The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 02, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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nuntlng-Ronm Main 7070
Managing Editor Main 7070
Sunday Editor Main 7070
OompoMniP-Room Main 7070
City Editor Main 7070
Superintendent Building Main 7070
tat Slda Office Eaat 1
BAKER THEATER (Third, bet. Yamhill
nnd Tavlor) Baker Theater Company In
The Crisis"; matinee, 2:13; evening per
formance, 8:15.
j: U'RE THEATER (11th and Morrison)
Melodrama. Lights of Frisco": matinee,
U:lu: evening performance, 8:15.
GRAND THEATER ( WashlnRton. bet. Park
and 7th) Vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and 0
P. M.
Continuous vaudeville. 7:30, St P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Allen Stock Company, 2:30 and 8:15 P. M.
LYRIC THEATER (Seventh and Alder)
The Lyric Stock Company. 2:30, T:30, 9
P. M.
THE OAKS Open from A. M. to 11 P. M.;
Saturday and Sunday, 10 A. M. to 11 P. M.
BASEBALL TODAT, 2:30 P. M.. Athletic
Park. 24th and Vaughn, Portland vs. San
Postoffice Receipts. Postofflce re
ceipts from all sources for the month
Just ended were J43.9S2.71, as against $44.
!5t.S8 during August, 1905. On its face
this would Indicate a falling oft of about
2 per cent as compared with last year,
hut when it is considered that the sales
for August, 1905, were 54 per cent greater
than the .corresponding month of the
year previously, the present showing is
decidedly good. In view of the fact also
that many people are out of town now,
while last year at this time the local
population was greatly augmented on ac
count of the Lewis and Clark Fair.
Architects Vebsus Master Build
ers. Members of the Portland Associa
tion of Architects will meet the Master
Builders' Association on Multnomah field
next Saturday afternoon In a baseball
contest. Mayor Lane has consented to
umpire the game. The Master Builders'
nine will wear green and the architects
will wear red sweaters. A hot contest
is expected. The architects' nine con
tains old-time baseball players, and they
are confident they can win unless the
master builders should ring in some pro
fessionals. A close watch will be kept
on both sides.
More Room for Albina Station. The
Albina postal titatlon will remain in the
Brownwell building on Russell street, but
will have two rooms instead of, one as
at present. From this station 15 carriers
get their mall. The single room occupied
has been outgrown by the postal busi
ness In that section. When Superintend
ent J. H. Steffen took charge one carrier
was sufficient to handle the mail. The
location is midway between Lower and
Upper Albina, anil the public has become
familiar with the place.
Arrested for Spkedino Auto. Former
Councilman Fred T. Merrill was arrested
yesterday afternoon on a warrant issued
by Patrolman Adams for speeding his
automobile on Burnside street a few
evenings ago. Ail mis alleges that Merrill
ran his machine at a much greater speed
than 15 miles an hour, thus violating the
city speed ordinance. Mr. Merrill prom
ised to be in court when his case cornea
up Monday and was released by Captain
Father O'Bkien Returns. Rev. Father
J. D. O'Brien, O. P., has returned to the
Holy Rosary Church, of the Dominican
Order, on East Third street and Union
avenue, after having spent seven months
at Van Verboort, a Dutch settlement
near Forest Grove. While there Father
O'Brien gained much popularity and on
departure he was presented with a chair
by the Catholic Order of Foresters.
Forest Fires. Rev. A. J. Montgomery
returned from Mount Hood Friday, where
he snent a month. He savs manv fires
are still burning in the forests. Mr.
Montgomery thinks that If a heavy east
wind should spring up, such as happened
when Sprlngwater was devastated, there
would hardly be a green thing left in the
Bull Run Reserve. At present, however,
the fires are smoldering.
Tub Northern Pacific Railway Com
taxy will have special round-trip excur
sion tickets from Portland to points East
on sale September 8, 9 and 10. Call at the
ticket office, 255 Morrison street, corner
Third. Portland, Or., for full particulars,
or address A. D. Charlton, assistant gen
eral passenger agent, above address, and
detailed information will be given you.
Crazy on Religion. William Dennis,
27 years old, who has worked as a farm
hand, was yesterday' committed by the
County Court to the State Asylum for
the Insane at Salem. He came to Oregon
from Wisconsin and is crazy on the sub
ject of religion.
- September 8, 9 and 10. Special round
trip excursion tickets will be sold by the
Northern Pacific Railway to points East.
Particulars can be had at ticket office, 255
Morrison street, corner Third, or by letter
to A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A., Portland,
This Will Remhnd Too that now Is the
time to have your hair mattresses reno
vated and returned the same day. Phone
Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair Fac
tory, H. Metzger, proprietor.
Finals, groat tennis, on Monday, Labor
Day, grounds Twenty-first and Thomp
son. Take I car. Admission 50 cents.
See schedule of games.
Congregation Ahavai Sholom. Seats
for the coming holidays will be sold at
the Synagogue at Park and Clay streets,
Sunday, September 2, from' 2 to 6 P. M.
The Committee.
Moved to Couch-Street Wharf.
Effective August 31. Steamer Beaver, the
freight and passenger boat for Clatskanie,
Oak Point and way. Phone Main 2121.
Notice. We have made arrangements
to supply our customers and new patrons
without delay. Star Bottling Works.
Phone Pacific 1793.
Taylor-Street . Methodist Church.
'What Is God to You?" 10:30: "Tlssofs
Life of Christ," also "The Holy City"
sung. 7:30.
Special Excursions Hast. Full par
ticulars at Northern Pacific ticket office,
255 Morrison street, corner Third, Port
land. Or.
Notice. All who have goods stored at
Fred Bickers warehouse must remove
them within the next few days, or I must
for them.
Tomorrow. Labor Day celebration at
The Oaks. Nclson-Gans light rounds will
be received by direct wire and posted on
DinECT Wire from Goldfleld: Gans
Nelson light by rounds at Schiller's cigar
store, corner Sixth and Washington.
For Rent. Upper fiat; . mojern and
hardwood floor: choice location. Phone
Main 6249. B. R. Clary.
Wanted. First-class man for office
work. Address, stating age and refer
ences, R 73 Orogonian.
Claremont Tavern. Launch Imperial
leaves foot of Stark street, 6:30 P. M.,
dally. '
I.AUNCHES for warships' at Merrill's
boathouse, north side Morrison-st. bridge.
Dr. J. H. Tuttle has returned to his
office, 603 Columbia BIdg.; usual hours.
Dr. F. S. Skiff. Dentist, has returned.
Russell BIdg., 4th and Morrison St.
Dlvh at Richards' Sunday. French din
ner with wine, $1 per cover; 4 to 8:30.
Dr. Kirkpatrick has returned. Office,
11 Dek-um BIdg.; hours, 10 to 4.
For Rent. 789 Pettygrove and 300 24th
St.; perfect condition. Pallett.
Woman's Exc, 133 10th, lunch 11:30 to
2; business men's lunch."
Bargain. Typewriter table. 308 Fail
ing building.
Rosenthal Sisters, halrdresslng-, 109 7th.
Dr. Swain, 311 Dekum BIdg., returned.
Leading newsdealer, Carl Jones, 4th-Wsh.
Wooster sells everything. 408 Wash.
; Djl, Ball, dentist, has returned,
Ebelino Furnishes Jail Fare. Louis
Ebeling, who was awarded the contract
for boarding county prisoners, began yes
terday furnishing two meals which his
contract requires. He was well treated
by Jailer Mitchell and encountered no
difficulty except that, being new at the
work, it took Mr. Ebeling an hour to sup
ply all the prisoners with the first meal.
He will do better as he becomes more
accustomed to the task. His restaurant
is located opposite the Courthouse, and is
consequently convenient.
Boys Will Pick Hops. H. L. Thorp,
physical director of the Monmouth Nor
mal School, will leave for Graham Broth
ers' hop fields on Monday morning, ac
companied by 33 boys of the Juvenile
Court Improvement Aid Society. Graham
Brothers' hop yards are situated at Gra
ham Ferry, 12 miles south of Oregon
City. The start would have been made
yesterday but the river steamers were
overcrowded with hopnjekcrs.
Madame Herbert, millinery buyer of
the Meier & Frank store, returned yes
terday from a seven weeks' trip to East
ern markets. She reports having pur
chased more extensive stocks of high
grade millinery than ever before. Six
other buyers for the same firm have re
turned during the past week Miss
Kitchen, Abe Meier. Ludwig .Hlrsch, I.
Cohn and Mr. Upright.
Score of Marriage Licenses. Septem
ber is a big month for marriages, also
June and December. During the holiday
week a large number of marriages occur.
Yesterday a good start was made, and
Cupid Rose, the license clerk In the of
fice of County Clerk Fields, was called
upon to issue 21 marriage licenses.
Judging from the inquiries made, the
Law School. University of Oregon, will
open this Fall with the largest attend
ance yet recorded. The secretary, Walter
H. Evans, has distributed 1200 catalogues
and will be glad to send out others.
Address 209 Fenton building. .
The Well-Known Plumbing firm for
merly known as Brady & Sherrett has
been succeetbd by the new firm of Sher
rett, Bird & Co. Robert Brady, the for
mer partner, has been succeeded by Bird
& Winters, and the firm will continue In
business at 206 Fourth street.
Milburn-Kehob Wedding. Last night
at 8 o'clock Thomas MUburn and Miss
Helen Kehoe were married at their fu
ture residence, 305 Pacific street, Rev.
Warren A. Waite officiating. The cere
mony was attended by relatives of Mr.
and Mrs. Milburn.
Trolley Outings on- O. W. P. Today.
To Oregon City. Cancmah Park, 25 cents;
Gresham and all points to and including
Estacada, 60 cents round trip. All cars
leave from First and Alder streets.
Tickets must be purchased. On sale in
Mr. Eugene Stebinger has returned
from his vacation. His class of piano
pupils will arrange for hours. First re
hearsal of the singing section of the P.
S. T. V. on Wednesday, the 5th. .
Dr. Brouoher's Topics. White Tem
ple today. 10:30 A. M., "Ruins of San
Francisco"; 7:30 P. M.. "To Hell In an
Auto." Thousand-dollar soloist slugs.
Bouchard School of Millinery opens
September 4. Expert instruction given
those desirous of making their own hats.
Terms reasonable. 191 Fourteenth sL
Oregon City Boats. -f-Sunday trips from
Taylor street. 11:30 A. M.. 3:30 P. M. ;
last boat back 5:30 P. M. This river ride
has no equal. Round trip 25 cents.
Physician leaving city desires to rent
office permanently to regular physician
or dentist. Central location; rent reason
able. Address O 73. Oregonian.
Mrs. E. O. Gardner will open her
school of shorthand and typewriting, 629
Marquam bldg., Monday, September 10.
Victor Hugo's "By Order of the King"
will be Dr. House's subject Sunday even
ing at First Congregational Church.
Look Out for "Scotland In Song and
Story," under auspices of Clan Macleay,
Arion Hall, September 26. J .
Ideal home, $4750, with carpets curtains
and shadea 691 E. Ash. Phone East 1524.
Miss Edith Kelley. Piano studio, 401
Fliedner building. Leschetlzky method.
Modern Languages. Mme. Bauer, 128
North Nineteenth street.
Are You Satisfied With Your Per
sonal Appearance?
If you are one of those with pride in
your appearance, a perfectly fitting suit of
clothes is likely to be on your mind. We
can fill your desires and remove the
anxiety if you will let us do It. Our
Fall suitings are in, and run in value
from $25 to JS0. Every garment is a bar
gain at our prices.
Raleigh Building, 323 Washington street.
All the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine private apart
ments for parties. 306 Washington, nr. 6th.
The Scott Restaurant will serve a
special dinner in courses today for 50
cents. New management, Seventh and
Ankeny streets.
The special Sunday dinner at the Naeve
Restaurant, 128 Fifth street, from 11:30 to
8:30 P. M. Chicken 30c, turkey 40c.
Watson's Restaurant will serve an ele
gant 50-cent dinner today. 331 Washing
ton street. Open until 9 P. M.
The Empire, 192 Third street; chick
en dinner, 30c; finest in city.
Genuine French dinner, with wine, 600,
at S3 Fifth street, near Stark.
Hlgh-Grade Pianos for Rent
i ..t j .. ...... . ..-. t:
Aiiu mjiu xzaay ainciiis. I itlilVJ lulling
and repairing. H. Sinshelmer. 72 Third at
Are up to the clock-tick. You'll
find the precise counterpart of
the clothes that the best custom
tailors are cutting for their
long-pursed clients.
$10 to $30
We fit your eyes by modern methods and with the use. of modern
and- Hive no medicine. Where we find a diseased condition we say so and
recommend treatment by an oculist. We are experts In fitting glasses
and have thousands of customers who come regularly to us when tneir
eyes trouble them. .
No Charge for Examinations
Our prices for glasses are reasonable and we absolutely guarantee
a fit or make no charge whatever. . -
JAEGER BROS., Jewelers and Opticians
133 FIFTH STREET, (Formerly 200 Morrison.) -
v We carry a large and varied assort-
ment of fine sterling silverware, both
J bright and French gray. We are sole
distributors of the celebrated "Les
Cinq Fleurs" and "Les Six Fleurs"
J patterns. These goods are In a class
o by themselves In regard to style and
finish excelled by none.
ITTf Tl-1k.T
v-vtt-i rp Our patrons are satisfied, for noth
W Ej AKL ing short of a perfect eye-fit satis-
Denver, Omaha, Kanaaa City, Salt Lake, Dalian, Texas Portland, Oregon.
1 33 Sixth St. . FLOYD F. BROWER. Mgr. Oregonian Bldg,
A large store and basement at 17th and Washington can he
secured at low rent and long lease. Suitable for most any line
of business. Has never been occupied. Apply to Gevurtz &
Sons, 173-175 First Street. . '
Owing to an unpleasantness having
arisen over the distribution of many hand
bills In the city announcing the holding
of an independent Labor Day celebration
at my park at Fulton, I hereby, give no
tice that I am not responsible for said
handbills, and not in any way connected
with a competing Labor Day celebration.
As is customary on a holiday, my place
is open for the public the same as on Sun
days, and it will be open on Labor Day
under my supervision solely, and no other
party or parties. Anyone, therefore, as
suming to have secured my park for an
independent Labor Day celebration and
advertising same are misrepresenting the
facts. ' J. ROHSB. .
Columbia Building, Room 600
Washington Street, Cor. W. Park.
Don't strain your eyes. The slightest
error in vision should be scientifically cor
rected Immediately.
No matter how difficult the case, we
guarantee satisfactory results.
Your continued patronage is our aim.
Insurance of your rimless glasses.
Consultation free.
m r m
1 Pmtlaro.O&e
184 Washington t.. bet. 4th and 5th.
Clatsop Beach
Seaside. Or.
Open for the season of 1906, under
new management ; remodeled, refur
nished electric lights; fresh and salt
water bathing and fishing. No finer
place in Oregon to spend . the : hot
For particulars and prices address,
P. E. DAGGETT, Mgr.,
Seaside, Or. ' .
Seaside, Oregon -
Strictly Modern
Annex Overlooking the Ocean
For Information. Phone Pacific 985
Seavlew. Wash.
Now op n for the Reason. Homo comforts,
excellent table board, centrally located, beau
tiful surroundings, fine surf bathing, a most
desirable place for families. Carriages and
rid In ft horses furnished on short notice. Tell
the conductor to let you off at Hackney Cot
tage. Seavlew second stop after leaving
Xlwaco. P. O. address. Uwaco. Wash.
Hot Salt Sea "Water Baths at Hotel
Moore. Seaside, Or.
$chwab Printing Co,
Are on hand and you'll long to
have them on your back when
you see them. Every cloth,
every cut, every cunning turn
indorsed by the mode of the
hour. ,
$10 to $30
jt 1
This Store
( h
it I
I :iiiiiSwiiii,
The above illustrations are exact likenesses of two of
our many New Fall Models in Suits and Overcoats.
The striking: individuality of cut and fabric of our
High-Grade Garments has, season after season, been
growing in favor with particular dressers until it has
earned the enviable reputation for superiority in style,
fit and quality.
Suits and Overcoats, $15.00 Up
tack. BodtnM orles- Mmll erdere eeUelted.
Cmtelecv twmm. WOODAJ1U. CI.AKKB M
CO. rortlaad. Oa.
Stands for Best In Education
Pacific University is one of the
oldest schools of Higher Education
on the Pacific Coast, with some of
the most distinguished men in let
ters and law as its alumni. It is
a Private, Co-Educational and
Non-Sectarian College of the high
est standard.
Pacific University la located at
Forest Grove, one of the most beauti
ful residential towns In Oregon and
only 26 miles from Portland on the
Southern Pacific West Side Division.
Forest Grove has electric street-car
and light service. The drinking water
Is chemically pure. The college campus
Is the most picturesque of any In the
Pacific University is the largest en
dowed private college In the entire
Pacific Northwest. For this reason tho
best of instructors can be employed.
The institution does not depend on
student fees for Its income.
Highest scholarship In classical,
scientific, literary and musical courses.
Pacific University is the best equipped
private college in buildings, labora
tories, library, music and art rooms
In Oregon.
High school graduates and others
having credits to make up for regular
college courses can do so In Tualatin
Academy. The academy students are
extended the advantages of college
activities and association. No academy
or high school training In Oregon ex
cells that offered in Tualatin Acade
my. Upon presentation of certificates
its students are admitted to the best
Eastern and Western colleges. ,
The average necessary expenses for
& BCIIUUl y rni loiiQa 11 .'ill CI 1111111111U111
of $200 to a maximum of $300.
Write for Catalogue and Illustrated Literature
Fall Term Opens Sept. 19th.
Medical Department
University of Oregon
20tb Annual Besalon Begins Sept IT, 1904.
AaMs 8. E. josepal. M. D., Dtan,
- 619 Dtkum Bids.. Portland, , .f, -
W1 1111 1 ft ll'lHH 1 .D TOV.
Will Be Closed All
Ql1, 'I ' f iiaa I, tT?
Sofia Q
. no .- -jii'.
""'y vv c you wiiii
3 r -jpg f - j f "I f J glasses that correct
r "r wZ defective vision
Beautifully located in Portland. Oregon,
offers unsurpassed facilities for the cul
turs and education of young women. Special
opportunities in Music. Art. Lintruijej and Liter
ator. Well equipped Physical and Chemical Lab
oratories. Herbarium and Mineral Cabinet. The
largest and oldest Ladies' Seminary in the Pacific
Northwest, it enjoys a national reputation for im
partinr the best physical, menial and moral train
ing and developing true womanhood. Equips
socially and educationally for the most exalted
station. Confers Academic and Collegiate Degrees
by State Authority. Interference with convictions
of non-Catholics is scrupulously avoided. Academy
is ideally located, .amid inspiring scenic advan
tages. Social opportunities such as are available
In no ether city on the Coast. Buildings large and
commodious, well-ligbted. heated and ventilated:
dormitories and private rooms supplied with all
modern conveniences. The institution is liberal
and progressive without sacrificing the character
and traditions of age and achievement. Terms
modest. Satisfactory references required. Write for
announcement booklet. Board and tuition 3180 per
year. Address Sister Superior. St. Mary's Academy
University Park, Portland, Oregon.
Classical, scientific, commercial and
grammar grade courses. Apply for
catalogue, . " "
Day Monday
Of lip '
Don't Neglect
Your Eyes
tir c . : 1. 1.
ST., Near Fifth
Season 1906 and 1007 opens Sept. IS.
Prepares for dramatic and operatic
stage and places graduates in lx
months. Forty graduates now with trav
eling companies. Send for Catalogue.
Egan Hall, Arcade Bids;., Seattle.
Frank C. Esau, Principal.
One of the largest and best equipped
Institutions of Its kind In the entire West.
No dental school can boast of a better
force of specially trained teachers, who
devote their entire time to the Interests
of the students.
The clinics are unsurpassed, being; In
excess of tr-i needs of the students.
The annual session begins October J.
For Information and Illustrated catalogue
address the dean,
w Portland, Oregon.