs' stations for China, for levying duties on foreign goods on entering Manchuria from Russian Asia. Both Japan and Russia have been im porting large quantities of goods into Manchuria without paying duty, while these powers have levied duties on the goods of other nations passing their ports to enter Manchuria. FLEET WATCHES HAVANA (Continued From Page 1.) may be able to acquire and keep the sort of liberty that nourishes in a land of truth and right. All we ask for is Jus tice, order and legality." Rebels Still Threaten Havana. The revolutionists outside the city have not yet been dislodged to any extent. Unofficial stories of General Rodriguez' fight with them say persistently that Rod riguez retreated. This the commander denies absolutely, and he has again taken the field. This afternoon General Rod riguez' force and another force composed of General Boza's volunteers encountered the revolutionists near El Cano. The result of this fight is not yet known. ' The United Railways continue to be badly handicapped by the operations of the revolutionists, and telegraphic facili ties eastward are meager. News con cerning ' the operations in Santa Clara Province is almost wholly unavailable. Train Blown tip. This evening a repair train on the Uni ted Railways, while proceeding to'Rln con, 15 miles southwest of Havana, to repair damages caused by the revolution lata, to reported to have struck dynamite on the track near Mazorra and to have been blown up. CUBA WEIiCOMKS MEDIATION Palma Glad of Taft's Aid Rebels Want Direct Intervention. HAVANA. Sept. 15. President Roose velt's declaration that it is imperative that hostilities cease and arrange ments be made to secure the perma nent pacification of Cuba, is re-rechoed enthusiastically on all sides. jivery hniiv is eratlfled at this clear declara tion and the fact that Secretary Taft and Acting Secretary of Stale Bacon are to be sent to render aid to these ends. A few of the leaders of the Mod erates are of the opinion that Becre tary Taft will settle the matter within one week on some basis of the division of the offices, etc., but how to get the rebels to agree to anything which shall include the retention of President Palma's administration is a serious co nundrum. All speculation up to the present time leads toward the discussion of some form of permanent American control or a guarantee of peace and order as the only true solution of the difficulty. A correspondent of the Associated Press who has returned from the front in Pinar del Rio Province, where he visited both the insurgents and gov ernment troops, reports that almost all that region sympathizes with the reb els, but not to the extent of handing the reins of government to them. The almost universal consensus of opinion throughout the province is for Amer ican intervention, and it is believed that the country will never have set tled conditions in any other way. The same sentiment prevails among the rank and file of the government troops Government officials express pleasure at the coming of Secretaries Taft and Bacon to find a peaceful settlement of the troubles on the Island, but on the point of how the United States can secure and assure permanent pacification, they are noncommittal. - Some of President Palma's political Dyspepsia Don't think you can cure your dyspepsia In 'any other way than by strengthening and toning your stomach. That Is weak and incapable of performing Its functions, probably because you nave imposed upon it In one way or another over and over again. Yon should take Hood's Sarsaparilla It strengthens and tones the stomach, and permanently cures dyspepsia and all Stomach troubles. Accept no substitute. Old Remedy. Hew Form. SEVER KJtOWJ TO FAIL. Tmrrant' Extract of Onbebs and CojmUd is CAPSULES.. Thm tairirmt quick and thorough cafe for Konorrhoa, floet, whites etc Easy to tk eouTenient to carry. Fiitf year successful use. Price $ a ROWK MARTIN. 321 Wash ington street, Portland, or by mall from the Tarrant Co.. Hudsoa St 24ew York, DEATH IN DIRTY WATER. Drinking Water in Septem ber Apt to Be Impure. Many ; People Use Pe-ru-na - to Prevent III Results. Mr. S. A. Poolittle. 253 East 2nd street, Corning:, N. T, writes: "I cannot speak too highly of Peruna, as a tonic and catarrh cure in whatever form, or wherever located. "I had a great deal of trouble -with my bowels and Peruna cured me. "My son was very low with catarrh Of the stomach and after doc toring for seven weeks he was worse than when we began. The doctor did not seem to understand his case. "He commenced using Peruna, which helped him right along, and fee was Boon at work again. "I have recommended Pernna to several of my friends, who have been afflicted, and they have been cured." DURING the month of September the drinking water, especially of cities, is apt to be polluted. To supply water to a large number of people, rivers and lakes must neces sarily be drawn upon. These places become more or less stagnant during September. Hence the water is impure. Tiie result is a prevalence of Typbold fever and bowel diseases. The natural and surest remedy is to change from polluted to pure drinking water. This cannot always be done, however. Many . people are wholly dependent upon such drinking water as the city may furnish. Their system3 are therefore contam inated with disease germs. Some of the people so contaminated fall easy prey to disease. Such people are those who happen to be in a weakened condition, or who are suffering from slight ca tarrhal conditions of the mucous mem branes of the bowels. Therefore . it follows that . in cases where the use of contaminated water is unavoidable, the next best thing is to put the system in such a condition as to resist the action of disease germs. friends regard President Roosevelt's let ter and the coming of Secretaries Taft and Bacon as an indication that Cuban sovereignty already Is practically at an end. The consensus of opinion of this class seems to be that there will be no Intervention if it is possible to continue SenOr Palma as President. If this Is impossible, then intervention by all means. President Roosevelt's appeal to the pa triotism of the Cuban people is not ex pected to have much effect here, where the people are so ready to criticize and even repudiate the established govern ment. The Associated Press correspond ent has information that some of the government ofNclals who are closest to President Palma privately welcome the idea, and that the President himself de sires protection, though not permanent intervention. The only fear among Cuban- business men today is that the intervention may be only temporary.' There is a somewhat marked feeling of disappointment among the veterans that intervention is possible or Immi nent. The veterans, for sentimental reasons, would regret to see Cuba sac rifice her sovereignty in even a small degree. This feeling, however. Is offset by the universal desire for a permanent settlement of the trouble and for a gov ernment which can be relied on to pre serve peace under all circumstances. Jose Vlllalon, ex-Secretary of Public Works and a prominent veteran, declared today that permanent peace or further investment of foreign capital In Cuba were impossible except under an Ameri can protectorate. Senator Sangullly, Independent, said: "President Roosevelt's letter is a nota ble document. It shows the depth of his feeling for Cuba in the dual character of friend and chief of the American Re public." The general similarity between the speech delivered by Senor Sanguilly In the Senate here yesterday and President Roosevelt's letter has been commented upon. GOVERNMENT WINS TWO FIGHTS Disperses Rebels Near Havana and Repulses Attack on Town. HAVANA, Sept. 15. Government forces have won a victory over the rebels at a point close to Havana. General Rodri guez, with 400 rural guardsmen, attacked the rebels under General del Castillo and Colonels Asbert and Acosta, 1000 strong, at Wajay, 12 miles south of Havana. After a stubborn light, the rebels were dispersed. ESght of their number were killed and 23 were wounded. Of the guardsmen, one was kdlled and IS were wounded. General Rodriguez returned to Havana this morning. There is considerable speculation as to why the enemy was not pursued. Heavy lighting Is reported near El Cano, ten miles southwest of Havana. No details have yet been received. A force of rebels yesterday destroyed stone bridges over a highway near Ca banas. The commander of the Cespedes, a coast guard vessel, has been arrested for negligence in allowing ammunition for the revolutionists to be landed near Roos. The revolution IsHs attacked the town of San Domingo, in Santa Clara Province, at 5 o'clock this morning, but were re pulsed bj; the garrison of militiamen and rural guards. One rural guard, two mi litiamen and three of the revolutionists were killed. Five rural guards and one militiaman were wounded. One of the in surgents who was killed was Colonel Mon tejo. The government troops captured two prisoners and 60 horses and are now In pursuit of the retreating Insurgents. . REBELS DODGE LIKE FLEAS Suppression of Revolt Impossible, and Intervention Needed. NEW YORK, Sept 15. President Roose velt's letter to the quarreling Cubans, In which he called for peace and announced that he would send Secretaries Taft and Bacon to Havana at once to Inquire into conditions, is pleasing to business men here, whose interests in Cuba had begun to suffer. The suggestion that he send a commission to Cubt, it was stated, came rfC iV'-W? I?. A Polluted Reservoir. A multitude of people have come to rely upon Peruna to do this very thing. Peruna produces clean, healthy mu com tueinbrtuie. These protect the in ternal organs from the encroachments of disease. Peruna produces a regular, vigorous circulation of the blood. This gives vitality to withstand the depressing in fluences of, September weather. . In this way the system is fortified against the inevitable season of dry weather, low reservolra and atagnant' water. Mr. Silas Vigil, Berthoud, Colo., writes: "My boy (Elln), 18 months old, was sick with Inflammation of the bowels for over a month. "I tried a good many medicines, but he seemed to go from bad to worse, until I lost nearly all hope of his re covery. "At that critical moment I wrote to you about his case. I followed your special treatment to the letter and It acted wonderfully and quickly. "In three days we had the pleasure of seeing him smile for the first time in a month. Peruna is our favorite medicine new." from them. One of the most prominent Cuban bankers in this city said last night: "President Palma cannot cope with the revolutionists because it is impossible for any military power in the world to pre vent rebels from burning crops and de stroying railroads. If the rebels engaged, in open battel, the government forces would be victorious, but they scatter and hide In the mountains and woods, so that it is impossible to capture them. President Roosevelt did not wish to Intervene in Cuban affairs, but he has had to do so. I believe that as a result of the sending of a commission to Cuba the revolutionists will lay down their arms and both sides will tell their stories. Then after a lapse of a few months, when af fairs have quieted down, the question can be amicably settled." JUNTA SAVS "STOP FIGHTING" Leader in New York Cables Ad-vlce to Rebel Chiefs. NEW YORK. Sept. 15. Immediately on being informed early this morning that Secretary Taft and Acting-Secretary Bacon were going to Cuba, Colonel Charles M. Agulrre, head of the revolu tionary junta, sent a cable dispatch to Havana advising the insurgents to stop fighting pending the outcome of the mis sion of Secretary Taft and Assistant Sec retary Bacon. Colonel Agulrre forwarded the message to Felipe Romero at Havana, who had been acting as an intermediary for General Loyanez del Castello In his offer of surrender to Commander Colwell. and who will deliver It to General Zayas, executive council of the insurrection. "I am pleased to hear," said Colonel Agulrre, "that two such responsible men as Mr. Taft and Mr. Bacon are to In vestigate the situation right on the ground. We are ready to do whatever President Roosevelt might reasonably suggest." Predicts Santiago Revolt. HAVANA, Sept. 15. Eduardo Chinas, a prominent resident of Santiago, said to the Associated Press today: "The entire province of Santiago will burst into revolt unless the United States intervenes Immediately. There must be a protectorate or there will be no perma nent peace In Cuba." Montalvo Angry With Critics. HAVANA. Sept. 15. 10.30 A. M. (Spe cial.) After a protracted conference President Palma with Secretary of Finance Sterling General Freyre Andrade, President of the House of Representa tives and Secretary of War. and Justice Averilla prevailed on General Montalvo, Secretary of Public Works and com mander of the government forces, to re main in the cabinet and supreme mili tary command. Owing to criticism of the work of the army, Montalvo sent In his resignation, but President Palma re fnned to accept It. Constipation You cannot possibly enjoy the best of health if your bowels are constipated. Undigested material, waste products, must be daily removed from the body, or there will be trouble. Constipation means bilious attacks, indigestion, headaches, nausea, dizziness, loss of appe tite, thin blood. Ayer's Pills are gently laxative, ail vegetable W have no ersta ! We pvbllab J. C. ArtrOo the formulas QtmXX our medioineat Lowou, Mm