THE SUNDAY OREGOMAy. ,1'OKTLAAD. JC'JNE m, . JHUtS. 7 ,i .1 1 1 i 1 1 ,ii i i . n . 1 - - . 1 - ' ' T . I v r. i CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THB ORECOXUX TELEPHONES. Countln-Boom Main TOT Vnnaitlnr "Editor Wain 70TO Sunday Editor Main 7070 CmupoaJng'-Room Main 7070 " Uy Editor Main 7070 huperlntendent Building Main 7070 fct Bide Offlc. East 01 AMUSEMENTS. Tim Hfclt.IG THEATER M4th and -Wash-mi! ton st 1 Tonight at 8:0 o'clock, the Kt-nflall Musical Company In the musical comedy, "The Rounders." KAKER THEATER ;(d and Yamhill) The Linker Stock Company In "The Man From I he Golden West"; matinee 2:13. tonigh" at 8:13. (JHASD THEATER (Park and Washington Continuous vaudeville. 2:3t, 7:30. U P. I'AXTAUES' THEATER (4th and Stark' Continuous vaudeville, 2::i. 7:o0. 8 P. M KTAU THEATER (Hark and Waahlngtor) - The Star Stock Company. 2:30, 7:30, 0 F UASKBAI.l. TODAY, 2:::0 P. M.. Atp1110 i'ark. 24th. . and Vaughn, Portland vs- I.ob Angeles. Class op Fifteex Graduates.. in the presence of nearly all the patrons of the Mllwaukle School, a. class of 15 pupils re ceived their certificates from the grammar grade at the band hall last night. The class Is made up of Wesley R. Graslc, James Clarence Vietheer, Bessie M. Lew is, Eve M. Duffy, Edna Atwood. Vcrna Holt. Julia Murphy. Daniel perkemelr, Aaron Borkemeir. Lizzie Streib, Bertie La kin Elena Z. Wetzler. Alfred Jahn, Wil liam Klinkenan and Ernest Oliver. Be fore being handed their certificates a brief programme was rendered by the class. Music was furnished by Mr. Hart, .Mr. Keel, Ruth Gcehter, Emma Gettman and Miss Ruegg. The members of the class received their diplomas from J. W. Uiasle, chairman of the board of direc tors. County School Superintendent Zln zer complimented the class, the teachers and the people of Milwuukie on the hish standard the pupils had secured in their studies. Flowers were in evidence In great profusion, and each member of the clats was presented with a tribute, With the close of the year Miss Mildred Ruess. wM has been principal for the past two years, retires, having resigned, much to the regret of the people. The following staff, has been elected for the ensuing year: Principal, Professor Seamore, of Vails City, Or.: Miss Kate Casto, Miss Klla Casto and Miss Harrington. Will. Givb Prjzks. For the promotion of the study of agriculture, lue Lents Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, A. F. Mil ler master, yesterday voted to give prtzes aggregating $10 to the boys and girls of school districts 12 and 45. These prizes are offered to stimulate an Interest In the agriculture contest, started by County School Superintendent F. R. Robinson, in the raising of potatoes and asters and sweet peas. The S10 will be divided ac cording to the decision of a special com mittee comprising the principals of these I wo districts, H. A. Darnall, of No. 12, and Miss Hogue, of 45. among the boys and girls who make the best record in the contest at the end of the season. Boys will raise potatoes and girlB asters and sweet peas, and make notes of the results of fertilizers. On the outcome will depend who will receive the prizes, . YEL.LOW8TONB NATIONAL PARK. The Government official entrance Is via the Northern Pacific, Livingston, Mont., and Gardiner gateway. It is the wonderland of the world limitless In recreation op portunities; offering the finest coaching trip in America and the study of Na ture's most wonderful phenomena. It may be seen as a side trip en route to or from the East. Special excursion rates for the round trip will be made during the Summer to points east, and Yellowstone Park should be Included. Join the "See America First" Club and travel via the Northern Pacific. Particulars at ticket office, 265 Morrison street, corner Third. .Mrs. Div Schnauffer gave a grand dinner party at her residence, 424 Wil liams avenue,' on Wednesday last. In honor of Captain and Mrs. Erickson, of the steamship Aurelia. Covers were, laid for 12. The evening was enjoyed at cards and music. Professor Schnauffer and .ilss Lily Baker Bang charming songs and Played choice music on piano and violin. Those present were: Captain and Mrs. Erickson. Mr. Delaney, United States En gineer; Mr. and Mrs. George Baker, Mr. J. Mellc. of San Francisco: Professor and Mrs. Dr. Schnauffer, Misses Lily and Jac queline Baker, Miss Emily Erickson, of San Francisco, and Master Otto Schnauf fer. The Columbian Apartments, at Eleventh and Columbia, are about all rented, there being one four-room suite on the first floor and one four and one three-room on the top floor left. The fact that the oth ers rented before the bunuing was com pleted shows the demand for them, as they are the best and most modern in the city. Mr. W. L. Morgan, the proprietor and architect. 213 Abington building, will he pleased to receive applications for those left. A wait Result of Test Case. Fruit ( 'dinmit' iiouer J. II. Reid. against whom T. R. A. Scllwood. of Milwaukie, has started a suit to recover damages for cutting trees on his premises, which will It h fst of the validity of the law, said yesterday "that he should await the result of the case. If the law will not hold good he says it ought to be known, but he Is under the impression that the law will be sustained In the courts. Round-Trip Excursion Rates East. Special round-trip excursion rates have been named by the Northern Pacific to points East. Full Information can be had at the ticket office. No. 255 Morrison street, corner of Third, or by letter to A. D. Charlton, assistant general agent, Portland, Or. . All Excursion Tickets to the East and return will be good on the famous "North Coast Limited," the only electric-lighted modern train from Portland to the East. Why not travel on the best? It does not cost any more to travel on the "North Coast Limited" than It does on any other train. Broken While Lumber. .Martin Galvln, a longshoreman working on the steamer Pulwich, was struck by a swing while loading lumb4. at the Port land Mills yesterday. He suffered a brok en leg. He was removed to St. Vincent's Hospital, where the bones were set. Notice. Milliners, dressmakers and storekeepers, we offer you special induce ments on laces, ruchings, veiling and no tions; also modern notion case and lin oleum, for sale at a great reduction. Davis. Patterson & Co., bankrupt stock, 31:: Washington street. Wilhelm Tei.l Lodge. Nq. 2, O. A. N. S., will have boat excursion Sunday, June 17. to Washington Grove. Boat will leave Toot of Washington street, 8:15 A. M. All friends and their families kindly invited. Round trip i5c; children under 12, 35c. Excursion' Rates East, covering round trip, via Northern Pacific. Long limit, .stoiKvers. diverse routes. Particulars at 255 Morrison street, corner Third, or by letter to A. D. Charlton, A. G. P. A., Portland, Or. ' This Will Rehim You that now Is the time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair Fac tory, H. Jletzger. proprietor. Cost of Oiled Streets. For the Sum mer. 25-ft. frontage. J2.65 : 50 ft., $5.25: 100 ft., J10.50. Absolutely dustless. Portland Road Oiling Co., 445 Sherlock Building. Low Rate excursion tickets East via the Northern Pacific. Full particulars at ticket office, 255 Morrison street, corner Third. Portland, Or. ' Seaside aso Elk Creek Lots, also beautiful Seaside residence for sale. Ju lius Kraemer, Commercial bldg. Launches tor Warships at Merrill's Boathouse, north side Morrlson-st. bridge. IOOKSLET Hall, Seaside, will serve an excellent dinner to excursionists Sunday. At Richards', Sunday French dinner, with wine. $1 per cover. Classic music. Last Week of the Davis-Patterson bankrupt sale. See our ad. Wanted. Coal oil cans, pay 10c. Match Factory, 12th and Lovejoy. Woostcr sells everything. 4VS Waah't'n. Vandls at Milwaukie. Friday night, after iss Mildred Ruegg, principal, with the te'ehers and pupils o the school, had spentthe day In decorating the Mllwaukle Band Hall, preparatory to the graduating exercisps tr Saturday night, vandals en tered the building and maliciously tore dowr- and destroyed the beautiful decora tloirJ. that had cost so much time and lab"'. When Miss Ruegg and the mem bers of the class arrived yesterday morn ing to complete the work they were stocked beyond measure at the desecra tion. On the walls of the stage was post id this notice: "If any more decorations are put In this hall the electric lights will be turned off tonight." There was no signature to the notice, and it purported to come from the band. Miss Ruegg, the principal, and the children cried over tne desecration. H. H. Mullan, president of the Milwaukie Band, and other members repudiated the work, and denounced the act, declaring that the destruction of the decorations was not by order of the band. On the contrary. Mr. Mullen and the band had seen the decorations Friday night and admired them. There was general indignation In Milwaukie over the out rage. Postpone Action Regarding Fourth. Only a bare handful of people responded to the invitation sent out by Mayor Lane calling a mass meeting to consider the advisability of holding a celebration in Portland July 4, and the matter was in definitely postponed. The meeting was to have been held In the Council room, and all of the local organizations- of a public character were invited to participate. When 3 o'clock, the hour set, arrived. E. C. Giltner, secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, and J. B. Laber, secretary of the Board of Trade, made up the delega tions, and adjournment was taken with out any formal consideration of the sub ject. Teachers Ann Elected. The following teachers were elected for Arle.ta District No. 47: Principal, William Miller; sev enth grade. Miss Brown; sixth grade, Mrs. Fowler; fifth grade. Miss Spooner; fourth grade, ' Miss Fargo; third grade, Miss McDonald: second grade. Miss Love; first grade. Miss Thompson. The direc tors have called an election to be held June 18 to choose a director and clerk and vote on the question of annexation to Portland. Banarjeb Circle) Meeting. The Ban arjee Circle will hold Its monthly meet ing at the home of the president, Mrs. Abigail Scott Dunlway, 292 Clay street, tomorrow at 2:30 P. M. Letters and re ports of unusual interest have been re ceived since last meeting, and will be read at this, the last meeting before the Summer vacation. Dr. Stiles Elt Will Speak. At the T. M. C. A., this afternoon. Dr. Ben-Ezra Stiles Ely, the new pastor of the Calvary Presbyterian Church, has been secured to address the men's meeting. The associa tion orchestra furnishes the music, and Lauren Pease, tenor, will sing. After the meeting two interesting discussion groups will be held. Magnificent, New Todat. The sight which makes Portland famous Is the grand panorama of great mountain peaks, rivers and valleys, seen from the Obser vatory. Monster searchlight. Take Port land Heights car. Open dally. Lewis & Clark Obs. Co. Councilman Kbllaher Injured. Coun cilman Kellaher is confined to his home, 807 Belmont street, as the result of an injury' received to his foot at his store. A heavy box fell on his foot. It was neces sary to call a physician. Max Smith's Restaurant, "The Sa voy," 166 Fifth Btreet, will be closed Mon day. June 11, at 9 P. M. The new place, 149 Seventh, near Morrison, will possibly be opened within a week. Appointed Carribr. Emll Tucholke has been appointed carrier of route No. 2, out of Milwaukie, in place of Charles Bal lard, who resigned to become editor of the Milwaukie Bee. For Rent. New seven-room modern flat; every convenience, garden. 151 North Twenty-second street, near Hoyt. Phone Main 4463. See. see today the unique bungalow and seven-room house. 31st and Main. Take Hawthorne cars. Agent there to show you. 200 Loads of Wood and 400 apple boxes given away, if taken immediately. Snap. J.S00. Six-room house. Apply Hat store, 249i Alder street. Dr. Swain, dentist, 311 Dekum Bldg. WHY DON'T YOU GET A BABY A couple of exquisite baby grands, a superb Weber art parlor grand, a dainty Chickerlnsf quarter-grand, and the elegant baby grand displayed in the west show window, price to close out $585 all must, find, homes at once. Why don't you get one of these babies? They're a high-born lot, and will bring Joy and pleasure immeasurable to any home. Pay for one at these sale prices as best suits your convenience. We mean business now, and will refuse no reasonable offer. Eilers' Piano House, 351 Washington street. SEASIDE EXCURSIONISTS Can get luncheon at Hotel Moore. Sea foods a specialty. Dan J. Moore, Prop. Mirlncrs AVill Meet In Chicago. CHICAGO, June 9. The 32d annual ses sion of the Imperial council of the An cient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mys tic Shrine of North America will be held at Medinah Temple, Walton Place and Dearborn avenue, next Tuesday and Wed nesday. One thousand nobles from the 98 temples of the United States and Can ada will attend. nigh-Grade Pianos for Rent. And sold on easy payments. Piano tuning and repairing. H. Sinsheimer, 72 Third st. Portland Brewing Co. Select Beer. Edel Bran, For sale everywhere. Phone Main 70S. Many June Weddings This Year If you are buying a -wedding gift don't make the mistake of getting something Just because it 'looks nice 'and is cheap." Remember that it will have to stand on its own merits with other well-selected articles that will remain in the home for years to come. Is yours the present that is going to look shoddv in a few months one that will be a constant reminder of your desire to buy only something jcheap' We cannot sell you such an article, but if you will let us help vou. we can make your selection of an appropriate gift so easy, and give you so much for the money, that you will surely be delighted. Here are a few suggestions: STERLING SILVER. 'individual pieces such as Pickle or Olive Forks. Butter Picks at $1.50, $1.75, etc. Bon Bon Scoops, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75. Larger pieces at $2.00, $2.5J, $3.00. etc. Salad and Berry Spoons at $3.30. $3.58, 4.i.0. Pie Cake or Ice Cream Servers, $3 25. $3.50. $4.00. Bon Bon Dishes at $3.50. $4..0. Whipped Cream Bowls at $10.50. $11.50. Half dozen Teaspoons, $4. $4.25. $4.60. etc. Our owm Plated Ware stamped Jaeger Bros. Single pieces such as. Sugar Shells, Butter Knives, Pickle Forks. Berry Spoons. Cold Meat Forks, Cream and Gravy Ladles, etc.. at $1.00 $1.25, $l.u0. $1.(5. $2, $2..i0. Tea Sets. Baking Dishes. Berry Bowls, Candelabra, Comports, Nut Bowls, etc., at prices starting at $1.60 and up. CUT CLASS. Nappies and Ice Cream Dishes at $1.60, $1.75, $2.0J. Sugar and Cream ers, Water Bottles, Water Pitchers, Bowls, Vases, etc. Pieces as low as 'jAEGER BROTHERS "wmw-omnANS. 290 MORRISON STREET. NEAR FIFTH. Kill I I t The Peculiar Adjustment f of the ocular muscles may be shown by hold-I inj this picture directly in front of the I ' eyes, at a distance of about fourteen inches I and drawing slowly toward the face. These V .1 Mii-hIr vet. stronsr muscles will hold the eyes to a focus until you reach the limit of their power, when the eyes suddenly cross and the ball goes into the boy's open mouth. Nearly all eve trouble is brought about by PASSING the place of safety by PUSHING without good yes or good glasses. We can supply the latter. You can have the former. GLASSES EIGHT GOOD SIGHT. Thorough and careful examination free of charge. Iso glasses recommended unless you are convinced you need them. 4 DR. HAYNES, with " A N WRIGHT THE WWA JEWELER Jt, II. YV IY1.V.1 1 293 Morrison St.. Near Fifth WILL BOOM CHAMBERLAIN Clubs Will Hold Reunion to Boost Hint for Yice-rresidcncy. Democrats will hold a reunion next Tuesday night in Unity Hall, Second and Morrison streets, tinder the auspices of their two city clubs, to boom Governor Chamberlain for Vice-President. Governor Chamberlain has been invited; also Mayor Lane, C. E. S. Wood. B. J. Jeffery and John Manning, all of whom are expected to make speeches. The Chamberlain boom was to have been sprung on the Governor as a surprise, but became common gossip, so that it could not be kept quiet. The clubs are the Young Men's Democratic, headed by John Montag, and the Multnomah Democratic, headed by A. E. Ream. WHERE JTO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant: fine private apart ments for parties. 805 Washington, nr. 5th. The Scott Restaurant, Seventh and Ank eny, serves this Sunday dinner, 13 to 8 P. M.: Olympia Oysters Raw. Chicken Broth. Radishes. Olives. Baked Salmon. Fried Chicken, Maryland style. Green Peas. Mashed Potatoes. California ZinfandeL -Shrimp Salad. Mayonnaise. Ice Cream. Strawberries and Cream. Nuts and Raisins. Cafe Noir. 75c per plate. Music 4:30 to 730. Service a la carte all day. Watson's new restaurant will open 5:30 P. M. Thursday, June 14. at 331 Washing ton street, next door to Imperial Hotel. The Empire, 192 Third street; chicken dinner. 30c; turkey, S5c; finest In city. Genuine French dinner, with wins, SOo, at 3 Fifth street, near Stark. Crawfish cooked in wine. Empire, 192 3d. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. LTD. Total Security $6,000,000. The San Francisco losses of this com pany are being paid in cash by drafts on London, thus keeping Its United States funds intact. J. L. Oppenheimer, agent, Sherlock building, Portland, Or. - . Thief Robs Ice Chest. Mrs. Raymond, of 144 Twenty-third street North, complained to the police yesterday that an unknown thief had de veloped such a great fondness for the eatables in an ice box at her home that he has conducted three successful explo ration trips to the place. Yesterday morn ing she found the chest stripped of deli cacies for the third time. The patrolmen on duty, in that vicinity were instructed to watch for the offender. "PENNSYLVANIA SPECIAL" Pioneer 18-hour train from Chicago to New York, runs every day over the Pennsylvania Short Line, leaving; Chi cago at 2:45 P. M. Obtain particulars by addressing C. L. Kimball, assistant general passenger agent Pennsylvania lines. No. 2 Sher man street, Chicago, III. Yonr Iirurrt.t Will Tell Tea that Murlna Eye Remedy Curee Eyea. Makm Weak Eyas Strong. Doesn't Smart. SootaM 7ya Fain, ana tteua zor ou cwu. PIANOS Connoisseurs pronounce our new stock of pianos the most attractive that has 'ever been shown in this city. Classic and in the highest degree refined In their detail deco ration, they embody the best work of designers of National renown. Their interiors are in perfect har mony with the beauty of design and exquisite finish of the outside case. The latest thought and most ad vanced methods of piano construc tion are revealed in these new mod els. Perfection in piano forte con struction could hardly be more nearly attained. Our easy-payment system greatly lessens the financial inconvenience of a piano purchase. Call upon us, or write us It in terested. A complete line of UPRIGHT and GRAND PIANOS. PIANO-PLAYERS andPLAYER-PIANOS. We have the only "Interior Piano-Player" (or piano with player mechanism built inside), which plays the entire keyboard of the piano, or 8S notes 23 notes more than any other player-piano. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. 374 Morrison St., Cor. W. Park We Are Not Advertising a great sacrifice closing-out-or-pusl-ness sale one week and a gTand opening sale the next, but we are selling lots of the Best Pianos In the World at the lowest possible prices, and on the easiest terms. STEINWAY A. B. CHASE. ESTEY. EMERSON. STERLING, STARR and others. - Dundore Piano Co. 134 Sixth Street. Opposite Oregonian Building. Victor Talking Machines and Records and all Small Instruments, Sheet Music, etc., etc. THE FAMOUS I CUTS THE PRICE See Window Display Zl EVERY SUIT REDUCED II MEN'S SACK SUITS In Single and Double-Breasted. $25.00 Suits reduced to 21.80 $20.00 Suits reduced to $16.80 $18.00 Suits reduced to $14.80 $15.00 Suits reduced to $11.80 . MEN'S OUTING SUITS In all the Latest Styles. $20.00 Suits reduced to ,.$16.80 $18.00 Suits reduced to $14.80 $15.00 Suits reduced to ". $11.80 $12.50 Suits reduced to ' $ 9.80 FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS IIIMMTX;rTr,ln'TWWlllillllll J, UIW III I "'" .r3 The Greatest Clothing House in the Northwest Cw-y- viv ' if w It is but simple wisdom that a man should strive to maintain dress refinementto wear clothes of well-balanced attractive ness, taste and dignity. All of these conditions, together with that rare superiority of style, fit and quality, are features of our Business. Dress and Outing Suits Many new and beautiful effects for Sum mer wear have been received during the past week. Our prices are sure to meet with your approval. Suits $10 Upward Rebe'sPurej Ice Cream j Phone Main 1701 Make Money Become a Foot Specialist. Get a 'diploma. Our mail course in chiropody consists of four lectures. formulas, instructions and our method of removing: corns, bunions, cal louses ingrowing and clubbed nails, warts, moles and 'l ex-eresences of the human foot. By mall. $'-."; S down, balance easy pay ments. After first lecture It will pay for Itself. Write for particulars. WESTERN CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOL OF CHIROPODY Alisky Building, Portland, Or. chwab Printing Co. tEsr tfOKK. EJsorrjitL r. rums STARK STREETl HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES Complete stock, modant prices. Mall rdaro aoljalted. Catalogn. traa. WOODA&TA, tl.AHHK CO. fartijud. Om, $4.50 SPECIAL CUT GLASS BOWLS Never before have such ! fine bowls been offered at J the price. Come early and get one I while they last. See win- dow. Mrjrirrrr A I "r fBSTLAKOfORBfti XM Washington st. bet. 4th and 5th. VALUE FOR VALUE For every dollar invested in Spectacles with us you receive a dollar's worth in clear vision, with a little over for good measure. ASK OUR PATRONS. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. (Danver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Laka. Dallas, Texas; PortlaaJ. Oregos.) 133 Sixth St. Successor to Walter Rd Orejoaian Bldg. Dr. W. A. Wise. That Easy-Pay Plan of ours has proved successful. We find that when we treat our customers hon estly tlvy are almost certain to act the same -way towards us. That's why we -are able to keep right on doing good . dental work. 19 years in dentistry. WISE BROS., Dentists Failing Bldg., Third and Washington. S A. M. to 9 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 13. Main 2029. W" v i Dr. T. P. Wise.