THE SUNDAY O REG ONI AN, PORTLAND. AUGUST 19, 1006. 12 1 1 - - A I, n I The Meier (8h Frank Store 200 Women's Suits-$22.50 to $50 Vahtes Vi Prices In the Suit section, second floor, we place on sale for a few days the grandest values in high-grade tail ored Suits you have ever been in vited to share in Opportunity is offered to buy handsome garments for Fall and Winter wear at a price below the cost of material alone Every Suit in the lot of this sea son's manufacture Very best ma terials and styles Beautifully made and finished by the leading manu facturers i the land 200 gar ments to select from Silks, voiles, plain and fancy Panamas and fancy suitings Tweeds, cheviots, etc. Eton blouse, pony and long and short, jacket effects Rich tailor made noveltiesPlain or fancy trimmed with Persian braids and velvets, lace and silk Very latest style skirts Suits selling regularly, at prices ranging from $22.50 up to $50.00 each Your choice for a few a saving of fully All our high-class white and colored Wash Suits are on sale at ridiculously low prices Bargains never before equaled In the store's history of Portland's Leading Cloak Store Second floor g5S 2 Price $7.00 Shirtwaist Suits at $3.45 Another great special lot of 150 -women's Shirtwaist Suits full pleated and tucked waists, trimmed with buttons, very full box-pleated and gored skirts, strictly tailor made styles ; white linens and lawns, colored chambrays, gray, green, blue, lavender and other good shades all sizes ; suits selling regularly at $7.00 each, i your choice while they last at the phenomenally low price of, per suit.P No mail orders filled. Better plan to come early. Sale of 650 New Shirtwaists $4.00 and $4.50 Values $1.68 A marvelous offering of fine Shirtwaists for tomorrow's selling Bargain opportunities that other stores never have the chance of giving you This lot of 650, secured from America's largest and best Waist manufact urerBeautiful styles in white linens, made plain tailored or dainty patterns in allover embroidery, made with tucking and lace in sertion Long or short sleeves Large as sortmentAll sizes Waists that find ready sale at $4.00 and $4.50 each J r O Your choice tomorrow at, each p 1 uO No Mail or Phone Orders Accepted Great Sale of Brushes All Kinds Bath Brushes, with or without handles, great value at this low price, each.. 19 Hand Scrub Brushes, 4c each; solid wood back Hand Scrub Brushes, special at. 12 Looneu's Tooth Brushes, none better 35c value, at the special price of, each.. 19 Batli Brushes, detachable handles, great special values at, each 43J Solid wood back Hair Brushes great special values at this low price, each. . . .98 Military Brushes, solid wood back, $1.50 values, on sale at, each $1.19 Pure Bristle Complexion Brushes, 28c each; wood back Cloth Brushes, each..28 Dr. Scott's Electric Hair Brushes for baldness; all sizes, at 20 Per Cent Discount Sale Trunks and Traveling Bags Great Special Values 3d Floor Blue and White Enamelware. 35c Preserving Kettles for, each.. 27 40o Preserving Kettles for, each..31 45c Preserving Kettles for, each.. 35 60c Preserving Kettles for, each..39 60c Preserving Kettles for, each.. 46 70c Covered Kettles for, each .55 75c Covered Kettles for, each 59 80c Covered Kettles for, each G3 50c Lipped Saucepans for, each. . . .39 60c Lipped Saucepans for, each. . . .47J $1.50 Rice Boilers for, each $1.19 Refrigerators, Gas Stoves, at low prices. Largest and best selected stock of Trunks and Traveling Bags on the Coast Every good size and style Best values Note these: 32-inch leather-bound Trunks, full linen lined, bolt lock, best iron corners, 2 trays and leather straps ; regular $19.00 Trunks, on sale at C Oft this unusually low price, each V Jvl 36-inch iron-bound Trunks, malleable iron comers, full linen-lined, two trays, etc.; O 1 II tf regular $17.00 Trunks, on sale at...N 0JJ 34-inch Steamer Trunks, bolt lock, heavy malleable iron trimmings, linen-lined ; $10.75 CQ 1 C value, on sale at this low price, each. 24-inch full stock leather Suitcase, with shirt fold, brass lock and bolts, linen-lined; $10 CO AC value, at this special price, each pOHrJ 24-inch leather Suitcase with shirt fold, leather-lined, brass lock and trimmings; very hand- (Py Ort soma case; regular $8.50 value, at, ea..P 14 -inch Baby Suitcase, bookbinders' ( fC cloth cover, at this special price, each.V vIVJ 14-in. Oxford Traveling Bags, chocolate color, brass trimmings, cloth lined; $3.50 value, 0 f( on sale at this low price, each...... Telescopes, Shawl Straps, Trunk Straps, etc. Blue and White Enamelware Values of Importance to the Housewife Bue and White Enamelware. $1.25 Tea Kettles for, each 99 $1.60 Tea Kettles for, each $1.24 60c Teapots on sale for, each 46! 70o Teapots on sale for, each o4 30c Pudding Pans. for, each 23 50c Pudding Pans for, each 38 60c Pudding Pans for, each 46 40c Pudding Pans for, each 31 30e Dippers for, each 23 "We are sole Portland agents for the famous "Peninsular" Stoves and Steel Ranges 100 models, 10 y'rs' guarantee. The Meier (Bb Frank Store 1 000 Prs. Women's Shoes $2.50 to $3.50 Values at $1.35 the Pair More good shoe news for economical women, 1 OOP pairs of fine shoes Foot wear of Standard Manufacture Bro ken lines from regular stock Lace and Button styles Kid or patent tips Light or heavy sole shoes for dress or street wear All sizes $2.50, $3.00 and $1.35 $3.50 values on sale while they last at this phenomenally low price per pair We must warn you again about coming early if you want the best vainest $3 Tan Oxfords $ 1 .65 500 pairs of women's Tan Oxfords, this season's best styles, light weight or welt soles ; all sizes and widths ; our regular $3.00 values, on sale at this C 1 ( exceptionally low price, per pair take advantage S Great special lot of men's fine Shoes, in box calf, velour calf, kid and patent colt leathers ; our best $3.50 lines, in all sizes and widths; on sale tomor- CIO 55 row at this unusually low price, per pair; grand value ........rr' Great values in misses' and children's Footwear. All grades. Bargains in Madras Curtains Thousands of pairs of cross-stripe Madras Curtains on sale at greatly reduced prices curtains suitable for windows or light portieres. Best designs light and dark colorings, red, green, blue or yellow cross stripes; three yards long by 40 inches wide all grades, at special low prices. Mail orders filled. $1.45 value, per pr..... ...95c. $1.75 values, per pr $1.15 $2.25 values, per pr $1.65 $3.50 values, per pr. . $2.70 Cross-stripe Madras Curtain Material great variety of the best patterns and col orings great special values at the following low prices : 20c. quality, per yd....... 16c. 25c. quality, per yd -20c. 40c. quality, per yd 32c. 50c. quality, per yd 39c. Oriental Stripe Tapestry, six colorings, 46 inches wide ; beautiful color com- f binations of red, blue, green, and yellow, at the low price of, yard New Cretonnes, Burlaps and colored SwisB, Scotch, Madras, figured Denims and Art Tickings. Best display in the city. Curtain Department Third Floor.. Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty. Third Floor. Women's $2 Hosiery 98c Pair 50c Hosiery 23c A special assortment of fine hosiery on sale at a very low price Beautiful gause lisles with silk embroidered designs, plain lisles and self-embroidered lisles in black, gray, navy and white Very large variety of patterns $ 1 .50, $ 1.75 and $2.00 values in all sizes Your 98c. choice for a few days at this wonderfully low price per pr. importer's sample line or lancy Hosiery; solid and fancy colors in black, white, tan. red. rink. KjfeStfc'i champagne and light blue; all sizes; 35c to 50c .H.-t'ciT1 t r "'5 values; 1500 pairs to select from; matchless value at, per pair Great special va'uts in Men's I'osii-ry. Children's fast black Hose at 10 Children's 25c fast black Hose 17 pair. 23 pair. Lace and Embroidery Specials Great August clean-up sale of fine Laces, Venise, Irish and Net Galloons, Bands and Edges; included will also be found a lot of handsome Allover Laces, in white, cream and ecru; values up to $2.00 a yard, on sale at OirC 1500 yards of new Corset Cover Embroideries fine patterns, in large assort- ment; very unusual values at this low price, the yard Ht&C Swiss and Cambric Allover Embroideries in pretty designs; regular $1.25 AQ values, on sale at this low price, per yard, 49 cents $10.00 white Net Robes, with flounce skirt, elaborately trimmed, each $6.98 Muslin Underwear Specials Second Floor Chemise, Corset Covers, Drawers, Etc.- Special lot of women's fine handmade French em broidered Chemise, very attractive CI 1 O styles, fine quality, grand values at. V O The celebrated "La Grecque" Tailored Under wear corset cover and short skirt combined; made of fine lawns and nainsook, blouse and fitted fronts, trimmed in fine VaL lace and in sertions, all sizes; regular $4.00 CJO QQ values, on sale at this low price.. ty&mZr3 Women's cambrio Drawers, hemstitched and tucked ruffles, lace and embroidery- if C trimmeJ; 65c values, on sale at, pair..C Children 's Cambric Gowns, square yokes, trimmed in tucks and feather . stitching, all Q sizes; regular 50c values, on safe at, ea,.' Children's Outing Flannel Gowns, pink and blue stripes, all sizes; best 75c values for 50 ' On children's hand -made 15 jl Ji Dresses, in sizes 6 months to ' , 3 years ; made of fine French nainsooks and percales; hand-embroidered yokes and lace edgings very beautiful styles. One-fourth off on all grades. Second Floor. . Bath Room Supplies Very Low Priced Nickel-plated "Whisk Broom Holders, on sale at this low price, each 19 Nickel-plated Match Holders, 25c values, on sale at this special price, each...,18 Nickel-plated Tooth Brush Holders; regular $1.25 values, at, each .....98 Nickel-plated Glass Holders 12 Nickel-plated Soap Dishes 32 Metal Towel Racks, each......... 8 18-inch Towel Bars for, each. .36 85c nickel-plated Towel Bars for. .68 Toilet Paper Holders, each 8 NICKEL-PLATED WARE AT SPECIAL PRICES 5-pint copper nickel-plaeed Coffee Pots; regular $1.90 values, on lj 1 O 1 sale at, each V 5-pint copper nickel-plated Coffee Pots; regular $1.75 values, on J? 1 ? sale at this low price 5-pint copper nickel-plated Coffee Pots; regular $1.00 values, on AAf sale at, each: J"v 5-pint copper nickel - plated Teapots? regular $1.75 values, on CI f sale at, each V 4-pint copper nickel-plated Teapots.61J $1.50 ni ckel-plated Teapots for. . . .99 3-pint Coffee Pots 85c value, for. . .53 3-pint Teapots, $1.35 values, for... 94 2-pint Coffee Pots, $1.25 value, for.84 The Meier Frank Store Men's Suits at Half Price Boys' Suits at Half Price Sale extraordinary of 100 men's high grade 3 pc. suits in fancy tweeds, worsteds and cheviots strictly all wool materials in the best patterns single or double breasted styles Suits made by the Leading Wholesale Tailors Stein, Bloch, L'Adler Bros . & Co., Hart Schaffner &. Marx, The Washington Co., and others, $ 18.00 to $25.00 values on sale at per suit l2 Price All men's Outing Suits at. . V2 price Special lot ' of 200 Boys 2 pc. school suits of strictly all wool materials Fancy mixed Tweeds in double breasted sty! es Ages 7 to 16 years Suits selling regularly at $5, $6, $7 and $8 -Your choice for a lew days only at V2 Price Cirpat Knecial values in vnunff men's Suits. t3 all Summer weight, at wonderfully low prices. Men's fancy Washable Vests at low prices. Clothing Dept. 2d Floor 25c. Wash Goods, 1 2V2C Yard Two great special lots of new "Wash Materials on sale at half their values; best styles aud materials. Splendid fabrics for women's, misses' and children's dresses, etc., etc. Investigate these unusually low-priced bargains: 3000 yards. of Lawns, Organdies and Batistes, this season's most attractive styles, in a large variety of designs and colorings; regular 25c values, on 1 Olji sale, at this low price, yard take advantage 1 6 3000 yards of Voiles and fancy Cotton Suitings, light and dark colorinjrs: very best styles, for shirtwaist suits, house dresses, school dresses, etc.; 1 25c values, on sale at this special low price, per yard Special lot of 100 white embroidered Lawn Waist Patterns, splendid styles, O 75c values, on sale at this low price, each ; grand value meJ Great special sale of 100 pieces of novelty Cotton Cress Goods, all new Fall styles; immense assortment, 32 inches wide; grand values at this low price, yard. .. . X8 Remnants of Wash Goods at special low prices. All stylees. Men's Furnishing Goods Sale of "Manhattan Shirts" Our entire stock of the celebrated "Manhat tan" Shirts on sale at greatly reduced prices. This season's styles plain or pleated bosoms, all the new designs and colorings ; made coat style, with attached cuffs; all sizes. Take1 ad vantage of these special low prices: fl.50 "Manhattan" Shirts at $1.15 ?2.00 "Manhattan" Shirts at S1.35 $2.50, $3.00 "Manhattan Shirts" at.. $1.79 $4.00 "Manhattan" Shirts at ?2.79 1000 pairs of men's fancy Half -Hose, embroi dered and jacquard effects; all sizes,' very large variety; vajues up to $3oc, on J Op sale at this special price, pair Ow Men '8 fine elastic web Suspenders, large line of neat patterns; strong leather ends; Q regular 50c values, on sale at, pair. Men's silk and linen wash Four-in-Hand Ties, fancy silk figures and stripes ; at- Qr tractive colors; regular 50c values..'' Men's and boys' Negligee Shirts, soft attached collar; new patterns, in blue, gray, fLTLf tan, etc.; regular $1.00 values, at..."- Men's Golf Shirts, made of Oxford, Madras, percales and chambrays, and dark patterns; also plain colors; $1.00 values, for, each Season wind-up sale of men's and boys' Leather Belts: 60c values, each. .. .15 $1.50 values, each. . .".49 $2.50 values, each. Hoppickers' Gloves, best values in town, at this unusually low price, pair. light 59c ..79 ..10 Three Great Dress Goods Specials 1200 yards of fine Challies, in a good assortment of patterns, light and dark O C colorings the greatest bargain in high-class Challies ever offered, yard. &J 1500 yards of English Mohairs, in -checks, plaids and stripes just the material for traveb'ng dresses, children's school dresses, etc.; good assortment; regu- fTf 'f lar 1.25 values, on khIa at thin low nrice. vard 300 remnants of wool Dress Goods, all lengths, all styles, all grades; your choice of the entire lot at Y2 regular prices Great clean-up sale of Fancy Silks. Grand bargains await you. J2 Knit Underwear Bargains Women's fine white gauze Lisle Vests, Swiss ribbed low neck and no sleeve; prettily made and finished; all sizes; 50c values, on sale at this special low price, each w Women's Knit Drawers, Frencll bands, umbrella style, lace-trimmed, all sizes; the best 50c values, on sale at, pair "Harvard Mills" Union Suits for women fine ribbed lisle, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length and low neck, no sleeves, knee length; hand-finished, perfect-fitting, all sizes; QQ regular $1.25 values, at, suit Z73 Women's mercerized Jersey-ribbed Vests, high neck and long sleeves, all sizes; regular AO 65c values, for xfi'C Women's fine imported Swiss-ribbed Vests, low neck, no sleeves, hand-crocheted yoke, all sizes; regular 65o values, on sale at, each 41 Women's fine Swiss-ribbed Vests, mercerized good quality, all sizes ; regular 50c val ues, on sale at, each 3HrC TlfPfr lII lf 300" coP'es f popular vocal and instrumental Sheet Mu OliCCt lTlUOlU g;c on saie t a very 1,)W prjce jn y jerrv Oldsmo- , bile," "Not Because Your Hair Is Curly," "Why Don't 1 YC L COPV" You Try" "Belle of the Balll' and many others; all on IlaL sale at, 3 for 50c; per copy, mail orders filled 17 Mail orders promptly and carefully filled. Sheet Music Dept., balcony. 1st floor.