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Welnsteln. t.oldfleld, Nov. Frank Eandstrom. Kansas City. Mo. Klcksecker Cigar Co., Ninth and Walnut, Minneapolis M. J. Kavanaugh, CO South Third. Cleveland, O. James Pushaw, 307 Superior street. New York City U Jones Co.. Astor House. Oakland, Cal. W. H. Johnston, Four teenth and Franklin streets; N. Wheatley. Ogdcn D. L.. Boyle. Omaha Barkalow Bros., 1612 Farnam: Msgeath stationery Co., 1S0S Farnam: 246 South Fourteenth. Sacramento, Cal, Sacramento News Co., 439 K street. Salt Lake Salt Lake News Co.. 77 West Fecond street South, Miss L- Levin, 24 Church street. Los Angeles B. K. Amos, manager seven street wagons; Berl News Co.. S-'tJto South Broadway. Han Diego B. E. Amos. Pasadena. Cal. Berl News Co. San Fruncisro Foster ft Orear. Ferry News stand: Hotel St. Francis News Stand. Washington, D. C Ebbitt House, Penn sylvania avenue. PORTLAND, SUNDAY, SEPT. X. 1908. OCR XEW JEFFERSON'IANS. It is funny enough these days to hear the talk of the Bryan party for Jeffersonian Democracy, since central ization of authority and power, which was feared and detested by Jefferson, has become the watchword of the par ty that still tries to conjure with his ti a me. The Jeffersonian doctrine was strict limitation of the powers of govern ment. "The world Is governed too much." was the principle his followers inherited from him. Jefferson himself was specially devoted to strict con struction and close limitation of the powers of the General Government. J.Ie disliked certain features of the Constitution, because. In his opinion, they encroached on powers that should belong to and be reserved to the sev eral states. The Constitution, in his interpreta tion of it, did not create, a nation, but only a league of states. "The co-states" was a phrase continually falling from his pen. Of his exposition of our sys tem of government, adopted by his party and maintained by it during two generations, secession was held to be the logical outcome, and to It the great Civil War was largely due. But now,' in the name of Jefferson, extension of the powers of the General Government, on a scale and to a length beyond the dreams of any advocate of the political philosophy of Hamilton dreaded and denounced by Jefferson as subversive of all local liberty and gov ernment by the people is proposed by tho present idolized leader of the party descended from Jefferson. True, there Is objection within the party; and so there was objection within it 10 the Bryan programme of 1896. But he carried the party with him then, and probably will again, for he will have the whole West and South, and much support at the East also, since In the East there Is a growing class that has a tendency towards experi mental or theoretical Socialism, based on the study of dilettanti, who think they have the secret of the Socialistic philosophy and Its scientific method. , The Democratic party is of course eager for victory; Its enthusiasm was dampened in 1904, by the nomination of Parker as an opposite to Bryan; now it returns to Bryan, with a re bound; the "radical" against the "con servative" element again has sway, and desire of party victory will lead many who formerly rejected Bryan to accept him now. He will be a formid able candidate perhaps more formid able than before and no one can say that his election is an unlikely thing. But how far the man Is leading his party away from Jefferson! One has but to reflect a little on the conse quences of putting the mightiest prop erty and industrial interest of the United States into the hands of gov ernment, to conclude that there could be no other scheme so potent for cen tralization of power and transforma tion of our whole political and social system. Perhaps these are the results that may be wanted. We shall learn, by waiting upon the will of the people. But to call It Jeffersonian Democracy! MAf.UI.AVS PREDICTION. ' Today The Oregonian reprints once more Macaulay's celebrated prophecy of evil for democracy in the United . States. Are we tending towards the ends indicated therein? By what stages and how fast? Accentuation of the differences be tween the rich and the poor. In our country, due largely to the avarice of the rich, seems to most observers to be pushing on fast to the catastrophe so dismally predicted. Again, as popula tion increases there is less and less room on new lands, and relief from that quarter will presently cease. It has almost ceased now. Our land thieves have been hastening the crisis, and the land trials in Portland supply at once a retrospect and a forecast. Beyond question. In every prosperous land there must be grades of life from the highest to the lowest, from the richest to the poorest. Those occupy ing the so-called higher stations, and In particular the wealthy class, will .always be In the minority, because the great mass or majority of the people will, from .one cause or another, fail to accumulate, and misfortunes and disadvantages of many kinds will ren der a large proportion poor, or allow them but little or moderate means. In all civilized nations, if prosperity comes. It will, as humankind now ex ists, always be through some men leading In business life, building up fortunes for themselves and develop ing large projects; but the natural Jealousy In the minds of the unsuc cessful Is an element that always ap pears, and must be reckoned with. It would not, however, become very seri ous at any time if men who attain to wealth and power show some spirit of unselfishness and proper recognition of their responsibilities. Cou'.d we get this result we should keep down the prejudice and the envy that mark these class differences. It Is the testimony of history that the people never rise without cause. Wealth is necessary; there is no complaint against wealth, in Itself. Upon the spirit In which it Is used will depend very much the course of events In our country; that is to eay, whether such predictions as those of Macaulay are to prove false or true. THE CTBAX CRISIS. "We prefer an American interven tion which would guarantee legal elec tions for which we are contending," says Colonel Asbert, of the Cuban In surgents. He also states that unless the government accedes to the de mands of the insurgents prior to Sep tember 15 they will begin an active campaign, destroying trains and burn ing property; "without respect to for eign ownership." This threat. If car ried out, will have the effect of bring ing the Insurrectionary movement in Cuba into shape where-it can be dealt with by stronger powers than are now engaged. The United States has no desire to meddle with the affairs of Cuba so long as they are conducted decently before the world. Aside from the rights of our own citizens In Cuba, the United States can properly demand the maintenance of peace and order in the island. When the United States rescued. Cuba from the withering grip of Spain and turned it over to the Cubans themselves. It retained certain rights which were de fined and Incorporated in the new Cuban constitution. Among the privi leges retained by the United States was one to "exercise the right -to In tervene for the preservation of Cuban independence, the. maintenance of a government adequate for the protec tion of life, property and Individual liberty, and for discharging the obli gations with respect to Cuba Imposed by the treaty of Paris on the United States now to be assumed and under, taken by the Government of Cuba." By this statutory declaration the United States is now In a position, without committing any breach of in ternational faith, to swing the famous "big stick," if it becomes necessary to do so, In order to preserve the peace In this juvenile republic There Is a good deal of the old blood of the guerrilla fighters, brigands and bush whackers still coursing through the veins of the Cubans, and this adven turous strain is perhaps not conducive to a peaceful submission to the Palma government. It Is possible, even prob able, that President Palma and his friends have been somewhat careless in the use of the power, which ac crued through control of the govern ment machinery, and, as in more en lightened countries, the feeling of the "outs" against the "Ins" has not been altogether a peaceful one. Colonel Asbert has announced his in tention of burning and destroying property "without respect to foreign ownership." This quite plainly places on the shoulders of the Palma govern ment a responsibility which It cannot very well escape. If It is unable to meet the emergency and protect not only Its own Interests but those of foreigners as well, intervention, on the part of the United States, becomes not only a necessity but a duty Imposed by the treaty of Paris. In the event of Palma's failing to quiet the uproar among his constituents and the pass ing of the task to the United States, It Is probable that there will be an increasing sentiment for annexation of the troublesome Island. Having rescued the Cubans from the Spanish, it now appears that we must rescue them from themselves, or, strictly speaking, from their own folly. The task is not one which the United States is seek ing, but. In the event of Intervention becoming a necessity. Uncle Sam will do the Job fairly to all Interests In volved. AMERICA'S NAVAL REVIEW. Compared with the powers of the old world, the United States is still a young country, and the American Navy in Its present proportions is among the youngest possessions of this young country. But it Is moving out of the infantile stage with a rapidity not excelled by that of any other Na tion on earth, not even of Japan, which is regarded as something of a marvel in naval development. A quar ter of a century ago America's fighting force at sea was so insignificant that an American naval vessel was a rare sight even in our home ports, while In foreign ports it would prove a verita ble curiosity. Today the stars and stripes wave over a fleet of seventy five battleships, cruisers and gunboats, and hundreds of smaller craft, and among the battleships and cruisers are a number of the finest vessels of their class that were ever constructed. It is a Navy in keeping with the im portance of the country that foots the bills. In order that the people may better realize its growing importance, the practice. of holding occasional naval reviews Is becoming popular. Three years ago quite an imposing showing was made by our naval fleet off Oys ter Bay, . and over the same course tomorrow there will pass in grand re view a fleet more formidable than ever before assembled under the American flag. The tonnage of big fighting ma chines In line tomorrow will be nearly double that of the fleet of three years ago, and will Include, among a score of big battleships and cruisers, the Louisiana, Georgia, Rhode Island and Connecticut, vessels of 16,000 tons dis placement, the equal In size, power and 6peed of any battleships afloat. The custom of holding naval reviews is a comparatively new one in this coun try, probably because it Is only recent ly that we have acquired a navy that was worth reviewing. The custom is an old one abroad, however, and In Great Britain, especially, there have been some of the most imposing naval pageants that the world ever saw. These naval reviews both at home and abroad are Inspiring, not only as spectacles pleasing to the eye, but also as a guarantee that we are well equipped for upholding the dignity of the country on sea as well as on the land. The maneuvers of a regiment of soldiers or a well-drilled band of .po licemen impress on beholders the power of the government they represent. On a larger scale similar good is accom plished through naval parades and maneuvers. While it Is true that all of the people whom we should like to have see the splendid exhibition of power will not be at Oyster Bay with the President tomorrow, the entire world will have full details of the pro ceeding. The American Navy, by its work during the . Spanish war, has '. estab lished its prestige throughout the world, and the details of . this great naval review will be " eagerly read wherever the foreign powers are in terested In territorial possessions. The) tonnage, speed and fighting equipment' of that long line Of battleships- and cruisers, which will pass before the President in grand review tomorrow will impress the big powers of the world- with the wisdom of remaining on good terms with the country which can put afloat such a fleet in such a comparatively brief period. 'BRYAN AND THE ENGLISH. Do our ears deceive us? Does Mr. Bryan advocate an alliance with the "ancient enemy?" Listen to this from the Madison Square Garden address: I am sure from the public utterance of the present Prime, Minister of Great Britain, Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman, that auch a treaty (of alliance) could be made between the two great Knglieh-speaking nations. Does he stop here? Nay, but he would have the United States "take the lead In such a movement." Shades of the great Brians'. Is this the man who so oft has pointed with pride that the absence of the plebeian "O" before his name proved him to be a direct descendant from the great Gaelic Kings and not of the collateral breed? Is this the man recently feted by the Irish parliamentary party in London as an illustrious member of their transplanted kin? What will the 300.000 members of the Ancient Order of' Hibernians in the United States and the mighty United Irish League and the Clan Na Gael have to say to this? Will they again burden the malls with hundreds of petitions denouncing this "unholy alliance?" What are the invincible Patrick Ford of the Irish World, Colonel John Finerty of the Chicago Citizen, John Devoy of the Gaelic American, John O'Hara of the Catholic Sentinel, and the many other Irish-American Jour nalists, going to do about it? What Is left for the erstwhile admirers of the great Bryan in Portland? Will they have another "peace meeting" of the Marquam Grand and Alisky Hall brand? Will they drink this gall from the hands of the "peerless lead er?" Will Pat Powers open up an ice water stand? Will Hennessy Murphy sing "God save the King?" Will Gen eral Killfeather wear an orange bud? Or will theyagain send for Hon. Pete D'Arcy and, under the Irresistible In fluence of his thunderous oratory, rise to a man In righteous wrath and say of the "peerless one" (the apostate leader), "away with him, away with him." SUPERSTITION. It Is believed by many of the learned that a time will come when the human race will have disappeared' from the earth. Some higher order of beings will then replace us, among whom the follies which deform our social .order will not prevail and who will know nothing of the Injustice which makes human civilization a bitter satire. Those exalted beings will probably ex hume the fossil bones of men from the strata where they were entombed with religious pomp and the semblance of grief and endeavor, and from the ghastly relics reconstruct the creatures to whom they once belonged. Some savant of that coming age will reproduce Shakespeare from the bones of his little finger, as Agasslz rebuilt fishes from a single scale, and dream ing students, in their laboratories, will try to create anew the.; form of the ballroom beauty from' the golden strands which they will find mingled with the dust that was once her starry eyes. Where then" , will be our dis tinctions of hph and low in society? What will have become, of those cor porate charters which antedate our constitutions and are. therefore, like the privileges of the Roman Emperors, absolved from the Jaw? Vested rights and vested wrongs will sleep In the sodden clay together. The science, which peers beyond the stars will be forgotten, and the art which calls Itself divine, will have gone out like a candle In a gust of -wind. What qualities will that higher race possess, which we lack? And from which of our besetting weaknesses will they be free? It may be assumed that most of the things which we do Avith toil and disgust, they will accomplish with machines. Those nauseous tasks of cleaning, which must be done, though, like the ancient Egyptian trade of embalming corpses, they con sign those who execute them to the lowest human caste, will then be per formed by steam or electricity or per haps by some new and still more po tent Insentient slave. We may pre sume that the food of the coming race will not be gross steaks, streaming with the blood of slaughtered Innocents as they are served to be devoured, but some compound of fragrant essences distilled from flowers. It Is held by many that those happy beings will have neither teeth nor stomachs and no more mouth than is barely suffi cient for kissing. Their nourishment will be received through a valve and Injected with a pump. Best of all, they will be free from superstition. They will believe what is true and deny what Is false. They will cling to no teaching because it is respectable, or profitable or old; they will reject none because it is new. They will not erect the creations of their fancy into fetiches to be wor shipped. They will not fear to ad vance toward happiness, lest they of fend some Imaginary deity, nor will they let the wishes of dead prede cessors upon the earth deprive them of liberty. We may guess that each generation of those superior beings will live for itself and for those who are to succeed theiri, leaving the dead to take care of themselves. Our reluctance to violate the wishes of the dead is perhaps our strongest superstition; but next to it comes our disposition to accept social evils as divine enactments and therefore ir remediable. Formerly men accepted physical ills in the same way. The black death was sent by the Almighty. The plague was a mysterious dispen sation. The death of a' child was al ways caused by some inscrutable providence. God was Identified with filth and prayer was vainly used in stead of soap. All this we have now outgrown. We no longer say that typhoid fever is a dispensation. We do not call cholera a special providence. In the physi cal world we have learned that cause and effect operate without variation; but In the social world we are domi nated by superstition, almost as com pletely as ever. The meaning of this remark may be Illustrated by a quo tation from the speech of George R. Peck, president of the American Bar Association, at St. Paul. The great Increase of wealth and Its accumula tion' in colossal fortunes, -he -says, are the result "and the Inevitable result of the scientific tendencies-, which have been so active in the past half cen tury." Anything is inevitable, wjien no human . wisdom or foresight can. prevent tt. Mr. Peck, therefore,, means foTsaiy ' that" hb "foresight"," no possible provisions or changes of the" law, could have prevented the accumulation of the Rockefeller and Carnegie fortunes and others like them.st tf Now this is' pure superstition. As a mental product, such thinking is on a par with that of the sailor who. prays for a breeze or the' minister-who asks the Almighty -for rain. Whatever has been produced i by human activity could have . 'been 1 prevented by human activity of the opposite nature. The Rockefeller and Carnegie fortunes have flowed from certain provisions of the law. Had those -provisions been 'dif ferent no such -fortunes could . have been accumulated. . Carnegie -owes his excessive - wealth partly to the tariff, partly to railroad rebates and discrimi nations.. Under impartial laws,. Justly administered, he would undoubtedly have acquired a fortune, but nothing like his actual enormous wealth. To speak of such a process as an Inevita ble tendency Is to abdicate reason and return to fetich worship. The phrases "inevitable tendency," "natural law" and the like play precisely the same part In modern superstition as "the will of God" did formerly. All diffi culties, physical, mental and social were solved by saying that they were the will of God. The soporific phrase excused men from all effort, absolved them from the necessity of thought. Justified every wrong. No matter how flagrant an injustice, call It the will of God and it was safe from attack. Now this venerable phrase has been discarded and we say of our indolence, mistakes and Injustice that they are Inevitable tendencies, natural laws, or vested rights. How long will it take these phrases, which are mere opiates deadening to heart and brain alike, to follow their predecessor to oblivion? And, when they are gone, will men replace them by others equally stupe fying or will they learn to look at things as they are and! decide all questions by the eternal rules of Jus tice instead of dead formulas and su perstitious catchwords?. FRUIT PEST REMEDIES. We have a deal to learn yet about eradication of pests that injure fruit or destroy trees. That present reme dies are but inadequate must be ap parent to anyone who will stop to think. In the columns of this paper a few days ago It was admitted by competent authority that wormy or scaly apples are not unhealthful, yet it Is said to be necessary to prohibit the sale of infected fruit in order to prevent the spread of disease. Yet it is further admitted that a wormy ap ple Is no more likely to spread worms If sold and eaten than if left lying In the orchard. A scaly apple Is less likely' to spread the disease If It be cooked and eaten than If left as refuse upon the farm. The prohibition placed upon the sale of affected fruit is ex pected to accomplish its results, not directly, but indirectly by compelling the growers to spray. Yet here Is another seeming incon sistency. A wormy apple lo not un healthful, for the consumer cuts out the worm and eats only the good por tion. Can .it be- said that an apple that has been liberally sprayed 3with acetate of lead and arsenate?-erf ;-soda is healthful?. In. order to protect the fruit from worms the grower must spray three or four times in a season, endeavoring to get the poison on every part of the fruit so that the worm ehall-flnd no place of admission. re sumably the grower- tries to -wash off the spray material before he puts the apples upon the market,', but does he succeed? After, a cloth has been, used to wipe one box of apples will it not have enough poison, on ' it to leave some of the spraying material on the next? From the standpoint of health fulness the unsprayed wormy apple will hold its own with the unblemished apple .that .has. been covered .with poison. . -. ... But horticultural law and horticul tural practice require that the fruit shall be sprayed. Preservation of the fruit industry requires It, unless some equally good or better remedy can be found. Perhaps In time a parasite will be discovered which will entirely exterminate the enemies of the apple crop or some student of scientific hor ticulture will find an artificial remedy that will be equally effective. Until then It will be necessary to enforce such laws as may be required to com pel growers to employ the best known means of destroying the apple worm and the scale. If, In the accomplish ment of thta, it beneeessary to pro hibit the sale of wormy or scaly fruit, then It seems likely that the poorer classes of people must go without ap ples, except in the small quantities which their limited means will permit them to enjoy. NEW RETURN OF OLD INDICTMENT. At a recent meeting of the Montana Federation of Labor in Helena O. J. Walsh, an attorney of that city, gave facts and figures concerning the loss of life and limb from railroad acci dents in this country, gathered largely from his professional experience. This loss he characterized as "appalling and ever increasing." An estimate verified by the fact that during the year end ing June 30, 1905 (the last year's fig ures not being yet' available), the num ber of casualties, as reported by the roads themselves, reached the aston ishing total of 94201, death resulting in 10,046 cases. Of this latter number 3261 were employes of the roads, while of the same class 45,626 were injured more or less seriously. Stated In an other way this shows one trainman killed for every 120 employed, and one injured for every nine employed. Pursuing the gruesome details of the service further, it was found that one engineer out of four dies with his hand on the throttle. The point made or sought to be made by this statement Is that this awful sacrifice of life In railway service is to a great degree unnecessary. The attorney said fur ther: In the last anabpis. In the great majority of the cases, there has been a balancing, un conscious, perhaps, between the expense of restoring and repairing equipment and de fending or paying claims for death and Injur-, against the cost of Installing a system or Inaugurating a plan of operation that would have made the so-called "accident" impossible, in otner words. It Is, to an ex tent, altogether startling, purely a question of dividends. The truth of the statement is demonstrated by the fact that no such hor rible record Is made by the railroads of any European country. It is recalled. In this connection, that Congress passed a law in 1893 requiring Interstate railroads to equip with air brakes and automatic 'couplers and provide all cars with safe handirons on the." sides and ends. On one pretext and another many, of . the roads were excused from compliance with the act until 1900. Even. two years later than this twenty-six per cent of the cars Inspected by the Government were found defective In these appliances, while sixty-five per cent of the derail ments occurring in that year were traced to deficient equipment. The. "first essential means of remedy Is, irr - the opinion of this authority, publicity in regard to railroad wrecks. Proceeding on this strain he says: A1 searching examination should be made of every catastrophe resulting in loss of life or serious Injury to persons or property. The inquiry into the cause of a derailment, though no Uvea are lost, may lead to the adoption of .means to. prevent a recurrence of a like accident in which the results would be ' deplorable because of the casualties affecting life. The. facts, with the causes leading to the disaster, should be placed be fore the public that the management may feel the force of enlightened opinion, often more potent than drastic laws. It is per fectly welt known that the most studied effort is invariably made in case of one of these distressing calamities, particularly where the loss of life has been considerable, to prevent the public from learning . the facts, and this Is done not only from a sense that such a policy is desirable in view of possible actions for damages, but from dread that hostile public opinion may be excited by the disclosures. There is nothing new in this present ment nothing, perhaps, which the rail road attorney skilled in his art could not meet with plausible excuse or com plete refutation. But the main facts in the indictment are substantiated by evidence that Is irrefutable. Man has several organs or appen dices that are good for nothing, but to have diseases and give him trouble. There is the parotid gland. It Is good for nothing but to have the inflamma tory disease we call the mumps. There is the thyroid gland. It is good for nothing but development of the goitre. There Is the spleen. It is good for nothing but to swell up and be painful when you have an intermittent fever. There Is the vermiform appendix. Its sole function Is to trouble you with appendicitis. It Is useful to the horse and to the rabbit, they say, for it has large development In them. -It serves a pur pose and gives them no trouble. But man, a more" advanced animal, has outgrown the need of it, yet can't get rid of it. Doubtless It was of use to the prehistoric man. But to the man of the. modern time It is a nuisance and source of disease. It is facts like these that give the theory of the evolu tion of all ,the forms of life, through rabbit, horse, monkey and man, its significance and suggestiveness. Man seems to have a number of useless organs and glands, all subject to spe cial diseases, which have been "left over." There will be no mumps, we suppose, when we get rid of the paro tid gland, and no appendicitis when we get rid of the. useless vermiform. The Southern States want negroes confined to Jim Crow cars, but under public ownership of railroads could this be done? But Mr. Bryan "did not care at this time to discuss how the plan would affect the carriage of whites and negroes on through dines .under Federal control," wrote the newspaper Inter viewer in a New York dispatch yester day. Yet the Southern States are very much interested. "I never advocated a thing not opposed in some quarters," said the "peerless leader." And the opposition thus far has been success ful. What do the Southerners think about ,itj,,thls time? . - Hbpgrowers are disposed to be liber al In the matter of wages for the pick ers. They generally favor the system of paying by weight, but are not in clined to be arbitrary in the matter, recognizing, no doubt, the wisdom of consulting the pickers upon the propo sition. The price considered fair is 50 cents for a box or $1 for 100 pounds. At these prices the industrious picker can make good wages and the grower, at present rates, can make hop-raising pay him handsomely upon the invest ment and on the risk that is a peculiar adjunct of the hop industry. A correspondent who takes The Ore gonian to task for Its alleged mistake In saying that the island of Juan Fernandez was Robinson Crusoe's island himself fails to understand. It was the story of Alexander Selkirk's lonely life on Juan Fernandez that gave rise to the romance of Robinson Cru soe; but the imaginary island of Cru soe was placed in the Atlantic Ocean, or Caribbean Sea, somewhere far off the mouth of the Orinoco River. The Selkirk story. In Juan Fernandez, was a true one; but without it we should not have Defoe's romance. The bottle with the story in it bobs up now" and again on every shore. It seldom, however, contains a story twenty-five years old, and makes a bluff of having come around the Horn to find a harbor In an inland sea, as did the latest bottle picked up on Puget Sound abreast Seattle. Of course no one would doubt for a moment that this bottle is a genuine find or that Its ancient tale Is unworthy of cre dence. Jefferson said: "It is of immense consequence that the states retain as complete authority as possible over their own citizens. The withdrawing themselves under the shelter of a foreign Jurisdiction (the general Gov ernment) Is so subversive of order and pregnant of abuse that It 'may not be amiss to consider." etc. But the Bryan programme doesn't consider this phase at all. Fishermen and cannerymen on the Columbia are said now to be willing to obey the law after they have ex tended the open season until It does not pay them to break the law. The drowning season for boys usually lasts until school opens in September. According to this rating something more than two weeks remain of the season of 1906. St. Johns could not have had more trouble with Its .municipal affairs in the last year or two if It had been the biggest city in the land. As a detector of detectives Mr. Bruin at last was successful, though It took nearly a year. Luckily the detectives were not criminals. "The true barriers of liberty," wrote Jefferson, "are our state govern ments." Is the Bryan programme Jeffersonian? It is probably not true that the most cordial welcome extended to Mr. Geer In Pendleton was that of Mr. Furnish. And so th$ reform wave that has been sweeping over the country is now taking the direction of "fonetiks." ' Jt Is like turning a leaf from the past to read of the disorders in Plnar del Rio. Seems like old times. And it's all because Mr. Bryan went abroad. . .'. . ' . MACAULAY'S DIRE PREDICTION Do You Observe Any Tendency To- ward These Things la America? A eulogistic "Life of Thomas Jefferson" by Henry S. Randall, of Virginia, was published about 50 years ago. The enthus iasm of the writer led him to send a copy of the book to Thomas Babington Macaulay, at that time perhaps the most eminent of English men of letters. May 23, 1857, Macaulay sent answer to Randall In a famous letter of which the following is the .main part. It is not optimistic: I have long been convinced that in stitutions purely democratic must, sooner or later, destroy liberty or civilization, or both. You may think that your country enjoys an exemption from these evils. I will frankly own to you that I am of a very different opinion. Your fate I believe to be certain, though it is deferred by a physical cause. As long as you have a boundless extent of fertile and unoc cupied land, your laboring population will be far more at ease than the laboring population of the Old World, and, while that is the case, the Jefferson politics may continue to exist without causing any fatal calamity. But the time will come when New England will be as thickly populated as Old England. Wajca will be as low and will fluctuate with you as with us. You will have your Manchesters and Blrminghams, and In those Manchesters and Birmingham hundreds of thousands of artisans will assuredly be sometimes out of work. Then your Institutions will be fairly brought to the test. Distress every where makes the laborer mutinous, and discontent Inclines him to listen with eagerness to agitators who tell him that it is a monstrous iniquity that one man should have a million while an other cannot get a full meal. In bad years there Is plenty of grumbling here and sometimes a little rioting. But it matters little, for here the sufferers are not the rulers. The supreme power Is in the hands of a class, numerous, indeed, but select; of an educated class; of a class which Is and knows itself to be deeply Interested in the security of property and the maintenance of order. Accordingly the malcontents are firmly yet gently restrained. The bad time Is got over without robbing the wealthy to relieve the indigent. The springs of na tional prosperity soon begin to flow again; work is plentiful, wages rise and all is tranquillity and cheerfulness. I have seen 'England pass three or four times through such critical seasons as I have described. Through such seasons the United States will have to pass within the next century, if not this. How will you pass through them? I heartily wish you a good deliverance, but my reasons and my wishes are at war, and I cannot help foreboding the worst. It Is quite plain that your Gov ernment will never be able to restrain a distressed and discontented majority; for with you the majority Is the govern ment, and has the rich, who are always a minority, absolutely at Its mercy. The day will come when the State of New York, a multitude of people, none of whom has had more than half a break fast, or expects to have more than halt a dinner, will choose a Legislature. Is it possible to doubt what sort of Legislature will bo chosen? On one side Is a states man preaching patience. respect for vested right, strict observance of public faith. On the other is a demagogue, ranting about the tyranny of capitalists and usurers, and asking why anybody should be permitted to drink champagne and to ride In a carriage while thousands of honest folks are 'in want of neces saries. Which of the two candidates Is likely to be preferred by a working man who hears his children cry for more bread? I seriously apprehend that you will. In some such season 'of adversity as I have described, do things which will prevent prosperity from returning: that you will act like people who should, in a year of scarcity, devour all the seed corn, and thus make the next year not of scarcity, but of absolute famine. There will be. I fear, spoliation. The spolia tion will Increase the distress: the dis tress will produce spoliation. There Is nothing to stop you. Your Constitution Is all sail and no anchor. As I Bald before, when a society has entered on this down ward progress, either civilization or liberty must perish. Either some Caesar or Napoleon will seize the reins of gov ernment with a strong hand or your re public will be as fearfully pluno, . and laid waste by barbarians in the twentieth century as the Roman Empire was In the fifth, with this difference that the Huns and Vandals who ravished the Roman Empire came from without, while your Huns and Vandals will have been en gaged within your own country by your own institutions. A Bryan Dream. Charleston News and Courier, (Dera), When the esteemed Colonel William Jennings Bryan is elected President and shall acquire for the Government con trol of some of the trunk lines of rail roads, we hope he will take good care of them. When, peradventure, the Gov ernment's 10.000 employees on a particular line shall strike for an Increase of wages and get it, and then shall strike and strike again until concession to them shall cease to be a virtue, our hope Is that the Government's general manager may In the last resort order out the troops to protect the Government's prop erty from ruthless destruction. We further Indulge the hope that the more railroads Colonel Bryan shall ac quire in trust for the Govornment the more troops he will have available for emergency. When the Government shall own many thousands of miles of railway lines worth billions of dollars the Gov ernment will need a large standing army with few opportunities to stand long at a time. Colonel Bryan reveals himself day by day and more and more as a great and good man overburdened with schemes. One of the reasons that he would pro bably make an excellent President Is that he would have little leisure for dreaming. C'anipnljgn for liidependen.ee Bejtun. The first number of "La Independen cia," the organ of the new Independence party in the Philippines, was appro priately issued on the Fourth of July. The Declaration of- Independence was publicly read on that day in Manila by the authority of the Fourth of July committee. Dr. Justo Lukban Is the edi tor of "La Independencia," and In Its inaugural salutes the authorities, the people and the press as follows: "In beginning our labor with this first issue of our paper, we respectfully salute the supreme authorities. The public we assure of the sincerity of our purposes and the firmness of our convictions, and the press, of all nationalities and politi cal shades, we beg to treat us withi the consideration and esteem due a compan ion, in this difficult task of the propa gation of ideas and. In return, we beg the press to accept the assurances of our most sincere reciprocity." Subjoined is the programme of the In dependence party. In which is advocated the "immediate independence of the Phil ippines, which are to be a sovereign, free and. independent country and which we are to obtain through the interven tion of the United States, an interna tional treaty establishing and guarantee ing the perpetual neutrality o the isl ands." The leading article closes with these words: "Our labor shall be one of harmony and conciliation, because our inalterable purpose is to establish our Nationality on the firmest basis, which is: "Immediate- independence." THE PESSIMIST. ' The saddest words of jail or pen t Are these sad words: "He gave me ten." It seems to be the thing now.' among writers of short stories to write about a man who is writing a book. This custom will soon result in a crop of stories in which the hero Is writing a book about a man who. In his turn, is writing a book wherein his hero is struggling with a book. By Introducing three hard-hearted publishers, two sisters and a blonde, one could have a plot that would rival those of Wllkle Collins. ' "It's a long Lane that has no burn ing." said one of the six detectives Just after he'd been fired. A story from Pekln by the way of Liverpool tells us that the pigs In China are too fat to squeal. That is very good; but does not quite equal In interest the story that Is going, up and down North Beach to the effect that the hens In Ilwaco have such a hearty appetite that they are busy, all the time eating, and have no time to lay eggs. ' Speaking of hens brings to mind some points of similarity between hens and the ladies. They (the hens and the ladies) walk on two feet. Jump for both sides of the street at once when they pee an auto coming, make chicken salad and wear feathers. The similarity ends at this point. The hens cannot talk. Tlie Poet's Corner. This department Is conducted exclusive ly for the benefit of unbidden genius, that hitherto lias suffered in silence. No poem will be published. more than once. Each contribution must be accompanied by a proper antidote, othewrlse it will not be considered. While the root's Cor ner is open more especially for poets liv ing In the Northwest, all allusions to Seattle will be strictly censored. No stamps will be returned. The following verses, sent in anony mously, are the work of G. W. Henne way. the Poet of the Cascades. Notwith standing the fact that his poem Is a wide departure from his usual style. It was easily recognized, because for a long time tho letter "o" in his typewriter has been broken, and he has been obliged to use an asterisk instead: Star-Mght. My ftsteps fall upn a wizard way. Between the dawn and dusk beh'ld the day. Where things Invisible becm bright They seem concentrate In a single ray. Intrinsic beauty glistens in the glare That brightens heaven dazzles every where: Yet, wrapped in s'litude. I lng fr night Its dusk and dreams ' and balmlncss f air. There shines a star, which I have wor shipped lng. And striven t Imm'rtRlize In sng; Ail brilliance pales bef're Its luster white. And hence my I've f'r star-light waxeth str'ng. Like his other work, these three verses show the touch of true genius. However, there is an undercurrent of sadness which Is unusual with Hrnneway; It seems to Indicate recent trouble of a serious nature. His thought, too, la somewhat difficult to follow. In this re spect he makes one think of Browning. After careful consideration, I have con cluded that this Is what Henneway in tended to say: Bar-Light. My ftsteps fall upn a dizzy way.' Between dusk and dawn I let them stray Where the things t drink taste cl and right; They seem t concentrate, and I feel gay. Polished glasses glisten In the glare That brightens barrm dazzles every where; Thugh completely inebriated, I approach the light. Its gin and wine, and the barkeep s fair. There shines a bar which I have wor shipped lng, And striven t lmm'rtalize in s'ng. All drinks taste g"d In Its luster bright; And hence my breath and I've fr that bar Is string. The State Flower of California. (This gem. signed "Lizzie," was sug gested by the gift of a handful of Kschscholtzla golden popples, she called them.) Like- the glory of a noonday sun, L,ike the gentle, soothing twilight. Flowers In winsome beauty greet us. Bloom they alone to give delight? Or do they breathe of hope divine. Of the presence and the power That the beauty anri fragrance planned Of every, every little flower? You bet they do, Lizzie! So they tell us in sweet repose To trust and wait and be content. With the sunbeams, breeze and rain drops. Duly for their own pleasure sent. Oh. in trust, in sure contentment Many a heart might cease to cry. With agony or envy blind And find a bright, rose-tinted sky. It would make 'em feel a whole lot better. The flowers, the trees, the fragrant shrubs We will not worship, but may dare To love and cherish; lessons take. Somewhat trustful spirit share. You would dare to do almost anything, Lizzie, after sending that in. If your trustful spirit should prompt you to do It again, I won't stand It, that's all ! M. B. WELLS. Mr. Roosevelt Una Had Ilia Fllngr. New York World. The country was drifting along in blissful contentment that the summer season of leisure hud still some days to run. The schools were In vacation, Congress in recess. Washington de serted and only Beveridge exhorting the voters of Maine on the produc tivity of hens under a Republican re gime. Oyster Bay was calm. Suddenly It began to rain misplaced vowels and consonants out of a clear sky. The President had been seized with a whim to purify tho English language. Excite laughter? It has been greeted witli shrieks ( delight. The Bowery can t-ee the joke as plainly as University Heights. Chuck Connors can now chiim that lie was one of the original Roosevelt spelling men. Mr. Bryan whs always for the free coinage of silver without the consent of any for eign government, and Mr. Roosevelt, who has proved so apt a pupil in the Bryan school. Is also for the unlimited use of te debased silver of speecli without the consent or advice of for eigners. After ail, Mr. Roosevelt has had his fling, and it will soon be for gotten when lie has another. But be is not alwavs so -amusing.- Perhaps next he will take up tiie matter of correct writinK and greater brevity In composition 0