THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, AUGUST o, 1906. 13 NAMED FOR 111 New Steam Schooner Is Being Built at Coos Bay. PORTLANDER THE OWNER Vchel on the Ways Will Have Car .rylng Capacity for 900,000 Feet of Lumber, and Will Be In Service Soon. The new steam schooner -which is being- built at Coos Bay for the Inman Poulsen Lumber Company, of Portland, is to bo called the Robert D. Inman, in honor of one of the partners of the local lumber company. One member of the firm has already . been similarly honored and, while the Bteam schooner Johan Poulsen is under charter to the Loop Lumber Company, of San. Francisco, the greater portion of the stock in the vessel Is owned by Johan Poulsen of the Inman, Poulsen Lumber Company. The new steam schooner Robert D. Inman -will be a screw vessel and will have a carrying- capacity 'of 900.000 feet of lumber. The vessel will be a light draft boat capable of making Coos Bay, Eureka, Suislaw and other coast ports as the occasion demands. The coastwise lumber traffic la . in rreasinfr to such an extent that every available craft that can be floated is being impressed into service In the work of transporting lumber to San Francisco, San Pedro. Redondo and other coast ports, where the lumber demand is experiencing a tremendous Doom. Another feature of the lumber trade is the transporting of gigantic log rafts to San Francisco. These log rafts con tain millions of feet of lumber, and are towed to San Francisco by specially engaged towboats. The San Francisco demand for lum ber has caused the mills of Oregon and Washington to work overtime to sup ply it, and most of the mills are sit uated along the coast and naturally seek the water route as the means of transporting the product to market. The now steam schooner Robert D. Inman will be launched soon, and others that are building at coastwise ports will follow here shortly. her first trip since her recent accident, and'she carried a, full load of passengers and an orchestra. Joseph Supple is building a 60-foot gaso line launch for Horace Campbell, which is to be operated on the Lewis River. The steamer Meteor arrived at St. Hel ens from Tongue Point yesterday after noon, and will complete her cargo of lumber there. The steamer Harvest Queen picked up the schooner Sailor Boy. laden with 32O.000 feet of lumber, yesterday and towed the vessel to Astoria. The Sailor Boy will go to sea this afternoon. A boathouse- beloncing to O. Olson sprang a leak the other night and sank near the foot of Kast Alder street. The owner lost all hi effects, but escaped be fore the craft was submerged. The French ship Jacques and the French bark Marie have been chartered to load in the Northwest. The Marie is coming to Puget Sound to carry lumber to Freeman tie, Australia. The Jacques will load gen eral cargo at Hamburg for Portland, and will load wheat here tor the Lnlted King dom under charter to Balfour, Guthrie & CO. TAFT TO THE FORE RECORD MONTH IS JULY. Customs Receipts Average Belter Than Any Former Months. The monthly report of the office of Collector of Customs I. L. Patterson shows a material increase over the re ceipts of the preceding month, and gives indications that the present year will show a considerable advance over those of the past decade. The July receipts went $34,000 over the best monthly average heretofore recorded, and there is every reason to believe that the present fiscal year will do as- well each month. The report of the collector shows as follows: Vessels entered from foreign ports, 10; vessels cleared for foreign ports, 6; vessels entered from domestic ports, 25: vessels cleared for domestic ports, 24; entries of merchandise for duty, 121; entries of merchandise free of duty, 24; entries for warehouse, 9; entries for re warehouse, 3: entries for immediate transportation without assessment, 35; total number of entries of merchandise, 3 92; entries for consumption liquidated, 147; entries for warehouse liquidated, 8; value of exports, $371,360. Table of Receipts. Iutins on importB $122,525.45 Fines, penalties and forfeit ures 25.95 Miscellaneous customs re ceipts 331.50 Storage, labor and cartage.. 4.25 Official fees 43.10 Total , $122,930.25 Amount, of refunds and drawbacks paid 285.53 NEW AGENT APPOINTED. A. L. Stephens Succeeds T. G. Pos ton, of Pacific Coast Company. w The local offices of the Pacific Coast Company will be in charge of A. L. Stephens In the future. T. G. Poston, formerly local agent of the company, has been transferred to the offices at Seattle, and the officials cast about for a man suitable to assume the respon- r sibility of the Portland office. A. L. Stephens, who had been con nected with the Independent Coal and Ice Company of this city since the or conization of the concern by M. B. nankin, was selected to assume the responsibility, and immediately severed his connection with the Independent Company. The Pacific Coast Company is a branch of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, and while it does not conduct a transportation business, the local i officers do a considerable traffic In the coal and fuel Industry. The local offices of the Pacific Coast Company are at 249 Washington street, and Mr. Steph ens will make his headquarters there. STRIKE ON SLADE FLEET. Sailors at Aberdeen Try to Force Mill Co. to Agree to Demands. ABERDEEN, Wash.. Aug. 4. (Special.) All the sailors on the Slade fleet of ves sels were called out today by the unions. The Slade Company has been under the bnii for some time. Ever since the strike of sailors on the steam schooners, the Slade Company has fought the union and has succeeded In loading its steamships without union longshoremen. It appears That the movement today is 'to bring the Slade Company to time, if possible, but it Is not likely the strike will extend to other craft. The schooners affected are the A. J. West. Watson West. Golden Shore. S. R. Slade and Wrestler. The steam schooners Centralia and Newburg arc also owned by the Slade Company. RECORD SAILING. VOYAGE. Barkentine Makes Trip From San Francisco to Flattery in 90 Hours. SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 4. Special. One of the fastest sailing trips on rec ord has just been completed by the bark cntlne Skagc, Captain Rose, which made the run from San Francisco to Cape Flat tery in 90 hours. Seventy-two hours is the average time for the fast coastwise steamers. Fair winds drove the Skagc long at the rate of from 12 to 14 miles fn hour at times. The vessel will take 6n a cargo of lumber on the Sound for California. This craft is one of the regu lar lumber coasters plying in the trade out of Seattle. Marine Notes. The flteamer T. J. Potter left yesterday afternoon for the beach resorts. This is Arrivals and Departures. ASTORIA. Auk. 4. Condition of the bar at 5. P.. M.,. smooth: wind northwest; weather cloudy. Arrived Down at 4:oO A. M. and sailed at. 1:30 P. M.. steamer Rica, for San Francisco; at 7:50 A. M., steamer Heather. Left up at 12:30 P. M. for St. Helens, steamer Meteor. Tramp steamer reported outride, pro ceeded south. San Francisco;. Aug. 4. Sailed Steamer Tiverton, for Astoria; German steamer Aby dos, Peterflon. for Seattle and Tacoma; schooner Henry Wilson, for Gray's Harbor; schooner A. M. Baxter, for Belllngham. Ar rived German steamer Anubls, : Von Salzen. 128 days from Hamburg via Mazatlan, fi days; steamer Shasta, Hansen, SO hours from Bel llngham. Antwerp, Aug. 3. Sailed Imogen, for Saa Francisco. Pasarong, July 27.' Sailed Nordenakjold, for ban Francisco. Hongkong, Aug. 4. Arrived previously Si beria, from San Francisco via Honolulu and Yokohama. Honolulu, Aug. 4. Sailed Steamer -Nippon Maru. Japanese, for Yokohama via Victoria. jjrrtved Ship Barcore, British, from Glasgow. Dover, Aug. 4. Arrived Kroonland, from New York. MRS. THAW MAKES DENIAL DAUGHTER DID NOT C AISE HEH TO CHANGU MI.MJ. Mother of Accused Tells of Perfect Accord of All Three Inter- i rated In Defense. NEW YORK, Aug. 4. For the first time since her return to the United States, after her son's arrest for the murder of Stanford White, Mrs. Wil liam Thaw today expressed a desire to make a statement for publication. While in the office of Clifford Hart ridge, she said: "It Is not ou account of any Influence on the part of my daughter that I changed my views about' my son's case. When I came to New York I began to look Into, the matter and to study It. From my own observations I concluded that my son is absolutely In the right and I have taken his view of the case. "Another impression I wish to con tradict is that there ever has been any disagreement or misunderstanding be tween either my son or myself or be tween Harry's wife and myself. We are all on the best of terms and are work ing heart and head together. I really do not see why I should be called upon to deny all these silly stories. "Evelyn and myself have often visit ed Harry together. . I am sure that neither of us. has acted as if there was any ill feeling existing between us. If I have acted otherwise, I am sure, that it must be understood that I am bur dened with the greatest sorrow of my life." Mrs. William Thaw and Mrs. Harry Thaw spent about an hour with Thaw In the Tombs this afternoon. Thaw seemed to be in the best of humor and said he had never been In better health In his life. Half Brother to Help Thaw. NEW YORK, Aug. 4. (Special.) Much speculation resulted today among friends of Harry Thaw when plans were filed for consolidating and remod eling the two handsome four-story houses at Nos. 1053 and 1055 Fifth ave nue owned by Benjamin Thaw, of Pittsburg, half brother of the archi tect's slayer. Friends of the family said they believed Benjamin Thaw is having the work done in anticipation of moving to sew York, that he may be nearer his lcin to aid him in prepar ing for his trial. WANTS NO LACE BEDQUILT Bernhardt Will Not Have Rejected Goods Palmed Off on Her. PARIS. Aug. 4. Sarah Bernhardt is In luck. She may at last get the Legion of Honor next week, for she has Just won a case in court, and has won it with many compliments from the Judges, al though she was not present. It will be remembered that some weeks ago Bern hardt was sued for the price of a lace bedqullt which it was alleged she had or dered. The actress declared she had not given the order, had enough lace bedqullts already, and had not used and did not want this particular one. The court has, after some weeks' studying over the mat ter, brought In a verdict for the actress, and announced that she was in no way to blame for the suit. It came out In court that the quilt was made by the Brussels lacemaker three years ago On the order of a royal Prin cess, who soon afterwards eloped, and did not need any such magnificent bed cover ing. It took 30 women six months to make it. The firm had Bernhardt as a customer, for they made her lace stock ings at H5 the pair. So they sent her the quilt, and some time later the bill. She did not pay the bill, and forgot to send back the quilt, but has since done so. The lacemaker promptly refused to receive It, and brought suit. Now that the actress has won it, she may buy the quilt. FREIGHT RATES LOWERED Ten Per Cent Slash on All Lines to This Coast. BUTTK, Mont., Aug. 4. The Oregon Short Line, Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railway officials in the city -this afternoon announced that beginning Aug ust 15, a reduced scale of freight rates would go into, effect. The revised tariff rates, announced today, quote prices to shippers from Chicago and Missouri River pointf to Montana points and West. The reduction means a saving to Butte merchants of approximately 10 per cent In freight charges. On carload lots the saving is less. The new rates will af fect all goods moving by all rail routes or by lake and rail routes. Roosevelt Shuns Nomination, but Boosts Friend.- France Will Not. Cede Tahiti. PARIS. Aug. 4. An official .denial was publisued today of a report from San Francisco that France was aban doning her official and military -establishments on the Island of Tahiti, preliminary to ceding the island to Great Britain. CHARACTERS MUCH ALIKE Justice Brewer Says Secretary of War Is Honest and Fearless and Would Be Great President. . KANSAS CITY, Aug. 4. (Special.) "I confidently, believe Roosevelt will not again be a candidate for President, but I think Roosevelt is pushing forward' Taft as his successor." This statement was made today by Da vid .J. Brewer, Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court Of Bryan he spoke in cordial terms. He pointed out the similarity between the Democratic leader and Roosevelt, as to. their purity and cleanliness of life, qualities of hon esty and sincerity of purpose. "Will Taft carry out the Roosevelt idea and policy?" was asked. "Yes," answered Justice Brewer, "but with less friction. Roosevelt is. Impul sive, brusque, quick to act, fearless, ab solutely honest, decisive, but the kindest- hearted man in the world. He primarily believes In the eminent need of honesty in thj discharge of all public duties. He will not hesitate to say to a man's face what he thinks. He is a fighter. Trou ble, I believe, has been averted in some cases only because of the implicit faith which the people of this country have in his honesty and integrity. "Take, on the other hand, Taft. He is honest, sincere, fearless, Just, as much so as Roosevelt. Again, he is popular with the people. In many ways he is like Roosevelt. He does things, but he does them in a somewhat different way. He, if President, would have less friction. He is not quite as Impulsive and decisive as Roosevelt, but he would make a great President. He is a remarkable man, and he is a man of the people. GREAT STRIKE PLANNED Cement and Concrete Workers in Bay City to Walk Out. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 4.-Concrete workmen and cement-finishers to the number of 1000 have decided to strike Monday for an advance in wages. The contractors have determined not to grant any increase. Concrete-workers have been getting $3 a day and are going to strike for 4. Cement-finishers who are receiving $5 demand ;t. IXGLESIDE FOR REFUGEES. Jockey Club Offers Race Track for Relief Purposes. , SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. Thomas H. Williams, president of the Califor nia Jockey Club, has offered to the refugees of San' Francisco . the use of the extensive grounds and all build ings at the Ingleslde track. This offer was made yesterday at the meeting of the executive committee in charge of the relief funds. Rudolph bpreckeis and otner members of the committee had inspected the buildings and found that about 10,000 persons could be comfortably housed there. The committee will take action In regard to the acceptance of the offer within a few days, and it is expected that work to put the place in order for temporary homes will be com menced Immediately. Want Simpler Policy Form. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 4. It is stated on good authority that all in surance companies which have not pre viously lad the earthquake clause in their policies will henceforth insert it in all policies written on the Pacific Coast. It is said that within a short time there will be none but earth-quake-plause companies doing busi ness here, i The organized policy-holders are making a fight for a still more simple form of policy than was used in the past. They wish to cut out the earth quake clause and many other restrict ed clauses of policies, and hope to have the next Legislature make the form of the policy adopted mandatory with all companies engaged in California. Companies Agree to Clause. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 4. (Special.) Within a few days there will be no other than "earthquake clause" in surance companies. An agreement has been quietly circulated among the con cerns doing business in this city with the result that practically all have promised to have the earthquake clause Inserted in their policies and answers from the rest are merely awaiting con firmation from their home offices. The promoters of-the movement expect that before any risks are written on new permanent buildings here and else where on the Coast, all the companies will be on a common footing In this respect. High Demurrage Charges. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. Manager E. E. Mote, of the Pacific Car Service Bu reau, yesterday announced that the bu reau, as a means of lifting the blockade of lumber and hay whloh involves about 1800 cars, would on August 6 charge de murrage rates on unloaded hay as fol lows: First day, 1 per car; second dav. J2; third. J3; fourth day. J4; and 5 for every day thereafter that a car of hay regained unloaded. On August 16 the same rule will -become effective as regards unloaded lumber. GREAT v OPPORTUNITY FOR PIANO BUYERS Plans for the New Palace. SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. It Is defi nitely decided that the new Palace Hotel will cost 3,000,000. with JSOO.OOO allowed for furniture. The New York architects who are pre paring preliminary plans have been in structed to make certain alterations which will Increase the cost $200,000 over the original estimate. There are to be 700 rooms. The additional expense will be for women and men's grills and the court. In nearly every respect the famous old court will be duplicated. Money Plenty in Bay City. . " SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 4. San Fran cisco National banks have, since the fire, loaned In New York on six months paper! $30,000,000 at rates! of interest ranging from 4H to 6 per cent. There is a super abundance of money here, and at present bankers are finding the New York field a fertile one for short-time loans, for terms not exceeding six months and witn the best of collateral security. Bankers say that loans for rebuilding the burnt district will be required in the next five or six months. The Northern Pacific Express Co. Have Rented the Dnndore Piano Store at 6th and Alder, and Are to Have Possession on Saturday Night, August 18th. MERCILESS PRICE-CUTTING Will Be Indulged in by the Dundore Co. in Order to Sell Every Piano in Stock on or Before the Time Specified. Only two weeks' time remains in which to lake advantage of buying a piano at a price that would not be considered by any reputable bouse if sold in the ordinary, way, or for a legitimate, profit. Our store has been rented and we are to vacate in two weeks, or August 18tb. In view of retiring from business, we have called in our rental pianos, and, together with our new Steinways, A. B. Chases,' Esteys, Emersons and others, finds us with a large stock which must be sold. The time is so short we have adopted the only meth od to make quick work of selling each and every piano. Cut, cut CUT prices until there is no chance to go any lower. When reductions have reached the limit it is time for you to pur chase. Shrewd buyers will be quick to take advantage of our offers, and we expect, to have time left on our hands, instead of pianos, long before the 18th of August rolls around. In our rental stock will be found just what bargain hunters have been look ing for. Some of these used pianos are just as good and, in fact, cannot be told from new ones. Why not have one? If it is a question of all cash, let us assist you with our easy payment plan. No use to go without an instrument any longer. You have promised the wife and daughter many times that you would buy them a piano some time. Let us help to make it easy tor yon to lulhll that promise now. We can do it. Some of you have in vestigated many so-called piano bar gain sales. Come in and compare our propositions with what you were of fered by other dealers, and learn for yourselves where the real bargains are to be obtained. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. Dundore Piano Co. Sixth and Alder Streets.' Opposite the Oreronian Building. AT THE HOTELS. '- The Portland iK. DeWald. Ft. Wayne. Ind. ; Mm. K. L.. Barrow and family, Ro chester. N. Y. ; Miss Capps. Vandalla, 111. i Miss Kline, Philadelphia; H. C. Dennison, Toledo; W. J. Klngsland and family. South Orange. N. J.; J. G. Denny. Duluth, Minn.; C. J. Schack and wife. Wheeling, W. Va.; Miss C. Schofford, Pittsburg. Pa.; O. H. At kins, Miss A. F. Atkins. San Francisco; W. G. O'Loughlln. L. Waterbury, Vancouver, Wash.; E. J. Flelschman, New York: Mrs. F. M. Bach, Miss Bach, Minneapolis, U. Schacht. wife and child, Mrs. C. B. Stone, San Francisco; Miss E. Stone, J. S. Comfort, New York; J. S. Gordon and wife, Syracuse, N. Y. ;- E. C. Hennis, Chicago; J. K. Kelly, McKeesport. Pa.: J. A. Blunt. Alabama: P. Humbert. Jr., San Francisco; W. Allen. Bak ersfleld, Cal. ; C. E. Pearsall, Eureka; F. D. Seymour. Seattle; M. Gilbert, M. Priest, San Francisco, J. A. Cameron, Oshkosn, Wis.; O. Homes, Miss G. Homes, Miss M. Ball, Boston: J. Brennan and wife, San Francisco; M. Irwin and wife, Montesano; F. O. Pope noll. Los Angeles; E. A. Eyre, wife and child, J. A. Macauly, G. J. Becker, San Francisco; Mrs. C. R. Levens, Reno, Nev.; P. D. B. Bunting. M. r. ; Elizabeth, N. Y. ; H. Hennis. J. B. Shirk. Chicago; Mrs. J. Klauser, E. Klauser, Milwaukee. Wis.; N. Fori, Pocatello; J. H. Manners, British Co lumbia: R. S. Hopkins, Seattle: M. Woll heim. San Francisco; C. C. Cheney, Yreka, Cal.; Mrs. Schwlckower and son, Denver; C. Taylor and wife, England; J. W. Wade and wife. New York; H. B. Hall, San Francisco, Miss H. Wade and maid, England; E. E. Ellsworth, F. H. Nlckerson, Carlton; H. J. Lyon. B. Licit tig. San Francisco; W. K. Hulme, Astoria: Mrs. W. Watrous, Drain; Dr. J. P. Kanosky and wife. Kansas City; J. B. P. Crosby and wife, Los Angeles; Miss iS. Robbins, Miss L. Cady, Minneapolis: D. J. Gunn, Toronto, Can.; W. Seaborg, llwaco; C. w. Paget and wire. Mr. Fairbanks, Mrs. Fairbanks. Mr. Elliott. Miss Herrlck. Miss O. Eaton. Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Kings bury. C. E. Manable, C. Gould. Miss B. Wil cox, W. W. Eaton, J. Weijor, Miss Helsey, Miss Roberts, Mrs. Sheppard. Mr. Kelsler, Mrs. Heffley. G. Hale. Mr. Hurst. Boston; H. von Bergen, E. von Bergen, Germany. Tl.. Hmmii CI T. TlAnn Pni1lAnn Charles J. Lex, Cincinnati, Ohio; J. H. teller. Pueblo, Colo.; Mabel E. Mann, A. Blatr, Se attle: R. M. Schoonmaker. Bay View. Wash.; S. Jnoek. Frances, Wash.; R. G. Whltlock, I.os Angeles; ha f. tteunicK. ttoy w. scott, M. LevinBon. Chicago: G. Downing and wife. Fernie, B. C; H. R. H. Kenner. Ralph Whit tock, Clark A. Hickock, Jr., Peterborough ; Frank FoyDes Moines, Iowa; Eva D. Frooner, Dr. M. S. Kerns. Pendleton; Dr. H. Bush. W. H. Loder, East Straudsburg. Pa.; Fred J. Claxton, San Franctaco; Sig. Klein, Wal lace, Idaho; Mrs. P. C. Holland, Walla Walla; Miss A. Barnes,-- Seattle ;' W. S. Burrls, New York; W. J. Helmqulat. San Francisco;" W. Dletz. Seattle; H. J. Taggart, Oakland; W. E. Lagen, R. S. Barker and family. Seattle; Miss Maiden. Roseburg; George Klarmann. San Francisco; Mra. J. T. Laughllni Mis Norris, Boise. Idaho; Nina Turner. Richmond; Harriet F. Haywood. S. M. Haywood, Chicago;- W. B. Wells and wift?, Michigan; J. M. Stein. Fred Divide, Tacoma; Mr. J. E. Cotter, B. W. Rhodes and wife. 'E. Ii Rhodes and wife. G. v. Thorndyk. Seattle: J. B. Zlndars and wife, San Francisco; John P. Isaacs and wife, Walla Walla: .Mrs.. C. Stevens. Canny. Or.: P. D. Paulson. Chicago: J. F. Hasch, Cascade Locks; Mrs. Henry Ablest, Miss Ames. . rtocneaier, in. x.; a. r. ioiton. New York; F. Stone, Seattle: F. 3. Boyle. St. Paul: W. W. Bowles, M. A. Van Houton, Cincinnati. The Perkins W. H. Emery. W. E. Will- lams. Rochester. N. Y.; iithel L. Schuiwlnch. Hlllsboro, Or.; Chris H. Laflke. Los Angeles, Cal.; A. E. Downing, The Dalles, Or. ; James McClam, Eugene. Or.: L. M. Smith, Dufur, Or.: H. T. Wilson, McMinnville, Or.: T. A. Decker. Hood tiver; w. a. -Wilson. Lo Angeles: Peter Commacher, Yacolt. Wanh. ; Marie Cheney. Goldendale: Ella J. . Sildon. E. Johnson. Goldendale: D. C. Pollock. Arling ton; Mits Lula Smith. Miss Ethel Smith. Mrs. L. M. Knablock. Sllverton. Or. ; Kenneth J. Clark, Seattde: H. F. Flauley, Seattle; W. P. Prophet. Heppner. Or.: Mrs. H. M. Bill. Tacoma, Wash.; L. J. Kurrie. J. D. Beebe, Seattle:: A. J. Kranst, A W. La Bassell, Chas. Broman Vancouver; O. S. Fowler. Brooklyn. N. Y. ; Mrs. will miman, Spokane; Miss I. Miller. Spokane; F. W. Hill. The Dallr: Mrs. G. H. Johnson, Walla Walla: E. Kuhlman,. Elkhart, 111.; R. Robinson and family. Tillamook: G. W. Nlnemuir and fam ily, Montesana; Miss E. Davis, Montemna: A. C. Elgin and wife. Norfolk. Vs.: C. Ed wards and wife. Norfolk, Va. : C. H. Soroat. Norfolk. Va. ; W. R. Ramsey. Ketchikan: H. E. Armstrong and wife, Cathlamett. Wash.: T. H. Lack. Tacoma. Wash.: Charles T. Eear ,y. Hood- River: H. E. Freelove, Huntington. Or.; A. J. Donland, Norfolk. Neb.; J. W. Col han. -St. Louis: Miss McFarlan. Caldwell, Idaho: W. L. McNeal. Carl Crooks, W. H. Marshall. Boise. Idaho; M. W. Grlfiln and wife. Seattle; Mrs. W. L. Hydiv Oakland; W. H. Conard. wife and sister. Ransom. 111.; Mrs. A. Malm, Mary Pltel, Spokane;: W. R. Hamilton and wife. Ymir, B. C. : George M. Miller, Republic: Mrs. Lalda Beebe, Republic; r.. r. weir, Anie, kit., t-wrcy it. ivany, Al- I bany. Or.; A. M. Williams, Sullivan. 111.; T. J :CEEP ON THE SUNNY SIDE I Seek Health, Recreation and Enjoyment You Get It Only at ClMaW-9 h u u Fa Natural Picturesque Beautiful DESTINED TO PLEASE THE EYE AND FANCY Where children and women are free to come and go at any hour, without the faintest chance of being subjected to experiences in any way unpleasant or annoying EVERY AMUSEMENT FEATURE THAT GOES TO MAKE A POPULAR RESORT Attractions Offered for Your Patronage DANCING PAVILION No finer floor in the state. Prize waltzing every Wednesday. Beautiful v and costly door prizes every Saturday evening. SKATING RINK Finest aiid largest in America. Next Tuesday evening, great baseball match on skates ; first time in the world. Ladies free. PLANTATION THEATER Edwards' Tennessee Troubadours, pre senting "The Sunny Southland," a i "Down in the Jungle" entertainment replete with Ethiopian songs, dances and jubilee features. THE FIGURE EIGHT An absolutely safe ride. Unequaled attractive amusement. THE GIANT WHIRL A forty-mile sen'sational ride on the Willamette. THE OLD MILL The great scenic waterway. Pleasure and safety combined with new features weekly. THE CAROUSEL- With its $3000 Swaney organ. Most beautiful device ever built. The chil dren's delight. THE BATHING PAVILION Unsurpassed for comfort and enjoy ment. Water always fresh. Finest bathing costumes. New linen daily. THE JAPANESE EXHD3IT Attractive enough to have been offered a special place in the Jamestown Ex position. HALE'S TOUR CARS Unexcelled anywhere. New and at- tractive trips weekly. THE CHUTES A thrilling ride two hundred feet. , Sensational and exhilarating. THE MYSTIC MAZE THE FUNNY BUMPS TEMPLE OF MIRTH D'URBANO'S GREAT BAND SPECIAL FEATURES MAGNIFICENT FIREWORKS . , . . Every Thursday night at 9 :30. MARIAN LHjJENS , The human comet ; only woman fire . high diver, will make" a blazing dive from the top of the high tower into a tank. FREE DAYS Ladies and children admitted free every Tuesday and Thursday from 1 noon until 6 P. M. Something Doing All the Time H0LD3AY FOR ALL CHILDREN Tuesday, August 14, from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. Crowning of Cinderella, grand Maypole dance on the lawns, free dancing in the pavilion, chance to win Cinderella's golden slippers. Many other beautiful prizes. All the conces sions will offer prizes and souvenirs. Cut Out This Advertisement and Keep It Before You for Reference. H. Klndall. Aurora.-111.; J. B. Leigh, Arlin ton. Or The Imperial Mrs. Grace Murphy. "Wasco; H. W. Murphy, Corvallls, Mrs. J. A. Doyle, Mrs. J. Austin Smith. Manila; Elizabeth Rar ratt, Roeeburg; G. W. Penny. J. L. Penny, v E(Khr. Charles S. Fisher. St. louls; Charles Hanson and wire, Greeley, Colo.; W. R. Bernard, Tacoma; J. Rogers, Rainier; Wil liam S. Gilbert, F. W. Fulton. Astoria; Stella Jones, Seattle: Mrs. J. A. Calvert. Ogden; D. C. Brownell and wife, Beatrice Brownell, Eva Brownell. Umatilla; J. Silver, Miss dllver. Raymond; Isaac A. iuanmng. saiem; s. i. Hoonby. Cottage Grove: S. A. Charles- and wife, Seattle: Charles R. Stratton, Clayton O. Stratton, Denver; J. E. Limbacker. city; Gertrude E. Davis, Wasco: J. C. McGrath, Sllverton; R. .Malcolm Alexander. Scotland; J. P. Winters, Hubbard: Fred L. Earp, W. Harllngrer, Seattle: B. W. CralfT, R. O. Kinney, H. Wentworth, city; R. li. Seal and wife, Palmer; L. W. Colson. Knoxvllle; K. V. L.utz, New York; W. D. Crelghton. San Francisco: F. C. Orman. Chicago; Frank 1. Schmidt, Olympia; C. W. James, Salem. The St. Charles G. H. Train, wife and two daughters, Missoula. Mont.; J. McFar land and wife, Ostrander, A. Llntand, Ta coma; G. Slraond. White Salmon: Mr. Smith, city; S. Walton, Moro: J. F. Troutman. Al bany; D. H. Landerback, Nelson. Mo.; D. F. Landerback, Orient; B. B. Bradley, North Yakima: M. B. Louderback. Edith Louder back, Orient; G. Slmonds, White Salmon; O. B. Malmsten. Vernonla. W. Hedgeack and wife, Boise. Idaho; Mrs. H. C. Morgan, Mor. gan, Or.; J- J. Brugge. Skamokawa; B. E. Baker, Cathlamet; George Blsnel and wife, city; Mra C. Page and son, Cathlamet; G. W. Bacon, Forest Grove; J. E. Nelson. Ska mokawa; L. S. Kenworthy, Walla Walla; G. A Blair, Clatskanle; W. W. C'sthcart. Cres well, N. H. McKay, city; H. Hayes. Seattle; D. V. Jennings; E. C. Sorens. Woodland; A. Lindberg, Clatskanle; J. M. Myer. Dallas; J. Haines, J. Hull, city; J. C. Huteson and wife, Omaha; J. Huteson, Omaha; W. R. Parker, Denver; J. Haines; W. H. Hooker, Unnton: G. Taskaberry, Llnnton. Maud Wilkinson; Frank Wilkinson. Washougal; D. H. Louderback, Nelson; B. B. Bradley, North Yakima; J. Wood. Oregon City; c. G. Swain; G. L Jennings, Vancouver; J. Lam berton and wife, Houlton; J. L. Pay ton and wife, Bedford. Ia.; S. Blackburn. North Yamhill; M. Neels. O. Mason; E. E. Mar shall, A. H. Saunders, S. L. Galom, city; Mrs. J. F. Walton. Moro. Hotel Donnelly. Tacoma. Wash. European plan. Rates, 75 cant to f3.M per day. Fre 'bua. B uy a Laurel Range! The only Range (bar none) on the market that has a double flue. The only Range in which the heat passes over the whole oven top when your direct draft-damper is open! If you want to cut your fuel bill in two uy a Laurel Range ! The only Range (bar none) on the market on which the fire does its work first, before it passes as smoke through the chimney! If yoil are open to reason, and common-sense argument appeals to you, Come in and we'll be glad to show you. GOV ET L wt&2XKS WtoJBKBKtaf fcBKEK3 FURNITURE CO. 184-186 FIRST STREET