48 PAGES PAGES 1 TO 16 VOL. XXV-NO. 37. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, ' SEPTEMBER 16, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. TREPOFF IS DEAD WRECKED By FEAR Tyrant Succumbs to Heart Disease. BEST HATED MAN IN RUSSIA Author of Bloody Sunday Had Nerves Ruined. WAS LEADER OF REACTION fcm of Foundling, Who Was II im wlf a Tyrant, Expires Prema turely, Broken Down by the Dread of Assassins. ST. PETERSBURG, Sept. 15. General Xmltrl Keodorovlch Trepoft, commandant of the Imperial Palace, died at 6 o'clock this evening In his villa at Peterhof of angina pectoris. General Trepoff, whose name Is indel ibly linked with reactionary repression in Russia, was a remarkable man. He was a natural despot, a tyrant by Inclin ation, education and conviction. Ha was one of those men who have constantly appeared In Russian history. Just at the time when conditions were most promis ing for putting an end to despotism, to turn the Russian rulers from liberalism to reaction. Guiding Spirit of Reaction. , It was he who became the guiding spirit of the reaction after Nicholas II had is sued his manifesto In the Fall of 1903, promising the people a share in the gov ernment. Holding the position of mas ter of the palace, in league with the court intriguers who were determined to restore the old regime, he constantly had the Em peror's ear. Like his father before him, Trepoff was a police master, with all that the name Involved in Russia, and the story of . father and son is full of dramatic Inci dents. ' Father Was a Foundling. The elder was a foundling. "Who were his parents was never known. He was found one morning on the back doorstep of a German family by whom he was playfully named Trepop-Hof (German for doorstep). The father distinguished him self as a member of the secret police. During the height of the Nihilist conspir acies in the late '70s, It was to him that Alexander II confided the task of run, nlngr down terrorists plotting against his life. The fight between liberalism and reaction then, as later under Trepoff's eon. was In full swing, and then, as later, the energies of the police were directed against the student agitaflon. Dictator of Russia. Dmitri followed his father's footsteps. He attracted the ' attention of Grand Duke Sergius, then Governor-General of Moscow, and by him was named police master of Moscow. Trepoft soon became Sergius' right arm in fighting the revo lutionary student agitaUon, of which the ancient capital was the hotbed. "When . Sergius was assassinated Trepoff was named Governor-General of Moscow. Later1 he was summoned to St. Peters burg and given the command of the Im perial Guard antf made Governor-General of the city. He took up his residence in the "Winter Palace and became In fact, If not in name, dictator of Russia. Anarchy prevailed when he arrived. An uprising on a large scale was momentar ily expected. Thousands had fled the city. Eut with Trepoft In command the aspect of affairs changed. Troops filled the streets and dead walls were placarded with notices that street disorders would be suppressed without mercy. Any dem onstration on the streets was dispersed by firing volley after volley Into the helpless crowds. Under his iron hand the city became quiet. Trepoft was accused of Instigating the Bialystok massacre. During those trying weeks plot after Eighty dollars a month is better than this. plot to kill him was discussed and frus trated. Two of his own nieces attempted to execute the sentence. But-in his dungeon-like room in the center of the pal ace, where no bomb could reach mm save by shattering a dozen walls, with the telephone constantly at his side, he Issued orders and ' received reports. ' His personal courage was oeyond all question. He had almost a contempt for death. "I am no. fool," he said to the Asso ciated Press correspondent a few days after he assumed the dictatorship. "I am no fool to be potted in the street. I have work to do and I propose to do it. I have given my word to my impe rial master to maintain the tranquility of the city and I. will answer for the preservation of order with my life." The strain told upon, him and during those memorable six weeks the lines of his face deepened and his hair and beard became streaked with gray. He continued at his post throughout the Summer and, although there was much political ex citement, no rkt occurred. ' Savior of Autocracy. Trepoff made a pretense of acquiescing in the manifesto of October of that year and In Witte's elevation to the Premiership. But' in reality he was only awaiting a favorable oppor tunity to give -'battle to the new regime. And when the orgy of liberty which followed the manifesto was in full blast, threatening to sweep away the foundations of the government, even Wltte was glad to turn to the great police master to restore order. He accomplished his task and was hailed by the reaction aries as the savior of the situation. The Emperor was made to believe that Trep oft alone was capable of safeguarding the life of himself and the imperial family. And so, with the press howling at his heels, he retired to Tsarskoe-Selo to be come master of the palace. There, In a congenial atmosphere, he took the di rection of the campaign for the restor ation of the old order. Six Attempts to Kill Him.' In all six actual attempts on the life of General Trepoff have been 'made within three years, and only last July General Kozloff, of the headquarters, was assas sinated at Peterhof by a terrorist, who believed he was firing upon Trepoff. General Trepoff would have been 51 years old In December. Several months he had been suffering from heart affec tion and asthmatic troubles, and some time ago was forced to abandon a large amount of his routine work. Fear of Death Wfecked Nerves. The revolutionists can claim, partial re sponsibility for his end, as his illness was superinduced by strain due to constant fear of death, which, with the lack of exercise and recreation during the last two years, wore down his originally splendid constitution. He had become so nervous of late that recently, when a military attache of a Continental power was unexpectedly ushered into his room. General Trepoft sprang to his feet in an attiude of defense. Though the gravity of his malady was recognized from the first, his death came as a surprise. He was able to be up and around until the very last. He attended the parade of the Pavlovsky Regiment "Wednesday and on Thursday was at the landing stage when Emperor Nicholas and the imperial family embarked for a cruise to Bjorko. With the Emperor safe ly at sea and out of reach of the terror ists, one of General Trepoff's greatest re sponsibilities was lifted and the relief he experienced was plainly apparent. Nicholas Will Miss Him. General Trepoff's death will not have any immediate Influence on the policy of the government, which is firmly In Pre mier Stoly pin's hands, but, in case revo lution again breaks out. Emperor Nicho las will miss his strong will. Had His Liberal Streaks. General Trepoft unquestionably was one of the strongest figures of the po litical epoch and was equipped with sound common sense to a degree unusual In Russian political men. On a number of occasions he took the liberal side and advocated concessions when his Weaker and less posted colleagues urged the Emperor to perilous reaction. This es pecially was the case during the delib eration over M. 3oullgan's Parliamentary project. He favored a wider franchise and more extended rights than were given to the first Parliament. While usually spoken of as thirsting for the blood of the revolutionaries, it cannot be forgotten that General Trepoff preserved order in the turbulent capital during the long months between "Red Sunday" and the granting of the October manifesto practically without the loss of a single life. He Shirked No Perils. General Trepoff was usually accessible to the newspaper men and treated them with the degree of consideration charac- ( Concluded on Page 5.) What they did with It in FLEET WATCHES HAVANA Cubans WelcomeTheir Peacemakers. TELL TROUBLES TO COLWELL Ask Him to Negotiate Peace With Government. FIGHTING NEAR HAVANA Both Parties' Claim Victory at Wajay. General Desire for American Control Liberal Leaders Offer Compromise. HAVANA, Sept. 15. Thre American warships are the most Imposing and interesting objects in Havana Bay to night. The cruiser Des Moines arrived this morning and the auxiliary cruiser Dixie, with 250 marines on board, each ready at a moment's notice to land field pieces and rapid-fire guns, came this evening. Commander Abraham E. Culver of the Des Moines and Lieutenant-Commander Urban Holmes of Dixie reported to Commander Colwell of the Denver, who, being the senior officer, is in command of the squadron. Rebels Offer to Make Peace. If Commander Colwell's mission here were that of a peace envoy, he could hardly be more busy. He is receiving delegates representing the insurgents and even some of the insurgents them selves, who are anxious through him to negotiate peace of some kind. He has held consultations with these emissaries, but declines to do other wise than recommend that they go to their government. This suggestion bore fruit this afternoon to the extent that there was some talk between the emissaries and Governor Nunex. While these men are assuring Com mander Colwell that hostilities have? been suspended, fighting proceeded outside Havana both Friday and this afternoon. While a cessation of hos tilities pending the arrival of the Sec retary of War Taft and Acting Secre tary of State Bacon is urged, there is no evidence that any such general un derstanding has been reached. Hope Uncle Sam Will Control. The great topic of conversation to day was President Roosevelt's letter. President Palma declined to be inter viewed, but it is known that he is very confident of a "square deal." ''There is much speculation as to future condi tions In the island. There are great hopes In practically all classes that the United States will retain some control over Cuba's af fairs. Commander Colwell this afternoon cabled the Navy Department that the revolutionary' leaders assured him that they had ceased hostilities and again offered to bring him their arms, etc., and disband their forces. Com mander Colwell stated that he believed he could, if authorized, end the insur rection at once. Up to tonight no In structions In this connection had been received by him. The commander also reported to the department that nego tiations for peace had been opened with the Government and that he be lieved an end of the trouble would re sult. He added that he was Informed constantly as to the attitude of the revolutionary leaders. Liberal Leader's Offer. In an open letter published this eve ning. Alfredo Zayas, president of the Liberal party, offers on behalf of the Liberals to negotiate peace on the basis that Senor Palma shall continue as Pres ident; that two of the Cabinet Ministers shall be members of the Liberal party; that the municipal officers removed last year shall be restored: that the electoral laws shall be revised and that new elec tions of Senators and Representatives AMERICAN CARTQONIST MURPHY GLANCES AT SOME OF THE SALIENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK Seattle. A big Job for Big ehall be held and also elections of Gov ernors and provincial officers to fill the vacancies of those removed last Decem ber. Senor Zayas says that the revolution ists have suspected ' all the time, while peace parleying was going on, that the government was expecting help from the United States, and denounces as unfair the sudden placing of three provinces under martial law, while the parleying was pending. He says the Insurgents are ready for fair and Just treatment and, if "the powerful Nation which gave our freedom will act as arbitrator, we will give it our best assistance that we (Concluded on Face 2.) CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temper ture. 66 ' deR. ; minimum, 54. Precipitation, trace. TODAY'S Fair and warmer. Northerly winds. ' Domestic. Stensland's son betrays hiding; place of much of his plunder. Page l. Herins; declared champion forger of world. Page 1. Pierce shown Senator Bailey's connection with Standard Oil Company. Page 2. Chicago Judge declares municipal ownership law valid. Page 5. Four' prominent Chicagoans injured, two fatally, in auto accident. Page 4. German Baron accused of bigamy. Page S Remarkable escape of woman from drown ing. Page 4. . Politics. Bryan speaks on railroad ownership In Vir ginia. Page 4. Bryan not ready to define trusts. Fage 4. Hughes strongest Republican for Governor - of New York. Page 19. ( National. Interstate Commission issues order on changes In freight rates. Page 5. General MacArthur becomes Lieutenant-Gen-eral. Page 4. Cuba. Cubans - welcome American offer of media tion. Page 1. More warships arrive at Havana. Page 1. Rebels in suburbs of Havana fight battle, both parties claiming- victory. Page 1. Taft and Bacon will sail for Havana today. Page 1. Cruiser Cleveland sails and more ships make ready. Page 1. Foreign. General Trepoff dies of heart disease and Russian Terrorists rejoice and say they killed him. Page 1. Chinese brigands hold up train In Manchuria. Page 2. Anarchists dog Kaiser', steps, but fall to reach him. Page 2. Mexican Independence day opens quietly. Page 4. Wholesale murder of babies in Sweden. Page 12. Sport. San Francisco defeats Portland, 4 to 0. Page 14. Whitman College has excellent football pros pects. Page 14. Impression prevails in California that Coast League will go to piece, at end of sea son. Pag. 14. Judge McCredle differs with President Bert as to Umpire Mahaffey's action in order ing game forfeited to Portland by Los Angeles. Page 14. Six Eastern crack shots to give exhibition at the traps here next Sunday. Page 15. Week's recess at Louisville track. Page 14. Accountant wins $25,000 annual champion ship stakes by two lengths. Page 14. Pacific Coast. Despite the unfavorable weather the Oregon . Htate Kalr is pronounced a financial sue cess. Page 6. Attorney D. R. Murphy create, a commotion by denouncing dead St. Paul Mar.hal as a ruf nan. Page 6. Washington Railroad Commission gives a re view of its work in securing cost of roads. Page 7. . lone. Or., boy accidentally shot and killed In hardware store. Page 7. Senator Piles finds he has to do some hard work in his own district. Page 6. Prunes are cracked by Inopportune fall of aaln in the Willamette Valley. Page 6. Portland and Vicinity. Members of House committee on rivers anl harbors bay Congress will not appropriate (2.500,000 for bar at next session. Page 1. Teamsters' Union votes against strike at present time. Page 10. Colonel C. U. Gantenbeln resign, as com mander of Third Infantry, O. N. O. Page 11. City achools will open tomorrow morning. Page 9. Automobile bandits confess crime; had pistol loaded with poisoned bullets. Page 11. T. W. C. A. and T. M. C. A. to banquet Na tional officer, and friends tomorrow night. Page 32. Commercial bodies of Pacific Northwest to form central organization: convention called to meet in Spokane September 25. Page 32. Multnomah Bar Association honor, memory of O. F. Paxton. Page 10. Plympton Kelly, pioneer of 1848, dead. Page 32. Willamette Valley Traction Company buy. nine blocks in South Portland for right - of way. Page 18. Features and Department.. Editorial. Page 8. Church announcements. Page 23. Classified advertisements. Pages 24-30. Shameless crime, of private detectives. Page 45. Physical training lrf Portland schools. Page 38. Resist Sheriffs and militia with rifles. Page 41. Romantic beginnings of American universi ties. Page 39. Luther Burbank. the man. Page 40. Death the only cure for the speed mania. Page 42. Through old Virginia In an automobile. Page 44. Should married men flirt? Page 43. Book reviews. Page 23. Ham Burr's fun. Page 46. Social. Page. 34-35. Dramatic. Page 32. Musical. Page 22. Household and fashions. Page 43. Religious intelligence. Page 37. Youth's department. Page 47. Bill. Mr. Hearst received some interesting ' news the other day. ' NO S2,5D0,DQ0 FOR JETTY AT THE Sum to Finish Work Not in Sight. SO SAY RANSDELL AND JONES Construction to Wait for That s Amount. MAY RESORT TO DREDGE Members of House Committee Cer tain Money to Complete Improve ment Will Hot Be Appro priated Next Year. That the $2,500,000 needed for completion of the Columbia bar jetty cannot be se cured next year from Congress is the opinion of Congressman Ransdeil, of Louisiana, and Jones of Washington, members of the rivers and harbors com mittee, who yesterday inspected the Jetty, escorted by members of the Chambers of Commerce of Portland and Astoria, mem bers of the Oregon delegation in Congress, Governor Chamberlain, Lieutenant-Colonel Roessler, who is United States Engi neer of this district, and others. That it is inadvisable to resume work on the Jetty until this sum shall be avail able, either as an appropriation or under continuing contract, if very wasteful con struction is to be avoided, was the opin ion of the two committee members, who accorded with the view of Colonel Roess ler announced before a meeting of the Chamber of Commerce of Portland Fri day night Colonel Roessler advised fur ther that money should not be di verted from the bar project, by Insistence on sums of money for other improve ments on the river, larger than are neces sary for maintenance of present work and slow construction. Jones Opposes Plan. .This plan in opposed by Representative Jones, who rather considers the Celilo project more Important than the bar project, at least to the Upper Columbia River region, which wants lower trans portation rates to and from tidewater. He takes the view that the Celilo barrier, which now prevents navigation up and down the river, should be opened as soon as possible, and that the bar improve ment Is not as urgent as is alleged, be cause ships of 23 and more feet draft can already pass In and out. This opinion is shared by Mr. Ransdeil, and he urges that the two projects be striven for together, saying that other wise, there will be a divided effort, which will react against the interests of the entire river. Mr. Jones and Mr. Ransdeil said that It Is extremely unlikely that the jetty can obtain J2.6fiO.000, or that even the whole Columbia River can secure such a sum. Both were even fearful that there will be no river and harbor bill at all next year. No Emergency Appropriation. It will be Impossible, they said, to put through an emergency appropriation, as was done at the last session of Congress for $400,000, because that sum was allowed simply in order that the Government might not lose several hundred thousand dollars' worth of construction works at the Jetty, for want of money to finish the stone deposits . under the tramway then in place. It was not he most cheerful outlook for the river Interests that were repre sented in the party. Its members began busying their heads with de vices for obtaining the required $2,500, 000 right away, because, In their minds, completion of the Jetty is extremely ur gent. Plans for restoring on the bar the dredge Chinook, now lying Idle at Linnton in need of new JSO.OOO boilers, were dis cussed indefinitely. Some of the men said that in view of the pressing need of a deeper bar and the apparent impossibility of securing money for the jetty, the nat ural and necessary recourse must be to The dredging, for which an appropriation of 1200,000 would be required at least. The party started from Portland at 8 A. M. in a special car supplied by the Astoria Railroad," reached Astoria at 12, where it was Increased by 13 citizens of that city and arrived at Fort Stevens at 1. There luncheon was had in the messhouse of the post, after which the party rode out four and" a half miles on the Jetty cars. Returning to the post, the members inspected the battery forti fications and then boarded the steamer Arago. of the United States Engineers, for Astoria, where they arrived at G o'clock. " They were conducted by members of the Chamber of Commerce- of that city to the Occident Hotel for dinner. The meal was hurried at the end in order to make the train for Portland, and re marks oy Senator Fulton, Mr. Ransdeil and Mr. Jones were shortened on this account. The party reached Portland at 10 last night, well satisfied with its trip, grateful for the hospitality of the As toria citizens and that of the engineers and artillery officers at Fort Stevens, and thankful to R, R. Hoge, president of the Portland Chamber of Commerce, and E. C. Giltner, secretary, for the admirable way In which they conducted the excur sion. Those in the Party. In the party, besides Mr. Ransdeil and Mr. Jones, were Governor Chamberlain, who was greeted at Fort Stevens by tho Governor's salute of 17 guns; Senator Fulton, Senator Gearin and the people's choice for short term Senator, F. "W. Mulkey; Representatives in Congress W. C. Hawley and W. R. Ellis; Lieutenant Roessler and his assistant engineer for the Lower Columbia, Gerald Bagnall; Malcolm A. Mooy, of The Dalles; State Senator J. N. Smith, of Salem; Peter Loggle, of Coos Bay, and the following of Portland: W. D. Wheelwright, J. C. Flanders, C- F. Adams, J. C. Ainsworth, A. H. Devers, George Taylor, C. A. Stewart, F. M. Baumgartner, R. R. Hoge and E. C. Giltner. At Astoria Mayor Wise boarded the train, followed by B. Van Dusen, J. C. Mayo, State Senator Sehofield, State Representative McCue. E. W. Tallant. Captain Dan McVicker, Captain James Catton, Judge Trenchard, Gabriel Win gate, James Finlayson and N. J. Judah. The Jetty cars carried the party a little beyond the end of the old section of the breakwater. The tramway extended a mile further to sea, but as the track sagged in several places, owing to the beat of the surf, Engineer Bagnall deemed it prudent to venture no further. To Be Extended Three Miles. Beyond this point, the jetty is to extend three miles, when finished, one mile of which Is complete. This Winter's storms and the teredo will probably wreck the mile of tramway which runs out beyond, and which was built last year, though Engineer Bagnall has hopes of seeing it last for next Summer's work. Next year will, perhaps, see the destruction of a large part of the""414 frilles of tramway over which the party rode, therefore, be fore the jetty shall be finished, most of the tramway will have to be renewed at a cost of $125,000 to $150,000 a mile; and should construction drag along four or five years, Jong lengths of trestle will have to be renewed several times. Con struction could be rushed to completion, said Colonel Roessler, In two years. The wisdom of Colonel Roessler's rec ommendation that when construction shall be resumed It be pressed forward to completion with all speed was mani fest to all. On the return to Portland, Mr. Jones remarked ;that he did not see any possi bility of securing '$2,000,000 for the Jetty, unless Congress should pass a $75,000,000 river and harbor bill, which was very unlikely; in fact, he feared Congress would not pass any at all the coming year. He would not consent that the Celilo Canal be retarded, In order that the Jetty be expedited. Uncertain Engineering Problem. The jetty engineering problem, he said, was an exceedingly uncertain one at best; the bar seemed to be deepening al ready, and "we might make haste better by waiting a little." He was undeniably friendly to the Jetty project, as should be evident from his advocacy of the $400,000 emergency appropriation at the last ses sion of Congress, and from his aid to preceding appropriations for the bar. Besides, the Columbia River, he said, is not bottled up, as is the upper part of the stream; vessels of moderate size sail in and out of the river, but no steamers pjy between tidewater and the upper reaches of the stream as they would do were the Celilo obstruction overcome. Mr. Jones' state has seaports at Puget Sound, Gray's Harbor and Willapa Har bor, and naturally does not take the Oregon and Lower Columbia River view of the urgency of the Columbia bar im provement, although he sees Its utility. "From an economy and engineering (Concluded on Page 8.) Boss of the hopftelds. WOMAN GIVES UP STENSLAi LOOT Hands Over a Suitcase With $357,000 EXPLAINS SYSTEM OF THEFT Scoundrelly Banker in Single Night Took $101,000. CACHED IT IN HER HOUSE Cashier Hering Colossal Forger of All History, Says Handwriting Expert, Surpassing Even Bldwell Brothers. CHICAGO. Sept. lo.-Opeeia!.) The most sensational developments in the Milwaukee-Avenue State Bank wrecking came today with the story that a woman had given up to the State's At torney $357,000 of the Stensland bank loot. This $357,000 is said to be In currency and now in the custody of the Attorney. The woman, has made a complete confession. Her identity is kept secret, as Is also the place where ehe has lived under sur veillance ever since her confession. Her story of the looting is as follows: The Milwaukee-Avenue State Bank was robbed systematically, beginning three days before the disappearance of Banker Stensland and ending when Bank Exam iner Joikyi took charge after Stensland's disappearance. The loot cash deposits made daily was carried in a suitcase every night to the house of the mysteri ous woman. An Indictment has already been drawn against Theodore Stensland, charging him with conspiracy with his father In looting the bjink in this way. The recovery of th'e money, the con fession of the woman, the drawing ot the Indictment of Theodore Stensland all came through an anonymous letter. This letter, written by a woman and un signed, said in effect that the writer was able to tell Stensland's whereabouts, and that if promised Immunity and pro tection, she would tell everything. She asked to have a messenger from tho State's Attorney's office meet her at a, hotel. Stole $101,000 in One Xight. There' the woman said Stensland vaj at Tangier. She said she had $.157,000 in currency stolen from the bank. One night when the bank, after Its custom, kept open later than, usual, $101,000 was taken to her house. Another night the suitcase contained $57,000. She agreed to give up the money, and accompanied by a man from the State's Attorney's office, produced the $357,000. The money, still in the suitcase as It was turned over, was taken to the house of Assistant State's Attorney Barbour according to the Information. "Henry W. Hering, king of forgers, the only forger who ever has had the audacity to forge his own notes, making: a compound forgery; a student of inks and papers and of the actions and uses of various chemicals used In the manip ulation of forged notes; a past master" In the art of building forgeries for thou sands around the genuine signatures of an unsuspecting note signer." This Is how Handwriting Export W. A Drake characterized Henry W. Hering. the imprisoned cashier and secretary of the looted Milwaukee-Avenue State Bank, today when he made a final and comprehensive report to Acting Receiver Shea upon notes and papers that have been submitted to him for examination.. , Bidwell Brothers Outdone. "The Eld well Brothers, who forged Bank of England notes, have always been considered the shrewdest forgers the world ever has known, but Hering has proved himself ahead of all forgers by forging his own forgeries, making the first compound forgery ever detected, to my knowledge," said Mr. Drake. "Forged notes Hering had made and used and which had matured were reforged. The dates when the notes were alleged to have been made were altered and the dates of maturing were changed to cor respond. Notations o"h the dbck of the notes, purporting to show payment of interest, were also forged. "I found tnat Hering must have a pro found knowledge of the chemical compo sition of Inks," contlnned Mr. Drake. "He has taken notes with genuine signa slngle notes, so cleverly that the detec-' tures and altered them from joint to (Concluded on Page 2.) The most prominent exhibit at the State Fair. r