'Z1 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. MAT 27, 1906. WANTED TO RENT. FOR RENT. FOB RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. FbR RENT. 1- wanted to rent houses, cottages, flats. booking-houses. stores. ETC. Our rental department has been en larged and provided with additional Stan. We Invite listing from LANDLORDS. ffer personal attention to and continuous supervision aver ail property Intrusted t our care. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREROX S. E. Cor. Sd and Oak eta. Phone El 73. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES, flats, rooming-houses, business property, in all parts of the city. We Invite listing from landlords; offer personal attention to and continuous supervision over all prop erly Intrusted to our care. E. I,. Chapman Co., Room 22o, Lumber Exchange blag, t'hone Main 2747. IF YOL INTEND GOING A WAT FOR A year and want to rent your house to man and wife, reliable parties, address Q SO, Ortgonlan; prefer neighborhood of Portland .V'itdemy; possession to be take nabout June 15 to July 1. LADY WISHES 1 OR 2 UNFURNISHED rooms. Phone Main 1249. WANTEII MISCELLANEOUS. SPOT CASH" FOR FURNITT-RB AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS. 211 FIRST STREET. MAIN 5055. BARRELS OF MONEY PAID BY WILSON. THE AUCTIONEER, For Furniture, Merchandise and Stocks. . AT Mi "8 FIRST STREET. PHONE MAIN 1620. WANTED TO RUY FURNITURE TO FIT up 2 rooms; also small money safe and 4 foot showcase; have a-foot carte for sale or trade. 343 Yamhill. Phono Main 4798. BOATS WANTED LIST YOUR BOATS, launches, houseboats) with use for sale or rent; we have call for them every day. Phone Bast 184. V ANTED A GOOD GASOLINE LAUNCH, about 20 passenger capacity. Inquire of clerk at Belvedere Hotel, between 7 and V P. M. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OrF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the Fair Deal," B2 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. BEAD HORSES hauled away promptly free; highest price paid for bones. Oregon Fer tilizer Works. 702 Thurman. Main 1068. V ANTED LOAN OF $6000; GOOD OEN tral Income property security; no commis sion; 8 per cent. N 88, Oregonian. t ANTED A HOATHOUME FOR GASOLINE launch of 20 feet long. Inquire Ron Ton Sa . loon. 271 Couch at. Mr. Georges. WE WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FURNI ture, carpets, etc., now. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington at. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN A3 companion In exchange for good home. In " quire 54l B. 15th St. FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS Dont worry, lose time or . money. Call up Pacific 763. GASOLINE LAUNCH ,ND ROW BOAT; Mtale size, speed, price and terms. P. O. Box 164. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie free of charge. Phone East 2233. WANTED TO BUY OF OWNER. GOOD rooming-house. C 93, Oregonian. WANT TO BUY A SECOND-HAND OFFICE desk for cash. I. III. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A HOUSEBOAT FOR the season. V 90, Oregonian. WANTED A SECOND-HAND TENT. 1(1X10 feet. Address G 112. Oregonian. WE PAY $.'.(0 FOR MONARCH RANGES. ' Edwards Co.. 1R5-101 1st St. FOR KKNT. Rooms. NEW GRANT APARTMENT HOUSE 3 . . room suite, modern, gas, bath, phone and laundry and sink. 5oo 2d and Grant. ROOMS LARGE. CLEAN. AIRY,' CHEAP; 2 blocks south of Hotel Portland. 212 7th St. New management; free, bath and phone. 2(17 tITll NICE. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM, also a small one with gas. bath and phone; very centrally located, near Poatoffice. ,151 iTH ROOM. MODERN CONVEN lenres; respectable lady, employed; use of -phone and bath. Phone Main 3033. 42" JEFFERSON. COR. 11TH PLEASANT comfortable room, modern conveniences, pri vate home, best location; reasonable. ii2 COLUMBIA FURNISHED ROOMS. SIN gle or en suite; electric lights, porcelain bath, phone, central; reasonable. BOOM, MODERN CONVENIENCES. NEAR . In. good locality, private family; refer ences. E 95, care Oregonian. CICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for young ladies; $5 and up; gas. phone. 52 East 12th, north. E. A. Car. 1RSIRABLE FRONT SUITE FOR THREE, strictly flrst-elasn and modern; large yard. t7 2Wh, near Washington. J'OR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms In desirable locality; bath, gas, etc. 428 2d st. ; rent reasonable. 30 YAMHILL FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for one or two; modern conveniences. Phone 4093. 0'LEASANT ROOM IN FAMILY OF TWO, walking distance, phone, bath, $6 per month. Phone East 1269. MCATLT FURNISHED ROOM. WALKING distance; bath, phone, etc., 10 per month; gentlemen. 510 Hoyt st. LIGHT. WKLI-K EPT ROOMS: GOOD BATH; walking distance: private family. 527 Tay lor at. Phone Main 4428. FOR RENT FOUR NICE LIGHT UNFUR nlshed rooms, good neighborhood, close In. 066 Washington st. MCE LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH AL cove, bath, gns, phone, suitable for 2, $8 per month. 548 Taylor. (NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, PLEASANT, homelike; all conveniences; references. 408 Main. Phone Main 4027. C NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS for gentlemen In new home. 54 Lucretla si., or phone Main 6055. LA RGB FRONT SUITE. NICELY FURNISH ed. for several gentlemen; $5.50 each; bath, phone, yard. 831 14th. 894 COLUMBIA, CORNER 10TH WELL-FUR-nlshed rooms, furnace heat, gas. porcelain bath, walking distance. IltONT PARLOR. ALSO OTHER ROOMS, 2 blocks from Postofflce, residence district. 308 Salmon, near 5th. NICE ROOM FOR ONE- OR TWO IN strictly modern new home; family of two. L".t4 College, corner 5th. J'HE ANGELUS. COR. 6TH AND JEFFER son Nicely furnished rooms, strictly mod em; prices reasonable. NICF1LY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR R ft NT at SOSLj vine st. Inquire at Scott Res taurant, of cashier. NICE FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO, USE of phone, hsth. gas; good home cooking; rea sonable. 213 lth. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH bath, electricity and yard. Phone Pacific 524. 334 5ta st. TWO NICE. COZY S I.EEP1 NG-ROOMS. with breakfast: fine bedding. 275 Wood St. l'hone Main 3001. FIRST-CLASS ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN ."(lite; free phone and bath; reasonable. 453 Morrison st. 4tW TAYLOR. NEAR 13TH TWO NICELY I m-niched front rooms; bath, gas, phone; rent reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF ROOMS. . i-.t'- itin. corner vtasmngion; .,o; also single rooms. CLOSE IN. NICE. SUNNY ROOM. NEWLY furnished, in modern home. 474 Salmon. Main 5443. E44", 7TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS In private flat; all conveniences; central and t easonable. IN IRVINGTON PLEASANT FURNISHED room for rent In private house. B 82, Ore conlsn. .NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. CHEAP. Miltable tor man and wife or gentlemen. 375 . Alder st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH light, heat and bath, close In. 2S N. At FRONT ROOMS l WOULD MAKE FINE office) at the Saranac, 47" N. 6th at. FURNISHED ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO ladles, vrivale family, phone Main 4TOB. 41 ELLA SUNNY EAST FRONT ROOMS. baih. furnace heat, phone and light. Rooms. THE CLARNO NEW AND ELEGANTLY furnished rooms. In a new brick building, steam heat, hot and cold water, electric and gas light in every room, porcelain bath and telephone free, restaurant with home cook ing run In connection, a real home-like place. 10 minutes' walk from center of city: rooms $2 per week and up, 24314 Holladay ave. Phone East 525. THE? NEWEST. CLBANEST, BEST FUR. nlsbed and most tip-to-date rooms In city at' the Oxford Hotel, cor. 6th and Oak its. Elegant rooms with ateara heat, hot and cold running water, electric lights, call bells, etc.. SI day; baths free; very reason able rates to permanent roomers; private oaths. Una A. J. Walters, prop. .Main 88. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite. $2 per week up; steam heat; hot and cold water; free baths, free phone; dining-room In connection; transients solicited; open all night; best location In the city; office and readlngroom ground floor. 488 Was.ilngton. CHOICE. NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, porcelain bath, furnace, large front and back porches, with all modem conveniences, front and back yards, close In: rent $20 month. W. Reidt, phone East 1187; watering and cutting lawn, also garbage taken away, all paid for by owner. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN), 413"4j Washington St., 4 blocks west of Imperial Hotel Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water, steam heat, elec trle light, bath and ail modern conveni ences; permanent roomers and tourists so licited. HOTEL ANTLERS, COR. 10TH AND WASH lngton sts. Under new management; every thing new. clean and modern; all the prin cipal car lines pass the door; private bath suites; rates reasonable. Phone Main 2333. Mrs. F. H. Powers, prop. HOTEL KEN YON ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms; also housekeeping suites: gas, elec tric light: hot, cold water; every room steam heat; free baths. 18th and Wash. Pacific 496. FURNISHED ROOMS NEW AND CLEAN, very reasonable to steady tenants; kitchen if desired; private, only two in family; no children. 808 Front St.; take S car, south, corner Glbbs. THE WILLAMETTE, 3221 STARK, 8. W. comer 6th st. New management; new and nice furnishings; large, light room; perma- - nent or transient; popular rates. Pac 1206. THREE WEL-FURNLISHED HOUSEKEEP tng rooms to rent; these rooms located near business center; rent $15 mo. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington bldg. 300 MADISON. 4 BLOCKS FROM FOST office Newly furnished rooms with mod ern conveniences; gentlemen preferred; no sign. Phone Pacific 511. ROOM ON UPPER FIXJOR, 14x18. TWO closets; fine for two gentlemen: permanent, quiet; private family. 430 Jefferson, near 11th st. T'hone Main 5569. THE PALM, 18914 3D UNDER NEW MAN agement. entirely refurnished: 2 comforta bly furnished front rooms; flnst and second floors; rates reasonable. $S FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE RESI dence; also one unfurnished room; on car line. Call after 4 P. M.. 602 Gllsan, near 21st. Phone Main 7101. VERY LARGE, SUNNY ROOM, HAND somely furnished, in refined family; no other roomers; breakfast If desired; refer ences. G 87. Oregonian. FOR RENT LARGE. SUNNY FURNISHED room, private family, very close In; reason able: one or two gentlemen. 90 11th st. Phone Main 1189. VERY LARGE, SUNNY ROOMS, PRIVATE family, suitable for one or two young men; walking distance; bath, gas, etc. Phone Main 6238. 122 12TH. COR. WASHINGTON NEWLY furnished suites and single rooms, $8 month up; free phone, porcelain baths, electric lights. TWO ROOMS WITH BOARD. SUITABLE for one or two each; home cooking, good lo cation; walking distance; modern. 624 & Morrison. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS. SINGLE OR en suite; gas. electric light, telephone, etc.: first class, for particular people. 372 14th street. NEWLY FURNISHED SUITES AND SINGLE, hot and cold water In all rooms; furnace heat, reasonable. 207 14th. Phone Main 1153. FURNISHED ROOM 163 17TH ST.. COR. Morrison; one very pleasant front room, hot and cold water; gas, bath and phone. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, bath, gas, phone; transient or otherwise. 160 Park, near Morrison. 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. GAS. BATH, phone, water; walking distance. Call Mon day or after. 408 Clay. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND ALCOVE, suitable two gentlemen; board reasonable. 628 Taylor st. 104 7TH ST.. CORNER TAYLOR NICELY furnished front rooms, reasonable; modern conveniences. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS. $12. AND 2 unfurnished, $5; water and phone Included. 328 Mill. FRONT ROOM. BATH. PIANO, PRIVATE family, walking distance, $6 month. 376 Ross st. NICE ROOMS BY DAY. WEEK OR MONTH: also housekeeping rooms. The Arcade. 14614 let st. ATTRACTIVE ROOMS. TWO IN A ROOM. $2o a month. Phone Main 4071. 181 N. 16th. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM, heat, gas and bath. 435 Yamhill St. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS PHONE bath, close in. 63 12th at. North. 283 4TH ST. FURNISHED ROOM, SUIT- aoie for two; phone, bath. 3 NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, CHEAP. Phone East 5000. Rooms With Board. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH PLEASANT rooms, good board, close In; reasonable rateB by week or month; suites; hot and cold water. THE CARLETON. 13TH AND ALDER Es pecially fine accommodations for bachelors; European or American plan. Phons paclflo 1347. THE GLEN DORA, loth and Couch Modem family hotel, reception room, billiard room, large grounds, excellent meals: reasonable. FINE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO YOUNG men or man and wife, private family: beat home cooking. 105 16th. Pacific 1180. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH A 1 board. $-0. two In room; modern conve niences; walking distance. 585 5th. THE STERLING. 16TH AND COUCH. ONE lilooit from Washington; very desirable rooms and board; terms reasonable. "TOl'RAlNE." 188 TTH. NEAR YAMHILL, Elegant front rooms with board; reasonable; table board. Phone Main 3378. 500 COUCH WALKING DISTANCE: FINE room and board for worklngmen, $5 week; home privileges: table board. A FEW VACANCIES AT MRS. WILSON'S Comfortable room, good home cooking; rates reasonable. 220 13th. IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND board for $20 per month. Call at the Aster House. 7th and Madison. PLEASANT FRONT PARLOR WITH board for two. $20 each; single front room, $20. 442 Jefferson. I6814 lOTH ST. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS, running water, with board; suitable for one or two gentlemen. THE HARTMAN. 42 ALDER SINGLE AND meals. 25 cents. SUITE OF 2 ROOMS. WITH FIRST-CLASS board for 4 gentlemen. $80 per month. Look this up. 251 7th. THE SOUTHERN. 37 YAMHILL ST. Rooms, single or en suite, with board; rea sonable rates. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI vate family for gentlemen. 674 Gllsan St.. corner 18th. LARGE ROOM WITH CLOSET. BATH AND use of phone: home cooking. Main 1809. 305 Salmon. NICE GROCERY DOING GOOD BUSINESS: nice living-rooms; no agents. Phone Main 4144. $96 MORRISON, COR. 10TH FURNISHED rooms with or without board, running water. THE OZARK ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS service; hot, cold water. 225 11th sr ROOMS WITH BOARD. 34 MYRTLE ST.. Portland Heights. Phone Main 3960. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY; reasonable rates. 395 Front St. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 11 N. 23D. NEAR City Park, Phone Pacific 922. Booms with Board. THE ARGTLE. 103 WEST PARK ST.. COR ner Taylor Convenient location for business people; 3 blocks from Portland Hotel: all outside rooms, nicely furnished. pleasant dining-room, excellent table board. home cooking; parlor, porcelain bath, free phone: special price given to two persons in large rooms; transient trade solicited; terms rea sonable. Phone Main 1896. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 1TTH year; rooms with board: use of. sewing room; use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, Supt, 51 Flanders. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE boarding-house, by two respectable young men. two in a room, $20 per month each; within walking distance of city. S 93, Ore gonian. THE WOODLAND. 265 6TH ST.. ONLY four blocks from Postofflce; a refined pri vate boarding-house; modern conveniences; large grounds: terms reasonable. PRIVATE BOARD AND HOME COOKING for ladles or gentlemen at 140 Lownsdale; also large alcove room, suitable for 2; small room if desired; first class. NICE FRONT ROOM. BATH ADJOINING, for one or two gentlemen, with good board, reasonable: private family. 35 N. 18th, near Washington. WANTED YOUNG MEN TO ROOM AND board, private family, all conveniences, walking distance to center of city. Phone East 5009. A PLEASANT ROOM, WELL FURNISHED, with or without board, suitable for two; also a single room; gentlemen preferred. 295 10th. Flat. BRAND-NEW AND EXCEPTIONALLY fine modern flats of 5 and 8 rooms each; choice Nob Hill location, cor. 23d and Johnson sts.; rents $30 and $35, respec tively. C. H. Korell. 231 Washington. NEW FLAT. 267 LARABEE ST., 2 BLOCKS from Steel bridge. 6 rooms In upper, 6 in lower flat; shades, screens to windows; ce ment basement Ad laundry; up-to-date plumbing. D. G. Woodward, 104 2d st. 557 TAYLOR, COR. 18TH FINE NEW 6-room flat, modern, gas and electric light, 3 large bay windows; rent $35. In quire F. W. Graves. 553 Taylor, or Graves' Music Store. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. $16.50; ALSO 5 room cottage, $'2; both comer Mississippi ave, and Failing st. Inquire D. J. Jaeger, 290 Morrison st. Phone Pacinc 721. 7-ROOM FLAT,- NEW. MODERN. GAS, fireplace, porch, porcelain bath, stationary tubs, basement, attic, window shades; fine view: $25. Main 4633. 6-ROOM FLAT. NEW. STRICTLY MODERN, fireplace, furnace, window shades, etc. In quire 769 Er.st Salmon or Phone East 1926. MODERN. 5 ROOMS. 311 EAST 8TH. NEAR Burnslde St., rent $20. Key 893 East Burn tide at.. W. H. Malls' real estate office. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM UPPER flat, 31 14 Bast 8th St., near Burnslde; rent $20. Key at Mall's. 393 E. Burnslde St. NEW 4-ROOM FLAT. STRICTLY MODERN, $16: Morris st. Inquire 628 Williams ave. Phone East 2508. No small children. DESIRABLE MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, furnace, porches, nice lawn, choice neigh borhood. 743 Overton, near 23d. THREE-ROOM MODERN FLAT. UNFUK nished. all conveniences. Inquire flat D, 225 Market. Phone Main 516. CHOICE MODERN FLATS. VERY REA onable: location 17th and Flanders sts. M. S. Renteiy, Sherlock bldg. MODERN FIVE-ROOM FLAT. STEEL AND gas ranges; window shades; large cement basement. 209 Halsey. COMPLETELY FURNISHED THREE-ROOM flat with bath, central location. Inquire 163 West Park st. PLEASANT. SMALL FLAT. GAS. MODERN plumbing; low rent; to adults only. Inquire 233 Hall St. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM UPPER FLAT. 370 V, 13th. Call 455 Market. Phone Main 5393. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT, B. BURNSIDE and Grand ave., close In. Phone Main 3060. FOR RENT CONVENIENT. MODERN 6 roora flat, fine location. Phone Main 3470. UPPER FLOOR OF 5 FURNISHED ROOMS with piano; cheap to right party. 363 16th. FOR RENT 7 ROOMS AND BATH. 51214 Washington, comer 16tb. Housekeeping; Rooms. 410 JEFFERSON 1 UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping, modern, no children; 5 minutes from P. O. 4 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ALL UPSTAIRS, 461 West Park St., only $10. M. Walton, 313 Washington st. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $10. and 2 for $8. 155 N. 11th st. Phone Pacific 1006. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In cottage, ground floor, $2.50 per week. 235 Clay. cor. 2d. $2.50 PER WEEK TWO NICELY FURNIS.H ed housekeeping rooms. 129 Grand ave. Phone East 424L UPPER FLAT. 4 ROOMS: ALSO 2 ROOMS, well furnished, good location, desirable. 205 11th, near Taylor. FROM SI PER WEEK UP FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; modern conveniences. 127 Lownsdale st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 3 unfurnished, with sink, pantry, bath. 3631 1st and Mill sts. THREE COMPLETE FURNISHED House keeping rooms at 45 E. 7th st. North. Mrs. B. J. Walker. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath. 187 E. 7th St., between Yam hill and Taylor. SUITES OF 2 UNFURNISHED House keeping rooms, $1.25 per week. Apply 382 B. Yamhill st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 2 LARGE ROOMS, gas, bath, steel range; $16.50; two others $12. 300 7th st. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR TWO working girls; gas plate, light and sink. 421 0th st. ONE SUITE OF THREE ROOMS, CHEAP; close in; phone, bath, laundry. 32 N. 11th st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSEKEEP tng or single: bath and phone. 434 Col lege st. 431 MAIN. ST. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED for housekeeping; no small children; bath, phone. SOS MAIN ST. 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; 2 beds; gas stove, phone and water. THREE ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED. DB slrable for light housekeeping. 688 Irving street. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON 1ST floor for housekeeping. 405 Davis St., cor. 14th. TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms; bath, phone. 121 E. 14th St., corner Alder. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent, reasonable, with phone. 164 X. 10th street. 412 ALDER. COR. ' 11TH FOUR ROOMS, furnished for housekeeping. Call after 9 A. M. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping on ground floor, at 216 Park st. 63 FIRST. COR. PINE TWO LARGE. CLEAN housekeeping rooms, cheap to elderly couple. New. attractive unfurnished housekeeping rooms, close. The Jefferson. &th and Jefferson UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, light and airy, centrally located. 394 6th st. FURNISHED. UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms. 873 E. Couch. Ankeny car. TWO OR THREE FIRST-CLASS HOUSE keeplng rooms, bath, light, at 47 14 N. 6th st. S UNFURNISHED MODERN HOUSEKEEP lng rooms. 502 E. Pine. Phone East 1000. FOR RENT FURNISH ED HOU8EKEEP - ing rooms. 181 13lh st- Phone 441. 240H 6TH ST. SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also large sleeping room. SUITE LARGE FRONT ROOMS. $4.50 PER week: another for 3. lOTti 3d. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CALL 3t9 Clay St., or phone Main 6157. ; UNFURNISHED 2 OR 3 NEW ROOMS, bath. sink, gaa Main 124f. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 45 N. 9th St.. near Couch. Housekeeping Rooms. COLUMBIAN UNFURNISHED RESIDENCE apartments. 11th and Columbia New 3 and 4-room s. possessing modem conveniences and excellent equipment: connected refrigerators and gas ranges, private bathrooms, tele phone system; excellent neighborhood and surroundings. THE HOW LAND APARTMENTS. 83114, Washington St.. cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floors, nice sunny suites for $10 and $12 per month; the very best rooms In the city for the money. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms: hot and cald water: gas range in each kitchen; steam beat, baths, free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms In best brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc.; no transients; prices mod erate. Logan block. loe-Vs Union ave., cor. E. Alder. Phone East 4624. WELLINGTON COURT, 15TH AND EVER etC Handsomely furnished 4-room house keeping apartment, possessing modem con veniences; excellent neighborhood and sur roundings; no children. $10 PER MONTH FOUR UNFURNISHED rooms, water and phone free; pleasant lo cation, walking distance. References ex changed. Phone East 3567. 608 E. Everett. LOWER FLOOR. FOUR HOUSEKEEPING rooms, pantry, sink, cement basement, yard: low rent, water included. 611 Harrison, be tween Lownsdale and 16th. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, suitable man and wife or two ladles: no children; new modem flat, close in; terms reasonable. 427 H 6th St. T Wt 1 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. NEW AND strictly modem, parlor and adjoining room, connecting with bath; private family. In cuire 349 6th st- T-ri n rr. m 'ln'P nttsw nn HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath, light and water, $16 a month. J 24 Margin, nrst nouse norm otoer o" Phone East 6506. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE IN PRIVATE home, first floor, yard, laundry, one block from' car, convenient and reasonable. 246 N. 17th St. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED SINGLE AND housekeeping rooms, reasonable; fine large yard, lights, bath. etc. 74 4th St., cor. Oak. 392 COLUMBIA FOUR LARGE UNFUR ntshed rooms for housekeeping; electric lights, gas, porcelain bath, phone; reason able. HOUSEKEEPING TENTS. 25 MINUTES from Third street.' Lewis and Clark Camp ing grounds. ML Tabor. Phone East 4128. TWO LARGE. CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED front rooms: gas. electric light, telephone; references' requires; no children. 372 14th st. NICE FRONT ROOM FSR UGHT HOl'SE keeplng; modern conveniences; vacant Tues day; aL nice cool- parlor. 515 Yamhill. 601 6TH ST. 3 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, on corner; gas. bath, use of phone; no children: call afternoon. FOUR LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms; modern conveniences: fine loca tion: $16 per month. Phone Pacific 906. TWO DESIRABLE FRONT SUITES. NEW ly papered and furnished for housekeeping: gas, oath, etc. $12. $15. 5024 let st. $1 WEEK UP. CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSE keping rooms, parlor, laundry, bath, yard, furnace heat. 203 V, Stanton St.. Alblna. (1.25 WEEK UP LARGE, CLEAN. FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath. 184 Sherman t.. South Portland. FURNISHED ROOMS. NEWLY FURNISH ed and freshly painted; a few for house keeping. 271 Salmon, opposite Plaza. 122 12TH. COR. WASHINGTON-MCLEAN bay-window housekeeping rooms; gas, free phone, electric lights, porcelain baths. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS in suites of three and four; rent from $7 to $10; gas and bath. 225 Sheridan st. 487 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED room; new dwelling, modern conveniences, light housekeeping; $lo per month. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. 3 AND 4 ROOMS, modern conveniences; fireplace, porch, beau tiful view; reasonable. Main 4133. DESIRABLE, REASONABLE . UNFURNISH ed suites, brick bldg., centrally located; save car fare. 211 za-toaimon. 347 HALL HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. COM-niAt.u- rntttlahMl with everv convenience: pleasant location; reasonable rent. UNFURNISHED CONNECTING ROOMS, large, pleasant, with separate entrance; gas. bath, phone, yard. 331 14th st. JEFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. ONE 2-room furnished housekeeping suite, strict ly modern. Phone Main 6432. NICE UNFURNISHED SUITE HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; also furnished room. 223 Pine, corner 1st. Phone Main 3365. SUITABLE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, in private family, hot and cold wa ter and bath. 402 Market st. PLEASANT ROOM WITH PRIVATE FAM ily. 3 blocks west Hotel Portland: every convenience. 170Vj Tenth st. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, new and modem. Phone East 4001. 979 E. Yamhill. A NICE CORNER SUITE HOUSEKEEPING on first floor; also corner single rooms. Cor ner 6th and -Alder. 1456 6th. THREE LARGE CONNECTING UNFUR nished housekeeping rooms; good locality; reasonable rent, 554!-, 6th. 268 MONTGOMERY 3 UNFURNISHED rooms, sink. yard, central: free pbone and garbage service. Main 4469. THE NEWCASTLE. 402M 3D. ST. FUR nished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Main 1375. NICE ROOM. GOOD. PLENTIFUL TABLE, laige corner house, home privileges, moder ate price. 575 Main st. FIVE LIGHT. SUNNY. UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; bath and .gas. 3.5 5th St., corner Market. 313 14TH ST. NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas range, electrie light, bath and phone. . 272 MONTGOMERY ST., COR. 4TH NICE ly furnished light basement for house keeping, 2 beds, cheap. S00H 4TH NICELY FURNISHED CORNER suite of housekeeping rooms; gas range; quiet, central; rent $15. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT, bay window, tight and airy, gas, bath and phone. 255 11th. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, .including gas stove; very reason able. 453 Morrison. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITES. 326 6th St. Houses. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER lot, 450 East 34th: $16 month. 402 Com mercial bldg. DESIRABLE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, choice neighborhood. 739 Overton St.. near 23d sU MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, 400 COLUMBIA, near J 4th; 6 blocks to Morrison. 424 3d. Jaln 7117. FOR RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE: 304 Y A M hill corner of 10th. Inquire 30O Yam hill st. $20 NEW, MODERN 6-ROOM HOU8E. close in; no children. Apply 95 East 8th North. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 43D AND Hawthorne; $12 per month. Phone East 3336. PAYING BOARDING-HOUSE, UNFURNISH ed. W. W. Payne, 1200 Williams. East 344. S-ROOM HOUSE. BLOCK FROM CAR, LARGE lot. $12. Main 3053. 313 Commercial blk. $14 WILL RENT A MODERN 6-ROOM house, on E. 6th. South. Phone Scott 821. NEW MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE; CLOSE IN: haeement. yard. Keys 248 Lincoln, nr. 3d. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. GAS, ON East Ankeny car line. Phone East 697. $8 3-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE BASEMENT. Key O'Neil's Grocery, Hood and Grant. 110 E. 11TH. NEAR E. ALDER MODERN 5-room cottage; adults; $20. Inquire 112. 7-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. GAS. ON &th St.; car line. Inquire 230 Caruthers. FOR RENT NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE, walking distance. Phone East 3050. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. ALL MODERN AND in good repair: $17. 569 Marshall St. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, 344 Oregon au Phone East 3S2S Rouses. DONALD G. WOODWARD. AGENT. 104 Second St.. Bet. Washington and Stark Sta Pbone Main 1436. 00 22d st. N-. 5-room cottage U.50 715 Johnson St., furnished flat 50.O0 40-4S Front St.. wholesale store 75.00 29 21st N., dwelling 30.00 271 21st N.. dwelling 30.00 273 21st N.. dwelling 30.00 iS Overton, dwelling 30.00 273 21st N.. dwelling-house 30.00 30 16th st. N-, 6-room flat 30.00 555 Yamhill St., 8 rooms, furnished. 6.1 00 567 Market St., 6 rooms, bath. gas. . 20.00 409 Pacific, 3 rooms, modern 20.00 268 Burnslde St.. store 35.00 127 7th St.. fine brick store 150.00 243 16th st. f.. cottage 23.00 22S 17th N-, 5 rooms 18 00 E. 48th and Taylor, T rooms 15.00 10 E. 13th. Ankeny car. 7 rooms 20.00 430 E. 34th St.. 6 rooms 16.00 325 12th. near Clay, 11 rooms 43.00 Sherman, near 3d. 6 rooms 25.00 00 21st N., 6-room house 32.50 391 Main, new 8-room flat... 40.00 362 E. 30th. house and acreage 35.00 00 21st st. N.. modern '. 45.00 89 5th. near Stark. 8 rooms 43.00 201 Sheridan St., 3 rooms 3.00 S83H 4th. near Montgomery 32.50 914 E. Yamhill. 7-room house 22.00 400 Clay St.. furnished flat 90.00 115 18th st. N-, 5-room flat 25.00 83 W. Park. 5 rooms, furnished 35.00 746 E. 20th. 8 rooms. 2 families 12.00 470 Taylor, furnished flat 50.00 569 Union ave.. 6 rooms, modern.... 30.00 344 Montgomery, 5 rooms, furnished. 33.00 Store. Washington, bet. 4th and 3th. Terms 623 Overton. 7 rooms, flat 13.00 591 Davis, new flat 32.50 20714 Larrabee st.. nice flat 25.00 448 Hawthorne ave.. 5-room flat.. 18.00 E. 9th and Prescott. new cottage... 13.00 Mississippi ave. and Monroe st.. flat. 18.00 275 Montgomery, convenient flat.... 19.00 461 6th. new modern flat 25.00 434 Hall st.. new flat, 6 rooms 28.50 124 19th N.. 4 rooms 20.00 695 Everett. 8-room flat 35.00 550 E. 13th (Sellwood) 20.00 Prettyman ave. and Belmont, elegant 50.00 320 E. 9th N.. 8 rooms 30.00 268 Mill, suitable for 2 families 20.00 927 Williams ave.. fine flat 30.00 414 2d St.. 10 rooms , 40.00 956 E. Couch, furnished 45.00 E. Washington, cor. Water 75.00 392 E. 6th, 6 rooms, modern 20.00 E. Everett and 27th sts 25.00 767 E. Salmon st.. new 5-room flat. . 20.00 767 E. Salmon St.. new 5-room flat 20.00 Store. Morrison st., good location.. 25.00 514 Hoyt St.. dwelling 17.50 129 7th St.. fine store 150.00 383 4th st.. new flat 32.50 092 Meade St., 8 rooms, modern 20.00 694 Meade at.. 8 rooms, modern 20.00 891 E. Everett st.. cottage, 5 rooms.. 11.00 624 Flanders St.. 7 rooms, furnished.. 50.00 505 Davis St., new flat 57.60 826 2d sr. (Railroad). South P 12.00 833 Macadam st., house 12.50 351 W. Park st.. large house 60.00 Cottage. Prettyman ave 20.00 349 Hall st., fine flat 30.00 272 Mill st., good house, convenient. . 20.00 . 233 Hall St.. upper flat. 3 rooms 16.50 229 Hall st.. water, 2 rooms, gas... 12.50 187 H. 6th St.. 7 rooms 25.00 9o2 Kerby St.. Alblna. 8 roomB 15.00 292 Larabee St., store 20.00 100 B. 33d St., tumlshed 23.00 207 Alder St., 20 rooms, furnished 75.00 584 E. Main. 7 rooms, furnished 55.0O 349 Hall St., upper flat , 35.00 735 Glisan St., 8 rooms, furnished 5O.00 69 18th at., water furnished 32.00 474 E. Washington 10 rooms, modem. 25.00 482 E. Washington St.. 2 families 20.00 PARTIAL HOUSE LIST. 388 Water St.. 5 rooms $10.00 1B6H Ruttsell st., 5 rooms 10.00 011 N. 24'4 St.. 6 rooms 12.00 752 Cleveland ave.. 5 rooms 12.00 573 Savler St.. 6 rooms 13.00 3110 Schuyler st., 7 rooms 16.00 BK3 Thurman St., 5 rooms 15.00 428 Kearney St.. 5 rooms 16.00 2ND N. 15th St., 5 rooms 16.00 2"5 N. 11th St.. 7 rooms 15.00 814 Thurman St., 5 rooms 15.00 170 N. 12th St., 5 rooms 15.00 7 SO Corbett St., 7 rooms 16.00 1.1114 N. 17th St., 5 rooms 16.00 468 Davis St.. 6 rooms 16.00 14 N. 12th st.. 5 rooms 16.00 822 Water at.. 7 rooms 17.00 146 N. 10th st., 7 rooms 17.50 173 Arthur at., 6 rooms 17.50 430 10th U 5 rooms 16.00 428 E. 34th St.. 7 rooms 78.00 187 N. 17t st. 5 rooms 18.00 369 E. 6th st., 6 rooms 20.00 361 Ross St.. 7 rooms 20.00 363 Ross St., 7 rooms 20.00 Williams av., cor. Killingeworth. 8 rm. 2.00 352 Ross St.. 8 rooms 20.00 755 E. Davis St., 7 rooms '. 20.00 109 E. 0th St., 5 rooms 20.00 594 Front st., 8 rooms 20.00 6I614 1st St., 8 rooms 20.00 60414 Lovejoy St., 4 rooms 2O.O0 820 Water St.. 8 rooms 2O.0O 511214 Columbia st. .7 rooms 20.S0 694 Lovejoy St., 5 rooms 22.00 530 Overton St., 6 rooms 22.50 684 Front St.. 7 rooms 22.50 847 Upshur St.. 8 rooms 22.50 648 E. Davis St.. 9 rooms 22.50 770 Hoyt St., 7 rooms r... 25.00 126 N. 12th St., 8 rooms 25.00 32414 Second St., 6 rooms 25.00 26414 14th St., 8 rooms 25.00 470 Burnslde St., 6 rooms . 25.00 522 Marshall St., 5 rooms 25.00 4304 Second St.. 8 rooms 25.00 70 N. th St.. 5 rooms 25.00 B07 Sixth St.. 7 rooms 25.00 134 Porter St., 4 rooms 25.00 411 E. Harrison St.. 6 rooms 22.50 461 Hancock St., -10 rooms 27.50 129 N. 13th St., 7 rooms 27.50 410 4th St., 9 rooms 80.00 347 Taylor st.. 8 rooms 30.00 329 San Rafael st.. 8 rooms 21.00 6 Hoyt St.. 7 rooms 32.50 2S6 Taylor St., 7 rooms 30.00 245 N. 22d St., 8 rooms ..; 30.00 564 Gllsan St., 8 rooms 35.00 52 N. 23d St., 10 rooms 40. 00 141 N 16th St.. 9 rooms 40.00 631 Marshall St.. IO rooms 4O.00 549 Hoyt St., 8 rooms ,.. 40.00 544 Columbia St., 5 rooms 40.00 313 13th ft.. 10 rooms 50.00 54 N. 23d St., 14 rooms 50.00 660 Gllsan St.. 9 rooms 40.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES ft CO.. 229 Stark st. EDWARDS COMPANY. House furnishers. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. We have a large list of vacant houses, cottsres and flats for rent. If you con template moving, call and see us. Follow ing is a- partial list: WEST SIDE. S-room flat, water free $11.00 5- room cottage. South Portland 13.00 10-room house. 21st St.. North 50.00 6- room house 25.00 5-room flat. North 17th 18.00 7- room house., fine view, lower Port land Heights 30.00 7-room flat, modem 25. 00 9-room house, W car . 37.50 EAST SIDE. 6- room flat. new. Wasco st 7- room house. Spokane avenue 5-room cottage. East 28th St., new... 4-room cottage. East 34th St.. new.. 4- room flat. Russell st 5- room cottage. East 10th , 6- room house. East 22d, good 7- room house, new. Dixon st 6-room cottage. new. Taggart. i beauty , Note No information regarding houses can be given over phone, hours from 10 to 11 A. M. and 2 to 4 $20.00 16.00 . 16.00 14.00 8.00 15.00 15.00 22.50 17.00 these Office P. M. EDWARDS COMPANY, House furnishers. 185-191 First St. $25 STOREROOM SUITABLE FOR BAK erv. bake oven connections, 101 14th St.. N. S22.SO Stvlloh . 7-room house. large grounds with barn, beautiful lawn and shmbberv. 938 E. Morrl.on. $20 10 rooms. suitable for rooming house. 10314 14th St.. N. sin Large ..storeroom. 103 14th St.. N. (II Cozy 5-room cottage. 1317 Rockwell street. Woodlawn. THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, 14914 First St. 8-ROOM HOUSE, 632 YAMHILL, NEAR Chapman st $25.00 EAST SIDE. 7-room house. 753 B. Ankeny. nr. 23d.. 20.00 Two 7-room new houses. 749-751 E. An keny. near 23d 25.00 GRIVDSTAFF ft SCHALK. 264 Stark Street. Phone Main 392. TWO T-ROOM HOUSES ON E. 7TH. NEAR Yamhill, In good repair, with modern plumb ing. 6-room cottage on Pettygrove. near 17th. RUSSELL ft BLYTH. 8214 Third. WANTED COUPLE TO OCCUPY NEW 7 room bouee on East Side, easy walktnr dis tance: lady occupied during day- will re serve one room with or without board; ref erences. Phone evenings. East 2326. ' !64 SACRAMENTO ST.. 7 ROOMS. MOD ern. fruit. $1: 723 E. Stark St.. 9 rooms, some fruit. 20; 02- E. Morrison St.. -room flat. (13. W. O. Waddel, 317 Lum ber Exchange bldg. PORTLAND VAN STORAGE" CO. FTJR niture and piano moving in lance enclosed vans: private iron moms for storage of val uables. 31 N. Fifth. Main 1520. S-ROOM HOUSE. 990 EAST TAYLOR.: large lot. gas and modem; $20. Phone East 5643. HOffB CF It ROOMS AVT BATH. B TAT- lor st. Inquire Barm Trunk Co.. 133 Sts st. Hows. I HOUSES. FLATS, STORES. ROOMING HOUSES. ETC. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. 6- room bouse. 502 Montgomery, bath hot water, gaa. etc.. good yard $25.00 7- room house. 506 Milk 4 upper. 3 down, modem, nicely tinted house. gas. bath, etc 27.50 6-room house. 502 Market, not modem but will be put In shape to suit tenant. This place is easily worth what we are asking 17-00 6-room house, 490 Mart. bath, hot water, gas. good, clean house .30.00 20-room house. Alder and 15th. suitable for rooming or boarders: get our terms on this 11 rooms, all up stairs, 14th and Flan ders 30.00 6-room flat. 13th and Gllsan. modem; rent reduced to 20. 00 6- room fiat, same 25. 0O 9-room house, 748 Johnson, close to car. splendid neighborhood: a fins home 35.00 7- room new house, 831 Quimby and . 23th. thoroughly modem, brand new; no children S5.O0 6- room flat, thoroughly modem, upper, on sightly corner, Mississippi ave. and Falling 16.50 5- room bouse. 532 East loth and Tag gart, good yard, 100x100; cheap at.. 12.00 7- room modem house. 200 Prettyman St., Mt. Tabor. large lot 26.00 6- room house, 450 East 34th, near Di vision St., new. modem 17.00 3-roora flat. 266 Ross, near Wasco.... 10.00 5- room house, 440 East 8th. north, near Tillamook, bath. gas. etc.. nice yard 18.00 6- room house. 329 Ross, a good, modem home, built 5 years ago: now being repainted and put In first-class shape; a good bargain at 20.00 4 rooms In new building. Grand ave.. 18. 00 6- room new flat. Wasco and Ross sts., modern: ready June 15 20.00 7- room house. 25 East 12th. good yard and fruit trees 16.00 6-room house. East 2Sth and Ankeny. modem and almost new; bungalow style 17.50 5-room house. 800 Falling, near car line and good neighborhood; not modem but very cheap at 12.00 5- room lower flat. 35014 Columbia, ele gant, modern, close In 30.00 6- room lower flat, 572 5th, modern and commodious 28.60 Store room. 103 North 14th. suitable for store or shop of any kind 10.00 Another with complete baker's oven.. 25.00 Brand-new store room, elegant front, with 5-room flat In connection If de sired Terms PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORDOON. S. B. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exc. 72. HOUSES TO RENT 408 Vancouver ave., 4 upper rooms $10.00 406 Vancouver ave., 6 rooms 12.00 718 East Ankeny. 4 rooms 15.0O 4.10 Esst 34th. 6 rooms 18.00 162 Russell. 1 store room 18.00 472 Williams ave., 3 -room flat 18.00 88 North Sixth. 8 rooms 20.00 360 Oak street, 5 upper rooms.... 20.00 10 East 15th street, 7 rooms 21.00 30,i East 6th, North. 7 rooms 30.00 35:1 Oak street. 9 rooms 40.00 REED. FIELDS ft TYNAN COMPANY. 102 Second Street. Phone Main 7004. DETROIT HOTEL. 76 ROOMS. 27TH AND Upshur, adjacent to Fair grounds, conveni ently located for patronage of employes of the Portland Development Co., the Pence Co., and' street railway; has one room suit able for small grocery, another for barber shop: favorable rent of entire building to desirable tenant. Apply Portland Devel opment Co.. Administration bld. Exposi tion grounds. 2 SMALL HOUSES NEAR LEWIS AND Clark Fair grounds. $10 each, with em ployment for good laborers. Apply Port land Development Co., Administration bldg.. Fair grounds. - TWO NEW 6-ROOM HOUSES. TINTED walls, shades, bath. gas. furnace, stationary washtubs and cement floors; rent reasonable to desirable parties. 344-346 Larabee st. FOR RENT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 2,V Dixon St.. near Steel bridge. $22. Inquire of owner next door, or of Slnndtt ft Slnnott, 635 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 10-ROOM HOUSE, GOOD bam, choice fruits, about 2 acres of land; rent $10 a month. Inquire at farm of M. Walsh, Mllwaukle, Or. FOR SUMMER COMPLETELY FURNISH , ed lower flat : piano, gas, phone, lawn, fine view: $20: references; S car South. 1047 Corbett st. Pacific 94. 6- ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. FIREPLACE, etc.. desirably located on W. Park. $35 to responsible adults. M. Walton. 313 Wash ington st. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN CON venlences; attic, basement, walking dis tance, 3 blocks from river. 276 Broadway, near Ross. FINE CARPETS AND LINOLEUM OF NEW modem 6-room house, centrally located, on 161 East 15th St., 1 block south of Morrison st. car. LARGE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN, walking distance. 430 B. 11th; nice neigh borhood. W. E Flnxer, 28-29 Hamilton building. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSED LARGE GROUNDS, plenty fruit; $11. Take Mt. Scott car for Tremont. 2 blocks west of station. Mrs. Carson. $25 SIX LARGE ROOMS AND BATH . Good repair. 129 N. 13th St., near Hoyt; key at 181. Wakefield. Fries ft Co.. 229 Stark. FOR RENT A PRETTY HOME. 6 ROOMS, new and modem, fine neighborhood; one block from car line. Phone Bast 211. TEN-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. EXCEP tionally pleasant for family or boarders; central. West Side. R 96, Oregonian. ELEGANT NEW COTTAGE, PLEASANTLY located, good neighborhood. 6 rooms, bath. East Side; $15. Phone Main 4498. sk SIX-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH AND OAS; best repair. 245 N. 16th st. Phone Main 1840. between 6 and 8 P. M. 8-ROOM HOUSE, 9TH AND COUCH : 11 rooms, E. 8th and Burnslde; both low rents. Russell ft Blyth. 8214 Third. 511 MORRISON. NEAR HIGH SCHOOL 10 rooms, choice location, modem conveniences; central. Phone Main 1013. 7- ROOM MODERN HOUSE. JUST FINI8H ed. beautiful view. Take 8 car south to Lane. Inquire D. C. Pelton. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, NORTH 17TH. near Overton: very low rent, $10 month. A. H. Blrrell, 202 McKay bldg. FOR RENT SWELL, MODERN 7-ROOM residence. No. 825 E. 26th and Taylor; $28 Phone Monday, Pacific 652. FOR RENT 14-P.OOM RESIDENCE AT COR ner 18th and Flanders sts. J. B. Mlddleton, 617 Chamber of Commerce FOR RENT NEAT 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. Hollsday Park. June 1. Rent $20. Fred H. Strong. 242 Stark St. FOR HOUSES. FLATS AND BUSINESS Lo cations see Hynson, "The Rent Man." 27014 Washington. Main 7038. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. NICE YARD, fruit: year's lease; privilege of buying fur niture. 435 Ross. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 206 Whltaker st. Apply 821 Front St. Phone Main 7044. MODERN COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS, YARD. Broadway and Vancouver ave. - Shesby Bros. Main 3072. LARGE LIST OF HOUSES FOR RENT, ALL parts of the city. Phone Pacific 59. M. B Lee. 93 6th St. TWO HOU6ES. 10414 AND IO8I4 17TH ST.. near Flanders. $16 each. Inqulrs Lowen gardt, S3 Park. 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. PORCELAIN bath, partly furnished, reasonable, close In. S92 Columbia. 8-ROOM HOUSE. LARGE LAWN, CORNER 19th and Overton. Main 6843. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 632 E. MORRI . son. Inquire 233 Yamhill st. 5-ROOM FLAT. 68.114 BELMONT, $7. F. W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT 10-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Apply 620 6th st. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 271 Market st. FOR RENT 4-ROOM HOUSE, 532 MARKET at., rent $12. I Kt'H RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, 440 Tenth at. 10-ROOM FLAT. 664 BAVIER ST.; RENT only $20. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN, $10. PHONE East 1740. Furnished Houses. FOR RENT FURNISHED 5-ROOM MODTCRN cottage. Phone East 795; no children. WELL-n'RNlSHED. MODERN". ft-ROOlf house, for three months. 372 14th st, SIX-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. CALL AV 866 B. 7th St. N. Phone East 678. FURNISHED 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Telephone mornings, ICast 3624. rnralstiesl Us TO RENT FOR SUMMER MONTHS. El.E gantly furnished 7-room house, piano, fire place, high-class In every particular. Phone East 230S. 6-ROOM COTTAGE-. MOSTLY FURNISHED. West Side; owner wishes privilege of room and board. Apply 343 Sherman St., after 1 P. M. FURNISHED HOUSE. BEAUTIFULLY SIT uated; piano, gas, electricity; rent reason able; references. 905 Belmont sr. East iT57. ELEGANTLY AND COM PLETELT FUR nlshed. modern 6-room houf, on East Burn slde st. Address or call 5ttstsMorrisoa st. FOR RENT FOR 3 MONTHS. FURNISHED modern 8-room house: West Side; central. Adults only. Phone Main 2540. 753 EAST PINE FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM cottage, fruit, flowers; 6 months or long.r. Inquire 751. MODERN FURNISHED HOUSE. 7 ROOMS and bath, close In. West Side. X 87. Orego nian. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. ENTIRE FURNITURE OF 6-R0OM MOD ern cottage, close in; furnished, new March 10; house for rent, $17; gas, large bath room, two halls. 371 Et. 7th. Phone East 4196. Waverly cars. ENTIRE FURNITURE OF 6- ROOM MOD ern cottage, close In: furnished new March 10: house for rent. $17: gas, large, bath room, two halls. 371 E. 7th. Phone East 4106. Waverly cars. FOR SALE OR RENT ELEGANT FT'RNl ture for 11 rooms for sale at big sacrifice, or will rent the furnished flat cheap for four months. W 96. Oregonian. FURNITURE KITCHEN. WEATHERED oak. dining-room. bed. Davenport and bed room furniture, almost new. for sale cheap. 364 H B. Morrison, room 19. . PART FURNISHINGS OF A 6-ROOM FLAT suitable for roomers and boarders: more like a cottage: nice yard: rent reasonable. Inquire 85 North 9th st. FURNITURE OF FIVE-ROOM FLAT FOR sale, 48914 Washington St.. 2 doors back of Helllg Theater. Call between 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. FOR SALE FURNITURE REAUTIFUL 5 room flat, very cheap; parties leaving city; terms to suit. ' Call Sundays or evenings. Main 6082. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suit, Selllng-Hlrsch bldg., $140; will sell part furniture. Phone Pacific 2313. FURNITURE OF A WELL-FURNISHED 8 room house: parties leaving city; prlca $650. Phone 6306 or M 81. Oregontan. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE OF A small boarding-house; a bargain this week. Phone Male 800. FINE FURNITURE OF MODERN 6-ROOM house, cheap; house rents $22.50; lawn. A 81. Oregonian. FINE FURNITURE FOR SALE CHEAP. Pi ano Included; no dealers apply. M 95. Ore gonian. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale. 200 Hassalo. two blocks from Steel bridge. 14 ROOMS GOOD FURNITURE; ON 6TH ST.. rnt $45; lease; price $950. N 90, Orego nian. FURNITURE OP 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale. 329 Larrabee st. Take L car. FURNITURE OF 10 ROOMS FOR SALE; bousa for rent. Call 83 7th st. FURNISHED ROOMS. FREE PHONE AND bath. 266 Harrison at. Bummer Resorts. HOTEL ROCK HAVEN. UNDERWOOD. Washington, opposlta Hood River, now open; ideal for Summer outing; good fishing: teams furnished and guides: good accom modations, home cooking: terms $1 and (1.50 per day; take steamer Dalles City and Reg ulator boats or O. R. ft N. Railroad; meet train at Hood River If notify by wire, phone. - FOR SALE AT SBAVIEW. A VERY DESIH able six-room cottage on the ridge; fine view of ocean; good water; terms reasonable. Address or call at 788 Nortbrup, for par ticulars. 6-ROOM FURNISHED OOTTAOtH. HEAR Seavlew. Wash.: fireplace and all con veniences. Phone Esst 1926. city, or write W. W. Plimpton, Ilwaco, Wash. - FOR RENT GOOD 6-ROOM COTTAGE AT Grimes Grove.. Seaside. Or., for Summer season, furnished. $100, Parrlsh, Watkins ft Co.. 250 Alder st. GO TO GREENHORN. 6500 FEET HIGH: absolutely no harmful germs there: take Sumpter Valley R. R. train at Baker City, Or. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGB AT SBA8IDE, OR., furnished complete: sleeping-room for eight; price $150 for season. Phone East 6052. WELL-FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE. Long Beach, Wash.; large yard, two blocks from ocean, 4 from depot. Phone East 16T1. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGES AT Seaside. Inquire 380 Jefferson or Seaside Real Estate Co.. Seaside. Or. FOR RENT COMFORTABLY FURNISHED cottage at Seaside, for the season. Particu lars, apply 70 First St. . FOR SEASON. COMPLETELY FURNISHED cottage at Seaside. J. M. Harkleroad, 883 E. 7th St.. N. MODERN COTTAGE FOR RENT AT SEA slde. Phone Main 4379. Wm. Reld, 348 Lincoln St. Stores. NEW. MODERN STORES. LATEST EQUIP ment, full cement walks, good basement. with street entrance, gas and electricity, toilets, stationary washstands, good light, etc.: 23x50 feet: $35 per month. Another adjoining. $25 per month. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. Phone Exc. 72. FOR RENT TWO STOREROOMS IN BITILD ing at 17th and Washington: one suitable for drug store. Rent reasonable. Gevurtz ft Sons. 173 First st. CORNER STORE. FORMERLY OCCUPIED by P. Lawler ft Co., at Seaside, for rent. Inquire of A. Gilbert. Jr., Seaside, Or. TO RENT STORE NO. 287 WASHINGTON St.; fine location for grocery or delicatessen. Inquire of Tart ft Co., 275 Stark st. NEW BRICK STORE; CORNER 6TH AND Everett sts. ; good business corner; good store comer, Front and Glbbs sts. FOR RENT TWO BAMPLB ROOMS. TTH sd Oak. Apply to O. N. W. Wllaos, Ca, 11 etta. STORE AND BASEMENT FOR RENT AT 130 6th st. Apply at the premises or 86 6th st. STORE, 271 5TH. OPPOSITE CITY HALL, with rooms in rear. Apply upstairs, ring bell. STORE. EAST BURNSIDE AND GRAND ave.. for rent June 1. 'Phone Main 306fl. STORE FOR RENT SUITABLE FOR ANY business. -Corner 4th and Madison. STORE FOR RENT. 211 2D T.. Call 310 Mohawk bldg. FOR RENT GROCERY STORE OR BARBER shop. 20'J 5th St. one HALL AT 26414 ALDER ST. APPLY FROM 10 A. M. to 12 M. ; also from 2 to 4 P. M. T. 8. Worley, president and secretary Local $39, Bartenders' League. OFFICE ROOMS. UNFURNISHED ROOMS: also one large sample room; second and third floors, Goodnough bldg. Apply at ele vator. NICE OFFICES WITH LIGHT. HEAT AND Janitor services free; reasonable rent. Gruber, 617 Commercial blk. DESK ROOM IN DOWNTOWN OFFICE, very central 'location. Call at 205 Mo hawkbldg.. 3d and Morrison. FOR RENT DESK ROOM. CHOICE. LIGHT and everything furnished. B. a. Jacksoa ft Co.. 246 Stark st. A FEW CHOICE OFFICES FOR RENT. . fourth floor Stearns bldg. Behnke-Walker Business College. FOR RENT NICE OFFICE ROOM. THK Benson block. 29114 Morrison, room 3. Phone Pacific 610. DESK ROOM FOR RENT: CENTRALLY Lo cated: well lighted. Inquire 220 Lumber Exchange bldg. DESK ROOM FOR RENT. APPLY ROOM 619 Lumber Exchange Bldg.. 2d and Stark. OFFICE ROOMS AND AUDITORIUM LODGB ball, room 3, Auditorium, 208V4 3d st. ROOMS AND LODdE HALLS. A.LIBK T bldg., Sd and Morrison. FOR RENT DESK ROOM. Sherlock bldg. INQUIRE 106 DESK ROOM FOR bldg. RENT. 428 MOHAWK