The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 08, 1906, PART THREE, Page 26, Image 26

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That we are enthusiastic about this Mid-Summer Sale is shown in the great assortments of the
Best French and American Goods; values that delighted the throngs of people that crowded our store during
the past week to its utmost capacity. It is our constant effort to attain and always seeking to better our best.
We want you to feel that your best buying interests center here ; that for every dollar you spend over our
counters you will reeeive a just equivalent. Our Great Mid-Summer Sale invites you! Don't forget the
drygoods house that saves you money ! Grand, Bona Fide Sale ! Country orders will receive prompt attention.
40-inch Grav Mixed Shadow Check Suiting; very 48-inch White and Black Check Suitings, a regular
stylish ; regular 75c grade. Sale price 47 $1.50 value. For Mid-Summer sale Speeial..98c
44-ineh Silk- Warn Foliennes. lame assortment of
MANY Portlanders sought the beau
tiful Willamette the night of th
Fourth as a fitting and restful
culmination after a noisy day with the
irrepressible small boy, with effervescent
animal spirits and his string of firecrack
ers. At sunset myriads of multicolored fire
works illuminating an already brilliant
eky, the dazzling electrical display at The
Oaks and Golf Links. picturesque
launches and canoes gliding to and fro,
and the groups of gaily-colored Chinese
lanterns swinging merrily on the trees,
made a picture to be stored in one's mem
ory. The Waver ly Golf Club was the scene
of several Informal dinners the night of
the Fourth, followed by a brilliant dis
play of llreworks, and at 10 o'clock danc
ing. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Nichols enter
tained a dinner party, also Mr. and Mr?.
W- C. Alvord. In another party were
Miss Inez Barrett, Miss Amy Heitshu, Mr.
and Mrs. George Durham, Miss Bradford,
Miss Rachel Joseph: Mr. Webb, George
and Richard Wilder and Mr. Morton.
A charming musical afternoon was giv
en by Mrs. W. S. Ladd and Mrs. Helen
1-uui Corbett Tuesday afternoon in honor
of Mrs. Pratt, of New York. The rooms
were, delightfully cool, and the guests en
joyed the splendid programme which Miss
Villa Whitney White and Miss Josephine
Large gave with rare artistic taste. Pi
ano numbers from Bach and Chopin and
songs from Brahms, Schubert, Schumann
and Mendelssohn formed the programme,
after which delicious ices were served in
the drawing room. Among thoi present
were: Miss Henrietta Failing, Mrs. Fred
erick 9ykes, Mrs. W. C Alvord, Mrs. W.
L. Brewster, Mrs. Richard Nunn. Miss
Nan Wood. Miss Emma Failing. Mr. H.
D. Green. Mrs. S. G. Reed. Mrs. Richard
Koehler. Mrs. James Mcl. 'Wood, Mrs.
B. C. Ball, Mrs. K T. Tucker, Mrs- Hew
itt, Miss May Montgomery, Miss Maud
Ainsworth, Mrs. R. Lea Barnes, Miss Mir
iam Strong. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. B. H.
Brooke. Mrs. Warren El Thomas. Mrs.
S. B. Linthicum, the Misses Wilson. Mrs.
Parke and many others.
Mrs. J B. Moutgomerv is visiting in the
One of the most beautiful garden par
ties of the season was given on Saturday,
June 30, by Misa Sallie Lewis, in honor
of her guest. Miss Nina Adams, who re
turned lately from Honolulu. The beau
tiful lawn of the C. H. lewis residence,
which is one of the handsomest in the
city, was artistically arranged with Turk
ish rugs, rustic seats and a dozen card
tables, where bridge was played from 3:90
to 4:30. A hundsome mahogany table,
placed under the shade of the ire.-.. was
presided over by Miss C. L Wilson. Miss
Winnie Myrick. Mrs. A. C. Tucker. Mrs.
Z. Brewster. The table decorations were
white lace mats, and a floral centerpiece
of Japanese Irij in the delicate pasted
tonea The Spanish Students, hidden by
green boughs, played during the after
noon. Bridge was followed from 4:30 to 6
by a large reception, which consisted of
many of Miss Adams' old friends. Those
present were: Mrs C. H. Lewis, Mrs. R.
B. Wilson. Mrs. W. S. Ladd, Mrs. H. E.
Jones, Mrs. G. H. Flanders, Mrs. Fred
Pratt, Mre. C. F. Beebe, Mrs. Robert
Hewitt. Mrs. Henry Hewitt, Mrs. E T. C.
Stevens, Miss Minnie Russell, Mrs." A. C
Tucker, Mrs. Ned Adams, Mrs. William
Warrens1, Mrs. Norman Lang. Mrs. Wil
liam Pierce. Miss Virginia Wilson. Miss
C C. Glisan, Miss Mary Montgomery. Miss
Malle Efftnger. Miss Martha Hoyt, Mrs.
Frank Hart. Mrs. W. H. Nunn, Mrs.
Richard Nunn, Mrs David Loring, Mrs.
Marshall, wife of Captain Marshall of the
Chicago, Miss Lizzie Myrick. Miss "Winnie
Myrick, Miss Henrietta Failing, Miss May
Failing, Mrs. H. C. Cabell, Mrs. J. S.
Parke, Miss Lou Flanders, Mrs. W. L.
Brewster. Mrs. William Alvord. Mrs. Ed
ward Cookingham, Mrs. S. B. Linthicum,
Mrs. George Hoyt, Mrs. . Robert Lewis,
Mrs A. P. Niblack. Miss Large (from
Chicago), Mrs. Herbert Nichols, Mrs. Holt
Wilson, Miss Kathleen Burns and others.
Handsome gowns were in evidence.
Miss Lewis wore a gown of black gren
adine, combined with handsome lace.
Miss Adams was gowned in an attrac
tive white costume.
Mrs. H. C. Wilson in a handsome gown
of white, combined with lace and em
broidery. Mrs. A. P. Niblach, white net and a
stylish blue girdle. With this costume
was worn a white picture hat and blue
ostrich plumes; ornaments, turquoises.
Mrs. C. F. Beebe, white linen, with
trimmings of Mexican drawn work.
Miss Martha Hoyt, a dainty frock of
figured, organdie, combined with blue, a
picture hat with pale blue plumes, com
pleted this pretty costume.
Mrs. Fred Pratt, of New York, a hand
some white linen, combined with Mexican
drawn work.
Dr. Philip Johnson, of New York City,
is visiting his cousin, Mrs. William C.
Miss Isabella Gnuld. who returned re
cently from college, gave a pretty tea last
week at the Gauld residence on King
street. The affair was in honor of several
members of the younger set who are leav
ing the city for Summer vacations, and
for Miss Gauld's college friends who
have been attending Smith.
Notable among the Interesting events of
the late Summer season was the musicmle
given on Monday evening at the beautiful
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hoyt.
on King's Heights. All the prominent
singers Mrs. Rose Bloch Bauer, Mrs.
Walter Reed, Mrs. Fletcher Linn. Mrs.
J. Whyte ISvans, Arthur Alexander and
Dom Zan gave a pleasing programme and
were accompanied on the piano by Edgar
Counsen, Ralph Hoyt and Arthur Alex
ander. The Boyer Quartet, which consists
of Harry Hogue, Dom Zan, W. H. Boyer
and W. A. Montgomery, sang some at
tractive numbers. Mrs. Vincent and Miss
Bertine Armstrong played brilliant piano
selections. Mrs. Bauer and Mr. Alexan
der sang a beautiful duet from Verdi's "11
Trovatore." Miss Glanty. a new singer
from Australia with a beautiful vfelee.
charmed her listeners. Miss Glanty Is a
handsome brunette with a most pleasing
personality. Punch was served on the pi
azza by Mrs. H. C. Wortman. Those pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry McCraken.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Linn, Mr. and Mrs.
H. C. Wortman, Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley. Dr. and I
Mrs. A. E. Rockey, Miss Moss, Miss
Bauer, Mrs. Walter Reed. Mr. and Mrs.
Nltchey. Mr. and Mrs. Warren B. Thomas, j
Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hill, Mr. and Mrs.
Dom Zan. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cooke, j
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Montgomery, Mr. and
Airs, tsoyer. riarry wogue, ur. and Mrs.
Dickson, Mrs. Vincent. Miss Bertine Arm
strong, Mr. and Mrs. Counsen, Miss Glan
ty, Mr. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Whyte Evans, Mrs. A. C. Sheldon, Mr.
and Mry. Schwab, Mr. Wilier, Dr. and
Mrs. Cumming and Miss Irene Cummlng.
A delicious supper was served.
Mrs. Ned Ayer and little daughter, Mar
garet, will spend the Summer at Victoria,
B. C.
Rumor has It that Mrs. Elinor Martin,
the acknowledged leader of San Francisco
society, will visit In Portland this Sum
mer. Since the earthquake Mrs. Martin
has been spending considerable time at
the Peter Martin residence at Burlingame,
for immediately following the tremblor
Mrs. Martin generously offered her hand
some home temporarily to the Marine
Corps. It will be remembered that this
beautiful residence on Broadway was the
scene of the famous Martin reception for
Miss Alice Roosevelt, and the Taft party,
and subsequently where Mrs. Martin re
ceived her cognomen of "Queen Elinor."
Mrs. Mills, of Mills' College, Is a guest
of Mrs. Cyrus Dolph. Mrs. Mills has just
returned from an Alaskan trio.
Mrs. Hastings and Miss Leta Hastings,
of San Francisco, are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. James McCraken. Mrs. Hastings
Is a sister of Mrs. McCraken.
Miss Susan and Blossom Ertz. promi
nent' society girls of San Francisco, are
the guests of Miss Fannie Brown.
Mrs. George Gerlinger and Mrs. Loute
Gerlinger, Jr., of Dallas, entertained a
merry house party from Portland over
the Fourth. The George Gerllngers have
recently moved Into their attractive new
residence, where an informal dance as a
house-warming was given the night of
the Fourth. Bridge, picnics and motor
ing served to pass the time most pleas
antly during the brief stay. Among those
who composed the house party besides
the hosts and hostesses were: Mr. and
Mrs. George Brown. Miss Fanny Brown,
Mrs. B. G. Dalton, the Misses Susan and
Blossom Ertz. of San Francisco; Louis
Gerlinger, Sr.. Cliftoj, McArthur. C. B.
Rhodes and Harry Sladen.
Misa Von Destinon and Miss Olga Von
Destinon sailed this week for a three
weeks' trip to Alaska.
A pleasant form of diversion on the
Fourth of July wa planned by Mrs.
Helen Ladd Corbett at her beautiful sub
urban home, which adjoins the Charles
Ladd residence on the Whitehouse road
Supper was served at 7:30 on the gallery
followed by a display of fireworks. The
guests then divided, half viewing the
fireworks along the river from a launch
and the rest from motors.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Rich
ard Koehler. Miss Ilsa Koehler, Miss
Henrietta Failing. Mrs. Pratt, Miss May
Falling, J. Wesley Ladd, Miss Eftie
Houghton, Miss Helen Ladd, Harry Cor
bett. Hamilton Corbett and Kurt Koehler
Mr. , and Mrs. I. N. LIpman have
opened their attractitve cottage at Long
Ex-Senator George W. McBride and
Mrs. McBride have taken the Harper
home, 687 Davis, during the absence of
that family abroad. '
An Informal crawfish party was given
on Tuesday evening by Miss Maud Hahn
in honor of her guest, Miss Edith Cum
min. Among those who enjoyed Miss
Hahn's hospitality were: Miss Ethel Shea,
Miss Laura Dunne, Miss Cummin, John
Carson, Gaylord Cummin, John Ker and
Robert McCraken.
Mr. and Mrs. Whitney L. Boise were
hosts at a pretty dinner at the Rock
Island Club In honor of their wedding an
niversary. Mrs. Theodore Wygant and Miss Wy
gant have gone to Seaside House, Clatsop
Beach, for the Summer.
A trolley party was given on Thursday
by the June class of the High School in
honor of the February class of '07. A spe
cial train leaving at 6 o'clock conveyed
one of the largest trainloads that has ever
made the trip to Estacada, for besides the
graduates there were many other guests.
Arriving at 8. dancing was the feature of
the evening. The large pavilion was gaily
decorated with High School pennants and
colors, Chinese lanterns and numerous
electric lights. The river bank afforded
an excellent promenade during the dances.
A fruit punch and Ices were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Riley are
spending the week at Cloud Cap Inn.
Miss Carolyn Friendly left last week for
Salt Lake City, where she will spend the
Summer with her sister, Mrs. Charles
Mr. H. C. Umbsen. of San Francisco,
and Miss Ethel Thomas, of Butte, Mont.,
who Is well known In Portland, spent a
few days at the Portland Hotel en route
to Spokane.
During the earthquake and Are Miss
Thomas lost the majority of her handsome
gowns at the Palace Hotel, and has since
then been the guest of Mrs. H. C. Umbsen
at the Prince Foniatowski home, at Bur-
56-inch Gray Mixed Shadow Check Suiting, for suits shades; regular $1.50 value. Sale price 98
and skirts; regular $1.25 value. Sale pnce....79 44-inch Imported All-Wool Voile, very latest shades;
56-inch Grav Mixed Tweeds, a beautiful fabric; $1.50 value. Special for this sale at 98
regular $L50 grade. Special sale price 98 Balance of our high-grade Challies and Pongees,
j ,. ,i o aa o c u values up to 75c. At, special, the yard 47r
Our enure line of $l.o, $2.00 $2.o0 Suitings .choice Buianti dust shedding, fine lustrous
selection of patterns during this sale at. . .$1.53 dye; our regu,ar 65c Sale price 43
52-inch Black Sicilian, our standard 85c grade. 40-inch Black Fancy Grenadines, a popular sheer
Special for this sale at oof fabric; regular price, 65c. Sale price 30c
$2 Waists 97c
The greatest White Waist event of the entire sea
son ! Be here early Monday morn'.ng for first
choice of 1000 White Lawn Waists, neatly trimmed
with embroidery and laces, long or short sleeves;
actual values run to $2.50. To close the lot out
in a hurry choice s 97
$1.50 Shirts 50c
The famous Mt. Hood Shirts no better made any
where. To close out the balance of this lot we
have decided to sell them at this special price.
These Shirts are well made, best materials and
actually worth $1.25 and $1.50. Sale price. . ,50c
Bathing Suits
Don't forget we're headquarters for everything in
this line. Our prices are a third lower than else
where. Note :
Ladies' Bathing Suits $7.00 to $1.75
Children's Bathing Suits So.oO to SI. 50
Boys' Bathing Suits $3.00 to 75
Men's Bathing Suits $3.50 to 65
A complete line of Caps, Shoes and Stockings.
Just Arrived
New line Japanese Kimonos in full lengths in
plain crepe and fancy designs, also silk crepes
Sl.oO to 15.00. Fancy Lawn Kimonos in
short and full length fine for this warm weather.
Japanese Wash Silk Waists, lace trimmed, plaited
effects, long or short sleeves, black or white. Special
Mid-Summer Sale Prices.
lingame. During their brief visit in this
city Miss Thomas and Mrs. Umbsen, who
is an excellent chaufteuse. entertained
their friends with short motoring trips.
Mr. Charles L. Parker and the Misses
Parker left on Friday for Seaside, where
they will spend the Summer.
Mrs. L. B. Stearns returned this week
to the Portland Hotel, after a fortnight's
visit in Tacoma with her daughter, Mrs.
Spaulding. Judge and Mrs. Stearns, Mrs.
Spaulding and two children will occupy
their cottage at Ocean Park shortly.
Society Is evincing considerable interest
in the new Rock Island Club. Since the
opening night many informal luncheons
have been given by prominent hostesses.
The club, which is attractively situated, is
accessible either by cars or boating. The
latter, though, appeals to the majority, as
it affords a cooling and restful diversion
after the heat of a Summer day.
The management of the Woman's Ex
change is to be congratulated upon its
success which has enabled it to enlarge
its attractive quarters at 133 Tenth street.
The Exchange at the noon hour is daily
frequented by prominent matrons bent
on shopping tours, and business men who
are glad to find such a cool and restful
place and such daintily served luncheons.
Mrs. Desmond Harges, wife of a promi
nent attorney and a charming member of
Manila society, Is visiting Dr. and Mrs.
George A. Marshall.
The parish-house of St. Mark's Episco
pal Church was the scene of a surprise
party Tuesday evening which was ar
ranged by the vestry and congregation in
honor of the tenth anniversary of Rev.
J. E. Simpson's rectorship. The affair
was a complete surprise to both Mr. and
Mrs. Simpson. In a neat speech Mr. K.
W. Hastings presented the rector with a
handsome roll-top desk and chair and a
substantial check. Later In the evening
Ices were served by the younger members
of the congregation.
A. D. Charlton and family and J. M.
Berry and family have gone to Norman's
Ranche for a two weeks' outing.
Miss Ernestine Failing and her sister,
Mrs. Burpee, are traveling in Europe.
When last heard from they were visiting
at the French capital.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil H. Bauer were en
tertained Wednesday by Colonel and Mrs.
Davis at Vancouver Barracks. In the
evening an Informal musicals was held,
with several officers and their families
in attendance. Mrs. Davis left Thursday
for a trip to the Sound.
Miss Jean Morrison, ""daughter of Dr.
ant Mrs. A. A. Morrison, is a guest of
Miss Claire Wilcox at the handsome home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wilcox at North
Little Helen Goode. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. H. W. Goode, gave a picnic
party Wednesday at Estacada, where a
delightful time was passed, the company
of small folks returning late in the even
ing, y
On today's society page Is a picture of
Mrs. Wesley Elgin Travis, a handsome
Portland matron, who has the additional
charm of cleverness. Mrs. Travis Is at
present engaged in writing a book, which
is said to be a most creditable work.
. A pretty innovation at the Portland
Academy alumni dance on Tuesday
A Price
Splendid Solid
-Where Quality
The kind that wears and lasts the longest for the money spent.
The latest of styles, variety and completeness of stock offer un
usual inducements. The following should interest:
Band Bracelets, plain $8.50 to $20.00
Band Bracelets, beantifnlly etched $14.00 to $38.50
Hatpins, a great selection for choice $3.75 to 20. OO
Back Comb, gold mounted S6.50 to $25. OO
Lockets, plain or chased designs $6.50 to $22. OO
Lorgnette Chains, substantial links $10.50 to $28.00
Bead Neck Chains, all sizes $7.50 to $30.00
Gentlemen's Fobs, nobby and stylish SO.OO to $25. OO
Link Buttons, artistic designs $3.50 to $15.00
Stick Pins, a most notable collection $2.50 up
, Third and Washington Streets
Boys's Waists 47c
30 dozen Boys' Blouse Waists, in all colors and
white, with or without collars to match; a regular
75c grade. Special sale price, all sizes each. .47
N. B. Just the thing for the seashore or mountains.
$1.50 Gowns 97c
Starting Monday morning, we place on the bar
gain counter, 16 dozen Ladies' Cambric Gowns, V or
square yoke, lace or embroidery trimmed, at 97c
each ; regular $1.50 values. Come early if possible.
Shirtwaist Suits
The Greatest Values We Have Ever Offered.
White Lawn Shirtwaist Suits, nicely trimmed : regu
lar $3.75 value special $2.00
White Lawn Shirtwaist Suits, polka-dot, well made,
plaited waists; regular $4.50 value special this
sale ,. $2.50
$1 Corsets 47c
Why pay 75c and $1.00 for your Summer Corset
when we sell the same for 47c I Great range of
styles in the Empire, Summer net and tape girdles ;
pink, blue and white ; special 47 0
Parasols at Cost
To close out the balance of our Parasols and Sun
Shades we will mark them at actual cost. All the
newest color combinations in the lot. Want one?
evening was the turning out of tlte
electric lights during two dances and
turning on a brilliant searchlight that
resembled a moon, whereupon the or
chestra played appropriate music, for
instance, "What's the Matter with the
Moon Tonight?" After a day when the
temperature has reached 101 degrees
It is certainly not conducive to danc
ing, so the attendance was consider
ably smaller than on former occasions,
and the girls appeared mostly in the
simple costumes. The beautiful deco
rations, which were arranged by a
committee composed of Barbara Crock
er, Alta Rush, Florence Wolfe, Lewis
McArthur and Henry Wessinger, were
the source of much favorable comment.
The entire ceiling was draped with a
fishnet, studded with evergreens,
through which gleamed a string of
electric lights. At either end of the
gymnasium were huge Portland Acad
emy banners and flags of all nations,
divans were 'placed at intervals around
the room, and fir trees outlined the
wall and fairly hid from view Parsons
orchestra, which was stationed in the
List of
Gold Jewelry
Is at Its Best-