The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 09, 1906, Image 1

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    PAGES 1 TO 12
VOL. XXV-XO. 36.
Sullivan and His Le
gions Take Field.
Carry War Into Nebraska and
Seize Convention.
Illinois Leader Will Pry Leader
From Pedestal, Thompson From
Bench Dunlap and Thomp
son Threaten Suits.
CHICAGO. Sept. 8 (Special.) Roger C.
Sullivan's reply to W. J. Bryan's "bull of
excommunication" was accepted by Chi
cago Democrats today as the first gun in
a great struggle to pry the Nebraska
chosen one oft his pedestal as the party's
own and only Presidential candidate.
As a part of the attack on Bryan, his
Illinois representative. Judge Owen P.
Thompson, will be made the target of future-
statements by Mr. Sullivan, it was
declared today, and the Illinois commit
teeman will not rest until he has forced
the Judge off the bench and Into the ob
scurity of private life. This was the
statement of Sullivan's friends, but they
did not disclose how he Is to accomplish
ths result.
Fight to Crush Dictator.
"This reply is the beginning of a con
certed fight to regain control of the party
and eliminate the dictatorship of any as
pirant for office," said John McGlllen, one
of Mr. Sullivan's stalwart friends. The
plans are to carry the fight even into
Nebraska and see if it is not possible to
control the next Democratic convention
in the interest of the party and not one
"The time 's ripe when the party should
be controlled tor those who believe in
true Democratic doctrines and not for the
self-glorlflcatlon of a man who is not a
Democrat. Such a movement to put an
end to this Czar rule of Bryan will lead
to good results. It Is the only hope of
party success. Mr. Sullivan's personality
cuts no part in this controversy. It is a
fight to regain control of the party fop
Democrats. We have tired of Mr. Bry
an's dictation of what constitutes a
Slander Sulfa Probable.
There was more talk of slander suits
today by the men who were scored by
Mr. Sullivan. Theodore Nelson, president
of the Jefferson Club, and prominent in
the Independence League movement, de
clares that the charges that he pillaged
while in public office are false, and that
there is ample basis for at least two
slander suits.
But this is not the only phase of the
controversy. It was stated freely In the
City Hall and elsewhere that the pros
pect of saving a single candidate on the
. Democratic county ticket was slim. It
was declared to be almost recklessness to
talk of making a campaign, while the
candidates looked discouraged. Mayor
Dunne refused to talk of the affair.
Few Loving Words From Dunlap
and Thompson, Brother Democrats.
JACKSONVILLE. 111., Sept 8. (Spe
cial.) In an interview today M. F.
Dunlap made the following reply to
charges made by Roger Sullivan:
Sullivan's statement that I was Judga
Thompson's go-between contains a cruel, false
and base Insinuation. Sullivan, whose gen
eral reputation Is that of a professional bood
er. would chags any one he hates with any
Tlce or crime to divert attention from him
self, or In his desire to drag others to his
Sullivan seeks to raise a false Issue now,
as he did In his circular sent broadcast before
ths Peoria convention. In that he charged
hat I was a "know-nothing" because my
given name Is Millard Fillmore. I did not
select my own name. None of my people that
I ever heard of were "know-nothings" or "A.
P. A.s." Sullivan has simply seised upon
ths circumstance of my name to prejudice
Irishman against me. It was a false, con
temptible, unjustifiable charge.
Judge Owen P. Thompson gave out
iHe hears that "the boys" are pre
paring a little reception for him.
the following statement regarding the
attack made on him by Sullivan:
Roger Sullivan's statement that I bought
delegates in the convention that nominated me
for Judge I denounce as a malicious and un
mitigated falsehood. The statement 1 with
out truth and springs from an ungovernable
rage, because I opposed him at the Fcorla
convention. Borne of my friends advise
bringing a suit for slander: others, more nu
merous, counsel against giving such an un
scrupulous scoundrel an opportunity to pro
duce a gang of perjurers, such as he can and
always does command, to spit out In court
their venomous lies.
Mv course In not vet determined. The
charge Is unexpected and villainous. The
maker la so disreputable as a corruptlonlst
and has so many perjurers and bribe-takers
among his peculiar following that no man
who Incurs his enmity or 111-wlll Is sate
from his malicious attacks. It Is the pen
alty any man must pay who Btands In the
way of or Interferes with the grafters,
boodlers- and corruptlonlsts who fatten
through dishonest practices.
Prior to the Peoria convention he sought
to injure me In the estimation of Irishmen.
Germans and others of foreign descent
through his Interviews and letters insinuat
ing that I was opposed to him because he
was an Irishman. That was but the trick
of an unscrupulous politician, who was with
out any real defense to the crimes he was
charged with. My mother's maiden name
was Meguier, her father having come from
Ireland, and I could not be so untrue to her
memory as to fall to denounce the Insinua
tion as false and unwarranted.
Any man who is vicious enough and bold
enough to arm convicts and jailbirds and
bring them to a convention as his delegates,
as Sullivan did at Peoria, shows the char
acter of the man that is to be dealt with.
Not Ready Yet to Give Out Facta
Covering Quarrel With Illlnolsan.
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 8. "You can ex
pect that kind of an attack from that
kind of a people," said William J. Bryan
this morning, regarding the attack made
on him last night by Roger Sullivan, of
Illinois. Mr. Bryan said he was not
prepared to answer Mr. Sullivan's
charges, and could not say Just when
he would Issue a ' statement regarding
the Illinois situation. The Inference from
his replies was that he would have a
formal declaration ready within a few
Bearing upon Sullivan's assertion that
Bryan had told an untruth, the latter
was asked this afternoon: "Is It not a
fact that you did not write a personal
letter to Sullivan asking htm to resign?"
"I did not write to Sullivan." replied
Mr. Bryan. "I wrote to Judge Thompson
and asked him to show the letter to
Sullivan. I did not assert that I had
written a personal letter to Sullivan."
"Have you the signed request of a
majority of the delegates to tne at.
Louis convention asking for the repudia
tion of Sullivan T"
"I do not care to make any statement
on that point. I expect to make a state
ment on the matter within a few days,
but do not want to give It out In an In
Bryan to Begin- Three Weeks'
Speethmaklng Trip.
LINCOLN. Neb., Sept. 8. (Special.)
"William Jennings Bryan will leave Lin
coln Monday on a trip of three weeks'
duration through the Southern States. His
first speech will be delivered at a labor
picnic in Omaha Monday afternoon. He
will speak in St. Louis Monday nignt,
and will leave for Louisville Tuesday
morning. Hi welcome In Louisville prom
ises to be a notable one, the exercises
taking place Wednesday. Henry Watter
son, the Veteran editor, will welcome Mr.
Bryan. The Nebraskan will speak In
Cincinnati Thursday night and at Rad
ford, Vs., Saturday. He will speak twice
in North Carolina on September 17 . and
18. The places In which these last ad
dresses will be given has not been an
nounced. INDORSE
Hamilton County Stand by Dick and
CINCINNATI. Sept. 8. By unanimous
vote the Hamilton County Republican
Convention after selecting delegates to
next week's State Convention at Dayton
today indorsed the administration of
President Roosevelt and the record of
Senators Foraker and Dick. The candi
dacy of Senator Dick for re-election as
chairman of the State Committee was
also Indorsed.
Failed Topeka Bank Can Now Pay
Depositors In Full.
TOPEKA, Kan., Sept. 8. An amica
ble division of property valued at $600,
000, belonging to the estate of the late
Charles J. Devlin was arranged today
between the trustees of the Devlin es
tate and the receiver of the First Na
tional Bank of Topeka. The bank will
receive property valued at about $300,
000 as Its share, which will make pos
sible the payment In full of all depos
itors, according to Receiver James T.
Bradley, of the Institution.
Dividends totalling; 65 per cent have
already been paid by the receiver and
the remaining 45 per cent will be paid
in three separate dividends at an early
date, thus closing up the affairs of the
bank, which failed in July, 1935.
The formal entry of decree by Judge
Hollock, of the United States District
Court this morning, authorises the com
promise. "Ah! Sandy Hook!"
i- M" '
Roosevelt Preaches a
Practical Sermon.
Men's Lives Expression of Re
ligious Faith.
President Warns Clergy Not to Tell
Men to Disregard Riches Nom
inal Christian Who Offends
Worse Than Unbeliever.
OYSTER BAT, L. I., Sept. 8. President
Roosevelt participated today in the 200th
anniversary of Christ Episcopal Church,
which he attends during his Summers
here. The keynote of the President's
speech, which occupied half an hour and
concluded a series of four addresses, was
that the wealth of the Nation must not
be disregarded, but looked upon as the
basis for spiritual development, clean liv
ing and civic virtues.
The celebration was held In the church
edifice, which bears the date 1705 on Its
corner-stone. Admission was by card and
limited to the church membership and
the clergy. It was followed by a collation
In the parlBh hall, of which the President
partook and where he chatted freely with
the visiting clergy and church members.
The speakers preceding the President
wereRev. H. H. Washburn, pastor of the
church, who gave the historical sketch of
the organization; Bishop Frederick Bur
gess, of Long Island, who predicted one
church for future generations in Amer
ica, and that the Episcopal; Rev. W.
Montague Geer, of New York, and Rev.
O. R. Vandewater, of New York.
Religion Essential to Nation.
The President began his speech with a
corroboration of Dr. Geer on the essential
need of religion In its broadest and deep
est sense to the welfare of the country.
He said:
This country would not be an abode lit for
civilized men If It were not true that we put
our material civilization, our material pros
perity, as the only base upon which to build
the superstructure of the higher spiritual
life. Speaking here today as a layman, I
wish to emphasize the vital Importance of
our people being taught to realize that the
highest value of Christianity manifests Itself
In the conduct of those who profess It I
shall read several verses from the end of
the first chapter of James:
"But be ye doers of the word and not
hearers only, deceiving your own selves.
"For If any be a hearer of the word and
not a doer, he Is like unto a man beholding
nls natural face in a glass.
"For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his
way, and straightway forgetteth what man
ner of man he was.
"Pure religion and undeflled before God
and the Father Is this, to visit the father
less and widows In their affliction and to
keep himself unspotted from ths world."
Creeds Are Coming; Closer.
It Is true that In many things ths ten
dencles at work among us today are evil.
but It Is true also that there are plenty of
other tendencies for good. I am not pre
pared to assent to the statement that ws
are so much worse than we used to be. but
it is not of Importance whether, as a matter
of academic belief, we hold that things have
grown better or worse. What is of vital lm
portance Is that we should be resolved to
do all In our power now as well as in the
future to make them better and. If we are
a unit In that belief. It is open to us to
differ as regards the other matter.
I feel that there has been a real rrowth
in broad Christian charity. I believe that
ths different creeds are in the essential, In
really vital things, coming closer all the
time; because I think that they are grasping
the fact that ths way In which they can best
serve the Lord Is not by waning against ono
another, but by joining hands in the great
struggle against unrighteousness. In the great
war for decency, for honesty, for clean liv
ing In the home no leas than In the Nation.
Ths worth of any creed must In the long run
be Judged largely by the conduct of those
who profess It.
IJve I'd to Profession.
Ths most effective service for Christianity
that can possibly be given is to show In act
ual life that those who profess It do give In
their conduct an approximate exoresslon to
the faith that Is In them. I doubt If any of
us would be able to give more than such ap
proximate expression of that faith; never
theless, we can each of us strive In our con
duct to show that the word Is alive In us;
"Want me to speak, ehr
that we afe striving to live up to the essen
tials of Christianity, of the brotherhood of
God and the brotherhood of man as they are
taught In the Bible, as they are preached to
us Sunday after Sunday.
It is the conduct of the average Christian.
not on Sunday, but on weekdays, not In the
church alone, but In his family and m his
relations to his neighbor and to the state,
that will more than anything else determine
In the eyes of the general public the worth
of the creed that man professes.
What Is Not a Good Christian.
This applies In little things as much as in
big things. It applies in the little things.
which in their sum are so big. Man Is nut a
good Christian if his domestic conduct Is
such that when he returns to his home his
wife and children feel uneasiness at his hav
ing come. The man Is not a good Christian
who In his business dealings fails to remem
ber that It is Incumbent upon him to hold
a higher standard than his fellow; that It Is
Incumbent upon him. If he Is a very rich
man, to make it evident, alike In the way he
earns and the ' way he spends his fortune;
that the word of the Lord Is to him a living
truth and not a dead doctrine. And, of course,
what I say applies more strongly to the man
in oubllc life.
The nominal Christian, the man who has
attended to all the outward observances of
Christianity with no matter what scrupulous
care, who nevertheless embezzles trust funds,
or suffers disgrace in business. In politics or
in home life, is more, not less, blameworthy
than If be bad never made profession of be
We continue as a republic, but we cannot
rise to any true level of greatness unless that
greatness is based upon and conditioned by a
high and brave type of spiritual life.
Rich Trustees for Wealth.
There Is nothing ws should abhor more
than the telling of an untruth, whether a
conventional untruth or not, and I would on
no occasion be understood as affecting to de
precate material well-being. To teli men to
disregard riches entirely Is to preach to them
only a doctrine which it is Impossible for them
to live up to. Regard the things of the body.
put them below the things of the soul. Give
to the body what the body Is entitled to. but
don't give It more than it is entitled to.
The multl-mllllonaire generally Is not a harm.
but a good, to the community, if he appreci
ates that he is a trustee for that wealth;
that his use of It must also be a use w'nich
tells for decency In private life, for honesty
and courage, in both It and public life.
We need material well-being in this Nation
i a foundation without which no suuer-
structure can be raised. But upon that foun
dation we must see to It that we build rho
superstructure of high Individual and Na
tional conduct, so that each man in- his re
lations to his fellows shall actually be influ
enced by the ethical standards which tnach
us that the thing In life best worth having
will prove in the end to be the sense of hav
ing so lived that others are better and not
worse off because we have lived.
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, 70
aeg. ; minimum, 61.
TODAY'S Partly cloudy, with powibly Mow
ers, westerly winds.
Extra session of Cuban Congress called;
Guerrera assumes aggressive. Page 3.
Americans guard Consul in Honduras
against lynchers. Page 2.
Bomb kills policemen at Riga. Page 2.
Woman assassin of General Mln, sentenced.
Page 2.
Jesuits elect new general. Page 8.
Interesting goBsip from Europe. Pag 13.
.- National. - - -
President Roosevelt speaks oa practical
Christianity. Page 1. I
Impending changes In Cabinet. Page 2.
Roger Sullivan alms to deatroy Bryan lead
ership, page i.
Dunlap and Thompson answer SullLvan and
threaten slander suits, rage i.
Two Ohio counties vote for Senator Dick's
retirement. Page 14.
Close of Maine campaign. Page 2
Hearst attacks Jerome's record as Demo
crat. Page 2.
More of Hippie's forgeries discovered.
Page S.
Terrible journey of aeronaut on disabled air.
ship. Page 1.
Hill's ownership of ore land may be at
tacked. Page 2.
Chinese plutocrat opposes Chinese labor on
canai. .rage z.
Cambridge wins boat race with Harvard.
Page 10.
Results of amateur athletic meet. Page 15.
German yaoht Nannsee wins a race. Page 17.
Dan Patch breaks pacing record. Page 17.
Scandal in rifle contest at Seagirt. Page 15.
Beavers win one game from Angela and
Dillon forfeits another. Page 17.
Battling Nelson's reputation as a fighter la
tarnished, rage it.
Jimmy Brltt is looking for a match with
Gans. Page 10.
University of Idaho has brilliant football
prospects. Page 10-
Automobile Invades Crater Lake district.
Page 16.
Commercial and Marine.
Citrus crops of California will be short.
Page 33.
Supply of wheat exceeds demand at Chicago,
Page 35.
New York banks' surplus reserve wiped out
by loss of cash. Page 35.
Stock market not affected by poor bank
statement, rage 33.
Harrlman system Intends going after steam-
snip business ox northwest, rage io.
Pacific Coast.
Three leaders in Idaho political atruggl
have airrerent appeals to tne voters,
Page 1.
Route of the Harrlman Una between Van
couver and Che halls has been determined.
Page 4.
O. R. A N. granted a temporary injunction
against the joint wheat rate order.
Page 8.
Steve Adams, Steunenberg murder witness,
arrested oa charge of murder at Denver.
Page 5.
Fortland-Salem el ec trio line has been com
pleted as far north as Chemawa. Page 8.
Portland and Vicinity.
Prosperous year Is in sight for Oregon wool-
growers. Page 11. -
Petition of Johnson heirs to oust W. M.
Ladd as administrator denied. Page 11
Defense opens in Blue Mountain land-fraud
case. Page tt.
George Gould's confidential man's visit to
Portland creates railroad gossip. Page 24.
He springs his Government own
ership idea.
Dubois Makes Issue of
Mormon Question.-
Gooding Stands on Record in
the Steunenberg Case.
Although Prosecuting Federation
Officials, He Is Supported by
Labor, Nor Has He Given
Offense to Mormons.
BOISE, Idaho, Sept. 8. (Staff Corre
spondence.) Idaho 18 to be the scene
of a fast and furious political battle
this Fall. The situation Is complicated
and involved; there are several issues,
and the people are thproughly aroused.
It is not to be a straight fight be
tween two great parties, for there Is
today only one great party in Idaho,
the Republican party. It will be a
contest on altogether new lines.
Senator Fred T. Dubois, whose term
expires March 4. 1907, is making a vig
orous campaign In the hope of securing
the election of a Legislature that will
return him to the Senate. To serve
his purpose he Is forcing the Mormon
question to the front, believing that
he, as the leader Of the anti-Mormon
movement, will be able to get enough
votes to make his seat secure.
Governor Gooding Is appealing to the
people for Indorsement of his course
In the prosecution of the men accused of
the murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg.
William E. Borah, recently nominat
ed by the Republican State Convention
for the United States Senate, Is running
largely on. his personality and Ms
party indorsement, and is not directly
affected Jy either the Mormon or the
labor Issue.
Mormon Question in Idaho.
The Mormon question in Idaho is not
as conspicuous or as Important as Du
bois would make it appear. The peo
ple generally have no fear that the
Mormon Church is going to grasp con
trol of the state administration. There
are some, particularly the close
friends of Dubois, who are trying to
make it appear that Mormonlsm
threatens the state, but their cries are
not causing the alarm that was in
tended. The fact is, Idaho Republicans
are totally ignoring the Mormon qucs
tion, and do. not even admit that Mor
monism is an issue. There are some
Democrats who unwillingly follow
Dubois In his Mormon campaign, and
altogether this issue is not yielding
the senior Senator as much benefit as
he had calculated upon.
The Mormon vote constitutes about
one-fourth of the' total vote of the
state. . Heretofore the Mormons have
been divided, some voting the Demo
cratic, others the Republican ticket.
The Democratic State Convention at
its recent session adopted a platform
declaring in favor of the disfranchise
ment of all Mormons in Idaho, and this
plank will naturally have the effect of
driving the Mormon voters into .the
Republican camp. Dubois, in his de
sire to make votes for himself, has
given the Republicans the benefit of
the entire Mormon vote, and the Re
publicans did not so much as turn
their hand to get it.
The Republican platform is silent on
the Mormon question; no Inducements
were held out; no pledges made; noth
ing whatever was said. The Mormons
cannot under any circumstances sup
port a ticket that is running on a plat
form which means their own political
obliteration, henoe they are forced to
vote the Republican ticket.
Dubois Looked for Stampede.
When Senator Dubois raised the
Mormon question1 and sought to make
It an Issue he calculated that . there
would be a stampede to his camp; he
thought that the "good citizens" would
be anxious to dispossess every Mormon
of the right of ' the ballot, and thought
he could foresee a tidal wave sweep
ing over the state, gathering in Re
publicans as well as Democrats. Du
bois is credited with being one of the
shrewdest politicians in the entire
West, but In this instance he appears
to have made a serious miscalcula
tion. Unless Dubois can make good on the
Mormon issue he Is done for The
present Legislature, consisting of 71
members, has but five Democrats. The
next Legislature, to be chosen this No
vember, will have 72 members, and all
Indications point to almost if not quite
as great a Republican majority. Du
bois can count on all the . Democratic
votes, but. he will have, to corral a big
bunch of Republicans In order to se
cure a re-election. He will need at
least 30 Republican votes, In case the
Republican majority In the next Leg
islature Is as large as In the present,
anf there are no present Indications
which would lead to the conclusion
that 30 Republican members of the
Legislature will abandon the nominee
of their own state convention In order
to re-elect Dubois . on the .Mormon
Borah Has Strong Position..
William E. Borah stands an excellent
chance of election unless an unexpected
landslide should occur which would re
sult In the election of a Democratic Leg
islature. Borah was nominated for
United States Senator at the recent Re
publican State Convention, after a vig
orous flght waged against htm by Senator
Heyburn and the old Republican machine.
Now that Borah has been nominated,
Heyburn and his friends have pledged
him their support and there will be no
bolt, unless It can be brought about by
Idaho Republicans In past campaigns
have had bitter contests within their
party prior to their conventions, but ex
perience has demonstrated that the party
gets together before election day, and
there Is every "Indication that they will
do so this year. If they do, Borah Js a
sure winner, and It la reasonable to sup
pose they wl.ll unite, inasmuch as the
men who led the fight against Borah at
the convention are all giving him cordial
support at the present moment.
The flght over the Governorship prom
ises to be more acute than the fight for the
legislature. Governor Gooding took a firm
Btand against the men responsible for the
assassination of ex-Governor Steunenberg
and has insisted from the first that they
shall be brought to trial. He is demand
ing their prosecution and insisting that
they Bhall go before the bar of Justice
and be adjudged guilty or not guilty, ac
cording to the evidence that Is produced,
Gooding Denounced by Labor Unions
For this stand Gooding has been de
nounced in resolutions by every labor
union in the United States;, his Ufa has
been threatened times beyond number;
skull and cross bone notifications, threats
from the black haad and similar warn
lvgs reach him In every mail. But he la
not deterred from his purpose, and la
standing as firmly today as the day the
crime was committed.
Gooding therefore goes before the peo
ple as the advocate of law and order, and
his election will demonstrate to the world
that the people of Idaho are a law-abld
lng people. The defeat of Gooding would
be an Indorsement of anarchy, and would
be a disgrace the state could not live
down in a decade.
Charles O. StockBlager, the man nomi
nated by the Democrats to oppose Good
ing, Is personally popular throughout the
state, and Is a good friend ot the Mor
mons, notwithstanding the declarations
of the platform on which he runs. There
are some who believe that Stockslager
will have the support of the Mormon
Democrats, but this opinion does not gen
erally prevail. His, greatest strength lies
in the fact that he will have practically
the entire union labor vote of Idaho. This
vote will not go to Gooding, for the labor
leaders and the agitators have Issued In
structions to their men to vote for Stock
slager, and In most instances this in
junction will be obeyed.
Labor Is Behind Stockslager.
Labor will support Stockslager not be
cause he promises to release Moyer, Pet
ti bone. Hey wood and the other con
spirators, but because he is the only man
running against Gooding, and they have
to support him If they hope to defeat the
Stockslager, of course, will receive the
full Democratic anti-Mormon vote, and
the vote of virtually all labor union
men who heretofore voted! the Repub
lican ticket. But the Mormon vote ex
ceeds the union labor vote In Idaho,
and If the Mormon Democrats go to
Gooding on account of the anti-Mormon
plank in the Democratic platform,
Stockslager's gain in labor votes will be
more than offset by hia loss of Mormon
On the other hand, where Gooding loses
the union labor vote, he stands to gain
the Democratlo Mormon vote, and the
advantage is decidedly in his favor.
Gooding's greatest dinger would lie In
the bolt s of a considerable number of
non-union Republicans because they did
not approve his attitude on' the labor
(Concluded on . Pars 2. )
"Don't Ilk ltr
Goaded by Jeers Into
Making Ascent.
Roaring Gale Sweeps Him
Over Lake Michigan.
Twice Descends to AVater and Only
Escapes Drowning by Throwing
Out Ballast) Lands Finally
In a Tree - Top.
GAYLORD, Mich., Sept. 8. (Special.) ;
Captain William Mattery, master of th 1
aerial craft Columbia, which ran afoul
of the wind Thursday night after an
ascension from the Oconto (Wis.) fair
grounds, today told a graphic story of es-j
cape from death in three forms in a:
thrilling all-night ride in the tempest and
darkness. The captain was located aSi
Wolverton, Mich., today, and described
how he was dipped In the surging waters)j
of the lake as his balloon skimmed along j
over the waves, bow he overcame this ,
peril by disposing quickly of extra bal- (
last, including his engine, then how ha
rose above the clouds, where he almost '
froze to death, and finally how he be
came so exhausted that he surrendered '
hope of weathering the Journey.
Strapped to Car, He Sleeps. '
Throughout the ordeal, however. Mat
tery, who Is a Chlcagoan only 23 years
old, apparently displayed uncommon. '
courage. When almost dead with fatigue''
and chill, he had the foresight to strap
himself to his car and take a much-need'
ed rest. If the situation had demanded,
Muttery was ready to cut the ropes of
the balloon from the framework, let all
the useless Impedimenta go, anil float
like a human fly under the immense gas -bag.
"I was set on sticking to the finIsh,,
he said, with a emlle.
Goaded by Cry of "Fake."
Mattery explained that he had to toss
away his gas engine soon after he
ascended from Oconto. He knew that
this was a serious matter, but, when he 1
heard the taunts of the thousands of
strangers who had come "to see the
aerial ship sail into the heavens," he
discarded all thoughts of caution and
said: "Let 'er go."
"The winds were furious In the upper
air strata," said the nervy aeronaut,
"but I could not endure the crowd's ,
guying and told the management that I
would set sail. it was then nearly 3
o'clock. Oconto la on the shores of
Green Bay and the air currents are ape
to be gusty and squally. I knew that.
If a certain current caught the Colum
bia, I would be sent out over the water
and after that the Good Lord knows
where. But the crowd was beginning to
yejl 'Fake, fake,' and that got my dan-;
der up. ' ,
Drops to Lake, KNes to Clouds. ''
"I was not up more than two minutes) .
before I struck a gale. My gasoline en-1
glne was blown out of kelter tnstanter.
My' ship was blown over the bay before i
I was able to check her progress. It was
now getting dark and I could not tell!
whether I was still over water or not-
I let the Columbia sink, but Bud-1
denly felt my lower limbs getting wetj,j
the wavea began to bellow, and I hastily;'
threw out enough to get me clear"
of the water. '
"I rose above the clouds. The nlghtlj
was inky up there and I could see nothxj
lng. I went along at aswlft clip, eotj
I Judged, and shortly determined to taker)
another chance on landing. I let the
Columbia ease off and shoot downward, j
I saw below me a great body of watei-l
and supposed it was Lake Michigan. 16 j
was lighter now and I noticed several j
large ships, and momentarily got wlthlnv'
60 feet of one. I called out to a man l!
saw on deck to catch my anchor rope, I'
The mariner "looked aloft and seemed un-i
concerned. I knew that he could easily!
snatch the rope and that I would bej
(Concluded on Page 2.) i
And then he hears what Sullivan
thinks of him.