THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, JUNE 10, 1906. 2t FOR SALE. Bltscellsjieoiia. FOR SAUK! ONE HOOD UPRIGHT PIANO, ce-'t $:;5o, for $141, only been used a few months and I have advertised this piano 3 or 4 time and It looks to me ail though peo- pie pay no attention to an advertisement; tills is the truth aa to price of the piano; call and see It. at least: I will not charge you anything- to look at It; or I will trad on a lot or a team of heavy horses or dia mond; have no use for the piano at all. and 1 do hope you will muster up courage to come and see it. I cannot drag you In off of the street. 240 Park at. Phone Main 6786. W MAKES ANT SUIT IN THE HOUSB TO ORDER FOR NO MORS $25.00 NO LES3. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. (09 STARK ST., NEAR 6TH. t'OR SALE CHEAP LOT OF KIT, BEAMS. DYNAMO, 12O0 LIGHTS. 3 LARGE Oil- TANKS. 2 6-H. P. BOILERS. 1 RfFFALO SAWDUST BLOWER. 1 SMALL SAFE. 1 LAUGH CENTRIFUGAL PUMP. J. SIMON Sc. BRO. 244-246 Front St. 60 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices; Singer. Wheeler A Wilson, Domestic, White, Household. Davis and others; to make room for new tock. Wheeler at Wilson and Slfigera. 8. S. Bigel, 335 Morrison at., Marquam bldg. LET US BE YOUR FACTORY HARDWARE specialties manufactured under contract, models developed. We are specialists In patent articles. Prompt service, first-class workmanship, reasonable prices. America Company. Momcnce, 111. LA M Y CLARIONET. LAM Y E FLAT trumpet cornet, snare drum, bass drum, B flat bass horn, cymbals. Sell very cheap, or will trade for electric wiring or material. Spauldlng. Woodstock. Phone East .4752. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar futures; cheap price. Brunswick-Balks-Collendsr. 4S 3d St. THREE FOX TERRIER PUPS. CALL 63 Seventh at. FOR SALE FOX TERRIER HUPS. 7.12 4TH. HELP WANTEDMALE. SHOEMAKER WANTED OUT-OF-TOWN position, good wages; must be good me chanic. Write or call liertsche Bros., 229 Ulna st. TRAVELING SALESMAN WITH BUSINESS . experience in city and outside towns wanta position; ralary or commission. P 16. Ore gonlan. WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL H1GH dass proposition to general merchants. Can make $:ouo per year. Box 97, Cedar Rapnis, Iowa. WANTED SHIP CARPENTERS AND - caulkers to work on Steamer Norma. Rt parla. James Olsen, 495 East Clay St. Phone ItKW. EXPERIENCE!!) INSTALLMENT COLLECT or: references and bond required; state age, exiierlence and salary expected. P 13, ore gonian. BARBERS WE3 WANT 100 GOOD SECOND hand barber chairs for spot cash. Apply to G. N. W. Wilson Co. Barber Supply House, 72 th. SALESMEN ADVERTISING NOVELTIES, complete line; earn $100 a week taking or ders. Shellonlte Co.. Box Boo. Manchester, N. H. WANTED FOR THE) OAKS: 10 WAITERS for Sunday. 20 waitresses. Call Sunday, 8 A. M. to 12. C. T. Frederick. 12814 1st st. i',' ANTED REGISTERED DRUG CLERK OK first-class assistant. Answer giving name, address and experience, D 14. Oregonian. WANTED A SALESMAN TO SELL DRUG gist sundries. Must have experience In this particular line. Address D 90. Orrgonlan. WANTED SIGNPAINTER. ALL-ROUND hand, steady Job. good wages. Write Bond Sign Company. Vancouver, B. C. EXPERIENCED CLERK IN WHOLESALE grocery who Is not afraid of work: scat age and references. K 19. Oregonian. Wanted first-class salesmen in Portland and throughout the state; big wages to rustlsrs. 206 McKay bldg. WANTED-SHIPPING PORTER IN LARGS wholesale grocery business: must have ex perience. K 11, care Oregonian. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS NONUNION Job compositor: . state wages and experi ence. Address R ID. Oregonian. WANTED SALESMAN TO SELL FRUIT as side line: O. R. N. and Eastern Ore gon. Address S 19. Oregonian. WANTED AN INTELLIGENT SALESMAN to handle a big paying proposition. J. B. Bailey. M7 Lumber Exchange. W ANTED BRIGHT OFFICE BOY. 16 YRS. of age. Address In own handwriting; sal ary 915. L 12. Oregonian. A FIRST-CLASS PLUMBER WANTED steady work for right man; wages $5 per day. R 2o. Oregonian. THE MEIER FRANK STORE NEEDS an experienced carpet sewer; none but first-class need apply. BOYS WANTED GOOD WAGES. PERSIA, nent employment. Apply Western Union leiegrapn company. WANTED PHOTOGRAPH OPERATOR: A good retoucher; steady. Cuthbert. Lucerns Studio. Dekum bldg. GOOD HELPER IN GENERAL R EPA 1 R lng and shoeing shop; long Job. J. Gaarde. phone Tlgardvllle. ROUTER HAND WANTED. APPLY AT once. Ames-Harrls-Xeville Co., S. W. cor. oth and Davis sts. W ANTED YOUNG MEN TO TRAVEL IN Oregon and Washington; salary or commis sion. 126 12th. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CXNNBRT nian; references required. L, R. C. Co, Woodland, Wash. WANTED SHOEMAKERS. LASTERS, factory hands preferred. Capen Shoe Co., Oregon City, Or. WANTED A VOUNG MAN TO ASSIST IN office; state age and salary expected. H 14, Oregonian. WANTED A ROY TO LEA RN THB DRUG business. Call at Burdette Pharmacy, 320 imams ave. WANTED CITY SOLICITOR FOR FAMILY irsor. "Trguii importing company, ins Third street. A CLEVER HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASSER can get a good position by calling at 69 1st st.. South. W ANTED GOOD STRONG BOY TO ASSIST tn shipping department. Apply 44 and 46 N. 6th st. California Wine Depot Cooks' headquarters ana neipers. io tin sc. lei. t'acinc 2153. EN G INFERS furnished by Sorenson. Eng., LUBlum-nuuie, aiiei w . m. lei, Alain M ( 3. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. I ' hlphest nrlce naid. 62 3d. Phone PilAn .lit THREE COATMAKERS WANTED; PRICE, sw.ou ano up. im Aimre,s, t.rann. ( r. I THE MEIER i FRANK STORE NEDS SO boys. 16 years- oia; reierences. Apply early. SALESMAN WITH BUSINESS ACQUAINT- ance; city: otg wages, xis com! block. I WANTED GOOD BAKER, SECOND HAND. on bread. City Bakery. Vancouver, Wash. I GET YOUR RAZOR PUT IN FIRST-CLASS cnnclition for 10c. snop. 288 Main st. SOLDERERS WANTED APPLY PACIFIC Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis sts. I Ws secure employment for members; special mcmofrinip 1 monin. x. A3, C A. I A JAP BOY WHO UNDERSTANDS HOfSB- work; iigni wora. iau pnone tjasl 141. I PLUMBER WANTED 424 MORRISON St! A 1. Unu-arri telenhnne U,, iflni WANTED 2 SOLICITORS FOR DYE work Call Monday. MK', Stark st. I WANT ED MAN TO WORK IN SMALL dairy In city. Phone Sellwood 10. I Iv ANTED YOUNG MAN AS CLERK IN hardware store. a. zz, oregonian. , Salesman with business acquaintance, city. Dig wages. r-i3 commercial diock. W4NTED FIRST-CLASS PANTSMAKER9. Nlcoll. ths Tailor. 108 Third at. " WANTED MATTRRSSMAKER; STEADY work. 49 Front, corner uavts. I.MACHINIST WANTED. THE) H. C. AL- bee Co., urana ave. HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 26 N. 2d St. and 2.10 Burnside St. OPEN TODAY. Two railroad camp blacksmiths on con struction. $3.50 a day, free fare; tool sharpener only, same place, $2.50. free fare; 3 millwrights. $4 day; 4 rough car penters to build foundations for oil tanks, etc.. railroad work. $3: 3 helpers. $2.50; 6 laborers. $2.25. free fare: hook tender, horse camp, rigging sllngers. chasers, buckers. $2.75 up: dam laborers. $2.50; woods laborers. $2.50; edgerman, $3; saw mill hands. $2.2.-.. Man or man and wife to board a .crew of about r.o men at $4.50 per week. Don't apply unless you can handle it. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. . 26 N. Second St. 2SO Burnside St. AGENTS OPPORTUNITY OF LIFETIME. No experience necessary; big "cash profits dally; one agent made $21 in one hour; everyone will buy. We Issue more accident and sickness policies than any other simi lar company in the world; we give the moat popular and cheapest Insurance written; new plan: $1 a year paya for $500 policy; no assessments or dues: other amounts in pro portion. Death benefit, weekly indemnity, free medical attendance, original and popular features; either sex. Alt claims promptly and liberally settled; Insurance asset $.yio,0no. Reliable representatives wanted everywhere: exclusive territory; liberal,, per manent income. Increasing each year; abso lutely sure. Address International Corpo ration, 231 Broadway. New York. WANTED TODAY. Woods foreman. $100 month: planerman, $3: stlckerman. $3.5o: 2 sash and door ma chine men. $3.5o: frame cutters, $3, $3.50; 8 carpenters, long Job, 8 hours' work, $3; carpenter foreman. $4: sawyer, $5; setter. $.'); edgerman, $3; boom' man, $2.50; 10 mill and yardmen. $2.40 to $2.50; cut-off saw yers. $2.50 to $3; 10 river drivers, $3 and board. V 50 woodsmen, top wages. We have a large list of new work coming In every day. 500 Other Jobs. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 12 North Second St. 283 Bnmslde. BOYS ABOUT 1 TO WORK IN FACTORY. Apply at once. AMES-HARRIS-NEVILLE CO.. S. W. Cor. Fifth and Davis Streets. MANAGER WANTED EVERY SECTION. TO select agents for "Gameosclence." world's greatest new lawful game for drinks or ci gars; takes place forbidden slot machines; played with nickels or Quarters, one to seen persons can plav at once: finish beau tiful, like cash register. Rented or sold on easy payments. 49.000 now In use: sam ple sent free. Proposition will please you If we still have opening In your section. United Sporting Goods Mfg. Co., Dept. 152, Chicago. 111. A HUNDRED FIREMEN AND BRAKEMBN on Oregon. California and other railroads: age 20 to 30; strong, good sight and hear ing; experience unnecessary; firemen, $80 to $100 monthly, become engineers and earn $'J00; brakemen, $70 to $80 monthly, become conductors and earn $150; positions awaiting competent men. Send stamp for particu lars: name position preferred. Railway As sociation, room 296, 1995 Geary at., San Francisco, Cal. MAN WANTED IN THE REAL ESTATE business: experience unnecessary; If honest, ambitious and willing to learn the business thoroughly by mail and earn $300 to $5o0 monthly as our local representative, write Immediately for full particulars. Address nearest offite National Co-Operatlve Realty Co.. 792 B Athenaeum Bldg., Chicago; 792 B Maryland Bldg., Washington. D. C. WANTED EXPERIENCED SOLICITOR, man or woman, to take subscriptions for our guaranteed timber and lumber certifi cates; proposition new, good seller, easy in stallments; bank guaranty; Investment Al; commission and salary; good, permanent po sition to right party. Address, stating ex perience and reierences. Lumber Manufac turer, T 6. Oreaonlan. REPRESENTATIVES IN EVERY LOCALITY to sell our teas, coffees, baking powder, etc., direct to the consumer: good pay to right parly. Wagon equipped and splendid Induce ments, as aid to secure business, furnished free of charge. No giart: Investigation so licited. Address. stating experience and references, Grand Union Tea Co., Seattle, Wash. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRUG SPE clalty salesman to sell proprietary medicines to retail drug trade; want only man with anility and experience: salary' and expenses; give full report of your experience. We have a good offer for the right man. Dr. Snoop Medicine Co., Racine. Wis. WANTED MAN TO HANDLE REAL Es tate, rental and collection office; salary and commission. Good proposition. No money required. One that has had ex perience preferred. Give references and state where you have worked. Write, quick. Address N 13. Oregonian. WANTED SIX MEN TO TRAVEL IN BACH State, distribute samples and advertise our goods. Salary $21 per week and expenses guaranteed. Expenses advanced. Experi ence unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve Co., 415 Delaware St., Chicago. WANTED SALESMAN BY WHOLESALE Jewelry house to sell their line of Jewelry to general trad In Oregon. We offer spe cial Inducements to merchants which makes sales easy; high commissions; permanent position. McAlllster-Coman Co., 350 Dear born St., Chicago, 111. WANTED ENERGETIC, TRUSTWORTHY man to work In Oregon, representing large manufacturing company. Salary $40 to $:H per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Port land. Or. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON with a full line of soaps, perfumes and fla voring extracts, furnishing the $2 for $1 selling plan to the retail dealer; $30 weekly advance. F. F. Cook, Sales Dept.. Detroit, Mich. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from I to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; 'send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. Sd and Alder eta; entrance 253 Alder St.. Portland. INTELLIGENT REPRESENTATIVE IN LIVE Cities; whole or spare time devoted to spe cial work under our direction will yield large income. Exceptional opportunity for right man. Send references. Burrelle's Press Clipping Bureau, 35 Elm St., New York. A BUSINESS MAN WHO CAN INVEST $1000 and manage office; this is an ex ceptional opportunity and will pay to the right tarty $250 per month permanently. Address for personal Interview, Q 14, Orego nian. HIGH-GRADE SOLICITOR MAKES $300 month. Seattle real estate, coupon bonds, profit-sharing. Secured by business blocks. 9 to 40 per cent annuallv. Ham ilton Hlgday, N. Y. block. Seattle. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED IN ANY I.INB, to sell general stores IrNOregon, An unex celled specialty proposition. Commissions and $03 weekly for expenses. The Conti nental Jewelry Co., Cleveland, Ohio. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARSER trade In eight weeks. Graduates ears from SIB to $25 weekly. Expert Instruct, ore. Catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges 35 North 4th St.. Portland. SALESMEN SELL OUR ICE CRUSHERS TO saloonlsts, soda fountainists, confectioners, ice cream manufacturers, etc.; side line, good commission. Davenport Ice Clipping Machine Co., Davenport, Iowa. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery Company, Salem, Or. SALESMAN FOR OREGON; EXPERI enced traveling man preferred. Line staple for general trade. Position permanent; $50 weekly with commission. Sawyer, Leslie Co.. Detroit. Mtfh. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED FITTER for alteration work on women's garments; steady position to right party; give refer, ences. Himelhoch Brothers & Co., Belllng ham. Wash. SALESMAN A 1. EXPERIENCED. TO SELL drygoods and general stores: must have es tablished trade; samples light: replies strict ly confidential. Peor, Box H, station D, New York. ALL-AROUND GROCERY MAN TO DRIVE wagon, take care of horses and work lmlde; none but active honest young man need apply; give age and reference. A 12, Ore gonian. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER ORE gon with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE YOU IN salesmanship, secure you a position as trav eling salesman with responsible firm. Ad dress The Bradstreet System, Rochester, N. Y. Men to learn barber trade Special Inducements this month; wages while learning. Gillmaa Barber College. 62T Clay at.. San Francisco. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc; No canvassing. Universal Adv. Co.. Chicago. HELP WANTED MALB. TEN YOtjNO MEN. ' OOOD PHYSIQUE, over 18, wanted Immediately to fit for rail way mail clerks for Oregon: starting salary $800; fine opportunity. Call sure, Monday or Tuesday evening, 7 to 9. E. O. Heynen, 215 Columbia bldg.. 865 Washington St. SASH AND DOOR FOREMAN. SASH AND door machine hand, stickle -hand, matcher hand, door and -window frame cutter. Ore gon City Planing Mill Co., Oregon City. SALESMAN FOR FALL LINE DRY GOODS novelties and blankets: loom to retailer; commission basis; excellent side line. F. C. Rollmann A Co., Mfgs.. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED WHIP SALESMEN IN CALIFOR nla, Oregon and Washington. State experi ence In first letter. Smith Lock wood Mfg. Co., 13th and Castellar st., Omaha, Neb. DETECTIVE SHREWD. RELIABLE MAN wanted in every locality to act under or ders: experience unnecessary. Write Web ster's Detective Agency, Dea Moines. Ia. TRAVELING 8ALESMAN FOR OREGON BT large house to sell staple line to retail trade. Permanent contract and liberal drawing ac count. References. Box 725. Chicago. UNION H0TEJU 1 North Sixth Street. Weekly rates: Room $1.25 up: room with board. $4.50 up. Anderson, prop. WANTED LOCAL MEN IN EVERY TOWN in the United States to distribute adver tising matter: no canvassing: permanent; $3 dally. Harry Contrls. Chicago. SALESMAN. COVERING OREGON. WASH lngton and California, to solicit subscrip tions for Pacific Drug Review, Portland, as side line; liberal proposition. SALESMAN IN EASTERN OREGON TO carry first-class candy line; must be local man and permanent: we have trade estab lished. 'Xddreas T 15. Oregonian. WANTED POET TO WRITE SONG WORDS. . We will write music and present to big New York, publishers. Metropolitan Music Co., 1201 St. James Bldg., New York. WANTED MEN TO ROOM AND BOARD AT Golden West Hotel, 7th and Everett; good board, good rooms, bath; rates reasonable; room with or without board. WANTED GOOD SALESMAN TO PLACE staple article with grocers and druggists In Oregon and Idaho. Side line or. Inde pendent. X 16. Oregonian. WANTED M EN EVERYWHERE GOOD pay to distribute circulars, advertising mat ter, tack signs, etc. No canvassing. Na tional Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WANTED COMPETENT, EXPERIENCED insurance producers for best fraternity ex tant; liberal compensation. F. F. Roose, president. Denver, Colo. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE, GOOD pay, to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, etc. ; no canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WANTED YOUNG MAN IN WALL PAPER store; wholesale and retail; must be bright and a hustler, one with experience pre ferred. Call 12S 1st at. WANTED SIGN WRITER MUST BE A first-class workman; steady Job to right party. Apply at once. W. P. Berger & Son. 284 Yamhill st. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG MAN to prepare for railway mall clerk wanted Immediately. West Coast Correspondence School. 246 Stark st. ENGRAVER WANTED ONE ACCUSTOMED to making coarse printing plates preferred. Apply Ames-Harrls-Nevllle Co., S. W. cor. 5th and Davis sts. WANTED A MAN OF EXPERIENCE IN real estate business to form partnership In city. References exchanged. Box 354, Oregon City. Or. HANDLE BIGOEKT MONEY-MAKER ON earth; $200 monthly guaranteed workers; failure impossible. Baenzlger & Co., 19 Sul livan St.. Chicago. WANTED FOUR YOUNG MEN WITH references, to do sampling work. Call at Overland Warehouse, Fourth and Davis sts., Monday morning. ACTIVE CATHOLIC LADY TO WORK AT home; $3H paid for 12 days' trial : promotion if satisfactory. John Engwall, Lakeside Bldg.. Chicago. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO take charge of clothing department: state experience and salary expected. Apply D 18. Oregonian. ONE FIRST-CLASS OPERATOR AND ONE finisher for photograph gallery. Address Angolre Studio, 7234 Sprague ave., Spo kane. Wash. $25 PER WEEK GUARANTEED W HEN YOU learn the art of operating moving-picture machines: terms and particulars. Call 145.Vi 6th, room 2. WANTED EVERYWHERE HUSTLERS TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Sun advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED BOY WITH WHEEL. MORN ings. to carry heavy bundles. Call from 1 to 3 Sunday. 205Vi Washington St., room 78. WANTED BOY ABOUT 17; STEADY WORK. 49 Front, corner Davis. WANTED MEN TO WORK FARM. IN qulre 325 Ablngton bldg. A BOY TO WORK tN CANDY FACTORY. Apply 104 North 5th. BOY WANTED FOR DELIVERING PACK--ages. 207 2d st. WANTED CAN WASH BR. CALL 429 Washington st. WANTED EXPERIENCED DRUGGIST. W 22. Oregonian. TWO BOYS WANTED TO LEARN TRADE. 271 1st St. . HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRL -ACCUSTOMED TO OF flce work, permanent position. Address O 13, Oregonian. GIRL WITH 80MB EXPERIENCE IN SEW. Ing. Angeles Dressmaking Parlors, 242 3th and Main. WANTED 'GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; two. In family; good wages.- 601 Kearney st. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family. Call 128 East 19th. near Morrison. WANTED A STEADY GIRL HOUSE work. Apply at 624 Gantenbeln ave. Take R-S Car. TWO EXPERIENCED GIRLS FOR GEN eral housework; permanent position. 3ia Alder st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 627 Marshall, bet. 19th and 20th. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work in family of 2. Apply lower fiat, 256 12th at. WANTED LADY COOK FOR SMALL PRI vate boarding-house; good wages. Call 175 14th St. COMPETENT GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework; best, wages. 731 Savier street. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK small family. 151 N. Grand ave. East 20G4. WANTED GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework; good, plain cook. 258 11th st. LADY COOK, HELPER FURNISHI0D, TO cook for 14 to 18 men. Call phone East 141 today. GIRL. ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK AND CARE children: good wages. 6U5 Davis, cor. 21st. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR DINING-ROOM Must be first class. Call The Carleton. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work; must go home nights. 284 Park st. WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIST AND Jacket finisher. Inquire 168 -11th st. . WANTED A WOMAN TO DO CHAMBER work. 131 H N. 6th St., the Standard. OPERATORS AND FINISHERS ON PANTS; best pay. 410 Washington, room 7. WANTED GIRL TO DO HOUSEWORK IN family of two.. Phone East 14S. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN small family. 710 Johnson st. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE "BOSS OF All" overalls at 7B 1st st. WANTED NEWLY GRADUATED STENOG rapher, small wages. 271 1st. WANTED GOOD DRESSMAKER AND Ap prentice. 125 12th st. WANTED DINING-ROOM' GIRL. 340 AN keny St., corner 7th. GIRL WAITRESS. GOOD WAGES. UNION Hotel. 81 N. 6th St. LADY COOK WANTH1D 62 NORTH SIXTH street. ... HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS ABOUT 18 TEARS OF AGE TO work in factory. Apply at once, Ames-Harris-Neviiie Co., fito and Davis sts. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. Call Early Monday. Working housekeeper, -hotel, $23 and found; 2 chambermaids. $25: 3 waitresses, $8 a week; 7 waitresses, $20, room and board: 2 family cooks, $35: 2 second girls. $25; 3 at $20: boarding-house cooks, $40 and $33: nursegirls. second girls, house girls, etc., $20 to $30; city and country places. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 34S Washington St.. cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED FINISHERS ON OVERALLS. MT. Hood Factory, 233 Couch st. A 17, Ore gonian. WANTED GIRUS TO LEARN TO MAKE overalls. Teachers to show you. Mt. Hood Factory, 233 Couch st. ATTENTION. Applicants for all kinds of work register with vs. free of charge, so ws may locate Tou on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCT. $48 H Washington St., oor. 7th, upstairs. THE YOUNG WOMAN'S CHRISTIAN As sociation now has a large number of good positions for reliable gins. We also want day workers who have phonea. Apply 9:30 to 11. 2 to 4. WANTED COOKS, $30 TO $60; 6 WAIT resses, $8, and 3 at $7; domestic, $30 and $25, and other good positions; registration free. The Home Ladies' Agency, lo'a 4tn st- Main 5826. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER TO EXCHANGE services for office, room and use of type-w-rlter; very desirable location. State ex perience and address. HA 16, Oregonian. WANTED A GOOD, STRONG, RELIABLE girl for general housework in family of 3; must be good cook and good waitress. Ap ply 778 E. Salmon st. Phone East 1157. GIRLS WANTED OPERATORS TO WORK on 6hlrts and overalls. Lessons given to inexperienced. Apply -at Standard Factory, 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework in email family; good wages to competent girl. 346 Clifton, corner 7th, bet. Jackson and Lincoln. WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN WITH references for cooking and general house work, family of two. Apply 3U3 West Park, between 11 and 3 o'clock. LADIES. TO MAKE SANITARY BELTS Material all cut ready to sew; $1.2o per . dozen; particulars stamped envelope. Lenox Co., Dept. 04o. Chicago. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; family of two grown people and one baby 1 year old: good wages. 778 Kearney. Telephone Main 4629. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS YOUNG LADY to prepare for postofflce clerk wanted im mediately. West Coast Correspondence School. 246 Stark st. FOR NEXT TWO MONTHS KEISTERS College offers short courses in drafting and tailoring. Write for circular. Hall 4O0. Allsky bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN AUD lttng sales checks clerk for large depart . ment store; experience and references. A - 19, Oregonian. DISEASES OF WOMEN A BP1CC1ALTY X Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 84 and Alder; entrance Ul Aides el Portland. A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO HELP CARE for children and light work; must give ref erences. Call Monday. Apply 1514 Ma drona st. WANTED AT 380 321) ST.. W1LLAM etle Heights, a competent girl to cook and do housework; small family; good wages. COMPETENT WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEPER In small family; must be good plain cook; good wages. 81 Hawthorne ave.. cor. 28th. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. COOKS, nurses, waitresses, second girls. St. Louts Ladles' Agency, 230t Yamhill. Main 541.1. WANTED AT ONCE COM PBTPENT WOMAN cook. Apply to Mrs. F. S. Stanley. T8I N. 23d St. Phone Main 2274. Call Monday. THE HOME LADIBS AGENCY; FEMALP) help wanted; registration free. 15"4 4th St.. upstairs, aulte 23. Phone Main 5828. WANTED YOUNG WOMAN AS OFFICE assistant; must be rapid at figures and good penman: salary $30. M 12, Oregonian. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shlrtmaklng. Apply Standard Fac tory. 2 Grand ave. and E. Taylor at. WANTED ENERGETIC. AMBITIOUS Wo man over 25. for responsible position; school teacher preferred. E 16, Oregonian. COMPKTENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good home and- good wages; small family. Apply 1(11 N. 12th st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL IIOL'SM work: good plain cook, small family. Ap ply mornings. 8S3 E. Taylor st. SHIRTMAKERS. THOROUGHLY BXPERI enced on custom shirts. Jacobs Shirt Co., Hamilton bldg., 131 3d st. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. $484 -Washington St., cor. 7th. upstairs. Phons Main 2S02. WANTED STENOGRAPHER FOR LIGHT office work. Call a"t 308 Fenton Bldg., Monday morning at 9 o'clock. TWO BRIGHT CAPABLE GIRLS TO learn millinery, small wages, call early Monday. Fraley. 214 Third. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN TO DO chamberwork at the Victoria, 7th and Glisan. German preferred. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: willing to go to the beach after the 4th of July. Apply 670 Lovejoy. WANTED A GOOD COOK; REFER ences required. Apply Mrs. H. W. Cor bett. 3th and Taylor sts. S WANTED TWO GOOD WAITRESSES AT the Evergreen Restaurant, 434 Washington. Apply Sunday morning. SCHOOL GIRL OR YOUNG LADY CAN have home and help evenings, private fam ily. Phone East 5259. EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO WASH. Ap ply Monday. 178 E. 17th St., between Bel mont and Taylor. A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, two In family; good wages. Ap Dly 684 E. Main St. GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSEWORK, family of two: no washing. Call Immedi ately. 400 Clay st. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED WAIT resses; one for dinner only. Hobart-Curtia, 14th and Jefferson. EXPERIENCED HAND IRONERS. APPLY at once; good wages. Independent Laundry Co.. 266 Glisan st. WANTED LADY, WELL EXPERIENCED in photo gallery: references. Lucerne Studio.- Dekum bldg. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK; assist in care of baby; good wages. Apply 689 Everett st. WANTED A GIRL FOR SFJCOND WORK and to take care of a child 4 years old. 434 Salmon st. EXPERIENCED IN LAW WORK: SALARY $30 first month; $40 afterwards. Lock hox 164. city. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. CAMP. MILLS, BOARDING COOKS (HUS band Job), ten waitresses, chambermaids, housework, housekeepers, farmhands (one married), tinner (plumbing). Everybody. Drake's, 205V6 Washington. COME ON. BOYS FREE FIRECRACKERS. With each 50c purchase a bunch of fire crackers free. M. F. Cash Grocery, 334 3d at., cor. Market. Phone Main 1733. The Great Western Employment Office. 3004 Couch St. Phone Main 3318. We mak a specialty of furnishing, all kinds of labor. S. St. Clair, general manager. WANTED YOUNG MAN OR LADY FOR assistant bookkeeper In wholesale houee. T 13, Oregonian. WANTED MAN AND WIFE WILLING TO work at my home Joining city. Staples, the Jeweler. WANTED CLERK, MALE OR FEMALE, candy store, 181 3d st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FKMAJUt "WANTED 500 MEN, WOMEN AND CHIL dren to appear in the production of the San Francisco Disaster, which opens at the Lewis and Clark Fair Grounds. Jine 13. Call at 83 7th st.. Monday and Tues day, from 10 to 12 A. M , and 1 to 5 P. M. ANYONE NEEDING MEDICAL HELP should call on the old reliable physician. Dr. J. D. Walker. 25 years' successful practice in Portland: lady physician in attendance. 181 1st st., cor. Yamhill. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. CAPABLE ENERGETIC MAN WISHES Po sition as manager, solicitor or salesman; age 32; have had good business experience; if you are in need of a man to flu such a position creditably, address E 20, Orego nian. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books, make up your statements and take oft monthly trial balance, at small expense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton, the ac countant, 534 Chamber Commerce. Main 4886. WANTED A POSITION AS MANAGER or salesman by a competent dry goods man. Al references. No objection to going to small town. Personal interview preferred. Address S 17, Oregonian. FULLY .QUALIFIED BOOKKEEPER DE sires situation with honorable and estab lished firm; 10 years' continuous experience; good penman; undoubted references. Iu28 Front st. WANTED YOUNG MARRIED MAN OF education and refinement would like po sition as private secretary; best of refer ences. Address V 17. Oregonian. HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY JAPANESE wants position at hotel or boarding-house to do general housework; wanta good watfe. W 11, Oregonian. POSITION CITY OR TRAVELING SALES man, with reliable firm, four years' expe rience: age 30, single. A 18, Oregonian. YOUNO MAN ATTENDING COLLEGE wishes position as Janitor or clerk after college hours. T 9. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER. COMPETENT, DESIRES employment; owns typewriter. X 13. Ore gonian. HIGH-GRADE TEACHER DESIRES WORK all or part of Summer: would substitute in office. Address T 21. Oregonian. M hc e 1 ulii r ons. WANTED BUSINESS OPENING OR Em ployment offering opportunity to a k-garv trained business man or business-trained lawyer. Am 38 years old and married. Early business tranilng In general merchan dise store In country town. Practiced law In Chicago 15 years, first seven yeais in general practice. Including patent law, lust eight years confined practically to a lew large corporations and finally to one, where my work was to help do business without legal complications, rather than to give mere lt-gal opinions. Would consider an open ing with a good law firm, or any business opening where legal training would be an advantage. G 19. Oregonian. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING MEMBERS, all experts In their line, now In the East, who seek openings on the Coast: Concrete, bridge, railroad, steel structural foremen, lumber . bookkeeper, private secretary-stenographer, locomotive engineer and draftsman, blacksmith foreman, civil engineer, mining expert, professional auditor, attorney, sur geon, physician, teacher science, teacher lan guages, hotel or club manager, bank cashier, haraware salesman, bookkeepers, office man ager several lines. Complete credentials and photographs on file. Technical Men's League. 117 Vi o. luth St., Tacoma. Wash. EXPERT PRINTER, BEST OF (JUAL1 lo cations and experience, desires to engage with first-class house In Western city, wnere systematic and careful handling of work will be appreciated, as superintend ent (or foreman) in Job printing or book and publication department. Address O 11. Oregonian. A SOBER YOUNG MAN WANTS Posi tion tn electrical shop or novelty works. Have had considerable shop experience In electrical work, both repairing and new work: can Jnstall telephones, etc. Best of references Address O 13, Oregonian. WILL ACCEPT ANY SITUATION WHERE good man Is appreciated: age 30: married; good appearance. Good references, some experience groceries; understand horses; good driver: clerical ability; porter work. Interview solicited. M 13. Oregonian. JAPANESE FIRST-CLASS GARDENER, 34, wants permanent position; strictly tem perance man; very highly recommended; 3 years last place aa head gardener. V 11 Oregonian. COOK. GERMAN. Al ON OYSTERS AND delicatessen, wants position as lunchman, hotel, restaurant or lunch cook tn cate; steady and temperate. Laudenbach, 510 Hoyt st. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. HOUSB cleaners and other laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. S St., city. Main 5154. P. O. Box 175. MAN. PAST 30. ACTIVE. GOOD APPEAR ance, wants work in business or manufac turing house where he can learn something. K 18, Oregonian. FURNISHED FREE WAITERS. COOKS, porters, dishwashers, farmhands, coast, camp; Asiatic help, negro. Drake, 2054 Washington. EMPLOYMENT WANTED IN RETAIL IM plement house; years experience; capable of handling all kinds of machinery. S 13, Oregonian. - SOBER MAN WANTS PLACE DO CHORES: under-stands gardening, can milk: small wages, good home preferred. L J3, Ore gonian. JAPANESE; LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; aJ kind of help. Main 4659. 268 Everett. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER or clerk by young man experienced In of fice work. Address M 19, Oregonian. JAPANESE. GOOD EXPERIENCED FAM ily cook, wants position do housework. In city or country. H 21. Oregonian. JAPANESE YOUNG MAN DESIRES Posi tion few hours afternoons: either store or factory. Q 12, Oregonian. YOUNG GIRL WISHES DAT WORK: NO domestic or factory work wanted. Refer ences. R 17, Oregonian. ALL KINDS OF LAWN AND GA RDEN work; special contracts. O. E. Panzer, 1287 E. 14th st. N. JAPANESE BOY WOULD LIKE PLACE AS bellboy or waiter, experienced. Phone Main 4288. j Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices psid. 73 N. .'Id st. Phone Pacific 1694. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. "Bookkeepers and Stesoogrsoliera. WANTED BY A THOROUGHLY COMPE tent young lady, bookkeeper employed af ternoons, a small set of bonks, two or three hours mornings. Address B 13. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER by young lady with good English educa tion. Will accept position out of town. Phone Main 5S94. COMPETENT LADY BOOKKEEPER wants employment 2 or 3 hours, day or evening. H.. box 90. St. Johns. Or. STENOGRAPHER. 4 YEARS' EXPERI ence general office work, desires position. City references. O 17. Oregonian. POSITION BY STENOGRAPHER WITH years' continuous experience. G 20, Orego nian. Housekeepers. MANAGING HOUSEKEEPER. REFINED, middle-aged woman; references; attend ant in doctor's office. Care of house dur ing Summer. V 12. Oregonian. REFINED AND COMPETENT LADY would like position as housekeeper; refer ences. S 12. Oregonian. RESPECTABLE WOMAN DESIRES Posi tion housekeeper or similar position of trust. W 21, Oregonian. Ltomsstlea. SITUATION WANTED CAPABLE GIRL, children's nurse, assist second work; re spectable woman with girl 3. housekeeper, widower, family. 23014 Yamhill. Main 5413. A GIRL WANTS TO DO GENERAL HOUSE work in small family; understands Amer ican cooking. 61S Quimby, bet. luth and 20th. WANTED CHAMBERWORK IN A HOTEL at the beach, for the season. Address Mnt Gertrude Spalding. 167 Monroe St., Portland. WANTED REFINED YOUNG LADY. DE siring a good home, to assist In housework. Salary $18. N 16, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED A3 NURSE GIRL; willing go to the coast. Phone Scott 082, Monday morning. WOMAN WANTS TO DO HOUSEWORK BY the day. Phone East 2569. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Dressmakers. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BT EX. perienced .party; skirts a specialty; work tuaranteed. 385H East Washington, beu nlon and Grand ave. ' WANTED SEWING BY THE DAY AT YOUR home, by an experienced dressmaker and ladles' tailoress. 1924 Grand ave. Phone East 5679. LADIES' HATS REMADE AND RE trlmmed. order work a specialty. Mrs. Westphal. 211 12tb. Main 7151. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. LADIES tailorist, wishes sewing In families or at home. Phone Main 6542. LADIES' TAILORING AND FASHIONABLB dret-maklng by the day in families. Phone Pacific 780. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER- WOULD like fancy gowns and waists. Phone East 3399. COMPETENT DRESSMAKER WILL MAKE engagements by day. Phone Pacific 606. WOMAN ACCUSTOMED TO OFFICE WORK would like position. B 21, Oregonian. SEWING AND REPIIRIVC BT THR DAY J at your homes. Phone East 1391. PLAIN SEWING WANTED TO TAKE home. K 20. Oregonian. . THlscellasjso-os. HOME FOR CHILDREN BY THE MONTH, day or hour; good care, terms reasonable Day children called for and returned for car fare. 904 Williams ave. Phone Union 28 to. LADY SPEAKING SIX LANGUAGES. Ex perienced In traveling, good sewer, wishes position as traveling companion or gov erness. Address N 20. Oregonian. PACIFIC 1370. "DRAKE." 205ti WASH Ington Families. chambermaids, wait resses, kitchen, ocean, factory, confection ery, family help everywhere. A REFINED YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE a position as traveling companion to a lady. References. Address Box V 13, Oregonian. YOUNG GIRL WOULD LIKE TO BE COM panlon tn the evening to elderly lady. Would make herself useful. S 9, Ore gonian. WANTED TRAVELING POSITIONS AS demonstrators, by two young lady clerks; good references. Address 0 12, Oregonian. WANTED BY A COLORED WOMAN, washing and ironing or any kind of day work; txperlenced worker. Phone Main 4200. CLERICAL POSITION WANTED BY WELL educated young woman; can give highest references. K 14, Oregonian. TOUNO WOMAN WANTS TO WORK FOR board In quiet home; write full particulars to O 19. Oregonian. HOME-LA UNDER ED LACE CURTAINS, lace bedspreads also. Phone Scott 3841. Mrs.' S. M. Scott. CAPABLE WOMAN WOULD LIKE TO DO chamberwork In hotel or rooming-bouse. C 21. Orezonlan. WANTED A FEW pFFICES TO KEEP clean: reliable woman and steady. L 20, Oregonian. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD: LOVELY home; terms reasonable. Phone Union C034. MILLINER WANTS REMODEL. TRIM hats to order. Pacific 12S5. 352 Second at. WOULD LIKE TO TAKE CHARGE OF A rooming-house. Address L 19, Oregontan. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. 23C hour; city references. Phone Main 4467. WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK, SWEEP ing and cleaning. Phone East 4213. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND STRETCH ed, 40 cents pair. Phone Main 7014. WANTED WORK BY DAY. 874 THUR man' st.. near 26th. WANTED AGENTS. HUSTLERS WANTED FOR UNIQUE PROP osltion. Establish your own business. Large Income; we take all risk. References and small capital required: chance of lifetime. Only one man appointed- in each city, so you should write Immediately. Sherman Co., 15 Dover St., New York. AGENTS EVERYWHERE. BOTH SEXES; big money . selling genuine Mexican opals; 500 per cent profit; nice, genteel business; I supply you direct from Mexico and pre pay the duty and postage- Sample opal 10c, Price list tree. A. V. Todd, Juarex. Chi huahua. Mexico. 8 9. BECOME AN OPTICIAN WRITE TODAY for free booklet, how to fit eye-glasses. Big demand for opticians, splendid side Una. Tremendous profits and golden opportunity. $20 daily easily made. Write National Op tical College, St. Louis. Mo. OUTSELLS EVERYTHING OUR NEW snap box containing 6 sol'4-sllverold1 spoons and 6 cakes soap, worth $1.50, sells 36 cents; agents' profits amazing: agent In Durham made $1000 first 10 weeks. Parker Chemical Co.. Chicago. NEW OFFICIAL HISTORIES OF SAN FRAN clsco Fire and Earthquake (prospectus post paid 23c). Post cards, souvenir editions and stereoscopic fire scenes. Wholesale. Rig money to agents. W". B. Kelly Pub. Co., 4o9 16th St., Oakland, Cal. WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL OUR Spe cialties; steady position f outfit furnished free; select your territory. Start at en: and make $30 to $50 per weak. Write today to Oregon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. $25 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED BY LADY agents taking orders for us: outfit prepaid; we start you In business and make you In dependent; write for circular and terms. Woman's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. OUR WONDERFUL PREMIUM OFFERS Just out. Get next quick. We have great est Inducements ever offered agents. Write for territory today. Davis Soap Works, 9 Union Park Place. Chicago. WANTED AGENT; AGENT WANTED TO sell a few acre tracts to homebullders; splendid location -for homes; two electric lines; good commission. Ccderbergh, 314 Commercial block. A CLEVER HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASSER can get a good position by calling at 69 1st street South. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THB Old Reliable Nurseries; commissions ad vanced weekly; writ quick for cholc of territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany. Or. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR high-grade nursery stock: big commissions and premiums: cash advanced weekly. Ad dress Chleo Nursery, Salem, Or. WANTED CANVASSERS TO SELL AUTO matlc Screen Door Catcbes. Mak big mo.-ev. Sample catch postpaid. 25c. Auto matic Citch Company, Chicago. AGENTS LEGITIMATE SUBSTITUTE FOR slot machines: patented; sells at sight for $1 : good territory open; particulars. Glsha Co.. Anderson, Ind. BIG PAY TO ONE AGENT IN EACH COUN ty working for the Investors' Guide. : 211 Marquam bldg.. Portland. Or. BIG PAY TO ONE AGENT IN EACH COUN ty. working for the Investors' Guide, 3)1 Marquam Bldg., Portland, Or. FREE SAMPLE NEW HOUSEHOLD SPHV elalty, patented April, 1906; $6 per day. O. Edgren Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED EAST AND WEST BIDS houses and cottages; can rent at one. West ern Oregon Trust Co., 291 Stark at. Phone Pacific 6143. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI vate family in Sunnyslde, by man and wife. State price. Permanent. H 17, Oregonian. SI' MM ER BOARD WANTED BY FOUR adults, easy reaching distance to Portland! moderate prices. T 20, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A FURNISHED FLAT or house of 4 or 6 rooms; must be reason able. Address J 15. Oregonian. . . UNFURNISHED 5 OR 6-ROOM MODERN cottage. West Side. Stat terms and lo cation. W 17. Oregonian. WANTED A YOtfNG LADY WANTS RBA sonable room In private house. South Port land. E 21. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT BUILDING FOR small butcher shop In good locality. Phone Pacific 874. YOUNG COUPLE DESIRE HOUSEKEEPING rooms In private family; food references. X 45. Oregonian. WANTED FURNISHED COTTAGE, THREE rooms, gas range, all conveniences, porch. 3 14, Oregonian. WANTED VACANT HOUSE WITH FROM 10 to 14 rooms; must be very central. Phone Main 6802. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, FLAT. ROOMING-HOUofia. STORKS. ITC. Our rental department ha bn etc - larged and provided with additional ataO. W Invlt listing from LANDLORDS, sflfer personal attntlon to and continuous supervision ever ail property intrusted is ur cars. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREOOW, B- X. Cor. d and Oak sts. Phons Ex. T. WANTED FURNISHED FLAT OR SMALL house, by married couple, no children; best location. West Side. Must be light and In every way desirable. References exchanged. X 17. Oregonian. T15 PER MONTH AND $150 CASH WILL BUY you a new modern home; this 1 the only way to rent pay It to yourself and savej money. 313 "4 Washington l, room 18. WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES, EAST and West Sides; will rent at one. Donald O. Woodward, agent, 104 Xd St. Psoas Mala 1436. Administrator of sstatas. MAN AND WIFE WITHOUT CHILDREN would occupy modern furnished house for the Summer on satisfactory terms. Refer ences exceptional. W 16, Oregonian. - WANTED MODERN FURNISHED SMALL flat or cottage, by four adults, about, June 25. 10 minuter walk from Post office. P 15. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Main 5633. - Main 5655. FURNITURE WANTED for SPOT CASH. Portland Auction Rooms, A. Schubach, Prop. - 211 First Street. Main 6653. Main 6655. WANTED TO BUT NATIONAL CASH registers, both new and second-hand; we pay highest price; give address, full description, of the machine and price expected; we buy for cash in all esses and can use about 23 registers. C 11, Oregonian. WANTED FOR SICK LADY. AN OLD fashioned patent rocker, springs In back and seat or soft Invalid chair of soma kind. Address S. L. B . 940 Corbett st. TALENTED AMATEURS WANTED TO coach for entertainment: 4 gentlemen and, 2 ladles. Terms $3 per month. Q 9, Oregonian. WANTED A KIND, RESPONSIBLE PRI vate family to care for and board a 12-yeai-old boy at the Beach this Summer. P 18. Oregonian. TYPEWRITING AND COPYING TO DO AT home; stenographic dictation taken; znan - uscript corrcted; reasonable. W 8, Ore gonian. WANTED TO BUY GOOD SBCOND-HANI cash registers to take North. Leave your address and description for C. Page. Hotel Oregon. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINO and shoes; highest price paid. Call at ths -Fair Deal." 62 N. 8d. Phone Paclflo 1732. DEAD HORSES hauled away promptly free; highest pi Ice paid for bones. Oregon Fer tilizer Works, 792 Thurman. Main 1968. TOUNG MAN OWNING LOTS DESIRES TO correspond with party who will build housa thereon. D 19. Oregonian. WE WILL BUT FOR CASH TOUR FURNI tur. carpets, etc.. now. Westers Salvag Co., 627 Washington st. WANTED HAY RAKE. STATE SIZE, foot or hand dump, and must t6 cheap. Q 11. Oregonian. WANTED AUTOMOBILE OR LAUNCH; will trade live property In growing town. K 16. Oregonian. FURNITURE) AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Pont worry, los tiro or money. Call us Paclflo 793. WANTED MEN'S OR LADIES' LAUNDRY. 205 14 Washington St., room 78. Phone Pa cific 640. WANTED TO RENT HOUSEBOAT. Fl lt nlshed. for season; state location. ' O. 19. Oregonian. WANTED THREE SECOND-HAND NA . tlonal cash registers; will pay cash. L 14. Oregonian. DRAMATIC ELOCUTION. MUSIC. FRENCH and English to foreigners. 512 Alder st. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tl free at charge. Phone East 223$. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES.' Edwards Co.. 18.V191 1st st. WANTED CITY WALL MAP. STATE prlr. W 13. Oregonian. FOB KENT. Room. 207 OTH ST. NICELY FURNISHED front room: also a small one with gas. bath and phone: centrally located near Foetofflc. 392 COLUMBIA NEWLY FURNISHED bright rooms, porcelain bath, electric light, walking distance; board across street. 1 COZY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BATH and gas cheap to parties with references; use of kitchen if desired. 25 11th st. FRONT SUITE. TWO LARGE, LIGHTS rooms, nicely furnished, for two or threa people. $3 a week. .1224 Stark st. NICE SUNNY ROOM, NEWLY FURNISH ed. In new, modern home; reasonable. 474 Salmon. Phone Main 5443. 348. YAMHILL BEAUTIFUL FRONT ROOM, bay window, modern: call Sunday morn ins or evenings. Phone Pacific 8. 448 TAYIiOR PARLOR SUITE WITH TI ano: also other first-class rooms; all con veniences, near 12th. ' , NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. OAS, BATH, phon; walking distance; $5 and up. 62 Em 12th North. FRONT ALCOVE ROOM. SUITABLE FO'5 two. telephone, bath, .one single room. 73 West Park. A NICE. LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE for two men, four blocks from Washlngton 24 N. 8th. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN CON venlences. $5 and $8. 474 E. Oak. Phona East 2558. 468 TAYLOR. NEAR 13TH ST. TWO FU fi nished front rooms, private family; reno reasonable. CHEERFUL ROOM, HOME FOR RIGHT party, on car line; every convenience. Fhona East. 1380. THE ANKBNY NEWLT FURNISHEIx comfortable rooms, reasonable rates. 3494 Ankeny st. 1 $6 PER MONTH ROOM WITH PRJVATFJ family, use parlor, piano, bath, phone. 284 121h t. ' ' THE ANGELUS. 6TH AND' JEFFERSO.I ts. One suite, strictly modern; prices,, rea sonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, PRIVATH family: modern; reasonable. 423 Burn side. ONE FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BATH. to 1 or 2 gentlemen. .4834 North Union ave. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, central. $10 and $12. 341 3d. cor. Market. COZY ROOM, HOMELIKE. ALL CONVENI encea; rent reasonable. Phone Main 6483. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. GAS, baths, phone. 493 Davis St., .near 14th st. PLEASANT ATTIC ROOM FOR GENTLB man, $S per month. 35 N. 17th, Cor. Couch. COZY FURNISHED ROOM. GAS AND bath, use of kitchen If dfslred. 2oS 11th U ROOMS IN LEWIS BUILDING. INCLUDING light, heat, water and elevator services. 4 NICE. LIGHT. UNFURNISHED ROOMS, good locality, close in. 606 Washington. A FI'RNIBWKD ROOM. BATH. GAS. PHONE, walking distance. $6 per month. 420 6th. 30B COLUMWA ST.. 1 BLOCK FROM CITY Hall Furnished rooms for rent. FRONT ROOMS. USE OF SITTING-ROOM IF desired. 649 Yamhill. Main 6436. . . FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, ALL MOD ern, $7. 9 E. 13th at. East 3980. THE PLEAS ANTON LARGE OUTSIDE room for rent cheap. 3d t. SUITE OF ROOMS FOR 2 GENTLEMEN. 143 11th st. Phone Main 4488. $10 FOR NICE CLEAN ROOMS IN FIRST clas locality. 128 12th st. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED BEDROOMS, $1.60 a week. 431 Sixth st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOB 2 GEN tiemen. 106 N. 12th St. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 310 Columbia at.