The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, September 02, 1906, Page 4, Image 4

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Cars They Will Have, or Suit
Will Be Begun Against the
Northern Pacific.
Railroad Announces That for a Week
No More Lumber Will Be 3Ioved,
In Effort to Clear Vp
the Congestion.
SEATTLEL Waih., Sept. 1. (Special.)
Lumber and shingle manufacturers today
sent an ultimatum to President Howard
Elliott and Superintendent I. B. Richards,
of the car service bureau or the Northern
Pacific, declaring the railroad must im
mediately cancel Us order prohibiting the
acceptance of cars loaded with forest
products for Eastern movement or toe
confronted with a fight in court.
The railroad today announced that for
a week no more cars loaded with lumber
would be accepted, for the system Is
now congested with freight that cannot
be moved. In their telegrams to railroad
officials the manufacturers declared this
order sets at defiance state and Federal
laws that will be Invoked If the order
is not canceled.
Preparations have been taken to ask
for an Injunction next week If the road
does not modify its order. Lumbermen
cay the rule discriminates against them
and If enforced will mean the loss In
trade of hundreds of cars of lumber and
shingles. ,
The movement of lumber and shingles
eastward for the Fall trade has Just
commenced and it will probably be neces
sary for many of the small shingle mills
to close If the order is enforced. They
have no storage room. An inquiry had
iust been started by the shingle mills
'Ureau to ascertain the cause of delays
In furnishing cars when the new man
date was given.
Division Superintendent Albee, In ex
planation, says that the demand for lum
ber and wheat cars is so great and the
East-bound trafno is so heavy that busi
ness is three weeks behind, and the con
gestion has become intolerable both for
the road and for shippers. The trouble,
he says, lies in the company's Inability
to get engines. Manufacturers have dis
appointed the company In delivering lo
comotives. Of 1S2 engines ordered months
ago only 30 have been delivered.
Lumbermen's Association Has Sent
Warning to Northern Pacific.
ABERDEEN, Wash., Sept. 1. (Special.)
Following the announcement of the
Northern Pacific Company Instructing all
of its agents east of Ellensburg to fur
nish no cars for lumber, the Gray's Har
bor Association issued this resolution to
day: "Whereas, The Northern Pacific Rail
way Company has Issued orders.'- to Its
several agents on the Pacific Division to
refuse to furnish cars for the loading
of lumber and all forest products be
tween September 1 and September 18.
"Whereas, Such action on the part of
the railroad company is an unjust dis
crimination against and offers a serious
menace to the lumber Interests of West
ern Washington.
"Resolved, That the Gray's Harbor
Lumber Manufacturers Association pro
testa against this unjust and illegal ac
tion on the parf of the railroad company
and demands that this order be rescinded
unless extended to include all other com
modities. "Resolved, That unless the railroad
company complies with this demand, the
directors of this association are author
ized and instructed to Institute legal
proceedings at once."
Brawl Is Continued 1b Aberdeen Streets
and Another Man Falls Wounded
Amid Fusillade of Shots.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Sept. 1. (Spe
cial.) Alexander A. Wahlgren, aged
85, was shot and killed and Grant Wil
son seriously wounded, early this
morning, by John Jones, In a row which
started In the Eagle dancehall; one of
the places that the present adminis
tration of the city stands pledged to
suppress by Its platform of last De
cember. Wahlgren Is a union longshoreman,
Wilson Is the bartender In the saloon
of the dancehall, and Jones Is a. mem
ber of the nonunion stevedore company
recently formed. A company of union
and nonunion men visited the dance
hall after midnight and got Into a fight
In which Jones got by far the worst
of it.
While on his knees after being
struck by Wahlgren, Jones fired two
shots. One took effect in Wahlgren's
breast and one In the back. After Wahl
gren's death the crowd surged to the
street and several shots were ex
changed, one of which lodged In Wil
son's back.
Jones, beaten almost Into Insensibil
ity, was taken to the Jail, and held
until this afternoon, when he was
taken to Montesano to answer to the
charge of murder. His plea will be self
Programme Is for the Entire Day,
Friday, September 1.
SALEM. Or., Sept. 1. (Special.) The
fifth quarterly convention of the Willam
ette Valley Development League will be
held at Forest Grove, Friday, September
7. There will be three sessions of the
convention, at 9 A. M.. 1:30 P. M., 7:30
P. M., at Marsh Hall, the assembly room
of the Pacific University. The programme
Morning session Convention called to
order by Hon. E. W. Haines, president
Board of Trade, Forest Grove.
Address of welcome by M. Peterson,
Mayor of Forest Grove.
The Benefits of Organization As Illus
trated Through the Work of the Willam
ette Valley Development League," E.
Hofer, president.
Appointment of committees.
, "Fruit Growing as a Factor of Develop
ment in the Willamette Valley," H. C.
Atwell, Washington County.
"The State Grange and Development,"
A. T. Buxton, Forest Grove, state lec
turer. "Condensed Milk Industry of Forest
Grove," by Superintendent Callender.
Afternoon Session.
"Educational Development," J. M. Pow
ers, City Superintendent Public Schools,
"Civid Improvement," Professor Mays
Farnham, Pacific University.
Electrical Transportation in Western
Oregon," F. W. Waters. Mayor of Salem.
"Harrlman System In Oregon." H. E.
Lounsbury, Portland.
The Oregon State Fair," Hal D. Fat
ton, Business Men's League, Salem.
"Merchants' Protective Association," R.
L. Sabin, Portland.
"Condensed Milk From Hlllsboro," J. P.
Tamiesie, president Board of Trade.
"Advertising Oregon," C. C. Chapman,
Chapman Advertising Bureau, Portland.
"Where We Still Have Railroads Com
ing," H. T. Botts, Mayor of Tillamook.
Address, United States Senator Charles
W. Fulton, of Astoria.
Election of officers.
Evening Session.
"The Problem of Good Roads," Thomas
F. Ryan, County Judge of Clackamas
"Development of a City by the College
Route," President H. M. Crooks, of Al
bany College.
"Manhood as a Factor In Development,"
President W. N. Ferrln, Pacific Univer
sity. "Development Through Better Banking
Facilities," R. H. ' Fulton, Northwestern
Guaranty & Trust Company. Portland.
Oregon and the Jamestown Exposition
President Jefferson Myers, of the State
Oregon West Coast Harbors Hon. B.
F. Jones, Independence.
The Relation of Coos Bay to the State
of Oregon L. J. Simpson, president Coos
Bay Chamber of Commerce.
Responses from Mayors of the live
cities of Western Oregon.
Reports of committees.
The Southern Pacific Railroad has
granted the usual reduced rates for all
persons attending the Forest Grove con
vention. Certificates will be approved at
the convention by the secretary, Walter
Lyon. Delegates attending pay fare one
way and return on certificate plan for
one-third fare.
The State Business Men's League will
have- a meeting at Forest Grove at the
same time the Development League
meets there to perfect Its state organiza
tion. The programme will be Interspersed
by musical features, and excursions on
the new electric street-car line of Forest
Twelfth Annual Regatta at Astoria
Closes With a Number of Interest
ing Events In Perfect Weather.
ASTORIA. Or., Sept. 1. (Special.)
Astoria's 12th annual regatta closed
today ' after a most successful three
days of sports and social features. The
weathor has been ideal throughout and
this morning, when the flagship took
her position off the grandstand to call
the rowing events, there was scarcely a
breath of wind stirring and the river
was as smooth as glass, with barely a
ripple on Its Burface.
The first event "on the programme
was the consolation race In single
shells between Ed Gloss and Dr. Pat
ton, In which Gloss gave Patton a min
ute and a half handicap in a race of
one and one-half miles with a turn.
When the second gun . was fired to
start Gloss, Patton was so far away
that ho appeared to the spectators like
a sure winner, but the way Gloss made
his shell fly through the water was
simply marvelous and at the turning
stake he was but 13 seconds behind.
But it was after Gloss had straightened
out for the row home that he showed
the speed of which he is capable. By
this time Patton was weakening and
when half way down the course the
men were on even terms, and Gloss won
out by 85 seconds. Hia time was 10:35.
As soon as the single shell contest
was over two surfboats from the ten
der Heather, each manned by five of
the tender's crew, were sent over the
same course. The bow boat won by a
length, but the winners had the light
er oraft.
The double pleasure boat race was
won by Patton and Boost, who de
feated Gloss and Rennlck. The gasoline
fishboat race was won by N. Driscol,
with H. Hagerup a close second.
The log-rolling contest between R.
E. Spencer and Frank Anderson proved
as Interesting and exciting as the one
yesterday, butthe tables were turned
and Anderson threw his antagonist
twice. The tub race was won by Ivar
Ross, with George Beard second, and
Beard again captured the greased pole
contest. This completed the water
events and the afternoon-was given to
the oountry fair, kennel and stock
This afternoon the Judges announced
the winners in last evening's marine
parade as follows: Best decorated
steamer Heather, first; Lottie, second.
Best decorated sailing craft Corsair,
first; Naiad, second. Best decorated
launch Pilot, first; A. Booth, second.
Best decorated gasoline boat Trifler,
first; Eagle, second.
The prizes awarded at the baby show
are as follows:
For the prettiest tiaby girl 1 year
past, Elizabeth O'Brien; for the riret
tlest baby boy, 1 year, Richard Klep
per; for tho prettiest babv girl, 2-year
class, Minerva Charlotte Holzman: for
the prottlest baby boy, 2-year class,
Elmor Orn; for the fattest baby girl.
Clatsop Princess; for the fattest babv
boy. Leo Lahanpera; for the smallest
baby girl, Nora Bassell; for the small
est baby boy, Lester Tibblts: for the
best behaved baby, George H. Lansford:
for the worst behaved baby. Julia
Mathews; for the baby with the most
hair. Helen Frederlokson: for the most
bald-headed baby, Daniel Hannula,
Government Agent Causes Arrest of
Part of Japanese Crew.
SEATTLE. Sept. 1. A special to the
Port-Intelligencer from Seward, Alaska,
Five more Japanese have been arrested
at Sf. George Island, one of the Pribyloff
group, by the Government agent, accused
of poaching seals. A Japanese edhooner
dropped anchor within the mile limit and
sent a man ashore, evidently to recon
noiter the ground.
When the Japanese sailor was ques
tioned he said that the schooner had called
for water. The Government resident
agent demanded to see the schooner's
captain, and when the latter came ashore
with four men the latter were arrested
as poachers.
Cut Down Neighbor's Shade Tree.
OREGON CITY, Or., Sept. 1. (Special.)
Thresa Strakman was today found
guilty by a Jury before Justice J. W.
VanHorn. at Oswego, of the charge of
maliciously destroying a shade tree. She
was fined $30 and has appealed the case
to the Circuit Court. The private prose
cutor was J. W. Kohler, who charged
Mrs. Strakman with cutting down a tree
during the night In front of his property.
At the trial today Mrs. Strakman did not
offer any testimony In her defend-
Vote to Stand by Their De
mand for Pay, but Would
Arbitrate on Hours.
Larger Restaurants Discharge Many
Employes, and Several of Larger
Stores May Close Until the
Strike la Over.
BAN FRANCISCO. Sept 1. As the re
sult of the action of the Carmen's Union
today In rejecting the proposal made by
President Calhoun, through Mayor
Schmltz yesterday, that the men return
to work and submit the differences be
tween them and the company to a com
mittee of arbitration, all negotiations are
off and the end of the strike on the
United Railways Beems farther away
than It was a week ago.
At a general meeting this morning of
the union, the carmen voted to reject
the proposition for a settlement as of
fered by Calhoun, to stand by their de
mands for $3 a day and arbltraate the
question of hours, and to extend the
strike to the Geary and California-street
cable roads, which had made no reply
to the demands made on them, .as on the
United Railroads. The Geary and California-street
railroads were to be tied up
at 6 o'clock tonight. This would have
left the city without street-car service
at all.
More Time Is Granted Piatt.
This afternoon Horace G. Piatt, presi
dent of' the Geary-street ' railroad, addressed-
a communication to the union,
asking it to wait until the directors met
next Tuesday to consider the demands,
before declaring a strike on the road.
This was granted by the carmen, and the
road will remain In operation at least
until Tuesday. Whether a strike will
then be declared will depend on the ac
tion of the directors, declare the carmen.
In view of the fact that the California
street cable road- is at present operating
at a loss, and, as stated In a letter to
the Carman's Union by President James
B. Stetson, that the road Is only running
to accommodate the public and In the
Interest of the city. It was decided by the
carmen to leave the road in operation
Mayor Schmitz. expressed his regrets
that the carmen had refused to accept
Calhoun's proposal of arbitration, which
had .been secured through him, and. stat
ed' that the situation looked dark, but
that he would continue his eqorts to bring
about the end of the strike.
Carmen Ordered to Report.
President Calhoun posted articles at all
the carbarns today requesting that the
carmen report for duty tomorrow and
stating that all those who failed to com
ply will be discharged. This has started
rumors that the company will make an
attempt to. operate some cars tomorrow.
Calhoun tonight refused to deny or af
firm these, stating that he was not pre
pared to say when he would take out
the first cars. He denied the report that
Governor Pardee had telegraphed him
protesting against the invasion of the
Btate by armed strikebreakers.
"Governor Pardee today sent me a tele
gram of inquiry asking whether It was
true, as reported In the papers, that I
was importing armed strikebreakers.'"
said Calhoun. "I Informed the Governor
by telegraph that the men were law-abiding
citizens; that I was bringing them
here on a peaceful mission, that of oper
ating the cars on the United Railroads,
and that I relied upon the authorities to
protect them."
Says Governor Cannot Prevent.
Mr. Calhoun further stated that the
Governor could not stop him from bring
ing men to the state to operate his cars
and that, so far as he knew, there was no
disposition to do so.
"Instead of protests, there should be re
joicing that I am bringing men to restoro
the street-car service in this city," said
he. "I am not a bluffer, and the sooner
the carmen find out that I am not bluffing
and mean exactly what I say, the better
It will be for all concerned," declared
President Calhoun said he had no for
mal statement to make on the situation
tonight. He expressed his regrets that
the carmen did not see fit to accept his
proposal and return to work, but that it
was a duty he owned to the stockholders,
as well as to the public, to operate the
cars, and the city would be the gainer by
that much in. its population by the men
he would Import to run the cars.
President Cornelius, of the Carmen's
Union, declared tonight that the union
would stand pat on the demands made
and that the situation had resolved Itself
Into a deadlock between the company and
Its employes, with no immediate prospect
of a break.
Calhoun Get Bit of Flattery.
The executive committee of the union
tonight sent a letter to Calhoun advising
him of the action of the carmen In voting
to reject the company's proposition for
arbitration without definite promises of 3
a day. expressed its admiration of Cal
houn's personal character and stated that
his employes hoped he would turn back
the "horde of strike-breakers," said to be
on the way to this city.
While the principal grumblers are those
who have suffered the inconvenience and
hardship of walking, It is becoming evi
dent that continued suspension of car
service is being severely felt In all lines
of business.
It is said that many large restaurants
have been compelled to discharge a large
number of their employes and that many
large retail establishments are operating
at such a loss that they are considering
the advisability of closing down until
Btreet car traffic is restored. Rumors are
thick tonight that several of the large
stores will not open Tuesday morning. It
was impossible to verify this, but the
proprietor of one of the largest retail
stores on Vanness Avenue said that busi
ness had fallen off to such an extent
owing to the strike and the inability of
shoppers to come to the stores, that some
such action would in all probably would
be taken.. s
Teachers Protest Cut in Wages.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept 1. A meeting
of about 160 publia school teachers was
held today to protest against the reduc
tion in salaries. A committee was ap
pointed to wait on the Board of Education
to demand the reasons for the reductions
and to inquire Into the disposition of
J10.000 relief fund sent from the East for
the benefit of fire sufferers.
Victims of the Earthquake.
SAN FRANCISCO, dept.. 1. In all 452
people perished as the result of the dis
aster of April 18, the local Health De
partment stated In a formal report sent
yesterday to the State Board of Health.
Of the victims, 266 were killed by the
falling walla, 177 perished by fire, seven
W. H. Moore, President
E. E. Lytic, Vice-President
W. Cooper-Morris, Cashier
H. A. Graves, Aulitut .Cashier
Frlede, E. E. Lytle, ,H. A.
Moore, W. Cooper-Morris.
If you are a depositor in tha
savings department of this bank,
we shall credit Interest on your
account September 1. It will be
your privilege to draw this In
terest on that date, or any time
after that date. But If you pre
fer to let the interest remain,
you may do so, and It will bear
Interest tha. same as your other
This Is our fifth semi-annual
payment of Interest.
The bank will be closed on
Monday for Labor Day.
Portland, Ore.
were shot and two died as the result of
ptomaine poisoning due to eating "emer
gency" canned goods of poor quality; 351
were females and 77 males ; 430 are believed
to have been white, 18 Chinese, four Jap
anese. Eleven were Jess than a year old.
The figures given relate to the deaths
proved to have occurred. Tho figures
relative to males and females and races
of the victims were compiled' to June 30.
Since then 10 deaths have been reported,
making the total to date 452.
Woman Fishes Up Dead Body.
KELSO. Wash., Sept L The body of
John L. Sinclair, who was drowned early
yesterday morning in the Cowlitz River,
having fallen from the steamer Northwest
while in, It is alleged, an intoxicated con
dition, was recovered yesterday after
noon. Among the numerous searchers In
boats who had all day long been fishing
for the body was Mrs. Alex Day, a cour
ageous woman of this city, and it was
she who brought the body to the surface.
Banks Refused to Make Advance,
' Though the Idaho Legislature is
- Practically Pledsed for Amount.
BOISE. Idaho, Sept. 1. (Special.)
Definite-information has been received
that Governor Pardee, president of
the Irrigation Congress, will not at
tend. The Republican convention of
his state will meet during-tb week,
and It is the understanding the Gov
ernor feels he cannot afford to leave
his political interests there unprotect
ed. 'v
An interesting thing occurred today
In connection with the preparations' for
the congress. It had been proposed that
the Legislature should appropriate as
much as 5000 to assist In paying the
expenses, if necessary. This was fa
vored by the state conventions of both
parties. The board of control desired
to have all the necessary money In
sight before the opening of the con
gress and an effort was made to gat
money from the banks on the faith of
the plan of legislative appropriation.
The amount Bought was J2000, If It
Should be found that much money was
Tho banks demurred, whereupon
Governor Gooding han.lud the board
that sum to make it secure against any
deficiency. It Is thought the entire sum
needed will be- secured without using
any of this money, as the responses
have been encouragingly . liberal.
Zimmerman Finally Gets Drunk at
North Yakima and Is Robbed.
NORTH YAKIMA, Wash.! Sept 1.
(Special.) A strange man, name unknown,
who, Mrs. George H. Zimmerman alleges,
followed her and sher husband from
Alaska to this place, is suspected of "rob
bing the husband of $140 last night. The
man was working on the boat that took
them to Seattle, and when he learned
they were coming to this place followed
them here and took lodging at the same
Last night he and Zimmerman went
out for a drink at about o'clock. When
Zimmerman was found by the police at
.about midnight he was intoxicated and
his pockets had been rifled of J140 he had
when he left the hotel. The stranger has
not made his appearance and search has
been Instituted by the police.
Prominent Citizen of Montesano
Meets a Tragic Death.
MONTESANO. Wash.. Sept 1. (Special.)
B. E. Leonard, a prominent citizen of
this town, was Instantly killed last eve
ning by being crushed under a falling
house. Leonard was at work under the
house at the time fixing the foundation,
when the temporary underpinning gave
way and the building settled down on
him. It was not until the building bad
been raised with Jackscrews that the
body could be reached. This took nearly
an hour.
Aged Woman Seized With Fit While
Lighting Fire.
WALLA WALLA. Wash.. Sept 2.
(Special.) Lying on a bed beneath a burn
ing tick in her home, which was envel
oped in flames, Mrs. Harrier A. Gowing,
an old lady of, 83 years, was found by
Mrs. Fell, at Prescott. yesterday morning
at 7 o'clock. When Mrs. Fell rushed to
the bed to arouse Mrs. Gowing, she dis
covered that the old lady was dead and
that the clothing had been entirely burned
from the body.
Mrs. Gowing was starting a fire In the
kitchen stove, and. while pouring some
coal oil on the flames, was stricken with
an epileptic fit and her clothing set on
fire. She rushed to her bed and pulled the
tick over her to smother the flames, but
the tick was ignited and the old lady per
ished before help arrived.
Very Low Figure Made Account National
Irrigation Congress.
September 1 and 2 the O. R. & N. places
on sale very low round-trip tickets, ac
count the National Irrigation Congress,
Boise, Idaho. September 3 to 8. Particu
lars and Pullman reservations by calling
upon Mr. C. W. Stinger. City Ticket
Agent, Third and Washington streets.
Portland. .
For This Coming Fall Were Laid
With Extreme Care
Our many years of experience
in clothing the well dressed men of
this city was used to its greatest
advantage in selecting the choicest
patterns from two of the most fa
mous clothing manufacturers of
the world
Hart, Schaffiier & Marx
and The Stein-Bloch Co.
The garments chosen were
selected not only for beauty and
design of fabric and nobby style,
but for their wearing qualities as
$45.00 Extra Axmiaster Rugs, Size dQQ CA
3x4 ....... Special pOO.OU
$37.50 Wilton Velvet Rugs, Size 07 Cfl
3x4 . ... Special
$30.00 Beautiful Tapestry, Size &Or AA
3x4 ..... Special
$15.00 AH Wool Art Squares, Size (!10 AA
3x4 Special $ 1 .UU
Large Assortment of
If you can anticipate your Fall Rug wants don't let this chance slip by
Sole Agents for Laurel Stoves and Ranges
OF 1
IrrlKaUnK Ditch sad Orchard.1 Have
Cost the Railroad Compaay
Large Sums of Money.
ASHLAND, Or., Sept. 1. (Special).
The "springs" -which caused the big slide
on the Southern Pacific railraod track at
Cantara, in the Sacramento River Can
yon, 112 miles South of Ashland, blocading
the track for days and still necessitating
a transfer around the obstructions by
teams over a wagon road five miles long
from Dunamulr to Mott, are made by an
Irrigation ditch, with which a rancher
named Branstetter distributes moisture
over an orchard which ha owns above
the railroad track at the point. Accord
ing to the story that comes here from the
scene, Branstetter is Btandlng strictly
upon hia rights to Irrigate his orchard
even If it blccks trafflo on the main line
of the Southern Paeiflo between Portland
and San Francisco for all time to come.
Several times already has the Southern
Pacific had expensive slides at this point,
which It la alleged are due to Branstet
ter's irrigation ditch, but the present one
Is the most extensive and expensive one
the company has yet had to contend
with. It Is over 300 feet long and la
from ten to 12 feet In depth across the
track for this distance. Two big steam
shovels and 200 or 200 men ars at work
removing tho obstruction but with the
s Jh d assart JL Dgjg
Elegant Designs
184-186 First Street
Complete House Furnishers
best possible progress several days will
be required to clear it. Meantime trains
aro running to Mott from the North and
to Dunamulr from tha South and the
wagon transfers made between these
points five miles apart.
' It la said the railroad company has
repeatedly offered to purchase Branstet
ter's property as a matter of protection
and has offered him as much as J6000 for
the place, which It Is generally conceded
Is much more than It is worth for the
returns It will yield its owner year by
year. Branstetter It Is said has a grudge
against the company which dates from
construction days when he thought he
got the worst of some sort of a right-of-way
deal through his property.
Although Branstetter has lost con
siderable of his land already through
these slides, there is enough left yet it
Is said to provide many more obstructions
should other portions of It take a notion
to slough off down his hillside and upon
the railroad track.
Two Men Held for Starting Fire That
Destroyed Coffee Creek Country.
SEA1TLE, Sept. 1. A special to the
Post-Intelligencer, says: Robert Rowan
and M. H. Lee have been bound to the
Federal Court by United States Commis
sioner at Dillingham, charged with burn
ing a cannery at Coffee Creek, Mushak
Bay, on June 1, In which seven men who
were asleep were burned to death.
The evidence against the men is mostly
of circumstantial nature. Rowan Is said
to have served a term in a California
penitentiary. Both men are said to have
been agitators and to have created
trouble among the cannery workers
shortly before the fire.
Copyright 1 906 by
Hsrt Schaffner W Marx
Laid and Lined Free
As He Sleeps a Rodent as B1 as
Beer Bottle Gets oa Very
Familiar Terms.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 1. (Special.)
Last night Patrick Smiley, Janitor of
the school at', the corner of Fell and
Mission streets, had a battle royal with
a rat as big as a beer bottle and got
the worst of it. After the conflict he
appeared at the Central Emergency
Hospital and had a bite on the ear
The hapless Janitor told the Qospltal
attendants he first had a ghostly feel
ing as if some hidden hand was reach
ing out from the dark and caressing'
his brow. This feeling developed Into
a touch from the nose of the audacious
rodent. When the sleeping Janitor was
fully awakened and realized that he
was being attacked by a rat he made a
vicious lunge In the dark, but missed
The rat returned the sally by biting
the Janitor on the ear. After that the
rat ran to the hole through which he
had entered.
Dytr "Poor Hlebes has rot to start life
anew." Ryer "What's the matter?" Dar
h. 4.... t , vi. . . .