o 12 THE SUXDAT OEEGO"IAN. PORTLAND, SEPTEMBER 1, liWKJ. SWEDISH FIENDS BUTCHER BABES Investigation at Stockholm Reveals Almost Incred ible Horrors. VICTIMS NUMBER 1000 'Rev." Gustav Holmen and Sup posed Wife Conduct Children's Honje and Murder Infants Placed In Their Care. SPECIAL, CABLE TO THE CENTRAL NSWS AND THE OREGONIAN. STOCKHOLM. Sept. 15. Revelations concerning the "National Children's Sanitorium" have just been announced ifter an investigation by the authori ties, which has been going on for some weeks. It appears that the alleged sanitorium was simply a baby-farm on in immense scale and that wholesale murders of babies were committed. The authorities are trying to trace the Rev. Gustav Holmen" and the woman who passed as his wife. They were the heads of the sanitorium. It was situated on a little island in the Lilla Vartan, to the south of this city. There the man and woman established them selves some years ago in a group of farm buildings. He posed as a minis ter of the gospel and she as a trained nurse and specialist in children and their bringing up. Their -ery audacity in coming to the capital and in mak ing their appeals to the highest in the land made their scheme successful. I'hey secured numerous contributions ind especially handsome amounts were subscribed to the building fund, tt is true that some building was done, nut these were in the nature of addi tions to the farmhouse and other buildings and did not entail much ex penditure. Extort Large Sum of Money. The couple advertised extensively. It was generally understood that ba bies orphaned or with parents too poor to look after them were received free. Parents who, on account of work, found their babies for the time being In the way. also sent them to the sani torium. It has been discovered that very few children were received free and that various sums were extorted sither in a. lump sum or by install ments. A specialty was paid to babies Drought by domestic servants and Dther girls who had been endowed with illegitimate offspring. These or their lovers all had to pay heavily for the privilege of finding a home for their babes. It is calculated that in the three years the institution has been running over 1000 babies had been received. Yet only 13 babies are alive and well. These were the healthiest, fat test and prettiest of those received, nd were used as decoys or show ba bies. They were shown to mothers ind to all visitors and their pictures were sent out on the literature used. The investigation was the result of the visit of a young girl whose mother love was too strong for her. She had taken a baby to the place and sur rendered it as a good way to get rid of it. Some few days later her lover yielded to the entreaties of the young mother and married her. She rushed off to reclaim her infant. The proprie tress at first refused, but as the girl grew stronger in her demands a baby, one of the show 13, was brought to her. She denied it was hers and cre ated a scene. She saw the whole 13 and refused them as not hers. Girl Calls the Bluff. Then the Rev. Gustav and the woman commenced to turn ugly and said she would be kept prisoner on the Island until she became tractable. The girl replied that her husband knew where she had gone and what her er rand was and that if she did not return on time he would come with the police to search for her. The couple were frightened and let her go. She went at once to the police, but it is thought she was tracked, for when the police went to the island some hours later the "Rev. Gustav" and his female com panion had fled. They had secured practically all the funds from the bank and taken everything portable of value. The few servants employed on the baby farm were arrested, but after a lengthy examination were dis charged. They knew nothing of the happenings that threw very much light on the subject. It is believed that the guilty couple fled to the United States, or at least that the "Rev. Gustav" went there. It is also thought that he may have abandoned the woman and sailed alone with the plunder, for an anonymous letter wis received from Hamburg in her hand writing giving some details too horri ble for publication. Sixty Bodies Are Discovered. From the servants it was learned that 73 babies were received the last month. The place where the bodies of 60 were burled has been discovered. The Infants had apparently been mur dered soon after being received and probably immediately after those who brought them had left the island. It Is thought that at the first the babies were simply drowned, but that It was a dangerous practice, for the bodies were washed ashore and turned over to the police. The "Rev. Gustav" was a 6killed butcher, according to the anon ymous letter, and some of his methods of getting rid of the children were too ghastly for publication. XEW CURE FOR CONSUMPTION. German Scientist Discovers It in Se cretions of Deadly Bacilli. LONDON. Sept. 15. (Special.) A new consumption remedy which has been tried in England has achieved the most splen did success, according to one of the prin cipal London physicians. It is a German remedy, and, of course, a secret at pres. ent. When Dr. von Bearing last Fall in Paris told the profession of his wonderful discovery he declared that the bacilli of tuberculosis contained within themselves and their secretions substances which were Inimical and to a degree fatal to their existence. He said he aimed at the separation of the substance from the ba cilli and its application as ammunition, so to speak, for the destruction of bacteria. With this to go upon, several German sci entists began work, and one of them, Dr Thamm. was successful. He sent some of his remedy to England, and it has been tried in a hundred different cases with, the most wonderful, immediate and last ing success. The new remedy, the doctor explains. Is administered in almost microscopic doses. One of the first noticeable results is an Immediate dimunltion of the fever, which is a pronounced feature of consumption. ther symptoms then diminish, and with heir reduction an unmistaxaDie recon 4ruction ot thadiseased tissues .takes. I place until in some instances the action of the affected organ becomes almost nor mal. Out of the trial cases, every one In six months was pronounced "a nearly complete cure." TRUST MAT PURCHASE PUNCH Harmsworth Buying Up Many Old English Publications. LONDON, Sept. IS. (Special.) It is said that Alfred Harmsworth or Lord Northcliffe. as he Is now called, the lit tle Napoleon of British Journalism, is attempting to create a great publishing trust. He already has his hooks in on every possible kind of publication. When ever a new weekly or monthly maga zine or publication Is Issued Lord North cliffe looks it over carefully. If the idea is good and the publication looks like a winner he issues orders for one on similar lines to be brought out. On account of his .numerous newspapers and weeklies and monthlies, he is in a position to do advertising on a scale that would cost a competitor less favorably situated a quar ter of a million dollars In a year's time. Of course, with his huge staffs of editors and artists and his plants, he is also in a position to turn out a publication better and cheaper than most rivals. He is also aware of the value of old established weeklies and monthlies, for he is buying or securing an interest in a majority of them. The World, Vanity Fair and the Observer are the latest to fall into the Harmsworth net. It is said that Punch, the bulwark of British hu mor, has. also gone to Harmsworth, but this has been officially denied. The Harmsworth Interests hav secured all the side publications of Punch, however, and now having secured the outworks will soon, it is expected, storm the cita del. With dailies, weeklies and month lies in London and throughout the coun try, even in Scotland and Wales, the Harmsworth management has now con trol f the advertising' field and owns practically the cream of everything printed. It is now said that the Harmsworths are going into the book publishing busi ness. This will create immense havoo it is prophesied in the trade and among authors generally. FINDS GOOD GLASS S EXTENSIVE DEPOSIT LOCATED BY WILLIAM A. BANTZ. It Is Within 60 Miles of Portland With Water Transportation Facil ities Available. Glass sand, of superior quality and in quantity sufficient to warrant the es tablishment of large glass furnace works, has been discovered within a distance of 60 miles of Portland. Wil liam A. Bantz has located a tract of sand glass comprising about 60 acres in extent. It is easily accessible from the city and is so situated that water transportation would be available if any development work is done. For vpars Mr. Bantz has been on tne lookout fcr large bodies of glass sand but not until recently did he discover the kind of glass sand that is practical for commercial purposes. It is not river or wash sand but is found along the side of the mountain. The sand is so rich that to the naked eye panicles oi pure glass can be, readily distin guished. All the glass used in t-omana ior commercial purposes is manufactured in the East. Inquiries regarding glass sand have often been made in Portland by Eastern parties, who have ex pressed their willingness to establish furnaces and works wnenever me nsui sand was found in sufficient quantity. Twentv years aeo Mr. Bantz discov ered what he thought was rich glass sand. He sent it to the East to have it analyzed and received a report that it was "not suitable. He sent more sam ples of different sands but the re ports of the experts who examined them were invariably unfavorable. Finally Mr. Bantz went East and took a special study in glass sands and learned what kind is suited for manu facturing purposes. "I have often heard or eastern capi talists who said they were willing to put in furnaces if the glass sand was found." said Mr. Bantz yesterday. "We get the glass from the East and if we have the proper materials I see no rea son why certain kinds of glass could not be manufactured in Portland to ad vantage." SLAYER OF IMMIGRANTS J. B. Hickman Confesses Murder of Couple Traveling From Oregon. DENVER. Sept. 15. A News special from Rawlins. Wyo., says: Deputy Sheriff W. S. Johnson, of Wapanuka, I. T., arrived here last night, having in custody J. B. Hickman, who has confessed to the murder of Thomas Irwine and his young son. Archie, while they were traveling overland on the Continental Divide near this city last June. Hickman, in his confession, im plicates his cousin. Hugh Hickman, for whom the officers are now searching. Irwine and son had been visiting in Baker City, whither they had come as immigrants together with Mrs. Irwine. who, on account of ill-health, had been sent back to Oklahoma by train, while the others started in a prairie schooner across Southern Idaho and Southern Wyoming to the same destination. Their bodies were found in a canyon near Raw lins. Wyo.. some weeks later. Tramps were suspected. ELDER IS OFF TOMORROW Extra Forces of Workmen Are Em ployed to Rush Work. The steamer Geo. W. Elder is to be floated at noon tomorrow, according to the announcement made last evening by the Portland Shipbuilding Company, which has had charge of the reconstruc tion of the vessel since she was placed on the drydock after being raised from her berth on the rocks off Goble. A force of extra workmen was employed on the vessel all night and gangs will be kept on today and tonight in order to have her completed in time for launching Monday. After coming off the pontoons the steamer will be brought up to Mar tin's dock, where she will probably be re fitted and refurnished. Scared Stowaway a Suicide. NEW YORK, Sept 15. The French line steamer La Touraine, which arrived to day from Havre, reports that on Sep tember 15 Anton Grimera, of Austria, aged 20 years, a stowaway, when about to be placed in confinement to guard against his escape on reaching port, jumped from the rail overboard and was lost. The steamer stopped her engines and rounded to, but nothing was seen of the man. Revive Deserted River Traffic. ST. LOUIS, Sept. 15. To prove that the . Missouri River is navigable from Kansas City to St. Louis and that a line of freight and passenger packets is practicable, the steamboat Lora left today for Kansas City. This is the first effort of the kind in 15 years. The Lora has a tonnageiof 278, and, when loaded, draws about three feet of .water,. IS NO LADIES' GAME Less Bruises in Rugby, More Broken Bones. but OPEN, INTERESTING PLAY Premium on Kicking and Passing for Long Runs Penalties Are Free- Kicks, No Yardage. No Interference Allowed. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Berkeley, Sept. 15. (Special.) Now that California's two big universities have de cided to play Rugby this Fall, It is in teresting to note how comparatively few people know anything about the old Eng lish game, even though it is the parent of American intercollegiate and is being played abroad every year. Most people confuse it with "association," and refuse to take any interest In It because they believe it is a kicking game, and one that will not appeal to those who have watched with delight the thundering line smashes of the American college game. Thirty years ago Americans and Eng lish played practically the same game of football. In both countries, 15 men were used on a side, the majority being for wards. The ball was rarely seen by the spectators, the contest being sub stantially one scrimmage after another. The forwards pulled and pushed, and kicked each other's shins, and the re sult was that the game became so tire some that those interested in ita wel fare set about' to devise some, way of making the sport more interesting by opening up the play, and getting the ball out of the scrimmage as soon as possi ble. It was at this point that the American O Cr O O Cr O O O o DIAGRAM SHOWING POSITION intercollegiate game began to develop. starting from the feature that has caused all the trouble in this country, namely. that of giving one side or the other un disputed possession of the ball for a specified time. In England the old meth od of starting the play is still in vogue. that of throwing the ball fairly in the middle between the two lines of players, and letting them do the rest. ' Changes That Resulted. Now as a result of the American Inno vation of giving the ball to one side be fore the play is started, the following important changes resulted from the old game: A reduction in the number of players from 15 to 11, allowing of interference, which was unheard of In the old game; mass plays, a rule necessitating the gain ing of ten yards In three downs; laws defining positions of players, and penal ties for kicking, holding, slugging and many others. ' This has not opened up the game in America. The game is still very slow and close, and a very complicated sys tem of signals Is necessary before it can be played with anything like satisfac tion. , The English have made their game open, not by any wholesale change of the rules, but by showing that in the open game there is more chance to score and thus make the contests more inter esting. Three Substitutes Allowed. The English Rugby rules allow no sub stitutes, but the regulations that will be used In California will permit three. Five substitutes may stand on the side lines, and the captain of the team can select from the five, according to the position vacated, but no more than three of the five can be used in one game. According to American intercollegiate, a certain number of players must be in the line and a certain number in the back field, but such is not the case in Rugby. If the captain thinks It best, all can play forward, and all back, ex cept that one man must be in the scrim mage, though in practice it has been de-. cided that the best game is played with' eight forwards and seven backs. These forwards are arranged in a pack, not in a line, and the backs are arranged ac cording to the style of play to be used. When the ball, goes into touch, the English game requires that it be thrown out at right angles between the lines of forwards. This rule and the fact that both teams have an equal chance for the ball in the scrimmage, puts a premium on kicking and passing for long runs. There Is absolutely no interference or obstruction allowed. If a man ahead of the ball interfers, the other side Is granted a free kick, which may mean the game if near the goal line. In running down the field after kicks an oft-side player cannot approach or re main within ten yards of the man try ing to catch the ball. He is on side after the catcher has kicked the ball, or has run five yards with it He Is also on side when one of his own side runs in front of him, having kicked the ball from behind him. If he had been on a line with the kicker, or behind him, he would not have been off side, and would have had an equal chance at the ball with his opponents. The English penalties are free kicks, and not the loss of yardage. A goal made from a free kick means three points. More Pleasure In Rugby. There is ir.ore pleasure for the Rugby players, for while they have plenty of hard work, they do not have the daily grind for many weeks, and the genuine hard work necessary for making the American intercollegiate eleven. Rugby players have their work varied, with every line-up, and it contains less of the element of drudgery. But It Is no coward's game. It calls for all a man has, and it is a healthful game because It calls for courago, without the heavy gruelling to which intercollegiate players are sub jected. The English game is full of interest. There is practically no time out, hence little delay, and the game is being played every minute. There are a number of new terms in the game, and a new system of scoring, which at first will bewilder the Ameri can enthusiasts. A scrimmage is called a scrummage or "scrum." A touchdown is called a try because it allows a try for a goal: a touchback is called a touch down, and the term safety, is the same as ours. A forward pass is called a knock on. 4.A try counts three points- and a goal after a try two points extra. A penalty goal from a free kick counts three points and a field goal four points. On account of the openness of the Rug-, by game, the English use a suit almost as light as our track suits, but they play on turf, while in California the game will be played on hard ground, which will necessitate thicker garments, espe cially about the knees. It is the opinion of those that know Rugby best, that American players who expect to find it a ladylike game will be disappointed. As Dr. Taylor, the Cali fornia coach, remarked the other day: "There will be less bruises in Rugby, but more broken bones." The development of Rugby in the last few years, as in the American game, has tended to make it more replete with injuries. It has be come more strenuous, and this Fall will show whether or not it can supplant the American play in the eyes of California, college students. DOES BOWXING INJURE ARMS? Al Selbacb Claims That Rolling on Alleys Spoiled His Throwing. , Al Selbach. the Gray's left fielder, says that a ballplayer should never bowl to any great extent, as it will be detrimental to his throwing arm. Most of his bowling has been done in the Middle West, where he has been prom inent in the! game for 15 years, but now he has practically given up the sport "Bowling was the foundation of my release by the Bostons," Selbach de clared, "as it abnormally developed one of the muscles on the top of the right shoulder, which interfered with my throwing. The delivery of a bowling ball with an underhand mo tion develops one set of muscles, while throwing a baseball with an overhand swing puts another set of muscles into play. "The motion of throwing a baseball causes the muscles of the arm be tween the shoulder and elbow to re lax, and when a player who bowls to any great extent starts to limber up in the Spring he finds It a difficult matter, as he is partly shoulder bound. In my case, it got so far that this Spring I found a knot In'my shoulder that interfered with my throwing to a great extent "I discovered that I was a victim of the heavy shoulder in 1903, when I Forwards , Ha ff Bocks. O Thre e QuarTir-B:Ajs fa &acj: IF PXATED IV A RUGBY LIXE-UP. joined the Boston Americans, and I am still handicapped with the wing. I lay it all to bowling, and would advise all ballplayers to quit the alleys if they want to preserve their arms." After this experience Selbach has done little bowling, and will do still less this coming Winter. His limit will be a few games with the South Side Club, of Columbus, O., where he resides. With Selbach on the bowling team which made the tour of the country four years ago were Johnny Voorheis. Phil Wolf and Ernie Pater son. This aggregation, Selbach de clares, was the greatst bowling team ever gotten together. Although he is now In the minor league ranks, Selbach is still inter ested in the American League pen nant race. "The race Is between Phil adelphia and New York, with the chances favoring Connie Mack's team," he said. "I think the best bet Is Phil adelphia, as its pitching staff is far superior and steadier than New York's. Chicago may give the Athletics and the Yankees some trouble, but the White Sox aggregation is not hitting hard enough to win the pennant" Selbach refused to express an opin ion on the probable outcome of the National League race. Providence Evening Bulletin. STABLE FOR LIIJLXAN RCSSKLL Actress to Race Under the Name of "Mr. Clinton." Lillian Russell will have a racing stable next season, and it will be 'a good one if the horses she is buying come up to expectations raised by their pedigrees, says the Chicago Tribune. Her colors will be "navy blue with a white star," and her entries will be made under the name of "Mr. Clinton." She will, in fact, parallel the racing career of Mrs. Lang'try, who not only devotes herself to the stage, but as "Mr. Jersey" owns a racing stable of established merit Eight horses have been purchased in Australia, all of them the get of Car bine, the undefeated star of the turf in the Antipodes. Miss Russell's agents have been In Australia for months, and all sorts of speculations have followed the pur chases made. It was impossible to learn anything concerning the identity of the mysterious "Mr. Clinton," even though cables were sent to this coun try. When it was learned here that a New York prospective stable owner was purchasing all the scions of Carbine that could be bought up extensive in quiries were made to learn something of the purchaser, but unavailingly. Carbine was foaled near Auckland, N. Z-, and Is one of the few horses in the world's history possessing the rec ord of never having lost a race and of having left records yet unbroken. In Australia Carbine is believed to be one of the greatest horses that ever lived. 66 77 9 Humphreys' Seventy Seven Cures Grip and CO ID Dr. Humphreys' "Seventy-seven"" differs from' other Cold cures be cause it cures by going direct to the sick spot, without disturbing the rest of the system. No poison, no drug ging, no danger to the heart, the kid neys or the lungs a complete cure no hanging on of. nasty Catarrh or hacking Cough. "Seventy-seven" is put up in a Small Vial of pleasant pellets that fits the vest pocket. At Druggists. 25 cents, or mailed. ICTDoctor's Book mailed free. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., William and. John Sureeta, New York. Cor. AT ALL BOGI STORES and from reports that have come to this country the Australians appear to think that he possessed all the qualities of strength and courage of Salvator, Hermis, Irish Lad, Rock Sand and Sy sonby. It is certain Carbine was a wonder ful horse, and there will be as great Interest In this country in following the careers of his get as in Miss Rus sell'? advent upon the turf. With cleverness and adroitness the agents of Miss Russell bought up eight of the Carbine get, and they are now quartered at the famous Flemington course, near Melbourne, one of the most popular tracks in the world, and which attracted more than 200,000 persons last year at the running Or the Melbourne cup, the greatest race of Australia. The cup has been won for the last four years by horses of the Carbine strain. Miss Russell s horses will be shipped to San Francico about the beginning of the year, and her grooms will start for Melbourne about October 1. The racers will remain in San Francisco a week or so to permit them to recover from the effects of their voyage, and will then be shipped to Benning, where the "navy blue and white star" will be seen for the first time. Miss Russell by that time will have recovered from the fatigue of her sea son in Barbara's Millions," and will be able to devote herself during the Summer exclusively to racing. SENDS PEACE MESSAGE Hopes Milan Conference Will Help Toward Universal Peace. MILAN, Sept IB. The fifteenth univer sal peace congress was inaugurated here this afternoon, with delegates in attend ance from all parts of the world. J. E. Dunning, the American Consul here, read the following message from President Roosevelt: Crivlng utterance to the aspirations of Phone Your WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Your Home Furnishings Are Not Complete Without a Vapor Bath Cabinet Trusses That Fit Over 53 styles to select from. Private fitting-room; lady attendants. Absolute satisfaction guaranteed. S 1.50 UP. Our Homeopathic Department Is a complete pharmacy in itself and is in charge of skilled homeopathic druggists.' Everything In the homeopathic line will be found here. We are sole agents for Luyties' celebrated homeopathic remedies, pellets, mother tincture, tablets, disks, dilutions, tri turations, ointment, etc. A Few of Our Homeopathic Specialties: "Woodlark" Homeopathic La Grippe Cure. . 5O0 "Woodlark" Homeopathic Worm Powders 250 "Woodlark" Homeopathic Teething Powders .....500 "Woodlark" Homeopathic Cold Tablets 250 "Woodlark" Homeopathlo Croup and Cough Syrup 25 "Woodlark" Homeopathic Dyspepsia Tablets . ...5O0 We have a large line of homeopathic literature Free to those interested. The triumph of whatever is entertaining in adven ture, the acme of whatever is captivating in mystery, the superlative of whatever is delightful in romance, and the most thnSingly exciting story of strange crime that has appeared ra a decade. tlmdlfeldjedl the American people that the great cause of peace among nations shall prevail, and sharing the hopeful desire of my coun trymen that the labors of the present con ference at Milan will mark a further ad vance toward realizing the aims of the advocates of universal peace, I congratu late the conference upon its auspicious meeting." SEND CHILDREN OVER SEA Heartless American Desertion Scheme Worked in 200 Cases. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 15 This city is shocked at the revelation by the local government board of the number of chil dren sent to this port on Atlantic liners without guardians. The board reports 200 cases, in 25 per cent of which the children became chargeable on the poor houses. The shipping companies took un usual pains for the protection and com fort of the unescorted little travelers, not suspecting they were aiding unscrupulous American parents to rid themselves of their offspring. HOT IR0NSJM HER TOES Robbers Cruelly Torture Woman, but Fail to Get Her Money. LIBERTY, Ind.. Sept. 15 Mrs. Ora Miller is in a critical condition here as the result of an attack by two masked robbers tonight An auction sale , had been held at the Miller home today and masked men entered the house during her husband's absence and demanded the money obtained from the sale of the goods. Redhot irons were placed against the woman's toes in an effort to compel her to reveal the place where the money Drug Wants to Exchange 11 We Will Prescriptions Accurately Pilled With Presh, A Vapor, Sulphur, Medicated or Turk ish Bath at your own home at any time for a few cents. In four sizes. $4.00 $5.00 $7.50 and $12.00 4 ' TCE 80SBS-HERRJU COKMT Publisher was secreted. The robbers did not ob tain any money, however. Dress Reform for Men. Pittsburg Gazette. The society which has Just been organ ized in the metropolis with the object ot "encouraging rational dress for men in the Summer" will not only preach the comfortable doctrine of the discarding of coats, but will urge that men adopt cloth ing of thin white linen for the torrid sea son. Realizing that it Is now too late for effective missionary work this Sum mer, efforts will be directed toward a general reform to begin June 1, 197. Promises will be obtained from as many men as possible that they will appear on the streets in all-white costumes, such as are commonly worn in the Orient, every warm day next Summer. Dr. Andrew Wilson once said: "A man who would ride down Piccadilly on a white horse, himself wearing an all-white suit of linen and white sandals and carrying a white umbrella, would attract an em barrassing amount of attention, but he would be cooler by ten degrees than any of the spectators." Dark colors absorb the sun's rays. White garb is the coolest, Man undoubtedly suffers to an unneces sary degree from the heat of our semi tropic Summers because of his ridi'.ulous attire. May the society for encoui lging rational dress meet with great success in its difficult endeavor! Man, the real slave of fashion, has long been looking for an emancipator. BUSIJfESS ITEMS. If Baby Is Cnttlnr Teeth Be oure and use that old and well-tried rem edy. Mrs. Window's Soothing Byrup, tor chil dren teethins. It aoothea tne child. Kitten, the -ums. allay, all pain, cure, wind colls and diarrhoea. The uee of colored raper, for house deco ration, which was scarcely known In China until quite recently. Is now becoming gen eral. Do the Rest. Pure Drugs. Elastic Hosiery Lame for Life Thousands who limp pain fully along each day have at their command certain relief. Old sprains, strains and weak nesses are quickly and suc sacessfullv relieved with "Wood ' lark" Silk Elastic Hosiery. We ' weave our own Elastic Hosiery Zo the exact measurement and guarantee to fit or no pay. Send for measurement blank and price list Specials for the School Children Everything Here the Children Need for School, and for Little Prices Large size Pencil Tablets, each 40 and 5 Large size Pencil Tablets, ruled, each 40 and 50 Letter size Ink Tablets, each 40 Plain Ink Tablets, each 0 Ruled Ink Tablets, each i.M"".;2S Composition Books, each 50 and 70 Students' Notebooks, each 40 and 80 Stenographers' Notebooks, each 40 and 80 Memo Notebooks, each 30 to Sgl.OO Bound Slates, 7x11, each .....1O0 Slate Pencils, soft soapstone, 10 for 30 Flag Slate Pencils. 2 dozi-n for 50 Wood-covered Slate Pencils, each 10; dozen for.-lO0 Steel Pens, per dozen 80 Penholders, each , ..10, 2c, 30, 40 and 50 Faber Lead Pencils, rubber tip. each... 3 Common Lead Pencils, rubber tip, each 1; 1 dozen for 1O0 Pencil Sharpeners, each 40 Rubber Erasers, each 20. 40 and J0 School Chalk, white, per box IOC Colored Crayons, per box 40 and 80 Blotters, each 1 Ink, bottle 50 special, each 3c Ink, bottle 10c special, each 60 Rulers, 12-inch, each 50 Book Straps, leather, each 50 Pencil Boxes, with locks, each 50 and 10c School Sponges, each 10 to 4c Eyesnades, each 1O0, 150 and 250 Competitor Fountain Pens, special 7O0 Self-fllling Fountain Pens S3. 50 to S5.00 Parker Fountain Pens S2.00 to $5.00 Waterman's Idtal Pens $2.50 to'$lS.OO School Scissors, each 90 and 140 Drawing Pads, each.... 40 and 80 With every 23-cent purchase of school supplies we give free one large size Woodlark Pencil Tablet. A